Locked and Loaded: Outsmarting Mother Nature (Full Episode) | Port Protection Alaska

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[Music] thank you [Music] I have been out scoping the areas and uh set some game cams out we got a little bit of a bear on the camera this time of the year definitely is a good time to get a bear if you're gonna eat it we're gonna see how it turns out hopefully that bugger's still in the area Brianna is the one who is going to be pulling the trigger see ya she's definitely capable of it I'm not really worried about it as long as we see one I'm pretty sure she's gonna be able to put a hole in it and put it down [Music] oh I'm making my own rounds just kind of you know uh not buying it from the factory you know saves you money and you know you barely get a little bit better bullet a little bit more accurate bullet there we go yeah yeah bullet made ready to go bang black bears are definitely something to respect they can definitely end you if they want to I think I might have jerked a little bit at that one yeah just relax and take another shot I saw you pull that one yeah I'm definitely an experienced Hunter I've been doing it since I was really little my dad would take us up on mountains we'd go down through muskegs and always get deer so I definitely feel the pressure that we need to go get a bear go come on go come on you've got this I figure I can do it I think you're hitting it man bullseye this one will shoot a bear all right let's try to get the hell out of here all right it's a Bear Hunt yeah hope it's a good one oh yeah there ain't no other place I could ever live you know other than here [Music] that's so beautiful but yet brutal at the same time and reminds me how lucky I really am [Music] get all them chips so oh yeah I can see it now this one's a really dull one right here I can see it's been rocked oh yeah oh have you tried and I'll go to this one right here like this [Music] from the moment I've heard that Curly wasn't amazing amazing it's exciting being able to actually hear about someone that's this good and now getting taught by him he was drugs go all the way through don't worry about being slow or anything it'll all come with time Chase has a very very dangerous piece of equipment it has no mercy on anything with me probably having more chainsaw experience than anybody around here I mean it kind of makes sense for me if the teacher and teach her right it's been amazing finding a new friend out here well we'll check your homework and see if you pass oh damn God you better be careful there they'll put you on full time very good for your first time I'm excited for this yeah well next thing to do is load all this stuff up in the back of the truck head out and go see if we can find some standing dead trees yeah are you ready for this no but we'll find out [Music] I've got two different types of cabbage and I do believe I have a couple of little brussels sprouts here these are brussels sprouts they look identical see cabbage brussels sprouts can't tell the difference that's why I have the label still in them with their seeds these are going to be going in the in the ground here pretty soon I can get enough soil to plant them at and the dirt I'm going to be using is dirt that I've freshly made it's similar to this dirt right here but it's never been adjusted and it needs it needs to have its pH adjusted morning morning morning morning morning morning I was just talking to my babies here they're going to get new homes pretty soon they'll be happy yeah I think that the tide is climbing now so we should probably get get cooking absolutely we need to get the heck out of here Matt's my oldest son and he's back in country now for the summer so we're gonna take a little Joy right down the coast to a little rock pile it's about 15 miles south of here on a nice day it kind of reminds me of an eight hole in the South Pacific this is my absolute favorite time of year because everything is growing now and it's not too warm perfect working weather absolutely it's real important to me to be able to Source my garden vegetables locally however most vegetables don't grow here naturally so you have to harvest this bounty of shells that happens to exist down there put that in my garden and recreate the environment that they need to be productive that looks like a good spot right there dude extremely approachable [Music] I can't see my feet yeah I feel kind of funny walking through this much yeah Indian celery you can just see how Lush this growth is it's gonna be good for your vegetables I can tell you that much well I'm thrilled have you ever seen what they look like under a microscope sandy beaches no I have not that's amazing looks like the cosmos these things seem thicker than the standard butter clam shells that I'm used to digging so I'll bet you these are just really old back from prehistoric times I you know I never did the paleontology thing well I had a little epiphany one night when I was laying in bed just thinking about you know the upcoming gardening season and a little bell went off in my brain and ding ding hey you don't have to buy lime anymore you can just