Lockdown Live S01E05 - JetEngine's Custom Content Types, Freelancing & More.

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good evening everybody and welcome to this live stream for wp sets if everybody that's in the chat at the moment could just let me know if you can see me and hear me and everything sounds and looks okay to you that would be fantastic and once we've done that we'll do a couple of uh hellos to everybody that's in so far thank you very much john good to know anybody else everyone else cheering and seeing me all okay let me know and just want to sort of ask is everybody having a good week so far looking and sounding good looks good thank you very much everybody now first and most importantly um i do have something for a dry throat and after the last time we talked about ipas this is my ipa of choice tonight so hopefully if it's an applicable time wherever you are in the world at the moment you've got yourself a drink whether it's a cold drink a hot drink doesn't really matter but let's sit back let's get involved let's have a chat and let's just talk all things nerd and wordpress okay so before we go any further let's just say hello to a few people that's in the chat or i have a drink as well okay so who do we have steve pro good evening sir good to see you here rob from humber web design good evening and good to see you here as well john helya good evening good day i don't know where everybody is so let me know where you are so i can see whether you know where we are time zone wise one solution hq good evening charlie bird patrick killian good to see you all else tech good to see you here michael wright yes hazy jane it's a it's a nice ipa um from new england ipa it's quite nice it's not bad at all it goes down very easily so things might go a little bit wobbly by the midpoint of tonight's um live stream so we'll see how this goes yes stevie would help you turn your speakers on but thanks thank god you weren't the first person to say that this thing's wrong pedro from puerto rico rico even see it's going wrong already i mean if you just had a couple of sips good evening um abdul i'm not going to say that sooner because i will get it wrong i'm good thank you very much and good to see some people in from the uk as well and from germany uh denver india gloucester uk well steve you're not that far from me so uh maybe there's a meet up in the future swap some t-shirts and things um right what do we have we'll get all the questions and things in a little bit let's just wait for a few more people to come in brazil we are far and wide dubai germany i love the fact that uk lincolnshire i do love the fact that we've got a great little community growing here on these sort of bi-weekly live streams and also on the facebook group and the chat in the actual videos themselves so i really do appreciate the time that you take to join me on these live streams to get involved with the facebook group which is a fantastic place and growing really really strong and also like i say just with the comments the questions all the different things so i really do appreciate you taking the time out of your day to get involved so thank you very much for everybody okay so let's have a couple more um canada sunny greece okay do we have sound back now let me know if sound is back okay i'll pop that on there thank you very much it's the pier's fault it is the bias fault uh no for some reason my audio interface is decided it just wants to stop working so i don't know if i've just got a really cheap connection or what but we're okay we'll stick with this for now we'll keep on going with this this is fine this is why i always have a backup in place so hopefully now the battery will last long enough not to be a problem but anyway so where were we i need a microphone i know i do i do let's have a little look let's go back up before we had lost sound so i can catch up what everybody says um okay i want to ask which plugin you use for your recent video direct checkout to show free shipping notifications on checkout and cart page um good question there'll be a video coming out on it very soon i think it's something like table shipping rates for woocommerce something like that do a search for that on there or drop me a message on the facebook group or something and i'll take a look for you it's a free plug-in anyway and it's something that i know a lot of people ask about how to get shipping and have more shipping options when it comes to woocommerce so that's one of the ones i'm looking at as part of this woocommerce sort of series of videos all to do with free plugins that i think are really useful and are great to have in your back pocket when you need them like a second microphone when things go wrong anyway okay let's just do a couple more hellos and then we'll get started with what i want to cover first of all tonight okay so what do we have i'm back i'm back i am indeed back just like acdc i'm back in black okay talk on otp based registration wordpress with firebase i have no idea what that even means so i do apologize first time joining you live from new york fab del thank you very much for taking the time out of your day to join us from new york it's fantastic to have some of our us brethren joining in in uk time zones so thank you speaking about what is the time in the u.s at the moment i'm assuming are we seven hours in front so that would take you to something about what eleven a.m this morning somewhere around there nice t-shirt thank you very much paul whittle that's very kind of you paul k formerly known as paul c is in the house as well 107. okay so lunchtime ish then patrick killian 12 p.m okay cool right sorry if i had to say it build the world how are you sir i'm very very good thank you very much and how are you today hopefully you're very well too 11 a.m mountain time okay so we have a few different time zones and things going on here okay so i want to do first of all is just talk about something that i'm going to be covering in the next week or so i know a few people have asked me about this and it's all to do with with the jet engine so what i'm going to do is i'm going to quickly go over okay we're back it's the night of troubleshooting i think so what i'm going to do is i want to go over to what first thing i want to cover today which is jet engine 2.5 and what is new now there are a couple of updates with jet engine 2.5 but the one that i kind of want to focus on more that i'll be covering i've got a video coming out via croco block probably in the next week or so and i'll be printing content on myself is the new custom content type which if you are not familiar with this option this new feature there's a couple of things you may want to know about it like first of all what exactly are they well the easiest way to sort of say it is if you imagine you've got your typical custom post type you've got your typical meta fields all that data all that information is stored inside the default wordpress database and the problem with it is is that you've got for every single entry you have so say for example you have a custom post for every single custom post you can have up to 10 different entries inside the database which means that when you've got a thousand posts that suddenly becomes a huge amount of data problem with that is it slows your site down it also means that when you want to search and filter the search and filters become a lot more resource intensive they become slower all those things are why wordpress is not necessarily or has not necessarily been the best for big big sites unless you've got a budget to scale a vps server or something like that with jet engine releasing the custom content type or cct's as i'll call it from now on when you use those you create your own database table so you have a custom table with your data stored inside it now that data is for every single should we say we'll go we'll quote a post but for every single post you create that only has one line of data inside it now so if you have ten thousand posts you only have ten thousand lines of data 10 000 lines inside that database table which means filtering and searching and all those kinds of things sorting all that kind of stuff becomes a lot quicker and a lot easier to do so there are some limitations and i'll go over the limitations in a moment but has anybody tried out these cct's yet have you installed have you tested out jet engine 2.5 i know a new update came out today which i haven't actually had the chance to update to and test out because i think they did that when i've been sort of setting everything up inside uh for the live stream and everything so i will be taking a look at that it will include anything i think is relevant in the video that i put together on my own channel the wp test channel not on the croco block one because that's already then recorded and ready for them to edit and do what they want with so has anybody tried this out does this sound like an option you think actually would be useful for you i'm going to go over some of the limitations that you currently have using them because they are still this is still version one of this feature which means that it's still fairly limited and if anybody knows me from previous conversations that i've had and previous experience i've had when it comes to the clocker blog suite of plugins is their first version is usually a very bare bones version and then as they roll out more updates to it more interim updates you know the 2.5123 and so on then they start to add a lot more features in which means that you get a much more feature-rich product so i'm hoping that when we get to something like 2.5 maybe 2.6 let's say 2.55 2.6 something like that that the features will start to make this even more useful than just what it is at the moment with its quite a lot of limitations on it like i say which i will go into in a little bit but has anybody tried it out has anybody have any thoughts on it have you seen what it does have you kind of held back trying it out let me know in the chat because i'd love to know your thoughts on this because like you say this is a two-way conversation this is us getting together and having a chat about jet engine about different things like that so i'm gonna hop back into the chat and i'm going to see what people are saying about this so let me know if you have you've had chance to try it or if this is something you're looking forward to trying okay what do we have now i got to check that i'm actually up to speed okay uh where are we can we complete guide the ecommerce shipping and payment gateways uh that's a different question but to answer you you comment i will be doing some more content on shipping and on things like that so there will be stuff like that going on as well as i have a tutorial that's in the development phase that's going to do every stage of woocommerce and also another tutorial that's in the planner stages which is building an entire woocommerce store from scratch using elementor pro so building all the different template files and all those kinds of things but that's for later we'll chat with things like that later on okay so your voice is not doing can you i'm assuming that my voice is back now i'm hoping that everybody's back and can hear me okay um okay thanks for doing the crocodile i personally think they own a bit pants you're not the only person to say that kind of thing and i think that's part of the reason why they asked me to create content for them i don't think especially their pants i think it's just a problem is this a lot lost in translation because they're not native english speakers i mean if you've ever seen the live streams you'll know that there is a certain level of language barrier um so you can't really sort of blame them for that side of things and also there's you're dealing with technical people trying to explain technical issues or technical solutions technical products and they're not always the best people to be educating on those kinds of technical situations of technical things you know i mean so i can understand why it's not their forte they're much better at creating the product than they are necessarily educating about the product but you know thankfully you know the videos i've put together have had pretty decent results and you know good feedback on it so thank you very much for the comment and hopefully it's um it's something that'll keep on going moving forward i'll be working with them for a long time hopefully okay um what we got i made a test and it can tell for a very very first test that it's fast janus yeah i think that's the thing is the nice thing is even this is version one it is working with jet smart filters and jet search which means that you can benefit from using those two plugins to get you know fully featured sort of set of data that you can search and you can filter it's just how you structure the data is not as comprehensive as you'd have with meta fields and custom post types at this point in time so fingers crossed that will change and it will get better uh haven't tried it but definitely we'll try abdul i would say give it a try if i would say it's not the most straightforward to start off with you kind of need to understand how various parts would work and when the reason my video hasn't come out yet is because i was waiting for the live stream that went through in a little bit more detail i've had some more questions since then and i needed to get some clarification on how various features worked before i put a video together because the last thing i wanted to do was to create content and do something wrong because i didn't understand it properly so i've created a video that's had approval i'm going to create my video which will have a different sort of slant on it so i think i've got an understanding of how it works now and some of the limitations that we have a better understanding i did to start off with at least so yeah it's it's worth taking a look at if you haven't already but it might be worthwhile waiting for some instructional information to come out to make working with it easier to get a better understanding of how it all goes together uh okay rob from humber web design i've held back waiting to see what you have to say about it that's very nice of you um i would say and i will be honest i think it's very very short on features right now because like i just said it is version 1.0 of this feature we need to let it mature a little bit but if you've got a use case for it then i think it's a great little extension it's a great add-on and i think jet engine as a package is since the last sort of since 2.3 i think came out to sort of the last three revisions they really really upped the game on what you can do with this we