LIVE - trigBoard // Home Assistant // Q&A

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] check check check is this thing on oh good it's working this morning good morning everybody give it a few more moments for some folks to show up here and we'll get started make it a nice saturday stream see how long we'll run this morning usually my streams are a little bit over an hour or so or two that just depends uh what's on the bucket list for today questions already all right so that's working i can turn that off i always like to double check and make sure i'm actually streaming sometimes i could just be talking to nobody and not even know it so today it's working um oh hey wayne uh so if you if you notice let me turn my mouse thing on here i always forget about that this uh is not exactly like what you're talking about but it is um the same thing so it gives me the obviously the the listing of alerts but also um you know full screen and all that jazz and um alerts it'll change colors when it alerts and all that stuff so yeah that is actually working i changed it to this i like this better than what i have before i you know and i haven't had enough time to pay attention to it to see whether or not this actually updates i mean this so here's the thing i had problem with before i had these set to live before just to have them running live all the time but they uh ate up cpu resources pretty rough pretty badly so i just had to turn that off but this in this case if it goes live for x number of seconds when it alerts that would be fantastic um you know what else i'm gonna do here i'm gonna turn this down it's actually hot in here so i'm in a i'm my office slash whatever is in a like the guest bedroom kind of area upstairs and so it gets hot when the computer's running and starting to uh process things like video so i want to turn the air up a little bit and listen upstairs air conditioning and my little speaker just told me it was on and running awesome um so uh good morning raspberry good morning elstrom david good morning first live stream well welcome they're a lot of fun and i talk about gibberish i hope i hope it's helpful um so good morning welcome to your first live stream uh jeff says it sounds good that's good good to know it's turning red on mine that may be a little overdriven if it's overdriven let me know in fact um let me turn this master output level no where's my input level settings usually i run about 85 but it looks a little red this morning so let me correct if that's too low let me know i just turn it back a little bit so that it's not too overdriven um all right so somebody asked me what's in the bucket list for today well i'm gonna try uh in fact does this work are y'all seeing the are you seeing the picture of the the junk on the table there hopefully that's working but what we're going to talk about today is um you know i always talk about random home assistant stuff i answer questions so that takes up a majority of the time but i want to talk about this uh this trig board that i got um and you can't you can't see it yet it's i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna unbox it it's this this thing called trig board version eight and it it's another we'll talk about it here in a minute we'll get some some more folks on but um that's what i'm gonna play with i'm gonna try to configure it uh on the live stream this morning so we'll see how that goes um was it smidge high yeah it seems it still looks still looks high i don't know why it's so loud all of a sudden maybe if i talk quieter i'm using a blue yeti for those that uh care um does it show up i'm using uh this is my microphone the blue yeti oh you know what it is let me check something else out uh oh no i'm using the the crisp and modern so you can set different presets and this will this will just all mess you all up so this is am radio preset that's pretty crazy but i typically leave it on that one and i think i'm going to turn it down even a little bit more it's still it still looks um like it's over driven a little bit for some reason so i'll come back just a hair all right there we go we'll just leave it at that for now um good morning from sweden um good morning from i don't know where but uh extreme ideas good morning and welcome to the first live stream my first live stream for or welcome to attending my first i don't even know what i'm saying welcome i'll just say welcome how's that um two trig boards still waiting for me to find a use for it talking in all caps that's funny oh did i break something here um let's see here and yeah the trig board i wanted to play around with because i saw someone talk about it and i think somebody asked me about it as a matter of fact i think it's a it's another thing you can do with like kind of the esp boards esp32 i think it's based off esp stuff but we'll get into here in a minute and i'll just read through it um so as i go along here make sure you're asking me questions and i need to find my discord because sometimes there will be questions in the live stream questions if you hit the the exclamation ask and say ask after that in discord it'll pop into the live stream questions section and then i'll be able to see those um pop up that'll get my attention in other words a couple things before we get started on the trig board i'm just things i just found this week well first of all i'm playing with this and i know this is probably i know this has been done about a dozen times and you know just as a note sometimes i will make a video on something that already exists because we don't all share the same uh audience base and so some of y'all may not have seen this or it may be helpful i'm not trying to copy anybody else's stuff or steal their thunder or whatever i just it's stuff i play with and so i got this sewn off the s31 smart plug i'm going to flash taz moto on it however um i can't get it to connect to my network it says it does it but it never actually shows up actually my phone's my other camera so i can't show you but it for whatever reason it doesn't it doesn't show up on my network it won't connect so i need to figure that out i don't understand what's going on there but that's something i'm playing with this week what i'll do is i'll uh open it up and i'll flash it anyway i don't think i even need to uh worry about it connecting via the sonos stuff anyway but i will flash it and that requires taking it apart and soldering some wires which i actually you know what i don't have and for those of you who have been on the channel for a while and hear me talk about hey i should play with yazmoto hey i should play with azmoda hey well guess what i'm going to start playing with it but because i don't have this a usb serial to serial um adapter i can't do anything yet that is on order should be here in the next day or so and then i'll be able to do all kinds of stuff with this i also have another uh sonoff device in my freezer that i might want to flash with tasmania as well and that gets it off the cloud and makes it local and that's the reason i'm gonna do that but that's new this week uh also this week i came across a post that's not this nope this uh i came across a post or someone was talking about i think um um one of the home assistant guys was talking about this paulus or someone or baloo i don't remember who but this home assistant data science thing is interesting to me because i play in the data world anyway and i think it's interesting that using a using jupiter lab which is a data science environment with home assistant to pull data is interesting just if nothing else just to play with and kind of learn with i installed it yesterday on one of my servers and or on my test deal and i played around with a little bit uh not too much um because i don't understand it yet it it's an actual it's a programming kind of you can program um to get your data use code essentially to get data and so i i played around with a little bit of data i don't have a lot of sensors on my stuff uh and they they give you like a getting started deal here and if you run it all is this it yeah if i run it now i go over here and i run and run all cells we're not going to talk about this in detail today it's just interesting that i found it but it's going through and running all these things and it's going to create a visualization on my most popular sensors within my test environment which i don't have very many so it's not going to do it's not really beneficial but i put a lot of stuff in grafana and i thought you know why not play around with some data here it's taking a few minutes to run it's actually right there we go so first my washing machine is actually the number one i guess the number one sensor i don't know if these in order of of popularity on the device my washing machine and then my home energy meter my cpu temperature now on this uh device this is pretty much all i have anyway so that makes sense right i'm going to put this on my production home assistant set up i'm gonna find out what it plots for me but you get you get kind of a plot like this so if you're interested in data or you play in data or whatever this is an add-on you just add on it add it on through the super through this add-on store and supervisor if you're running that kind of system and just do do you do stuff plot with it but you can see here again it's it you have to write basically you write code to be able to get data that you want and i'm sure there's a bunch of these things out there uh my devices are talking to me uh the garage door is open by the way those didn't catch it anyway those are things i found this week they were kind of interesting um if you haven't seen my video on the home assistant extension browser extension that's what this is now this is based on a card that i have um in home assistant or on my one of my views i have in my dashboard and and i go through the whole thing in the video but it's it's an interesting thing because now i don't have to have my dashboard up if i want a quick glance on my of the my most popular or most important sensors and whatnot and that's what i have here and you can interact with these right i can turn things on and off uh through this extension as well so that's kind of fun um but there's a video on it watch that video it's uh it's pretty fun all right let's see here uh comments comments comments i have both a google and um and the other version the amazon on my desk here they're both talking to me i run them both just to make sure they both are working all the time nested grids on the dashboard column set to four is there any way that you know to make the column two and three into one button i do this on h a dashboard but i'm converting over and can't get um i'm not sure what the question is there a way to set column two and three into one button so if you're doing nest you can do a lot of stuff if you're if you're nesting these grid cards which it sounds like you're doing if you set it to four you said is there any way that you know if to make the column two so that is two columns oh make column two and three into one button oh expand the columns um no but i'm curious what you do with that what maybe maybe give an example of how you use that and i can tackle it that direction hello from weatherford texas another texan hello good morning perry uh matai says i am an h a command line in raspberry pi how to use raspberry pi for some other things um you can you you just okay so you have to ssh directly to the raspberry pi but i will caution you um depending on which raspberry pi you have you may not want to run a whole bunch of other stuff what