Llegué al departamento con "las mujeres más bellas y el mejor café" de Honduras | Quimistan Ep 1

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Today we are going to visit Quimistán, the most populated municipality in Santa Barbara, Honduras. We find rich mangoes. How much is the bag worth, friend? Twenty. where do those come from mangoes? From Nicaragua. I have sixty-four years of selling in Choloma. I have been here for twenty years. For some or No, Always looking for the future. Where there is less risk. You he feels safer in Quimistan. If right. Here there are no gangs and things like that. Nothing to do, here is healthy. When you started selling mangoes, what was the first challenge found? Me working in a carton. Then I did my hand cart, after the by hand I made my big wagon. How much did a Nicaraguan bag sell for? mango box these days? Three lempiras. Greetings, friend of Greetings. Don Andrés Erazo has it in mind. We are going to try the famous mangoes from Don Andrés, who more than sixty years of selling those mangoes. And it says that these mangoes are from Nicaragua. Look up to the different color. I like that they are not too candy cart. And very delicious. They give us, I've heard that the people of Santa Barbara have like European blood. I I see that you perhaps have eyes. My grandfather was from Italian. My mother is American. Some greetings to the friends from Italy. Family already, in Italy, to my daughters, to me son. Congratulations. How nice. The products they sell here for the kids. My girls, even protectors. They have here in the mere park. Wow, how delicious. A great lunch Santa Barbaran. Beans with avocado. And that's a jalapeno. Chilito rico. What he likes about this sector is that he eats more healthier than us from the north coast. I live with her, they is my wife. How did you two meet? Here in the park that I already sold here, I Progreso. You come from Progress legs. We also. He fell in love with one, Pata Paloma. Correct. How many years have you two been together? One year. A lot of work is Feels like you met yesterday, right? Yes. What about the progreseños? Excellent. They are the most handsome. Tell us about that character on the sweater. Who is it? Everyone knows gave it to me. How interesting, that crystal. one quartz. To bring luck. Yes. You two, how do you you know? Companions. From the school overcoming. Yes. There is one tower. How do you get up there? That is the question. Well maintained here. People who work very hard, collecting. garbage, very calm. The atmosphere in the park. We can a bag of plums, right? How much does it cost? Ten. Ten lempira. Let's try the famous Kimistan plum. It's delicious. Let's try one of them too. Are there some are rojitos. Look, this is not a tomato, my people. It's a catracha plum. cameraman. The reds are sweeter. Very juicy, similar to plums. Purple color have in America. Greetings to my mom. I was listening to ranchera music. No, hymns. Hymns of the Bible. Hymns from the Bible, that's right. What motivated you listening to hymns? I am going to church. Your life, What was it like before discovering Jesus? I was addicted, and God changed my life and I am here to serve him. When the idea of ​​selling fruit was born. Here I have seven. Twenty three years What brought you to? I went to Copán, did I work for land food and I came back. It wasn't for love here. Yes. Everyone who comes they fall in love with a Barbarian saint. That's how it is. A heart. Here we are at the cross of the park and it looks pure motorcycle taxi traveler. How much are the prices here in Honduras? fifteen bolivars. So cheap. Here even has the names. Omar Joshua and Joel David. They are the names of the bikers. Tell us about what San José Guevara says. Who is it? It is the mayor? From the municipality of Quimistan. But he passed away and was the father. His father remained mayor. Exact. Thank you very much. OK. Nice to meet you. Here we are with some church friends. We are missionaries of the church of Jesus Christ. I'm from the state of mexico. What is most stranger from Mexico? The tacos. Isn't there a taco shop here in a Quimistán. Well, we don't know much. From where? From glove. Guatemala, Mexico, and. USA. And then at dinner, what do they eat? Guatemalan, Mexican, or American? We eat. We are all jerks here. Are you They come from the National University. Yes, we are doing currently practice in Kimistan Municipality. come from San Pedro Sula. Tegucigalpa. What is the most strange place in the capital? The thin ones. We have not tried the corn tortilla yet here, but soon yes. What is the career they study? Degree in social work. We are currently focused on the issue of migration. . What are the reasons? unemployment in the country. The violence. Who are you with today? My mom. Who is the best mom of the world? Look at the shirt. Here in Quimistán. Look many Dragon Ball. Yes a little. And what is it that we are drinking here, sir? A banana smoothie. You come from Pinalejos. Yes. It's quite a long way from here. A bit. How long? seven minutes. Here fronts. Find many stores and I