Live UI/UX Reviews - Submit your design!

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hello everybody how is it going what is up say hi in the chat we're going to just die let people filter in and we'll do the whole name thing the whole name pronunciation i can really i can only pronounce maybe about twenty percent of your names um so harsh i got harsh what's up man remy hello oh look at where about i we're two for two right now say hi in the chat like i said gonna get people filtered in also we are announcing the winner of the challenge that we held in discord i almost a month ago so very excited to announce the two winners that will be a part of that swarup d what is up a a channel regular brian williams what is up superlicious wow i'm five for five so far and it's a wand i got that somebody's gonna come out there with this name that i'm not gonna be able to pronounce there's no way i can go six for six or beyond romax what is up take a swig of water we're getting close to the holidays there's not as much activity on these streams as it seems team motion mauson ahmed okay we'll count that juliet hello logan mert of course i've seen you like months like throughout the last year all right um so today i just uh to give a you know a very quick introduction of what we're doing here at the beginning of this stream we're going to be here in a second i'm going to be picking the two winners based on a ui ux design challenge the first one for our community discord server and then after that we're just going to have a regular live ui ux review where you submit your designs here in discord the instructions are in the youtube description below on how to do that and then i review them and we do a rating on a scale of one to ten one being the worst ugliest thing you've ever seen in your entire life and ten being just you know the best thing since sliced bread right so i let's get started with the winners of the challenge all right so uh there was a discord challenge uh right here and we had 42 valid entries all right and these were submitted over a period of about two weeks and we've tallied them all up uh jvs my admin and co-partner of i put them all together in um a nice excel file all right and so these are all the valid submissions that we received as you can see there's 42 it's kind of hard to see that little number there um that's important because we're going to be choosing two winners i there's going to be a one random winner like if you just submitted and had an honest attempt then you get i into a pool where i'm going to use a random number picker between 1 and 42. i didn't hit generate that's the one initially so we're not using that number um and that person will win a free copy of i and by the way if you're unaware which you're probably not most of you know by now is releasing in 17 days january 4th 2022 make sure to enter your email to be notified when it releases but basically you can go to find out what this is all about essentially comprehensive approach to learning ui design through video interactive ui tests and even mentorship so all that will be coming out very soon um and then also we i that the second winner is going to be uh between these 12 different uh submissions i'm not going to go over and show you all them we actually have already picked out a winner i but these were the honorable mentions uh right here and we'll maybe we'll link these in the um the design course uh or the discord server um for the these are honorable mentions essentially and one of them are the actual winner as you can see jvs geez basically our discord admins we have a column for each of us who you know we went through all these and decided if we like them or not all right so let's do the random number picker winner first all right so like i said 42 entries let's go ahead and click generate and number 19. so that means i'm going to go over here to this and we're going to search for number 19. let's check out this prototype i let's i click on it this is going to be the winner we'll also reveal the discord person's name okay so it starts out right here i'm just going to quickly analyze this design we want to make sure that wherever the design starts you're kind of situating it right there so that you really define that column um but yeah this person is going to win a copy of the upcoming i and so let's find out what their idea is um you know what i'll do i will just go ahead and reference this in my notepad so we'll i'll find out that winner i'll notify you later if that was yours um and then here's the winner this is the actual winner i link and discord the person who submitted it so if i search for this oh wait am i able to do that how do i do that oh no can i search for a post id oh no i'm being slow how about how about this gary don't tell me you actually screwed up actually i think i remember which one it is anyhow it's most like and it's under whi there we go this is the winner right here this is the winning entry so if we click find fruit this is the winning entry so out of all others um everything's done very well here take take a look at the attention to detail um see the little strawberry icon this actually animates when you're scrolling through you have a little love icon that actually works as well it's prototyped we have a rating down here i would like to see the 24 ratings be a little bit larger and a little bit underneath but for the most part very solid design that we have here um and this person is the winner so i will be contacting you whoever you are i for giving you that uh free copy of all righty well somebody said that that other prototype was awful that's great if you think so they're going to be enrolled into they're going to have uh an awesome eye resource to get better then right all right uh what do you mean it's not 19. that was number 19. it said 19 right i mean i don't want to award the wrong person i yeah look oh it says one over here discord id submission because this is actually technically the column number one oh man well i'll figure out what to do with it maybe i'll give both of them i or maybe the real winner whatever i will see we'll figure that out don't worry though all right um so let's go ahead