Live Trash Pick with Texan Picker

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um yeah what we're gonna do is if we need to charge it again all right we got a couple people watching all right all right guys we're gonna set up looks like we're setting up it's me driving and picking and i got my cameraman or my camera woman my lovely wife iris um if i can't get to these comments quick enough uh just know that it's gonna be hard to do both these things but you put on so we're not heading the whole time [Music] so can y'all hear me pretty well let's see if they can hear us hey guys can you all hear me up there can do i got sound watch for los angeles yes all right that's what i needed to hear all right babe i'm going to take over the camera and now you can feel me or you could film the road uh doesn't matter okay hey everybody i miss helper for tonight you know she's gonna be doing like i said she's gonna be holding the camera for me and uh i'm holding the phone because if you guys watched my last video you knew know the tragic ending of my last gopro camera it took a major dive off my truck i was disappointed at first but you know it's okay we'll get another one and we'll keep on making these videos for you guys so if you got a question uh go ahead and ask away um iris will do her best to get them to me as we go and uh i wanted to do something different for you guys i think it's something that i don't think i've ever seen any other youtuber do a live trash picking video um you've seen do people you see people do live videos like on their halls i've seen people do live videos on storage you know auction halls and stuff like that but i've never seen a live we're going to go trash and we're going to go dig and get our hands dirty live videos so i want to try to do something else for you guys it's been a very very long time since i've done a live video and i just didn't want to do the same old hey let's sit around the camera and answer questions i want to do something kind of interactive with you guys and who knows if you guys see something that maybe i should be uh getting or if i'm missing something out maybe i'll say hey pick that up or if i ask questions hey i don't know what this is maybe y'all can answer and let me know what it is um gladzilla is asking how many years you've been picking i have been picking since june or july when did we move in our house 2012. so july 2012 so that's nine years nine years picking and uh i've been making videos for about three years now and man i enjoy it i have fun i'm amazed by the amount of people that actually like to watch these type of videos i've always been told that hey one you could probably make a tv show or something like that and i was like i don't know man and i decided to go look one time on on youtube to see if anybody's making these kind of videos and i did see i saw taco stacks was one of the first channels that i saw that that did this and then also saw a lot of y'all know tucker and sammy they were doing this also they were doing more trash picking videos back in the day now they do more uh day in the life of type of videos and um i really wish they'd get back to you know getting more into the trash picking videos which they have been that's here recently they've been doing a lot more trash picking videos so what you guys are going to see and find out is that these there are nice things out here in the streets but it's not stuff just everywhere you know you'll you'll see a lot of driving around when it comes to editing there's a lot of there's a lot of times where you're driving for 20 30 minutes sometimes and don't see nothing and that's just the nature of the beast you know you can't control it you just go and you pick and you hope you find stuff like right now we just we literally got into the neighborhood i set the live up and we started driving and it's only been a few minutes and um right now it looks pretty barren out here so we're gonna do the best that we can and uh you know iris will videotape maybe some of the houses if she if she could get a good glimpse without the losing uh video quality yeah the houses are gorgeous in this neighborhood it's just dark so of course i'll show you what i think and this neighborhood's full of cul-de-sacs on a long major strip so like right here there's there's no houses right here you have to get into the little cut-off and get into the cul-de-sac and then get out and go to the other little cul-de-sac and so on and so forth and um man you know i've i've driven these neighborhoods so much that i don't need to pull the map anymore you know i have these neighborhoods basically memorized so um gladstone is also asking if you feel that some neighbors or neighborhoods uh purposely put items out for pickers to pick up yeah absolutely um i've seen i've seen items get put like on top of the trash can and not inside the bag that uh that that tells you right there that they know that that item is a good item and they wanted to be wanted it to be really visible for the picker to come take it so yeah absolutely i've seen that i've also seen um you know free signs like there's something on top of that trash can and we're gonna go see what it is uh that's a good question a good time and uh gladzilla you said yes uh that's a good question and good timing because right here at our first stop um i saw something on top of the trash can now it might be nothing but it might be something you know just because it's something on the trash can doesn't mean that we'll be able to take it so i'm gonna come over here and if you want to go ahead and come off with me babe let's get something what is that is that a garage door opener let's go look let's go look at the light all right we're gonna embarrass me everyone because so um let's do this we lost your sound okay it's probably cuz it's on bluetooth so we're gonna take off the bluetooth i bet you that's what it is we're going to disconnect the blood that's what since you went outside uh-huh no okay ask me the sounds back okay is the sound back we we had to disconnect it from the bluetooth so okay they hear us yeah so that's what happened it was connected to the bluetooth to the key to the to the truck so when we went outside the speakers that are inside the truck or the microphone that's inside the truck that would normally hear us uh was disconnected um what i was saying back there where you couldn't hear me was um like gladzilla and asked that that was a perfect example question of someone putting something out and what happened is uh that motor that was sitting out on that trash can um it was probably a good motor maybe they left it out for a scrapper because a lot of scrappers will take those and scrap them and they get value for them but being that i'm not a scrapper i don't mess with it and i'll let somebody that's going to be coming around probably in the morning pick it up and they can scrap it makes money so that was a good example they left it on top they didn't put it inside uh because they know people picked that kind of stuff up and uh you could uh can you see anything else it's kind of dark over here um not really let's see really they're very pretty well what if you put the window down there you go oh yeah that's better i like the lighting like that definitely shows the house better looks like there's not a lot out in this area so we're going to go to this other little section over here and that's how this neighborhood is built it's about a little small section it's not like a big you know i grew up in a neighborhood where you had like a grid of streets and you could go up and down up and down and up down all these streets but this one here is a little different it's little cutouts all over the place jay roberts is watching from pearland yeah it's jenny what's up jay what's up neighbor jay hi from smithfield pennsylvania all right one now michelle all right so i'm hoping we get some action um it's just you never know with these neighborhoods sometimes i gotta drive around for a while before i pick something up or find something that's worth you know digging through hey travis travis is on oh okay travis with uh see look at that oh what is that