Llegué a Santa Barbara, Honduras | "Mujeres bonitas, junco y café"

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Knowing Santa Bárbara, Honduras. The land of coffee, Junco, and beautiful women. We are in the Central Park of Santa Barbara. Hi nice to meet you. We are part of the ambassadors of what identifies our land. The Junco. We're going to put a hat on him. Oh really. Yes. Look, the flag of Japan and Honduras, in a heart shape. What solid. It is planted and cultivated on the Santa Barbara Mountain. Here in the next stage. Look, I've never seen anything like it. In the place of us. We cultivate the this was what our ancestors left us. Who put these hats, Spaniards or the Mayans? The Spanish. Everything before it has been lost. What is this? A piece of wood. A last. Each hat has the same process, all made handcrafted. All hat. Let's see if I can test this technique. Hold here, go. AHA. It has this strand. And the. Yes, dry. There. This little dot is what I did, okay? Here, go. How interesting. He is using to open that hole here like this. That's what I'm seeing. How long for make one of these? The week we make two hats. Three days it costs to make a hat. It's gone up a bit the hat because before we sold it for sixty lempiras. open. Sixty lempiras for a job that costs three days at work. Not even to cut and gather and plant the reed is. Yes. To whom do you dedicate all your effort? To those ? Thank you very much Doña Isabel. Then it goes where give it all the capping capped Leonardo, for example, this is an Indiana style, how do you calls my style? A caprio or Panama Caprio like a DiCaprio? How much is the cost more or less? Five hundred and thirty lempiras? Is this a bag made of the same material as Junco? Look how it is made with velcro and here inside? Can you save money how much is the cost of this, David? It costs one hundred and eighty lempiras. Why is it in Santa Bárbara who use both this material and these styles? It's an ancestral heritage. Is that here a Spanish influence stronger than the other regions of Honduras. It was brought by here an Ecuadorian missionary as an alternative for the woman. How much does that cost, David? Five hundred and eighty lempiras. One hundred percent handmade. Look at the painting with flag of Honduras. That thing that has that reed too. No, and that's a touch. Tocadito, is a brand that was born in the pandemic expenses. We come to Santa Bárbara to pay for our college expenses. A young man who to pay his university ones. Started that business. It has not gone a coffee and we are going to try something even better. I want to try. this. Maracuyá, the passion fruit. Fruit of the passion. To eight in the morning. Wow, look at the color, intensely yellow, orange. Let's have the passion fruit mojito. it's ready. Better than coffee in the morning, right? Super good, yes. We have several flavors. Coffee, blue flavor, look what interesting. You can see the strawberry pulp. The flavor is one hundred per hundred passion fruit. Even though it's fourteen percent, which is it? Fairly tall. They don't have that much alcohol taste. That's what which, dangerous, my people. What is the plan for today? I I'm working. Where are you working, Vanessa? I work in a phone store. Tell me, Vanessa. The young go to graduate school here. They stay here, another place. The majority have to emigrate to San Pedro Sula, Tegucigalpa, to be able to study university because there are no public universities here, only private ones. In your case, I guess you had to decide. Going to work in one bigger city or stay. I had to stay on Santa Bárbara because I have no relatives near the college. Model too. I was Miss Mesoamerica, Honduras two thousand twenty-two. Also queen of coffee, here at Santa Bárbara, which is classified as an apartment because of the coffee, the beautiful women, and the juice. Excellent. What is have here, friend? Natural juices. What flavor is that, friend? Are you melon? Give me one of melon, please. ten lempiras. How many kilometers have you already walked, young man? The account plus fine. He hit a lot of set, let's try the juice. Que rico. Where do they make that? Barrio El Calvario, several came there with my wife, she helps me make it. Seriously, greet your wife. I greet Diana who is watching me, why there. Every time I love her. How much does it cost to do this? Thirty lempiras. Yes. She is my client. look now what pretty. The boots are shining. Where did you buy those boots? In San Pedro. He comes from San Pedro Sula. Customers they made me from the tree. With a lot of heart and love. Everything that. With faith. All the money you are going to save today. What do you think do? What one lacks in the house. How does Tegucigalpa feel work of the lord? Happy. Look, the sampedrana, happy, here, how it turned out, from talking so much, it's getting cold too now. What is the plan for the day? Make him surprise my mom A surprise. Buy her a cake, a dinner so I don't cook