Living The Dream - The New Young Millionaires

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Kyiv Airport Ukraine despite the storm these privileged few are getting ready to take off for a week of luxury business and parting no private jet in Ukraine was big enough to bring them all together so they sent this 14 seater plane direct from France [Music] jean-marie has organized this trip this thirty-two-year-old Franco Swiss multi-millionaire made his fortune in the fashion industry [Music] [Music] you think I have too much crap no it's okay awesome was Mexico doesn't know Sandow as a linear as they have Surrey the party of not river that effectively John Cheever not together - ah that's just a small sum of 60,000 euros nevertheless for jean-marie this is also a business trip he's now throwing himself into the art business and is bringing 11 models with him to direct a show for an artist he is financing provides a fast car sweetie yeah well achieve our farms [Music] they're all friends of Stefan and vitaly two other multi millionaires who own model agencies in ukraine [Music] on the model business socata power because it's usually the artist financed by jean-marie has planned on doing nude photographs so the multimillionaires have invited young women who are fairly comfortable in their own bodies for some of these young ladies nudity doesn't seem to be a problem at all a single man jean-marie seems to slightly lost the artistic motivations of his trip let's onto the booze iva-mos gonna pour tequila makes on same level within the Sofia salsa people but now may much Bosco after a two-hour flight the plane lands in Corsica on an airstrip reserved exclusively for private jets no endless queues at customs for jean-marie and his friends one of the many small daily advantages reserved for the ultra-rich in recent years these multimillionaires get younger and younger at less than 35 years of age they are at the head of colossal fortunes barely adults they're already in the top 1% of richest people on the planet a small circle that holds almost 50% of the world's wealth some flaunt their luxurious lifestyle on social media reality television or on the front pages of magazines a new golden youth who owned their wealth and aren't afraid to show it only 25 years old a mere Baha dears fortune reaches over 500 million euros but there are two twin towers there that's my family has built heir to a vast construction empire in Turkey that's the reason why I'm having cars just you know add something to my exit the multi-millionaire decided to create his own business in luxury real estate in New York this number you know 500 million should become you know five billion dollars soon Conti Luna 27 years old is a brand new millionaire it's very expensive to be straight from the German middle-class her life changed dramatically when she met Richard Louv nine [Music] is 81 years old and is worth a hundred and fifty million euros their marriage ended in a sensational divorce party's new goal to find a new match jean married Santosh 32 years old is a descendant of a prestigious line of French nobility his father is a merchant banker in Switzerland his mother is an aristocrat he took a liking to business was at a private business school he became a millionaire by creating his own brand of clothing and uniforms he dresses thousands of workers in luxury hotels airline companies or yacht cruise and people's to universal genre has also just invested more than a million euros in a revolutionary new treatment to stop smoking the Australian Dominion were fair we have accepted who are these young multimillionaires where do their fortunes come from how do they maintain them for several months we followed their extraordinary daily lives [Music] Calvi Corsica one of the top summer destinations for European millionaires during this month of July dozens of yachts crowd the marina the largest on this beautiful island hello well they will go back to with his friends jean-marie has come straight from Ukraine the goal of his Corsican trip is to organize an artistic performance Niels is the photographer that genre is sponsoring for his artist the young millionaire wants exceptional photos and of course an idyllic work environment [Music] this deluxe sailing boat made in Italy is 40 metres long a privilege for the ultra-rich this young French man borrowed this yacht from a Bulgarian billionaire thanks to mutual friends if you want to rent if your next holidays it'll cost you 80,000 euros for a week [Music] good morning look at RIT thank you so much what you know come on a missile six crew members take care of the passengers night and day the inside of the boat is all precious woodwork gilding and refinement electrical news vato Sandeep avoided amano-san people Oh Hermes do battle Sam it [Music] take a smoke inhalation why Samet shooting battle for Palace like cabins with marbled bathrooms [Music] despite the Magnificent scenery Neil's plans to take his photos on a simple white background work here what was cool with Apple - I don't know no never fits one that took a year it's kind of a take care and people's one minute perfect Thank You Olga we'll be starting the photo shoot 23 years old this horse riding teacher is also a fashion magazine model the artist concept is to inscribe a list of the models desires onto her skin the naked photos of these women will according to him be a way of breaking the codes of the female object which one this is one what does this mean for my grandmother and grandfather big house certainly around the monument towns in my opinion the poor part just amount that the girls but did you cast as fondue to solicit them okay nice to me you made a new detail about what's here iam see peloton strong I'm just marking this just from telephone Joe Murray is betting on Neil's work because he wants to get into the art market put careful of town from Cadiz also who caused the unbox