Logan Paul’s Message To Ninja - IMPAULSIVE EP. 195

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whoever was in charge of going forward with mixer you are done what they started as a as Daimler the Mercedes I rode around in the mercedes-benz doesn't Wow all right well hey welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast the world be good Brad yeah we got Brad back whoo glad to have you back Brad we're glad glad we're glad Brad alright a couple things you might notice it camera motion maybe a little flunky because David the German is doing it instead of Andre now that Andre has moved out or better maybe you'll notice that the the angle switches may be better or worse cuz Brad's back are our angles got one the notes for the episode are gonna be incredible because Danny's doing just notes now Andalites and the main hosting duty may be a little lower than usual because our art our co-hosts are hosting the show Logan Paul as high as a kite Isaac Isaac Isaac Isaac right now first little babies deal with some frustration today yeah III just took a little bit uh I was just feeling it Aloha anxious maybe angry and that feels a little bit and I don't know I have been feeling that like that for some time I figured it'd be good to bring myself down a little bit but it'll be interesting to see how it translates an impulsive show so you guys might be able to feel it a little bit but do we have a lot to talk about we have there's a lot going on in the world this code scary weird horrifying world that we're living in right now what do we do this weekend we went to the ranch mm-hm and proceeded to go to Palm Springs for a party of our friends and then proceeded to go to Vegas to meet my girlfriend's dad the home run hitter Jose Canseco just a long weekend it was very long that's well that's why I dude you know it was long not much Lee we were partying at that party which is what you do at parties you saw those people go go long yeah they go they go long and hard man just not such a bad combo so way after after that you drove the Yeti to Vegas right yeah how is that drive it's a all right so I Drive yeah and this is the kind of [ __ ] up but I do it cuz like I I don't I don't know something about Josie driving this big vehicle like I don't know if you could do it she could do it it pulls right the chassis is like bent and it's it's uh it's like driving a monster truck so I'm like man I would I would hate so I asked our ego Joe's do you feel comfortable doing this she said yeah she bossed up and she's a great driver she killed it on the way on the way back half way through on the way back by the way I took me a little bit to overcome that mental home of maybe it's like a cringe control thing maybe like when we drove to LA you drove the entire thing you know let me drive one time so I think it's a control thing so I just like brought my baby like ever ever do it has that car that he just is like yeah I would try this seven-hour trip every day that was me it's not an easy vehicle to drive either that's what I'm saying just straight it's a strange one it's like a little tank but he says have knobs on it it's not fun either so what happened was was a G is a 4x4 G wagon and we raised it we put fat tires on it and they were they were so big that the suspension actually is completely bottomed out so anytime you go it's completely bottomed out like it's it's the most uncomfortable vehicle it's the most uncomfortable vehicle in the world so you go over speed bump it's the whole car Iowa people in the back if you hadn't felt until recently right cuz you've never sat in the back of the car and then someone drove and you sat in the back it's horrifying don't be surprised how much spaces space these g wagons don't have no yo it's like a it's like a little shoebox and so where's crit why is it gets this huge car but it's it's really not it's it's you're cramped in but yeah so anyways enough about the G Wagon yeah I drove to Vegas thank you Michael for keeping me in harmony out cuz we got me and listen like I gave you a warning we could talk about the jihad shall we just extrapolate all the darkest thoughts about all things so how long's he queue to get there from Palm Springs about five hours and we drove as well from here they took the same amount of time and me no more I drove out to Vegas on the front end of him going out there we were out there for three days before he got out there observing the new normal Wow the new normal is it was the I was shooting vlogs the whole time I was there for the night shift which is coming up on its one-year anniversary this Thursday which is crazy Congrats Alma thank you so much now you imagine it the show somehow doesn't make it to that point anyways YouTube dies like mixer but uh but but yeah so everything that I was doing there was just observing so we get to the win which is where we like to stay because it's a great hotel to win an encore you vote the nice hotels there we walk in and would go to walk through the front door and were stopped before right as we walk in the front door and I'm like oh they probably have seen Lana or Amara's work depending on what channel you watch her on and no that wasn't it they wanted to use a little radar zapper to take our temperature and before we flip it on your forehead into the building well this one was done by a camera so it's already in a fixed position there's a little guy on a keyboard like this as you walk through whoa and so we walk in and and you know we go through all the things but but we get to the room there's no ropes there's no robes in the room if you want robes you can order them there's no minibar if you want things from the minibar you order them up it's shared items Dave David we brought David as well to observe which was great so the German videographer was there as well we stopped by Marquis which is one of the the day Club which is one of the biggest pool parties in Vegas to see what had changed there's no more general admission now if you don't have a table you cannot get into the Marquis de club at the pool so unless you're willing to spend thousands and thousands of dollars you can't even go in how was it well there's no one there's really no I mean it wasn't a party but you have a nice time by the pool well we met with Jason Strauss now Jason Strauss who owns the towel group just to say what's up to him and I wanted to let people know that towel establishments are reopening John Schwarz set us up for that and we all hung out for a little bit but it's just everything feels strange now so she can you relate I think it's by not only our is the aesthetic of things different obviously but the way people are interacting with people I'm telling you that's the weirdest thing for me though humans are scared of each other we are really scared of each other dude um I mean you know yeah we shook uh mr. Canseco's hand and like he's not even sure if we're allowed to do that anyway no one is are we allowed to shake hands like I don't know I mean it was supposed to be dumped with a lot of the other prehistoric notions such as hogging you know they're calling bra I've been restaurant next to another hug some people that I met cuz I had a good time it's crazy say my dad do wrong no I don't think so but I mean listen it's everybody's just figuring it all out and what we're seeing right now is uh the sight they're calling it the second wave technically it's still the first wave because the second wave will be in the fall but coronavirus cases are skyrocketing so no it's snowballing out of [ __ ] control and and you know obviously you've got the people out there that are calling it the media ghost fear you know it's not real but you know kind of hard to argue positive tests I mean it's you know at some point right but uh there's a lot more tests happening so that of course can inflate the numbers as well but but hospitalizations are on the rise again in places like Arizona in Florida where I'm gonna shock you guys here where they eased corona restrictions on dining out and parties they're seeing a rising coronavirus no no way you can't make this [ __ ] up Trump said uh so I'm sad you can't get an STD if you don't get tested did he actually say that he said