Liza Minnelli Performs 'Maybe This Time' From Cabaret (1972) | The Dick Cavett Show

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say would it be too much to ask you to get up and do that same number on our stage yes too much to ask you to do something no there were two new songs actually written for the thing for me yeah I'll do the Owen that's great by Fred Evan John Kander as usual yeah would you sure right now all right you know where to find anything we should know that no except that I really like it okay I hope you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe this time I'll be lucky maybe this time his maybe this time for the first time [Music] I'll be [Music] lady booties lady that's what [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh nobody ladies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] that wasn't bad gee that's really so you've blown the fuse here you can quit now no we have a message for my local stations we'll clean up and be back flies I'm Italian Bob playing Pete Seeger and Gayle say as we joining us but you have to go somewhere so it's brilliant really a swingin city like they say did you find it that not anymore but the fascinating he was doing all that reading and figuring out what it was like in the thirties it was incredible that period seemed so like a sigh like Hemingway and Fitzgerald and people were over in Paris mm-hmm but Berlin was like the place to be and it's as if they were apparently unaware of it or you never connect the two somehow but Berlin was really an whole era that lot Alania represents and when she sings yeah kind of a Salas is divine decadence and meanwhile in March - you know when you handler yeah there are Nazi soldiers in the movie you know and I wonder what feeling it creates around the streets or wherever you shot when they suddenly see the swastika and the uniform again it was very strange because the young people resented it terribly and I could understand that you know because it's like taking the rap for what happened before and what the mistakes or the tragedy that happened to your parents yeah the older people just kind of pretended like it didn't happen at all like the lady who dressed me originally for the film it was a cross between Joan Crawford and Joe Namath's I mean I looked so disaster just shoulder pads and and I said no no Minoo cut on the bias and I figure out how to say that in German I couldn't it was trying to said it's something that hangs prop like before the war and she literally looked me dead in the eye and said what war what war what war how old is this Fanny she was about fifty something yeah the recent unpleasantness is yeah well did you finally get your own clothes thinner I heard you're Bob Fosse's vest and something happened in that number was Bob's fist I was wearing in meine Herren that's his nest yeah and I wore half of my own clothes and half of Gwen burdens clothes and then we bought some things in shops and that was it I think they didn't think that it there ought to be Nazis in movies in there kind of does anytime any there is no film business because Hitler you know just completely got rid of hoopha the UFA and any kind of industry that had to do with artistic you know thing and now the only thing that they make their pornographic films could use it do they sell them here over here are they moved in and they take the kids it's a family movie yes yeah they sell popcorn everything pornographic popcorn what's the what's the point of taking the whole family do they figure that's a good way of getting other places where's Lainey refunds doll these days you know yeah yeah Lainey rang up early she's the one who made to all this Hitler Oh Hitler's films and she's alive I have no idea of the sensational this thing's the giant dimensions and his going with a car festival oh the lady mastermind all is publicity yeah but she got out because she started work for him right she was I don't think she was ever repentant for working and I may be doing her a disservice if she's watching along with Sally Bowles sorry yeah I wondered if you heard anything about her no the only and I I hadn't heard anything about anybody you know they're kind of reluctant to talk about the period the people who had to be extras and play Nazis we weren't terribly thrilled about it but they didn't you know nobody only one woman really got mad and got up and said ah I went through this I don't want to I went through it she wouldn't be she said I've been through it I see and uh but they were thrilled on the other hand to have a major film production over there so I didn't know it was no German film industry you have to leave don't you have to get out of here you have to split yeah they held up a sign that said you had to go and every time I say that I get into trouble why I don't know because usually this is trying to get rid of the guests and they play it on me oh no I would I would like to stay cuz I love Pete Seeger and I gotta go talk to him somebody who wants to know uh something I'm an alcoholic curse them I be refer you know you so you're being interviewed all over the place these things well good luck and don't tell them the answer to anything you don't want you see you were just terrific tonight thanks guys you come again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Dick Cavett Show
Views: 215,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Dick Cavett Show, breathtaking performance, classic song, emotional song, exceptional performance, golden era performance, iconic performance art, iconic song, legendary artist, legendary performance, live performance, masterful performance, musical cinema, musical moment, powerhouse vocals, show-stopping vocals, stage presence, unforgettable moment, unforgettable performance, unforgettable vocals, vintage performance
Id: hu2CZhvaqik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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