is ash i don't know what that is um i'm sure if i search google i'm going to get something not no is it a language i don't know uh i'm i'm just guessing here you can tell me before i find it yeah i don't know what that means uh yeah so i don't i don't uh you can run other things on it you can install things on it you just go you have to ssh directly to the raspberry pi environment now it depends though are you are you running this as the raspberry pi did you install the home assistant image because you may not have access to some of the raspberry pi native language stuff so i guess that's a question oh ssh how to use raspberry pi from ssh you just enable ssh you can do that through and i just did this the other day how did i do that because i couldn't get onto mine and i was like there's got to be a way to get onto that let me think here how did i do that there is a setting to turn on ssh in-home assistant enable that so you can ssh to it on port 22. let me remember how i did that [Music] um so first thing i did was i let's get off that screen for a second first thing i did was i turned on i enabled the port 22 um so hold on a second here i'll get it i'll get it back give me a second so i i turned on network port 22 here and that was um the first step so you have to enable that save it and then it'll restart the add-on but as far as there was another setting somebody help me here i know i know it's in there somewhere there's a configuration option here and i'm just gonna let's just do this um no no maybe it's this one uh put your car no we don't want to do that um no okay well i'll have to find it but there's a way to enable it through the operating system and someone in the comments can tell me i'm sure they'll they'll find it before i figure it out um but there's a way to do that um so i made the jump to taz moda yeah while i'm trying as soon as i get that that thing working as soon as i get the usb thing i will uh i just like the idea of having everything localized and so having tasmota on those sonoff devices allows me to keep it local i don't have to worry about um issues with the cloud going down or whatnot at least that's my understanding and i'm i'm way behind the curve in the tasmania world there's there's people out there that been doing this for a long time and so i almost feel like i'm re rehashing old stuff but for me it's new and maybe sometimes it's good to have a different perspective on something when it's been out there a while to see how things have come along the esp stuff by the way is one example that esp has been around in home assistant for a very long time but the esp home stuff that makes you uh makes it easy to flash firmware and stuff like that has been a game changer so i kind of and even that's been around for a little bit of time but for me it's fresh and so it's interesting to see a fresh perspective on some of this as well okay so those are a couple things that are new this week um i almost need to go through like a dashboard change um uh update like what has changed in my dashboard since last time somebody asked me if i had this mail and delivery card for my mail deliveries and i do um but this never works this is my usps image and it's supposed to create a an image of the mail pieces that you get scan they scan the mail pieces for you and tell you what's in your mailbox and it's supposed to create a rotating image of that but it never has worked and to be fair i haven't trouble shot it enough yet i need to do that but i may make a video on this mail delivery thing because it's kind of interesting it just tells me how much of stuff is is coming in right now i have one mail piece uh one it looks like one package from the us postal service coming in and then nothing from anywhere else if they take a picture if amazon takes a picture of my um delivery on my porch or whatever that actually does show up here it's pretty cool in fact it shocks me sometimes i'll be looking at this and i'll see a picture of my porch or the package like what and it's because amazon took a picture of the of the delivery and it shows up on here as that so that's kind of interesting um all right so uh that's really only changed to the dashboard since last time uh these these gate sensors uh over the last month or actually the last two or three weeks we've had about six to seven inches of rain and i have the um [Music] i'll just go here see if i can get here where are my kids kids where are my kids can i find my kits oh my gosh how's this hard so these are the things that i have out on my or one of them i have out on my on my gate it is this it's something similar to this it i have a schleich slaaj slagged version of this and an ecoid version these are not outdoor devices they're you know the typical door battery power door window sensor z-wave and i stuck one on both of my gates because somebody not naming any names kids have left the gates open and the dog's gotten out so now i have automation telling me the gate's open or closed or whatever i can visually check it you can see here you know if i'm going to let the dog out the back door i want to make sure the gates are closed first so i can see it i put these up as kind of a proof of concept and these things here i put a bead of caulking or silicone caulking which i i was reading something apparently that's going to break down pretty soon probably however i put it around this that you know the where the thing is up against the fence or the gate and then up on top here where there's like the little button you push to open the cover it's kind of open there's like a you know a space there and uh then this area where the light is so i put silicone around the whole thing and we had six to seven inches of rain and it rained hard i mean it was raining at the rate of four inches an hour at one point and both of these things not a problem i'm not saying go out there and put out indoor rated stuff now if these were electrical like plugged in the wall i would never do that because you don't want to get you don't want to run the risk of getting electrically shocked or whatever but being battery powered i'm not concerned about it these were laying around as extras i figured the first rain they would kill him but i was hoping it wouldn't but i just assumed that's what would happen but sure enough they're working and had it had they failed i would have gone and put gone through the whole setup of buying one of those um magnet little sensor things that are that are metal looking and then run it run these things into kind of a a weather controlled box because it's useful to me to make sure that those gates are closed especially when the dogs out so that's interesting i find that quite interesting that these things with a little bit of silicone on them can survive a torrential rainstorm now they're not in direct sunlight all the time because they're on the backside of the gate they'll get a little bit of sun during the day and we'll see what happens during the summer time when it gets to be 100 degrees outside and these start baking a little bit i don't think there's going to be a problem they're probably rated pretty high and temperature wise but we'll see and if it if it turns out there's a problem well we'll just we'll just redo it for something that's made for outside stuff david said he would love to hear more about the mail integration so i'll tell you what it is i would like to make a uh like to make a video on that at some point but i'm using the mail and packages integration that's not going to be it packages packages see i don't type on live streams i edit when i type i edit all my typing out it's this thing right here i don't know why that's highlighted boom in your face the mail and packages integration creates sensors for supported shippers to show a snapshot of mail and packages the way it works by the way is it queries your your your mailbox so if you have a um if you well you what i did is i created a folder and all of my mail and package stuff goes into that folder it looks in that folder and when i set up the configuration and it looks for specific things for the different vendor or the different mail providers or shippers uh and i'm looking for the shippers where are the shippers oh here we go maybe oh that's that's mail providers uh shippers where are the shippers okay let me go back because what you want to do is um all right here we are supported shipper requirements so you go into all these different shippers and you set up preferences for notifications so usps fedex ups they've got dhl and some other ones you can actually look at the code in here so this tells you and if you're if you're under reading code this is fine but what it does is it gives you what it's looking for so all these images all the in fact i don't know all of them but when we start looking at shippers we have amazon uh and then all we have usps ups fedex uh i guess this is canada k c a post dhl uh hermes royal that's the uk i guess so all of these different providers that have the notification set up this software looks through or this script looks through your inbox it looks for the email address it looks for the subject and then it it will start counting things up and it does it on a 24 hour basis so it starts it resets the counters every midnight i guess local time for your your device and then it will start counting how many things you have in your inbox and when it counts it it typically marks it as red so it knows it has been been seen so if you have more than one email coming during the day and mine checks every five minutes probably excessive but uh whatever it's my mail server it'll check it every five minutes and it'll it'll add to the total and then you get a card uh you can use their card which is this one or you can build out an entities card or however you want to display you can build it however you want to and it will then display these things for all the different services you have enabled i'm not going to go into the configuration on the live stream because it's got all my email stuff in there but if i make a video on it then i'll appropriately blur the stuff that i need to hide and then i can show you a little more detail but it is it is this uh this site here this mail delivery home assistant mail in packages it is hacs so you need to make sure that you have installed h-a-c-s and um if you haven't you should because there's a lot of stuff in there and if you need to know how to do that check out my video on using and installing hacs i have quite a few things running through hacs home assistant community store all right um let's see here uh use mp1 for caulking better than silicone mp1 you can tell how well the live stream is going by how many tabs i open on the browser as i'm going here np1 uh cookies sure send me all those cookies oh that's serious business it looks like roofing stuff uh where are you yep let me see if i can buy that somewhere lowe's there we go oh it's paintable that's nice oh my gosh yeah i'm gonna buy a case of that for those two little things so yeah um what i've heard is that the silicone will break down over time especially in uv environments so it'll probably have to be replaced at some point anyway and i will probably end up if that's the case and it goes away i will use something like this and it's paintable which is good according to this so i can paint it the color of the fence and it won't be seen i mean i could go the route of building the weatherproof box and everything else but this is so compact it's just the magnet on the gate that opens because the gate slams and everything and i don't want the actual