ah I think that was the domestic news no mostly loves to create but examine see some please develop knowledge you can pull em thank you very much in a couple of weeks is organizing a private viewing in Paris to exhibit Neal's photos he hopes to sell a maximum of them at thousands of euros apiece Jean Marie made his fortune by creating his own businesses without the help of his family other millionaires however are the heirs of powerful dynasties a three hour flight away from Corsica Istanbul Turkey [Music] the former capital of the Ottoman Empire regularly makes the news stories of radical Islam attacks attempted coos and political purges despite all of this a handful of rich people continue to prosper the city even boasts more billionaires than Paris this is where Amir Bahadur twenty five years old grew up he's a descendant of one of the richest Turkish families his personal fortune is estimated at almost 500 million euros he's just arrived from the United States where he settled five years ago every time he comes back to his ancestors country his first visit is always the same the residence that holds his family history it conceals priceless treasures Aamir's auntie and grandparents are the keepers of this glorious temple of the BA hadiya's here even the smallest object has a long history so that's the Ottoman Sultan and I'm this host dining room the sitting area belongs to belong to him the lamps these four lamps were gifted by the king Napoleon to the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire back in the time the Sultan's are the former emperors of the Ottoman Empire who dominated the Middle East some of North Africa and Europe between the 14th and 19th centuries Emir is not their descendant but that of one of the chief Janissaries the guard that was closest to the Sultan's in the privacy of power they accumulated some extremely rare pieces I mean knowing that like all these things that's in our daily lives as a furniture once belonged to the Sultan of the most the biggest and the strongest Empire it gives you goosebumps sometimes with the decline of the Ottoman Empire and the disappearance of Janissaries Amir's family moved to the business world finance Commerce and real estate in for generations they built their own construction Empire the family fortune is worth more than a billion euros [Music] the business district of Istanbul on the top floor of this skyscraper is the headquarters of the real estate conglomerate directed by a Mia's father it's just you know like the bottom line is yes I live in New York but this is home maybe I can try to see some of the buildings that actually my family has built which I can show you that there is a tower right there on the asian side that one is one of them further but there are two twin towers there that my family has built that tall building right there we can just point everything out from this location luxury hotels hospitals official buildings factories the Baha dear Empire stretches across all of the Middle East Emir launched his own real estate business in New York but as his family office is in Istanbul he worked very closely with certain Turkish clients wherever a men love them whatever token of CL glue prominent architect from Istanbul wants to invest in the United States with his team he's looking to buy land to construct buildings develop them and then sell the apartments individually I'm looking for some potential in in him Neil through his business gokhan is ready to invest several tens of millions of dollars to create a new building in New York one one place has all the permits it's 33 thousand square foot building it's off markets you know it's a good location the seller wants to get at least 20 million if you sell for 3,000 per square foot your profit is 30 million with a realtor commission of 5% this deal could bring almost 1 million euros to amia member bombshera fusion the Montenegro dome be either purchase or this is the first time gokhan is meeting Emir he trusts him with such a huge project despite being only 25 because he has been working with his family for years I think they grew up this kind of the business he grew up with his family his father especially I think started from the 5 years old he started to play the some you know the Legos my dad has a really great reputation in the business world probably people would trust me also when it comes to investing with me because if my father is doing everything right how can I do something wrong you know what I mean that's the credibility to maintain his credibility and sign new contracts the multi-millionaire doesn't only use the power of his family network [Music] every six months he has an appointment with his plastic surgeon Amir is here for a surprising procedure Botox injections but it's not about getting rid of wrinkles the aim is to stop sweating from the armpits for six months a regular treatment usually for cases of extreme sweating the young businessman however is just making sure he has an impeccable appearance at all times is rushing to be somewhere so you know I just don't want to afford the sweat marks why not get rid of it you know if I can do always it's so important because that's the first impression you give to people that you don't know especially in my business I feel like the look is everything you know that's what that's what sells it's true whatever he says do you know sir cause people don't talk about these things everyone wants to say they say oh you look nice today relaxed people get things and they're like oh yes I just not look good not sure the young man has to be on top form because he'd been invited to a high-society event in Istanbul anyway okay the wedding of a childhood friend in one of the most luxurious palaces in Istanbul Amir make sure he lives up to the young millionaire image with the perfect outfit custom-made suit gold watch a car with a driver and a beautiful young woman fidget