gather up enough buckets of crushed Barnacles blue mussel shells a wide variety of clam shells remove all the moisture put that in my garden and raise the ph so in the future I'll have you know probably a lifetime supply all right let's head home [Music] there's something about this place that's unexplainable I want to sound like a weirdo or a hippie or something and say it's magical but there's just something hey I wasn't going to start this early but we got a caught a bait jumping in here something's chasing it so we're gonna give it a shot okay I am gonna troll for cohos which are silver salmon I got a plan to build a cold smokers so what I want to do is is catch enough fish to fill that smoker and uh hopefully I can get this done before it starts raining what actually just started I should have never said that before it stops raining oh yeah they're jumping right in front of the boat I'm gonna go right through them get into the Kill Zone up here [Music] okay I have no idea how deep I am oh yeah this feels like salmon Maybe definitely bigger oh it's a rockfish you gotta be kidding me the Rockfish definitely like my presentation but I need the salmon to come after it do me right good give me a salmon I want to fight a real fish oh that's a salmon that is a salmon oh I think I missed him oh he's there he's there he's there oh there he is there he is there he is don't go under the boat I'm not losing I'll lose him oh he's pissed we have salmon on the boat that hurt cool cool that got the blood moving again let's get right back at that it was raining and wet and some wind here and there pretty soggy but I stayed and I made it pay oh man that's fun I don't know I got another one already I barely got to sit down oh don't you dare go away man you're going in the boat bro they are down there thick today yay more meat right on my fishing trip went from dead to Red Hot I found the squat [Music] we're in them what I have found living out here you know you just gotta learn to not be discouraged and just stick with it because it's trial and error and one day you're going to be successful I gotta get these fish cleaned and brined and ready for the new Smokehouse I got plenty of fish now foreign I'll eat a whole pack of them oh yeah [Music] all right we're me and Brianna definitely have a years of experience uh hunting deer it's kind of how we feed ourselves and get our meat but when he comes to the black bear we definitely don't have any experience with that feel it it's not warming anymore but it's fresh it hasn't turned black yet it's a huge good sign all righty the work starts here I want to be able to hang the whole fillets of fish in there like you see the natives do it that been doing it for years and they fillet them down to the tail like this that way they just hang in the smoker like that I gotta get these fish smoking [Music] [Applause] well here she is this is my retort vessel for going inside the incinerator you put your product in here whether it's wood this case is going to be ocean seashells and I'm going to bake them hot enough I might have to fire it a couple of times to get them to turn into powder and add it to my garden to sweeten the garden help bring the ph up in the soil time I get this old girl into the shop I built basically a homemade device here a while back so I could cook myself up some charcoal I'm going to take that technique and I'm going to superheat a big batch of shells but the last time I fired up the retort furnace the base got really warped out of shape so I'm gonna have to cut that off put some legs on that Bingo all have a new furnace there we go sometimes you just need to have a bigger hammer property of Oil Company Kansas City Ammo this thing came from Kansas City all the way to Alaska God knows how long I was floating around before I found it and now it lives on when I look at trash I see valuable things and I think when the bulk of society looks at trash they don't see the value that I see every time I repurpose a piece of junk it it makes me think of my dad because my folks were products of the Great Depression so even from a real early age you didn't throw anything away that you could repurpose this is just all by guessing by golly I just want to make sure it'll stand up I'm in the process of doing the same thing that the old-timers did and I think we should all teach the the younger generation you know how to keep a weather eye out for just about anything you can repurpose this is going inside the incinerator you want to make sure [Applause] look at that fit right in there that fits in there just the way I wanted it to I guess it's time for me to start a burn here this is the spot this is that there's a couple yellow Cedars right here is that one of the ones you were thinking about cutting yeah yep perfect sounds good to me I'm gonna watch you do it learn a thing or two okay cool things almost bigger than me yes it is thank you yep firewood is the never-ending story we're always going to need firewood year round freaking nasty out there I know there ain't like a cow pissing on a plant Rock I am looking forward to being able to go out and cut down a tree myself to