electronic part of it on the gate as the gate slams over time it's going to loosen it up so i put the uh the actual sensor itself on the the post that's next to the gate so it's tiny right and then i put that little tiny magnet on the gate itself and that's all i have to do so if i conceal it and it stays sealed for the next 10 years or whatever it's going to be excellent i'll do that but now i know when the gates open last 50 years yeah so um longer than the fence gate anyway especially with the hail lately oh my gosh we had a 6.1 inch hailstone uh in a little town just southwest of here a couple weeks ago 6.1 inches i don't even i mean that's the size of a small like kid's soccer ball can you imagine something falling from the sky and hitting you or your car or your house or anything uh that size and it's pointy because it's a hailstone it's not nice and round so you got all these little fingers so as soon as as soon as a 6.1 inch hailstone hits that thing it doesn't matter what kind of caulking i use on it's going to be gone weather is my home assistant available outside of my network if so are using duck dns what's your approach that is a great question and the answer to that is yes and yes and kind of so is it available yes i to me it's not it's not um it's not valuable valuable to me unless i can remotely do things i do a lot of things um well when i was not at home all the time like before you know the pandemic and stuff i was gone a lot more and i was able to someone would leave a light on or something i could flip it off or i could arm the alarm if someone forgot to when i was away so yes i do do that my recommend recommendation is to use the home assistant cloud better known as nabukasa this thing is pain free access from anywhere uh you can access from your phone your favorite copy shop or work you know all that stuff it allows you to use voice control on your smart speakers without having to do a lot of extra work you can control your entities via a ui in your home assistant instance when you're doing this it does cost five dollars per month us dollars which to me is what is is worth it um now if you're not if you're not interested in using naboo kasa and by the way this uh when you pay this we actually have we not me i don't work for them home assistant when they pay people as employees it's under the under the umbrella of this so the developers that work full-time for home assistant my understanding is that they they build through the naboo cost it's all under the same umbrella home assistance open source and free but the paid version this is how i guess they fund some of the the paid uh employees that they pay for the home assistant development uh the duck dns part yes you can also use duck dns and that requires a little more configuration i actually have an er i'm not sure i am promoting my videos on this but i it's easy for me to say go watch the video because it's already all talked about there is a duck dns video that i made all you do there is you create an account at duck dns and you um you'll get a duck dns domain so something dot duck dns or org or something so you would just and why not show right you go to now this is the only thing that makes me crazy about this is you have to sign in with one of these things you can't they don't have their own um their own authentication i guess that's okay because that means that um they do they don't have to worry about their own security when it comes to this however someone else's security up here isn't good whatever we don't give to that you sign into this and you create an account and then you will use a you'll get a token and then you'll configure domains and then you can um dns takes care of two things the ssl certificate through let's encrypt that's built into it so you have ssl enabled connection they also uh take care of reporting changes to of your ip address so if your your ip address changes on your public side it'll update and the domain will automatically get updated and so you can go to you know and get to it but you do have to open a port um typically i would well you just have to open a port find a port and point it over so you'd have to do that so that requires you to know how to do that in your router and stuff like that so that's the next step the third thing i've done is nginx reverse proxy and it's the same thing although in that well that can be used that uses let's encrypt as well so i use that for um and i have a video on that it allows you to set up multiple domains and proxy them so you point everything to uh one port on your router and then come over to the uh the proxy and it's not showing let's see home assistant and then you can get to a lot of stuff inside your network so i have a few things that i can get to inside my local network using the proxy um so let's say you have a network you're on that's port blocked and 443 is open well then you can get to these things using the standard port ssl port and there's a whole thing on this as well you can read through it talk about it but again i made a video on this uh this actually is the manual way it looks like so my my my uh the way i access it most of the time is through home assistant now because that's the way i do it um and then johnny says i would use a vpn if you don't want to support w yeah so you can do vpn as well that's another option i use wireguard and wireguard is there's an add-on for home assistant for wireguard as well so you can do that if you want to there's a there's a few of the things inside my network so there's there's so many ways to do this now but if you want to use a vpn i recommend wireguard it's an add-on you can install in home assistant and then your home assistant server becomes your endpoint for your vpn um those of you that know how to do networking you can certainly do something on your router to connect up to it and there's there's a bunch of ways to do vpn but you can do vpn and then everything's local to that local ip address the thing about vpn if you're doing a quick if you want to access home assistant you need to check the door real quick you got to get on the vpn sign everything up get it running and then check your door versus just open up navi casa with the app and and away you go so it really just depends on your use case and i say that a lot um to access from external is it not because or duckness yeah so that so perry that's what we're talking about right it's really a preference thing however you want the best to to access that you deck uh an obviously easiest but you can do it any way you want um support home assistant for the five bucks if you want to otherwise go with uh go with something like duck dns it creates an ssl connection to your network to your home assistant um which kind of is what uh nabi does the difference is that you have to open ports in your router to point to your device so be so take that with a um take that with your security mindset okay we were going to talk about this thing this trig board uh and i want to get to that before i run out of time so this trig board thing here it's an ultra low power esp32 iot platform it runs at about um current draw of about 1.5 microamps with a 3 volt battery input oh man you know it just reminds me i did not bring a battery with me i need i need um two aaa's i'm i'm gonna have to run get those in a minute but we'll get to that in a second so it pulls 1.5 microamps to give you a comparison a cheap smoke detector paul pulls about seven microamps so this board you know it it's it's another board out there you can do stuff with um but it it's designed to be an iot device that's that can run forever essentially uh with very very very little um power draw and i'm thinking you know this is um this is a it's got contact include contact closures on it so it's basically like a door window sensor kind of thing and then it has its own built-in uh if or well if and pushover and a whole bunch of other options you can configure those directly from the device so with trigboard you can send notifications to different things directly to those notification services so that's kind of cool this could be a standalone thing now it's got to have wi-fi i mean you got to have some sort of network to put it on but it will send them out via the wi-fi connection um so this ultra low standby current does not change regardless of the contact remains in the closed or open state and that's what you know they say this is part of the secret sauce that makes the trig board design unique it's also a playground for low power features it can be adapted to all kinds of stuff so you have all kinds of battery options and by the way i have to for for ftc disclaimers i bought a i bought a trick board um i bought the trig board with the contact closure sensor and a battery cover um so yeah i bought this this trig board about the battery contacts i don't know if this comes with this or not but i bought the the this is like a reed closure magnetic dually bobber and then i bought this which is the battery cover so you can power this all different ways but i chose to power with the battery thing for ease of use right now uh if you have some other other way to provide voltage and i think this is um let me read this it might be a three volt deal left to see but you can power however you want to power it uh and just run forever on that power there's a different type of battery you can get to it double a triple a's or i don't even know what the other one is um yeah so we'll get to well we'll start opening this up here in a second uh and then multiple sources all configurable through software you don't do any solder jumpers it's got a six pin programming header um battery input space on a standard adafruit polarity connector it has dry contact trigger input support both contact open contact close but it can be configured for either one so if you have a garage door that was monitored a push notification could go out when the garage opens and when the garage closes so you can configure it that way uh has high quality magnetic sensors available with cable as an add-on okay so it was an add-on so this little little connector i got was an add-on it uses a real-time clock an actual real-time clock so accurate wake-up times can be configured the timer wakes the board up at a configured time uh once an hour potentially checking the battery voltage or whatever so it could send out you a battery notice or battery voltage update once an hour it can also be used to check the status of the contact instead of send out a notification so in the garage door example it can not only send out an initial notification but it can also be checked once every so often to see if the sensor is still in that state or whatever state it's in uh wake buttons can also be used for the notification unused pins can be broken out for future expansion so it's developer friendly it supports all these like i said if um mqtt is what i'm interested in because i can send that to home assistant uh it has udp messaging uh pushover um what else did there was another one pushover and something else push safer i haven't used that one i use pushover for everything uh of course mqtt lets you connect to home assistant uh and the configuration software gives you full control um it does need a somewhat modern computer with bluetooth on it because you have to you have to configure it you configure it through a configurator so if you run this configurator tool it's going to look for the board via bluetooth and we'll get to that in a second all right so um vpn is and let's see here i'm just reading some comments here as well to access it now okay vpn is much