he's single but he's invited a friend to come along with him this is one of the most lavish weddings this year in Istanbul in this ballroom of over 1000 square meters 50 waiters will be running around all night to serve the 800 guests a gastronomic feast Lebanese jet setters London businessman airs of huge industrial Genesis and Californian fashion designers Middle Eastern European and American high society come together this evening at every wedding Emir makes a point of saying hello to everyone he knows tonight this will take in over one hour this sort of event is the perfect moment for the members of the International elite to consolidate in this small circle of the ultra rich pleasure and business often go together this Turkish businessman is the owner of high-end restaurants in Paris he heard about a project that Emir might be interested in what's going on telling me about the deal so actually there's a chateau called to her above mo okay which is one of the nearest shadows to the center of Paris it's a super luxury and a very rare place it's owned by a Russian friend of mine they would like to sell it if there's a good price I directly thought of you of course and what do they have in mind 14 to 15 million euros why not because I'm actually dealing with people that are looking for hotels a Turkish friend offering a deal in France with a Russian multi-millionaire for the mega-rich the planet is simply a playground with many opportunities to do business the wedding is a perfect place for you the networking unless if it's your wedding let's go have fun today Amir is still in negotiation with several clients who are interested in the castle the married couple arrived in the middle of the meal the groom is a Turkish man who made his fortune in the fashion industry the bride an heiress of a rich Saudi family and fashion designer she didn't want to be recognized for this film [Applause] [Music] the Registrar from the City Hall has come out especially for the occasion a favor reserved exclusively for the rich [Applause] very happy I also do get emotional a little bit sentimental after a few hours Aamir forgets about business he'll make the most of the evening and his friends until 5:00 a.m. [Music] [Music] in just two days the jet-setting businessman goes back to New York to conclude several large sales of luxury apartments 7,000 kilometers away Slovakia a small country in Central Europe enjoying economic expansion close to the capital is this peaceful haven where the local burgeois r:z come to relax but it will soon be disrupted by a rare event [Music] to film the event this German television crew had to spend several thousand euros this scantily clad young lady isn't simply a playmate Carty luna is a 27 year old millionaire from germany she will make the next front cover of a famous entertainment magazine [Music] we want to shoot my life and life is jet-set so we decided to take a helicopter for shooting yeah this was of course a life I dreamed of when I was a little girl I dreamed of to fly with a helicopter go shopping go to you know restaurants whoo what's thanks but expensive yeah and yeah I really appreciate it to to do it my dream is came came from true kotti is a celebrity in germany from a middle-class family she first started work as a nurse three years ago she crossed paths with Richard Luna 81 years old and already divorced four times he is worth 160 million euros [Music] well known in Austria this real estate magnate is the owner among other things of this shopping center one of the biggest in Vienna in him over giggles its history I guess all secrets as he saw and Meryl Kamisha plots to be a hard industry in stores Carty is 57 years younger than him but only a few months after they met they got married in a huge castle in schönbrunn the former residence of [ __ ] Empress of Austria [Music] [Applause] the new darlings of the media the couple even went as far as flaunting their luxury life on several reality TV shows cameras follow them in their private lives from purchasing of a new kitchen their high society balls at the Vienna Opera and soon enough their conjugal corrals [Music] Conte suspects her wealthy husband of having numerous extramarital affairs despite him being 81 the worst news for the young woman the multi-millionaire refuses to include her in his will according to him Canty only wants his money in France and cut this edema mean distance 10000 I hope coastal city coffers if I'm ranking that it elects the history I have flats Ebola chicken left him in finish Boston whom the ranking in Oscar fight after two years of marriage the couple divorced Carty apparently received a divorce settlement of several million euros determined to maintain her standard of living she now has a new obsession profiting from her notoriety Johnny the owner of a Slovakian magazine has understood this well and also wants to take advantage of this media frenzy I said I want her now not next year or in 6 months I want this now because now is the buzz you know and I put her now it is covered this exceptional front cover in limited edition marks the 20th anniversary of the magazine according to our sources Carty will receive 15,000 euros for this afternoon's work [Music] amazing that taking care of you know making you look good of course it's amazing I like that tonight the magazine is organizing a party for the launch of their anniversary edition Carty is the guest of honor perhaps the perfect occasion for her to seduce a new match another way of maintaining her millionaire lifestyle is my car my cutie car this car costs a hundred and fifteen thousand euros she got it from her ex-husband with the divorce settlement [Music] to drive a cheap car again in my life so I could go back to my old life or my old job but why should I do this it would be stupid we're in Bratislava the capital of Slovakia in one of the city's Grand Hotel's [Music] to attract all the