Live Worship with David Brymer 🙌. Santa Maria Healing Rooms

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[Music] welcome welcome to everyone here in the room and welcome to everyone on the live stream we're gonna have a time of worship and reflection meditation [Music] to give you kind of a road map um i'll be singing some songs that we we all know um and then i'll be singing some songs from a guy that's really touched my heart over the years rich mullins and then i'll be singing some songs that i've written over the past who knows how long um [Music] but all that said my years are always open in these times to what the holy spirit is doing and saying in the moment so um it might just do something completely different but um that's uh that's kind of what i planned for but in this time i just invite you just to dialogue with the lord and just receive from him that's what even i do as i minister the lord i'm in a posture of receiving just listening to the spirit just receiving his strength his voice and that's where a lot of these songs came from anyways it's just a sitting before him and he sometimes even in the songs will write he will speak to me through through what's written so let's just uh open our hearts and in a posture of receiving to the lord lord we just um i thank you for this time i thank you for this gathering and in the simplicity of just singing to you with the piano i asked lord that you would do something special that's far beyond song and music and i pray that you would open the eyes of our heart and our understanding and you would connect us to you that you would reveal yourself to us lord you would speak specific words words that we need to hear [Music] so so so [Music] let me be as cold [Music] let me be as gold pure gold [Music] let me be as cold [Music] let me be as gold pure gold [Music] desire is to be [Music] holy set apart for you lord i choose to be [Music] set apart for you my master ready to do your will [Music] oh [Music] pure [Music] my heart cleanse me from my sins and make me [Music] purify my heart cleanse me from my sins deep within [Music] refined [Music] is [Music] [Music] you lord i choose to be for you lord i choose to be holy set apart for you my master ready to do you will lord prepare me to [Music] tried and true [Music] for you lord prepare me to be sanctuary pure and holy tried and true with thanksgiving i'll be for you [Music] lord prepare me to be a sanctuary [Music] pure and holy [Music] sanctuary for you so [Music] so oh for the mountains here you come running my lover [Music] [Music] and [Music] my lover to me [Music] so so so there's a wideness in god's mercy i cannot find in my home and it keeps this burning to melt this heart of stone it keeps me aching where the earning makes me glad to have been caught in the reckless raging fury that they call the love of god [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh but i've heard no band of angels [Music] leads them on through the battle on the journey and it's never gonna stop ever widening their mercies in the fury of his love of god [Music] oh love of god [Music] oh the love of god [Music] for the love of god [Music] oh the love of god oh the love of god of god [Music] so joy and sorrow are this [Music] here i'm tested and made worthy tossed about but lifted up in the reckless raging fury of god of god oh [Music] there's nothing like there's nothing like your lover [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] there's nothing like your love lord i receive your love lord i open up [Music] nothing [Music] to be loved by you [Music] i already am love perfectly in your son i already am but help me walk in this the knowledge of your first love the knowledge that i [Music] the am that we are loved by you [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] your invitation is still love your invitation after all these years stronger than my devotion bigger than my devotion your invitation is is still your invitation is still love your invitation after all these years [Music] stronger than my devotion deeper than my emotion your invitation is still love your invitation is still love and just from you to me to you let it always be just a yes from me to you let it always be just a yes from me to you from you to me let it always be [Music] just [Music] let it always be [Music] your invitation is still love [Music] your invitation after all deeper than my devotion your invitation is still [Music] your invitation is still love and just a yes from you to me for me to you lord let it always be [Music] just from [Music] let it always be [Music] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] let it always be just a yes from you to me let it always be [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] surrender [Music] [Music] surrender [Music] here at the start of the day i receive your grace just like the sun your mercy rises over me and here in the midst of it all i will give my best when i'm weak you are my strength and you're my song [Music] and it's not popular it's not easy but [Music] is to glorify you the world and here in the midst of my pain i will choose to trust and when i just can't understand i will forgive [Music] just like a fragrance at your feet [Music] and it's not popular it's not easy [Music] is to glorify you the world [Music] standing face to face i'll see you waiting like a father for his child and what can i say to you lord [Music] you make all things [Music] you walked by my side to a future full of life there will be no night [Music] cause [Music] looking down on me and all i can say and all i can is thank you it's not popular it's not [Music] to glorify you the worthy one [Music] i see angels