be able to get firewood when Carl's gone this lifestyle does not afford us to be able to wait to do things this one looks like it'll go right where we want it looks a lot bigger from right here yeah my dad grinds and sharpened many chainsaws I do know the potential for danger of running these things it's not a toy curly is going to walk me through what I need to know and correct the mistakes that need to be corrected curly is one of those ones that has been doing it so long he knows what he's doing [Applause] oh yay this is our undercut yeah the start over so it's got to be that way to pull the tree where we want it to go yep yep absolutely okay I guess we're ready to let this tree fly here we go [Music] I've caught several newbies I really don't do it too often I mean it's uh while I feel responsible if that person didn't ever get hurt [Music] logging is a very dangerous occupation it's like one of the most deadliest in the world in that you gotta respect that fact otherwise you ain't gonna come home one night if you don't [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you damn curly done deal it went where we wanted it yeah you did that amazing that went exactly where you said it was going to go oh that's my favorite smell in the world don't get any better than that yeah I know this is amazing there's one down yeah the next one's yours too okay I am down with that [Music] yeah good Lord a little hard work you get her done this is my chest freezer and it's not energy efficient so I want to convert it into a cold smoker because having a freezer that runs all the time zaps my battery bank and basically all I need is a box that holds smoke so I think this is all usable and it's going to be easy to clean with that surface on there let's get busy rocks if this works out it'll be huge for me because this will add to my ways that I can preserve fish it's kind of what you do out here you use what you got and figure it out beautiful now what I need to do is have my fire here and then run a pipe into here so that way when the smoke goes in there it's cold that is what I'm shooting for here my plan is to cut a hole in here and a hole in here so that marries this burner now how I'm going to cut through that metal is going to be another uh thing I have to figure out but there's a wheel there's a way Roxy [Music] there's lots of ways that you can preserve your meat out here the difference between a cold and a hot smoker is my hot smokers I have the heating unit right inside the smoker so it Cooks the fish this I'm going to put my heat Source outside the smoker then it's just the cold smoke coming in and flavoring my fish well I was going places there for a minute good enough for government work huh who gives it what it looks like as long as it works I like it and it doesn't even look half-assed well I think all I need now is some Alder and I'm going to fire this thing up and see how she works I love it when a plan comes together your heart's definitely pumping when you're kind of walking up on this spot where you don't know if at any turn you might see a big bear sitting there and so the adrenaline was definitely pumping Bear Tracks the Bear Tracks are big buddy with this bear hunt I guess I'm just trying to prove to myself that I can go out there and do something I've never done before and be successful at it even if I'm a little bit scared it's weird I don't know what that's all about looks like a dead eagle or something is crying there is so much time back there it's definitely a berry area it gives me hope yeah we'll get something maybe oh my left eye has got something with me holy man you see a bear right there I see his back right over there over the edge yeah get the guns go grab your gun don't see a bear we see a bear let's go let's go we got him there we see a bear we see a bear we'll wait forever if we finally see there's no idea that we're here we gotta be really quiet make sure that we're just sneaking it up on him we're on the other side of this island he has no idea that we're here he's just lumbering around happy as a bear and so we're gonna try to sneak up and get a shot on I'm gonna stop over at those islands on the way and uh See How Far That range is [Music] well we've been scoping out the whole Bay from this little rocket out here and uh we finally saw a nice ice Barrel there on the beach right where we were streaming lately and so we're gonna try to sneak up on them and see hopefully we can get a shot hopefully some struck he shows himself to us [Music] yeah that's duffel torch off really quickly get some Heat going I've got the retort furnace rebuilt we got the shells I'd say now it's time to torture off and I'll have all the calcium and lime and whatever I need to tune my garden up now for the cannon when you fire this furnace off you want as much wood packed in there as you can possibly fit it's imperative that you get it up to a certain temperature and keep it that way for several hours a little air on the bottom little areas on the top and all the loose ones in the middle [Music] foreign there we go add a little Go Juice well let's see if we can get ignition it's got to get up to