talked about this in the past i think jet engine whereas it was the sort of the poor relation to tools like acf and toolset and things like that i think it's definitely leveled up big time over the last six to eight months the last couple of iterations they've brought at the major revisions have had some really nice features in there and like i said when they brought those features out they've then streamlined them over different versions to make them even better adding little tweaks and they're listening to community and user feedback enhancing it and that's what i like to see it doesn't matter whether it's a one-man band or there's a thousand people involved in it if you have a community of people and you're getting feedback good and bad take that on board and develop your product listening to what people actually want not necessarily listen to what you think people want because they're totally different things i'm sure we've all seen that many times with different products that they go in a direction you think well do people really want to go that direction or would they really want that and they've kind of gone that way whereas the customers wanted to go that way so you know i think it's a good start and i like the way they work i like the fact that they listen to their community which for me is something that i think is incredibly invaluable okay so what do you say i'd love to see you doing a tech in regards to creating static sites from wordpress i mean anything in the pipeline in a non woocommerce site seems to way drastically improved speed um excuse me paul uh i do want to do a couple of different things i want to do a new series which is basically moving away from wordpress as the main thing because i think there's lots of other options out there wordpress has its purposes again we've talked about this on on previous live streams wordpress has its place but people do when you become accustomed to working with with wordpress try to do everything in wordpress and sometimes it's not the right solution so i want to do something that's like basically beyond wordpress and create content in that and also i mean gutenberg and gutenberg blocks is becoming more and more popular while i don't particularly like it that much i can see the benefits of using it in certain circumstances so yes there probably will be some content on that side of things moving forward because a lot of people are really concerned with the speed in which their site loads and operates for very good reasons so part of the reason why we're taking a look on the channel at you know sort of cdns and dealing with sort of optimization tools and things like that so these are all things that i'm taking on board they're all different things that i'm kind of listening to what people are saying what people want and trying to create content that answers those questions so to say yes it probably will be a case that i will look into those kinds of things in the future uh okay what do you say what else we got right in the head around croco they are a very interesting road but benefit a lot from using youth tutorials thank you very much joy that's very nice of you to say um look i i can't take credit the other day they created a product and i just tried to to demonstrate how to use it so i'm glad they paid up with me because they are genuinely nice people all the dealers i've had prior to working with them and doing them working with them they've always been there to answer my questions to be supportive to throw ideas back and forth so i can't criticize them in the slightest they've been great with me and that's all i can kind of say okay so the next thing i want to take a look at let me just go over to my next slide so i already kind of covered that let's take a look so custom content types what are they used for this is kind of where i'm going to go back to that current sort of limitation that they have you can't do things like create taxonomies and associate taxonomies with a custom content type there's no way of creating those taxonomies and tags and so on if you want to filter or set up sort of select lists and things like that so for example let's just say you were creating a client list and part of that client list is you wanted to be able to easily select from the company that they work for you'd have to create that as a select field you can't currently create that as a taxonomy and associate that with your custom content type that's one of the limitations that you have with it right now whether they'll be able to work around that in the future i don't know i'm hoping they will because i think when they if they can do that that will take custom content type to another level because then you suddenly start to look at replacing you know the requirement for the wordpress database so jet engine if it moved over to cct's instead of the way it currently works would make it incredibly powerful so i would love to see that in the future and i'm hoping that is the way it's going to go but i say right now i have no indication of whether that's possible viable or if they'll go down that route but the kinds of things you could use it for if you just consider simple lists that don't need to necessarily be categorized by taxonomies or tags then that's gonna be perfect so let's just take that example of a client list your client list could just have simple information like the name company profile image contact details those kinds of things and then you could create a select list that'll group things together what you lose then is the ability to have that list dynamically updated it has to be done via the dashboard of wordpress by an admin or whatever so there's a little downside there but this is why i say it's more geared towards more sort of simplified listings than it is towards more comprehensive and complex data structures like for example you know like a retail a real estate site or car sales site or something like that where you still want those traditional abilities to be able to use custom post types and all those kinds of things but knowing what the limitations are and how you can use it you can benefit like i say from the simplicity the speed and all those kinds of things so i think it has its use case it's just knowing when to use a cct and when to use a traditional custom post type meta fields and so on so that's that's kind of the way you have to look at it and i'll show you a demonstration in a little bit once you've gone through these areas i'll do a very very quick demo of how these things work so you can kind of get a flavor for it it's not gonna be a comprehensive demo i'm just gonna show you how you create them um and then you know give you an idea of how it all works and then you can see some of the limitations that are inherent with cct's as they are let's just jump back over now into the live chat and see what you guys are actually saying so dude it's good to see you here my friend great to see you as always okay so what we have uh let's have a little look now there's conversations about conversations going here so i'm trying to make sure that what i'm reading is actually not a reply to someone else's i think that would just get really confusing um let's have a little look paul if elementor gave us the option to enable only the widgets that we want to use on the site store as well as qr code players do you believe that this would possibly impact performance um denison carlos if you've been around um this live stream for any any period of time i think like the last one the one before i've talked about how i would love to have seen elemental being developed in a different fashion to worry it was developed in i would love to have seen elementor core which had the core functionality that needed to make it work you know actually layouts and all those kinds of things and then they use the api that they use with third-party plug-in developers to then plug in all the other things so i keep saying the lottie animations but those kinds of things you know things that not everybody uses not everybody needs because i think it was never developed that way i don't imagine they're going to go back and retrospectively change things to work in that way sadly i think the way that it's structured at the moment especially after seeing the way that version three didn't really go the launch didn't really go according to plan and i think a big part of that was because you know they had to they went back in and made dom changes to the core functionality core code made big changes to the underlying software that runs the elementor plug-in so i would love to have seen them go back and do something like this but i don't imagine they would because i think they're too far down the path now the way that everything is set up the way the whole thing works to make a a massive change to just the real fundamental way in which elemental works never say never and i would love to see it done like that because i think that would make a big impact upon improvement in speed because we wouldn't have to load everything in just to make it work you know so i don't see it happening unfortunately uh okay uh let's have a look uh hope to answer your question anyway um there isn't i think i don't say in your name right i do apologize um okay what else do we have okay have a look at that let's oh i used to use joomla but change the wordpress in elementor never could get on with that i don't know why uh very true don't think elemental can correct the huge issues oxygen is being considered from my end george see oxygen is being considered by a lot of people i think and um i can understand why i really can but i don't know again it's one of those things that to jump onto a completely new system which is even though it's on version three i think the first two versions were i don't think they were they were where they wanted to be so i don't know i can understand why people are jumping ship i don't know i really don't know what to suggest there i would say and i've said this in the last couple of live streams it's always good to look at the options it's always good to take a look at what other things are out there get a foundation in them and then if you come across a project that would be better using that solution to elementor and wordpress or wordpress and divi or you know whatever then use that you know as i always say it's not about the tools you use it's how you solve the problem for the client whether that's you whether it's a friend you know a paying client whatever it's the solution you provide is the more important thing than the technology that you actually use to provide that solution so anyway so we've like said we talked about oxygen and things in the last couple of live streams so i don't want to go over the same thing um time and time again you know just so we don't keep rehashing the same old same old uh any chance to showcase wp api and acf with vue.js uh i need to take a look at how all that kind of thing works and like i say i never say never but i've got to consider the fact that when i create content i have to create content that actually gets watched if i'm creating content for a very very tiny minority of people it's a lot of time investment to create content that doesn't really get noticed okay so now for some reason like i think this is uh this is definitely going to be one of those days where i have technical issues going forward so i think i'm just going to drink lots of beer and not worry when the camera cuts out as long as a microphone say we'll make it into a podcast how's that sound anyway george c i have a wp reset video had a hacked site creator staging using wp staging and subdirectory staging was nuclear reset and actually left the more files in webroot so big flow in the wp reset in my opinion i'm really sad to hear that it's sad to hear that you didn't have a great experience with wp reset at the end of the day i don't think any tool is going to be infallible there's always going to be different tools that will work in many situations and sometimes they don't so it's a shame to see that being the case so but against one of those things it's worth reaching out to the developers of wp reset because when i reached out to them prior to even knowing who i was they came back and they were very good very helpful nice people um ivan i think is one of the coders i've been in contact with ivan um so have a chat to them like i say if you had a problem just shoot yourself see they may not know but the problem if you can outline what happened they'd be able to find a solution and then you know if this ever happens again that solution is already implemented so i would always say you know if you come across a situation where something doesn't work in a plug-in theme whatever try to reach out to the developers if you can i found twitter to be probably the best way of doing it but reach out to them tell them the problem have a private discussion with them and see if they can find that solution you know all those kinds of things because that that's only the way that people are going to get a product and sort out issues that may arise is if you tell them about it and tell them what happened so you know let them know you had a problem george see if they can come back with a solution and see if you know the next time someone has a problem like that it's already been solved for them anyway uh duke yes it is good to see i finally got something to drink and i have a couple of beers right by there if the livestream runs longer like it usually does so i've got uh i've got a little stash to the side should we say what do i think of editor x uh i've only played about with it and we took a look at i think either the last live stream or the stream before that i think it's got potential to compete with the likes of webflow if there's enough of a take-up on it because i think there's such a difference between that and the normal wix editor which is really geared at you know the crazy simple kind of setup for people that have no technological know-how and this editor x is more for people that want to take on the web flow kind of thing and i think that's kind of what they probably go for they've seen the success of webflow and they're thinking they want to tap into some of that success using the wix name and having the technology that's behind them with editor x so i don't think it's a bad thing i like the way it works it looks great i don't know how it works for me or how good it performs from a speed and optimization point of view might be something i'll take a look at in the future because i do have a beta account and then i've tested another play about with it so it's got interesting things about it uh i'm drinking punk ipa porque no i'm drinking brewdog uh great beer