Living in the Tree of Life

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[Music] [Music] [Music] well i just want to know if anybody loved jesus today with all their heart anybody oh yeah oh so good to see you welcome to week number three of a series that we're in called my church i'll tell you why we're in that series in just a moment but i always like to start the service by looking into the camera and just make sure every campus knows that while i'm right here that my heart is with every single one of you guys we are one church that meets in locations all across our region and we love every single one of you the dream teamers and the campus pastors and all you guys that are there and i want to say a big hello to those of you who are having church at home right now we're so glad we're able to bring this into your home be sure if you have children that you're downloading or streaming our children's content so that you can have children's church after you've had big church and so thank you for joining us to the men and women in the alabama department of corrections guys we're bringing this service and really all that we are as a church into 23 of those facilities and we love you guys with all of our heart you are not a project to us you are our church family how about we put our hands together and say a big hello come on everybody god bless you guys so you also know probably that we are in the final week of a three-week emphasis that we do every year that we just simply call 21 days of prayer and fasting and most of you are already involved in that with us if you're not it's not too late to join us this last week is going to be a dynamic and important week as we really focus on god's mission we're returning to god uh they're in this fast and we're returning to god's mission that we have together tomorrow we're we're gonna be praying for revival in america how many i believe god needs to move in a mighty way in america we need revival in our land i do and so join us you can join us in person you can join us online or join us on demand so it's available for 24 hours after the prayer service for you to watch on demand of course we'd love for you to join us at 6 00 a.m central time wherever you guys are and it's such a powerful time together on saturday we'll have our grand finale service at 9 00 a.m and then we're all headed to pf chains come on somebody right all right good okay good all right we are in week number three of a series simply called my church and it's in preparation for uh our anniversary that's coming up we have an important anniversary coming up great highlands turns 20 in three weeks everybody yeah i know and so so we have i think it's going to be both a powerful and a celebratory type service on february 7th also on our first wednesday service on february 3rd so we invite you to join us we have some things we want to give you and celebrate with you we're going to do a lot of looking back and a little bit of looking ahead as god launches us into the next decade of our of our of our church together and lord brought this verse to mind in matthew 16 where jesus said i will build say it out loud i will build my church i love how personal he makes it this isn't just a church or the church it's my church and you would need to know that jesus is very passionate about the church in fact ephesians says he makes the manifold wisdom of god known through the church his plan is the church and people look to a lot of other different sources but i'm telling you please do not be discouraged god is setting the church up in this generation to make a difference and i really believe that and so he says i will build my church and the gates of hell all that hell has that all of hell that can throw at it it will not overcome the church and so 20 years ago we started with a few distinctives if you will some things that we thought you know what are we what are we going to look like and the cool thing about the cool thing about planning a church is you get a blank page you get to make it like you always wish it was the hard part is you don't have anybody right so but the fun part is you get this blank page and we sat around as we called it the launch team about 34 people we sat in rooms every thursday night for months and months just talking about what our church would look like and i thought in this series that i would bring you some of our distinctives some of the things that we've decided that we would focus on and last in the first week i talked to you about that we were going to be a zealous the the bible uses that word zealous passionate that we weren't going to just be mediocre in our walk with god we're going to enjoy prayer we're going to go after god in prayer we always believe that church should be enjoyed not endured we always thought that you could actually enjoy your relationship with god and that worship could be passionate and it is i always always say that you know our football stadiums look more like the book of psalms than our churches do that we could clap and shout and sing and dance why because we've been set free and god has changed our lives can i hear a good amen right there everybody right sure and last week we talked about we also thought it was important to be a powerful church that we weren't going to rest on man's ability or slick videos or just that we had our act together man we need a move of god we need signs and wonders and healings and miracles and we just happen to believe that the great physician hasn't closed shop that god is still moving in our generation anybody else believe that with me i mean i think it's to be to be true why because we face things that actually there are no more human solutions for we need a move of god and we talked about that last week today i'm going to bring you a topic that i usually do not bring uh in a sunday gathering in fact there's a lot more in our organization for those of you guys who want to go deeper you want to have uh life change you and experience some things our model basically is is that sundays are this big net we like to attract as many people as we can of course share god with them teach the bible but man you can go deeper as you get into small groups and certain types of small groups