see that he is building some building big, downstairs it sells clothes, here I see a big row that shop we have here in front. Banpa country. There's a long line here in the bank, there are many people who receive remittances from Estados United. Throughout the country, remittances are the forte. Holy Bárbara, then, it is not far behind. How long in a row times? Up to two, three hours, and sometimes it depends on the attention of the banks. There is an Elektra store here, and it sells ATVs. Let's see how much the motorcycles are worth here in thirty three thousand lempiras. You can buy one for less than a thousand dollars motorcycle here. A statue of a lord. This is a tribute to Francisco Morazán. You can go in a little bag with air. conditioning until San Pedro Sula. Sixty lempiras. Here We are with a friend who has a Tom and Jerry shirt. With who is there today? With me the one who took care of me since I was little. . How much are the chips? Ten vouchers. Let's try one by those. Where do they make that? Here in Santa Barbara. Here in La cofradía. In Brotherhood. Even the word was gone, okay? That the colors. This red? Tell us, Mrs. Maria. Barbecue. But it doesn't spicy or? No, it's just to please the cassava. Wow, We are going to try the cassava. Doña María, very rich. Coconut water. Wow, look at the amount of ice that you have here, how much is the bag worth? Ten lempiritas. where do those coconuts come from? Of the flowers, the mountain. Wow, I've never seen coconuts as icy as these, my people. Ah, Don Jairo, that's very tasty. We will continue to learn the streets of Quimistán. It has seen quite a bit of growth o a little in these years. Quimistán grows every year. There is a lot of trade here , besides, well, is it a productive area for cattle. And Freddy, that puppy? If they ask you, how do I know llama? Spikes. How friendly the dogs here from Santa Barbara. They are quiet. How interesting, huh? That is the famous Texas of the one with the roofs. They bake us here in Quimistán. Yes of course. Keeps houses cooler. What is machine for what, sir? It is for What are we going to compact? Pavement. We are preparing the streets that go to pinaleo Greetings to our mayor Darío Pacheco, God bless continue to bless you. A lot of livestock, it's the industry more strong here in the sector. Of course, here in the valleys is the the strongest cattle-producing area in the department. Here, have a cafe. Cafe Plaza. How beautiful. At what point did he found that coffee here in Quimistán? He is already four years old. I can cure in an American cafe. Thank you so much. Just made me, Mrs. Reina, that cup of coffee from Santa Bárbara. It's very good. That coffee, you know, famous, from Santa Barbara. Thank you very much, Café Plaza, he just gave me that coffee as a courtesy. Suddenly look at a lot of trucks and gentlemen with big cameras. Oscar, where are we? We are at the offices of Multicable de Honduras and the Vallevisión television channel. Which today's task? I always pay attention to climate. On behalf of Mundo Móvil, they have sent this to Chin. Guau. What would you want? It is the exclusive brand of the cap, Mundo Móvil, it is an authorized distributor throughout Honduras of this brand. Thank you very much, Mobile World. How nice, let's go to try those caps. With flow, my people. Here we are in is Vallevisión's main master's degree. There is Daniel, Viana, who is the channel director at the moment. Around there is Marvin Quirós, who is the commercial voice. Here we are, bringing you the best programming so that people are entertained at home. When Vallevisión began, as it began as a child. The channel started with a tiny camera. The building was smaller. Only with coverage . Thank God, at Multicable de Honduras, it has made strategic alliances that we can now be on departments of the country and worldwide through digital platforms. A pride here from Quimistán, generating jobs and giving coverage of the city to each corner of Honduras was born. This is where the news is made, all the programs. News, that night from Quimistán, Santa Barbara. Director, what are we working on right now? Making a schedule for right now in the afternoon. You was born with that gift of voice or how, how was it? Yes, and at the age fourteen years ago, he already had a commercial voice. Which the dream and vision of the channel? Talking about the population having quality content and being able to enjoy at home. Normally in all towns, in front of the park, is there the cathedral or the Catholic church, in Quimistán, right? In serious, that? You could see the park, there is no church Catholic, the Catholic Church has its back to those park. Right where is the park, where is all the downtown neighborhood, passed a ravine. The people had growing there. Where is that ravine? Is it disappeared because now all the people are there. Populated all this area. Here we find a shop that sells clothes American. And well, fans. Here before was in a ravine. The story tells that the ravine passed by where the park is. Today he passes in front of the church. How curious? Those