i had a triple hazy jane last week nine point two ten a can i could say but you're a little hazy after that steve thank you very much for the super chat you're an absolute gentleman as always okay so what else do we have let's go on to the next thing i want to cover and then we'll come back and do a couple more questions before i'm too um squiffy to to be able to actually do anything okay so let's just jump over to this so we've kind of covered what the limitations are at the moment i still think this is being version one i think there's a long road ahead for this and i think if it's developed the right way if it's expanded to take on the things that you need to create more custom content types leveraging the power of custom database tables that could be something that's really really useful moving forward so we talked about the limitations what do i think is the future for custom content types well i'd like to think that the future is going to be what i'm saying which is it's going to have more facilities built into it more tools built into it so we can start to use it much more like we do when it comes to meta feels and with custom post types and those kinds of things if it goes down that route i think it's going to be an invaluable resource i think it's really going to take jet engine to another level again and take on something that becomes serious competition and the fact is working with gutenberg and good blocks and things like that means that that opens up even more possibilities for people that don't necessarily want to use uh you know elementor so gutenberg and how it all works i need to take a look at that because i'm not a big gutenberg fan i'm not a big gutenberg user but i still think i need to get my head around it and see how jet engine would work with it so we can take a look at if there's a viable way forward for people that don't want to rely upon elementor and if elementor goes in a different direction and breaks away from these things which means that the link between tools like jet engine and elementor get severed it would be good to know you could still carry on using these tools with something like you know the gutenberg blocks and so on very much like tool set is done you know they've taken that approach which i think you know is obviously working for them because they've got a great reputation but that's kind of where we are with the cct's um i'm gonna do the questions a second and then i'm gonna jump over and i'm just going to show you how we go about setting things up when it comes to cct so you can kind of get a feel for what how they work how you set them up and the basics of them so hopefully you'll enjoy that little demonstration i'll do a screen share so you can see exactly what i'm doing but once i've done a couple of uh a couple of answers to the questions if i can uh would i please suggest a dashboard plug-in for online workshops where students can log in and check their scores feedback and downloads etc as well as teachers can have their own dashboard thank you i think they you're probably going to be talking about an lms more than anything you know if you want to have scores and keep track of all that kind of stuff you're going to be looking at a learning management system an nms i mean you've got if you don't spend any money you've got was it learn press which isn't too bad that's not a bad um solution for free learn dash that's fairly expensive but has a fantastic um a fantastic name so if you want something that is going to be you know have a heritage have good support have all those kinds of things then learn dash might be the one to take a look at but there are lots of different sort of lms systems available i say lms is probably the way you're going to want to go to have those facilities rob from humber web design super chat you are an absolute gentleman and thank you very much for the beer there but they're nice and cold so i will be partaking in a few of those so thank you very much sir charlie bird could you please tell me what you would use to set up a hotel book inside it as i'm trying to do a scuba diving holiday site i'm not on the way to go multiple boat with different room types um i might be doing a video soon working with a company that's to do with book insider thing so let me try that out because it's not something that i'm really that strong in once i'm actually taking a look at that it might give me a better idea and then like say drop a comment if you're not a member of the facebook group a good way when you we have a chat like this and you want to sort of remind me about these questions or have those questions there for myself and for the members to interact with to give you feedback head over to wp tets dot co dot uk forward slash facebook join up leave your question there and either myself elves or one of the many fantastic people that are part of that group will help you out they're great so do that and let's go from there okay so what else do we have yeah paul i hear a lot about gutenberg i really wonder apart from being free why would somebody be using gutenberg instead of elementor pro good question speed is probably the first and most important thing how much of a difference it makes i haven't benchmarked it so i couldn't tell you for definite but obviously speed and future proof you know if wordpress decided on a whim not to say that they would do this would be a bit silly move but if they decided upon a whim that okay gutenberg is now going to be the only way you can deal with any kind of page building technology and all other page builders are kicked out of our system our ecosystem you're kind of bugging if you want to carry on working with wordpress if you've just invested all your time and your effort into you know elementor or divi or any of those kind of page builders and you don't know gutenberg or you can't quickly learn gutenberg you could be there having a big problem obviously old sites may not work any longer when you update them there's lots of reasons you know whether you like gutenberg or not unfortunately it is here to stay you know we've got to kind of come to terms with the fact that it is part of this ecosystem and we have no choice in the matter when they start to bring out phase i think there's four phases i think there are you know they've done the first phase which the blocks they're doing like headers and footers i understand templating systems and some other things so it is going to be something that becomes in wordpress the de facto way of building sites those kinds of things um yeah whether you like it or not i don't know i think it's a very personal view some people love it some people hate it i'm kind of leaning towards it just don't like it camp charlie bird thank you very much for your super chat again you're absolutely fantastic thank you for your support uh javier cooley i really hope i say that right how are you i'm fantastic would it be too much to talk about a tutorial about endpoints are we talking about um content points or we're talking about some other kind of endpoints tag me into your reply to that so i can see it because it'll come up and highlight you tag me into it and i'll i'll let you know then uh once i know what you're talking about a little bit better uh okay what else do we have we'll be interested to see a woocommerce tutorial with shipping alternatives store that has more than the basic shipping options and take weight into consideration for different countries matt brooke keep an eye out on the channel for next week because there's a video that will be coming that will probably be covering all those topics you just asked for and the nice thing is the plugin i'll be using is completely free so check that out you know if you're not already subscribed to the channel subscribe to the channel to be notified when the new video comes out and then take a look at that because i think you'll enjoy it okay what else do i take one more then i'm going to jump over and i'm going to show you a little bit about how the jet engine cct's actually work so let's have one more uh charlie burt i dropped a message on facebook good man thank you very much for doing that um okay what else do we have how about making a tutorial how to make an interactive website made for different kinds of people depending on the selection let me know in a little bit more detail what you mean by that probably the best place because it's difficult for me to sort of answer these really comprehensive questions on something like a live stream it's better if you put that into the facebook group like i said forward wptetz.com.ukforce facebook join up leave your question there and then if i don't answer it there's plenty of people that will drop you feedback fantastic little group but it gives me reason to go and research tools to see if i can find ways of creating that kind of content moving forward you know these are big topics a lot of the time with multi-facets build an entire site that has all these features involved in it it's not something i could realistically answer on a live stream to any real real depth anyway so if you drop that then then that would be awesome okay is it possible to change currency in wp engine wp engine uh i don't use wp engine so i don't really know i'm sorry okay so i'm gonna have a little drink and i'm gonna jump over onto my dashboard and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna show you a screen now this is a typical example of what you would potentially see using something like using cct's this is a really simple example and it's just basically a client list as you can see we've got the photograph we've got the name we've got the company they work for and we've got a little bit of a bio now this is a kind of perfect example of how you would use cct's so jump over the dashboard and we're going to do is we're going to come over into jet engine and the first thing you need to do is just hop into the jet engine settings and make sure the custom content type is selected to activate it hit save then you'll have that function available as you can see in the bottom corner of the jet engine setting go into there and i've got a couple of custom content types already created and i'll just show you how when you create one of these the options you have available and give you a sort of a really really sort of top-down overview of how this works without going into huge amounts of detail um i'm going to zoom into my screen a bit because probably this is not the largest for you to see so hopefully that will be a little better i mean that you can see what i'm doing a bit better okay so this is going to look very very familiar if you ever use any sort of jet engine uh post types matter boxes and those kinds of things first thing you have is the name so we're just going to call this we're going to call this books for the sake of it it's like automatically created and you'll see then that your db table name is automatically generated you get this first part which is predefined then it just tags on whatever the name and the slug you've given it it just tags that to the end of it so that's the database table that will be created once you add your content type in now the has single page i'm going to come back to that a little later just to tell you what that does because it's quite a big feature that and when you understand it you'll realize when you want to use it when you don't need to use it but it's good to know it's there okay menu icon well i think that's pretty self-explanatory let's see if we can find a book there we go we have a book from there and the menu position will just say that we want that to be in the first separator okay so nothing particularly complicated there it's all pretty self-explanatory and i'm sure if you've used jet engine acf or any tool like that these are all things that you used to your fields so this is where we will do exactly that we'll create our fields or not for some strange reason oh there we go i've just added a pile of fields ignore me it's definitely one of those days let's just get rid of these extra ones delete that yep delete that yep and delete that yep okay let's try that again so a new field so when we add a new field in you're going to have all the things you'd have normally it's your typical meta fields so we'll just call this author you can see it'll automatically fill out the name meta field type all the same options are there so we'll just leave that set to text that's perfectly fine description if you want to put a description in there so people know what this particular field is for you can do that you know i think i didn't need to go through all these things i think you're gonna be fairly well versed with these is it required yes we want to make that required and conditional logic if you want to apply conditional logic you can do there's various different uh ways you can apply conditional logic i'm not going to go into that because i think again this is something that these are working in exactly the same way as jet engines metro fields do so there's nothing new there write a new field in and we'll scroll down and we'll just add into this one so we're going to call this book title and again text everything's fine inside there we'll leave all those values as they are set required and we'll just do one more and we'll just set this to be something like book cover we're saying we're going to change that to be a media field be with me because i'm using the track pad and i hate using trackpad as they're awful the final final one we want to do inside there is going to be something like description i'm going to set that to be wysiwyg so you can style that and get a little bit more creative get off okay everything is set up inside there now you'll notice once you create these fields you also then get automatically created admin columns that match exactly the same thing so description book cover book title and author you can set these to be displayed in the admin section so when you're creating when you're adding content in there you normally start off with just the name and you may have the date it was created this just allows you to add in more information so we can say we want to drop in the author you can make it sortable if you want to if it's a numeric field you just trigger that to say it's numeric and that's that's it done book title we're not going to make that we're going to put that on there but we're not going to make it sortable but cover is going to be the image so we want to say yes you want that inside there and the description well obviously you wouldn't want to put the entire book description in there so that's how we create our cct so no real difference to what you've seen create in meta fields really you know it's very very similar