but i felt led to bring with to you one of those that normally is in our small groups that i want to bring to you today that we simply call the tree of life and i'm going to talk to you about a choice that god has put in front of you that may not be as clear as you thought in your mind and how theologically true this is that you can actually find yourself trapped in what i call the two brands of christianity that there literally are two different approaches to god and they're so similar at times people miss it let me tell you a story to illustrate some of you know this story about eight or nine years ago i was speaking at my home church in baton rouge louisiana at a conference and i wanted to get back to birmingham quickly and so i didn't want to do the six-hour drive that's how far it is from baton rouge to birmingham and and i certainly didn't want to get on a flight you know through a hub and that just takes all day and i found out that there's a flight on southwest from new orleans that was direct just just just from from new orleans to birmingham about i mean you basically get up in the air and you come right back down i mean it's just that quick it's about a 35 45 minute flight that flight does not exist anymore but that time it was only it was less than an hour drive to new orleans from baton rouge so i asked the host who was hosting me at this conference hey take me down to new orleans i'm just going to get on that southwest flight now you need to know that it took everything within me to make that decision because i don't do southwest i just don't do it nothing wrong with southwest i'm not i'm not i'm not saying anything i just it's just i don't like randomness i don't like i don't like you don't know what your seat is you got to go in there and fight everybody else for it you know i don't do that i like order i like i got to know before i get to the airport if what seat i'm sitting in and so this is i'm already nervous i'm standing in that line i'm i'm hurted you know i'm in that line and like and i'm looking over my shoulder because you know the people near you are gonna end up next to you you know what i'm talking about and so i'm assessing all of that and so tammy and i were together and i ended up with the middle seat she's on the window and we got this empty seat this mysterious troubling empty seat right and there it is and uh and and so i got my knee over there you know my arms kind of over there bags on it you know it's i'm sending every signal in the world find another one this is not yours you know and just don't look so holy out there y'all you've done the same thing and so so anyway i'm there sprawled out halfway over this other seat and making anyway and this girl gets on the plane uh she comes i'm watching the boarding process and and she's making no i hear her before i i see her this is that kind of girl all right she's probably about 30 years old out here and she rounds the corner and high fives the flight attendant and she hits everybody down first row first row second row second row second third and i thought dear jesus if you love me come on somebody right are y'all with me my prayer life is improving i mean oh god in heaven hallowed be thy name lord if you would just plop sits right next to me how's the lord in heaven and so i kind of like start hanging out with tammy a little bit and just trying to you know just and the plane takes off and the little cart comes down and she orders a drink and i thought all right here we go and so she gets a drink and sure enough as soon as she grabbed her drink she elbows me and she goes so what do you do for a living and i'm just going to tell you when you get asked that as a pastor you have to decide if you're going to lie or not you really do right i'm just telling you and so i said cause sometimes i say well i'm in sales which is true but anyway but i said well i'm a pastor and she goes what duh we're all passengers i said no [Applause] i said no i'm like the pastor of a church and her next line was oh well i don't like christians and i knew the kind she had been raised around and i had i was raised around them too so i decided to play along and i said yeah me too girl that's why i had to start my own church she goes what do you mean what do you mean you got to start your own church and i said but i just said to you that christianity has this branding problem that there are two approaches and if you get involved in the wrong brand the wrong it's not a denomination it's not a certain type it's a mindset it's a worldview that if you buy into that it'll kill you you'll hate it you'll hate every part of it she goes i've never heard this before and i started explaining the gospel to her what she tests me and she took her drinking she kind of put it in my face and actually spilled a little bit on me and at least that's my story come on everybody right no it really she's built it on me and i'm serious and so and she goes what does your god think about this and i said he's not thinking about that he's thinking about you and said if he ever got your attention and got you that he might talk to you about that later and she says i've never heard that before i said well it's in the bible a lot of churches don't talk about that bible anymore that's where the plane lands remember it's up and down i'm done she's going on to nashville there's birmingham to nashville now and she says well chris i have to have more and i said well look i don't have time right here because i have to get off the plane but if you'll watch our church service we stream live on sunday and and and if you'll watch i'll actually give you a shout out she goes you won't i said yes i will so sonny rolled around and i got in front of here and welcome to campuses and welcomed the prisons and welcomed everybody who's watching and i said hey i want to give a special shout out to my friend tanya from southwest flight 35 girl i told you i'd do it you know like i didn't know she was watching or not and sure enough the next day i got this email from her and in fact i changed that whole message that day in the hopes that she was watching and just presented the most life-giving gospel i possibly could and she sent me this email that said that how