Living In God's Presence by Sandeep Poonen

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I want to speak this week to clear the dust that may have developed out of a sermon that my father spoke about a month ago he spoke a sermon called soulish or spiritual I'm not on Facebook much but I thought that that sermon was so powerful that I posted it on my facebook status update and I said it was one of the one of the key messages that changed my life I'd heard about the sermon months earlier years earlier and it had been gripped by that a few years ago but I had never had that sermon from my dad and you know succinctly in a forty-five minute so I posted that and I mean that the truth of what was spoken in there has so transformed my life that what I thought I would do was build on top of that and give some practical applications to what it means or what it looks like to me to live a spiritual life as opposed to a soulish life I have not checked this with my dad so it's not a he can't take any of the blame for this he'll definitely get all the credit but he'll definitely let me know after he hears that if he had a problem with anything I said but I hope that my confidence rests in the Word of God that our confidence can all rest in the Word of God i titled my sermon living in God's presence and I'll explain in a second why that means and I also talked about it being a new identity I'll explain what that means just to cover for those who weren't here or maybe wasn't there that particular Sunday I want to go through some of the slides that were presented that week first we saw a picture of the tabernacle as it existed in the Old Testament the Old Testament Tabernacle has three components and add an outer core that was visible to everybody anybody could enter in then you had a tent which consists of two parts the holy place in the most holy place we also learned and it's clear from Exodus the second half of Exodus talks almost exclusively about this temple and how it should been built that God did not dwell in the whole tabernacle God just dwelt in that little area at the back called the most holy place now we also learn from that that that's the Old Covenant temple we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit's our bodies are so comparing the two Tabernacles of the Old Covenant and the New Covenant you've got the old covenant Tabernacle that has three parts the outer court the holy place in the most holy place the New Covenant temple which are our bodies consists of three parts again one which is seen and two which are not seen the body which we all see and which we control our actions from but then you've got the soul and the spirit the two parts that are not seen the the backing for that that split up off our bodies from 1 Thessalonians 5:23 now when you talk about the soul and the spirit the parts of us that are not seen we see that there's a veil that separated the holy place from the most holy place and that there's a veil that separates the soul from the spirit in our bodies as well the things that we can't see and the thing that separates now what constitutes the soul on that next slide is mind and emotions and the will and the barrier that veil that the old temp covenant temple was an actual pit depiction of is our will our self will that acts as a barrier between us getting access to God who dwells in the most holy place that is our spirit I hope that's clear and that this hopefully this visual gets gives you an understanding of what it is is that primary barrier so sin can be defined as doing your own will when you do the will of God you know you are not sinning when you do your own will that is a very core definition of sin and that is what creates that barrier we know we think of it as a separation it's not a decision you make it's a lifestyle you lead where you say god I don't want this barrier to exist between me and you that means embracing the lifestyle of saying god this veil which constitutes that doing my own will is going to be continuously and constantly being torn and ripped apart so that I can have access to God who dwells in my spirit another picture that was used was the picture of the two houses that were built one was built on sand and one was built on rock and we saw the sand building your household sand was building your spiritual life which is the house the representation of on your mind and your emotions and so when you had the house that was built on sand that didn't last last in the time of the storms it was because that house was built on their mind and their emotions that means their spiritual life was driven by intellectual ideas and their spiritual life were dead were driven by emotional experiences so as emotional experiences were going through a high their spiritual life went on a high then when the emotional experiences went through a dip or if an intellectual experience happened where they started to doubt some evidence showed up in science their spiritual life dipped and their house was shaking their spiritual house was shaking a house built on the rock was a house that went past the sand drilled into the rock which is blasting your own will saying no to your own will and asking God God what do you want to do what is your will on this particular issue and that's when that rock was being blasted about your house could be built and that house stayed strong Matthew 7:24 at the end of that or the sorry in the beginning of that story Jesus preface is that story by saying everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them not agrees with them on their mind not makes them feel good after they heard it not gives them an emotional high for a while but acts on them and an act as a choice and act as a decision of the will you're making everyone who hears it a lot of us are hearing it all of us hopefully are hearing it right now if you act on it that's going to happen after you leave this building and you choose to say not