and now you'll see we have books as a new section if we click to open that up we'll go in and you can see there's our different sections and we've got author book title book cover and actions so if you go in now and you can add any item you want inside there so we've got a custom looking layout all the different features all the different fields we wanted are all set up inside there now come back out though you'll see we've got export items a csv so this is really useful if we open that up you'll see we can do a couple of things we can choose the status or we can choose between any published and draft you can also punch in the order that you want to use so if you wanted to output this information in a specific order you could do just that so you can see all of your fields including some of those fields that are automatically created like the creation date modified date and so on they're all orderable and you can then set them to ascending or descending and you can also go through auto integer floating point timestamps and so on so depending upon the type of content if it's not auto isn't going to get it right you know exactly where it is you can drop that in there to choose and then you can sort of stack these on top of each other so you can add a second a third or fourth and so on let's just get rid of those you can also query these as well so again all those same fields are available to you so you can choose author for example is equal to and then you can drop in the name of the author that you want and again you've got the type at the end as well so you can make sure you're searching or querying against the right data type and again you can stack these on top of each other so once you've done that set up your order your status and your query you can output that as a csv file transfer that then import it to another site if you want to so for me this is great this is already all built in straight into the cct's itself so i really like the fact that that's there okay so that's how you create them now once you've created them if you want to output these you need to do the usual thing when it comes to jet engine and that's create a listing so what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you an example of once i've already set up and created so if i go into for example clients you can see there's the three clients i just showed you on the front end the demo and as you can see client name company you know all that's gonna say client image and so on so if we open one of these up and edit it you'll see it's laid out exactly as i showed you we've got a company which is a select field which is automatically punched in there you know all these things nothing to comprehensive inside there then you've got to go into jet engine create your listing and i'm sure you're all used to working with the loops the custom loops and so on you know listings whatever you want to call it's all the same thing if we edit that with elementor you'll see this is just going to give us that simple layout that we had on the front end which is this styling you know all being pulled in and then once you've done that you create a page and you just output that information so if i just come back out of this and we go back to our pages well yeah let's see gutenberg getting in the way as always we go to our pages actually i tell like if we go to templates and we go to theme builder you'll see that we've got oh i tell like be with me i've got half a dozen dogs barking outside they're just really distracting me at the moment go to all pages and we've got a client list and if we edit that with elementor we'll see inside there we've now got there's our list so it is just literally just a normal list it's part of you know what which is to do with jet engine so nothing nothing that's different there's all works exactly exact same way you pull the data in the same way all that's exactly the same so once you've set your cct up you can still pour your data in you can still create your listings you can create your listing pages you can output all that data there's no real difference there whatsoever the only difference is you pull data in from a slightly different um content type that's the only difference instead of being jet engine fields you'll see you have custom content type fields and you can pull your data from there so it's really straightforward really really easy once you've set that up the only thing that makes this a little bit different is if we come over to this test page again you'll see that i can't actually click on jane doe i can't click on john doe because there's no extra information available for them however i can for betty rubble and let me just show you how that all works let me just click and show you we've just got a detailed page this is just your typical single page right if we go back in to the dashboard when you come into your custom content types i'm going to go into my books again and when you're inside there if you come down and you select has single page you can click to open that up and this gives you three more options those three options are related post type and this just defines what kind of content you want to associate this with and the logical thing is going to be post because it wants to be treated very much like a custom post so we'll select post on there and then you'll see we've got title field and content field what this is asking you to do is effectively map your custom content type title field and content field to a default posts title and content field so all you need to do is just drop that down there and say your title field is going to be the book title and your content field is going to be your description that's it but once you do that and you update your content type when you add new content in now so we'll go back to my example of uh with it clients when you create a new client and we'll do just that now so we'll just add a new client and we'll just call her petty live stream we'll choose media and we'll just well it's going to be the same woman i guess it doesn't really matter too much and we're going to say that she works for google and she's got a description inside there it's not wrong but there you go so everything is done we just add that when we do that that adds it to the custom content type and also adds it to the default posts so if we go into all posts we'll see inside there we now have betty livestream if we open that up we've got the title and we've got the description because they were mapped to those particular fields we don't have anything like featured images and so on because that's not applicable to this but when you do this you can now create a single post template and output the data from your custom content types onto that page now i hope that makes sense because it's kind of this is the thing that really got my head messed up to start off with i'll be covering this in a lot more clarity in its own dedicated video next week because i know i'm kind of butchering what i'm trying to say here because doing it live is a little bit different to taking my time and structuring it but what this like i said what this allows you to do now is create a listing using the benefit of cct's which becomes filterable and searchable all inside the cct database but then it links it through to a custom post that then allows you to have more data or whatever you kind of want to do with it so you can use the listings the benefit of the speed you get from that and you also leverage the power of having its own custom template to display a single post page as well i hope that makes sense uh you know let me know in the comment section if that actually makes sense to you because i probably just butchered the explanation on that completely um yeah so does that kind of make sense does that kind of show you a little bit what it does you know let me know um and i'll take a little bit of time now and answer a couple of questions and good to see you pascal okay which font do you use for the content the text of the list did i do um pop-ins i think it is that's the one i tend to use at the moment uh okay do you think jet engine could be used to create peer-to-peer donation platform without having to use woocommerce or another third-party plugin plug-in um i don't know i'd have to look into how something like that would work to give you a more definitive answer uh i think additional logic tutorial would be great at some point unless i missed one again don't pascal you haven't the conditional logic you're right that would probably be quite useful i just need to find a use case that would allow me to demonstrate it you know in a sensible logical and cohesive fashion unlike what i've done in tonight's livestream trying to show you the cct's um okay alan jacobs wouldn't it be nice if the rest of jet engine worked like the cct auto admin fields and the wysiwyg field had lots more editing features yeah it would be pretty cool i said i i do like jet engine i've got to be honest i think it's got a real good future ahead of it as long as it can keep developing in the right way uh why do they make templates with a single cct i think it's to do with the limitations in the way things are set up right now i don't know the technical side of things um i think this is the reason that they kind of try to use the technology to stay the cct's and leverage the power of what you already have inside wordpress and what i spoke to andre which is the he's a ceo he was saying to me that even though you're kind of using cct's in his own table and you're using meta information in the normal database tables of wordpress using this method still reduces the amount of entries in the database so it still increases the speed of search and filtering and pulling up data like i said i don't know the technical side of things just yet and hopefully this is something as they kind of go through it and they expand upon it we'll find out more about the limitations find out more about how the way this all works but from my understanding right now is there's still speed benefits to using this way of doing it remember you only need to use that sort of detail page if you want to have a dedicated page for that information currently i would say ccts are more applicable to simpler listings that don't require another page associated with it so you have a really simple listing set up there's going to be a million one different use cases for this it's just where you don't really require hierarchical information to have a comprehensive structure of linking all the data together so i would say that's probably the better way of thinking about cct's right now okay okay have a good evening catch you tomorrow thank you very much for stopping by and we'll see you really soon uh okay once we have that's helped a lot cheers rob i'm glad this helped i really am glad this helped like i said i will be doing a more comprehensive tutorial on this probably next week i want to get my head around i want to find some better use cases for it i want to try and test it out with jet engine and jet search so we can take a look at combining all those tools together into a real world scenario so you can kind of get a better understanding of how it would work and when and why you would use it in different circumstances so keep an eye out next week is what i'm aiming to do so it's still fresh in people's minds so fingers crossed time permitting there'll be more content out on that uh okay richard wade just in time sir you are just in time just in time for a cold drink so where is my cold drink today okay um one solution hq what about child care england or child care centers what would be the best route for child care ins and out child activities with the teachers administration handed documentation jet engine plugins solutions again i think that's that's that's a big big question and i think you'll be better off posting something like that over on the facebook group so you know we can take a look at that maybe sort of have a look at what solutions would be a good idea we could have a conversation back and forth just unfortunately live stream is not a great platform for for covering something as comprehensive and complex as a topic like that would would need okay steve pro i know you're not a footy fan paul but whales v england tonight ah well yeah the ball is the wrong shape and they all run around a little bit girly for my liking give me rugby any day um jamie sheehan ccts are great and better for db load but they need something to migrate i mean everything in their own table is always going to be faster yeah exactly i think that's what they're kind of aiming for they're looking at how do they speed up you know one of the biggest criticisms with tools like jet engine with elementor on top of a tool like like um wordpress is speed you know you are wordpress was never ever built to be a content management system it's built as a blogging platform it's just because it's an open architecture and people have adopted it and and expanded what can be done with it and and pushed it in directions you were never meant to go in i think much the same as we talked about with elementor it was never built from the ground up to do some of these things so now it's kind of going into that it's suffering from those limitations and i think you know that's part of the problem we have here and why people are looking at things like web flow and you know even tools like oxygen which dumps off things like the themes and stuff like that you know there are reasons why people are looking at alternatives and speed is generally one of the biggest and most important aspects throughout all of these kinds of things so just always bear that in mind that you know these were never meant to do a lot of these different things that they're kind of doing now okay uh yeah thank you very much one solution hq yeah the facebook group is the best place to drop these if you've got a question that's really quite comprehensive please just head over to the facebook group and again i'll say it and i keep reiterating it it's just wptetz.com.uk forward slash facebook couldn't think of it then uh sign up completely free become part of the community get involved ask your questions dave because there's a fantastic community of people that have tons of knowledge beyond what i have and they're great they help as much as they can so please do get involved in that charlie bird rugby all the way thank you very much you're on my wavelength okay what else do we have jimmy sheen right now in a normal table uh it has to search with absolutely everything else we said with almost 2000 posts with no method to migrate them into cctv without writing sql yeah i can't imagine it's going to be the easiest thing and maybe you know again