attention this evening Carty is wearing this dress by an italian designer a showbiz star favorite [Music] I think it was Khloe Kardashian worn it on a special event in America and I fall in love with this dress and yeah I tried to get it it was very hard but here it is so I'm very glad to to have it it's really cool all that's left to do is find the perfect bag and the young woman is spoilt for choice she's only here for two days and she's brought in the entire suitcase just for handbags this is one small cute bag it was very popular this one maybe one five this one is the Chanel bag as well a little bit like vintage style right so this is about I don't know three and a half I bought it because of the color never worn this it's not like I need this you yeah this one is a big size so I think it's 5500 we go coming through the end it's like an all-day back as well so for shopping or buy some food 3,000 shanell Vuitton or Gucci 50,000 euros worth of handbags in total karti has four times more of this at home for tonight she has finally chosen this designer clutch by Yves on Lauren this seductive young lady takes care of every detail of her appearance but I don't think that I'm natural not beautiful so if you don't feel comfortable with yourself without makeup so get some on there's no problem the same with plastic surgery if someone is not happy with the nose or whether with the boobs or with anything else then you have the money go and do it breasts legs face kotti spends around 20,000 euros every year on cosmetic surgery tonight she's hoping all this effort will pay off [Music] of course if it's like spontaneous you talk with someone and he's more nice and who knows maybe I will find someone today with the young divorcee love and business are never far from one another if she gives her image so much importance it's because it burns her a lot of money I can't because of the contract but you know I nothing is for free and of course I get booked from parties for events for for shootings for TV shows for interviews for magazines and yeah so everybody has to pay to talk to me oh so it's not for free the only exception is our film which he accepted to do in the hope of gaining publicity in France her obsession with money stops when it comes to accounting my watch is about 35,000 so there's only a very expensive watch it's white gold with Sophia's inside and diamonds the shoes the other jewelry my earrings mm yeah it's a bit money yeah so but I don't I can't count it so why should I count it I'm wearing it I love it I love to spend money for that so that's all I I need to know Carty will be able to fulfill her appetite for luxury tonight Johnny the owner of the magazine has everything planned to begin with this imposing procession of huge motors never been in a Ferrari before straight to the trendy district of Bratislava it's not an everyday thing I guess to celebrate its 20th anniversary the magazine has hired out one of the most exclusive clubs in the capital Carty kicks off the evening as the guest of honor [Music] among the hundreds of guests are the magazine's publicists investors and partners the young woman quickly finds her target yen's a German manufacturer who works between Slovakia and Asia since we finished filming yen's and cartee have seen each other again several times but for now nothing official Jean readers santosh the franco swiss millionaire is on his way to his next business venture the entrepreneur is convinced he's found a new way to strike it rich a revolutionary technique to stop smoking jet was activity in North Eckstein in return on a mobile a set activities vamos al Govardhana questions anemic repair a table support on sale my business keeper favor keepo le travail the parousia traveied he has a meeting in germany 30 kilometers from the french border Jean rediscovered the concept here three years ago Marcus a German naturopath is the owner of the center and inventor of this therapy he's already treated a hundred and twenty thousand people many have left their last packet of cigarettes here Jean Marie has also been a patient at Marx's clinic Cecilia the president will get the middle channels and shift me see my philosophy on a cigarette non back here at the Peabody the next day the young man who was smoking two packages a day gave up completely thanks a word of mouth Marcus and his wife Marianna welcomed hundreds of new clients every morning patients must wait eight months to get an appointment they come from all over Europe certain patients even come from India and Turkey the secret of this success is hidden in this syringe a homemade cocktail of 17 plants that Marcus injects into the ears of his patients 95% of visitors have stopped smoking after just one session okay I can which I did for me like all the people talks okay jean-marie is certain of it this technique still unheard of outside of Germany could become huge all over the world telepathy fool okeyday as if its mom proved aware this salt for the cornet was in concept pretty avec des Baux Sharia become honest fair market in fact that whenever two questions write funny because I complain you so I'm okay cause I develop a this new business could make him a lot of money at a hundred and fifty euros per injection the monthly revenue of just one center can reach a hundred thousand euros jean-marie is in negotiation with Marcus to purchase the international license of his treatment the young French entrepreneur is ready to spend 1 million euros to launch his new venture the hopes are opened his first Center in Paris in just three months three days later in the chic 16th arrondissement the only viewed the Fellows Hall yeah hey Bela was also saw Jean Marie has chosen 200 people in his network likely to be interested in the photographer's work business women and businessmen collectors but also important figures from the Parisian art world there is someone here that jean-marie is taking