are the feather legs of those are the down. Why do they say paw and feathers here in Santa Barbara. According to tradition, those from Santa Bárbara were fast for an walk. And were they the best messengers they had Spaniards. That's why they called them feather leg. Here is the Catholic Church. A church built by an order. This one seal of two orders. And it is the ownership that has an old cross on the front. Look how beautiful that church come from it is well maintained in white color. It looks very cute. Here it says rooms for rent. How much does it cost to rent one for work reasons ? I rent them in one thousand and the other locally eight hundred. They are fourth two. The Maria that is on par is worth three thousand five hundred lempiras a month. There are bigger Santa people Barbara who travels to live in San Pedro Sula other cities . But the other way around also happens. Yes of course. Which it is the advantage of living here in Santa Barbara. San Pedro Sula is not so face life as in San Pedro Sula. Because it is a lie that in today, even in Progreso you get off to find one, house for two thousand lempiras a month. Thank you so much. Don Raul. Where does the name Quimistán come from? Well, that question. did put it in Chinese for me. Quimistán that is a nest of rats. The historian Adalid Martínez says that the rat's nest is not real Quimistán means lady of the waters. And it has logical. Quimistán is on an aquifer that is the amount of water that deposits that is attached to the Tuzuco and the Merendón. Here there is no shortage of water then. Yes. How sad that it is the water lady there is a shortage of water. I find with a bank that says of the people for the people. Let's to find out what's here. Financial area of ​​the municipality. look at the amount of work they have. What does it mean? That is the mountain and sun. A new sunrise. Tell me, in which It is working today? This area here is in charge of of public information, since we viralized all the events, they are being done here at the municipality. Let's go to to enter the technical unit here that granny was attending to? Yes, the grandmother who has Here is a sign that says Kimistan was attending right now a water problem. Grandma, you have come to look for a water system for your house. I need the water because there is no water in that board up there in pieces . Great job engineers, right? To support you. Yes. The art school. Tell us about the art school. Is it a project that comes to benefit many children on painting, singing, guitar. We have it located at the top of the highway to thousand unemployed. It seems that he has a lot of vision. The mayor of look a lot of ordinances, different offices, tell us from work in your office? We dedicate ourselves to a run the projects. Education or constructions, everything. Of everything. How many communities do you think need More classrooms, school improvements? A lot. The very great needs. This is the children's office. In what you are working on today? We provide assistance psychological, counseling, we are even right now with a of the coordinators of Cauce Canada, which is a who support us. Some greetings to the friends of Canada. Greetings hello, hello, hello How do I get to work with children's organization? Thanks to a book I read what is the name of the book? Evolution, one of the phrases that I liked in that book was adulthood will depend a lot on childhood, that's how my love about psychology and I am specializing in children loud virtual applause for our graduate from outside the muni encounter with a lot of murals? Could it be that this is some garrobo holding a soccer ball? This is the shield of the Club Deportivo San Juan, which is the team I don't get mistreat says the hashtag of that one and look at that church Surely it's the church we passed that was how the idea of sell fruit juice here. Based on the heat we have chai, tamarind, horchata, and passion fruit. Let's try the juice from Don Justin, passion fruit flavor. Look at fruit inside the glass. Full of bits of ice. That is surely going to be very icy. Oh what ice cream. It's super refreshing. Where does is this passion fruit? We bought it here in Quimistán. If you are obsessed with garrobos here. Freddy, what bird? We are looking here. We call them the chileros. Here is the dance hall of Quimistan. This is where the people come to make parties danceable because. There is no disc. There is no disco. Where they do it through these halls that are practically communal areas. Oscar, how do you dance here in bunny gives it to you ? Here people dance bachata, cumbia, merengue, reggaeton, punta, everything, everything people dance to. You will also be find a tental laboratory. With clothes and a barbershops. What happened here? Unfortunately they are trash styles that often get used and we are counteracting through the police court in these internship cost? That mural reflects what the burning crisis is they produce. Have a good green forest and a good source of water to deforestation and broken soils. Here we are with an outdoor clothing store. How much