it's one of those things that hopefully maybe in the future you know um croco block will look at some way of creating an import and export tool to pull data from something like you know from acf or something to put the data into cct's well it's just kind of expanded upon to make it a little bit more feature-rich than what it currently is but i think it's got a good feature i think it's interesting i think it's definitely doing something that a lot of other plug-ins are not even looking at right now so i'm excited to see where it goes giannis uh juan gabrielle delgado delgado hi from argentina good evening to you or good afternoon or good morning or whatever the time is thank you very much for popping by uh okay what do we have for cct you created when you added the company name you had to choose one of the three choices is there a way to add new data on the fly anthony t no that's one of the limitations that's what i'm saying is at the moment we can't use we can't leverage the power of things like taxonomies so we can have a dedicated section on the front end maybe that allows you to easily input that data the way it works at the moment it still has to be done through the back end um that's the only way it can be done at the moment and add it into the actual cct itself so hopefully this is one of those areas that will grow will expand will go beyond where it currently is and take it into you know where we want it to be when it takes over from the current way things are working where we are reliant upon the database for wordpress itself because i think when they said to me before i don't know if i said this earlier on for every single entry that goes into the database in wordpress there's roughly 10 different entries inserted into the database through two different tables which is insane because you think if you've got ten entries just for a thousand plus that's ten thousand different entries for a thousand posts that have to be searched and filtered against as opposed to a thousand so you know the overhead is crazy just absolutely crazy okay uh okay uh what we've got janice i tend to switch from acf to jet engine what i've found is that you have full videos about acf but not a really full video on how to use jet engine are you planning something like that there's a deep dive tutorial that will be in the pipeline um the the contract that i kind of had with croco block was six video tutorials and the sixth one is on cct's and one deep dive video so the deep dives still get to be done i don't know what i'm going to do it on yet we need to have a discussion about that i'd like to say and hopefully your fingers crossed and touch wood and all those kinds of things they'll be happy with the way things have gone in the first batch and they'll want to continue working with me for another batch of six videos and you know a rolling kind of thing you know hopefully that's the way it'll go but yes there will be a deep dive and i'm still working on some ideas of some more comprehensive tutorials i want to do a revisit the front-end dashboard using jet engine so that is on the card so i'm hoping to do something like that in the next few weeks because i think it's matured a little bit more now it's just getting the time to do all these things alongside client work alongside research alongside testing plugins and all those kinds of things so i think as i said before the deep dives tend to take probably a couple of weeks to go through ideation testing looking for solutions bug fixing solving problems talking to the different software companies if i need something be then sort of building the design then testing everything out make sure it all works and that's what i want to do then dissecting it all to put into a breakdown of how to do it and then i've got to create another new site and then i've got to go through it and record every single step and then go through the editing process and so on so they are enjoyable to do but they're also huge uh investments of time to create them so please do understand that the deep dives is something i love doing i just need to have the time and the inspiration to create content that i think is worth me creating for you there's no point in me creating something half-assed you know it has to be done properly it has to be tested it has to be something that i think will add value to people that are looking to expand their skill set and learn new technology new techniques and so on so that's that's that's the reasoning behind why they take longer than normal video so jet engine stuff is on the cards and will be coming alongside you know jet search jet smart filters and so on all those kinds of things so yeah okay anthony t thank you for explaining that no problem at all i hope it made sense uh okay paul what was the plugin mentioned a while ago about cleaning databases that's a good question um i can't remember off the top of my head i've got going upstairs i've got bookmarked i think uh let me show you another tab so i don't think i've got a book bunked down here i think i'm going upstairs it's something like uh dash dashboard clean or something that's called database cleaner db cleaner something like that it's it's a popular plug-in it's something that just do a search for uh cleaner and see what that comes back with i'm sure there'll be something in there jamie sheehan hello from vancouver by the way rugby all the way they have paid 100th of the sum sit on the bench arsenal players and more physical absolutely you know i'm not going to go into sports too much because rugby is the only game they enjoy other than touring cars um but yeah i do think that rugby is a proper physical sport where you don't have people falling over because a ball went past them 10 foot away and they felt a breeze of air or maybe you know a blade of grass touched their ankle and they fall over in absolute agony we'll see any more uh okay yes i think wp optimize is another one uh advanced database cleaner pro that could be one there's lots and lots and lots of things uh that'll do that kind of job derek how is the course paid course coming along you were talking about a slower than i would like but i've got the complete outline for the first module um i've got the script inside of things i've got to finish up and i'm aiming to try to get that first module recorded and edited and all the complementary material that'll go with it um i'm hoping within the next month and they get the first piece out there the first first part out there and i can kind of gauge interest on it and see where we go from there so it is on the cards it's just with lockdown with three to five videos a week with client work everything else it's just time is not something i've got too much of unfortunately okay uh jet engine question does it integrate with woocommerce so i can create a client portal where customers can order services from their dashboard i don't believe it does at the moment um if you want some kind of integration like that i would take a look at something along the lines of um acf front end pro that's got some integration with woocommerce but i don't know if it's the integration you were looking for but i don't believe that jet engine has any integration yet with luke holmes to make it to what you were looking for unfortunately uh rugby and f1 only two sports i'll wake up at 4 am to watch 4 am yeah i don't want that i'm using jet engine and have created clients that own sites that have site reports attached to them weekly which that could have a worker to create a relationship for the logged in users to be attached to the client and therefore only have access to sites site reports that are permitted um tickle if you use a jet engine take a look at the permissions option because there's they released i think a jet engine 2.4 i think it was they've released all the conditions and things inside there so maybe take a look at the conditions and see if there's something in the conditions feature that will allow you to to do what you're looking for that's what i would suggest first of all to see how you can sort of filter it out to limit it to only the person that's logged in the other way you can do it is if you take a look at advanced queries for elementor which is a free plug-in which i used in my custom dashboard will also be in in tomorrow's video which is on creating a custom dashboard with elementor for free you need elementor pro so don't don't shoot me on that one but all the other plugins are free that will allow you to filter information based upon the currently logged in user and author so that might be something you want to take a look at and there's also different relationship things there so that's um sorry that's advanced relations i think it's from advanced relations advanced conditions for elemental have a look again if you don't don't find it just hit me up on the facebook group remind me and i'll give you a link to it it's a great little little plugin um okay what else do we have is there a way to migrate all content only post types elementor templates etc from a hacked site to a new site with all pre-installed freshly installed plugins on target site uh no problem jump works um not that i'm aware of if you've got a hacked site it's going to be a difficult one because you don't know what's been hacked if they've gone in and done anything to the template files they've gone into the code in there you could have yourself a problem one of the easiest ways to have a site where you've got all your different plugins installed into wordpress all that kind of thing is wp reset has the option to create sort of lists and then you can just have that you can just click it install all those things if you've got paid for plugins you can put your license code in there and it'll automatically install them license them register and do all those kinds of things that would be a good starting point to at least cut down the process of you know setting up wordpress install all your plugins all those kinds of things templates you can dump all the templates out of elementor as one file then upload them to your new site as one json file and it'll unpack them into your templates folder as individual templates so you could do that content that's a difficult one because again like i say it all depends what's been what's been hacked what's been compromised um you know there are tools out there that allow you to dump all that out i think you can just do a normal uh wordpress export if you look at the import export tools you should have the option in there to export and you can choose what date you want to export and i believe any sort of custom post types any kind of custom data and all those kinds of things are also selectable so there are a couple of options to take a look at but you know it's one of those things that it's not an easy thing to rectify after a hack because you don't know what's been compromised okay what do we have yeah that's right anthony t you can export using the native wordpress explorer exporter okay so what else do we have okay so one thing i want to go through finally is because templar seven and i know these these one hour long live streams always seem to last longer than one hour and this is no exception if anybody has seen the video i released probably about eight to ten months ago now it's very very popular video on the channel which was about creating a custom front-end dashboard for your users to keep them out of the dashboard the normal wordpress dashboard that used mostly paid for plugins so lots of people complain about the cost of different plugins to do different things and while i'm obviously the sort of mindset that if you want the right tools to do the right job properly sometimes that costs money and you have to invest in those tools to get a good end result and also to get the support moving forward you know people are developing things for free is there really an incentive to keep developing them if they're making no money out of it so with that in mind anyway i created a video which i just have to finish the editing that which will go live tomorrow evening which is how to do a very similar thing but in a more stripped way so if you create a site for a client and you just want to give them access to be able to upload their own kind of content to posts but you don't want them to have access to the dashboard this could be a great way of doing it and apart from elementor pro everything else is absolutely free all great tools and i show you exactly how to build the entire thing to restricting access to various different sections to create your logouts creating all the different pages creating everything linking everything up doing the entire job so that will be out tomorrow so i hope this is going to be something that you'll find interesting and now we get an ice cream van coming around at seven o'clock in the evening so excuse the ice cream outside folks um if anybody wants an ice cream it does very nice sherbet ice creams that's all i'm going to say yeah so hopefully it'll be one of those things that would be interesting even if you don't want to create a front-end dashboard it'll still be something that'll show you how these tools work how you can combine tools because i think this is one of those things that a lot of people don't necessarily look at is how you can take different tools combine them together and come up with some amazing results this the dashboard video they did originally i've blown away i actually had ben pines and verdi over from elementor asked me could they have the login details to find out how i built the entire thing because they wanted to see how it was done because they loved it so that's a pretty good endorsement and i think currently you're sitting around 50 000 views which is pretty cool for something as quite as comprehensive as that and also quite as niche as that you know lots of people just like to have a plug-in that you can just install it it'll do the job for you and that's all they they want to do and that's great there's nothing wrong with that but i like to see how these things work and be able to tinker and do my own kind of thing so yeah hopefully you'll enjoy that tomorrow i'm really looking forward to putting that one out there anyway i'm gonna stop talking now if anybody's got any questions let's just take 10 minutes where you can just basically ask me questions and i will do my best to answer them i'm going to open up a fresh beer and i will do my best to answer the questions you have so please do ask away and excuse the can open what hacks have you most tank what what hacks save you the most time creating youtube tutorials um getting quicker at editing and not being so picky there was one thing that was said well i can't remember who said it