pretty much the same way you say there was a if you stop testing we'll have fewer cases well he said basically that there's been some sound bites coming out this weekend that are just I've been struggling to even come to terms with he said it at the rally that uh I told my people to slow the testing down please and when he says stupid [ __ ] which he does all the time and I think people on the right and left can agree with that whether it's tweets or in press conferences his die-hard fans immediately go to the one excuse that they always use which is he was joking no what the [ __ ] that was a joke seeing that that was obviously a joke well well what if it is a really high level of sarcana and we're two dot that's what I'm saying we do that but there's a lot of jokes we made they got a point so what if what I'll go back to this there's a chance that Donald Trump is just the biggest troll in the world who happens to run the president the United States is - any so smart and he's so smart that we can't get it and it's a it's a good note but I you know I like there are certain things we don't make jokes about yeah there are some people saying that over a hundred thousand dead Americans is one of those things oh no they shouldn't joke I know I'm not making this I'm not so sure sarcasm just go out the window when you're the president nah but certain things like you're just not allowed to be sarcastic say anything cuz it's gonna be taken to a sound byte oh you're asking seriously like should you just monitor that you just be like oh no I Bhama made jokes - everybody's ever dude Trump is on is the way he talks about things is [ __ ] unhinged I'm not here I'm not here to knock the guy which I am i knocking him or am i just delivering the news of knocking him I'm just saying what he did on ik on a clip based notion maybe bro we live in a 15 second world everything is 15 seconds what happened if he 15 seconds before that hit so that he said something else that it's a headline all headlines well it's a great know and a great question for Mac unfortunately for that point I watched the entire computer and I watched the 30 seconds leading in in the 50 seconds coming out of it which was about a boy named Johnny in the audience Oh Johnny's got the sniffles then the next day he's fine like Trump's plan is to downplay this [ __ ] whatever pot whenever possible he's taking a lot of heat right now for calling it the kungfu flu I need you to elaborate now he called it the Kung Fu flu and the asian-american community is not [ __ ] happy people in the press and then pressing him hard on pressing his press secretary hard on it and they always find a way to flip it it's just a it's just a whole big mess how do we get here well we talk about you you got a new normal like that you go you got before you go into the club or whatever to a restaurant they assemble you in little groups and you gotta you got to wait your turn to go in and it's just everything is uh everything's different man and it's like is this is this the new is this the new world thinks I think so I saw this on Instagram yesterday so we could technically call this like your zero or your one and everything else is like in the year 2019 BC which is before I wouldn't I wouldn't mind starting over just like fully cancel the calendars we're going back to square one I think this is the beginning of of the manifest destiny that is humanity the Mayan calendar was wrong though right now yeah it's not yet it was poised to the end of 2020 bro gotta wait till the end of 2028 I thought it's supposed to be yesterday oh did that just disappear maybe they got Corona Oh in a really prehistoric form like the kind Bradley Martin ad see he's doing all right he wants to buy a road bike and start biking now cuz I big big guy to be on a bike B gotta be on a bike he got imagine he's he's liable to get tipped over by a strong gust of wind cuz he's so hop heavy like imagine a big gust comes through I'll just tip over you know yeah hold on a [ __ ] second we got Jay black so I get for the intermission Jay black is back I can't believe it it's been it's been a while Jade black he's and gentlemen check out these songs oh wow those are nice I'm pretty pretty good bro Jay black was started out of the frustration of being unable to find any high-quality fashionable frames at affordable prices and good quality pair normally cost of $150 Jade Black is set out to change that Jade black glasses are made of ultra premium materials like Italian acetate and polarized lenses and they sell for only $49 and they just restocked their prism he's blue light clock and blue light clock a blue light blocking collection it was sold out for over five months and has a ten thousand person waiting list why do you need these glasses these are all devices that you use for several hours and every day emit blue light suppresses your body's production of melatonin the hormone that regulates our sleep/wake cycles so exposure to blue light at night makes your body think that it's still daytime that's making it hard of you to fall asleep Jay black glasses block this light to help you better regulate your melatonin levels and maintaining a consistent sleeping pattern they can also have a prescription blue light for my $75 use a code impulsive to get 10% off your next party purchase the link for that is in the description what's so funny what does that read I think it's one of the reasons why ninja gets the big Mike you had a little run-in this past week while you're shooting your thing Oh with Corona no not Corona well that too when we did the varsity thing I was talking about the guy that came up it's our chat trying to think how much good transition it's just like you know Mike's a felon alright so I mean what's good yeah okay I've it's been a while since I met my girlfriend's dad mm-hmm that's a moment it's been a while since you met but no like the last time that I did that like that's a moment Oh have you met Amar's that I've not going to write since mom oh yeah it's a big minute yeah and you know so as they Canseco hmm so is it's it's a double moment and I never followed uh baseball that much growing up but uh obviously had an open mind and it turns out he was great coolest guy ever cool is good like there's no better dad to me I think then Jose car yeah and just super relaxed easygoing didn't have to the act like you know Todd shows oh yeah I had a really great time so Josie and I surprised him on Father's Day at a restaurant huh yeah he was really surprised it was a really special moment and you'd be surprised you'd be surprised at how many people know who he is today oh yeah ratio of people coming up to him versus me five to one what part of that being because you're in Vegas and it's an older crowd dude I'm saying like I bet you there wasn't that many like 18 to 24 is coming up to him younger yard I'd say between like 25 and 35 you know but yeah it was uh it was great it was great what'd you guys talk about did you have to do any like I I listened I'm taking your daughter kind of no no no but I had answers prepared what do you what do you do with my daughter when you guys I was I was thinking maybe to ask something like you know so why you date my daughter and then my planned response was sir honest I don't know but I was like it's probably not the time to be making jokes this early but I never got asked and we just had it at a good time and played we went stop golf yeah we did good after you guys had brunch i met me and me and david the german went and met them at AA cough so is Jose Jose's girlfriend yeah Josie you and and we all played around top golf and for people who I grew up watching Jose Canseco and he as it is a massive human he's just a Bradley Bradley Martin look like residential roads this man when there's a dad that's bigger than you it's that's another little dynamic then that changes he's six for 250 he's a big boy and he's a big boy and uh I was like okay well now I got to compete with this dude like he got to just meet him first and have brunch and yeah I didn't go straight up the cops show up and competing by the way plays golf pretty much every [ __ ] day a week let me tell you something just do swings like it doesn't look