oh okay now that's someone had a looks like they had a uh what like a like a little cabinet that tore it apart yeah nancy yes i'm his wife iris i'm his uh lighting and camera person for the day so we're not going to be dropping any cameras in the street rest in peace yeah yeah i had a few people tell me that not not to uh forget my camera this time it looks okay another maybe like they tore down uh like it was like some cabinets or something or some shelves that they cut up but it's it's in pieces now that's a good sign it lets you know that p these people are throwing stuff out and i've got this theory that you know it's like nobody's throwing things away it seems like like nobody neighborhood wants to throw anything away but when you start getting one or two places that throw stuff out like it almost reminds the homeowners over here hey by the way you know you might want you might have that large item you want to get rid of and you chuckle stuff out patty says she hopes you find another gopro that'd be great you know i've actually found a couple gopros but there were you know old models you know i found i think i like a girl pro hero 2 and uh now and i think that three or four one of the two but i have i found gopros and bats and they work they work so that was pretty cool i i once upon a time i thought i'd keep those gopros as backups but man they're so so old the quality is so poor um i would much rather just record with my phone said reported the gopro hero 2. so yeah we're going to do a live video hopefully you guys um enjoy this hopefully you find some stuff to dig through like i said if you have any questions ask away iris will answer or ask me the questions and if she can answer she'll answer otherwise you know i'll answer it um let's get stacks is asking because they want to get into this also uh what's the best gopro to use to record yourself um well they've had a lot of issues with sound with the fives and sixes and i'm not sure about the sevens the reason i i had a five and the reason i got rid of it is because of the mic issues they're having a lot of issues with that one so for the last year or so i've been using a gop the gopro eight and i really really liked it a lot the nine is also available but to me the nine is it's a little bit bigger it's got the forward-facing um display also and to me that's those are those are things that i don't need i don't i don't want to pay a hundred dollars more to have the screen on the front part and from what i've seen on other videos the quality is not that much different plus i have um look at that was that little lawnmower [Music] you might pick up that lawnmower here in a minute and there's stuff right here too so we'll check that out people park for clothes like this um which one did you have that broke at your yard sale and eight he had an eight gopro hero eight and to be honest with you like i said the nine is available and it's you know a good one as well but i don't know if i'll be picking up the nine i don't know if i want to be getting a nine hey lori lori's watching from colorado all right okay so we're getting out i think i want to go look at this lawn mower real quick so yeah let me let's get out okay i'll wait for you to get settled up [Music] let me know if y'all can't hear me for some reason again that tells you right there you don't really want them for the for the motor to be seized up like that because people don't want to bind there's a big issue with the with the crank the shaft can be advanced the motor can be seized up and they don't want them he wants to be able to pull and turns pretty easily because a lot of times if it's that it's usually going to be a carburetor job so we're going to leave that alone let's grab it let me get my steps in today all right let's get on to the next okay back in the truck he said uh the trash bags felt like they were just boxes so nothing worth opening see so a lot of times when i'm driving around um i won't show you guys all that um because i want to get to the meat of the pig i want to get to where you guys are seeing the good stuff where you guys are seeing um the goods um me testing out the lawnmower um if it doesn't work i'm not even gonna record it so i won't you guys won't ever see that but like i said in the video like i said a little bit earlier once once it sees up like that for me it's not worth picking up because people don't want to mess with them and to sell them and be really hard they'd want it for free yeah so get back to that other question the hero 8 probably would be the one i'd go with i wouldn't get nothing older because you could you can get up saw on rakari and on ebay a great great bundles for like a pre-owned one and i've seen some that have like the camera uh the media mod which is basically gonna be a case that goes around the camera that allows you to hook up um a light which is what i use let me show them the light see this is the kind of light that i use and this this would actually go right on top of my camera and it slides right in and it stays together like that that way it gives you the best lighting that's why my videos have been better lately because i've had this this type of light with my camera um and what i like about it also is that the the the mod that little uh jacket that goes around the camera has an external mic which focuses you know the microphone to you know forward instead of just being out and i really don't want a 360 degree sound coming to the camera because then it picks it can pick you up breathing uh it can pick up all sorts of stuff all around you i'd rather it just pick up you know forward facing where the camera is looking so i would get the gopro eight i'll get the media mod that goes around it and get you a good light uh lighting is important man you can't go cheap on the lighting because the light looks cheap your videos are gonna look cheap and get you know if you know if you can afford it you know i didn't start off with that when i first started off i had a go the gopro hero 5 i had rigged up like a cheap spotlight and man i was roughing it out for a little bit you know trying to get these videos up but you know i invested the money into the right equipment and to me it's paid off how often do you go picking cheryl is asking sure i try to go with my work schedule if y'all don't know i have a regular work job you know i have a regular job where i work 12 hours i work rotating shifts i work nights i work days every other week rotating and it's a pretty demanding job as far as schedule is concerned so i go when i can really it's usually once a week maybe once every other week sometimes i get lucky and i can do two in a week but it's usually once every weeks once every other week somewhere in that range so we have to give a shout out to viewers in scotland uh viv and tony hey viv and tony thank you for watching from scotland that's so awesome you guys are watching out there that's the coolest thing about youtube is that you get some people from all over the world scotland i get a lot of people from the philippines i gotta show a lot of love to the people in the philippines man because you guys watch a lot i would say my obviously the united states is my highest you know viewership as far as people where people come from i want to say the philippines and australia right there between second and third so people from australia thank you so much we love you i don't know what it is about australians but i'm telling you right now people from texas they love australians um i don't know if it's because we have the same type of culture um you know i'm not sure but when people say they're from australia it's like they click and they bond with texas right away and uh and like i said the philippines were right there with with it but yeah thank you from scotland that's awesome jane uh jane from england james from england nice nice thank you so much jane for watching um from all over the world man you guys like i said you guys are awesome i never thought i'd have people from really all over the world you know watching the video that i make of me like digging through trash you know which is actually really cool yeah and i think