harder but more secure yep so always yeah if you're if you're worried about security um then vpn's the way to go with that but it's just it's a lot more work to do that and takes it's not always on you don't typically leave your vpn on all the time unless you're in a fixed location somewhere else what is safe for doing ssl yourself with duck dns or signing up and giving your credentials of navakasa uh there you go i mean so i i mentioned this in some of my videos you have to be willing to accept whatever level of risk you're comfortable with there's not a one stop solution or one a single solution for every single individual or every single setup i'm comfortable with nabukasa if i had to pull my stuff offline i mean number one and i'm gonna say this and i'm going to be bitten by this i'm sure who cares about my stuff on my house i mean there's some there's not top secret government documents i'm storing here there's not whatever you can get some photos of like me uh at you know the theme park or you know easter holiday or whatever whatever it is you might find a photo or whatever but it's not a huge thing right uh i am still very aware of security and i i do my best to make sure i'm running securely but things like naboo casa yeah they could get hacked but they're going to get access to your thing where they're going to potentially if they did someone could get in and turn your lights on and off or you're heating you know you've heard stories like that not from nabu but just in in the past people jacking around things if they get access um if it if it turns out people are so bored they're interested in flipping around someone's lights at their house randomly then fine unplug your thing and then move on you know do something else but um you know duck dns is still a public site they've got your domain name out there they could still try to brute force your stuff um you know vpn all does is makes the connection from pointing to point b um and you don't necessarily have to open ports duck dns you might have to open the port now because you don't have to open a port so open a port use dot dns don't open a port use na bukasa run the risk of them being hacked but also the you're there are so many hacks going on with just in general stuff like um you read about it every day people have hacked azure people have hacked exchange accounts people have gotten into government sites i'm pretty sure that myself i'm pretty sure that my stuff's been stolen because i'm getting letters from states in offices that i have never been to so i'm sure there's some stuff out there based on one of these hacks it wasn't for my home assistant setup it was from a breach of some big government operation or whatever so yep i i i say i and that's my soap box right security do what you're comfortable with run it how you're comfortable only open stuff you really need to open um you could you could almost create a second instance and only expose a couple things that you really want remotely i'll say a second raspberry pi or something on your home assistant stuff and then leave everything else on production that's not exposed i don't know um yeah so it just really depends um so i want to support makers of he but it's kind of strange to give power to anyone that is the main reason why reynolds yeah so so again just do what you feel just do what you feel comfortable with right um run psn so if you're running psense and set up vpns you got that you know what you're doing you can you can definitely get in there and do some some stuff right um there are a couple of things i do not expose publicly at all that are on my network that i only can get to when i have the vpn active so you can still do that you can run you can run home assistant and access it through naboo but make sure the rest of your stuff is not you can run your entire iot network on its own uh vlan or something and then and then you know vlan off the rest of your stuff in your house your cameras and your players and all that stuff right there there are different ways to do that uh it's not because for me call it my little token yep um i'm comfortable with i've been doing it for two or three years now i'm not worried about personal information more that people destroying my setup when i'm not home backups make backups yep that's true um that's one thing to to if you're if you're ever curious whether something happens like i get a i get a voice notification when my ac or heater turns on just because i'm curious i'll hear a fan running and wonder is that the is that that circulator fan that brings fresh air in or is it actually running the ac and so i get notices you could do something like that to make sure you know when your ac is turned on your heater so someone did get in there and started fumbling with it you would start getting some weird notifications you would say hey something's weird and then just figure out how to cut that off i mean there's there's ways to be notified when stuff starts happening weirdly as well same here i don't really use aj often enough to care but i do care about supporting developers solar winds uh yeah but solar winds is you're not they don't know they're not a heck i'll be with i mean solar winds yeah i get that that's where my social security number probably went to um yeah so the backups run them every night run them every day uh and make sure that you are um or you're backing that off of your device again got some videos for dropbox backup or maybe not dropbox um samba backup which i send to my um my nas and then i have um google drive backups i demonstrate both of those uh i are you on my aha it's a vm and does daily backups of that said yep uh create security zones using pf sense yup you can do that as well uh vlan security zones kind of stuff um i run a vm also better also complete vm backup that's smart yeah so there again security wise yeah do i sound like you all have a good pretty good handle on how you how you do stuff and how it works okay um look so let's do this real quick i'm going to i'm gonna just open this up real quick let's see do i need my face on there oh let's look at my face okay i'm gonna open this this little guy up this trig board and just see what it looks like on the inside of this i mean it's just a board but i thought i would share the the opening the presents the gifts with all y'all i'm doing it [Music] and let's listen to the crackle all right so let's not zap it so all it's in here is just and that's it right let me just double check i'm looking and also the camera's looking i hope my phone battery doesn't die before uh here is the board uh focus there we go this is a little trick board we got a wake button a reset button there's a battery connector and a sensor connector and then there's you know there's the pins um for future development stuff you the the the um i guess the headers already call them with no and in fact uh in this this here you've got you've got these little header pins you can actually solder onto the board which i'm not going to do today which allows you to develop further stuff the back side of the board is just trig board stuff it's got the version number and everything on it uh and then just all the components on the back side now this here it's probably another and i don't that's not something i'm using right now or will use right now but it's also something available and i'm assuming you can connect stuff too so uh this board is is versatile right you can do a lot of different things with it but what i need to do is um hang on wait a minute look at that batteries you know that nothing like having a remote control with batteries in it so you don't have to leave your live stream to get batteries so i'm gonna take the batteries out of my my remote control that just controls my lights so i can't turn them off and i'm going to go ahead and put them in this this is the little thing that came with it that's not it this is the little uh battery thing that came with it and it just the cover just slides on and off so it's just a standard battery connector and it's got the the correct kind of connector on the bottom of it battery case with connector on it so i'm just going to put these batteries in it what oh oh spam's coming yeah sorry about the spam i see spam ending up on the restream but they're supposed to stop that kind of spam yeah hey uh i'm gonna say hacho hako hacho yeah definitely definitely and i'm gonna say everybody back up your stuff back it up you know this kind of work this didn't happen overnight this was this was months to years of building this this stuff up i didn't just like throw it together one night and i definitely don't want to lose that in fact i thought i lost my my blue i thought it blew up one time when i was doing an update and i hadn't backed it up because it was i just transferred over to the blue and i thought it was over i thought i bricked it but i didn't but i did have backups so my my backup device here i don't back up as often but i do before i do something major and i actually had to restore it because it i did brick this thing my raspberry pi so definitely make your backups definitely do that i i can't recommend that enough you do um you don't do off-site you don't have to do off-site uh but i would do off-device definitely um no keep the chat keep it here mod me and i'll keep the chat clean uh keep the chat it seems to be some sort of algorithm that helps it oh you know what i just showed you a bunch of stuff and you didn't see any of it i'm really bad about that what i was saying was i all this stuff i did here it took a lot of time to build this up it wasn't overnight it took me years to get all this stuff going so backups i would hate to lose all this even though if everything stopped working a majority of it is kind of um for fun but things like setting the alarm via script things that my family are used to using now turning the alarm on at nighttime and stuff like that just by talking to the boxes would go away if this thing failed when i was on an older commercial version of this thing a while back not home assistant but a different platform that thing would lock up about once every couple days oh my gosh that was awful they're a commercial entity too and i don't know why it was so bad hopefully they've uh they've gotten better since then i haven't messed with them i do have one of the original um hardware devices they're they're hubs in my shelf that i never i kept it as a backup in case it all blew up and those are expensive they're like 150 for those things okay now that we're on hour into this let's actually do what we're going to do i'm just going to do this here i'm going to follow i'm going to try to follow this thing at the same time i'm doing other stuff and and i will move the cameras around as needed um because right now it looks like i'm in the way of stuff so the getting started stuff right let me find how you actually do this so let's go with um where are my docs quick start that is the jupiter labs nope that is the sonoff um let me go back here to board in the documentation where's the documentation i know it's just looking at this stuff okay here we go let me back up so to enter configuration mode simply press and hold the wake button until the blue led starts flashing then you can let go the board is ready to be configured if you can't connect to it or you change your mind you can just press the reset button and the board will go back to sleep so here's some things about this it only runs in the google chrome browser because it has to access your bluetooth environment on your pc it does work on windows 10 mac and linux not a