all around your throne bowing down with the elders as they cast to the ground living creatures and the saints all gathered around look up and see [Music] lord god almighty lord god [Music] and everything that you have made will come worship you and everything that you have done is faithful and true and every tear is wiped away you make all things [Music] lord god almighty [Music] [Music] you're the king of kings [Music] and we bow down to the lord of [Music] that lords christ [Music] lift it up you're the king of kings and we bow down to the lord of lords and every heart every tongue confessed that jesus christ [Music] oh [Music] lord god team [Music] i see angels as they cast their crowns to the ground living creatures and the saints all gathered around [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] and [Music] is faithful and true and every tear is wiped away you make all things [Music] [Music] lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lifted up you're the king of kings and we bow down to the lord of lords that jesus christ is lord lift it up you're the king of kings we bow down to the lord of lords every tongue confessed that jesus christ [Music] i wanna see your glory lord i wanna see your beauty lord i wanna see i wanna see your beauty lord i wanna see your glory lord if there's one place i could be it's to live inside your glory lord i know your glory lives in me but lord i know i've tasted and i've seen but lord there's so much more you have for me world oh [Music] oh i was made to behold your face lord [Music] i was made to see a glory lord not to stand far off at a distance not to watch others walk in but to come close to being near to you how long to see your glory lord i long to know your ways lord to know the why behind what to see what i've never seen your endlessness is available to all who seek and search and knock and ask but we will find you promised you promised you promised and i thank you lord it's not for the super spiritual it's where you are thank you lord you made it available to all how good you are [Music] you said let the little children come to me the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these he said i dwell [Music] a defender of widows is god [Music] what a kind father what a holy god this is you and your holiness this is you and your holiness holy holy holy lord holy holy holy holy holy holy lord [Music] sweeping the floor looking for the coin selling all for the pearl and the treasure [Music] this is who you are this is who you are you look for us even when we forget about you even when we don't look for you you're still looking you're still longing this is you lord there's no other god like you all the other ones require sacrifice but you said sacrifice an offering i don't require but the sacrifices of god are a broken and contrite spirit a broken and contrite you won't despise [Music] this is the one you see it's the one you draw close it's the one you see with your eyes this heart you won't [Music] despise so [Music] all your promises are yes your promises are yes your promises sanctify lord and soul body and mind lord let your kingdom come your will not mine your will not mind yes lord unto [Music] [Music] say the word i agree and i say yes lord i say yes [Music] all your promises are [Music] your yes are yes and amen [Music] sanctify heart and soul body and mind lord let your kingdom come [Music] your will not your will now [Music] [Music] [Music] say [Music] i just want you to see [Music] i say yes lord i say yes [Music] so [Music] seek firm [Music] and his righteousness and all these things [Music] first the kingdom of [Music] god and all these things [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] man does not live on bread alone that proceeds from the mouth of [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] singing [Music] you i feel the joy of heaven it's just his children say yes [Music] and says i feel the joy of heaven the joy of a father who takes delight in his children the joy of a father who delights in all his children [Music] you joys is over us we're singing [Music] we're singing with dancing if only we could see it if only we could feel it when we say yes all the angels of heaven rejoice it's not just for first salvation it's every time a sinner says yes every time his children repent every time every time when we say not my will but yours be done when we say not [Music] [Music] i [Music] in his presence daily live i surrender all to him [Music] and trust him [Music] oh i surrender [Music] all [Music] surrender [Music] and lord i give you my heart i give you my soul [Music] every moment i'm awake me lord i give you my heart i give you my soul i live for you alone every breath that i take every moment i'm awake have your way in me lord lord i give you my heart i give you my soul i live for you alone every breath that i take every moment i'm awake have your way in me and i say yes i say yes lord yes i will trust you and obey when your spirit speaks to me with my word i agree and my answer will be yes lord yes [Music] i say yes lord is lord yes i will trust you and obey when your spirit speaks to me with my war and my answer will be [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] have no agenda but to sit before you and to worship you lord so we thank you lord and we just say amen god thank you god so
Channel: Santa Maria Healing Rooms
Views: 12,624
Rating: 4.9568734 out of 5
Keywords: God, Worship, Healing Rooms, Santa Maria Healing Rooms, Julie Meyer
Id: ix2tqMoUkMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 35sec (4895 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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