tomorrow. Who goes, goes to cook for dinner? I. What are you going to cook? Chicken, a salad from potatoes, and lettuce salad. Wow, a great daughter. Who do you taught how to cook? Yes. My mom. You can see that you love your . Yes. What is the plan of the day for you today? A good gift to my mom, a surprising secret. We can counting people. A good cake. Of three milk Three milk. The best pastries in Santa Barbara? Los Andinos Pastry very good a day ma'am What is the famous junk? And that for the hat do you make them? No, my lady is that she makes hats and what about more are? Hats, jewelry boxes, mhm of everything, what gentleman is most dedicated to his wife, comes far to buy her so many little pieces of her. That's love. Can you explain to us what those paper? Lottery. How does it work? We didn't buy another one at the bank. You buy that and what do those numbers mean here? Buy a lawsuit, you earn a thousand lempiras. A thousand lempiras. How much does a ticket cost? Twenty lempiras. How do you know what the number is? It is played at twelve, on Sunday. On channel eight. Ah, this is government. Yes, it is from the government. You, How much have you earned? Oh, I have won up to twenty thousand. No, man, how am I going to buy a lot, doctor. Twenty thousand lempiras can earn a lot of. It is seen that they have already put a small fair. Agrocredit. Can you tell us about agro credit. We are from Cooperativa Ozuna. We handle what is credits for agriculture, the agricultural sector. Here in Santa Barbara, Who are the ones that take the most such loans. Various producers in the coffee area. Banana production. And livestock here. We also support the livestock part. How much is like the amount plus or minus. One hundred thousand, two hundred thousand. It will depend on the capacity of the person. You can tell us about the table here. That I do them, the flowers, practically and I also make accessories. How do you know each other both of you? sisters. And how old are you? Sixteen eyes. I'm twelve years old. Twelve years. Young, but look the capacity that they have. What is this stuff? Is ribbon or tape How long to make one of those? Fifteen minutes Fifteen minutes, look, that's nice. How much is the the cost of that? A bunch of five like this costs a hundred and it's like this fiftieth? When was the idea for this venture born? Watching videos? You started and now? No, I didn't look at her. and she told me helping and I helped her. How did you feel when your sister said yes, will I help you? Well, because she is the one who supports me. Tell us about the venture? A small pastry. Artisanal cookies, made home agency, strawberries decorated with chocolate. How does it feel to have nerves being here. A little, but trusting in God that all is going to be good. What's here for you today, friends. Floor disinfectant, from the Finback brand. It's quite a brand here in Santa Barbara. It is an own brand. how much is the cost? Twenty lempiras and a gallon is eighty lempiras. We have all kinds of accessories, rings, chains, bracelets and also little plants. How much is the cost of the floors? One hundred ten to fifty lempiras. At what point did you decide to be an entrepreneur? It started in pandemic. With my sister. We have always liked to elaborate what bracelets are. Then they motivated us to sell them and that's how we grew up. Tell us about the table here. We are a of travel, we come from San Pedro Sula. We dedicate ourselves, like puede ver, the category of tourism. We offer you cruises, hotel stays, packages to Roatán, Utila, La Ceiba, Tela. We help with visa renewal, either for the first time. International destinations, what are they? Spain, Asia, South America. And what are the countries of South America where else in Honduras? Colombia. Colombia. And that, because of ? The culture there is very beautiful. The arepas? Clear. it costs a ticket from Honduras to Colombia, for example. Weighing about four hundred and thirty. In Seriously, just that? Yes, you can continue with a drink, you can leave with Avianca. Round trip. Return. It all depends on the season too. Now many people want to go to Spain from Honduras. It is true that there is a direct now already. I think so, we have two direct flights and we are one of the representatives with the airline Aeroeuropa and also Iberochet. Prices are from nine hundred dollars. Going and back. And return. Anita's seasoning. Are you Anita? That's how it is. . How did the idea of ​​selling here come about? It is a that is born as a result of a pandemic, right? That we are left without a job, I am teacher, so as a family we decided to undertake. We we offer you a variety of typical foods such as have breakfasts, lunches, with tucas, tacos, flute, drinks natural products and many other products very much. She is her sister, ¿Or who is it? My daughter. Your daughter seriously. How does it feel to be able support your mother? Truly a pride. To through this our family also supports