a certain temperature than that waste it'll get hot and it'll start burning the gas it'll get real flammable real quick Houston I think we have achieved liftoff not my friends is how to bake some clam shells what's up bro you went right here why we're going to the woods after where I know just be alert foreign and then hit once it fires off again hit the trigger real fast okay take your chain break off Chain break I'm I'm gonna call it I'm not gonna put this right now it's starting to frustrate me really bad side of the beach Maybe so apprecially came all the way back here for nothing well I don't know obviously not this way or he's gone right damn it one got away man close just lends itself well to the salmon because it's a very mild wood it just is great flavor for the fish because you could still taste the fish it doesn't overpower it got my wood now I can fire up smoker frustrated you know you just Adrenaline Rush wears the person out and you are doing great you're doing a very good job Morgan I mean no thank you I appreciate it it's I mean you're really weird for me you pay attention I like that kind of scary sometimes even though this is the easiest part right here take a break and come back to it it'll be all good you know [Music] I had a couple of minutes uh I'm just waiting for that thing to burn down and well I could have I could curl up take a nap but Sun's shining try calling myself into singing singing the blues [Music] the only way I could you know be the most accurate description of what I am or who I am in this community is I kind of know a little bit about everything I hear a lot of people refer to me as the mad scientist [Music] there isn't hardly anything I haven't tried doing out here you know you name it I've done it I don't have an ego you know the size of a Volkswagen minibus or anything like that I just know what I know unfortunately that makes me a know-it-all so I'm the village know it all fire looks like it's burning down a little bit and I'm gonna let it go out cool off tomorrow morning me I'll come out and see if I got some some product but I'm actually kind of comfortable right here maybe I'll just sit and watch it a little bit longer [Music] all right are you ready for this no but we'll find out well there's your tree your tree is ready to be cut do you want to walk me through these real quick lift up on your trigger oh yeah that's right should always down okay now let her rip you're gonna have to hot come clear around right where my finger is so how am I doing that I've never done a try to keeping this straight as level as you can you're gonna aim it right for that bull fine just go ahead and start that Adrenaline Rush that you get when you're running a chainsaw there's nothing like it and she's shaking like a dog broom pits but it'll get better it's just part of learning you know now come here go ahead and put it up like I showed yeah just like that go for it [Music] this is my first treat Curly's letting me do it and learn so it's kind of scary [Music] you did it so now you're you're ready for your back cut yeah okay I'm going yep [Music] [Music] hey hey okay please put your saw out pull it out [Music] [Music] damn holy there you go congratulations thank you I got the shakes though I think your limp was quivering well it's vibrating me and I'm just sweating and it's just honestly this thing is still heavy for me yeah it is you can just cut a nice smooth cut off the butt of that always leave that stuff out in the woods I'm still very nervous using the chainsaw but the more I do it and the more I get out there the better I am able to run it and the more comfortable I feel beautiful [Music] look how nice and you're throwing some big ass chips too I'm sweating that I mean a little tree but I can't even keep this Ah that's funny for a first time it's a beautiful stump the the beauty of it is is it went exactly where you wanted [Music] well let's see what we got cooling overnight oh look at that see how tough that stuff is yeah see that's what you're looking for right there you can just crunch that in your hands this will turn into small pieces and powder the consistency of these shells is just perfect I can grab onto them and crush them and that tells me that there's going to be lots of fine powder that'll be quick release this is exactly what I was shooting for things don't get lighter you should get older it'll get heavier but right now I'm gonna be screening my lime from these shells so I get all the fine stuff and that's what I'll use immediately [Music] and my goal was kind of having a lifetime supply of this stuff and I think I'd probably achieved that goal [Music] basically anytime you add crushed shells to your soil it raises the ph and allows your plants to accumulate the the correct amount of nutrients yeah I can just tumble the way it caramels it's it's the stuff if it's too acidic it can't do it if it's too alkaline it can't do it so you wanna a balance in between well I'd almost call that enough if more than enough to probably do my whole damn Garden it's pretty common place it's a I think some well-documented science behind that I think that's going to be