they can appreciate it's so much more than that you know there's a lot to it yeah see that you wanna show them that printer see there's another example of something sitting there it's a printer someone put it on top it might be good i don't pick up printers because a lot of times the ink itself costs as much as it costs to just replace the whole printer so i usually don't mess with those someone might be able to pick it up to recycle it or maybe they need a part off of it so these people you know they set it on top of the trash can so they they know what they're doing uh thank you mr j for the donation mr j oh this is mr aaron johnson thank you so much mr j he always shows up yeah he does my brother for my love from another mother right let's there sometimes when i'm talking or listening on the radio and i'm driving i get a little turned around so how to get my bearings back i know where i'm at now but i was like where am i going this one's very pretty yeah so so far we've seen a couple things out there nothing that's worth a while for me to pick up but we're gonna keep at it it kind of gives you guys a perspective of uh you know i don't i don't drive for 45 minutes like my videos you know are and just find all this stuff you know it takes a lot of time sometimes and sometimes you'll see a house and then another house and another house and and you think you'll have a great night and you don't see anything else for the rest of the night jeff is asking to what organization do you donate clothes and stuff to there's a great organization that's our by our house it's called forgotten angels um they have a center that's literally about half a mile from my house where they house uh people with mental uh you know mental health issues and okay i think i'm back yeah and um it's basically people with mental retardation who are adults now and either the parents might have passed away or or they don't have anybody to watch over them so uh forgotten angels takes these people in and they house them they have you know activities that they put them they try to train them to do different like you know like do you know gardening or they do arts and crafts and um training is probably the the best word to use but you know they they educate these these people and they keep their minds going so they don't just sit you know and you know in the room with four wall doesn't not do anything you know they keep them active so they have a thrift store that's about two miles from my house where everything that they sell there goes to help you know facilitate and staff you know their center they also have a little like a little coffee coffee hot coffee shop you know they sell baked goods and stuff like that that's you know connected to the the uh thrift shop so forgotten angels is the place that i go to it's my number one go-to if i can't go there there's also a place called the shepherd's nook it's also a non-profit that goes to help out families in need the money goes to the little thrift store and the thrift store is actually sponsored by oran by by a local church in the area i forget which church it is but shepherd's nook is second and if i for whatever reason sometimes i have a lot of stuff and i gotta get rid of it and you know it could be on a sunday where both places are closed and it's gonna rain and i gotta get rid of it so then i'll go drop it off at goodwill not my favorite place because goodwill is known for charging a lot of money for the stuff that they sell especially considering that they get every single thing for free but you know sometimes i have no other choice but to hurry up and take it there before all the stuff gets rained on still no action man as y'all can tell it can get kind of uh dizzy in the truck with a lot of turns and bumps but uh especially if you're looking at it through the camera yeah but it's exciting look at these houses um amy's asking if how you got the footage off that camera that fell off the truck all right okay so after i went to forgotten angels and as you saw when i drove away i was on my way to my mom's house to drop off the tables that she had let me borrow make sure this guy slows down so about halfway to my mom's i realized oh my gosh i don't have my camera on me it's not here in the truck and then the light went off in my head that oh my goodness i left the camera on the back of the truck and i was already almost about more than halfway to my mom's house so i went to drop the tables i went back as i was going back i was looking in the road because i didn't know where it fell off and i ended up seeing it right there in the middle of highway uh that street is it's called um it's it's uh it's a highway 518. it's a busy road and that sucker got run over by at least six or seven cars going about 50 miles an hour so when i saw it laying there i parked the truck i ran into the road uh made sure that obviously it wasn't you know any uh any traffic coming at that point and uh and i picked up the camera and i took it home if you don't follow me on tick tock follow me on tick tock um it's same name text and picker i i recorded myself with that camera and even though it's all shattered and broken up and into pieces that camera still records and the quality of the camera still looks pretty decent i put a video on tick tock of me recording myself with my phone with and with my camera so you can see look this camera still works it still works it's crazy that it still works it's not usable because it's like i said the the glass screen in the back is shattered the lens up front is completely shattered and i can't use it i don't feel safe you know using it so i was able to still download all the media um from the camera to my ipad so that's how i got it i just went back and found it and i just it was i was i was amazed i was i was more um i was more concerned that i lost all that media versus um oh we got some here but also on that meteor versus watch the college baby and that okay okay and you probably don't need a light because it's light on the truck people yell me all the time i don't know i've done them in the past i pick them up and i can't ever sell them i end up getting worth five bucks and they take too much room don't worry about the last place but we've got a little ion amplifier it's also a radio so check out the workshop someone said it looks good to take it with the tv oh no that what you just got oh yeah no i don't like doing tv yeah i did take that little speaker it's like a speaker amplifier cheryl asked what happens when you get caught most of the times they offer me more stuff that's just a quick and simple answer um a lot of people come out they they they see me here's the thing if if they if they didn't if so if you see someone out there and if you're scared you're not going to interact with them most of the time you're going to just go inside you might flash your lights or you might even call the cops who knows but if you're not scared and you have something else that you might want to give them you're going to go up there and say hey you know i've got this other stuff so when i get caught it's usually because it came up to me because they have more stuff to give me and that happens quite often if you've seen my videos over the past few years i would say i've had about six or seven times where you know the the homeowner came outside and offered me more stuff one time okay yeah one time a guy told me to leave or ask he didn't ask me to leave i asked him if he wanted me to leave because he came out and made a smart comment about you know if they wanted the bags ripped open they would have ripped them open themselves which i wasn't ripping them over when i was untied them so i politely asked him if you want me to leave i'll leave and he said yes because the dogs are keeping him up and he didn't even he didn't even live there it was it was the neighbor across the street and a couple houses over um jjf is asking how the competition is for trash picking man it's it's high there's a lot of people that come out here um which is one of the reasons i'd like to come at night it's kind of hard to time it man because you don't want to get out here too early to try to beat the