that fast four three four miles an hour heels the ball goes a thousand the clubface touches the ball and it's almost like there's a fission reaction that happens and the ball just literally exits the tee at 600 miles per hour so um we you know we played top golf and I guess the reason why I brought the story up is just cuz I won really yeah Connecticut years my whole life and and the real reason I bring it up is because it was my first time watching him play and and David as well and golf golf is not an easy sport it's not it's you know there are some sports where you show up and like you could have some sort of indicator that first day of how this entire success will look like in the sport in the future well it's not like that Golf is a golf is a 5 to 10 year like pick up just to get to like a novice level you don't saying you got to learn every little intricate detail of the swing and everything and there's so much you know gripping and and your stance and how things happen he almost fell over one time yeah it's bad I think the difference for you is that you do like golf has a lot of stillness in you gotta keep your head locked in I've you you move a lot yeah I also have no patience at all every time I go golfing I'm the one by the end of like then the 9th hole within the golf cart around like trying to dress when have you ever gone golfing I can twice but I ended up just whipping the golf cart sure top golf deal if you're not a golfer top golf is awesome if you're not a golfer yeah because it's a game it's like very game yeah and you don't have you don't have to go for a long walk and you can just kind of hit the ball which is the most fun part afterwards we went to the bathroom and Josie and Jose's girlfriend when the woman's women's and we went the men's and afterwards that came out and we kind of like fell behind the Josie's like so how was it in there I was like what do you mean what do you think what did she think you guys did it so I said what you mean she goes did you guys like see each other's like what I go I go what [ __ ] you're saying right now she goes what do you mean guys like stand next to each other when you pee right I was like I mean sure but there's a cup of stalls between us and there's like borders yeah and she's like I thought guys do that like do girl I think I think girls think dudes sizing each other up is why I wouldn't be surprised if she had that thought something tells me it's a fairly common thought amongst women yeah they don't know what you're know I think it is Queen Mike maybe you could probably talk about your analytic I feel there's so much biggest first rule of urinal etiquette that ever that everyone knows and this says and this has nothing to a corona although it's a similar rule is if if there's enough urinals there's space in between you and don't you know I mean always one in between a boss you know and like it's usually a head down situation you say what do you do with your head some people want to stare directly at the wall I'll be honest with you in the days before Corona I hate to admit this because it's disgusting I would sometimes text at the urinal it's the only I've done it the only reason why it could go south and be may be construed as I just got what was already used just discussed these guys drop yeah humble no no see I mean bro if you're next to someone you know like a crowd like a club whatever and you have your phone out it kind of it looks like a little photo you're a pervert awful yeah yeah we've we know that you're supposed to have that's not like a main part of attic because because also cuz also if you aren't filming the part art no sorry if your phone is angled in that direction like which obviously like like turn your head to look right your phone red flag goes up you put it here right in front of your face now you're taking pictures of your own dick at urinal which ain't good ain't go to either just phone that's rule number one there's no good well also but also I feel like the the other reason to is just that fear of the fumble like how many stories have you heard from oh yeah Coachella or 19 year old girl that's in the urine on she's like and iPhone and coming back people people people people need to be smarter about this kind of [ __ ] by now porta-potties are not for texting they're for peeing and pooping and having the intercourse yeah obviously oh and if it's not one of those two things that we get out any other place to have sex no really like just get like a find a tent or like make one out of a towel or something it's just disgusting it's Kyle be honest it's a little shitty that's [ __ ] up I just would want to piss off the girl that's in there oh you know what else we did nice nice yeah jokes you know we do so we play poker for a while by the way I really like poker fun game to play I think I'm gonna start doing that maybe venturing into poker a little bit over blackjack but they had a really nice poker poker table in their dining room we played for like three four hours and they delivered food about halfway through the match and we'd be calling it a match it will poker game and halfway through the game Josie and I did that thing there were these garlic knots in the center of the table and Josie's like you want to do it cuz we had talked about like doing this thing like making this show and I was like sure and I was like please absolutely not though it she's like no we're gonna do it I was like [ __ ] so she goes daddy can you pass me a garlic knot reaches for daddy can you please pass a garlic knot and he's like huh and I'm sorry I waited oh we both do [ __ ] do both co2 retreats at the same time he goes home we want he's like she's like a car like not and I was like oh yeah I got you and then this kid who was there he goes that was weird he never he didn't catch on in the moment thank God because afterwards I was like that ah Josie I hate you so much that was wet and it's also Father's Day daddy can you please pass the garlic now I was like yeah babe Oh does he carry on a baseball bat with I'm just beat up punks like he doesn't need a little rock his arms are massive bro he can he gonna literally set him doing a chokehold he could actually separate your head from your body with a squeeze he's done it that pops right off guess how big his dogs are he's got little tiny like chihuahuas he could be one of those pika Pikachu pinky's got two Pikachu sized dogs no horses oh you horses Great Danes one of them is 200 pounds too and upon graduating big boy hmm can he ride his Great Danes I think it's actually his girlfriend he can't he's a little too thick I bet I bet we could stay Aven up there Oh probably for sure dude this dog is yes Evan was flying at the ranch yeah yeah I feel so bad you pull it you I pull it up yeah this is one of the most what just treacherous treachery is the only word I could think of when it comes to this video it just was so so I we got these razors at the ranch they're awesome I'm obsessed with them and I do this thing where I take the new the new people into the razor and I have so I can go a little crazy like I'm pretty crazy on the [ __ ] and I've done this jump probably probably collect the totals like 30 30 times now but I think since Evan is lighter than all of us and I was filming so I I tend to go a little harder when I'm filming I did not expect to go so high we we straight up did a full-on nosedive into the ground let me play this clip right here look at this house yeah yeah he was building that house no I built that and was like hey I want to build a house and I was like all right I'll help you cuz gp ruined my shower dude that moment though can you can you go back for just one more second ready watch watch his life bro bro bro when I first saw that I was like yo he's he kill death like look at his head right now yo look at your face my heart drop the first thing I was like oh [ __ ] I felt horrible because I we did take time to strap him up except it just wasn't tight enough and he I wasn't holding the things which which didn't help but like bright I felt actually horrible and you let him give you a giant wedge yeah but I also like more importantly pop apologized to him like a lot really it was okay he so he was okay