is the clothing here? Friend. Five lempiras. Is it true that it's worth? Five lempiras. Some pieces. Yes that's how it is. We have some here wow, look at the great offer, ah, you can eat delicious here. Rico, one hundred percent Salvadoran. How did I Savior? Do you marry my husband here in Quimistán they sent her from El Salvador to work here. We have been coming here for ten years . Now, shot instead of pupusas. We make baleadas, chicken chuco, pupusas, cupcakes, everything. Up to people come from Trujillo to visit Quimistán. Japan, Trujillo, Progreso. You know, here come people from all sides. In front of the park, there is a large store. See, what is that? There is rabbit food. See how is the food from the rabbits. Are rabbits for pets or is it for roast meat? Depends on who has them. Let's see here it is. That, How does that work, friend? Only the Quimistán and he eats it. How much does the grain cost here in Quimistán. A pound of beans costs him twenty-five. Nine a pound corn. There are several wineries. It is seen that this is surely the warehouse street. And look at the soccer cleats. How about the football here in Santa Barbara? Here we are passionate about soccer. Here we are in a store where products from Trinidad, Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara. Hey, where do the products come from? Here they are They make it in Santa Barbara. How much does the shoes products here? Those slippers? Five hundred and fifty, sandals three hundred. And these in jeans? Thirteen hundred, we give that. Look at the material, pure quality. What pants you wear here in Santa Bárbara, Honduras? We have from these Levi's, which is stretch, it's quality there in vice too, which is is very good. How much is the cost of jeans here. East costs five hundred and eighty. Excellent quality, excellent price, and it is seen that there are more products here. Wow, here there are shirts. Look, that the traditional clothes of the girls. Where they are located? Here we are next to the Regis so no local name. What is the name of one girlfriend pharmacy? Is my wife. Is his wife. Martha. Because we put Martha's store, right? Yes, like that. It's new here so. Yes, here we have three years of having it. How was ​​the two of you met was born? As he worked in a motorcycle taxi. Oh yes it wasn't the other side, and that's how she knew him. We are six years old, to be together But do you remember the first day as a what if it was yesterday? That's how it is. Congratulations. There are many cowboy culture in Santa Barbara, you know why won. That here we are in a cafeteria in front of the park. What are the hours that you have here? Six to three of the . What do people eat the most so early? All the menu, chicken with slices, tacos. Here they eat deliciously since six in the morning. Chuco chicken with slices. What channel is it. later clothing stores and many backpacks. How pretty, that's the of clothing style that he wears here. Traditional dresses. Here there's more juice, yummy. And more stores, it is seen that there is quite a lot trade has always been seen. Freddy, about ten years ago, what was he like here. I am over thirty years old and this type of in a trade. Look, Liri pylons, sell pylons. Wow, look at My people, those are the famous pylons. They are frozen fruits. . How many years have they been selling pylons here in? Ten years. A a decade of selling those delicious pilones. What fruits inside? What is watermelon, pineapple, and melon. There is a secret to get it out, right? Of the glass. Does it get a little tight stop. A pylon expert. Look, the well-frozen form. It looks. Oops, that's melting. Look at the juice that fell. Let's try it. that's strawberry flavor. That white piece of pineapple. A square with two floors, there is a the café, I think it's closed. Wow, how interesting. Are those the famous pickles, right? Potatoes, I guess they grow them here. Look, the fertile land, catracha land with lots of vitamins. Here you can see that they support Barcelona, ​​here in Quimistan. Several chicken shops stuck together, Ebenezer store. Check then, says former President Trump. What curiosity diner, the name of the Trump store, how was he born names? He is a nephew and a daughter who is in the States United States, they would like to put that one on it, right? A great varieties of products. Oops, here they sell all kinds of food spirits for weekends. What is the the best seller here in Quimistán? The little cat How much is that bottle worth? Twenty. Less than a dollar is worth that famous one. Here are smoothies. Wow, how interesting that here. burning copies. And while you wait for the copies, what is can buy a smoothie. What is the flavor that sells the most here? Granola, chocolate, Complex. We are going to try a smoothie of banana. We see that in many young people today. White yellow is. That goes down very well in that heat. . Always with carob tree. Look, my people, shirts from Japan. Pure. Dragon Ball, and Naruto. What a joy to see Pichingo shirts from Japan. He likes them. Quite. Grab some that you like there. I know gift. Wow, look