Liverpool F.C. & 95,000 Australian fans sing "You'll Never Walk Alone" FULL Dolby MCG July 24,2013
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Channel: James DeWeaver
Views: 11,027,814
Rating: 4.8280854 out of 5
Keywords: Liverpool F.C., You'll Never Walk Alone (Composition), Melbourne Cricket Ground (Olympic Venue), July 24, 2013, Australia, Melborne Victory, Dolby, #LiverpoolFC, The Original, video in Australia of, You'll never walk alone, Youtube, James DeWeaver, Channel, Steven Gerrard (Football Player), the best ever, the original, 7:59 version
Id: 5iLL57puZPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
My first Reds game. Got chills!
Fuck me, to think that was half a decade ago...
Flew over from new Zealand. Cried.
I’d love to one day visit the MCG. It looks awesome
I was there, but what was really memorable was the ride in. The train from South Yarra to Richmond was jam packed with Liverpool supporters and everyone was singing.
I have few regrets. But not going to this game is one of them. LFCs First time in Australia. Supported them all my life. Got up many times at 2 and 3 in the morning to watch live games. But had a long few weeks at work and just didnt feel like travelling to Melbourne from Sydney to go. Was spine chilling on TV.
Btw. For those not from Australia, LFC is possibly close to most supported club here. Goes toe to toe with Man U and possibly 3rd is Arsenal. I think it stems from Craig Johnston and the 80s and all the success. Harry Kewell probably helped too. But probably all the swash buckling football, history songs etc and there is a bit of a culture of always supporting the underdog here too. People want LFC to return to past glory.
I think LFC was really surprised at the depth of support in Aus. Selling out the MCG is not easy to do. Its possible that game was the most number of people to watch LFC play? Everyone in Red.
This was amazing! Never forget this game
Says something about the club when they can get 95 000 people from the other side of the world to come and watch a completely meaningless training session!
What a day, still remember the pre game from the moment I finished uni for the day. The march to the stadium and singing YNWA was amazing 😍😍