mobile device older computers may not work requires bluetooth to be enabled and turned on let me turn it on it is on okay you may have to enable experimental features now i've programmed the esp boards esp no um the xiaomi stuff through the um the bluetooth stuff there through their configurator through the web so i'm pretty sure i'm ready to go with this all right so i'm going to turn it on let's turn it on i'm going to plug it in first so this goes in the the battery side of this where it says battery it's a one-way thing there's a little it only fit one way is it this way no if i put it in backwards i blow the board up let's not blow the board up or i could blow the board up i guess okay i'm going to try to put it in there's a little slit there let's let's not shove it let's try it this way okay so maybe it doesn't fit ever i know it's supposed to go in here somehow there we go just all right so it's in the it's in the connector so you can see now the battery is connected to the battery connector focus wow i say it focus well anyway it's in the battery connector i i promise i want that focus because it's trying to focus on the batteries there we go yep there we go so now i'm going to push this reset button actually first there's actually an on off switch on the back so i'm going to turn it on there's a pretty blue light and i'm going to press this reset button and as soon as i do that i want to be over here in the configurator so i've got the configurator and i'm going to push the button here the reset button here we go push it and it says push it once and i'm going to go over here and connect and it should find it if there is a device to find andre thank you so so much for super chat today and it shows up here on my video um let me push the other button i think did i read it wrong or maybe that's supposed to push the wake button and not the other one okay so here's what we're going to do we're going to go back and read the directions to enter configuration simply press and hold the wake button until the blue led starts flashing then you can let go okay so let's do that instead i'm going to push this away button until i until i hold it until it flashes all right now it's flashing there was there we go now connect trigger board yay pair look at that okay so let me get rid of the camera so now you can see its status it's currently showing me the status of this it's got three volts coming in from the battery the contact is open so i'm going to drag this over okay um i got to do this without giving my wi-fi info i don't care about the ssid but let me see what can do about the password if it keeps it blank i can put this back so give me a second speaking of security okay so um the the ssid is public anyway so let's let's save it and let's see if it connects to this so i saved oh you know what i clicked that button and not this button hold up let's do it again save and connect with dhcp okay and maybe that'll change in a second oh my gosh look at that there's my ip address so i now have an ip address for the thing too um [Music] all right so now what do we do so here's a bunch of settings right so now i'll go back over here and read this stuff nope i thought i opened this in a new window there we go so i guess um so battery selection setting up configuration so here's the the configuration the quick start guide so i've done this we're paired up i put in my wi-fi settings i've got my stuff now i'm probably going to set a static ip at some point for that i have to go in my router and i'll just tell it to use this one every time and then i can set up all this different stuff for dns and then my wi-fi now this they talk about things like this your wi-fi timeout you've got to make sure and i'm going to leave defaults because anytime you adjust some of these values you run the risk of run the risk of doing something like or run the risk of shorting the battery life for most users five seconds is good enough just be careful not to make it too big because if you ever relocate trig board to a new location and need to reconfigure you'll have to wait for the timeout so in addition to battery things you have to wait for the timeout for the thing the trig board to realize it's not connected and go into its configuration mode where you can try to configure it so if five seconds is one thing and if you notice missed events increases to 10 seconds so you'll you'll have to play with that i'm going to leave it at five seconds for now so you can give it the name that was sent along with a push notification message so i'm going to configure that to something so uh five seconds trig board name i'm gonna call this um i'm terrible at names if you're if you ever one of the hardest things you do if you ever program anything is come up with variable names and it's the same thing here um i'm going to call this um i don't know my trig board it's not a better than what was already there i wonder if it has to be a one word nope i guess you can put that i'm going to call it test trig board because that's what they did okay so wake on open and close i'm going to leave that one normally front door garage or mailbox whatever it's going to be yeah so that was the name test trick boards i'm going to leave it at the trigger board will wake on any change of sensor input open and close this setting is here to decide if a notification is sent depends on the application and how you're planning to use trig board so then for now you know i'm going to set it for just open contact open no i take that back because you know what if we use this for if if this were to be used in like let's say a door sensor window sensor in any other other application i would want to know when it was open and close i'm just going to leave it like that we'll just leave it open and close high speed trigger not there yet um so message when contact open so we can set the actual thing say um door is open so if you say garage door or whatever it it'll tell you here trigger name trick uh you know what i'm gonna change this just to something i'm gonna say i'm gonna make it up front door just for the sake of nothing else so when it's it'll send that as part of the message so i want to say front door and then i want to append open to it and it looks like you have to save these things individually oh you do look at that so i have to save it every time i do something open and close actually i'm gonna say yeah closed and then message when wake button press and that would be when button press so i'll leave it that way okay the rest here high speed trigger now this feature is added for very specific applications so the high speed trigger what that does is if you have something goes up and close up and close open close very fast it may not trigger an alert because it it doesn't have time to actually do anything so if you want to do high speed trigger or that's what this was added for that's where the sensor input rapidly opens and closes most users want to leave this unchecked it's complex trigger system um and it'll change the the to use lat circuitry to determine wake event but this is more specific application should be left unchecked in most cases and of course what message one button was pressed now these things here are useful the timer the trig board is is useful it wakes the board up at a specific interval to check various conditions conditions like low battery or if the contact is still up or closed you want to keep this as high as possible because this affects battery life so you would check it once an hour leave it at that if if you need to check it every 10 or 15 minutes for some reason then you can set it for that but it will lower your battery life um somebody said here he says here they might set it to 10 seconds when doing developing work or making sure stuff works and then set it back to 60 seconds when it's done um let's see timer checks low battery and okay so the timer has been able to check contact status then you set um you would send usually still open so then you could yeah so look at the settings here so what do you want to say if uh um oh yeah so here we go either contact right save it and so when you change that now you get the message that you would say uh still open or still closed save that one it's interesting you have to save for every every line here i don't know what's going on in the background when it does this it might be writing to the board every time i do that so then you have a low battery threshold as well i'm running right now my battery is a three volt battery because i've got two 1.5 uh volt cells so my low battery i don't know what happens when i what i i don't know what low with what this board needs to operate let's say it gets down to two and a half volts does that mean it's not going to be functionally reliable anymore uh so i'll leave it at two and a half volts for now maybe it probably tells me here this is a threshold if a battery is less than this value a battery low message is sent out at the timer interval so it every 60 seconds or 60 minutes it will send this low battery threshold if it hits the threshold value so since it supports a wide variety of battery options the setting here needs to be set for 4.2 volt rechargeable lithium maybe 3.3 or so would work for two double a or aaa batteries set it for two and a half okay that's what i was getting at which which voltage do we need at what point does the board start getting wonky when it doesn't get enough voltage so they say two and a half volts the remaining settings determine push notification service um okay so now we have all this set up let me see here so i'm not using safer i'm using so if i want to use pushover for example and save it it's going to ask me for user key and api token key i'm going to probably i mean to play with it yeah i might play with that but i'm going to rely on home assistant to do me do the alerting so i'm going to turn that off and i'm going to use mqtt instead oh here's an interesting thing your battery voltage calibration so for this one i need to use my mqt server on my i guess we'll use this one am i running it on here i've got an update available uh mqtt no oh yes i am here it is okay so this uses the onboard user and stuff for this so let me grab a user real quick for my mqtt stuff and now i will configure mqtt on here before i do that let me jump in here and just uh let's see uh both valid concerns we lost power in february okay let's see let me back up here what if something happens to us like hospital how will our family do what will they who they call a fixed ha uh let me even go farther back here um i don't do outside for this okay just mod okay how much functionality you lose when there's no internet um i don't lose anything internally to the house i lose now if if i remotely if i'm gone i can't connect to it obviously that wouldn't matter how you did it you wouldn't have internet your house you wouldn't be able to connect to it um how much functioning to use um so my stuff all functions in here i might lose my sonoff thing but i can't think in fact i have to actually look at my dashboard um all this will work all this will work um what i will lose is my nest stuff this is all local this is all local now the garage freezer uses a sonoff not flash with tasmota right now so that might go away um all of this will work this will work that works this works this works this works this all works this works all this now this won't work because when you lose internet your streaming devices just go stupid you can't it it tries to take you to network configuration when it can't get on the internet so my local plex server doesn't even work