my people, that's going to be hard, because all those they are very solid. How was born the idea of ​​selling shirts from Japan here in Kimistan? My cousin is the one with the business. She is an anime lover for sure. That what let's take away. Thank you so much. Where they are located? Moto Honda, Pollolandia, and here we are in a picnic area, an interesting, stack of peanut butter cans. Wow look those products born, are you doing that? I've already been around three years, already working with it. I do with name, I do this with an initial, or whatever you like. And this is the It's a lighter with which the product burns. For seal it, like this. To seal it, exactly. How much is the price of the bracelets? I have twenty-five, thirty, according to the detail that I like. At what point was the idea for for this venture? The idea was given to me by a friend. She greetings there. Seasoned chicken is a pollero that I am seeing in many places. A few words, Commander, look at those words, commander, you are worried. From the shenanigans. Wow, graffiti, and where is the family going? Border. Border, which country is it from? From Guatemala. From here to the Guatemalan border, how far is it? Good trip, water, what will it be? How odd. Of water, suddenly. Okay. Well, suddenly someone was washing one of businesses are sold and the water spilled here and the water is stagnant here. the Kimy Dining Room, surely Kimy from Kimistan. Look, amount of food you sell here. How delicious. Look, my people, here they cook with a lot of love. Life is too short for live the diet. Full belly happy heart. Wow, look those plates, here they are very gigantic. This is where all the magic of catracha food, here is from Kimistan. How big. This restaurant many have told me that here he has the best shots in all of Kimistan. You have understood that yes, we have simple shots, with eggs, to your liking. We are going to check with our teeth, that they sell here from Kim Stone. Our friend says that she wants an interview, tell us what you are eating the day today. Today we are eating pizza. Here he serves pizza, too. No, stewed chicken, fries, there's everything. And I ask employment. I'm washing someone else's and sometimes I can't find work. How much is the salary you can earn per day here in Kimyston. Sixty lempiras when I find a job. Wow. Look. Very large and enough eggs they give it. Tabasco Chile, he says. Look the color, a little intense. It will be that we are going to know right now. Well, my people, we are going to feel in our mouth. Very very good. The eggs and beans taste good, good touch. The consistency of Türkiye is perfect. Bring something very dangerous. Ugh, what an intense smell. Pure chile and vinegar. But since we have to play soccer later, better Let's avoid the reddest part. Let's try it. For me, the pickle must not be missing for a good a bullet. Many had told me that here I had the best. shot from Quimistán. Today we verified that yes. Congratulations team. I am very glad that you liked it. For people who want to try the shots, where are they located? Half a block down from the central park. We have variety of menu, shot, breakfast, lunch, dinner, everything, buffet food. Kimy is from Quimistan. Kimy is for me brother, may he rest in peace. He was a marathon player, then, they don't tell each other their names, but they say, if they're from Siguatepeque, they tell him if they are from Kimistan, in this case my brother has a tendon, hence the name. Big sister that always remember the brother who played on the famous marathon. A team that continues to support the Mía Foundation with the construction of schools. Greetings to all of marathon. Pepe's official store. They help us with our shirts. Look, spine massages. You from the, from the massages here. Yes. Tell us how it works. The person takes lying there. He scans his spine and shrunk, she stretches it. How much is, say, one hours. One hundred fifty. It lasts like forty-eight minutes. Look at the one with the chickens here in Kimistan, Megapollo. That cheap, forty-five lempiras for a portion. Here are more cell phone stores, what products do we have? Telephones, chargers, protectors. Here is a great shop, why come to repair something? I am a vendor a wholesaler of accessories for telephones. What is the the accessory that sells the most here in Kimistan? Chargers, headphones, memories. The most basic of a phone. Here we are with our doctor, tell us about the work of the day of today. I work on the outskirts, in the public clinic here, and all good. So much to serve a lot of people. Yes, but for me it is an honor to serve the people of Kimistay. You were born here? No, I'm from Ceguaca, Santa. Followers. Yes, but I came as one year to work here. Greetings to all the friends of Seguaca. I have seen that quite a few houses here in Kimistan are made of this material. This we call Bajareque. that mud with wood. A tiled house, a house without a doubt, very, very old. How old is she? One hundred and fifty years. One hundred and fifty years, really. One hundred fifty. I know it gave a sister