she had allowed religion to turn her off of god and that her salutation was i'm ready to surrender tanya and i picked up the phone and led her to jesus she gave her life to christ right there on the phone come on somebody feel this what happened she had bought into the wrong approach and that's my question for you today and it's something that i've been asking for 20 years and it's something that i want to teach today to everybody in church as we enter into our next 20 years and that is what is going to be our approach to god what is what is going to be our approach of how we what is going to be the filter what's going to be the worldview what's going to be our mindset as we're trying to go after god my personal belief everybody's trying oh no chris some of them are atheists no no even atheists have a part of them that is made in the image of god we are all all of mankind have a spirit and it's not redeemed and it's as lost as could be but it is still looking for satisfaction and fulfillment it's looking for god again everybody's on a god pursuit everybody that's why you go around the world no matter which tribe or tongue you'll find people searching for god but what's going to be our approach and i want to teach to you theologically and then i'll help you discern between the two let's go and get into a little theology here in the second story of the bible so the first story of the bible if you just started with the first page the first story is the story of creation let me submit to you it's also the first story of your life you were created but the second story of the of the bible so we're bringing the the next teaching and i think it's the second story of the bible on purpose and i would even say to you it's the second story of your life that you need to make a choice god did it in a picture that was literal that also teaches us something today because god does nothing by accident now the lord god planted a garden in the east the garden of eden and there he put the man he had formed and the lord god made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food by the way that's always been god's intent for you to live your life enjoying it but in the middle of the garden there were two choices two trees they were in the form of trees i personally believe they were literal trees but they are pictures of the choices that exist today the tree of life or the tree of the knowledge of good and evil now this is where most people's theology is actually wrong because many of us grew up thinking that it was a god tree and a sin tree it's an apple tree and that's why we see eve over there hiding behind a bush with this apple in her hand with one bite taken out of it in our little children's books first of all the word apple is nowhere in the story and the word sin is nowhere in the story at that point if you'll notice with me it was the knowledge of even good things it was the either this tree of life are you going to do it this way life and i'm going to explain life to you or is it going to be just with the knowledge of right and wrong and the lord god commanded the man let me tell you you're free to eat like help yourself enjoy your life from any tree in the garden the word eat literally means to ingest to consume let me see it this way for it to become your world view he says if this becomes if that's your world view you're going to be all right but you must not eat from the tree of the notice again it says not good and bad just the knowledge of it your mindset the view of good and evil for if you eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil if you eat it that one you will surely die you'll say i hate christians i hate church it's awful so enter the devil chapter three third story of the bible it's the third story of your life too you were born you were given a choice and you have an enemy who's trying to help you make the wrong one in chapter 3 the serpent shows up the devil he was more crafty than any of the other wild animals the lord god had made and he said to the woman did god really say by the way that's how he does it if he can get you to doubt god's word he can get you to doubt god and let me just say here amongst all the confusion that is happening in our land there's one thing i know for sure and that is we are going to be a church that teaches preaches proclaims believes the word of god that's who we are that's just who we are more on that next week he says but did god really say it come on did god really say that but you could eat that you can't you can't do that is that what he said the woman said well actually he said we actually can eat from all these other trees but we must not eat from the tree that is in the middle of the garden and we must not touch it or we'll die and then satan says what he always does he's a liar he says you're not going to die now watch what he says here this is very interesting to me for god knows that actually if you do eat that tree he's that fruit that you said you could not eat if you'll believe that if that becomes your mindset it's not going to make you worse it's going to make you better you will be like god now time out right there and notice with me that he did not appeal to her sin nature he didn't like oh they're come on just be a bad girl be a bad girl no he said hey be a good girl be a good girl you can actually be like god and you'll actually be a person who knows right from wrong notice that he was appealing to her godliness her desire for godliness not for sin so that's why a lot of people on their pursuit of godliness can still miss it so when the woman are you seeing this when the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food pleasing to the eye desirable for gaining wisdom she took some and ate it and she gave some to her husband and he who was with her and he ate it and watch what happens and it happens every time this is how you know if you're in the wrong tree that the eyes of both of them were opened you lost of innocence i call it no more is this this like a little child it's it's it's harsh and it's loss of innocence and they realize they were naked shame loss of innocence shame it's what religion produces loss of innocence and shame so they sewed fig leaves together made coverings