anyway that wouldn't probably not function but it wouldn't matter this would not function because it relies on the api this stuff would not function because it relies on the flumetech or flume water api uh this just updates for h-a-c-s it can't check for updates but if there's one there it'll tell me this needs to be removed that will still work this will not work if my mail server is not running and connecting to the internet so 99 of the stuff that i do will work so i won't have a problem with that um what happens if this is a thing no matter what i mean this is a thing that you have to you have to consider in a lot of areas of your life you know you need to have a lot of things in place in case something happens all of my switches can be turned on and off manually that's way the way i designed it so in fact people in my house don't necessarily always go around and turn things off with voice very rarely does my wife do it so they can turn it off with a manual switch if the switch fails they'll call an electrician and replace the switch um the convenient stuff might go away turning the alarm on and off might go away if it fails and you're not available to fix it but that kind of stuff it that's what the house is not so smart it's dumb that you can't do other stuff without this running so that is a possibility the thermostats can be changed manually all that stuff can all be done manually uh so yeah that that happens right um it could happen and i i think about it from time to time but i think the house will still function without it um let's see what else uh we lost power in february and caused me to reva cloud services also complexity of running now i lost power in february during the big the big texas apocalypse snowpocalypse but i also i lost power i never lost internet but i lost power but even so all my stuff my lights and stuff didn't function anyway so i didn't even need to worry about it my my home assistant ran for a bit it forced me to get my home assistant blue up and running because that uses less power than what i was running on but once it all fails and the power goes out for four or five hours it doesn't matter anyway we're all dead in the water gotta have power for the things that are connected have to to function um complexity of running house is an issue my wife continually challenges me yeah that that's that's the thing you gotta you gotta deal with the why the laugh um the reason i left smart things in place now those things that rely entirely on the internet for their hub i wouldn't do those i mean if you lose internet your house is becomes less smart at least with home assistant it's mostly localized in fact there's a recent post on home assistant about why they don't require an api or they don't they don't have an api for integrations to work with because and part of the statement they made was they want stuff to be able to run locally as much as possible so that makes it a big deal and home assistant is designing to be able to run locally yes there are a lot of integrations that require internet but home assistant talks to them versus them requiring home assistant to provide an api so you can go read up on that as well uh 1.8 to five but the recommended operating voltage is two yeah okay so you're answering my question from earlier uh yes there's this whole thing read that perfect home automation stuff a new integration page shows a cloud icon for all stuff you have that is cloud dependent oh for reals cloud cloud cloud cloud what does this mean custom integration depends on oh my gosh this is amazing i am i did not know that um wow that is impressive i am very i'm very impressed by that um shelly devices the switches allow manual operation switch as well as digital shelly there's an integration yep and that's what i do with my ge switches my paddle switches there's an integration of hscs that allows you to use sonoff devices online and offline without internet also without tasmona so i i know that i'm confused about this and i should be smarter about that i have that and i thought it was local once i got it set up i didn't have to do anything with it anymore is this stuff not order anymore [Music] i thought i had some off in here it's all different because of the icon changes i have a sewn off device and it's it's connected through an integration somehow i think it's connected through um hacks as a matter of fact maybe let's see yeah this is what i'm using right now so control devices with ew ewe link over lan enter cloud so i must be doing i don't know if i'm doing this over the the cloud or i'm doing it over the land directly i never have an issue with it so i think it's local but i can't get that one switch to be connected to the internet or to the wi-fi that s31 doesn't seem to work um sona flan yep got it cloud icons came in 21 and a half and now they they run check config file automatically when you click restart oh okay i should know this you know i was going to go over the the 20 21.5 version of home assistant i didn't do that because they started off by saying it's not as much fancy stuff uh where are we with this other thing i don't want to forget what i'm doing here i need an mqtt user and password standby let me get one of those for my configuration over here uh i'm going to make something up um i'm going to say what's this thing called trig board user checkboard i know you can't see this i'm doing it off so i can use the username and password um oops that'll give me an error and oh i have to configure confirm the password i'm going to create it okay so now i have a come on you can do it so now i have a user for this trig board it's just and this don't don't don't flame me for these this can go away as soon as i'm done with the video here port 1883 server is this in my trademark topic i'm going to leave it as trigg board save it okay so now if i go over here to trig board or board oh you know what i don't have i don't have the broker on here wait wait wait wait what am i doing here i should have the broker on here mqtt where is it at there it is all right so this one allows me to listen to the topic so i'm going to listen to trigboard and if i did everything right oops board slash that if i did everything right and i push this little button here uh let me move that out of the way if i push the button on this deal here the wake button i guess um i should get a i should get a topic down here i should get a something so let me try it let me just double check that that's the right button to push uh that's what did it say that was supposed to happen uh says something about pushing the button uh i just read this um check current status push don't can we go out without let me look for button the awake button on the board can be used to send out a push notification i wonder if that has to be configured i think i'd wake on pushover button security enabled username blah port yeah okay so if i push the button supposedly the wake button i should i should get something is that the topic i chose trig trig board with a capital it's got to be exact all right trigger board start listening and let me push the like button which is this button on the right so push it and nada let's see topic i'm just going to say trickboard publish yeah just it's it's hearing it all right so either i don't have the user configured or it does the wake doesn't work with this although it should work with any of it so let me just double check here so am i doing wrong who who was running these i said i cheated i watched their live stream yeah i didn't sometimes i don't have time to watch the whole live stream johnny just because of the the time of day that i do that i'm usually working and then i don't necessarily have to regurgitate all of it because i already um i mean they've already talked through it pretty much if they're significant stuff i'll probably i may bring it up in something but typically i let them they do their thing right all right so what did i do wrong here um i'm not getting an mqtt message when pushing the wake button i'll do it one more time and i wonder if i need to be is there's is it because i'm in configuration mode still initialize i don't need to do that reference contact ribbon so this is the reference right it tells me what to do here push safer let's go to mqtt where's it at so they have some projects here you can do with it here's mqtt if you're using a raspberry pi or something right it's all it's all works okay so it all it's the same stuff right so i can just set it all up and i should be able to get it so it's possible that i don't have the either i need to disconnect from the configuration or i don't have the username password correct for this which i thought i did just double check pull this over here look at my users yep yep yep and um mqtt should working i need to look i guess i need to look at the mqtt logs as well right let me come over here and see mqtt log oh oh that's fine that's just memory stuff also view bearded tinker going through the new version he is more concise yeah so there there are people doing it right um i i'm it it'll be hit and miss for me to rehash some of that yeah that's the one thing that i do see a benefit of is people have time to watch it two hour live stream for them they can go ahead and watch the the recap which sometimes i'll do um okay something's wrong because i'm on the live stream and i want it to work and it's not working so this is all saved what i don't see is how i don't see that it's actually i mean there's no way for me to there's no way for me to [Music] see that it's connecting uh i'm gonna try this again trig drag board slash whatever now what i can do also is i can go ahead and set up this other thing so what i haven't done yet and this is the other part and i'll do this quickly as quickly as i can this is the magnet thingy it has the reed switch in it so we want to i want to hook up this read switch delete and i need to it comes with wires and it comes with a connector you also stream live streams for every new version yep um bearded tinker does they used to just release stuff randomly and i wonder if he was live streaming at that point oh guess what this thing is i need to find a knife watch out camera i need my knife got it got it i'm just gonna pop this open without cutting myself perfect all right and it comes with two different deals here which is nice and i just need one and what i'm gonna do is find the appropriate tool this is a little um it's got a little read it's hard to see that but there's a little read switch in there for the magnet to act on and then a couple screw terminals so i'm just going to hook those up real quick like with a screwdriver this is the stuff i fast motion on my videos i don't know that i have enough length here uh actually these will go underneath this plate so i'm just going to cram it underneath the plate and smash it down the permanent setup of this will be a little more a little better in terms of the actual reliability of the wire but i can get them in there now okay there's one and i'll put in the uh the other one here maybe [Music] just just making some contacts here wow without opening up there we go shove this wire underneath that flat plate and then flatten it or screw it back down beautiful okay so now what i'm going to do is plug this into this other connector on the other side which is the um the sensor side the sensor on there plug it in try to plug it in these are really hard to get in i'm going to break it all right so these are contact closures right so now watching the mqtt topic yeah it's not doing anything that's disappointing um i don't think it's a fault of