he was okay perfectly okay he's like damn I got [ __ ] like he's got some March isn't it funny how like the persons the outcome of it like kind of decides how much trouble you're in like he was he could have been badly hurt so you should be in a lot of trouble but since he was okay that's not I don't think so no I don't think so um cuz even worst case scenario we wrote we this were been crazy we did a roll forward we're both still strapped in oh you're saying he couldn't a bet ya know that things were unsafe if you're strapped in II it was a problem cuz it slipped up right now otherwise he was we were locked in but um it was crazy I felt bad sorry Evan again what a great probably time to build a better razor of course yeah jump isn't unsuitable to do anything off you guys believe in horoscopes please ask about this on the livestream the other day really do you guys horoscopes not so much no cuz I think that's just like some person who's like saying think all that language is like designed to make you find something in your life that's like oh yeah that's totally right about me but if you read the other ones you'd be like wait that's also right so a lot of times I think they just use generalized language right so just applicable I'm sorry cool I don't know about anybody else I actually do but I don't know who's willing to share this but I was had some just beef with me in tomorrow all weekend just a ton of random fighting a lot of it caused by me I'll be honest and you know I sent down a set set out sorry quite a few times um but a lot of them caused by her as well where she was just like on some [ __ ] about like and she was one of them she was very rightfully mad and she said like if you can't [ __ ] treat me right I'll find someone who can like got into that kind of [ __ ] Oh like we were going at yeah yeah those are fighting words and that day when she said that her horoscope was arguments that have been brewing or coming to a climactic point for you Virgo yeah don't be surprised if he did opposition rears its head today this is likely a result of your own doing cycles of anger or reaching a critical point and your stubborn character is budding head to an equally strong force try not to take yourself too seriously life is meant to be fun our objective is to be happy then her other one said you may have grandeurs of the grass is greener on the other side so like so curly shirley's oh she sent those to you yeah but the dates are honor but no but she sent those to ya you didn't go off and find those no but bro she's a horoscope girl that's it oh oh so every day you check and if it happens you know cross for you line up that day it's a big deal my question with this one is how do the planets in alignment with the earth and the Sun on the date of your birth factor into this piece of information that you know so I this is a guess and I don't know and I bet you for some reason is this like would this be sexist for me to say that Danny might have an answer dude a do you know about horoscopes at all Wow so it is sexist cuz I don't know why I thought girls were more into this kind of I think I I would I don't think it's sexist I would also guess that one of them were okay I know is that sexist cancel me right she's saying she doesn't do all that stuff she's the wrong person ask Mike Mike thought on it is that is it that the birth of your day also corresponds to sorry the day of your birth also corresponds to the planetary position every year thereafter and so like right now like and and what is Mercury like pulling my heartstrings right now or some some like my hair is in retrograde I like what's going on yeah so so so III fully don't believe in horoscopes I think what he said the language is so generalized like anyone can relate to anything yeah however I've also on playing devils avocados experienced people who can point at a person and say you're an Aries yeah it's happened to me I was like how did you know this he's like I just got you cast I was about hurt he's like Sagittarius oh my god yes it's crazy and for a lot of people that [ __ ] is spot on yeah and I've heard because they make entire books about this that like Mike said the day you were born where the stars were at the time you were born yeah can pinpoint exactly what type of person you are and sometimes it is scary accurate so I go back and forth I'll play sends me that I'm like wow that is crazy that's good yeah but also I'm like I don't always look to the stars for answers or look to them to determine what my future is I'm gonna I'll do that myself not what's going on out here well then on the converse the the Maya horoscope because I was like oh that's dope once you send me mine so I can figure out if we're gonna make it home from Vegas or not you know what's wrong it was [ __ ] it was they was like you will meet someone today who you know you should have a bubbly relationship I'm like [ __ ] I got a [ __ ] girl yeah other thing half of the time the right half of the time they're wrong but like most people who are into horoscopes tend to I'm just saying choose the times that they're accurate and spot-on because it validates their claim their horoscopes are in some way determining what your life looks like we should dig deeper we should find that out I'm still looking for answers I asked questions about that all the time I want to know if because a person that can pointed in Aries are a Virgo or at or something I know who you are how do they know that yeah that's what I'm saying you're usually pretty spiritual yeah one thing to happen longer hair when Eve walked in when Dave's girl Eve walked in I was like oh she's a cancer because she reminds me of so many people I know that are cancers are like her you mean like like I can't like yo this girl's a cancer to the camp foxes oh no like the crap oh yeah it's just like the motherly energy you can feel it it's about but why why does that like manifest itself in people and you can tell from a distance when someone was born odd speaking of cancer one person who should get cancer and die know me I can when I tell you that they hung a noose in Bubble Wallace's NASCAR chamber the only black NASCAR driver the only black NASCAR the only black NASCAR driver someone hung a noose cars been so good oh and that's all that's right yeah that's what's frustrating we we can't go this NASCAR it's it's it's a disgusting thing to do you know that unfortunately makes an entire organization look horrible mm-hmm I mean I also don't know the store maybe no no NASCAR has done a great job responding to it they are in fully investigating the situation they want to make sure they find out who who did it and and make sure that that person is banned from the sport for life and never that you know that whatever crew they're part of so they're looking into it right now to try to figure it out long with people dude I mean I mean they just we are not in an evolved State I mean I'm telling you that's it we are we are humans are very simple such an email simple simple creatures who do not understand do not care about what others think that's the first time you've ever heard me wish badly upon anyone and I and I and I never do that I never do that I like to I like to believe that good can be found and no one should have bad wished upon them but this is uh that's about as nasty as it [ __ ] gets and this was today before the race every single [ __ ] racer and it's also at the race but I mean I mean haha like what the [ __ ] dude is wrong with you and like how sick do you have to be to do something good and this prevails though look at this this is beautiful that's a moment right there I really love that well this is my favorite part of it for for the main reason of there's no bigger [ __ ] you to the guy who did well now you're watching the entire sport of NASCAR and the entire race rally behind the guy that you wanted to hurt and you've done the exact opposite you put him on up you put him on a pedestal to be to be cherished and praised and so you know then once again I mean you know whether it's right for me to wish what I wish you know [ __ ] you to whoever did it and I hope it the fire I forget the cancer I hope you at least fall down the stairs I hope you