rest of the competition as far as in the evening is concerned because you might miss people putting stuff out and then you don't want to get hurt too late to where you missed you know and you got beaten by the other competition so you got a lot of people that come mostly in the morning in the morning you'll see i promise you you'll see about at least three or four other people out here scrapping and picking when you come in the mornings and at night you might see one other person maybe two other people but i've come to find out that when you come at night it really doesn't matter because people aren't putting the trash out all at the same time you know i could drive right now and the house and i just passed up you know five houses down they could be putting something out right now and i just happen to miss it so and the best finds that i've ever found was picking through some something that somebody else has picked through i've gone through bags that someone else had ripped the bag open and i found a diamond necklace i found money i found those fake louis vuitton bags and people had already gone through those bags so i don't know what they didn't see or what maybe they don't know what they're looking for maybe they're looking for something completely different but i know that i've found trash and good stuff you know where other people have already passed it up look at this guys let's go real quick to check it out they look like it's a lot it looks like there's stuff but we're gonna go check this out that's funny it's a first i mean but if you don't put forty dollars nobody takes it it'll be gone in the trash well i saw the sign i want to see what they said but it looks like it's in good condition but they want 40 bucks for it so that's a first for me and to be honest with you i don't know if they're going to come back out in the morning and take it in before the trash comes by because uh unless unless the trash will just leave it behind i don't know someone was sitting at the window too i saw them looking outside so where else are you guys watching from y'all leave a comment let me know where you guys are watching from because that's like to me it's real cool to see you know where around the world around the united states or whatever pauline's asking if i like to keep stuff when you bring it home sometimes i do um especially when you first got started it was like a surprise in the morning some of the decorations people would throw out i mean they're pretty you know uh so i would definitely look at it all first and take my pick of what i wanted and then you know he could do whatever he wants with the rest of it but uh not so much anymore because you know we have a lot of stuff at home but i still like to look at the neat things like some of the stuff is just neat you know we have kelly from tyler tyler texas i have family in pittsburgh texas um so that's not that far from you many people haven't heard of pittsburgh texas and they always think i'm talking about pennsylvania we have rhode island canada galesburg illinois you know i get i get a lot of people from canada too and um a lot of people overseas i think they like watching my my videos so much uh because i think for one they're not allowed to do this over there i want to say that some of these people that are overseas like in uh in uh like in england and and where else have they told me that it's illegal was it sweden that was illegal to go through something you would get fined if they found you uh picking stuff out of the trash cheryl um i used to she asked if this is my first time picking with you i used to pick with him it's been a while more often but honestly i'm an early bird and like to get my eight hours plus of sleep every night so getting up early taking our daughter to school i definitely can't stay out all night like you know he's built a little different and he can so but he's taking our daughter to school in the morning so i'm here for the ride today we kind of traded looks like it's kind of slim picking tonight how many people do we have watching does it say 310. wow that's pretty good look at that that's kind of nice see that gas grill man i'm telling you guys oh yeah you know i don't that's another thing i won't pick up because you see a lot of them everywhere and scrappers like to pick those up but man people could survive for sure without having to you know make a lot of money by doing this you can not only go out and sell this stuff but i've picked up gas grills and all i mean a lot of stuff that i've kept for myself and i'm like why buy one if you could find one in the trash you know i found some really high-end sofas that i wasn't able to take home just because i don't have room to keep stuff like that but man you know nice high-end leather couches um i got that recliner at the house right now that someone gave me you could you could make it doing this and um if you have a truck great but if you don't you you can still do it i mean some of the best stuff that i found like rings and money i didn't need a truck for i just needed to get out there and find it boxes no just a bunch of boxes kelly's uh wants to make sure you're not cutting cords anymore no we're not doing that it was something i wanted to try and [Music] you know i do do this put these videos out for for you guys my viewers obviously so you know i got to do my part to keep y'all happy so even though i could do it i guess if i wanted to um the chords that i cut before i still haven't even turned them in you know i might give them to chris because i know chris does scrapping he does a little more scrapping than i do he'll go you're gonna pick himself up and take it straight to the scrap yard mr j says he's looking for a new girl if you come across mine well i saw that one for 40 bucks laying on the road see if we got that one at the house you just give them remember the one that we got born to colleen uh in the backyard it's in the garage oh yeah get it out of there oh for his brother that's fine yeah that's it works for us just get in touch no it's not it's not a big grill it's probably like maybe 22 square inches inside maybe 20. let's get stacks is asking what's the best older minivan they should get um i really think if you get a minivan it wouldn't matter you probably want one that the doors slide open if you're gonna get a minivan that we could fit larger things in versus um don't want to get that little bigger line yeah it's so small maybe i'll let you get it on the other side um i don't know that's kind of a preference kind of thing something roomy yeah something roomy and and if you do get a minivan i'm me i'm taking out all the seats except for the front two um especially if it's gonna be your your wart van you know what i mean i'm not gonna be driving around with seats and then i'll take them out and just you know use it as your work van and you have only the front two seats available donna says she's happy i'm riding with you because she just never heard you talk so much well you know what guys i don't talk a lot of my videos because most of my videos are just while i'm picking while i'm there picking and i'm doing stuff and it's kind of like i don't know what to talk about unless you guys are there with like if you guys are here with me you're asking me questions you know you're you're probing the conversation you know you guys are making it happen really you want to you want to see that lipstick okay so now he's putting me to work i'm going to get this lamp y'all can go with me okay do y'all think should i get the lamp it's kind of tiny but i'll get it because he told me too so that's a cute little lamp so something like this i mean i don't know i might get five bucks for it if not i'll just take it to angels and they can sell it yeah some little girls room i did see a roach near that ditch so that's the last lamp i'm getting i'm just kidding yeah you see them out here i'm just kidding let's you got a pillow looks like someone got a new roof a lot of old shingles pauline says you're seeing tennessee whiskey real good oh thank you pauline kathy thank you for the donation who's in the donation um kathy kathy lombard kathy thank you so