and get started with the actual ui ux reviews so let's go over here and let's get started so we'll probably have another one coming up next month for a community design challenge all right let's get started so the very first one is right here i'm going to close some of these out on submissions i'll close this out close that out all right so here's our very first design submission that i'm going to review and all right so one thing to notice here if i expand this all the way out uh it doesn't have a container that's fixed and i think when you're out of like a 4k resolution monitor you should definitely have um a container that is fixed in the center at up to a certain point so like it's okay for it to be fluid up to here up to here up to here but maybe right here make it fixed um otherwise it's it's just too drawn out i and it's it breaks the flow of the layout second up next thing i noticed that's kind of killing the layout is notice we have a column that's established right here from the beginning of the logo it's come straight down here then we have this one that's indented straight down here now typically that's okay as long as you either stick to one of these two columns this one or this one with the content underneath it but i could tell there's still more white space and so we have a third column right here so what does this create an inconsistency of alignment and one of the bad things about that is is it it creates uh kind of like a a jittery sort of layout where it just seems discombobulated i'm coming up with a lot of different words to describe that it's just not consistent uh and so when you consistently apply your alignment you have a much more solid much more professional looking layout that's also easier to scan for the user so those are going to be the primary things i think that are worth noting about this uh the footer i would take this logo probably make it a little bit smaller and left align it whenever you have two columns they should be aligned to those columns i wouldn't center things in one of those two columns i that are you know left and right aligned to each other um so we'll do a quick rating for this one being the worst and 10 being the best what do y'all think this person should get for a rating i'm gonna go take a swig of water and based on the activity here oh now i have a machine gun thank you very much t20s grunt gives me a super chat pretty much every i stream very much appreciated awesome awesome stuff all right so i don't know what is happening nobody okay there we go it's not a very popular chat we're getting so close to the holidays right now um for me i'm not gonna give this a seven i would probably say this probably deserve somewhere in the sixes maybe like 6.5 or so but yeah there are things happening right like they said solid contrast there's no contrast issues at all whatsoever um so that's good the the logo little the little slogan a little bit too small so i would admit that honestly you go to that identity designer hey say hey this is too small because some people won't be able to read that somebody asked how can i learn figma put in your email address at and you're going to learn figma in and out trust me otherwise go to youtube i have a free big course um free ui ux design course that i put at the beginning of this year there will be another free one though coming up here uh in january so um let's get moving on to the next entry all right this one has multiple pages at the home page are still a work in progress all right so just getting a macro perspective and zooming out i can see this is a very simplistic design not too much happening here uh the white approach the light approach i like it overall but let's see and get close and see what's happening here specifically all right so i like the colors pretty decent um i don't like the type here i feel that that uh this button container could probably have a little bit more white space or padding uh on the inside to make it a little bit um so that the type isn't so close to the edges just a little bit though it's it's pretty good for the most part um coming up here cards are too bad maybe just a tad bit more white space inside although maybe not i mean it's very very close the features section i'm trying to think remember what i talked about when it comes to alignment so if we can see the very left side of this card this starts here as well where it says begin your path um our features is is um a little bit inside of that which is tip which is okay because we're still pretty much sticking with that solid column where things are aligned um but i'm wondering if we could improve this section a little bit our features is pretty close to this type so um sometimes you don't even have to have uh section labels or titles like this because a lot of times it's kind of it's obvious based on the content that's already present so it might help to declutter this area also notice how inconsistently there's this our feature section is centered yet this is left line and this is left align so if you're going to keep this i would just put this to the left over here or just get rid of it entirely pretty decent section over here yeah this is solid for the most part let's do a rating one being a worse ten being the best the best faster gary this person is like oh man i want you to get me get to my review yeah well you know if you idled quicker and you know you have your phone on you 24 7 like me you would see that notification you'll be able to submit your design entry a lot quicker and be in further up in the queue let me know what y'all think one being the worst ten being the best this is a a more solid design i would say than the first one so i think we're definitely at least in the sevens here five four point six boy people are uh you guys are harsh you know i think i i i think i agree with big dawn except i think instead of being seven point five seven three nine three two nine it might be like more like a seven point five eight one five six two uh for the rating yeah or in other words yeah 7.5 i think this is pretty solid all right continuing on next up big dawn i am looking for feedback specifically on its mobile view all right well let's just