I hope you are coming down the stairs to get your microwavable dinner after you're fired from the sport you can't afford anything but ramen you're wearing some cheap Skechers and you [ __ ] clip your toe on the back heel your other foot and you topple head over heels down the stairs you break all of your fingers on one hand and your right wrist that's that that's that is that better yeah yeah yep so that's fine and and then you fix yourself so forget the cancer and die I apologize I just fit that was crazy that was all that was so detailed oh the heart will hardwood stairs and yeah because they're you know and yeah there's million stairs gonna be hard there's a lot of people that got canceled this week guys everyone what the [ __ ] at what point do they just cancel everyone and just start over yeah we're doing that I think we're here yeah oh is that what's happening okay Justin Bieber caught some heat from [ __ ] Bieber and so Al Gore Cole Sprouse dude for Sprouse though yeah this so okay so what'd you say okay so yeah so for the first time in in the me to movement I'm seeing the Accu Z's fight back yep for the first time there's full e saying this did not happen mm-hmm this is a completely fabricated story and my mind starts racing because say these stories are indeed fabricated this is disgusting this is horrendous coming coming forward with a story that did not happen for whatever reason is wrong on so many levels you have the balance of a person's entire livelihood their career their life in your hands worse than that it's worse I'm not done yet what you what is even worse is you are now a woman who cried wolf and you've diluted and invalidated the actual victims of sexual assault and rape when you when you use the word rape that is that is a heavy [ __ ] word it's one thing to accuse a person didn't do it it's an entirely another thing to invalidate an entire movement of again actual victims do you know how I have no [ __ ] idea I can't even say I can imagine how I can't imagine how traumatic it must be to go through something like that and then after years finally having the courage to speak up and having something dilute your story because of a weird one anonymous something and ruin something because yo yo Bieber had receipts mm-hmm right Bieber had like specifically his story he had receives the FIR it was the first time I saw I saw the celebrity himself not be silent and not let the media control the narrative of what's happening though and something tells me Justin Bieber the biggest celebrity pop star in the world is gonna indicate a claim like that he's probably got some really good receipts because if God forbid hypothetically he was proved wrong that's a death wish life signs do deliver their careers life is over and and so I'm even like just shaking right now thinking about it because this is the the me to movement is is I but the the valid part of the me to move is is it's so important for so many reasons and I think it's definitely putting a lot of men in their place yeah and a lot of men who maybe raise the wrong way and with the wrong morals who would have done some [ __ ] like given the power that they have yeah I think I think I think it's I think it's so necessary and beneficial but but the the side of it that is it a hundred percent of lies that it is [ __ ] disgusting dog you know this happened to me doing this happen I don't I don't I've ever told you this story and I think Evan knows about three four years ago we went to the dwarf world convention it was in I was in a small town in Canada just mobbing around we went to the mall film some content there were a couple fans outside of the hotel that we were staying at and I took a picture and left nothing of it how was with having the whole time Evan and his friends miss a day and a half just bobbing around again shooting cons having some fun about a week later I get home there's an 18-minute video of this girl who I had never seen in my life completely lying about a very intricate story of how I met up with her at the mall sat down had lunch with her started getting pushy asked for her number and like I forget what the store was I think she says I like shoved her or something like later that night a hotel room I showed it to Evan I go do you have you seen this huh he goes bro what the [ __ ] am i watching dog 18 minutes of a woman lying about something that didn't even didn't I can't even explain how much this didn't happen I don't know who this person is so for my heart sinks I'm like was it off [ __ ] happened here she wrote beats for a detailed story yeah the thing with Justin Bieber like what was it the whole story that came out was a fanfiction I got raped by was that Justin Bieber was like a five and then someone someone pulled things cuz I was like just me was getting canceled what's going on so like I looked into it and someone had written a fanfiction called Justin Bieber raped me or something like that and I think the modern thing that just came out was someone pulled from that story that's actually that actually makes sense yeah but but I actually actually before you go I actually I should comment on this video like in the moment cuz I was I was completely and utterly disgusted yeah offended to say the [ __ ] Simon absolutely should be this is wrong and this is wrong for so many reasons so I can't forever I believe she pulled the video down cuz it wasn't starting to get traction and even the comments were fun so right and I think beaver saves take ease looking into the absolutely lacks absolutely and and and first and foremost we on the show you know are probably out speak for you guys supporters of believing women on this kind of stuff yeah yeah but but honestly like this kind of stuff is terrible terrible terrible for the [ __ ] cause especially because it's it's really the one cause that exists out there that just the bare accusation is enough to do is enough to disable your career for the rest of your life and so and so people just women out there need to be sure about what they're doing before they do it and make very very you know seven claims and and and and not lie I mean once again I hate to say it but to the girls out there that are D validating or invalidating the the me to movement by creating false claims against famous people I truly hope that the next time you're playing soccer there is one of those in-ground sprinkler says this you plow your foot into it and it tears a massive cut on between your your middle toe and your big toe and you have to get anywhere from seven to twelve stitches in it and every times if you wear your shoes it rubs on the top of it and it burns and that's burn in between your toes remind you for the rest of your life that you have helped to invalidate an honest movement because that shit's disgusting a nude and honestly like you're on the opposite end of it there's a lot of [ __ ] up dudes out there too and and I know you guys aren't even saying that there's not and I know I don't even have to no no no keep this [ __ ] going get this I mean keep it [ __ ] going to reap just just don't don't fabricate a story because there's some weird and yes you please please please the reason I bring up the dude is because as you know my girlfriend had an aggressive encounter in the past week with with a famous person though that has a has a high-profile girlfriend and it's a major thing and doing it I'm not doing and he and I'm no no and I'm keeping it general but he you know he's held her car door closed while she tried to get into her car and wouldn't let her get into the [ __ ] car and she said she was scared and whole [ __ ] thing hey here's with his boys - yeah yeah we're not doing it no it's just it's just a general story all I'm saying is all I'm saying is girls do about it girls who have real stories continue doing what you're doing girls who are lying break your foot on a sprinkler guys continue to [ __ ] it do better guys continue to do as good as humanly possible or it's the fault of the may of the male with the specific movement obviously it's specifically males in power it's looking like it's that way males with clout males with fame money is that what it is so it's basically like women are afraid to come