much uh it's a contribution for your new camera and i hope and she enjoys your channel thank you so much you don't have to do that but i really do appreciate it thank you so much um i don't like to i don't like to ever you know and to each one you know different youtubers like to do this but i don't i don't ever like to ask for money um i figured you guys are doing enough just by watching my videos youtube pays me and youtube pays me because you guys watch my videos so man that's contribution enough but trust me from the bottom of my heart i really do appreciate uh that donation jay says this is like watching a fishing show waiting for that big catch man i know jay jay put something out or swing by there you go [Music] i'll get back to you when you get back yeah that's that's the last thing you need is for people to start thinking that i'm staging fines actually you know what i actually had look at that house someone oh yeah some people i've actually had people tell me that um or comment on my videos that this stuff's all staged and that you know it's fake and it makes me laugh because like they have no idea that's someone that had that's so close-minded and lives in a their own little bubble it's like they don't realize that some of these people it's like it's like us for us to throw away something that might be worth 50 cents or a dollar is like yeah whatever you know it's nothing some of these people that they have these humongous houses and you know they're well off for them to throw something away that's 100 bucks it's like whatever you know they'll go buy a new one there's nothing to them scott's asking if you ever find iphones and newer lawn mowers in the trash i find iphones i find android phones i find ipods ipod nanos the original i have an original iphone from when they first came out at home i've got a bunch of uh android phones samsung uh samsung phones at home but i need to put like on ebay just a lot of them all together and sell them lawn mowers i find good ones sometimes like i said all they need is a carburetor job and i don't work on the carburetors i'll usually give them to my dad and he'll do the work and i'll sell it and give him half the money don't have time to do it really i mean i really have time to make these videos and to edit them and get them up there so you know another you know it's only maybe 30 minutes to an hour but man it's just 30 minutes an hour i could be doing something else but yes i do find newer um really good good lawn mowers you know matter of fact one of the coolest stories i could tell you i was out picking uh closer to my neighborhood and this guy had this really nice uh garage like oh like a shelf and he was out there watching his truck it was probably like around nine o'clock at night he was watching his truck because he said he was too hot for him to do in the middle of the day and i slept and talked to for a little bit and he asked if i wanted a lawn mower and a weed eater and at first i was hesitant to take it because like man i really i don't pick up a lot of that stuff and then he goes and tells me that the lawnmower and the wiener are like almost new he bought him like the season before and thinking that he was behind his grass and he was an older guy and it was just too hot for him to be out there cutting grass so he want he wanted if i wanted it and it was i i want to say it was a husqvarna we're going to pick that up here in a minute it's kind of dark but okay we'll come back it was a hust varna lawn mower and an echo weed eater both in good working condition so i was glad to take them i love that house look at that see they got a bunch of clothes so um we're probably gonna just take these clothes and go as long as it's not regarding the i don't think i need the light so i'm gonna leave it tory burch yeah it's tory burch the good brand nice shoes so we'll get the clothes and shoes and we'll see if we can donate yeah clothes shoes great donations because they look like they're good brands all right that's pretty good right off the top i saw this touring birch sandals that's good that's a good brand so hopefully there's some other uh really good brand shoes there too we'll box up with the next one okay um you guys might have seen it i don't know if you saw it at all but there was also a what's it called a car seat and man people have wised up to these car seats and like and as they should you know some of these car seats they've got well all these car seats they've got expiration dates on them so i don't like to pick them up because they might be expired and i don't want to sell an expired piece of equipment to uh to anybody it looks good it looks decent don't have to it's wood oh yeah it's good it's heavy so they'll have to uh re-finish it there but it's slightly take that guy okay i'll hold that this trailer has come in handy amy says nice score let's take the light cool cool yeah okay all right hopping back in so see just like that the first i mean i'm almost done with the neighborhood really this is a smaller neighborhood it's big as far as layout but um it's not a lot of streets like this a lot of cul-de-sacs and we're almost done here um lynn asked what's the most expensive thing you've found in the trash the first thing i think of is i found a perfectly working um tanning bed and i actually have that on video yeah it's an old video and uh i was horrible at making thumbnails and you can't even tell it's a tanning bed but i did find a tanning bed and i made 600 off that in four days after i found it i also found a really really really nice uh patio uh set that i think i sold it for like how much babe uh like 250 250 i think so oh that round remember that round one that that uh the one we were upholstered yeah oh i think that was like 500 that was very pretty yeah we did put some money once into this real pretty patio um like a circle chair uh it looks like really nice by a pool we put a couple hundred dollars into it and when we sold it we profited probably 300. but it was so worth it i mean really bringing life to something that pretty was was pretty cool to see so pretty nice flip hey jerry i saw you said hi earlier so hope all is well sup jerry thanks for watching let's see what's this over here can you see what that is oh it looks like it's just pieces of metal artie is asking because they noticed a while back that you had a gun in the truck is it dangerous trash picky um not to say that it's dangerous because um most of these people really are asleep you know it's about right right now it's 9 47 at night i got a little bit later start than i normally do because this is kind of like this is really a last minute decision we didn't plan on doing this uh we're sitting around at home with the kids kind of just relaxing uh my son's in town he went to go hang out with some of his buddies from high school uh my daughter was getting ready to go uh to you know get ready for bed for school so you know let's go drive around for a little bit you know my phone's at home and uh we'll just go ahead and just you know take a quick drive what's the question oh the gun so no this um most people are usually asleep by the time i'm into the night so i'm not worried about you know people coming out but you never know you never know um if i'm stopped at a gas station to get some gas or you know you know if i if i pulled over to you know maybe stretch out a little bit you know just from being sitting down so long you know i don't want to be caught off guard i'd rather have it not need it then need it not have it as the saying goes especially you know here in texas you know we're you know we're i'm licensed to carry so cindy's asking what is the most embarrassing item you've found i love that story with your mom and yeah yeah because the the oh okay the massagers yeah look i think the clock works um i don't know it's pretty you can see it yeah okay i'll just get it real quick okay there's a square clock down there he's just gonna go grab it looks good from here he's listening to it it's just pretty anyway thank you kathy you're sweet what and it's sticking so it works nice nice wood frame with metal little corners i mean that is pretty so something