my will but what I heard about God's will from the Bible when I choose that then I'm a house built on the rock that's what Jesus was saying now how do we decide what is God's will and what is our will is it everything should I Drive at 20 miles per hour 22 miles per hour should I take this eggs the next one should I take the long way home or the easy way home so I go to McDonald's or Burger King is that what we're talking about God's will absolutely not where we find out a tussle between God's will and our will is when it comes to things defined in the Bible that Bible says this is God's will on a particular issue this is God's will when it comes to adultery this is God's will when it comes to controlling your tongue this is God's will when it comes to raising your children etc etc etc then you have your own will that can come in contradiction to that and that verse which may many of us may know hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 it says the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword most of us know that part of the verse very few of us keep reading to say that it's supposed to pierce as far as the division between soul and spirit a lot of us wield the Word of God and are quick to wield a god to bash other people to hit the atheists and hit the people who are compromising and say going to hit them but we never take the time to use the sword of the Word of God for ourselves to say the Word of God was first meant to divide between your soul and your spirit to know where your house was being built on sand as opposed to being built on the rock that is the reason for God's word has god's word been active and living blasting your will separating soul pushing away the sand and saying there's that rock I need to break into it your will that's not yet been given up to me that is the primary purpose of God's Word not to back up your point of view but to make you more conformed to the image of Jesus by blasting yourself will and we have an example in this we're not alone in this he Hebrews chapter 10 verse 20 we saw that verse Jesus inaugurated it a new nobody did it before it was a first person who did it he inaugurated away not to have better worship services not to have a better Church to have not a better bigger church sorry to have a new and living way a new way brand new a living way not a decision you made 20 years ago a way of life a living way a way that always has life bursting out of it you know what this way was that he inaugurated for you and for me it was through the veil that is his flesh and when it talks about flesh is talking about that self will that veil that separates soul from spirit Romans chapter 8 the beginning first 10 15 verses talks a lot about the to contrast between the way of the flesh and the way of the spirit those who set their minds those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh I paraphrase that as flesh as self will those who set their minds on doing their own will are according to doing your own will and those who are according to the flesh which is according to your own will cannot please God have you taken that verse to your life and asked whether you were living most of your life yes you go to church yes you pray yes you do Bible studies yes you hand out tracts but are you constantly asking whether you're living in the flesh that is doing whatever you please all day living for just you and your family and your kids not interested in building the body of Jesus Christ not ensuring the Ephesians for that everybody be built up to the perfection of the fullness of the body of Christ is that anything that grabs ahold of you that is where the Lord has to come and say you're still got corners of your heart that has a self will you prayed the Lord spread your lord your kingdom come but that's not played out in your life sword must separate between your soul and spirit our Father is a beautiful prayer to pray it feels so good but now you've got to let his kingdom come in your life you've got to really get his well-being done you really have to be bothered that his name is not being hallowed in your life that his name is being shamed through you and your family's life because every other week there's an argument going on and the neighbors can hear it and the shouting and verbal javelins being thrown and dissension between husband and wife and the the devil is being exalted the Lord's name is being dishonored are you praying the Lord's Prayer we're divides between your soul in your spirit this is the proof of living a spiritual life this is what the Lord's Prayer is grabbing a hold of me in new ways we must go past the soul into the spirit and I wanted to give you some words that I've used to define what the Spirit is the spirit I wrote it down as the innermost part of me it's really hard to define it exactly but these are the words that come to my mind it's the innermost part of me it defines my identity that is why I call my title it's a new identity it's not a new way of living it's not a program in which you you you clean up your outside no it's a new identity you define yourself differently from now on I see the Bible sometimes and often refer to this as your heart that is why Romans 10:10 says you have to believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord then you have salvation not believe in your mind not believe in your emotions not believe in your soul but believe in your heart or believe in your spirit and I want to talk about three ways in which I see a new identity that I have as I walk this spiritual journey saying no to a soulish Christianity and yes to a spiritual journey point number one I have a growing divine confidence that I am a child of God and you can keep that slide up for a minute a growing diviner let me read that verse first that I've put there the Romans 8:16 if you want to turn there this is a verse that's small enough that you can memorize the Holy Spirit the verse says just