itself. When mother lost her job due to the pandemic, how did you feel? It heart? Sad it was quite difficult. Here fighting the pair mommy's boy. Thanks to the business I can also continue with my university degree. What are you studying right now? Systems Engineering. This pays the expenses of the her daughter's things . Two. I both. He is at school and she is at in college. like to try Look at the famous a nacatamal. A very popular meal here in Santa Barbara. The ones here are bigger than the ones in Progreso. Look. Inside a lot of vegetables and meat. This is not a normal nacatamal. Full of great hope. For the entire family. a lot of meat. Congratulations, let's go with the potato, too. Look. Very rich regions. Where can you buy the food? We are located on the Llano del Conejo neighborhood in Santa Barbara. Tell us about the product. Steel fittings, of a wire that is stainless. How much does it cost? Thirty lempiras, two hundred arrived , that's the maximum. What is, let's say, of thirty lempiras, of those little ones. These piercings than are placed in the ear in this part here, or some singles. Excellent, the prices that we are seeing here, at the fair. Tell us about Angelo Store. More than everything cosmetics sale, one year of this venture. how you felt, a year ago on that first day. Very insecure because I thought I wasn't going to sell. But the same is like all business. How old are you? I am seventeen. A young woman entrepreneur. Just seventeen years old. You are determined to go to to achieve all dreams. First of all, God can already open here in Santa Bárbara, a little cheese shop. It is my dream, La true Luck. Tell us about these bullets. Famous here where Saint Barbara. Many people in Santa Barbara have green. You have blue and green eyes. She is my daughter, to she gave me green eyes. I mean, he has green eyes or? No, just me. How much is the cost of a shot here? Fifteen the simple and twenty-five the special. what Is the difference between the shooting of Santa Bárbara and San Pedro Sula? Ten soft shots. They are softer from here, they say, let's see. Outside the fair, where is she business? I have the business here in the lower neighborhood. Well, we're going to try the shot of Mrs. Onelia and her daughter. Very soft, huh? And crunchy, look. Toast the tortilla. Here in Santa Barbara, they eat the toastiest tortillas. Lots of people like tostaditas. Hey, look, these are good sensual. For what occasions would they be? For every occasion, there for ladies, for newlyweds. For new married, how do you suggest it? And the thongs. Threads. Yes, threads, of course. threads for men Not that. What did you buy the young for their mommy? Wow, and why did you choose this design? Because she likes it a lot. It's very pretty. How is Do you feel like you can share this weekend with your daughter? Excellent. Nothing more than another little piece of my buses is missing heart because my other children are not. They? States United. You have your coffee now. Look, we are seeing live, How does the process of making these flowers work? how did you learn this art? I sold on TikTok, I learned. Here a man selling the press. How many years have you been selling the newspapers? Forty-seven. How were they newspapers forty-seven years ago. Big. Here How much did a newspaper sell here forty-seven years ago? Ten cents. It was worth ten cents. A newspaper makes forty and seven years. well packed. Pass the park, here in Santa Barbara. Youth, families, children, entrepreneurs. I do not believe that Only thirty thousand people live like some people they told me. We are amazed because here in department of Santa Barbara. We have seen that people they have fair skin, eyes of blue and green colors. They were Spaniards who came to found this place here. What will the Spaniards come here to Santa Bárbara for years? For a thousand 536. More than five hundred years ago. Five hundred years, but Tencoa is about seven kilometers here in Santa Bárbara. Ah, Tencoa was an indigenous woman and the Spanish arrived. Here came the Spanish. they came to conquer or. Yes, subdue the natives, especially in Macholoa, in Tencoa, more than all Lencas, but something happens. That the Lencas with the Mayas are they crossed, that is why Lenca Maya is spoken of. Why those Spanish chose Santa Bárbara and not other Honduras? The Spaniards were always looking for a place that had water. The city of Santa Barbara has twelve streams. By water the Spaniards came. And now it's for that legacy, the characteristic people, physical features very European. Sixty-five percent that it is Spanish blood. Other places in Honduras. Fifty or three hundred the Spanish and there was more mixing among the settlers indigenous rings. While here in the Santa Bárbara sector, the Spaniards came and were very isolated, so they stayed only the Spanish The Spanish always had enough women indigenous How many did each of them have? It is said that at the time of the