like that i would think about keeping already i mean you can go to the store and how much do y'all think at the store that would cost what do you guys guess would you ask them how much they think that would cost at the store oh yeah instead of buying it you find it out here yeah okay so the most embarrassing thing i wasn't really embarrassed about it but what happened was kind of funny and embarrassing see where am at okay um i had gone trash picking the night before i had a garage sale and in one of the bags there was a bunch of uh vibrators and these are i mean these weren't like the cheesy you know looked like like a penis vibrator there were like the discreet ones you know what i mean that were in a nice black velvet box and you know pink ribbon you know there were there were there were the the fancy vibrators i guess you could call them well i i knew what they were and i left them in the trash bag and i was gonna throw them out with the trash but my mom was helping me set up for the garageo and she didn't know what they were so as i'm setting up she's over there taking out all these dildos and putting them out on the table and i'm like oh my god mom what are you doing and she's like well i'm putting what are the i think are these like massagers i'm like yes mom they're massages but they don't work when you throw them away and i was like oh my gosh man she had all these dildos all over the table you know at my garage so luckily it was early in the morning enough to where people hadn't really showed up yet otherwise who knows man someone might have picked them up and asked if they're for sale then that would really just up the embarrassing uh story i'm not really embarrassed of it by it per se but it's it's kind of an embarrassing story because you know it's it's your mom you know finding you know these these vibrators and and sticking them out at your garage so so it's kind of it's kind of awkward oh she says hi and she loves us your mom my mom watching yeah hey mom love you awesome kilgore texas you're close to my family in pittsburgh for those of you that know where pittsburgh texas is and it's a close enough drive my aunt has a winery called zapata's vineyard and winery definitely stop by they have muscadine grapes which is different so either love it or hate it but definitely worth the visit even if you don't care for muscadine grapes they do make some wines that you could barely taste the muscadine grape because it blended with other ones yeah like blueberries blueberries oh my gosh and they're really really good wines plus the view there man it's such a beautiful uh it's a really nice vineyard they put a lot of money into it and making it look nice oh man that's just cardboard this house is pretty it's kind of dark but it's big yes kelly says that stuff is a bomb um they have their you pick you know because the grapes are about ready to be picked uh labor day weekend so it's about that time and for guys who don't know the you pick means that you just go up there and you can take your family on an outing and go pick uh muscadine grapes and you know i they charge a fee for like per pound it's not crazy it's really small but uh you could take as many as you want let me just pass it are you looking yeah the houses i like them when they're lit up there oh yeah they like them yeah they look really nice so being a realtor i just kind of pay more attention to the houses than what he's paying attention to yeah she'll start pulling her camera somewhere and i think she sees something she just needs a nice house yeah i'd love to sell that one so how much are these houses worth over here babe um honestly i haven't paid attention i don't know where we're at did i just say hi to rodney rodney's watching oh what's up rob big ride uh rodney from church oh okay yeah that's big ride rodney rodney ronnie's a good guy fantastic musician i mean the bomb musician and he's actually got a youtube channel himself i don't know what it's called but i know i do subscribe to him he's asking uh what is the one thing you wouldn't pick that most people would think is worth the pick um tvs man a lot of people tell me to take tvs they think not that they think but if you're able to disassemble the tvs and and maybe sell certain components of it a lot of people do what's called e-scrapping uh which is electronic scrapping and they and they they take stuff out of components out of different electronics to resell them i just don't have the time to do that and yes i i recognize that there is money to be made in that stuff um even even as far as remote controls some remote controls go for a lot of money online but uh that kind of stuff i won't pick it up and i get people yelling now telling you to take that tv i sell them for this and that i'm like well i i don't so i don't pick him up um good question yeah that's a great question let me see this like usually blocked off so i don't know this nice little maps show us where we're at yeah um amy's asking what are some trash picking channels you watch i like watching um probably right now my favorite guy to watch is uh scrap and pellet man um he's such a nice guy he has a great back story and he's such you know he gives off such a good vibe such a positive guy and uh i just i just really like watching his channel i also like watching i like watching tucker and sammy where they have uh trash picking videos they don't like like i said a little bit earlier uh this they seem to be putting out as many as much trash picking videos as the easter in the past but when they do put one out i like to watch it uh to me they're a good inspiration for young people who are trying to you know make something because not only do they do trash picking but they also do house clean outs they have i think tucker's got another youtube channel where he does other stuff um they do thrifting i mean these these guys are highly motivated young people and i've watched them for a few years and i've just seen their steady growth in their channel and you know and in their brand and tucker and samia to me i love those guys they're they're they're great great kids and really inspirational to me um i like taco stacks sometimes you know he's he's a really good dude but i don't know i could only take so much taco stacks i love the guy i really do and i think he has good good uh good videos but um all right i guess it's like some some people watch my channel i there's some things i don't pick up that people think i should and he does a lot i see so i see these things and i was like dude you need to get that you need to pick that up and i find myself yelling at the screen as i assume some of you guys yell at the screen when you're watching my videos so i do like watching someone oh also like watching uh paper and moose renee with paper moose has got a great channel i highly recommend her because she she knows a lot about antique stuff and uh ephemera that's collectible paper and paper products um there's stuff that i wouldn't have picked up in the past that i do now because you know because of her um demetric is asking what is the most cash you have ever found or weirdest thing you have found money in the most amount of cash i've ever found was 140 dollars i think that was to the t 140 now that was that one sitting i found a hundred dollars and uh i think there were the star note twenty dollar bills it was five remember when i was looking for that book yeah it wasn't a book yeah that was in a book and we were picking that and i was just filming it and i was like check this out and i just happened to flip to the pages and five 20 dollar bill star notes fell out of it so um i have those star notes put away they might be worth more than a hundred dollars but that's the second most amount of money i found and i've never really found them in weird places i found them in typical places like stuffed in the book i found um money i found 40 bucks inside a pair of jeans and it was it was weird because that was another one that i it was live i was i was picking and i walked walked on a um oh exercise equipment man i've been doing good with exercise equipment too lately i don't know about that one though that's