take a look at desktop real fast i feel like you need to have texture over here though so texture can mean like a simple illustration or a watermark based background something that's relevant but just to fill up this area let's take a look at the mobile view because that is what big donnie wants to see this right here i would i would i would collapse this into this section a lot quicker because this right here is too close so just make that occur quicker so let's check out the mobile view so one thing you can do i because this is a common thing people run into when you have like three columns or three cards of some sort um or an odd number is you can construct your css grid uh in such a way that the last one that's by itself can extend both columns automatically so think about doing that um i know the css grid can achieve that easily not too certain i like the amount of white space that's up here versus down here so try to get your css correctly your margins and padding so that you can create an equal amount of uh white space on the top and bottom i would say the the clothing electronics real estate this button kind of selector the active state here is a little bit too large it's pretty close and i would try to rethink that design a little bit to make it less obvious um or not obvious but less i would say cluttered because i yeah i think it's too big and bulky essentially um coming down here all right pretty decent looks like this might be oh for some reason that was hidden until i hovered over it that was strange um but yeah there's some weird things happening um this is centered this is not so that's an inconsistency like i would say definitely on mobile here you could stand to center all three of these elements and that way it's more consistent with what's happening down here all right pretty solid um let's do a rating for this one being the worst intent being the best also you don't have to hide this image on mobile you could perhaps put it up here on the top although that might push down your call to action although mobile does give you a pretty good amount of vertical space that you could probably have all three of those all right somebody said four it's definitely higher than a four um i like the interesting uh the type here i think this is probably like a seven yeah just a flat 7.0 or like a yeah i i think it has a lot of potential all right awesome stuff big dawn yeah all right next up uh oh oh okay there it goes it was real empty for some reason and then all of a sudden all of these photographs started to appear at once um okay so what i'm thinking is we've got way too many pictures of people i they're just all up in my face their faces um see like having all the all these photographs like like just kind of in and it almost seems like an image gallery i so i would try to reduce that by a little bit more than what you've you've created here um also the the balance between the scale of the logo versus the navigation links here too much i would scale down the logo a little bit more than what it is currently maybe a little bit more white space between these elements as well hair style hair styling and makeup you want to give people a direction so usually a call to action of some sort a button underneath would make a little bit more sense in my opinion now this doesn't make sense because this is a section called services so you have hair styling makeup hair cutting bridle what's the problem with this it's it's all over the place it's going to be hard for people to scan all right so so i would i adjust this in a more scannable manner um so that's easier for people to understand what services you actually offer so those are my primary uh concerns yeah just make that section a little bit easier understand and also give them a call to action all right one being the worst tell me the best let me know what you all think yeah the it's the masonry uh grid layout um which are great for just like f for for image galleries uh photo galleries of some sort but um when you're trying to use them in conjunction with explaining a service to discombobulated i would rethink that uh in your service section you have what one two three four five six i would i would restructure those into perhaps two two rows three columns and maybe have icons and a little description and a label uh for each service and if you have pages for each of those six then you can also have a button where they can learn more about each of those services moreno i already did at the near the beginning of this stream so i already picked the two winners already so you can just rewind and go back and check that out for me i'm gonna give this a rating as it stands probably for uh as a like i'm a 6.0 or like 5.8 something like that i think is pretty uh good you next you can you can click on the youtube description here to find out how to submit your design although i guarantee you i won't be able to get to it today because of how many submissions i already received very sorry about that but make sure to idle in the discord server all right next up um i think is this one all right let's check her out all right um state universe diversity clown okay clown state university is that a thing earn your clown degree now holy crap i'm go i was going to make a joke but i'm not going to do it i'll get canceled all right um i actually like the cover i mean the colors and what's happening here um i like the subtle uh watermark based background for texture that's a great way to just to make things interesting i think it works well for this this concept because clowns graffiti things like that they make sense a lot strong call to action strong sub headline strong description apply now is pretty good as well i would typically say red absolute bright red wouldn't make sense for most companies uh or businesses but this certainly makes sense in my opinion um very simple uh navigation which works well looks like this one is slightly the weight is going from 400 to 500 i would make that bolder to like 700 if you want to really indicate the active the currently active page um i gotta apply um yeah i really don't see anything wrong with this as it is obviously there's not much happening here beyond this