conquest, about eighty women approx. Every man. Every Spanish. I have read in de which here have seen a very large immigration of Safardi Jews from Spain. The Cefardian Jews during the colonial era, they were expelled from Spain, but it was prohibited from coming here to America, illegally, from , the names were changed. They were fleeing from the persecution for their religion. We make the customs Cefardites, they no longer practice, for example, the pig, I eat here, go, and the was unclean meat. The way to sweep now is out. But it is inside that they were collected. Inside. The idea that he was from Malaga eh take out eh that rubbish for out there. That mountain behind. What is it? The Guatemalan hill according to. Some legends is full of water. When the virgin removes the foot of a snake. That hill is going to be released into water and it is going to flood Santa Bárbara here. But if there is so much water, why? So many people have told me that the water situation for the city here is complicated. Deforestation plus an increase in global temperature has reduced water sources. Why do they tell Santa Barbarians? Mate feathers a story that is related to the civil wars many towns were involved in those fights , soldiers from Santa Bárbara brought from other places told in the form of a joke when they arrived there in Comayagua it took three days but when they lost the battle they came fleeing and in one day they arrived here in Santa Bárbara one day these are feather legs to run and that is the most credible version of the truth. And is the dream that you has for Lester. Since tender. I thought it's a very educated, that is a young, studious. My dad, well, have worked thirty years. As a teacher, he is always pending studies. And my mom, well, also dedicate herself to home. So serve me in the best way. The first time he looked at his wife. How was the feeling? Oh, I said, what pretty, i like her I'm going to tell you seeing it, that I would like to. to have company and that I invite her to lunch. What did they eat a lunch. Souvenir fish. He vitaminized her. Oh yeah. With that pescadito. You had to get along with her. I've had two wives. The first wife passed away. We had three children. With the second wife we ​​lived together for twenty years approx. Great guide and great historian. Don Raul. Look what we have here. rich. Yuscaran pilon. Do you I'm going to give away this. Gift friend of Mr. Paco Chávez. He has it rum or burning water. Schnapps. Only in Santa do you to find burning water moles. Let's see how about how strong it is Wow. At what point was born the idea of ​​having Toppollos de son away from my father. How much is the cost of the Topoyos here. Fifteen lempiras. Fifteen lempiras. Well, this is the on the street of the prison. Before it was a prison here. Of course, here right hand. It is intended to be able to locate all the people in this sector and that they maintain this active trade. And the there are lots of products here. Clothes, medicines, caps. . What experience? We just got to know the old jail. We hear some noises. It is true that there is activity paranormal inside. I don't know, I've never seen anything. You has entered there. I did not hear anything in the day I did not hear anything. And at night then? No. But have you entered the night? Yes, I was taking care here but no. It has proven to us that they are not there nothing inside at night? He says, you have to trust. That are you saying? The truth. Wow, what a great store. What is what you sell here, friend? A little bit of everything. There are walkers, pants. Look at the amount of clothes, shoes, furniture. Hello good, good. What a beautiful chair, grandma. Tell us. These is for sale or for you. They sell it here. It seems like a market where , with the number of stalls there are? Quite people, enough movement. Glasses, all you want here there is. How about the movement of people today? Not like we expected, but more or less. Maybe in the afternoon it comes more people, right? Yes, first God. Another very large store. That's second-hand clothes. And a lot of business. Shops tourist. We are using another market to get to know the bus station. How many markets like these are here, Freddy? Four, actually, that we have. This practically it is a private one where, well, it leads to mom's terminal , as we can see, Ceguaca. That goes to Ceguaca. Ceguaca, Santa Bárbara. This Para Arada is the Mochito, the people who go to Las **** Wow, look, a lot of music, many buses, each bus to a different destination. He has Lots of food stalls, delicious sandwiches, hamburgers, many dining rooms, the famous shot? As we can see we also have for the municipality of San Rafael, Lempira. Intibucá too. We are going to Tibucá because we also border with Intibucá. there are many people waiting for their buses. For what sector of Honduras going today? For La Vega. And you? To B. And sir, Where are you going to go today? For Arenales. Arenales. Many people