third but he's talking about the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God I've spent some time talking about what our spirit is it's not our soul it's not our body it's our spirit that innermost part of being that's separated by our will now the Holy Spirit is testifying to the innermost part of me that I am a child of God he is not interested in testifying primarily to my mind that I am a child of God that will happen over time you don't need to conceptually grab it this is not an intellectual problem that you have it is not a problem because of your past because of your past heritage that that's why you don't know God as a father and that God that you are a child of God because the Holy Spirit is not first trying to convince your mind he's trying to convince your spirit he's not trying to get you all emotional about the idea you can get I do at times when I think about the love of God and that I'm a dearly beloved child of God but that's no way God is trying to work first of all he's trying to work in my spirit so I ask you this do you have not a confidence do you have a divine confidence that you are a child of God you will have it if you hear the Holy Spirit telling you and the Holy Spirit is telling you it in your spirit not in your soul not in your mind not in your emotions first of all but in your spirit so how do I hear the Holy Spirit speaking to my spirit well let me think about what's blocking me from access to my spirit my will that's that obstacle that raises his ugly head and separates me from the most holy priest that veil and Jesus tore that veil physically but also inaugurated that new way through the veil and he inaugurated a new asing you can go through this veil which is your flesh that desire to do your own will too and then you too can access the Holy Spirit in the most holy place so that is what it means to hear the Holy Spirit telling you that you are a child of God it means that in the moment of temptation you say no to sin when you say no to sin don't sit there and sulk because God's asked you to bear a cross and be like all this cross is so heavy no bear that cross tear open that veil and listen to the Holy Spirit who's trying to grow in within you I affirm you you're a child of God because you've chosen God's way not man's way that's an affirmation that you will not want to be robbed off and that's an affirmation that as we get accustomed to over time sin becomes less pleasurable because the divine affirmation of the Holy Spirit telling you in your spirit when you say no to your own will when your husband shouts at you and you say I'm not gonna return anger with anger I'm gonna pray for him and I'm gonna control my tongue when you hold your will in and you say God my will let my will not my will be done but your will be done that veil is rent and it doesn't feel good but you've got the Holy Spirit crying out you're a child of God and that cry may be soft in the beginning but it grows and become so big and bigger and bigger in our lives that every time we say no to ourself and yes to God that voice becomes more and more affirming that I don't need anybody to tell me that I'm a child of God the Holy Spirit is constantly telling me it I don't have to chant 50i our fathers to get it into my system like some other religions do I don't have to put that CD in my car and listen to all kinds of worship CDs about how God I have a father he knows my name it's a beautiful song but that's not the key the core of it the core of it is the Holy Spirit testifying to our spirit that you're a child of God Matthew chapter 3 verse 16 and 17 when Jesus was baptized he came up out of the water the heavens were opened he saw the Holy Spirit of God descending as him on and lighting on him and behold a voice out of the heaven said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Jesus had had healed 0 people Jesus had raised 0 people from the dead Jesus had not saved a single soul Jesus had not preached a single sermon but he was well pleasing to the Father how was that because for 30 years he never did his own will he always did the will of the Father and Jesus testified to that and he always did this was not a surprising statement from God to Jesus because Jesus had been hearing it every day the Holy Spirit testifying to his Spirit you're a son of God you're my beloved son we too can hear that voice we too as younger brothers and sisters of Christ when we say no to sin and yes to God we God needs to speak from our spirit informing our spirit that we are children of God and to many of us may have us thought into our heart and we may be trying to do the right things and the Holy Spirit is in our spirit but because of our doing our own will there's such a big veil and there's a big obstacle that the Holy Spirit's voice can't come through our spirit into our soul and into our body that is why we act as if we are not children of God that is why we give into so much anxiety and worry in life Jesus specifically spoke against it in Matthew 6 why do you worry when you have a father every time I worry that's a statement to God that God I don't know you as a father I have to deny my will and say have you taken family of God have you taken I have a Heavenly Father to your current problem have you taken it how long can this worry last when you take I have a father in your spirit to this situation this is what we need to do God you are my father I want to deny my will of feelings having self-pity and thinking all these horrible thoughts of you don't care you do care what I want to say no to myself and hear the Holy Spirit testifying you're a child of God this has been my testimony I spoke four years ago about God being a father but I'll tell you the greatest affirmation is not the story is I for each of the sermons I speak about God being a father it is me saying no to sin in the moment tition that convinces me more than ever before that I am a child of God that I a