Loading 9mm Luger on a Dillon 550

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hey guys welcome back to my channel it's been a little bit um i've been busy with life but anyway this is a requested video by my nephew actually he said can i show him how i load nine millimeter uh he got some 147 grain so i got some 147 grain bullets from rmr they actually had them in stock so i got a few thousand of those i have a few thousand primers i'm gonna load a couple of hundred right now and i got a few thousand small pistol primers i stocked up and was lucky enough to have some i'm going to be using a hodgkin's tight group which i use that for a lot of my semi-autos it's one of my favorite powders it's economical so let's get to it i'm gonna be loading on the dylan 550 i got it already set up with nine millimeter i have dillon dyes and a dylan powder measure but first thing we have to do is uh get the primers in the pickup tubes and get the primers in the primer tube so let's start by picking up primers so you start this process with a simple primer flip tray this is a little lyman one that i got i don't even remember how long ago uh several years ago for really cheap i should upgrade to a bigger one but it serves its purpose so all you do is you pour the primers into the flip tray like that roll them around a little bit so they're all facing generally the same direction now that you've done that you flip them by simply putting the top of the flip tray on flipping it over and all your primers hopefully are faced the right direction got a couple that aren't but 98 are slipped right way you get your primer pickup tube which is right here and you just pick them up and just pick them up by pushing down on the top of them they pick right up there's a slow tedious process i hate doing this there's tools that can do this for you but they're very expensive and i figure with 300 bucks i can buy a bunch more primers and a bunch more powder instead of buying a tool that'll do this i'll just i don't load the thousands and thousands of rounds required to have one of that usually i load about 500 at a time and i can do that pretty quick so i'll be right back and there i have a pro 100 primers loaded i'm going to do another 100 right now now to load primers in the primer tube it's really easy all you do is you remove the the primer weight stick i stick it in the hole my primer pickup tube pull the the cartridge pin and let them drop in put the alarm back down and put the weight on top now i'm loading 147 grain hornady bonded is what i'm actually loading they're actually rmr bonded but i pulled some data for you guys off the hodgkin's website i would suggest you make your own recipes but i've found that 3.3 grains gives me a supersonic bullet right in the supersonic range and that's what i'm looking for i want a good with 147 grains if you're running suppressed it's really easy to run this at three grains of powder and then you're running subsonic but that's again you guys work well work your action what's best for your pistols but i'm using uh again this isn't my data this is right off the hodgkin website you can see it's right off their website so it's their data not mine use anything i say at your own risk load your own way so i have this 550 set up for nine millimeter the first gauge is going to d prime resize and prime the cartridge so that's cartridge is ready and these have been wet the the brass has been wet tumbled and dried now the second stage will drop the powder charge i specified while the first stage d primes resizes and then uh reprimes and stage three put the bullet on there stage three will set my bullet to factory length and stage four we'll put a factory crimp on it so we're gonna check this bullet with a case gauge this is a dillon case gauge for nine millimeter of course of course it fits the length is good put it on a put on a flat surface the bolt comes up it's too high you want to keep it in there so it's just under so and it easily falls out easily drops into my case gauge easily falls out now of course i've set all my dies up beforehand i've set my powder weight beforehand so i know i am good so i suggest when you're loading you check your uh case to make sure there's powder in it some people have lights on their dylan's i don't because i have two very bright led lights from a gas station that there's a 30 000 lumen uh canopy light for a gas station i have four of those in my garage amongst other lights so i have more light than i need now let's just get to loading and once you get in the rhythm this goes pretty fast so i'll do this kind of slow for you guys though you put a piece of brass on you put a bullet in as you pull down it does all four functions as you push up it does everything but prime and you give the handle a press and that will prime the bullet prime the casing see now the case is primed show you again bring it up and it's not primed as d primed there's the primer right there's the primer when you push forward it puts the primer right in there and the second stage you see it's just an empty cartridge it's now full of powder and it's also put on a slight flare on the on the brass so you can set the bullet easier now there's powder in the brass you just set the bullet on top go up and the bullet is set and the final stage the final stage put the factory crimp on the bullet hopefully you can see that that crimp right there and that bullet's ready to fire so we're coming close to the end of the primers all right here's the alarm's gonna go off that means we have about four primers left in the tube i think this might be the last one there's a primer in the cup maybe one more you see there's no primer in that cup there's no primer in that cup so we are done just load the last couple there you go guys it took me about 20 minutes to load 100 but that's because i was filming i can typically load 100 in about 10 to 12 minutes so i can load four to five hundred an hour if i'm really in a hurry trying to get them done and being safe but because i was loading with the camera and making a lot of different shots with the camera i got about 100 done in 20 minutes and even though i tested them at the beginning we'll just test a couple not random here perfect perfect perfect the dylan is consistent on powder drops on everything on on bolt seating it's just a consistent press it makes really good bullets as long as you you pay attention to what you're doing you'll get some great great bullets get some great cartridges out of it there you go 100 cartridges thanks so much for watching guys have a great day thumbs up god bless talk to you soon bye
Channel: Hickamfield
Views: 8,726
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: Dillon, reloading, powder, brass
Id: Zt6OF_SacM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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