go to a place called Arenales. I guess it's a big city with a lot of people. How much is the bag worth? Twenty-five. Twenty five a bag. Many stores here is more varied. Hardware products. We are seeing that Santa Barbara is nothing flat. Even the runners are upstairs. Come on, come on, Fede. How does it feel? We keep it in physics, because we have to follow some quotas like that. A sector of medicines. Look, girls dress. Look, Pokémon, how was born the idea from there. What does it say here? If after this life they will return to a to do just one thing, I would ask God that my father will return to he is my father. How big here. What else did the light design do ? To give a different touch to the store. How long has the store been here? More than ten years. The fashion that sells the most. More than all the Panamanian line. Panamanian. Why do they say Panamanian? Because it is a replica of the original. From Panama. Correct. What is the name of the store here? News The Blessing. Many blessings. We went back to the park again , how crazy. Here is a restaurant. Some girls are calling us . What sells the most here, Sonia? Here what is sold the most are sandals, clothes. How much are the sandals here? One hundred fifty. Tell me, what are the pants that sells the most here? El Pepe. Why do people prefer Pepe? I think because brand, the duration of the fabric and everything. We can see Pepe's clothes . Where do they make them in San Pedro Sula? In San Pedro Sula. The shirt is sold, Pepe, printed, and so in colors. I had the opportunity to visit the Pepe Intermoda facilities in San Pedro Sula. What a joy to see the products from them far away in Santa Barbara. Choose one shirts. We will donate it to you. Oh really? What size? XS. Thank you very much, Kenya varieties, I just gave myself one. shirt Pepe. Macaw bird. How much does it cost? Are hundred and sixty. Well, let's go buy a pair of socks Pepe, they are more expensive, but they last much longer. Yes, they last quite a while. There is also a children's area for the little princesses. How much are our little ones worth it? four eighty. And also economic of two eighty. Ah, in front of the park? Several pharmacy. Sir, these rows for which store? ATM. What lots of people, why so much queue for the cashier? Aren't you working right now? Yeah, it's just that it's a bit slow. People waiting in full sun. How much is the fruit, buddy? Ten, okay. Well, a cantaloupe and a watermelon, it's pretty sunny in Santa Barbara. How many hours will you walk on today? Until three. Until three. All day in that sun. Yes, all day. And that hat helps him a lot to protect you. Yes. Well, are we going to eat the fruits here, too hot. I felt like I was going to pass out right there. Too hot. As always the store here. It's called Intercel. What are the most sold products here? Protector, tempered glass, refills, Tigo products. We have everything from a telephone to an amplified speaker. How big the store is bigger than the stores in Progreso, electronics of all kinds, even printers of good brands. That speaker is bigger than my, look, two thousand watts. It is surely very strong. Well, my people, you can already see that I am well sweaty. Let's rest in a cafe with oh how delicious. We save my people. We've been coming to this cafe, it's super great, excellent coffee. There are many surprises inside. We already had our coffee, very delicious with watermelon, here in the famous Santa Barbara. We already have more energy, how? There is the taste of today's coffee. Very delicious. It is true that he comes from afar to drink that coffee. From San Rafael is, Lempira. Greetings to Lempira's friend. All the best. And The variety here is small, aha. Yes, look. Let's see what what is inside. Wow, this is a simple one. This is a simple one. They bring more. Enjoy. The handmade pastries that are delicious. Here is the menu, they have breakfast of all kinds, paleadas, twenty lempiras, pupusas, tacos, an American coffee, okay? Thirty- five lempiras. There is much more the coffee is gigantic. Look how it has tables, it's not just a cafe. Here is a great two-story restaurant, my people. Look how many people are enjoying it. And look, it's even cute, crafts from Double Ipa. Tell us about the products. Most are made by hand. Others are also games that we and my sister are in charge of making and what are suitable for all people and that they can enjoy of our products. Big sisters here selling very nice products. What do you say about the smoothies here, friend? Excellent. What flavors did you order today? Strawberry and coke They saw the murals, the spaces, very different. I know raised, young man. How was dessert today? Ah, very. rich. What did they order for the day? Smoothie. What flavor? Strawberry. Let's go down. Look how beautiful. Tell us here, on this sector there is a workshop that offers coffee tasting. We have a cupping school, we teach the classes here, Saturday and Sunday, it's two