must dearly beloved son of God because the Spirit is testifying to my spirit and as my veil is rent I hear him more and more clearly point number two I become a true worshiper we know these verses in John chapter four verse 23 and 24 let me read that an hour is coming and now is when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and in truth for such people the father seeks to be his worshipers verse 24 God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth let's take that verse slowly those who worship Him must know two ways about it there's no other way to do it must worship in one particular way in spirit and truth truth means to not do with the hypocrisy not pretend I want to concentrate on worshiping in spirit we've talked about what it means to have that spirit life God doesn't really look for whether you're worshiping him in body and what I mean by that is he doesn't care whether you get excited or you're quiet he doesn't care whether you get jump up and down or whether you're sitting quietly he doesn't matter them because God's not interested in the true worshipers who worship Him in his body most of all so other people can do it that may be the way they like to express themselves you don't have to do it God's not looking for those kind of worshipers God's not looking for soulish worshipers God's not looking primarily for people who worship by feeling good or by listening to a lot of sermons and getting inflated with intellectual ideas and thinking that that is worship God is interested in those who worship Him in his spirit and those who worship them in God in the spirit means they have to go past the will again so the definition of worship is defined by whether I'm going through the will of God and part of the problem here I think is because this word worship has different meanings in the English language if you look it up in the dictionary it has different meanings for example we call this a worship service and that's one definition of the word worship because that's what it means it's related to the program and the connections of religious activities we must not confuse that meaning of worship with what it means to be a worshiper there's a difference to attending worship services and being a worshiper there's a difference between listening to lots of worship CDs and being a worshipper and gods looking for true worshipers not listening to worship CDs are not kind of going attending to worship services its worshipers going to Mexico doesn't make you a Mexican eating Mexican food every day of your life doesn't make you a Mexican coming to India and hanging out with my countrymen mimicking my accent getting the perfect tan doesn't make you an Indian attending every single worship service listening to every single version CD doesn't make you a worship you who can't sing you don't have to sing inky you who sing don't think you're a worshiper because you stood up and was part of the worship service I speak that doesn't mean I'm a worshiper God wants worship eyes it's got nothing to do with singing the way God is talking about it it's got to do with worshiping in your spirit that means your will has to be torn what does that mean how can I apply to this worship service are you worshiping did you worship in this worship service were you a worshipper in this worship service were you a true worshiper most of you maybe sang the songs but if you were a man and you were sitting in a row and a woman three drawers down the row three rows in front of you just look beautiful and have the perfect outfit on she was married to another man and your eyes kept wanting to look at her and feast your eyes on her she may not have any modestly dress she may have been just dressed just right but your eyes were attracted to somebody who was not yours and you kept feasting your eyes on her but then you heard those spirit telling you not your will but my will be done take your eyes off that woman and think about me you're here to worship me then you worshiped then you were a true worshiper if you were a mother who came here with lots of burdens and cares as is normal and you were came in here and throughout the service you've been plagued with those thoughts but how are you gonna make your next month's rent and many other things which I definitely float let me close to your heart but you decided Lord not my will but yours to be done I'm gonna focus on you you are all my help I stand there in the midst of my tears I claim you to be the Lamb of God you worshiped you may have sang the songs but you know it may not have been a true worshiper but you may not have been able to sing on key you may have upset everybody or in the role because you sang off-key but in your heart you were saying in your spirit you were saying God may your will be done not mine and you were a true worshiper this is what it means God is looking for true worshipers in their spirit who will say no to the will will say god I'm done with my way of living life we ask non-christians to do that in the first cause that is what it means to come to Jesus to surrender all it means to say God I don't want to do it the way I've been living life some of us Christians need to take a cue from that we've came to Jesus in the first course but now we've completely closed up access to the Holy Spirit in our spirit because we're doing our own will all the time and God says tear down that veil let me give and let me have untrammeled access to you by tearing open that way and I want to give you two points that as I see as I want to define what a true worshipper is again I'm talking about a worshiper that defines you not based on things you do but so much deeper it's a worshipping in your spirit it's a new identity this is what defines you that you are a true worshipper let me give you two points a I'm thoroughly unimpressed with myself we who stand on stage need to pay a special attention to this I know I have to pay special attention to this