section but for what is here it is solid one being the worst timing and the best what do you all think yeah certainly something to do with uh politics but yeah i'm not gonna get into it i will say this we're living in a clown world that is undeniable take that as you will all right this here for what it is again i can never i never want to rate something in absolute 10 i or even close to it if it's not realized yet in the browser so i can see it fully um but for this and what is what it's worth um again i would probably restructure this slightly in this area probably push um some things down away from maybe apply now would be pushed down slightly further and made larger but i'm going to give this for what it is a solid 8.7 or so it's it's it's really up there it's done quite well all right i do have to say if trump went to this college biden definitely went there as well they're both very clownish all right let's get started with the next one um yeah very good job geez all right um [Laughter] oh here we go we're getting into politics all right all right next up let's uh refresh this all right so this right here if i were either a potential employer or a client somebody looking for a website i'd say i am unimpressed this is just so boring you know i we have all this open space here we have a weird thing it just says hi it's like you know i'm not trying to make small talk i want to know what you're doing here right i am blah blah blah blah i am a web developer view my work very understated barely can see them you need to really i take a step back and get inspiration um from other design portfolios so there's a lot of ways to do that go to behance go to dribble do searches for like portfolio um get an idea of what people are doing get some inspiration don't copy of course not pixel for pixel don't ever do that unless it's for a matter of training muscle memory and it's just an exercise you're not going to use it as an actual portfolio but try to try to create an actual layout this right here is just so so dead simple but simple is a lot of times good so i don't want to say it's just simple but there's just not enough um so you definitely want to rethink that what happens when we go to view my work all right so you have this whole page here you're requiring people to click view my work i why not just show your work somewhere right here that way you reduce the necessity of people having to click around i you could show your initial examples and maybe if you have more than four you can have a button then to say see all work or something like that but you want to utilize this space and the layout that you actually have available um in your contact me where does that go okay so that goes in a a separate form which is fine this all feels though i in terms of design it just it feels disconnected at least it is a floating label this almost seems like it's maybe some sort of like plug-in or embedded type form or whatever it doesn't feel like it's a part of your design you'd be a great person to join which is coming up very soon we're about halfway through the stream that means i do have to spam you all especially especially with i the fact that it's going to be releasing very soon 17 days january 4 2022 enter your email to be notified when it releases comprehensive ui design and you're going to learn all this stuff through video ui tests which is interactive tests here you can actually play it we have a free game using these cool ui tests to help you identify um you know solid design fundamentals and also mentorship where i look at your design and i provide ratings so actually let me show you that i don't think i've showed you the system i did just accidentally i click or type it in the url but this is my back end area where i take a look at all the challenges and this right here is just an area where these people are currently waiting for me to review their design so when i click review and i click on their design it shows me their figma design based on the particular challenge right now there's about 11 challenges right now and they're all ui design related challenges and then i look at the the the design most of the time like 90 90 to 95 percent of the time i i do actually create an iteration where i improve their design and i also give them comments in terms of helping them you know these students get a lot better so um as you can see the url right here that's where i provide my response url for the figma prototype where i improve their design so definitely enter your email to be notified when that releases okay let's continue on um we're not gonna do a public rating for this i will rate this probably at like a four 3.5 or so for what it is so let's continue on after that my portfolio is still a work in progress all right stock photos and such would love a rating this person wants to be rated so let's check her out we have a loading graphic okay all right we got something snazzy now hi i'm i don't know how to pronounce your name we're going to call you nur full stack developer building high quality production driven apps all right very cool now you said you were using stock photos if you look like that that would be cool because this person looks very serious and it's a very well uh lit and and just a good composition like so everybody should have good solid if you're gonna use a picture yourself don't use don't have your little brother take it on your old ass iphone or something i invest in good lighting or just have somebody who's a photographer take a good picture for you i could tell that this is not a natural scroll so we're using something like transform translate why i based on scroll position so they're actually just kind of moving the content up in terms of uh instead of using a traditional scroll right here so very cool um there are some issues here though i i don't like the type right here especially with this light pink versus this sort of teal color i would also push down and create more white space between these two elements i like the nice you know smooth flowing eye kind of carousel approach here this definitely has look at guys here this definitely has a a nice feel to it i and there's a lot of potential here nice big