day in the life of a Business Analyst at Spotify | Storytelling with Data

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how I extract business insights from data and build a story [Music] [Music] but this is like my favorite meal I think I'm gonna make an avocado toast so casually keep diving into concrete seasoning from here [Music] [Music] growing up I hated avocado but for some odd reason I was eating brunch with my friend and then she ordered like avocado toast and I had it but I was like oh my gosh I didn't know avocado toast can be this good camera it is currently Tuesday and you may notice my living room background looks a little bit different because I've been redecorating the apartment a little bit for the past few weeks since I moved back in After the flood last week I was in Miami for a business trip it was super fun to like see my co-workers and I also ate so much food there now like this week I'm trying to be a little more healthy do more like home cooked meals so looking at my calendar today I have two calls in the morning first one is a weekly with my teammates where we will talk about our weekly priorities the second call is with the data science team I'm actually working on analysis looking at like our overall business performance I'm gonna like run my current insights through them and see if they have any other feedback since my afternoon is pretty free I think I'm gonna use that for like Focus time I do have some things that I kind of need to like just heads down focus and get it done with so foreign [Music] popping on to my first call when I do my one-on-ones I will have a running agenda dock attached to the calendar invite I'll write down it below the list of my priorities and share my screen in the call to walk my teammate through it that way it allows my teammate to easily see what I'm working on I can also take notes there to keep the meeting and myself organized on the topic of video calls thank you Logitech for sponsoring today's video I have two new additions to my work from home setup that's helped me increase my productivity it's a Logitech Brio 500 webcam and the zone 5 100 wireless headphones they're the perfect combination to elevate my video conferencing needs the Brio 500 webcam creates an authentic meeting experience with full HD 1080p Quality Auto light correction that adjusts to my environment even under poor lighting conditions it also pairs with the longitude app and I can take full control of how I appear on screens with filters like saturation Etc what I love the most is the show mode to tilt the camera down and preset sketches and this is especially helpful when brainstorming data visualizations during the call The Zone Vibe 100 wireless headphone pairs really well with the webcam with a noise canceling mic which is really useful when for me Albert lives with me and when he's cooking the background the noise canceling mic ensures that the noise doesn't get picked up into the call the flip to mute mic feature also allows me to stay focused during the call rather than scrambling to fight like the mute button it also provides super intuitive and simple interface to adjust volume play pause music and start and calls if you want to also set up your work from home desk for Success you can check out these Logitech products in the link in the description box foreign this is now my go-to workday lunch and I just mix it with rice and seaweed [Music] I started watching this show last weekend called industry it's literally such an addicting show it's about like the tension and drama within like Investment Banking it's all about like the proper ladder and like the politics my boyfriend hi how are you oh my gosh I need to tell you about my flight back to New York my flight was at like 2 45 and we got to the gate they were like oh delayed by 30 minutes because of the rate after 30 minutes we boarded the pilot was like oh it's thunderstorming the ramp is closed so we're going to like wait for 20 minutes so we waited for 20 minutes and then it was like okay it's getting worse so the rep is still closed we're gonna do a 20 minute wave we kept doing like 20 minutes 20 minutes 20 minutes I ended up being on that plate for two hours just sitting there total until end it was like what six hour ish flight anyway after the small talk I presented my screen to walk the data science teams through the narrative for this upcoming analysis usually we craft that narrative together to make it as logical and concise as possible so I just finished the haul and presented my data it went really well and I thought I will share with you how I extract business insights from data and build a story let's say you were asked to analyze and provide insights for your company's Revenue figure for a quarter 3 20 22. you have the raw data for all the quarterly Revenue figures since 2020. I will approach this with Two Steps step one is visualize the data and step two is tell the story visualizing the data is about finding a way of comparing your data to something that can justify whether this Q3 revenue is good or not regardless of which visualization you do always ask yourself can you understand the graph in five seconds without any context this puts yourself in the stakeholders choose they will not have