years to take the course. For people who don't know what cupping is. What is it? To you in a cup of coffee, to know what it means, the taste, that producer effort, that is. Being able to distinguish the flavors of the coffee. The flavors of coffee. They start out knowing nothing but ends up identifying the flavors of the coffee, which is a standard coffee, which is a special coffee, which is a non- special taster. They are the pioneers of that cupping here in Honduras. Sí, because the engineer Carlos is the first Honduran coffee. He has already trained more than six hundred tasters with the café. Where did you learn to be a taster? He went to Germany. Many say that the coffee of Santa Bárbara, of the best of the world. It is the best coffee. We returned to the streets. Of appear a store of shirts and figures from Japan. How did the idea of ​​selling Japanese products here suddenly Honduras? Because anime is very fashionable. What are the animes that are fashionable right now? Naruto, and so the others. The figures? Four fifty, three fifty. And the shirt is? Three fifty. Same price. Yes. They all have different designs. You are family. She's my daughter. And look at anime shows together. Yes. We are in an iconic building the municipalities of Santa Bárbara, which was the house of General Luis Bográn, who was also a former president of Honduras. Two emblematic institutions work here, the the Technological University of Honduras. Of the University. The Polytechnic Center of the North works, which is one of secondary education. This building is rented by the two institutions for more than twenty years. This was of the president of Honduras were designed. It was a room and it is very curious, the way the houses because they all had their central patio. How interesting is he design. Here are two young men who are playing chess. How's the game going, miss? Tight, right? Yes. Who winning right now? So far it's even. Where learned? The chess. Classes that the teacher gave us during the year last. Here at the institute. How cute that Josías is he represents the municipality of Santa Bárbara in chess as Josías feels on the nerves for that great competition that waiting for you normally because it is a competition also eh learning instead of drawing a win? Congratulations and good luck an underground tunnel that connected this building with the presidential palace that is on the hill. There was even some writing that says that on horseback they moved correspondence through the tunnel. So big that even horse could enter. Correct. right, teacher? It is a mijito of a city. Maybe the university leaves some future president too. The best executives are being trained in this university. I want to give him Hey, thanks a lot. can I remember it? Thank you so much. OK. Here at Santa Barbaras. area over there That was the stable. How like this, stable, where they kept the horses. The horses. That was the means of transportation at the time. It can tell us about that uniform. I have earned it because I am a special group called the special force of riflemen ? And this is a beret. And we put it on our heads. . Wow. I mean, is that like a military high school or something like that? Yes, Our institution educates in values. we have a discipline from Morazán do. Not militarized. They do a lot of kicks. Yes, they do a lot of kicking. Are you from the college or university? I am from school. Also from school. The same physical training that civic men also you. Correct. What kind of exercises do for physical conditioning? Make breasts How many can you? No, generally almost. They don't troll me much. How much did you do this week? I recently trolled a lot. You, so general, when they squat us. How is a squat? Can you show us? Yes, how many? Good. Good. That's what it's what you get here. Here brings the last name of each one. And you You're from here in Santa Barbara. No, I'm from San Pedro. And, what brought you here so far? For my parents who work here. In the name of the polytechnic. Wow. This shirt that makes him a temporary student at the North Polytechnic Center. Look, my people, what a beautiful shirt. It's an eagle, huh. We want choose one made here in Santa Barbara by Emmanuel Tailoring, . Here Emanuel tailor shop just gave me a traditional shirt here from Santa Barbara. I'm not from Santa Barbara, but I fell in love with a Santa Barbaran. At what point did that happen? About eighteen years ago. Shout out to the barbarian saint who stole your heart. Greetings to me. from Santa Barbara, Walter, and also my little feathers. Thank you very much. Look, a school supply store. Pretty products. This remains in the UTH and the school. Very good for students. They can come buy. Here are the notebooks, fifty-five lempiras. Sixty- eight lempiras. Good prices, it is seen that they are of quality. Up to has zebra Look, here they are, even cheaper. Look, fifteen Lempiras for that notebook, very nice for the children little ones. Suddenly