particular care of the saw the pair [Music] [Music] the photos are also inspiring this Swiss merchant banker Julian Desmond is Jean Marie's father a normally austere man who isn't usually fond of a joke working for me in the end twenty people buy photographs a tidy sum of twenty five thousand euros shared between Niels and Jean Marie who will also reimburse the cost of organizing the event but the young millionaire hopes above all to earn money from increasing his artists reputation since the exhibition jean-marie has cleared another step he has convinced an important network of 15 or so galleries to exhibit Neos his photos in France and abroad enough to start boosting his reputation one week later only a few meters from the Sean's alizée after six months of negotiation with Marcus the young millionaire inaugurated his first stop smoking Center in Paris before the eyes of his first customers who've come thanks to advertising on social media in order to use Marx's therapy jean-marie had to convince him to sell him a license the price seven hundred and fifty thousand euros he's also spent hundreds of thousands of euros on lawyers to get past all of the legal obligations niversity small let's focus a laser on a vehicle is earth Allah meeya judgment upon a person at least and it is not the only purpose test enough as a fox a function beyond see the course twenty patients are injected today demasiado posterior norm among female announcer Akiva later on in service to extremities Jones Villa de Serre develop a spa in Santa Barbara on a jolly rancher capo de Mayo's visa it only weapon on only to several money challenges OD because the more we are the eventually families for us have accepted our P the serial entrepreneur has already planned to open centres in London Brussels Kiev and Istanbul before the end of the year New York is one of the cities with the most millionaires almost four hundred thousand more and more of them are moving to Greenwich Village the old artist district in the south of Manhattan the average price per square meter is 20,000 euros twice as much as in the most expensive districts in Paris the mayor has chosen to live here the multi-millionaire heir of a Turkish construction dynasty he has launched his own real estate business in New York no less than five assistants are at his service including a housekeeper who prepares his Michelin star worthy breakfast it's one of his favorite just a modest breakfast for myself just like some people have champagne at breakfast you know most people do have caviar for breakfast if they actually know that it's healthier than having it at night a big lover of art amia has transformed his 200 square metre apartment into a temple of design all the furnitures custom-made and to get into the apartment he's got a secure private lift like a lot of the mega-rich Amir doesn't skimp on the comfort of his four-legged friend each morning one-year-old Lord is visited by his own private nanny like his master Lord enjoys his daily massage sessions little self-indulgent Amir has limitless ambition my motivation today is to continue the lifestyle that I was given from my family and build my own Empire even goes as far as talking about himself in the third person Amir Bahadur today is not a businessman only he is not a art collector only he is not a very social international jetsetter only I feel like you know today my brother is 25 years old and he is a person that should be recognized for his achievements the world should get rid of because I have a lot of I have a lot planned for the world and to take over the planet the first step for Amir is tackling North America's real estate market three years ago he created his high-end New York estate agency which stretches to LA and Miami over 50 employees work for him in this xxx penthouse building the young businessman specializes in the most exceptional properties in Manhattan some reaching values of a hundred million euros so for example if you see we have listings from 59 million 65 million to 96 million dollars [Music] these exclusive properties such as this thousand square meter apartment which includes a panoramic view 17 rooms including eight bathrooms the price of this dream home 85 million dollars more than 70 million euros we can see listings for 22 million 20 million point-three the mayor insists that his success was all his own doing his family is an institution in Turkey but here nobody knew his name until a few years ago I didn't want to continue running the family office in the Middle East and instead I wanted to challenge myself and start something on my own and I wanted people to respect me not only for my last name but for my own achievements and establishments for the moment Emir seems to be living up to these expectations hello shorts burnish 30k this afternoon he has brought together part of his team for an important announcement as usual the young man can't resist putting himself in front of the spotlight it's such an honor to see you guys with me today I have great news today our sales gross sales amount exceeded 500 million dollars and now this number you know 500 million should become you know five billion dollars soon to cheer you guys up every time you reach these points you will be really having fun [Applause] with a three percent commission on each sale those 500 million earned his business 15 million euros in less than six months [Music]
Channel: Show Me the World
Views: 1,816,649
Rating: 4.4397745 out of 5
Keywords: living the dream, new young millionaire, the new young millionaires documentary, the new young millionaires living the dream, private jet, rich kids, rich lifestyle, millionaire lifestyle, rich lux, rich documentary, millionaire documentary, billionaire
Id: Qyp5JLtdi90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 13sec (3013 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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