as I speak those who sing songs or the play instruments need to pay special attention to this that we become true worshipers that we are getting more and more thoroughly unimpressed with myself what does that mean a lot of people take this to say oh I gotta be I gotta be just feeling having low self esteem absolutely not now if you don't like the way I worded it that's okay let me give you the verse that backs it up and you paraphrase it the way you want to you just got to live before God with that definition alright take that from Matthew chapter 5 verse 3 that's the other verse but blessed are the poor in spirit Matthew 5:3 blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven you tell me what does it mean to be poor in spirit I've defined it as being thoroughly unimpressed with myself what do I mean by that now I just told you I'm a child of God do I walk around with the absolute assurance and confidence that God's calling me a child of God absolutely then what does it mean to be poor not in your mind not in your emotions but in your spirit what does it mean to be poor in spirit you who've been called a child of God this is what it means I feel this means that after I say God I hear you sing you're a child of God I see like we heard in the song a few minutes ago god I'll never know why you love me like you do that's what poor innocent spirit is do you have that response when the Spirit of God tells you testifies you are a child of God and you this sinner who had all things going wrong for you you find out that God's telling you you're a child of God is that your response now God I'll never know why you love me so we sang it a few minutes ago I heard a few amens I'm played it's a moving song it's a moving thought are you gonna grab a hold of it if you're gonna live your I made a note of it as I was listening that song Lord I need to take this attitude to my life I need to write it on my car steering wheel I need to write it on my blackberry I'll never know why you love me so it has to become part of our being it has to become part of our identity it's easy to the sing the song on Sunday morning but if you'll carry it through your week for six months you'll have such a blissful life that's different from your present life hearing the Holy Spirit telling you you filthy ragged sinner that you were you're a son of God now and you knowing who you are and who you were you fall down and say God I'll never know why you love me why did you choose me to be born into this family why did you didn't choose me even though I was born in this family to share these truths I become poor in my spirit and Jesus is your blessing you own the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of God is yours that's what it means to be a true worship but you're not impressed at all with yourself you say God are you calling me a child of God and you say God how can that be I'll never know why you chose me maybe other people but why me blessed are the poor in spirit thoroughly unimpressed with yourself another part of being the true worshipers you just don't beat yourself up in any kind of sensing oh god I can't believe it no you didn't you're thoroughly enamored with Jesus there's purpose in this in a moment it's not impression it's much more than just being impressed it's being enamored it's a response of love I'm thoroughly enamored with Jesus Song of Solomon talks about having eyes like doves eyes like pure doves only for Jesus I get that from math if you don't like my definition of it go to Matthew 5:8 and you define it yourself blessed are the pure in heart you tell me what it means to be pure or not because then you know what proof of having a pure heart is you'll see God always everywhere are you seeing God in your trial are you seeing God in the situation you're dealing with are using God in this trouble you're going through go God and say God the pure heart see God I'm not seeing you means I must not be pure in heart God I want to see you and you alone Jesus I want to see you and you alone in every single situation of my life in sickness or in health in death or in life with a new birth or a death it doesn't matter in plenty or in want I've learnt the secret of being content because leaving everything else I just want to be found in you Jesus Paul had that testimony that's the only way for us to have this life that makes sense is if we choose and desire to see God in every situation that's a purity of heart not a purity of mind purity mind comes next first comes a purity of your heart that you say God I only want to see you it's gonna be about Jesus all the time in heaven and the people who are heavenly minded I sing Jesus more and more even while on this earth that is why they long for the kingdom of God to come that is why they long for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven because they're only about Jesus that when Jesus's name is not being hallowed in their own life because they're arguing with their wife and saying mean things to their wife they are ashamed because the name of Jesus is not being hallowed nobody else knows it but God knows and the devil knows in the name of Jesus is being ashamed and I fool around with non-christian people in relationships when I'm single nobody else may know I may be hiding it real world but the name of Jesus is being ashamed and so how can I pray this name hallowed be thy name with integrity it's a farce it's hypocrisy Oh God let me we have integrity and may we have honesty to say God I don't handle your name I hello my name I held on my interests Oh God but I want to change today I want to have a hallowed be thy name attitude in my life that I will quickly turn on my turn off my will and say God your will be done I want to see you in every single situation that will be the evidence that my heart is becoming more and more pure no other metric that is what it means to be a true worshipper in summary being thoroughly unimpressed