Living Big in a Tiny House Christmas Special 2021 🎄

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well it's hard to believe that it's already that time of year again and oh me oh my what a year we have had but i'm so glad that you could be here with us today to celebrate the living big in a tiny house 2021 christmas special [Music] this year has been such an odd year for us as many of you know rasa and i have only very recently got out of lockdown we have been in an extended lockdown for a four-month period i'm sure you've noticed that we have not been able to produce videos it's been a very uncomfortable and really difficult time for us and we are really hoping that in 2022 we can find a way to really get things back on track but we have been making the most of this time especially having the opportunity to spend more time in our beautiful tiny house and for me it's really been about doing one of the things in life which i love most which is gardening i've really been getting stuck into the garden i've really been doing a lot of work on my ponds watching our frogs grow up doing some vegetable gardening planting lots of fruit trees and this lockdown was in spring so one of the small joys that we really got to carry away from it was to be incredibly present in the garden and watch everything just burst into life and get us ready for the summer because of course here in new zealand our christmas time is smack bam in the middle of summer it's actually mid-summer or litha tomorrow so i'm really really excited to now be out of lockdown to hopefully be able to get our content back on track and to have a really great 2022. with things in the world still very unusual and with us still having incredibly limited mobility our plan is just to have a very quiet christmas here together and celebrate with our very close family christmas for me really has been always a time which is a reminder just to enjoy the small things connect with those things that are so innately important to us and just like tiny house living christmas is a reminder to us of what we really need the simplicity the joy the family the connection those things that make us human so it's a time to really double down on that and now we have some very special christmas messages and updates to share with you from members of our living big in a tiny house family i'm sure you'll recognize lots of these faces from our past videos enjoy hello everyone this is glenn wishing you all your tied blessings and a happy christmas tool to celebrate i just like to tell you what's been happening in herbs with the realms of reddergast and uh oh before i do uh introducing a pair of frolicking dragons on my head i've been unreliably informed is that unreliably informed that they're playing leapfrog well there hasn't been that many additions to the van but i'm still continuing with the artwork i have plans next year maybe to do some more stuff i'm still doing carving and artwork i'm going to be doing i think a few more dragons because i like dragons i've been busy building owl boxes and enjoying the wildlife maintaining the willow temple cutting new pathways making safe realms for the fairies and finally maintaining old pathways old pathways which lead to the old throne and a pair of lovely dragons i've left the dragons in the van for a bit of privacy so wishing you all a very happy new year from me and this very grumpy looking green man don't know what's up with him anyway happy new year everyone take care merry christmas from gwynevere and the robertsons here in new zealand here's our tiny christmas tree with trinkets i've collected from south america during my travels these are our massive stockings that i sewed for all of our presents this is where we hang this year's christmas cards we hope you all have a lovely day either in your own tiny house or dreaming about one merry christmas all the best for a tiny 2022 kia ora g'day uh this is james and lucy from christchurch you may have seen our show at our last spot in the old bedford house track but we've recently moved to a new spot literally around the corner so we just thought we'd give you a wee tour of the updates and bits and pieces that we've done so we'll show you around so we moved this spot in june this year i was blank canvas and were able to do lots of things to the land put new gardens in put a nice barbecue area so we had friends and family around put a big fence up with an old school door i built this fence that i put an old door in from one of the jobs i was on you can even lock it but it kind of defeats the purpose you can go around the corner and i've got a glass house that i'm in the process of building i'm gonna put a bath in there make it like a tropical garden yeah so it's really nice to have a spot that can make us feel like we have a home so yeah we'll go inside and i'll show you around right so a couple of little features that i've added is mainly just drawers for storage just because it's a bit more handy so i've done like a cutlery drawer i've done a drawer for just so like recycling the bin and then lucy moved in with all this so um i've made us some clothes drawers just down below here yeah so it's just made it more useful uh and then just bits and pieces like plants that we've added got a beautiful big monster now so um yeah that's pretty much it we'll go on through to the outside and lucy can show the garlic so we've got a lot more room in this property um so we've been out of plant heaps more um we've got two veggie beds with carrots and broccoli tomatoes we've got whole orchard here with apricots and fejoas lots of the trees hadn't been given any love for many many years so when we first moved in we pruned them all so i think they're a lot happier now and we're just kind of reaping the rewards we've got some apricots just about ready and we'll have fajalas later on so it's been really lovely i hope you enjoyed the tour of the new spot and the alterations and stuff that we've done to the property and we just want to say have a merry christmas and a happy new year see ya from our little family to yours merry christmas and a happy new year stay safe everybody hi everybody well it's been quite the year for all of us hasn't it but so many things to be grateful for wanted to wish you guys a big big happy christmas my tiny house went on a little adventure across vancouver island well on to a new home my friend and uh is now living on texata island i'm over here in victoria bc on my own adventure as well with a new job and just wanted to wish you guys all the blessings possible this year so lots of love merry christmas and happy holidays to the living regular tiny house why now i'm i'm doing this video from a busy auckland excellence and medical clinic today because i'm stuck and i've been stuck on lockdown for these past few months and unable to get to my house which has made things really stressful um but what i have done is i've gone back and re-watched the video a few times that um bryson rather talk um which was lovely because i just missed the house so much and it was lovely having those sweeping drone shots of the bush i've spent locked down buying lots of books online so when i go back down in a few days which i'm uber excited about because of course i haven't been to the house for nearly four months just to be able to then find spaces for those books in my rosy classification system and i'm looking forward to really nice relaxing weekend actually reading some of those books over summer so once again happy christmas and um hope you're all safe and well and please please please be safe out there hi everybody a merry christmas to all the people with the tiny houses and all the people who have done this little program with um bryce and raza this year it's been a really interesting year we started off with me planting seven avocados and now we've actually got 20 and we're enhancing this food sustainability so we're actually focusing this year for our christmas on planting and food supplies for those that stay with us summer's definitely here we even grew our own funny little christmas tree this year which i'm still in the throes of decorating right hat off glasses off beautiful and we can sit here and just enjoy the view we've got a little bit of a christmas spirit look here actually there's so much to be honest with so much life and there's so much color in this place that quite frankly it just looks like christmas every day of the year and as we go around here to the shower we're still developing this here trying to um grow as many plants as we can and that's insane we've got lots of weeds that need pulling out yet um great we'll hide them we'll pull them out before the other people come okay a merry christmas everybody happy new year and let's hope that your life is as great as mine hey everyone just hanging out here on the suspension bridge we just wanted to wish you all a very happy holidays from our tiny home and homestead to yours merry christmas everyone happy new years i want to say a huge thank you to all of our friends who submitted videos this year i know that i've said it before but without a doubt one of my absolute favorite things about filming this show is getting to meet all of these wonderful people from all over the world especially now having been in lockdown and not being able to travel it makes me miss you all even more so it's lovely to be able to have these messages it's been so great to see all of your faces again and we cannot wait to get back on the road filming in 2022 with lots more adventures and stories to share with you all so we're really excited about that so we want to wish you a very merry christmas to all of our beautiful viewers thank you so much as always for being a part of our journey a part of our story we wish you a happy holidays happy yule if you are in the northern hemisphere happy litter if you are in the southern hemisphere or whatever holiday it is that you are going to be celebrating merry christmas happy holidays have a great time connect with one another and enjoy life merry christmas merry christmas [Music] you
Channel: Living Big In A Tiny House
Views: 248,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living big in a tiny house, christmas, tiny house christmas, tiny house, christmas special, tinyhouse tour, tiny house living
Id: v43lqhgqUVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2021
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