forward because the guys are sore yeah that's not just putting in the woman puts her her entire livelihood career life reputation I mean I can't imagine life is the same after you courageously come forward with a very vulnerable story and especially if like and this is this is [ __ ] up to of they're asked to provide details this happened in my college we would go into school we first take a course on sexual conduct in college and some of the stories are that it comes down to if it goes to a Collegiate Court it's mostly he-said she-said because there's no like deep evidence right unless you do DNA tests but it starts as he said she said the man gets accused and it's tough because the details are always blurry and the woman has to dig through deep dark places where she has to again relive her traumatic experience and it sucks it's the whole it's just all over again the whole thing is is the [ __ ] worst I mean listen this is listen this is Chris is tricky [ __ ] it's tricky [ __ ] you have to talk it's hard to talk about because I don't know however septa people are to listen to three like [ __ ] whitewash young men talk about like some [ __ ] like men talk about [ __ ] like this but also like I have a [ __ ] opinion about it God strike me down for speaking up and in saying something that I felt could be said on the show too I would I would definitely encourage any woman if they could real if if they could bring this information if they've ever had an incident like this and they could talk about it they should bring it forward oh yes oh I understand there's ramifications on your own on your own side but well that now yeah that hold hold men accountable we will continue to talk about this until we die hold people accountable for their actions and yes it's dark and horrendous but there is EE Italy has been what we're getting smoked on that yeah it's season night it - oh he did as well from what I understand there's there's quite a bit of uh receipts on that one against him right like he actually I don't know knows well it's just been it's been a wild man everybody Matt Danny Masterson from the set that 70 show and then also there's very very question here yeah like we you say like Danny Masterson from that 70 so like yes these are like famous people but like why does that matter really at the end of the day well that's the that's the that's that movement sure it's just to say like you know you're a person it's broader but it the part that's catching the media attention is because it is the men in power beating the power okay or or or I don't have it abuse it but you're just a being up stalking abuse or whatever it is doesn't matter [ __ ] them here we are yeah mixer Wow mixers down are you Wow finally yeah it's over what happened they they tweeted right Mexico mixer it was a live streaming platform built to compete with Amazon's twitch esports esports gaming specifically on twitch I believe you could do more on mixer but um this was a big deal about a year ago I believe I believe in August they inked a deal with ninja if I remember correctly it was a hundred million dollar deal for sure for sure yeah that's right yeah so today I guess this platform who not only signed ninja as one of their gamers one of the creators they have a lot of creators they have a lot of people streaming on the platform it's it's it's it's big there's a lot of money behind it ain't the very large deal with ninja and I today they tweeted we're done we're merging with Facebook mixers done well we move the Facebook see you there in a tweet and it's we in a tweet there are people making their entire livelihoods off this [ __ ] granted I believe and this is what happen India most of their contracts probably you got paid the amount of time you were there yeah I don't think makes it went bankrupt but I took thirty thirty million dollars shroud took ten thirty million dollars based on the time the ninja was streaming I'm mixer yeah he made ninety two thousand dollars a day for about the past year almost 92 kg solid [ __ ] it's almost almost like 2017 I'm risking my life brah I'm risking my life in a boxing ring mm-hmm getting paid what 1/5 no no not a second no you it's not even a fraction what are you risking their life in a boxer and you're in the Buer in the boxing ring for 20 minutes and you got paid like a almost a chunk of what he got paid for the year yeah I'm in the ring for what 18 minutes the amount of training in preparation and dedication to the breath horray was talked about or hey there's not campaign enough that everyone's really what are you not at all oh yeah they're all talking about how MMA fighters are risking their lives and putting on this incredible show us he's bringing a ton of money in the most and they're paying the most they're making no money these are modern-day gladiators absolutely most now not only are they making not a lot of money your reviewers accra fighting a lot a lot of health a lot of health in the face good bye always back to mixer so check it whoever was in charge of going forward with mixer you are done you're done when I read you say like it's one person like I probably would hired friend Microsoft which is worse so so when I read last year that they paid 100 million dollars to ninja to switch the mission I was the first off ninja [ __ ] amazing amazing for ninja it's great great for creators gamers the internet it's it's awesome what this model time and time again has proven to to fail the the model where you back popular creators and hope that they'll build an entire platform I don't know why mixer didn't work but I would presume it's something along the lines that people aren't actually on mix know that none other the reason is because they failed to pull the streamer ship that they desire to go up against switch yep did they solve it go Microsoft had a goal to to build up a streamer ship of like 2 billion users with some class that wasn't called an X cloud or some [ __ ] and mixer was supposed to help do that and it didn't happen it didn't happen you're facing Facebook yeah I mean listen like when you come in to the point you're making when you come into the race with a product that doesn't have an innovative competitive edge versus the people you're up against who have endless billions of dollars to play with you are going to fail and and the point you're making is influencer is not going to help you succeed historically it's not going this model has never worked the creator's cannot come first your platform must be for the consumer and through that the creators rise the ones that make it to the top they come out of the Woodworks it's every single social media but negate me go surely given more time stars would have shown up on mixer no because if they're not pulling an audience why would I go to make star could you go on Twitch absolutely how'd I do that why not own engines there that's cool but which is I get to I could see if they had different tools I don't know the intricacies of mixer versus Twitter all I'm saying is it just doesn't work let me refresh your memory for a second some of these will be content first to featuring creators which still doesn't work yeah feed what's that Oh what feet is one of them vessel let's try the biggest Comcast's washable I do remember soul the show too then yep black pills don't know nope Verizon go 90 come on that was but you had Sun with that here we go I so shows to two of them right cuz I mean they offer you a big paycheck yeah and at the time I didn't really care about how many people watch it I was like I'll get that make a fun show I'm making a lot of money um but it was really hard to convert an audience it just it just is for whatever reason and and I remember I was at dinner SDK with the Verizon go 90 team head of marketing he's telling me this idea and I'm sitting we inked our contract I'm sitting there he's done he's telling me how it's gonna it's gonna work could be the best I'm like mind room 20 years old I'm like dude this is not gonna I wish I could have said this is not gonna work unfortunately like is there any way you can give me the hundred million dollars they can use to the market is bad and they didn't know but it's i'm fascinated that these companies are