to my grandmother. When I was fifteen years and my right now died ninety-three years. We can see a a little more back here. Yes. One hundred and fifty years I come to , that building right in front of you must have found something very special, my people. Know what? That plant, with our friend's permission , a spinach leaf. Very delicious. Pure fiber. Yes Yes. You have to bend over. The it looks like he got in. That is the ground, but was it sinking little floor. Already sunk because how the water has gotten in. How come that the water got in? Hurricanes? Yes, when he came Hurricane, like the highest pavement, here we remain a hole. Master, tell me about that, that oven here. My Granny. And here is my grandmother's food, in the children. I have her there as a relic. The owner of the house. She was my granny. Ella had green eyes like you. Yes. Your grandmother surely is a better place. With our lord. Yes, because she thanked God, she prayed for half an hour before she died. Surely she will see this video from a better place. Some message to your grandmother. That God has her, then, where she he deserves it, right? A house can last one hundred and fifty years. Beautiful memories of a grandmother, it is forever. Is that how is if. Let's meet. The school overcoming. You think it's from the biggest school in Quimistán. Yes, in Quimistán It is one of the biggest. What beautiful murals. Who is you painted them? Career youth. How beautiful, and how big, the school Overcoming. This is a target area. Look what beautiful that. Self-confidence is the first succeed. How interesting. That flower with the bear. Those are memories of youth. This hidden churro is from you or of the young. Youths. Secure, right? Oh. We are going to learn a little more about your operation. How beautiful the benches made of wood. There a wood workshop. I then the young people with the teacher elaborates them. Tell me, what task we are working right now? We are talking about the legislative power. Strong in the exam. How many minutes is the exam? We already did it, solo secret is a review that we are giving right now. Then from the exam, are you still studying, huh? Director, how does it feel of that? Very proud, since the young people that we prepare They come out with the necessary skills to become a to enter the world of work? Look, how nice, everyone who have drawn. Hello. How are you doing? All good, all good. Tell us, teacher, what are the students working on today? We are reviewing the exams. How did you do in the exams? All good, thank God. Tell us about the logo, what means? It is the monogram of the school. There is a hat, one the book and the flag of our beloved Honduras. The director. She wants to show us one of the workshops. Here they works in electricity. What are the three greatest needs of the school at the moment? Construction of six classrooms and we have a gym that is started in the previous government but that change that stopped project. And six classrooms, tell us about that. We tried the government to help us in the construction of those six classrooms. But for now we are waiting. How many years have waited for those classrooms? About five years, when this big What do you want to be? Nurse lawyer look at the lots of students and there are not enough classrooms for them , tell us about the situation of the roofs here, do we need to when Hurricane Eta Iota happened, had a lot of damage little by little. I think we are going to get To have one hundred percent the institution. How does it feel to see hurricane damage here, very ugly because a beautiful patio where everyone studies? Oh, look here, there is a pet gets in the water, what is the name of the puppy? Firulais Firulais were you guys working on this? Yes. Where did you learn to work with electricity? Tell us what working today. We are making a warehouse. The students after receiving the workshops, How do they feel they are up to so we can move on? Very happy because they learn practical things for life. Great job of all the teachers. I see many of them teaching all the important techniques to the students. Greetings to family. Family, sorry. Lara family, greetings. Are we here until paradise. How many students do you say there are? Eight hundred. Almost five hundred in the morning and three hundred in the afternoon in what class? Natural sciences and that that cadaver there, what a scare, is that true? And it is made of plastic, which is why cleaning material here? We do not have a staff that teaches it helps so much with cleaning in the classrooms, therefore our student winners are the ones who help us keep the classrooms clean. It seems like the schools in Japan then? To keep them clean. What is the theme of the week? The values nutritional. What are the most important nutrition for you? Have a good diet, in Santa Bárbara What is what they eat the most? Bullets and those professional trophies? In the educational center take different powers each as a teacher is in charge of a group and many who, if she is the teacher in the home area, how to do crafts, prepare food, sew, they we