good for now I'm gonna take what I need now get a couple buckets of this pack it over to the greenhouse mix it up and we'll go from there Sammy's secret recipe [Music] I am excited to see how this thing works [Music] and I got me some edible fire starter throw some corn chips in here and get this done the trick is is don't eat them all I think there's probably a lot of people don't know it but when you're camping and can't start your fire corn chips potato chips anything with a lot of oil start your fire instantly it's like fire starter [Music] these are my Alder biscuit set I cut earlier this is where my flavor is gonna come from now that I got this smoking pretty good I meant just see what's going on with my smoked pit [Music] oh yeah that's what I'm talking about I think it's time to put that salmon in there now the smoker's filling with smoke I could fit a whole lot more fish in there and salmon smoked in this Alder is unbelievably good it is just delicious I'm very pleased not bad for a bunch of junk I needed to throw away it's gonna work [Music] and scope out pretty much three cricks yeah so it's a good spot yeah yeah let's find a spot to post up [Applause] with this bear hunting it seems there's a lot of just sitting and waiting and letting them decide when they're going to come out for you he's got to be present and clear-headed in that moment all right the Bears broke you in the sand over there [Music] bear bear bear I think that might be the one you want to take Brian it's got a nice Brown face that's the very one foreign foreign [Music] Brianna took a shot at him we're not sure if she's hit him or not um I thought that Brian has missed before but several times I've been proven wrong I don't know what's going on exactly I got to get up here and see tore off the creek here damn it damn it damn it ah Oliver's out there on a mission to like keep looking to see if I wounded it because I have made shots where we think we it got away but really it's just laying back there but I really don't think that's the case I don't see any blood anywhere yeah now I just want to kind of lick my wounds I'm kind of just bummed out about it and never like when I make a bad shot so I don't know what I'm looking for dude a little bit of Hope now I've shot it up over here so we're probably not going to see another better I'm really hard on myself when I miss an animal just because that's one thing I feel very confident I pride myself in my shooting abilities so it definitely hurts my ego a little bit it just makes me realize that like I'm not perfect and I have to just keep trying it's our first bear hunt well since we didn't get this beer today just means we got to go home and regroup and uh decided whether we're gonna try again for Bear we're gonna have to find another food source for the fishing season I'm definitely more concerned about Brown I really want to just go give her a big hug and tell her it's okay and that she's still a badass to me sometimes you win some sometimes you lose some time to go home it's okay to find success here you just gotta work smart and find easier ways to do everything and I keep getting better and better at it well now rocks we get to find out how our smoker really worked um [Music] yeah we did good Roxy that rocks sorry you can't have it I think by me passing on my knowledge to the younger generation and that you know that's gonna help Port protection survive down the line she's not gonna have any problem getting her firewood I don't think I cut down my first three yes he did you did a good job it's a good first experience yes yes [Music] this is the Gary malburger method I've about crapped myself one time I went over there and by God if he didn't have some of the nicest cabbage I'd ever seen boy it's sure nice if he could come over here and see me doing this I could just see him nod and wink you know that's how you do it it'd be proud of me [Music] hell I'm proud of me oh [Music] I'm not a better Hunter not yet not yet okay I've made shots like that before so that's what's like frustrating it upsets you because it's just like I've made shots like that so I'm sorry man come here Brianna's not done hunting bear until she gets a bear the bear should have just let her shoot it because really she's got a grudge against him now they're all in trouble they all need to watch out I'm really stubborn so definitely determined to keep trying the second you lose is when you stop trying [Music]
Channel: National Geographic
Views: 1,265,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: national geographic, nat geo, natgeo, animals, wildlife, science, explore, discover, survival, nature, culture, documentary, perpetual planet nat geo, photography, full episodes, Tragic Death, Port Protection combat, Community Pillar, Residents of Port Protection, Grief, Picking up the pieces, Port Protection Alaska, National Geographic, Alaska, Arctic, Frozen terrain, Freeze, Port Protection, Port videos, Mother Nature, Life
Id: svJdbCVKocQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 24sec (2664 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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