for themselves and what i want to do for you guys is to help you see the difference between the two of these things by giving you four delineations between that tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life and here's the first one and that those who get into the tree of knowledge of good and evil they're con they're convinced i just need to do more if i just do more and even religion will tell you that and those that think they're religious love to measure your religion how many chapters did you read not enough not oh only three minutes of prayer my god you need to pray an hour you know there's always do more do more do more and people think that if i and then they think they are actually more godly if they do more so if i read more if i pray more if i give more if i serve more that actually makes me more godly no it doesn't it doesn't at all i call it a wizard of oz approach to god some of you guys are too young to even know that movie but oh folk help me out up here all right okay but i mean like i just want to go home i want a life change right i have i just want to go back to kansas god what do you want i just want to go to kansas that's all i want and then the next line out of the wizard is go go get the broom right go memorize the book of proverbs that's what you need to do well no that's the mindset the tree of life says the opposite of that you can receive the fact that jesus paid it all you have to earn nothing there's nothing you can do to earn his salvation it's a free gift of heaven come on say amen right there and so people still are in this crazy pursuit and that's why even some of the meanest christians i've ever met are the ones that actually sometimes know the bible and jesus said to the pharisees you're over there like the scholars of the day diligently studying the scriptures because you think because you're so stinking smart that you possess eternal life that way because you missed the point the scriptures that these are scriptures that testify about me you weren't supposed to learn it you were supposed to find the person behind it yet you refused to come to me and have life let me show you a different way the tree of the knowledge of good evil says hey you need to get god's approval because he's inherently mad some people's view of god is mad god and by the way your view of god will determine what your relationship with god looks like so you got to have a right mindset against the wrong worldview that was that was tonya's god's mad at me he certainly wants to judge me about my drink and so you they inherently think god is just mad mad all the time i i had i grew i grew up in church and uh and i actually enjoyed church for the most part you know and loved the people and things like that but my view of god was not right i was convinced because my pastor man talked like hell like he is born and raised there you know what i'm saying i mean and he's always pointing at me y'all feel like that ever do that to you but he was always pointing at me you're like you know it's okay you know so anyway and so when i grew up i grew up you know of course i was born in 1963 and so my teenage years and all that's in the 70s i gave my life to jesus uh in 1978 and but before that we had these tracks so that's how you did evangelism back in those days they had tracks little little cartoon booklets the older folk know what i'm talking about and they were more popularized by this guy named jack chick that was his name and so they called them chick tracts chick tracts and and they were cartoons of leading people to jesus they were actually pretty cool the only thing i didn't like about these chick tracts is that any time he was illustrating what god looks like he had him in a chair like like the lincoln memorial and he was as big as the lincoln memorial so that when you walked up they showed people and they were like little ants next to his toenail and then got in in the face there was no face he just had a circle with beams coming out of it so he was a faceless emotionless mad and i only imagine that in that right hand sitting on that chair was a club just waiting for me to do something wrong that was my view of god and for a lot of people that's your view of god and it's the wrong mindset it's the wrong worldview you ate from the wrong tree the right tree the tree of life says hey god already loves you he's already in love with you like he knows your sin life better than you know it and he still wants to be in a relationship with you like if he had a refrigerator your picture would be on it are you hearing me that that's the kind and people don't see him correctly so they end up eating out of the wrong tree they had the wrong view of god the bible says that god demonstrates his love in this i love this line that while you were still a sinner he dies so they didn't like lay him on the cross nail just sitting on top of his hand hammer in the air and jesus didn't go oh wait i just want to make sure before i go through with this that somebody's going to love me back nope while they were still spitting mocking rejecting he died he looked why because he loved so much in fact the bible says in hebrews that he endured the cross for the joy set before him do you know who the joy is you oh if i do this their lives are going to be changed how did he stay on the cross you and that's just why i love him so much and when you have that mindset in that worldview it changes everything about your christianity we knew if we got this right but if we really presented god and the way the bible actually describes god we wouldn't have enough buildings to contain the people who wanted to experience this kind of love we didn't we didn't start locations to grow we did it because we were tired of people sitting on the floor the tree of the knowledge of good and evil says focus on the external so put on the right clothes and act the right way and do this and the tree of life says no no focus on the internal that's why jesus came along and by the way this is the biggest difference between the old testament and the new testament because in the old testament they didn't have anything in them the bible says that the laws of god were simply written on stone tablets so there were