with yourself because you're so blown away by love and also being so enamored by this love of Jesus that you will do anything for him you will love him you will mean what you're saying 15 minutes ago when you said Lord you are my everything and people will walk walk your walk through life and say there goes a man or a woman who really loves looks like Jesus is everything to them point number three I talked about how do we get to the point where we can be pure in heart we cannot clean our own hearts up many other religions are trying to do exactly that you're cleaning their own heart but they can't do it that is what makes Christianity unique because we have a way in which God has provided a way in which we can have pure hearts it's not by anything that we do it's because of what Jesus did and so in order for me to keep my heart pure I have to access and appropriate and make my own the limitless power of the blood of Jesus look at that verse 1 John 1 verse 7 if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light we have fellowship with one another it says and then it says and the blood of Jesus his son cleanses us from all sin we talked about the Lord in the Old Testament in the Old Covenant temple God dwelled in the most holy place he didn't dwell in the holy place he didn't dwell in the outer Court he dwell in the most holy place that is where there was no need for any human light the Shekinah glory is what they call it the light of God Himself lit up that most holy place in the New Covenant where we are the temples of the Holy Spirit the God and the Holy Spirit dwells in our spirit so when 1 John 1:7 when John the Apostle says as you walk if you walk in the light as he is in the light that means if you get into your spirit because that's where he's at that's where the pure light of God 1 John 5:1 by where there's no darkness at all where that pure light of God resides in your spirit if you go past your soul by denying your will and enter into your spirit if you walk then you choose to when you find yourself outside the light of God did you say God I'm gonna deny my will God says through his word the blood of Jesus cleanses you from all sin let's not take the second half of the verse and just put a paint brush on anybody a cleansed of all sin sprinkled you're cleaner bolts and no the condition is there if you walk in the light as he is in the light you don't make up the light God defines the light he is light get into the light he's in your spirit if you asked him to come and live within you he's living in your spirit get to intimacy with God in your spirit that means denying your will tear down that veil turn on that dividing wall that exists between you and God that soul is spirituality it says I feel good so I must be a Christian I check off all the intellectual idea so I must be Christian absolutely not you commune with God if you break down that veil and enter into God's presence in the most holy place but once you do that you have been sinning for 10 years you've been addicted to pornography go home and delete those files today and when you do that you're saying no to your will and God says I cleanse you of all sin not just forgiven cleansed scrubbed clean and of course we all still sin 1 John 1 tells me if anybody says he doesn't sin he's a liar so we still sin we still fall off the rag wagon what do we do get back in the light deny yourself you are sinning because you're doing your own will very simply so all I need to do say is that god I fully surrender those who did it in the first cause need to do I've never done it need to do it now if you've been state if you never accepted Jesus as your Savior and as your Lord you can do it right now you just say God I don't want to do my own will anymore I want your will and God promises to fill his spirit into our spirit and he says you'll start hearing that you're a child of God you who are Christians if you've walked away from God or you've built up that will life that you don't hear the Spirit attesting to your spirit that you're a child of God you too need to fully surrender where the Holy Spirit can go and break at that self-will and you can deny your will in the moment of temptation then again you too can hear that voice that's been stifled for too long but you're trying to make your identity and how you look or what your job is or what your bonus is or how your children are doing or how your grandchildren are doing anything but Jesus let's have this new identity not this new principles of living life program not for spiritual laws this is a new identity the new identity of having a growing divine assurance that I'm a child of God built on a rock the absolute definition of myself as a worshiper that I'm poor in spirit blown away by the love of God and so ardently enamored by the love of Jesus that I'll follow him to the end of my life that's a true worshiper and that I constantly access the limitless blood of Jesus that I don't beat myself up when I fall off the wagon I repent I mourn but then I accept the blood of Jesus like a waterfall showering over me and it makes me clean it's a life past the soul it's a wife past emotions it's a life in the spirit by denying your own will I pray that many people will be gripped not agree with not accept but will be gripped with it that's what was the difference for me I was accepted it for many years but that one day I was gripped and I sold out to live this way of life and it changed my life I sincerely desire that for everybody on this earth this is the way the truth and the life this way past the veil that Jesus inaugurated for us let's pray
Channel: alcf
Views: 14,334
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Keywords: ALCF, Sermons, Sandeep Poonen, Living in God's Presence
Id: _2cLQ3OFxqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 46sec (2386 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2011
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