but they said it quite a while ago and it was one of those things that's always stuck with me because i'm one of those people i'm a perfectionist i don't like things going out that are not the way i want to be but there's a comment that was said and it was better done than perfect and i've never heard a better analogy for for creating content on youtube and things than that because you can get so bogged down in the most pointless little transition or you know something something that's really not going to make any difference and never put the tutorial out you know it's one of those things so i kind of go by that mantra better than done than perfect so one of my biggest hacks is doing that the other one is a piece of software that i've got from red giant and when you record can i record my audio and my video separately i record a scratch track on my camera in front of me but i then got a dedicated recorder a shotgun microphone above me which failed me tonight um so i record that because i give you better audio then what i do is i sync those up in post and that's fine if you have just two files but if you have a multiple cameras or you have multiple different streams then i can just dump all those into this program hit synchronize and it'll synchronize all those for me and then i can output that as an xml file and i can just open that up directly inside uh premiere pro pull the xml file in and it'll pull that in with all of my audio replaced everything time synced everything sequenced and then i can just chop up the bits that i want out of that and then angles of the the color correcting process and all those kinds of things so for me that's probably one of my biggest biggest um time savers i can't get the neighbor um i can't think of the names of the top of my head but it's a great great little bit of software um wasn't cheap but thankfully red giant have a sale once a year so i picked it up i think for about fifty percent off and it was worth every penny okay what else we have um challenging question front-end submission forms using jet engine for other custom post types is this possible do you mean i think this is and that's your question do you mean is it possible as in other data as in put it into things like acf um if if that's what you mean i haven't tried it but theoretically it should be possible i mean jet engine does link up to acf in a lot of cases but not all cases and there's some some things are lost in that translation so excuse me i've never actually tried it but i don't know that's that's the honest answer if it's something you really want to know about let me know on the facebook group and i'll take a little look at it i'll run a quick test and see if those options are available okay uh when is your next chat got the notification at 11am jamie my next chat do you mean my next livestream if you talk about my next livestream it's two weeks today which will be what will that be that will be two weeks today will be the 22nd of october at 6 00 p.m and that's going to be british summer time for now so it'll be british time anyway to check out the uk time uh yeah so it's every two weeks and it's at six pm on the thursday every two weeks hope that answers your question uh okay what we got thank you for your time great as usual thank you very much for taking the time to join in pascal it's always very much appreciated uh hi reza from indonesia good to see you here okay what are we going let me just scroll up a little bit because we've got lots of things going on jump works investors support plug-in creators absolutely um charlie bird look forward to watching tomorrow i hope you'd enjoy it if it's something that will help you out and maybe show you a couple of different plugins because that's not another nice thing is even if you don't want to do what i'm doing in the in the tutorial if it just gives you a sort of insight into some new plugins that open up some opportunities that maybe even fill a gap that you'd be looking for or replace a solution that wasn't doing what you wanted to do then the video for me was worth creating because it's not always about the exact topic that i'm covering all the time it can be more to do with the methods that i use to do something the tools that i use to do something the way i combine different things together i i love doing that it opens my my eyes it gives me creativity to create things that i wouldn't necessarily have thought of so i would always recommend that if you have different plugins just look for ways you can use them together because that's where a lot of the fun is and then when you your next client comes along or in six months a client comes along and says could you do this for me and this just happens to be something you played with and you go actually yes i can and i can do it better than you wanted because i know exactly what needs to be done and i've already done it this is something that i know stood me in good stead over the years is that i've experimented with different things and then when a client comes out of the blue and says something and i'm like i remember doing exactly that with these tools and it worked really really well and then you've got the job and you're doing something that you know how to do as opposed to going in blind and thinking where do i start looking for these tools to create this particular solution to this client's problem so always have a little experiment you know when you see tools out there try them out watch the videos experiment with them throw them against the wall see what sticks that's what i would always say okay uh okay what do we have thank you paul i have successful online business because of you and wp test cheers bro well rob that's incredibly nice to hear i don't say that it's anything to do with me i think it's more to do with you taking the time to work with clients and building your business but it's nice to think that you you i've played any kind of small part in anything that's helping you create a business make money and you know change your direction in life whatever it is that's something i kind of found really crazy this is going to go off into a complete tangent i've had several different emails and messages and comments and things and i remember watching a video i think as video creators and one other thing that that tim schmoyer says on there is create videos that change people's lives and i always thought what a very grand thing to say and how are you changing people's lives you know unless you're doing something you're a psychologist you're a financial advisor or something how are you changing people's lives but then i've had emails off people saying that through the videos and things that we've put together put together and put out there that it's given them the confidence the skills the ability to go and create a web design business and now they've running their own business they're successful they're making more money than they ever thought of they've moved to a nicer area they moved to a different country they've changed their family's life and i'm like this there's a tear in my eye from this kind of thing because i never thought we'd sat in a a room in a house creating a video talking to a camera that's probably makes people looking from the outside thinking what is that guy doing with a big light on and talk into it something that it would make any difference to people so i'm really really over the moon and really humbled by the fact that anything that i've ever put together has helped anybody change anything about their life so if that is the case i'm over the moon that that i've had a tiny part in it but take no misunderstanding that the reason that you've become successful in doing this thing is because the hours of dedication that you put in not because of what i put out there but thank you very much for saying that anyway rob okay i'm an inspiration i would never say that an inspiration while drinking a beer duke i think you underestimate yourself paul um i don't think it's underestimate i think it's just it's very difficult when you're you know people say that you are influencer and you're this that and the other the different sort of terminologies around people that create content on something like youtube but for people like myself the reality of it is i'm sat in a room that's an absolute mess you know drinking beer talking to a camera screen and interacting with people all around the world which i absolutely love it just seems kind of surreal that you would have any kind of impact upon anybody's life doing something i guess i mean for me and i think i said this in the last livestream of the one before this is just passion for me i just love creating things you know i love learning new technology i love learning new software i've got a real passion for it so creating the content was never about creating a business around it or any other kind of even though that is kind of what's happening it was always just about i found something that i thought was really cool and i wanted to share it with other people that might find it cool and that was all it ever was intended to be so to the fact that we created this community which you know is 99 down to you for being part of it you know and i'm a tiny tiny portion of all that i love it i think this community is amazing i say the facebook group these sort of bi-weekly uh live streams i absolutely love it i love seeing the same names new faces it's just amazing so i really do i'm really humbled by you you guys being part of it you're part of the journey for me it's amazing anyway i've rambled way too long i'm going to drink another beer and ask a couple of questions and then we're going to call it tonight okay what else do we have uh charlie bird i've been helping so many people in these crazy times it is very crazy times and i think i think this is the thing and there was um if you've ever read a book called the youpreneur again i'm useless with names today they're the author english author living in america and he's big on you know becoming a brand you know you were the brand you become a you printer as a poster an entrepreneur and all those kinds of things and he posted up the other day saying what's the thing you're most thankful for about your business or what's the thing you think is the best about your business and the thing i put up on there was that it was my ability to have the the ability to pivot my business so quickly when this health situation struck and i think you can ever never underestimate how important it is to have control in your own business if you are doing this on a freelance basis or your small agency you know whatever you are keeping things small and simple can be such a godsend because none of us saw this kind of situation come in happening to the world happening to to businesses and people and individuals and all the the terrible things that are happening but if you're in a business which is you know like the titanic slow as anything to try to maneuver when things like this happen you've got such a big chance of sinking whereas if you are small and light and you can pivot very quickly you can react to situations like this and you can look up for opportunities and you can act on those opportunities and i think that's massively important and really underestimated when it comes to to business i have no idea i got this topic now i've completely lost my my train of thought but anyway thank you very much for the amazingly kind words thank you very much for being part of this journey and let's say long may it continue when we we keep building the community we keep helping and supporting each other it's amazing okay let's go back and ask a couple of questions and we will then call it a night so we could all go and have a bite to eat a drink whatever you need to do on a thursday afternoon evening day whatever it is let me just go back lee i work at an agency do you think now is a good time to freelance oh that's a difficult question i think everybody would have to answer this question themselves i don't think i could answer it for you i think freelancing gives you the control there's positives and negatives to all things if you work for an agency and they are paying you a retainer fee then if you're not working it's not making a massive difference to you you know i mean it's boring but you're getting paid as a freelancer you don't have that luxury if there's no work there's no money the flip side of it is that when you go for an agency you're at the whim of what they decide to do when they decide to do it and how quickly they decide to do it you on the other hand as a freelancer if you see an opportunity that's slightly left field from what your main business is and you think well i can do that i've already done it you can jump on and do it you can make money from it that is where the beauty of freelancing comes into things you know never underestimate the ability to be able to pivot to new opportunities when they arise they might be an opportunity to last for one time you might have an opportunity to make let's just say a thousand pounds thousand dollars whatever and it's a job that takes you however long and you think i can do it you can take the opportunity you can make the money you can move on to the next thing you can take the next opportunity you can do all those different things you can't do that when you work for someone else you can't really do that when you're doing an agency you can obviously sideline you can do some side hustles if you want to but i can't say yes there's a good time to set to go freelancing tough times out there at the moment but also with tough times come opportunities you know so it all comes down to where you are in the world what opportunities you think you can tap into and how you could maximize those opportunities for me i moved into freelancing nearly four years ago and for me it was the best thing that i ever did even though prior to that i spent 11 years in my own business as a partner in a business moving over to become my own my own freelance boss control of everything was daunting terrifying but the best thing i ever did is this absolutely changed my life in the last four years so take that for what it's worth and you know look at your situation look at what you think is viable moving forward your skill set the area you live how you could tap into things what opportunities you could take and decide from there but don't just jump into it for the sake of of thinking i want to do freelancing as opposed to being an agency user uh worker hope that helps anyway okay uh how have i found a crm bridge plugger that will take data from native elementor forms of feed to infusionsoft for example no i don't really use crms i don't really deal with that many clients to have