external constraints trying to control their behavior where the new testament says no no no it's a transformed heart no longer will the bible says well i'll teach you right and wrong i will write you write the laws on your heart so you don't have to do it you want to do it it's a different motivation it's why by the way a lot of times when we control behavior without changing the heart once they get free to do their own behavior this is a big this is a picture of like college students don't stop don't stop stop don't don't stop stop and we can make them we can make them behave but when they get the choice to do it on their own a lot of times they choose something else why because we only control the external and never touch the internal i'm preaching about 82 and a half percent better than you're responding right now this is good yeah the lord does not look at the things man looks at man looks at the outward appearance god is looking at your heart let me give you one more and that is that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you obey because you have to like i don't want to go to hell i just don't want to go to hell so i'll do it i'll be there so so you end up by the way if your heart has not been transformed through the tree of life and you're only doing out of duty you'll be mean and that's why i don't like christians why because they're mean i grew up i grew up some mean christians i mean there were some guys they were they're out there looking at who was smoking outside yeah they're smoking our shop i had a parent tell me one time did you know did you know one of your students was out there behind the youth building smoking i said yes sir isn't that awesome aren't you glad the smokers want to hear the word of god okay you know like there's no way you know what to say [Applause] years ago we had we'd sent a a a a team of people to go witness during mardi gras in new orleans because it's just one hour drive by the way it's a fruitless deed you know what i'm saying they don't remember nothing the next day like yeah i'll reshape jayla like what happened i don't know you know so just anyway but this one group had gone down there and was witnessing to this huddle of people and they were explaining the gospel to him well this drunk guy took exception to the fact that he was being witnessed to it's like he thought he was already holy enough and he said he said well i'll have you know my daddy is a demon in the baptist church and the guy says don't you mean deacon and the girlfriend spoke up and says no he means demon isn't it yeah that's that's when you're operating purely out of duty you'll hate it oh my god sunday here again the tree of life you're obeying out of the desire to do it it's the joy i even hate it in my own profession i have ministers this is my biggest pet peeve with other preachers i loathe it when they say yeah 23 years ago i surrendered to the ministry like i didn't want to do it but god made me do it i surrendered i surrendered to it like i can't believe he picked me i genuinely cannot like i would have never picked me and it's the wrong mindset even preachers can get into it are y'all listening to me today and i'm bound to determine to enter in the next 20 years of church of the highlands eating out of the tree of life i am determined come on somebody give god praise i'm not saying we don't obey god yes we obey god we don't throw out his commands this is love for god to obey his commands but his commands they don't have to be burdensome they can be what you want to do not what you have to do so how do we get there let me give you three ways number one fall in love fall in love now for some of you saying chris that's a lot easier to say than it is to do so let me help you how do you fall in love by thinking about who he is and what he's done don't think about the institution don't think about the organization don't think about like there's a lot of people who just need to know that there's a person named jesus who laid his life down for you and he's more than a god he's my friend the first one i talk to every day the one who knows the number of hairs i have on my head the one who watches my life and when i mess up doesn't condemn me he says i know what it's like because i was a human too that is hard here let me show you the way out and that's why jesus himself said if you love me you will obey what i command i read this verse in the tree of the knowledge good and evil for most of my christian life and this is how it reads in the wrong tree if you love me you'll prove it don't tell me you'd love me if you're not obeying what i tell you to do oh my god don't don't do that that's not what it says though it says if you love me you'll do what i command and if you fall in love with me you only have to work on it you'll you'll they'll be desirable for you and my question for all of you is what side of the comma do you live on are you in the love side or the oba i'm telling you [Applause] i'm encouraging you why because if you fall in love it compels you to do good it compels you to do right it could i why do i help others not just because they're in need because i'm in love with jesus you really want to know what drives our missions giving it's not just the need it's that he was so generous to me freely i've received here we do it out of our love and then why don't i do some things because i'm in love do you know do you know do you know if all i had was the external constraint telling me what to do it like it'd be like 10 commandments they'll show it don't commit adultery all right it's gonna be work so i just guess i'll quote that verse every day and slap my hand and turn my eyes or i can fall in love with the most beautiful person on earth and i don't even think about being with anyone else because tammy's so awesome and by the way she she's awesome and how many all know that was a good move to do in church right because you can fulfill the commands of god a whole lot better by falling in love and then trying to obey and this is who we are this is highlands the second is we need to respond to sin with life because you're going to sin and other people are too so when that happens how are you going to respond by the way your response tells