still just [ __ ] flinging money at creators and crossing their fingers home hoping that they buck the trend that this creator first model works and it's fun it's so it feels so horrible to be sitting here with a fellow youtube creator telling these people who are building platforms please don't write us a check cuz it's not gonna [ __ ] work I want the [ __ ] check I want the check but I'm telling you it's this is coming from someone who has sat ground-floor on a lot of these new la Tasha and they come to me and they say yo you know every [ __ ] influencer in the world going go and create a program around them to help us build this and I always try to level set their expectations you'll listen to me even if you put McBroom dole brick Logan everybody on it to move a product a consumer product some sort of package good a t-shirt a charity something like that fine so many users to site will trickle down to a certain level of conversion you'll move the product if you get the right amount of traffic and viewership to up start a new platform which is the equivalent of a new world versus a product being a small city it doesn't work it just on the hardest it is the hardest thing in the world to do it has not been done successfully yet I am excited to see what happens with they're not they're not solely reliant one high five billion out quitting right but they're not solely reliant on influencer because they have a slightly different model which is its content for its original content first give them a little still historically has not worked right if you remember Netflix Netflix do not do original content your DVDs and movies I prefer to sit every day HBO whatever HBO started making a ricotta correct I don't think so right off the bat first age home box office HBO and it's a rich it was just a place to see the newest movie right that first then through again the Woodworks comes the original content if kwibi can get can secure their Game of Thrones house of cards stranger things I think their money the problem is it's a short form model what what is again historically I look at models at working with don't know what has been the Game of Thrones of a short form episodic series they're like what four to seven minutes no no what logan paul vlogs why what what is i totally different what you gonna relate to and empathize and connect with the character in four to seven minutes as far as like long tour long format that's kind of ironic cuz that's exactly what I do there's a lot more to you for and first and foremost the character that people fell in love with you were 22 minute vlogs you don't I'm saying you weren't a four to seven minute vlog creator from the beginning and also they see you on Twitter they see you on Instagram they see you boxing they see you on the podcast like there's a lot going on here so the four to six four minute vlogs are just one piece of it my only curiosity is there's more of a learning here than to just simply say that it doesn't work because when you look at HBO's model to simply show already established programming to build their base the top movies isn't that technically that is the same thing that mixer and other platforms are doing they're taking already established movies things that you're from aka ninja and it's streaming so although although speaking about the vertical that is entertainment those are two different types of entertainment digital versus a hundred percent and that's where the line that's where people need to figure it out but what I mean it's crazy because every time you've seen someone tried all the way to music title didn't what like I am I know you use title but it's got the highest quality mastered stuff I like I like high quality music traits is most purest form I do know that yeah I think you're one of a few couple few million people and that's fine is it some about like all you know rising tide raises all ships I bet it's not fine for no the investors in title don't give a [ __ ] easier to be on say he wants don't no matter what if you invested in title I know no mom tells me you're not getting your money back it's it's fascinating so I mean I also wanna give a quick shout out to ninja III first off I mean [ __ ] you played the suits my guy that was that was that was a great that was a greatest heist I've ever seen and I'm saying this facetiously cuz it wasn't a heist and here's my shout out the duty genuinely loved his audience and they loved him enough where he felt confident he could uh honestly jump in and tire jump for it to an entirely different platform bring them all with him when it happened to not work out cuz I can guarantee you was it wasn't a part of ninjas plan yeah for mixer to collapse via tweet yeah he goes I love my audience so I'm gonna figure out what I did next was going we're going together cool seems like it just said it's a cool genuine relationship between the creator and fan that I like then I don't I know a lot of creators don't don't really have I'm also curious too as to is is the the failure should I hate to say this but is the failure indicative of a lowered engagement rate and desire to watch ninja at least a little bit so so it's not the only one a god got it but there's a nother kid shroud who's apparently pretty good but like for example if they had done the deal with T foo who was kind of the successor of ninja and became the the more engaged on the platform hundreds of thousands more likes on his you know it's engaging around instagrams hires against you know like all of those ancillary platforms or by the way whoever's after him now comes up a conversation of our companies over investing in legacy stars and under investing in rising talent that's a big shift in the in the at in the ad space a hundred percent you go from micro to a fuckload of sorry you go from macro influencer sponsor your product job company to a shitload of micro influencers and it looks like that depending on who you pick is more success because of the engage fashion over yeah if I should know it does that's that's their model yeah and it's and it's a good question my answer would still be no it'll just it'll just be interesting to see you know what happened where it goes next it's gonna it's gonna be fun I like I like I like watching uh I like because I really respect respect him as a creator like a full 360-degree personality entertainer creator and it's been cool to see him just evolve I don't like them so they got they wanna fight yeah I like to see that one person that's not failing it seems is uh what's today that seven seven nine six six nine six nine he got a number-one billboard with over one trolls with Z and Nick that was Nicki Minaj yeah she had this to say on Twitter in an audio no ago use poet ops she's wrong what do you guys think I mean her her verse is good I think Nikki's been one of the like best female I'm not the only one I say this Loki's stopped watching his videos talk about how he's gonna prove everyone wrong and like [ __ ] the haters I don't I just go past his pictures anymore I don't care I see the rainbow on my face he is it'll it'll fizzle someone has that any of it doesn't bro imagine living like but he shoots his music videos in scratch I don't hope anything I don't hope much of a life bro you you you have all this success and in mega Fame and you don't get to reap the benefits of it besides buying a couple cars putting me in drivers not being will go anywhere what we doing here it's another one that's gonna be interesting to see a lot of people are saying I wonder what the second week numbers look like because it's one of those situations where it's like you have to watch all hype it's so hype involved yeah like everybody people are like there's people out there that are saying you know like oh I listen to that song because it's a I listen to the new 6/9 rolls song cuz that's a good song that's a no it's not you're lying you didn't listen to it because of that you listen to it because everybody else was listening to it you thought it would be cool to listen to it there's no way you're listening to that song and saying to yourself yo I [ __ ] with this song that's not humanly possible that's not humanly possible and it ever build no no you know