as much context on it as you do so if they can't understand it they're not going to care about it we can do a Trends overtime graph where we look at Revenue every quarter since q1 2020 until Q3 2022 a quick evaluation of this graph this tells us how Revenue has been growing overall but that doesn't answer whether Q3 2022 is a good quarter or not because it wouldn't be fair to compare Q3 2022 to every quarter before it since there might be seasonality involved for instance Q4 may be our strong season with the holidays so it wouldn't be fair to look at every quarter equally the same another option is to do a comparing against Benchmark graph you basically set a benchmark or benchmarks as points of comparison here we are comparing only Q3 throughout the years without the seasonality bias and we can easily illustrate and justify the fact that Q3 2022 is indeed a stronger quarter than previous years data visualization is a muscle to train the more you do it the more intuitive it gets when I first started I would do exactly what we did play around with different types of visualization and do a quick evaluation for each of them so once we landed on the visualization now part two tell the story for me telling the story is like drilling a hole in the wall you know how to drill deeper and deeper but you can also rise to the top and know what's going on at the end so first ask yourself what do I see on the graph once you see what the graph is showing then drill deeper and ask yourself why is that why is the data behaving this way and you can draw deeper and deeper with every answer that you come up with with the tool both you can already turn them into a story and lastly this is where you write recommendation if the stakeholder asks you to essentially this method of thinking forces you to unpack the data in a very logical way so going back to this graph first what do I see I see that Q3 has the highest revenue compared to Q3 2021 and Q3 2020. I can also see that the growth from Q3 2021 to Q3 2022 is about 1.1 million increase in Revenue which is a 41 growth then we drill deeper we ask ourselves why is that why is the revenue increasing one of my best methods of answering this is to break down the metric if we break down the revenue metric we can see that that it's made out of number of units sold times the average selling price per unit and we can examine what part of the equation that's driving up the revenue so you pull the data based on it to this table you can see that our number of units sold has been growing at 36 percent year over year but the selling price has remained almost flat throughout that period the strength in Q3 2022's revenue is correlated to the growth of number of units sold since the selling price has remained relatively stable you can obviously drill even deeper and break down the number of units sold the metric looking at which country which product category that's driving this up anyways now we will combine all of our insights into a story I'm gonna go make a coffee and then keep working foreign [Music] huh I also got this like Tara moon cake from Chinatown [Music] it's like custard I'm gonna spend the next two hours doing a focus organizing all the notes from a workshop that I designed and led with my team for almost like 100 people we took photos of like all the Post-it notes and ideas from participants there are what like 12 pages of it I'm just gonna like go through each of the Post-it and then start consolidating them into a war dog so like she myself organized I'm just gonna do like a check mark for every Post-it that I already typed up foreign a little bit of a fire drill there are a few things that I basically do in two days and the most important one is for a business report from a different team they would like to have my inputs on the business performance and it's due in two days so I have to do that right now [Music] apparently 6 30 p.m I just finished and with that I'm done for today the best feeling is opening packages and I love when like you don't remember which package you got and it feels like opening like presents on Christmas it's my art gloves for yoga and pilates my hands tend to get sweaty I don't know why so can't wait to do my workout with this three feet long USB cord I need one for my desk because the one I have right now is not long enough actually I'm gonna go sit out right now hold on it only pulls two here and it's too short I usually put my laptop all the way here so [Music] oh guys by the way I bought this cable organizer and I built it all myself and I organized all the cars myself here I'm very proud I even like wrapped this black cord with this white thing so then you can barely see it okay oh [Music] yay now I can charge my phone oh the way here now these Korean pears on [Music] YouTube I'm good [Music] I'll totally buy this again [Music] touch it [Music] I felt like suddenly [Music]
Channel: Lillian Chiu
Views: 356,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: work week in my life, a day in the life, women in tech, work week in my life vlog, working from home, work vlog, business analyst day in the life, business analyst job
Id: WvFsd4t80tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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