prepare it for them to be entrepreneurs, teacher Delia. In what you are working on today, eh students? Right now we are with the cutting and sewing security measures go to the . If you learn that well, you can get a good job work in any maquila that is nearby. In practice, how many maquilas are there in this sector? three or four to there. What are the requirements to be able to obtain a job in the maquila here in Santa Bárbara. Hence what they ask for papers? Do they take your papers and look at your resume? Because it depends on the profession you have that gives you the job. She is learning about safety measures for herself, some very important measure to start. We are learning to keep tidy and neat and clean our area I work. I imagine this area is for learning to cook several things go from. Who is the best student at this table? But the notebook is blank. What happened? Here is another workshop, the other home workshop, how great is this workshop, what are the students working on today? The different types with the idea that the boys are already looking to become small entrepreneurs in the future a great job that many entrepreneurs are doing, come from these sectors of Honduras, tell us about the sardines we are only taking the parts out of the labels What do you think of the label for sardines? yes who teach us about the products and the ingredients, nutritional properties, a little of everything. Yes. We need three laboratories, although with deficiencies, but here we go, right? We grow because of the parents who are the ones they provide the support to be able to buy a computer due to lack of support from the central government, the parents. have come together to support with whatever they can. We appreciate ​​to the government, they are the ones who pay the staff. But from there, everything else is pure contribution from the parents of family We are in the computer lab. Good morning. What are you working on today? In World. Learning Microsoft Word. I see that there are only two men, right? What are you working on here? Tables and figures. Well advanced here too because there are more females what a man. We prefer that men go to welding and if it shares with the computer the majority that they are females, come here. But some have the ability so we also locate them here. Out of every hundred students here in Santa ? How many manage to go to university? It is minimal. We are fifty kilometers from the university closer. I could tell you that of the young people who graduate of overcoming thirty percent go to university. I I see two and that was the second bus of the overcoming that is bad and we had to acquire this with activities of our own we host young people from Naco to Azul to Santa Bárbara in don't have a school like this in those places, so yes, there is educational centers but the parents prefer that their children come to overcoming. Six more classrooms are missing for to accommodate more students. And the gym that does urge us because we cannot accommodate all our population. When you be big. What do you want to be? Doctor. To be a doctor should go to in San Pedro Sula. Yes. They are far away, but nothing stops you. No. What is your most favorite subject here? Spanish. No English? Yes too. Are we in the cafeteria. And you see that there are three sections. Tell us about everything offered here. Little slices with shredded chicken, little breakfast typical. Of course, with prices accessible to students. Fruits too. Also, something healthy. How incredible, quantity of food. What is the best selling churro here to students? Their favorites is this. Let's try , tell us about that flavor of chips. It is very rich and spicy. Ten, how itchy? Ten. Look my people, let's go try the barbecue flavor. There is no spice at all. Nothing. Really? For you to try and keep good memories here. How much are shot here? Twenty-five the order. And look inside, it has Cheese, beans, butter. Chicken o something too, right? Yes, chick too. How complete. Let's try the first shot. Here from Quimistank. Very rich. The shots from Santa Bárbara are very juicy. We are going to try the fruit that the students eat the most, watermelon. It's very good. We are going to try another because it is very tasty. . How did you come up with the idea of ​​selling fruit here? Due to the heat, TRUE? You know we are in the summer season, so watermelon is a bit refreshing, so this is an dessert of Argentine origin. I do them. Some salute to Messi, just in case watch this video. Regards, Messi, did he I want. How is this called? Caramel cookies. Let's try the Argentine alfajores. Rico's. Sheer pillow texture. It's okay, but there is. Sweet of milk. It's not too sweet, that's how I like it. Gentle. Mmm, very light, weighs nothing, because it is pure air. Yes. What does it mean that for you? This is San Judas, and this is the one where Jesus Christ. The colors of the Honduran flag. Yes. you where you come from. Great mountain. Brotherhood. What do you bring you here? I wanted to study here. There are other students who come from Cofradía to study here. Yes. Well, I I send many greetings to my people. Here we are our guides, Freddy. Eight hundred students, but one six more classrooms. And these Chinese necessities are we going to find in many centers in almost the entire department of Santa Barbara. Hopefully in Honduras one day Chin will be to have a decent education. Outside the school, we look at an place them, it looks like a restaurant that has a name too. curious. