Loading Fat Cattle in Iowa

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what's going on everybody it's the best man here before we get into this video I just want to say thank you guys so much seriously for uh oh that's really loud its brakes screech but uh forgetting up to a thousand subscribers you guys I have thousands of views out my videos and it's thanks to you guys like and the thing is is getting these feels is important to me because it's I'm doing what I want to do like I want to help other people that want to get in the industry and that wanna haul livestock or just what like watching the videos alcoholic livestock you know I'm doing this for you guys you know so I really appreciate that it shows that what I'm doing is actually working and you guys are liking it so just want to say thank you so much and please share with your friends and if you're not subscribed hit that subscribe button morning everybody it's the milkman here back with another video for you oh I'm sitting here right now in albarran Iowa and I'm gonna head up to dice our dice our Iowa about 20 minutes north to here and we're gonna grab a load of cattle I'm not sure where they're going yet but I got here about two o'clock last night I hauled load of cattle from Kentucky over to efficient or optimistic in there and then I got a Miss low here so I drove here last night into this morning and now I'm gonna weigh in here I'm sitting out the coop and weighing I'm gonna head over there get loaded up I'm not sure where they're going yet but we're gonna find out so we'll see you guys when I get there to get loaded alright so looks like there's actually another couple trucks here we got one sitting right there and then there's one poet on the scale ahead of me here not sure if they're going to the same place or not honest this guy this one on the red truck here still sitting here it doesn't look like he's awake but we'll get her checked out he's waiting in here at the same co-op as I am might be going up to the same farm so I'll see if he is if not I don't know there's people going everywhere around here so I'm gonna get weighed in and we'll see you guys when I get there he loaded all right so I don't know what you guys can see here but we did make it to the farm and this driveway is kind of narrow here you go take a real wide [Music] I like having this lift axle on here because I can take corners so much better and as you can see I don't know if you can see in the mirror now but my spread axe usually is definitely dragging in the ditches and stuff when I'm going corners and this thing just I could whip it around so we are gonna pull in here we got this one guy ahead of us he's gonna get loaded on Oh home first and then he said it sounds like we're going to Oaks towards Omaha I didn't quite hear what part of Omaha [Music] to get loaded to empty out there so we're gonna wait for him to get back in as you can see is back in there there's the owner [Music] so what I do always as you can see I got the farm up here I just bring it up on the maps on Google Maps and then I do the satellite view and then they just said pull in the east driveway so I just markered where the East driveway was and then it brought me right there just always make sure you pay attention to the route it's bringing you because it will bring you on some weird routes sometimes always stay on Main Roads and usually the farmer or someone well whoever's dispatching you whatever should tell you how to get there and what roads to take to get there because some of these places you got to be real specific about it otherwise you'll come in the wrong way and you'll have a heck of a time trying to get in there or you'll just have to actually go out and turn around and come back in the opposite way dog whatever a different way to even make it in the driveway so all right we're gonna get this guy loaded up here we'll get loaded up and then he's gonna wait back at the scale for me and we're gonna run her together so we will see you guys when I'm getting loaded up here as you can see here we are pulled up we're gonna get backed up to the shoot here it's kind of disappointing when it's bringing out the you can't see out of your mirrors are they [Applause] I usually just try to follow the tracks in before me if there were some but you just lined the drivers edge of the trailer up with the edge of the shoe [Applause] and then usually works off [Applause] got the other driver back to it's gonna load after me been opening tells me here how far I got love [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we got it I'm gonna get my clothes on here and then we're gonna get this thing loaded up [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay perfect ah ah I guess I've always did the top should I die gay at the top okay okay one second [Music] [Music] oh you did okay perfect [Music] come on [Music] [Music] you just hide on the side over here when they [Music] yeah okay palma yeah i'll just hop back up here yeah I'd rather be safe than dead Oh you ever been kicked in the face thank goodness I used to work at a I don't know if you ever heard of farm and fleet there's a lady that would come in there got kicked in the face by her horse and it punched her eye right out yo it's scary how long you been doing this then Wow ready you got your own truck and trailer then or you dispatch yourself or do you got somebody doing that you do yeah helps when you've been doing it for 40 years - I suppose kind of know what the deal is do you ever I guess it's like it's always changing how did you get started and doing this then oh really Hey [Music] come on down there while baby say we're throwing on the bottom 16 usually just gone for a week and then come back or all you do that's Brittany you got a kind of a dedicated runner oh you do oh no kidding what's it like hauling sheep is it [Music] okay perfect thanks for helping me out I appreciate it okay perfect okay perfect I appreciate thank you have a safe trip thank you hopefully you guys can still see alright I know it's kind of misting out a little bit but you got everything loaded up we're just gonna put seven on the tail so you can see how much they're moving the trailer around just sitting here when they do that going down the road you can feel your whole truck just swaying back and forth but they usually call them down on the way sometimes if you have bowls though they know uh they don't really ever call them down because they just sit there and fight the whole time so anytime you get to the tail you always just undo your rope and then leave enough room for them to get in and then when they all get in then you just pull your door down throw my ladder up before I forget that there's knowing me I will sometimes they like to sit and sniff everything before they end up coming on a little compromise they're going out one three four come on off get in there five six come on oh there we go I appreciate it thank you have a good rest of your weekend or week here [Music] [Music] so how's it get out of the mud mess out here but we are loaded up and we're going to greater Omaha I guess it's not too far from jbs where I always unload I all cattle in there [Music] [Music] always watch your back when you're pulling out so you don't run your trailer into the ditch and get stuck or end up too over we'll just take our time out here he's gonna back here he's gonna get loaded up we all go to the same place walk'n I said you was gonna wait for me over there so I could follow him down or actually it's just Weston awful you always want to take your time taking off especially right away [Music] especially right away because the cattle are you as to how the trailer moves around and stuff so you take your time let them get comfortable you don't want house falling over and getting hurt so it is foggy out here this morning I'll tell you one thing that I really liked about that experience was that the guy that loaded right behind me has been doing this for 40 years so it was really cool to be able to talk to him you know and learn a couple things and he hauled sheep and stuff he does a you know he's got his own truck and trailer and dispatches himself and everything he does run a sheep it sounds like over at Detroit Michigan and that's kind of as dedicated run out and that he's usually hold by Thursday or Friday and all four so that's pretty nice right he's got going for himself there I got my own truck but read the trailer and dispatched by the owner of the trailer so that's kind of my situation I don't know if I'll ever get my own trailer and dispatch myself we'll see but for now we are just gonna keep doing what we're doing and I'm gonna go get this scaled in get my weights see if that guy is still there and then we are going to follow him over there so we'll see you guys when I'm scaling it all right guys we just got our weights weighed in there and we are on our way to Greater Nebraska or greater Omaha it's called and I'm gonna be following him all the way there so she'd be a nice fonder on I always like running with people more than I like running by myself especially people that know where they're going because I don't have to sit and think about it you know and wonder what I'm gonna be coming up on Green and all pretty good really know what's right and all harder he bullied go down all he gets real steamy in here I can tell this guy's more power than I do I really even have that [Music] enough to get the job done that's that is one thing I want is a big curd pumper [Music] because when you're running out in the country out here you have on a deer and stuff you see is insane as you can tell my hood or my bumper is backed up because of hitting dear I haven't hit one yet but my brother owned this truck before I did [Music] seems like always hitting Diras ovaries
Channel: The Milk Man
Views: 244,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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