but it's hype it's hype it's like it's like um there's got a driving down a highway and there's a car crash and no matter what everyone stops and turns our head to look at the car crash perfect you're not watching it because that's the dat's a dope car crash and it's gonna break away you justyou oh stop because everybody else is stopping it y'all 6:9 stands are musical rubber necker's their musical rubber necker's yeah they're so interested in the fact that everybody should be listening to it that they take their cameras out and shout worldstar when his new video drops you know what I'm saying like there's no way and I call me but I said it before call me boomer okay boomer old man yo that dude listens to jay-z say whatever you want but at the end of the day you know deep down in your heart there's no way you're listening to that [ __ ] cuz you're like you're a hot song are you [ __ ] there are some people who did but I know a couple girls who shake their ass to Guba I know a couple girls that shake their ass to the song the washing machine makes when you're closer they do it the fact that they twerk a song is not indicative of that being equality so I see the world's girls twerk to Conway Twitty but sometimes in six nine songs he's just like screaming oh yo let's make her screaming ASMR Channel we're doing it we're gonna we're gonna make an ASMR but it's actually just like pain SMR where he just yells things as loud as you can and we turn the baby hilarious the one meaningful you're yelling full blast the one thing that has to do and this is the only thing I like about it I think is and I hate to make the comparison again but if you sit back remove your bias from it 6:9 and Trump are not that [ __ ] far off from each other in the way they activate this is not talking [ __ ] about either um it's just a [ __ ] observation and the one positive that comes out of it is if you're watching this and you're a [ __ ] white kid in Saskatchewan Canada or you're a black kid in East LA or you're you know a little thirteen-year-old girl you can be the next biggest rapper in the world you can be the President of the United States of America you could do anything you want if you could just get enough people to watch your [ __ ] anything now am I saying that that's good no what about what I'm saying is just know that if you're watching this show right now there has never been a time in history here where you could quite literally do anything you want with no credentials no qualifications and no [ __ ] skill whatsoever and and which is one of the reasons why and I'm announcing on the show right now I am going to record a hip-hop album over the next week yeah you know yes again I'm gonna be dropping it and it's in it's it's gonna be [ __ ] [ __ ] okay if you're doing that that's good oh cool now I I was starting to think not again I don't wanna get crazy political but uh I'm sorry think about who's running for for president right so you'll be Trump a by dropping but presumably yes sir surely there's like like Dwayne Dwayne the rock Johnson who you please just like step up goat running his independent you'll win please wait please or do people don't want to be President so so that's that's where I'm going with this someone has to step up so I'm too young playing every 35 I got be 35 and to be honest with you a lot I can't run a country now I can barely run a [ __ ] podcast but but no no no no that's what I just said the camera the fact that Young is the only problem if you're old enough Abbott I'm gonna say another blunt statement my thought right now and I believe a lot of Americans would echo this statement is that the less qualified you are for a position the higher the likelihood you're going to get okay wait here beyond I have a crazy idea go how old are you 30 30 35 do you happen to know what the presidential cutoff ages 35 yeah of course I know that because I've studied politics do for America so you run for president Logan will be your vice president of a major vice president right now I don't think you should matter we could do this money yes yep vice president minimum age says here 35 [ __ ] well just let's just fix your birth certificate I want to see how we can get you up the pole and I think we do do this and I think we do a right end because and here's here's your running mate here's where I'm really gonna [ __ ] everybody up and they're gonna hate to hear this I won't I won't be able to be the main pick of the Republican primary but I'm gonna run as a Republican I'm gonna run is you're not gonna paint me as a [ __ ] liberal I'm running as a [ __ ] Republican I'm gonna do common-sense laws across the board I'm gonna be I'm gonna protect your amendments I could serve in the house all right 25 years old I could serve in the House Senate but let's that's a big lease start - I'm canceling the rap album right now and I'm sorry to all the people where's my chi where's my paid come on we signed a deal we signed the deal mike is gonna blow you got it I already got a hit song flat boy everybody remembers flat boy motion crossed you a flat boys they're at this flat one of the biggest classics in youtube history you did it crush it with that song made up the dance and all that stuff yeah whatever but yeah I'm ready to go out there and be the Republicans choice for the 2020 election and I understand that Trump already has the primary noddies the incumbent you should that port my dear team it's game over Portnoy it might be buying the Mets there's some noise on the internet right now yeah why not oh [ __ ] oh oh oh Dave just threw a wrench in that system you so what you've actually just done Dave is destroyed America alright if you're watching this and you're somehow for some reason watching this shut up and know so much about the legalities if I if I get that pardoned which I'm working on in time Jake Paul is walking into the house right now yeah everything else stops I look out my my left I knew she was coming I didn't I didn't I'm excited though because he's my brother and I love him Pam she has participate in there I mean do we invite them on mm-hmm maybe yeah maybe maybe I'll have him wave and then we end the show let me just to say hi it's just to say hello if I get it pardoned can I run as president that's my question think so but only the president can pardon it no no the Connecticut State pardons board can partner and I've been 12 years crime free alright by the way also another anniversary ten years off opiates halluf heroin and that's pretty awesome June 23rd too much tomorrow assuming I don't have some massive fall from her right after the show I go smoke crack what ain't gonna happen hopefully I should be selling my 10 year and my 3 years ago 20 seconds of Lights Michael sure anniversary 10 seconds of light Thank You Danny I'm sorry that that had happened you Logan's a little on edge yeah we have viewers oh yeah you know okay okay hey congratulations you know I got for you shrimp David well it's his first date she just came in from Ohio I haven't seen her in what years now right but we need her you smell just like your house back you you smell just like your it's a it's a familiar memory that's probably a weird sentence but you smell like you I just remember what you smell like if I didn't reach out for the hug which Panza nurse yeah shaking hands you were not really thank you guys for watching T'Pol seminoma podcast the world that's facts sorry for the slow start man I got I can't I can't be doing that by the end of the episode we had uh we had pulled out together quite about about halfway through if you're watching the end of the episode go back and unwatched the first half yeah good job good job all right peace
Views: 1,127,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, twitch, ninja, mixer, trump, vegas, jose conseco, josie conseco, corona virus, kung flu, kung fu flu, covi-19, clubs, 1oak, new normal, social distancing, nascar driver, quibi, president, 6ix9ine, netflix, fan fiction, justin bieber, failed social platforms, gaming, gamers
Id: ZObFq66GcyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 45sec (4185 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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