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Why is there a restaurant with the name Tokyo? Here in Kimistan. Let's to know the place. How big the place, and it feels like Japan. Look at the design. The colors, what a curiosity. Such a place. It doesn't even exist in San Pedro Sula, but here in Kimistan, yes. What it says here? Kiss me, it will be fun. For children and Tokyo. How nice, a drawing of a panda. Tell us, what is what sells here? Coffees, also wings, hamburgers, and personal chicken combos. Let's see the menu, well extensive, it is priceless. You know, it's always in danger when there are no prices on a menu. While we wait for the food. We are seeing that here they are filled with students from the school, improvement. What does Barbara like to eat the most people here in Tokyo? Wings with hamburgers and fries. What's up the burgers here? They are very good, really. Look, What a solid here is to send messages. Message with little hearts, what's up? Are they very much in love? The students of Santa Bárbara. Already subscribed? Me too. I also. Thank you Kimistan. How did the name Tokyo come about? me I am a former intern from I was in Japan than me. Never. Yes. I wanted to commemorate the sister Republic of Japan for That opportunity I had to study entrepreneurship. I believe which is the only coffee here in Honduras with a Japanese name. Here in Honduras it is unique. Some Japanese have come to drink coffee here. Yes indeed every time there is a trip official stop party. Oh. In the and come to Tokyo. What is the you learned from in Japan? Business methodology. The methodology in Japan is a roadside shop, right? In the case of the charancaco because the cane juice, is the product from identity, my whole family has sold cane juice, as a child. Some greetings to the friends of Japan. Greetings special to all Japan friends. Someday in Japan we go to open a cafe called Honduras. There is a big panda here. In the Asian part. Panda Bear is a beautiful animal and is in extinction period. You have to take care of company life wild. What are you going to eat today? I come from Costa Rica, eat wings here. He is my nephew. How come they get Rica and you are from here? She is from here but the she is from Costa Rica. Wow, a catracha married a costa rican. All good there, all solid. Pure Life. Yes, Sir. That's going to be my first coffee in the department. This coffee husband is produced here in Quimistán. How is the Difference between Santa Barbara and second module coffee flavor other sectors? I think this coffee is in a category. Oh, too. There is quality. Because it's a famous roasted coffee handmade. We will confirm the quality. From from Santa Barbara coffee. Look at the color and a very smell strong. From the mountains of the earth here very smooth, very rich. Who is going to taste the famous coffee granite here? Delicious. He already sees that Freddy is even sweating from so much heat, with that he leaves. You kind of tasted like my tastes, right? With Andrea, we are going to try the famous hamburger, outlet with cheese, with bacon, onion, lettuce, tomato, a bit of everything. Let's savor it. That's lovely. very juicy It's very good. What sauce supposed to be has? Dressing. How much is the price of food here? one hundred ninety-eight lempiras. Coffee costs thirty. It costs fifty. Some greetings to your best friends from school. Sergio. And my dad. I don't know if you give me permission for being here but. Hey, I'm going to scold you later. No, right? I don't know. No, don't scold her. No. We are eating delicious. He is going encouraged to try the famous wings here from Tokyo. It says which are spicy. Beware. Look, Brian, he's sweating already. Let's try the white sauce herbs. Like a special butter. Look at the potatoes, the green, it gives a good seasoning to the chips. Very delicious. It is very itchy He just gave me this. The students. And look. Real Madrid. Here what are they ringing to me, Real Madrid or Barza? Here the population is divided. Many thanks to from Tokio restaurant, they gave us the food to courtesy. Mario. Am I on a bus with a driver who drives all with only hands. Direct and seven years of being running Here on the highway between Quimistán and Pinalejos being done on the streets.
Channel: Shin Fujiyama
Views: 285,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Honduras, Quimistan Honduras, Quimistan Santa Barbara, Shin Fujiyama, Chin Fujiyama, Japones en Honduras, Coreano en Honduras, Chino en Honduras
Id: x62CSIN2org
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 28sec (2188 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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