the board i think there's something going on with my mqtt setup so when i i should see something down here and when i put the magnet up here i tested this with a meter earlier today it actually does work because i was watching that little read sensor in there and it was hard like it's not moving at all does it do anything but i should be getting notifications um uh i just i'm going to go back here one more time and take a look and maybe again i need to be out of this mode let me disconnect and it could be just a matter of matter of me not being disconnected from it so i'm first i'm going to push the button again i'm disconnected from from the configuration on this and the light is not on anymore which i assume is good push the wake button listen to a topic and see i'm listening to trig board trigger board b-o-a-r-d press the wake button let me try the sensor nope the sensor is not doing any okay wait the light just flashed i guess maybe it's now connected oh here we go see i'm just kidding i'm getting too crazy sweet all right so it's working so if we look at here i'm gonna push the like button watch watch this screen over here i'm gonna push the white wait but wake button is that the like button yeah do i have to hold it down yeah i do i have to hold it down for just a couple seconds so front door button was pressed so the name of it was i'm disconnected i can't show you i named that thing remember i named it front door and then the button was pressed right and then front door open which you can see right now that the magnet is in my hand so it's not actually there um and it's oh it's pretty i got to be far away from it wow so i need to pull this thing way back out of the way so now it shows the front door is open it also sends the battery voltage every time the door or the sensor trips whenever you push a button so if you i don't know what this looks like in terms of um the packet that's coming in i mean this is what it looks like i guess the message you're going to get every time is the the message the contact message plus the voltage which is interesting so now if i bring this back way up here if i bring it back down in the vicinity you should see the front door and there it is front door close and then let me pull it back again front door open yeah i wonder if that light flashes just randomly as it or the light flashes when it's on wi-fi so if you want to use this in homeless home assistant now this is a you have to create a sensor and you have to and look into time here we got a little bit more time you're going to create a template value template sensor so i'm going to go to file editor and i'm going to go to my sensors if i have one i do nice it's empty i need to pull up my sensors from something else so i can get a sample of what they look like so i'm going to create an mqtt sensor from this and i'm going to find an example so i don't have to reinvent the wheel i'm just going to grab something from my other production thing and i'm going to paste it in here we'll work with it okay so there is a sample let me get the thing out of the way for [Music] um oh brian says he made a lot he said you created a live show you made it to a live show hi brian welcome um we are talking about the trig board right now if you're new to the the deal here let me just go through a couple of these things here uh managed to get my sensor battery graph working thanks so much oh excellent excellent um i'd like to see a picture of that sometime um so dave was trying to get auto entities to populate his sensors his battery sensors to create a bar graph um which is which is cool so you if you ever mess with the bar graph you can see the different light you can set the coloring and everything you can see the different batteries sensor levels on the bar graph using auto entities allows you to populate automatically all the battery sensors or whatever you filter on all the entities you filter on good job dave i'm glad that's working for you uh i need a resistor a resistor brian what i need a resistor for um our blue blinking equals config mode it does not send mqtt messages while in config mode yeah uh good job uh thanks for the tip johnny so the 30-second live stream delay um prevents you know sometimes i figure things out or someone tells me and they're screaming at the screen no don't do that and it's too late because of the live stream delay uh this is the part where the aha integration needs a little love uh flash is when in config mode yeah so the i'll tell you the one thing that drives me nuts about h a configuration is i can restart a lot of things in fact i can restart just the mqtt sensors but i have to restart the whole thing for some of this stuff but in terms of um configuring this kind of stuff yes i would say we we need a little more ui love for that i need to support the automatic mqtt sensor creations would be way easier agreed i ordered two trig boards but v8 took so long for him to finalize that i forgot about it or two more so i have four of them yeah i need to figure out a place for this what i need to do is i need a just like the d1 mini boards i have i need to figure out where i can put those things i mean i need a case for those things by the way i have a um in my car my truck i have a esp32 d1 mini uh doing a ble beacon and i have the other half of it in the garage listening so my truck obviously is in the draw in the driveway and it's telling me it's in the driveway that's been more reliable than that little um blue charm thing i had the blue charm never really worked well because it didn't have enough power to get through all the metal doors and stuff but the bla thing is under the back seat and it's working just fine and i've got it wired to the battery i have other radio equipment in there so it goes right to the battery terminals um okay what was i doing oh i'm doing this so i need to the state topic is going to be and this is interesting too you i don't i guess you can create the topic uh you can on the configuration add to that topic but this is one and what would be interesting is to be able to use this board for more than one thing so if you could have the contact sensor plus some of that expansion stuff allowing you to have maybe more than one sensor on this single board that would be interesting but you'd have to have different topics somehow i called this trigger board trig board for the topic so it's going to be trig board for the topic i called it front door and force update i don't i was only using that whenever i was trying to get data for like temperature sensors i wanted this to graph so i would force update that even if it didn't send a value now this one the value template i think is just going to be you know what i didn't even i didn't think about copying what that looked like uh let me go back over here and i'm going to send another test based on that and see what it looks like so we'll look for trig board i'll just copy this since it's there checkboard slash blah start listening let me open and close the contact i see the light come on when it actually transmits so it says front door closed so this is where i'm someone could tell me this um i know how to do this value json-wise but this isn't a json um a json deal oh i use magnetic switches on my doors with the resistor 10k d1 mini board oh really interesting uh where was i at file editor so the value template is going to be just is it blank i mean what is the actual mqtt gonna send across if i leave it blank is it just gonna pick up and this is where someone's gonna have to tell me this everything i've gotten mqtt before has been actually a json block this isn't a json block so when i'm trying to pull this right here is it is it just the sensor with nothing in the value field like that or do i even need the value template i might complain about that let me just see if it complains about that so i'm going to go over here and as always do i do a check configuration it's valid and i'm going to go down here to manually configured mqtt entries you think you can write json in the config um i'm going to do this i don't know if it's going to create a sensor now i can tell in developer tools for front door um no so it didn't create anything even if i do something with it it won't create it so it's not seeing that as a s oh wait there's more front porch should be front door because i said front door right where is it front door uh i'm gonna make this actually uh f door because i have something called front door i may it may be messing it up so let me do that first um so johnny says i think you can write json on the config do i just write oh json in the oh oh oh yeah let me look at that let me get back into the configurator i probably need to push the reset button i hope it doesn't reset it i would that would make me upset yeah kevin talked to me a couple times uh an email too he was he was um man i really don't want to have to does reset overwrite everything i gotta get back in in that mode hold up here oh my i think my battery died on my phone yep all right we're camera two's dead guys camera two is dead we got what we needed there but um so then you would create in here and i'm probably gonna let me let me just read what it says about getting back in and configuring it because it said you could redo it you can configure it again by hitting that button but i don't know if it oh the wakeboard i hope i didn't just reset it by doing what i think i just did hold and uh hold the wig button until the blue led starts flashing okay so i'm going to wake it up hold and hold and hold i know you can't see it now because i killed my phone battery okay now i hope i didn't reset it by doing what i did and we're paired i'm gonna pair it again across my fingers that i didn't destroy it by resetting it nope stuff's still there yep everything looks good you said json in the mqtt you can write json in the config oh you mean like write it up here so so johnny when you say write it in the config what do you mean specifically well okay so there's there's a way to do this without what i'm trying to do here so let me just connect it so we're not doing stuff there and i'm going to save this anyway re reload this because um i change the name so it should be f door now so i'm going to reload manually configured mqtt entries done and then i'm going to go back over here to sir developer tools and see if it's shows up as f door no brian says no what do you say known to brian um so in my i know i must have a sensor that doesn't require that so give me just a second i will find something that will work for that as my audience says oh he's let's get out of here this guy don't know what he's talking about whoops so i have all this mqtt stuff see all of its value json but there's got to be one of these things that doesn't require value json as we go as we go oh yeah typing state on right that's what i was thinking too but there's got to be a way to use it from the default setting yeah because it doesn't encapsulate everything johnny into that packet so oh look it doesn't it doesn't need anything yeah so these are these are ones that i've used without a an actual anything else so i should be able to use something like that which i thought i did let me just try it again so platform is mqtt state topic i'm going to put it back as uh trig board name is front door i'm just going to call it trig and then force up the i'm going to leave force update true just see if it'll do it save it and it may require a full restart it's supposed to reload these sensors let me check the server controls here check configuration it's valid you should be able to do that manually