type that's like a modern trend i like the big headline right here not too sure about this section over here because i have no clue what these are about like what is that okay i guess there's a project so i'm hovering over it and i'm looking at at the url but these need to be a little bit more obvious i think you can always put labels next to them all right and also more white space between them and these areas right here all right we'll do a rating for this one being the worst 10 being the best i i'm disconnected about this one because it definitely has a modern nice modern feel to it but there are some areas that could be improved check something over here while i wait on you all to give a rating [Music] all right for this one i'm going to give a rating here i also don't like how they're slightly different eye colors here between my work and this more eye saturated pink version i'm going to go ahead and give this just a flat yeah maybe not flat maybe like a 7.2 or so it could easily be eight plus if we adjusted just a few small things all right very good let us continue on um oh my this one's interesting look at that grain in the back a grain filter this must be like 3js type thing let's refresh this all right very this is pretty solid here all right i didn't like that section but i like what i see up above here very interesting a generalist designer and developer from india we have like latitude and longitude situations occurring here i think oh man that's trippy right there this is like a joe rogan um mdma or whatever it's called scene all right so this right here this whole big old pill container not too much a fan of that um i would just expand that all the way out so it just goes all to the very right and left so that's just kind of like a rectangle um let's continue on so this is a little bit too responsive i barely touched my i scroll wheel right here and it's going way too fast so i would reduce that significantly if you're going to take this approach like the creativity and again this right here if you're only going to give an email not ideal you want people to be able to contact you through an actual form as well on your website why because not everybody has an email client set up depending on their situation if you're on mobile or whatever so this has a lot of potential certainly i a lot of interesting things happening here very creative so yeah definitely continue on this route there's some small things though that i would adjust um like this right here these are all quite close together and it just feels like there's incorrect scale happening here so it is sort of the brutalist approach for sure i did a um a video on that actually about two weeks ago or so all right so what do y'all think this person should get for a rating one being the worst intent being the best i like the approach of thinking outside of the box for sure certainly justifiable on a designer portfolio portfolio as well yeah i'm going to say that this is still probably in the i low to mid sevens is what i'm going to rate this because there are some things that are are issues um but yeah this could easily if everything was really ironed out i especially what's happening up here in this next initial section i it could be you know in the nines for sure all right awesome awesome stuff okay continuing on um feedback for this design please we got a figma prototype i'm going to let it load make sure no one's trying to troll me it's on the other monitor right now that you can't see and it must be large because it's still loading it is still loading what is happening all right if this takes much longer i'm gonna have to forgo this particular review because it is just going and going and going maybe i'll come back to it uh we're gonna skip ahead i've already done i'm telling you i i swear to god i've already i did not skip you last stream this person is telling me that i skipped them last stream and i swear to god i've seen this project and i've reviewed it already i'm telling you i reviewed this design in case some strange reason i didn't actually review it i'll quickly just note that um it's actually pretty pretty solid for the most part you want to take these descriptions and move them down because one two three there's all similar white space between these elements so move the description down a little bit further in those cards as you can see there's a lot of stuff happening here so i want to structure that a little bit differently because you have one two three four different elements and you want to separate those out so i would take the the date and the description move that away and create more white space between those two elements yeah that other one isn't loading so i'm not gonna not gonna be able to um do a review on that one this one here for what it is i probably rate this about a seven but i feel like i definitely reviewed that already so all right hey you actually oh wait that was that so we got those two out of the way other one won't link thank you very much vehicle law by the way what's up with your username why vehicle law i personally don't like a lot of the laws based on vehicles like don't tell me i have to wear a seat belt it's my body it's my choice you know unreal all right this is actually uh pretty solid here i like this like i would say though um notice how we have a column established right here i can just tell this is slightly indented those tiny little things like that move that over slightly to the left this is solid though seems like the background has slight texture to it it's not just a pure gradient it's like a photograph that's been a little bit like pixelized [Music] so very solid right there maybe a little bit more track or leading which is line height on these elements right here oh i certainly am a libertarian and i'm one of the crazy types of libertarians like i'm i'm a hundred percent purist libertarian um that's a little strange how that's offset um trying to think about how i feel about this section of the design this one right here i really like it again more like i said more leading or line height on these type based elements and now all of a sudden we can see that we have a certain font size of 18 pixels