there is a square. Hello. They are little brothers. Cousins. Cousins ​​are. Yes, we are cousins. Plaza, Casa Palanca. . Hello. We have been here for ten years. Ten years. What When was the idea of ​​having a coffee here born? It was born in that Santa Bárbara, being a department, a coffee producer, did not have that service for the town that produces it. It was the first coffee in the city. We are pioneers. In the department you hardly see many fast food stalls. All the restaurants, all the coffees are artisanal, one hundred percent catrachos. Let's try. An American in the first coffee they opened here in the city. Aurora the coffee here of coffee coffee Where do they harvest it? From the Santa Barbara Mountains to perfect the art of coffee . How many months or years did it take of sacrifice? We've been here for ten years. Isn't a simple cup of coffee representing the ten years of effort, sacrifice and struggle of you and your family? Of course , my children were thirteen, fourteen years old when we started , now they are in college. How does your heart feel knowing that they are already very successful people? Very grateful to God. This mug from the Caballero family, here in Santa Barbara, has a great history. Bien delicious, strong, but soft at the same time, born. Match this design or this one a Santa Barbara cafe feature. We've already had four cups of coffee today. It's always an hour for coffee here in Santa Barbara. They already had the coffee. We're going to have coffee. It's the doggy aisle. A beauty salon . How great, hello. Why so many rooms? I have chosen this. I have visited them on occasions and it is very good. I have already tried several times. Look, how beautiful, they are doing the nails. There are many beauty salons in this city, I've seen several, but I see that people prefer Angie's salon. The difference? Service. I work with a lot of detail and love. With lots of love. Angie, tell me, how was the idea of ​​having that place with your name? It was my idea. mother. Just like she was. She named the place. How do you feel about that? Very proud. I thank you very much for teaching us the value of work from an early age. Thank you so much. Freddy, like what percentage of the streets? We have toured the city. Seventy percent of Santa Barbara's share of commerce. We found another cafe. That's nice. What original cakes. It's coffee but more than anything it's a pastry shop. Here we are with Fatima. What more concept original? When was the idea for coffee born? Born because after the pandemic there was no work, there was no employment. How was the feeling of worry when you couldn't to find work at that time. A difficult moment, being a single mother. For one it becomes more complicated. How for those original flavors. The pastry chef. He went to bring a pastry course, United States. He made them chefs went to other countries to learn the art of pastry. That's how it is. Wow, and that Fatima. A carrot cake. This is courtesy of the house. Thank you so much. Look, my people, how delicious that handmade carrot cake looks, with pecan nuts. I love carrot cake, because it's usually less sweet than the other cakes. Sometimes carrot cakes are a little dry, but not this. Mmm, it's got, like, a hint of cream cheese. What rich, my people. Combining it with a little bit of the acidity of cream cheese, we entered Paraíso Santa Barbarense. We meet a lot of foreigners who are from of California. Tell us, why are they here in Santa Barbara? This is a group of students from the University Pacífica Sosa, California, and they are volunteers who come to help and work in the children's home in Jardín Amor y Esperanza de Missions, here in Santa Bárbara. Where can people who want to support this foundation? Its offices are in Hualjoco, in front of the Esperanza Clinic. Incredible, there is someone in the group who speaks Spanish. OK what's your name? My name is Cristina. Tell me what is the today's plan We go to La Boquita, Zacapa, Santa Barbara. We went there yesterday. It's great that they come to help and you can also go sightseeing to enjoy the culture here . They tell me. First time for some of you? For all of us except Rachel. So tell us you've been doing this for a while now. I came last year and then coming back this year. Would you like to say some words to your friends at the university? Highly recommend coming to Honduras. Long live Santa Barbara. Oh I'll kayak. Chihuahua. Come on, progress. There I see Julio and Freddy waiting for us very worried. Let's see if we can reach the final goal, my people. People. Opposite.
Channel: Shin Fujiyama
Views: 555,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Santa Barbara Honduras, SHIN FUJIYAMA, Chin Fujiyama, Japones en Honduras, Coreano en Honduras, Chino en Honduras
Id: G5kunX0UChI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 24sec (1944 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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