which tree you're in because now it happens like and what's happening right now in our country people are doing stuff everybody's doing something somebody else doesn't like that's fine i'm not saying you shouldn't have a standard i have one too it's the response that grieves me ah comment coming coming come on come on read that you know it's like what what do we can i call our church by the way to not be a part of all of that junk out there can i just call you can i call you to that it'd do a lot of you good just to get off social media completely but at least for the last week of the fast just get off of it it's not us we don't respond that way you know why because that's not how god treats us god didn't go to all the trouble of sending his son merely to point an accusing finger at us telling the world how bad it is that's what everybody likes to do tell the world how bad it is no we came to help he came to put the world right again and that's why if you watch any of his interactions the sinners remember the woman caught in adultery she was caught in the act they brought her before jesus and jesus does the whole he who has the no sin casts the first stone everybody leaves his first words to her he said hey where are your accusers he didn't say hey i'll meet you in my office when you need counseling no i mean she did but not then she goes where are your accusers she goes i don't have any and he says neither do i [Music] now go leave your life of sin see there was truth i'm not saying we don't stand for truth in fact in the in in this as as culture changes i promise you we're going to be as strong for the truth of god's word like we have ever been before but grace comes first because grace will invite you to be free so the truth can set you free and so just like jesus we're full of grace and truth and our response to others when they sin is like hey there's a way out that was that's why tanya gave her life to jesus because jesus came to set me free not make me sorry [Music] this is who we are this is who we will be i've had people tell me you need to be more bold i am bold and my convictions have not changed one bit by the way and i will lead this church to the truth of god's word but we are going to be a church that says hey hey space smoker come on in and hear the words of life we are not going to judge people before they ever get in a room no no neither do i condemn you now come on leave your life of sin come on somebody right that's that's who we are and number three we have to guard our hearts from going back because there's a vine if you're in the tree of life the vine of the other tree is right there next to you all the time and it's easy to go zone i'd watch christians swing back and forth from the two trees and some of you have in what was beautiful and precious has become wearying and i would submit to you perhaps you start you're starting to get by into it the wrong world view like c as lewis said human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something else other than god to make them happy so what do we do we're going to be as innocent we're not going to point out people sin we're going to help them get free from their sin we're going to be a church that lives in the tree of life or i have to close i'm way behind but let me just say this to you i was reading a study of um people's mental health gallup did it every demographic has had a decline in 2020. in other words their mental health is worse than it ever has been young or old democrat a republican married or not make a lot of money don't have any money everybody's down gallop secular poll there was only one category of people who their mental health is up and it's those who attend church every week i didn't write that they that's them why why you don't have to read it out loud but read it just whisper it out with me because he who has the son has has life that's who we are we live in the tree of life god i pray it over every one of these precious people that call highlands home for those that are maybe even like tanya that are looking for something real god i pray that you help them eat out of the right tree god let us recognize the religious the part that actually brings death and lord i pray that people would be drawn to you like never before head spout and eyes closed i want to pray for every person who says i'm ready i need to get out of this other tree i need to get in the tree of life maybe you're not in love with the lord but you want to be maybe you're maybe you're not a christian and you'd like to be maybe you're a christian but you don't know what you are or but you feel this you're drawn to god to commit i'm asking for those who'd say chris i'm ready like tanya to surrender my life i'm ready to commit my life whether you've done it for the first time this is a fresh commitment to start off a brand new season of your life our campus pastors come to the stage i'm not going to make you stand up but i am going to ask you to raise your hand i am going to ask you to say that's me because i think it takes boldness to say it's time if that's you lift your hand right now count me in this prayer good good good i never get tired of seeing this good good over here over here anybody else just yes i'm ready i'm ready thank you anybody else i'm just ready way up top i'm looking anybody says i need jesus i'm ready to give my life i'm ready thank you that's so awesome i love that so if you lifted your hand pray these simple prayers say jesus i love you i thank you for dying for me i give you my life just take a deep breath thank you for setting me free so i surrender everything completely to you and i'm gonna live my life for you and with you be my lord i'm gonna follow your word as my playbook is the way i should live my life and i thank you for setting me free in your name i pray amen come on give those people just a big hand clap
Channel: Church of the Highlands
Views: 4,072
Rating: 4.8064518 out of 5
Keywords: Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands, COTH, Alabama, Religion, Christianity
Id: mmbd3z4QbWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 22sec (2422 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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