Local OBX Fishing Knowledge - YOU WANT TO KNOW- if you are planning to fish in the Outer banks.

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good morning and welcome back to the hicks hooks channel back out here day number three on the outer banks fishing for some uh bottom fish with our bottom rigs using size six hooks and shrimp and if we see any schools coming in a blues or spanish mackerel we'll be throwing some clarke spoons at adam so thanks again for tuning in and don't forget to subscribe fingers crossed catch a couple fish today [Music] so [Music] hey oh man sting right here got a little sting right here these things can be a nuisance right now get my pliers out for him basically you want to flip this guy over so you don't get whipped then you can get right in here all right got that there's a stingray the barbs right down here you can grab it by the front you won't get whipped but that tail is just very whippy and you can see that barb right on the bottom that's the barb that'll get you so you want to make sure you don't get stuck by that guy [Music] successful release that's the way to start it okay wow we caught another sting right here looks like we'll be catching stingrays for days got a bite see the fish jumping in here we're gonna throw some spoons at them here we go oh it's a man hayden it's a bait fish right there but that's kind of a good sign other thing is gonna be moving in i'm gonna go back to my bottom rig but maybe i'll cut that guy up and see if i can't get a blue on the cut bait too like turn out to be a pretty cool morning this thing's eating like shrimp look at that it's some sort of weird bug they're eating kind of interesting get out of there shrimp oh you grab it no pliers to grab it i want that thing to bury itself in my skin and get some weird disease a little surgery here i got shrimp sure what it looks like that's a shrimp that's like a weird looking shrimp isn't it that on your hook i'll put it on my hook put that on your head that's crazy hit this one too that's a good-sized one right here you can tell something took a chunk out of it putting this guy back just caught this little spot these guys are good little cut bait so i might i might fillet them up and put a little piece on there and maybe we'll get a blue fish on the bottom rig i don't know that was on the spot right there [Music] so [Music] coming in
Channel: HicksHooks
Views: 17,351
Rating: 4.8248177 out of 5
Id: Jq3m3g-Q25g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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