configure mqtt entries and you should be able to see um front i should see anything with trig in it no i'm gonna restart the whole thing i shouldn't have to do that it probably won't matter but i'm gonna do it anyway which takes too long for me while we're waiting for that to come back what other stuff we're going to talk about um so i appreciate all watching it's been an awesome stream um we'll we'll get this mqtt sensor thing working and then that'll probably be a wrap for today but let me let me let that reboot and see if it'll pick it up and let me just swallow that's happening see if there's any discussion about how you do that supports let you connect this uh-huh see the docks uh-huh i'll see the docks i'm looking at the docks using the raspberry pi something you run on and this doesn't oh how about if i read this maybe i'll read the dot i thought this was just generic but i guess this is mqtt docs for that then we do all that we do all that we do all that we set all this yep yep we did all that now he's creating a sensor yeah that's what i did which looks like this when you paste it in yep yup and you configured yep yep uh okay i did all that so i was right right you just take this thing state topic whatever you call the state topic which i called it trick board so let me go back has it started is it back oh it takes forever and platform the only thing i can think of is maybe potentially that i did not i don't have it open so on the raspberry pi it takes me about 20 20 days to restart this takes me a while but we'll get it back in here in just a second well you all have planned for the weekend oh look we're coming back great i did not have to restart i shouldn't have should not have had to restart but i'm going to look anyway and see if it showed up door yeah so it's not there so let me just again look at my file editor and see if i did something funny with it i don't have it open anywhere file editor so his thing says um this thing says where did i so when you have so many tabs open there we go sensor platforming now the difference is i don't have the word sensor here but that should be understood because i'm this is the sensors unless it's not added in my configuration.yaml file which is quite possible let me see if that's the case um configuration.yaml no it's not oh see look they're all over here in this file so the sensor file was pre-created but it actually doesn't it's not configured to be included from configuration.yaml and i've added my other stuff directly within here so i'm going to have to do that which is fine so now what i'll do is i'll just take that stuff that i pasted over there and just put it here instead and that's the wrong name but we'll fix that and i don't need force update but i do want to put the mdi icon because he did it mdi icon is that how it is oh icon mdi door we'll just do icon mdi door and then we'll have it this will be is that right now mdi colon door okay and i'm going to call this uh uh trig board is our topic and we'll call this again front door trig for testing and save it check configuration looks good restart the menu configure or do that run that and now i should be able to go to developer tools and it should be there front door there it is trig so the status is unknown currently because there's no it didn't exist before now and so it doesn't know what state it's in so i'm going to take and i'm sorry i don't have the camera working right now i'm going to take the the magnet i'm going to put it up against the steel and let's see if it shows it yes front door closed that's my filter that's my state front door closed and it's giving me 2.85 volts if i take it away now it's going to tell me front door open and if i push the wake button it should tell me front or button was pressed so i press the like button so there it is ladies and gentlemen and everyone else um how was trick board compared to z-wave or zigbee sensor regarding battery life uh thieslo so um it um anyway how does it so it's supposed to be forever right it talks about the battery life here it's got a current drive of approximately 1.5 microamps with a three volt battery and it the a smoke detector will pull about seven microamps smoke detectors last what a year or more and this this thing here potentially could last longer than that just depends on how much interaction how many contact closures and how much time it's sending out as far as comparison to z-wave i don't know because i haven't run it long enough and i don't have any i don't want to make assumptions because i don't have the answer to that but it's designed as it says here it's designed to be an ideal iot device wi-fi connected battery-powered monitoring solution ultra low standby current and it's that's what's supposed to be the big sell for this it says um this thing is all about low power specifically getting crazy long battery life so i would assume if i put those two batteries in there that it would last for a couple years probably just depending on how often i change or how often i open and close the contacts um but i don't have a specific number for you uh let's see here um got a few more minutes um how was it we did that one somebody asked me or can you oh you retracted those android don't retract messages it's okay don't get mad greetings from india hello um it is ten and a half hours difference that makes it almost midnight oh it's uh no 9 30 p.m several of my y sensors died so they need new solution for doors windows excuse me so this thing um here's the thing i'm not sure exactly how to do right now and that's how to um i want to get my phone on the charger because i'm going to need it at some point and it's dead i don't know how you would build this into like a door like it's not i guess it's it could be just like any other self-contained device you just get a big enough box to fit it the form factor uh is not super big but it's it's not you know skinny and like some of the door sensors now i've seen some huge door sensors lately but you've got to have a battery a place for the battery uh in fact i think on his site he talks about that let me just come over here and he has some options where's that at a garage door monitor um cellular battery backed up system udp let's just look at this so he's built it all into this garage door box here if my garage door thing ever fails this is probably the way i'm going to go with it oh wait no this is a separate deal i'm sorry this is no here it is here so he uh with the trig board to monitor and door you can here's an easy way to using a tilt sensor so he uses the mercury switch on his and puts it in the box and it's all self-contained my garage door opener thingy it talks back to my actual garage door my my one q thingy myq i think it is and so if it has to go through that with this solution it goes directly to helmet system via mqtt that would solve some of the issues i'm having with some of that z-wave stuff with that um so that's interesting what else can you what else we do i don't know if we have a door thing on here where he fitted on a door or bell monitoring that would be interesting what do you do with that it's a relay yeah see so you can take these sensors and you can do all kinds of stuff with these relays i think um who mentioned that did brian say something about using um i use magnetic switches on my doors with a resistor 10k d1 he uses the d1 so you could use something like brian does here but with this trig board um 10 p.m yeah so hour and a half yep so 10 p.m it's a little later than i thought uh these will use this garage door sensor like that one yeah there's some cool stuff you can do with this and the idea that it's really uh low battery now this would be something i might be interested in because i'm using motion sensors that are wired into my security system they're wireless to my security system and this would be this actually looks smaller i'd have to 3d print that case or buy the case but you get a little sensor here and who makes the case 3d printing case i need a 3d printer he just sticks it in there and sticks the board in there it's contact closure now this is the other kind of battery you can get so i'm using two aaa's but this is a flatter battery so it would fit in more things and look smaller so that would be something that would be interesting to try and there's the completed case i mean it just it's kind of it's really neat the the trig boards low battery and if you missed the first part of this you can actually trigger directly to ift or pushover or push safer or udp or tcp or home assistant you can do all of that stuff directly from the sensor so you don't even have to have like the home assistant running as long as you have internet and wi-fi you could send a message out to pushover um that would give you the option of a backup if home assistant failed you could send this out through another means and still get notified if your wi-fi is up and running in your internet uh yeah so there's a lot of stuff in here what i'm not saying is crash door open so that would be the wife coming home which means i'm going to rob up here shortly um so anyway that is the trig board stuff that was kind of fun i i attempt the live stream what do they call them the live stream gods or whatever when i try to do these things live have never messed with the trig board so that was my first experience doing it i did it live so it it what it shows it's not hard to do that kind of thing and it makes it a useful thing because you can quickly and easily set this up and get it running what else we have here what z-wave issues are you having uh who was asking that [Music] oh why sensors die are you referring to that so what i'm going to do then i is i'm going to ask for final questions or whatever we're going to wrap this up pretty soon it's been about what does it say here about an hour and 52 minutes live and um i am glad that that worked well and didn't cause some sort of embarrassment i do like this board uh there there are a lot of things out there and this is another um a thing in your tool belt of automation and notification and sensors this would even work outside in a weatherproof box i can see that working because i can just take those contact sensors and put them on the gate along with this in a weatherproof box and wire and that would be wi-fi it up too not even z-wave if i had a if i had a z-wave um issue uh with coverage and i could do this that way as well all right so with that i appreciate everybody watching today i'm going to jump off we're going to go run do some stuff this afternoon with some family and i'm happy that i was able to get this working i really appreciate everybody watching for those that have subscribed thank you very very much we've we've bypassed the 5 000 subscriber mark nothing magic happens i was waiting for some magic or whatever but 5000 seems to be for me is a is a milestone you get your first thousand that's a huge milestone and then you get your 5 000 that's another milestone for me so i'm i'm really appreciative of all of you all thank you so much for subscribing um and being a part of the channel and then let me blah blah blah you know what i'm saying so have a great rest of your weekend and we will see you on the either next live stream or the next video cheerios [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: mostlychris
Views: 1,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smart Home, Home Assistant, IoT, Technology
Id: ALcpqCtB2d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 20sec (6920 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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