like a cheap one let me see i don't know if i'm gonna get this one where's the light ah let me see i don't know if i should get that thing um i don't know i'm gonna think about that one if i don't see anything else worthwhile maybe i might come back and get that that's a big piece of equipment and it's um kind of a cheap brand of elliptical machine a lot of times those ellipticals when you start to get on them they wobble a lot and that's why they throw them out if it was a higher higher end machine i might have considered taking it uh here recently i picked up a bowflex uh treadclimber and i got 260 for that like right like quick uh the time before that i found a olympic machine i forgot what brand it was but uh it was i'm not gonna say it was gym quality but it was close to it and i got 300 for that guy that guy there i might if it's really good condition might get around 50 60 bucks and that's if it's in good condition oh that's gonna be heavy yeah it'll be heavy uh stephanie's asking how much do you make of jewelry is it a lot or no uh stephanie yeah stephanie that depends on the jewelry to be honest with you um some pieces can be just like five to ten dollars a piece uh sometimes what i've been doing here lately is i've got a couple ladies who will buy direct from me and and i don't put it on any uh sales page and i just sell it in bulk and to me it's not always about getting the most money out of some items if i can sell it to somebody and they can make double or triple of what they got it from for me well great i made a little bit of money and they can make a little bit of money and that works out for me um my main goal is to good out you know these videos and get good content out for you guys and let youtube pay me so i found gold gold does very well obviously because you know gold prices have gone up a lot here last you know well just stay in the last 20 years they've been going up but um i do make good money on that sometimes i'm surprised how much money i do make because it'll be just like a handful of broken pieces and an earring and you know like scrap and you'll get a couple hundred bucks for that and it seems like it's nothing um priscilla suggests that you do a video playing the guitar and singing because she loves to hear you sing well priscilla i really do appreciate that um i might do a little bit of that in a video i've been trying to you know i know a lot of y'all have made comments about um really liking you know what i sing so here and there i've tried to you know add little snippets you know of me singing um there's been a couple videos where i i've put almost a whole song if not a whole song in there so if if you guys haven't seen those you got to go back and watch some of these videos you know over the last few weeks because uh it's definitely out there let me go this way and exit out the other side donna i don't sing uh it's my husband and my son that have all the talent so i leave that to the professionals and support them but no i don't sing and i apologize if i'm missing some comments it's kind of hard to focus kind of bouncing around and yeah the way she's filming guys as she has the phone in landscape mode um so it's less amount of screen on the right side for her to read the comments so these comments come and go real fast uh versus being like on the laptop if you're on the laptop yeah uh you got a big screen and you could you have you can see like all the comments and they stay up there for a while on your phone they they come in and they go really really good and there's yeah it'll show me one comment at a time so i apologize i'll keep doing my best and if you need to repeat your question feel free and i'll hopefully see it so yeah if you need it don't don't be afraid to repeat your question it's not because we don't want to answer it it's just that it it comes in for about literally what like five seconds yeah and it is good it goes away mark's asking if we drive oh do you drive the woodlands area mark i don't i've been wanting to go to the woodlands area because that's a really good area i know it's a lot of really really really nice homes but that's about an hour and a half drive for me just to get there yes and for me to experiment and get down there and go on the wrong night or go on a bad night man that's three hours of just just driving alone just getting there and getting back home that that i don't i don't want to risk might be a good risk to take but man i'm not i'm not i don't know maybe if by some chance we go visit you know up on that side of town and maybe we're still a couple nights i might i might try it but to drive over there all the way from south houston area man that's that's gonna be a long drive do you ever drive sugarland area envy is asking envy i have gone to sugarland before uh sugar land and i don't know if it's it's like sugar is kind of weird in how they do their their heavy trash pickups most most areas they do like a big area is you know one section uh then they divide you know the the city in the sections it seems like sugarland does it by neighborhood and it's like one it's like you'll have a big community and like this neighborhood doesn't heavy trash one day this neighborhood doesn't have traps next day and so it's not worth it for me to go to sugar land and just hit a small little sections i like going to areas like where i'm at now to where like this whole hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of houses are all on the same schedule versus just a little bunch here and a little bunch there but sugarland's got beautiful homes and i've gone there before yes um smitty's asking what else besides tvs do you pass on you know maybe other people think it's a good pick um let me think about that i'm trying to think what else is uh because i try not to pass on much be honest with you because if i can't use it if i can't fix it or do something i'll sell it tvs i don't know why i have this thing towards tv i mean and just in general the price of tvs has definitely plummeted for new tvs sean's asking is this exclusive for you or are you employed no i am employed this is something that i do just for fun and um if you guys want to hear the story i'll tell you how i got started doing this we had moved into our new house where we're living at now in 2012 june 2012. as we were moving in a few houses down i guess someone got evicted or or whatever or maybe moved out i think they got evicted because the the owner of the property was putting all the stuff that was inside the house out on the on the driveway and then on the side of the road now this beautiful um patio set i was sitting on the driveway and i asked the lady if you know introduce myself to hey we just moved in are they getting rid of patio sets she said yes you can take anything that's sitting here you know on the side of the road and it was a massive pile i wish i hadn't been doing youtube videos back then i wish i knew what i was doing back then because i would have really you know gone through that stuff a lot better i just saw patio furniture i saw some cleaning products that we can use at the house and stuff like that being that we just bought the house so i just took a few things and it was on the patio set because it didn't fit well when we wanted it and i that money that i sold the pedestal with i used to buy a set that fit better for us how are we doing on battery um i don't know you want to pull over yeah um brenda asked how much of our house is furnished with herbicide items that's a good question 20 let's go ahead and put this on charge 20. hold on a second we're gonna hook up my phone to the charger real quick i wouldn't say it's a whole bunch that we have furnished it's um little pieces of home decor like little vases or maybe a or something like an iron piece of metal that you know uh that's the wall decor hey tanya how are you thrifty treasures is on oh tony with 50 treasures she's our buddy yeah she is we run into her a lot at garage sales yes she is a garage sale queen if you guys do not watch tanya with three three treasures you guys need to go to her channel and subscribe now she is the best yeah she's a breath of fresh air and i like her