the real need for crm and with the gdpr it just it's just another headache to deal with and what i just stay away from if i'm honest steve where we go with see what you can with wordpress sites being vulnerable and solutions such as static sites maybe via fast cj i'm assuming that's probably something that's a different conversation going on so i'm lost a little bit there okay what do we have steve you're too modest paul your passion in your content is for all to see thanks for all you do thank you very much it's glad it's great to hear that you know i'm trying not to keep reinventing the wheel that lots of other people are doing you know there's times where i've got to do that because i want to create a natural progression of content but i try to sort of do chris tucker that's it i try to do um i try to just do different things i try not to be doing the same as everybody else is doing in in wordpress land you know that's my kind of selling point that's my usp sorry uh yes it was it's chris decker that's right job works you are absolutely right you're pretty new by chris tucker a good book if you haven't read it if you are someone that is a freelancer so you know you sort of you have your own business you want to have a social media presence all those kinds of things take a look at it it's actually a really good book um it might give you some ideas in how you can brand and market yourself as opposed to branding and marketing a company there's a big difference in it and people's perceptions of company and individuals has changed a lot over the last couple of years so it's worth taking a look at i would pick a copy up and have a little look okay what else we have we are collapsing the important thing is to sponsor an animal financially i have no idea what that's even talking about so terraform okay uh giannis i get asked a lot about the ability to have tokens when using jet forms in order to restrict from form submissions are you familiar with something like that i haven't really used the form side of things object of like i said jet engine the jet engine engine um i always find it a little bit clunky they start they've added in some new features to do with copying and duplicating fields to make the whole process a little quicker so when i go back and take a look at creating the front end dashboard part of that will be obviously i'll be using the forms and i'll have a better understanding of it so i haven't i can't say yes i have at the moment but i am going back to take another look at that side of things so hopefully it that'll give me the opportunity to look into the tokens and some of the things you can do there so as always janice drop right by the facebook group pop your question in there because they say if i can't answer it there's lots of really good people that have been using these tools probably in more um use cases than i have i'm able to give you better feedback than i can but hop on over there and get involved okay what else do you have uh lee thanks for the good advice my pleasure miguel hula from mexico just opened my computer and see over live streaming again nice you need to be earlier next time bookmark six six pm thursday the point is it was the 24th 6 p.m british summer time so i don't know what time that would be in mexico bookmark that and get involved any news about e editions uh lillian the simple fact of the matter is there's there was there was a description the reason i got taken down is to do with a disagreement between dynamic content for elementor and e-add-ons because i work with dynamic content for elementor i'm staying away from the e-add-on side of things i'm not using it not creating content on it or anything else like that i have no problem with people talking about on the facebook group or anything else feel free to talk about as much as you want else is quite happy to talk about it and test and help people out and things but from my point of view from a professional perspective i'm staying away from that because i have a we're going to say i have an obligation to dynamic content for elementor and the developers and the owners of that company so i don't want to get involved in any kind of drama or anything to do with that so that's my answer to that lilia so i hope that that answers your question steve pro yes that's the one the rise of the youpreneur uh miguel noted good man good to hear no problem lydia and i hope that helped okay so we'll do two or three more questions if anybody's got any more questions to me and ask away let's just do a and ask me anything for the next 10 minutes so i can drink a few more beers and i'll answer questions as much as i can at least and then we can we can call it a night i keep saying that and i keep drinking beer and keep talking okay so here's a question for you guys i mean how many people out there that are left in the chat are freelancers or agency workers or actually web designers by trade making a living out of that right now let me know in the chat and also let me know how have you found the last six months with what's going on in the world the last six to eight months have you found you've had positives out of it have you found it took a massive impact upon your business let me know because this is something that i think i'd love to know about what you guys do what impacts you've had from it have you found opportunities you didn't see you've taken on board have you found that your business just went flatline overnight let me know okay do you have more croco block tasks for jet booking on the agenda by the way drinking beer is good joe drinking beer is always good um jet booking not so much so because my agreement with croco block was always to create content around the uh so the dynamic content jet engine you know just smart filters jet search and so on that's my strength that's that's what i'm interested in things like jet booking and so on i created one video and it's a great plugin i know you can link it through the dynamic content and maybe i'll take a look at doing some kind of front-end form link through to you know a book inside of things but at this point in time i don't really have any plans to to dig into jetbooking in any real depth to be honest i said unless they come back to me and say they want me to create content on a specific purpose to do with that but no real plans at the moment so sorry i'm to say but not really uh what else we have charlie bird it's always a real video stream when your host is drinking happy days well you know at the end of the day we're all adults and i think we should have a we should relax have a little bit of down time have a couple of beers i don't think it's it's gonna hurt it's always good okay fat tags in-house seo manager making a sweet living that's good to hear that really is good to hear i mean you know it has been a tough time for a lot of people out there a lot of industries i know for me where i live it's not a particularly big place and when we went into lockdown which we are back in lockdown in in my county again as well um when we went into lockdown it basically my web design business flatlined straight away overnight that disappeared so that's the reason why i kind of hopped into youtube doing at the time five videos a week and now i sort of hover between three and five a week because i thought well i'm gonna double down on youtube i'm gonna double down all the things i can do with that and focus on helping people up their skill set learn new skills hopefully make new opportunities for themselves to make some money and all those kinds of things so that's what i did this is the kind of point i said trying to make about how it's great that you can pivot so quickly when you are a freelancer when you you're in charge of your own destiny that's what i did i pivoted from my web design business to focusing on youtube pretty much full time that just meant that i'd be able to create more content look at more opportunities i know my sort of like my website business is starting to come back up to where it was but in all honesty i'm happy with that being twenty percent of my work and youtube taking eighty percent of my work this is where my passion is so that's that's the way i'm looking but great to hear about eggs and i'm sure i'm gonna say that about bat tags that you are doing well it's really good to hear rob freelance and working hard absolutely awesome rob i love hearing those kinds of stories it's amazing to know that there are people out there that are grasping opportunities working your butt off to create a business moving forward and when things come out the other side and people's businesses start to pick up people like you are going to benefit from it because you're making a business and making a name for yourself in a tough time and when things get better you'll reap the rewards so good man okay uh what else do we have i started just a few months ago creating websites and now i'm creating my digital agency doing websites social media management and e-commerce consultancy that's vladimir absolutely awesome really good to hear i say i love hearing about people that are getting out there and grasping opportunities taking the ball by the horns making money for themselves making a business making a name for themselves these are the things that that are amazing you know this is it's a tough time out there if you can do it in a tough time believe me when things get better you can flourish absolutely flourish so wonderful it's really really good to hear uh okay steve pro just starting out in this world of freelance well i can only say good thing sir i mean all all the best wishes in the world to help make this a reality for you you know as always let me know how you're getting on with that journey any hurdles if you come across something and you think okay i really don't know what to do with that you know it's difficult when you're doing things like you're juggling not only building websites but dealing with accounts dealing with um accountants dealing with contracts dealing with you know sort of um proposals dealing with all those kind of things as well as client management all those kinds of things that you have to do on a day-to-day basis those things are not easy when you're not used to them i mean i had to learn all of those things and it was daunting but i've been doing it for five years so that's really cool so steve if you ever get stuck on anything let me know if i can help out with any of those things or if i can create some content that will help you out with your freelance business let me know and i will be happy to help if i can where i can michael wright reebia on my second old speckled hen since i was 6 p.m start old speckled hen oh that's hardcore but i work in drug and alcohol treatment center in florida so we are super busy at the moment i can imagine you probably are yeah okay miguel i would love to ask you if i can modify the way my directories work and i created the site we started to upload the vendor's information by ourselves but now we want the users to manage their listings take a look at my front-end user dashboard um tutorial because that will give you a good idea of how you could create something that you could then let your users log in and manage their own contents their own listings and so on might take a little bit of modification but the fundamentals are there the tools are not particularly expensive and you could create something like that probably in the best part of half a day and have everything tested up and running so check out that one for the front end dashboard for your clients i think is called just do a search for front end dashboard and my video comes up one of the top videos if not the top video on it so check that out uh why does lockdown kill web design surely it would promote prompt more people to move to online to be honest i think for me i haven't really moved into freelance since i started doing more youtube side of things i've not really been too bothered about pushing my business i work with i think i've probably got about 70 clients somewhere around that kind of figure um and i still work with some of those clients they have maintenance and ongoing sort of content contracts and things like that so i just work with them and i'm quite happy with that and now youtube and working with companies i mean i create white label content for different companies oh we're covering all of the world to be honest to do with creating content excuse me this is gassy beer so i kind of moved over to doing that side of things whereas i suppose if i'd really been proactive and i contacted different clients contacted different businesses i probably could have drummed up more than enough business i just didn't really i didn't really have the incentive to do it because my passion was more for this and i didn't really need to go chasing that business you know when this all kind of hit um you know that's an enviable position that i put put myself in by spending i think the best part of six years now doing youtube um and just building relationships up building you know contacts up building my portfolio of videos up creating content for other people and things like that so i think i've been being quite lucky uh okay do you see yourself as a procrastinator hmm let me think about that uh not really no i'm pretty much one of those people that if i see an opportunity and i get excited about it which i do very very easily um i'm a little bit ocd i will hyper focus on things and i will just keep on i'll get blink of vision and i just get stuck into it that's kind of what i'm like so procrastinator not much no i'm probably the opposite i'm probably a little bit too gung-ho in most things so i would say that's probably one of my my traits um okay let's have a little look um i am one of those who are entirely relying on building sites and offering online marketing solutions for clients look i will i will say when it comes to working with clients in any capacity doesn't matter what you're doing there's one thing that will always set you apart from the other ones that are out there and that is offering an amazing service it doesn't matter how good you are how knowledgeable you are as long as you provide a solution and as long as you are really really helpful you can set yourself apart from so many other businesses doing the same thing freelancers agencies you know whatever you want it's about adding value to the clients about solving their problems by making their lives easier if you can set yourself up with being someone like that people will tell other people you know you've got someone that will build a website anybody anybody can learn a tool like elementor and anybody can use templates and build sites it's not complicated you know some good