but then this jumps up to 20 pixels that slight difference it does matter i would say stick with the 18 pixels and don't jump up the other pages content like that same thing with the line height here yeah pretty solid especially the the page i like the most that has the best layout and design is this one right here so give us a rating one being the worst 10 being the best consider myself a narco capitalist voluntarist as well but you can be all three of those things simultaneously there are certain uh libertarians who fall like who advocate minarchism um but that's not one of that's not me but all three of those things can be the same thing simultaneously all right i for me i'm gonna give this design now i'm gonna factor in you know some of the the other pages and stuff this is all pretty solid i think it's pretty fair to give this one probably like a 7.7 i 7.8 pot like if i were looking at this page alone i would give it an eight plus somebody gave it a 10. all right solid solid work here next up i am getting hungry wait that is the one i just did already wait is that the one i just did yeah unreal sorry i can't look at all the uh iterations of your design i kind of try to move a little bit quickly for people next up is this one right here crazy ian ran types oh my we just want to be left alone that's all and let the market take care of our problems we're not going to get into this too much though okay um one thing i i i advocate um if you're dealing with a design that's light i or even dark i your your canvas color should should contrast a lot so if you have a light design make this canvas color dark so that we can release clearly or even mid-tone so we can at least clearly see the very outside you know portions of your design why did that refresh um so yeah definitely fix that can we take off the uh can we hide the rulers here ctrl shift 4 isn't working for me yeah i don't want to see i don't want to see the layout grid why did that do that let me paste it so i can go just look at this myself there we go from what i see here this is very solid though yeah i i like the um here here's what i'm talking about we'll take this look how easier it it now it now is to see this design you can even take the primary color kind of just desaturate it there there we go that's a lot better um so yeah we can see the um the illustration here very subtle watermark based solid picture of a dude there with crazy eyes this type might probably not pass contrast ratio so if i go here and i go to stark and we'll check contrast oh it actually does okay so it says 4.74 all right i didn't think it would have but it does um looks pretty solid very good colors very good navigation yeah this is all solid i like it let's do a rating one being the worst timing the best there's nothing really too negative i could say about it affordable medication the reason medication isn't affordable is because of government regulation in the healthcare space it actually used to be in the early 1900s very affordable based on lodge practice which has largely been outlawed now yeah sorry this dude is the face of the opiate epidemic we're facing again another thing that we can blame government on all right uh this is solid so i'm gonna give this one an 8.7 for what it is again i'd like to see things realized in the browser um but for what it is 8.7 very solid stuff next up the t20s crush says no randomly oh man wait i already did that one what the hell is going on here um i think that's the one i just did yes it is let's go to this one check out the youtube description to see how you submit your design all right gotta discard this font it just feels too cheesy it doesn't work well this high contrast thick border underneath it doesn't help either i would get rid of that and then notice how big this is but then how small this sub headline is and you're also giving me nowhere to click just relying on a navigation at the top you don't want to do that you want to have an action either just scroll down a scroll indicator or an actual button our featured courses and it's also coming soon um if you only have if you're going to use a card format where there's meant to be multiple columns but you only have one i don't do that don't use a card or if you're going to use a card make it fill out the layout more um so that means you know maybe putting these in a a column based approach on a single row so right now you have a single column with multiple rows here's a row here's a row all this stuff has its own row but to fill out the space on desktop you want the reverse approach where you have a single row and a bunch of columns um for situating your your content and that way you could fill out this whole section more also not a fan of center aligning adjacent columns like or the content inside of it just left align it left align all this stuff it'd be much better all right rating real quick one being the worst 10 being the best [Music] right so certainly you know uh big corporations in in in any in any industry it's certainly in big pharma yeah they're problematic but the only reason they have this power is because existence of state and the politicians who are there being bought for who are there to be bought rather all right i i'm throwing in politics in my ui ux stream i love it i've been doing this for too long maybe i'm a little bit too comfortable um so let's go ahead yeah i'm gonna give this a rating of you know there's a couple things happening here that are fine um probably just like a 5 5.5 or so something like that yeah we are at 50 minutes i'll do a few more toxic has just a picture here um screenshot let's see here pretty dark overall although your text is contrasting pretty well i'm not sure about all the the subtle borders that you have you have a subtle line border right here and as well between all these elements and also subtle line borders between here the whole lining and border approach i it's fine if you do it minimally i think it's probably best just to emit these in this particular context of this design um not really enough here for me to bother with a rating though but just some quick feedback there personal blog um made on angular menu is functional please try it there's a masonry layout okay i hate politics and politicians all right um yeah especially uh elizabeth warren and like she's talking crap to like elon musk like he just completely ripped into her it was awesome i yeah she's pathetic next up um we do have you mentioned a masonry layout kinda i guess you could say if you wanna not really i mean this is sort of masonry in this whole section here but not really um all right so what do i think about this uh i like the it's it feels elegant and that's probably what it's meant to be um we have a thin font weight that's used here which kind of helps reinforce that elegant sort of tone um especially also we have italic i serif font and that also helps so thin fonts thin serifs with italic i say uh stance or i'm sorry thin sans serif fonts a nice clean font like this like what font is that by the way that's my what font oh railway okay um with meriwether which is a serif font it's it's a good mixing of fonts here that's happening so i think it works pretty well light photograph colors he said there is a a dark mode right and that's done very well i would probably make this subscribe the newsletter white just because they're similar in tone and they have both have a little bit of color saturation it they don't contrast well so i probably just take this make it white instead like that and if you want to draw people to this uh subscribe button i would probably you know you can make that one colored if you wish but the monochromatic approach works as well i would probably left a line in this though this is solid though i don't really have too much negative to say one being the worst 10 minutes what do you think this person deserves as a rating oh my god i can only sit down on a computer for about an hour after that i got to get up and stretch at least and go downstairs and just i eat something i'm gonna give this a rating of yeah for what this is it's pretty solid i'm not sure if i like the some of the icons and the choices up here mixing the blue right here and i don't know about that pretty busy here on mobile as well i mean this is really busy i'm going to give this one just a flat probably 8.07.9 around there all right we are going to do another design here um i think this one is the next now wait i already did this i think i definitely saw this before but i can't remember if i reviewed it but i'm going to tell you right now this has got to go yeah this has got to go this type this font what is it called it's called red undead it just looks way too cheesy it looks like something like for a terror um next gen freelance front end developer okay so this is a developer portfolio why are we using this type of font you got to change that eye into something that's much more clean this would make sense if you're designing a poster for an upcoming haunted house or something like that so you want to simplify that that's my biggest one next up would be the color choices you know you have a more light blue versus a darker blue in a green a vibrant green so this type of green hard to really use that as one of the primary colors because i immediately associate it with christmas so rethink the colors and this type right here [Music] seems like you have issues with scale as well so we have these i these are quite large all your type is very large i would scale down some things work on your leading work on topography skills in general in general see what other people are doing one being the worst 10 being the best what do you think this person should get for a rating there's a font called i mean there's a plugin called i what font or a chrome extension what font all one word negative 10. i'm going to give this a rating of has some things right at least there's no issues with contrast we have solid alignment and um white space so i'm just going to give this one like a 4.8 some somewhere around there seems like you mostly all agree with me all right so very important there are 156 people currently watching this stream and i want all of you to enter your email at do it right now don't even hesitate i know normally if i was in your position i would say screw off i'm not entering my email um but you will be notified when this launches on january 4th and there's going to be a good discount uh for this massive course that i'm working on for learning and teaching ui ux design videos interactive user interface tests and mentorship from me where i look at your designs and improve them so make sure you enter your email again it's coming very soon you can play the free interactive game um to see what some of what what those ui tests are like and how they help develop your uh sense of design um so yeah definitely check that out oh there's me and that will be releasing very soon all right so that is it i we are going to conclude now um if i didn't get to your design sorry just uh try to idle in discord and assign yourself the string ping role so assign a role see where it says stream notifications you want to click this icon to be assigned the stream ping role because when i do these live streams i go to the news channel and i mention the string ping roll and then you get notified and i do this before the stream like usually 30 to 60 minutes before and then i tell you to submit now and then people hurry up and they submit very quickly after i i unlocked the channel so it says submit below this person they did it within the same minute same minute the next minute so that's how you get yourself up higher in the queue and i reset the queue because it's just too hard for me to go back and figure out exactly where i stopped and stuff so definitely idle in there and i'll stop talking now um and yeah awesome stuff good review uh session and thanks for all submitting and thanks t20s grunt the single person who gave me five dollars for a super chat i'll see you all soon good
Channel: DesignCourse
Views: 2,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live design review, ui ux, ui ux stream, live, gary simon, designcourse, negative space
Id: 4wFcILur7ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 25sec (3565 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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