some mediocre some terrible but the the tools are not as complicated as they used to be it's not about building the website it's about building the confidence building the relationship supporting your client your customer whatever you want to call them and giving them real sense of safety and the knowledge that they they trust you if you can build up trust in your ability take my word for it that is worth so much i've got clients that they'll follow me and go paul i want so and so so and so yeah that's no problem at all what kind of ideas have you got i'm like oh look i trust you you just get on with it we know we know that you'll do a good job i gotta know no qualms in that get on with it just tell me i owe you that because they've got confidence in you they trust you there's no longer that caller when paul how much is so-and-so going to cost me cost is the last thing they care about because they know a you're not going to rip them off because you've got they've got that trust in you b they know you've got the skills to do the job and see they just know that they want something they've got a problem you can provide a solution and they just want you to do it that's when you're in a good position so try to build that relationship with your clients because that is going to be something that is worth way more than advertising facebook ads and all those kinds of things to get work you can have two or three clients that in a year or two can spread the word and you're going to have a lovely little client database that you work with on a regular basis i hope that kind of helps anyway fat jay good to see you here i posted a great new plugin i found in your group for making login pages even email verification really great thank you very much i'm always looking for nice login options and i've got something i want to look at in that so that might even fit the bill so i'll have a little look and let you know how i feel about that one michael wright i've been lucky that i have a client in new zealand that's pretty much single-handedly kept me in work for the last few months means pulling it all nighter sometimes though to match their time zone and why why do you think that they are giving you that much work i bet you it's because they trust you which kind of just goes back to the point i was just making when you have trust you can have a very small handful of clients and they can be the ones that will just give you all the way you need to move forward it's just so important really is important cannot be underestimated by any stretch joe how old am i older than i'd like to admit to and when did you start web things when did i start web things ah cool bloody hell that's gonna show my age um well i started with with dreamweaver was probably where i first started with any real sense of um interest should we say really sort of pushed forward with it so if you can kind of figure when dreamweaver was still part of macromedia before it became part of the adobe suite that'll give you some idea but i've been doing freelancer for four years i had my business for 11 years prior to that where i was a partner in a design business and prior to that i did three years in another company where i was a director and i dabbled in web and i spent i spent 10 years prior to that teaching and part of that was teaching digital photography digital imaging photoshop multimedia web design building pcs you name it i was teaching it so that'll give you some idea of how old i am and the grey hair on both sides of my head i give some indication too um yeah so hopefully joe that'll answer at least part of your question eric thanks for the answer my pleasure duke tv and now the most important question what is your favorite artist stroke band i can't say i've got one particular favorite art it's all band that's that's the thing i just love music i mean i've been a guitarist since i was about 14. um written music recorded music if anybody knows knows me they might recognize my voice from my one of my other channels which i was doing until about three years ago which is called reaper tv which is all about audio production um so to name a couple of bands that i like i mean pantera is probably one of my favorite bands ever metallica early metallica but bands like judas priest you know i grew up with jewish priests that was where i kind of started learning my guitar side of things i don't know i love i love all live music i mean that's one of the things that i found the hardest now going into this lockdown is the lack of live music i just i i'm used to being out gigging once or twice a week i'm used to being out watching bands going to different parts of the country to go and watch gigs in little smelly venues right the way up to big venues and things all those things are really really really the hardest part of this whole lockdown so i don't have a particular favorite band i have lots of bands i like i love guitar-based music i mean i love bands i love instrumentals like um if you've never heard of him pliny that's p-l-i-n-i check him out there's david maxim machik who's another amazing guitarist i actually love his music um i just love music i just really do mostly rock music but you know i just love music i think it's amazing okay uh what else do we have we've got a couple more questions and then we're going to wrap it up mark crowell thank you very much for your super chat thank you for your useful videos your videos to save me my butt many times good to hear your butt is all safe thank you very much though for your super chat mark that's much appreciated okay we'll do two more questions and then we're gonna we're gonna wrap it up because like i say it's we've this one hour live stream is now nearly two hours long so we've done our usual running over uh okay joe thanks paul i like macromedia a lot as a company in this software as well very intuitive especially in these days so guess it will as well looks like we're both old but the thing is the nice thing is if i go back to macromedia uh i had a good relationship with the company and they used to send me when i was i used to do a website okay let me just go back let me start this fresh i've been doing online video training for a long time before youtube existed well before youtube existed i used to create content for a channel or for a website that i had which was called you said 2k um that was get that used to get about 1.4 1.5 million views a month on it and i did if you know if in the uk i'm probably the us there was magazines like dot net magazine computer arts magazines and stuff like that i did cover cds for them with training tutorials and things on covering things like dreamweaver and photoshop and stuff like that so i had a good working relationship with macromedia so they used to send me whenever they release software i get the entire macromedia suite what i call nfr which is not for resale which basically means that you get the full product but you can't use it commercially and you can't sell it or do anything like that with it but i usually get all those kinds of things years ago for free so i used to love all that side of things it was great working with the magazines working with creating those content working with created video tutorials and put up on my own site so macromedia was one of those things was close to my heart i was actually gutted when adobe brought it because they just killed off so much of it um so it's just like yeah i've been doing this a long time for a long long time okay revelation time originally discovered night wish else i like early night wish early night wish is quite good um not so much now i'm not such a fan of that kind of theoretic theory oh god theatrical vocals two beers and i'm already done okay steve netscape navigator no that was terrible duke get my kind of guy guitars and yeah i know i go live shows at least four to five times a month duke let's not talk about guitars because i have a bit of an addiction with guitars i've got a lot what site have you built that makes you really proud um i don't know because it's one of those things that i kind of i'm very much of the mindset of i love them when i've done them and i look back sometimes i think i really like that site and then i move on i learn new skills new new techniques things change and i love the next site but to kind of flip the question on its head i've always found that when i'm designing anything there's a site with promotional material branding logos anything like that whatsoever i'll design it and i'll spend time doing it and you become out of focus i get that sort of tunnel vision side of things with it and i'll spend a bit of time doing it and then i think you get too close to it so what i tend to do then is i'll leave that alone i'll go away and do something else and i'll come back in a couple of days and if i still have that passion for it i know it's a good design if i look at it and think nah i'm gonna start again it was never that strong i just became too close to it so while it doesn't say what was my favorite design or what's my current favorite it gives you some idea of how i go about seeing if a design has legs before i actually spend more time on it okay um what else we have she's paul loving your work thank you very much matt loving your your comments uh okay i used to use micro media cold fusion a lot back in the day oh cold fusion that was a that was a tough one um got cf dreamweaver still exists imagine that i know when i've looked at it it just doesn't feel the same just there's something it's not i think adobe's just they're taking in the wrong direction i think micro media were much better with it okay so my ocd is going to say we've got six minutes to go i will round this up to the eight o'clock mark and then i'm gonna go and have some food so if you have any more questions for me please do drop them in to the live chat right now and i will do my best to answer them to go back miguel yes trust is king and i absolutely agree trust is king um miguel you want to ask why your background is okay if i quickly give you my background charlie brown drinking this thing with you top man my background um when i was 23 i was looking to set up my own publishing business because i had a passion for desktop publishing and design and those kinds of things i went to an education center to get qualifications so i could get a grant to set up my own business when i was there i actually spent about three months there and several of the different tutors and things like that seen that i was helping a lot of different students out and asked me what i'd be interested in in training to become a tutor at which point i jumped on the opportunity trained did 10 years running education centers teaching teaching starting after when you're teaching your i.t you know your word processing database all those boring kind of office things and then moved on to bringing photoshop into the area um the whole macro media suite so i was teaching flash i was teaching director i was teaching multimedia web design building pcs internet all those kinds of things then moved on set up my own business oh sorry then moved on become a director in a business there was a design business i took in all the design side of things for the web design graphic design logo brand and all those kinds of things didn't get on with the one director there who was a bit of an ass so myself and what become a business partner we moved that business from there took all the things that i was doing all the things that he was doing and we set up our own business excuse me did that for 11 years then became a freelancer when i split from that business we separated the business into two parts he took his aspect i took my side of things and that's what i kind of do now alongside the youtube which i was kind of starting i did about a a year 18 months of youtube while still in that business and then concentrated on that a lot more when i become a freelancer so that kind of gives you a look back to to my background and where i am now where i actually came from so hope that's maybe of interest to some people out there if it just goes to show that you can change career you can move path you can do what the bloody hell you want if you've got enough passion and drive for it you can find opportunities to make money to set up a business and build good long-term relationships with clients anyway that's it that leaves me with four minutes now two more questions and i said that about an hour ago and then we are going to call it name only good thing about lockdown non-stop music at home and now learning guitar alan i'm glad to see you've got a positive situation there so that's brilliant charlie bird i would love to meet you one day well maybe when all these um this lockdown all this kind of stuff actually gets out of the way and we can't actually see people again you know as opposed to virtually via zoom chat maybe i'll take a look at setting up a meet somewhere we can find if there's a group of people that are fairly local or we can find a centralized location in the uk and we can just have a meet up have a couple of beers talk about whatever and just have a laugh so i'm always up for doing that kind of thing we have to see if we can sort something out in the future and have a meet up at some point oh and devon i love devon devon and cornwall i spent most of my childhood down in that area so i love all that area weymouth and doodledoor and lou all those kinds of places lovely okay i may have flight there too well miguel you're more than happy charlie bird not far from whales no about two or three hours in the car not too bad at all okay so let's just wrap things up now i just want to say first of all thank you so much for taking the time out of your evening your day whatever it is wherever you are in the world for joining me in this live chat in this live stream hope you've enjoyed it hope you'll join me again in two weeks time same time same place if you haven't joined up to the facebook group again wptext.co.uk forward slash facebook join up there be notified when there's new content when there's new live streams going bookmark next live stream become part of what we're doing around here so i want to say thank you very much gonna say good night to you and hope you're all safe and well and look after yourself in these really strange and troubling times right from me that's what i'm gonna say thank you very much and good night [Music] you
Channel: WPTuts
Views: 2,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Livestream, JetEngine, Crocoblock, Custom Content Types
Id: psP_WmGJbV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 36sec (7356 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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