videos definitely let's see i know they're more questions i'm gonna scroll back a little bit uh shelley's asking what was a kids channel you mentioned oh tucker and sammy they're not kids i say kids they're like early 20s i'm 40 years old so yeah i mean i've got my son's going to be 21 in a couple weeks so they're not literally kids they're they're they're adults but they're young adults tucker and sammy s-a-m-m-i-e but tucker mark is asking if you have videos on how to pick he's new to the channel uh mark no i don't i've thought about doing that if other people suggested to do that but i don't know how to how to make that video maybe like just pointers tips yeah you know what like like this video so far if you watch from the beginning if you haven't watched from the beginning wait for the live to be over and then re-watch it because there are some pointers that i give out on some things why i take certain things why i don't take certain things one of the if i gave some advice it would be um don't only look for the obvious you know dresser on the side of the road or that obvious lawnmower um look for signs look look for little literal signs look for a for sale sign like their house is for sale um and if you see you know a lot of people use these real uh the the heavy duty black um construction style of trash bags that's where you want to look that's where you're going to fill the bag around and see what's in there because a lot of times if my wife will tell you because she's in real estate they get stagers that come in to stage the house for sale they say hey you need to get rid of this this is that and they get a bunch of stuff and they just throw it away because they're more focused on decluttering and getting the house sold than having a garage sale and getting rid of the stuff so you find a lot of good stuff that way um you find i that's where i found most of my money and where i found almost all of the jewelry that i found because a lot of times like they'll they'll go through like their junk drawers and just dump them out and you know bingo that's that's they might have missed a little diamond necklace or a little gold necklace or gold ring or something like that and they just get rid of it okay we have a good question again uh lauren is asking when you're out of town or you know on vacation do you have the temptation to drive around to neighborhoods and pick she's from florida yes i do i always do um have the temptation to go do i not necessarily go picking but i do love going to garage sales when i'm out and about and thrift stores and thrift stores especially when i go out to east texas because you pass through a lot of small towns who aren't going to get a lot of traffic so if you go to these garage sales and these small towns you know you might not get a lot of people who are out there reselling and if and if they do they might not be doing it as much as i do so yeah i like to visit these small towns when i'm out driving on the trip to go do the garage sales mainly and the thrift stores i've never i don't think you've gotten trashed no not trash picking but the garage sales and thrift stores are uh unique because they're unique in different places to us so we do usually find different items to bring back and and display or sell you know yeah but i have thought about doing traffic especially like like i want to go i want to go trash bigger in las vegas you know oh yeah that'd be fun yeah that'd be fun so maybe when we go down there i might run a rent a van for the day just to go well maybe i won't even rent a van maybe i'll just run a car and just show you guys what stuff is out there because i do want to go we do finally go to vegas here in the next few months and uh maybe i'll make a video out there not necessarily take anything unless it's something small enough for me to carry on on luggage um k deals is asking what's the best item you found um probably gold jewelry i found a lot of gold jewelry uh here recently in my last video about maybe three weeks ago i found a 10k gold ring from 1956 from the university of pittsburgh high value because it is obviously gold and it's vintage but also because it's from a major university university of pittsburgh and um you'll see you can run uh four sold comps on on ebay and you'll see other major university old class rings go for a pretty good penny so that kind of stuff i found a really really nice diamond heart pendant that i ended up trading for those who've been watching the beginning uh irish's wife has iris's um aunt has a vineyard and winery in east texas and uh she came across some really really cool world war ii um memorabilia and i traded her that diamond necklace for her memorabilia um let's get stacks is asking have you ever had bad experience with cops never never um and i'll tell you why guys this personality that you guys get from me through the videos of being you know a lot of people say oh man you seem like such a nice guy so cool very respectful that's that's not an act it's not a show this that's how i am i do have i understand that there's maybe some cops that might be you know after causing problems but my experience being a guy who's hispanic here in the south in texas i've been pulled over a lot and i mean rightfully so you know some of these these people don't know what i'm up to they they see a truck you know out here in this nice neighborhoods with you know someone digging around in their trash they don't know what they're up to so some they might have got the cops called on me and when i've gotten pulled over i've always been very respectful to the cop i know he's only who's doing his job he's not accusing me of anything he got called likely so i'm respectful um yes sir no sir you know i treat him with the respect that i want him to treat me with so it's usually just a real quick uh conversation he finds out what i'm doing and most of the time we'll sit there and talk for a few minutes after the initial you know getting pulled over and and talk about what i'm doing and he'll ask me questions like man so you do good doing this or you know what kind of stuff do you find or whatever and it's it's never been a negative uh confrontation like ever but um that's because i i think it's because i make it that way i'm i'm not i'm not is that it yes okay uh there is a little disruption in the connection i think but we should be good um so i was in the middle of a question uh iris was asking iris johnson if there's anything he's picked up that would seem kind of shady something kind of maybe haunted vibes um i don't i don't know babe do you think i brought home anything you kind of feel worried about me no um nothing like officially weird i'm a chicken anyway so if i see a scary movie i think everything's haunted um so no it's just all in my head but i've thought of it i have thought of it in the past honestly yeah i've thought about it you know i thought it's a man you know what if you bought something home that's got some negative eyes but you know what um obviously you know from my videos that you know i do believe in the higher power and you know and jesus christ you know is is the almighty right um no matter what weapon should be formed against you man it shall not prosper because we serve a greater god and i'm not worried about it you know um is there evil out there yeah is there mischievous things out there yeah but you know what we serve a better god than the devil devil's defeated and that kind of stuff really doesn't worry me so i don't really if it could be it could have been something that was used you know for negative and for witchcraft but um you know i just i really don't i don't think about it i don't work elizabeth he did just order new business cards and they came in last week sometime um they look really cool you'll have to share them with them during a video so that they can i don't know if see it yeah oh look he has one see that isn't that neat is that and then the bank says follow the texan picker just to put his uh name and info out there you know so because i want people to know not only that you know i do pick up some of this stuff and not i don't always i don't only look for free stuff obviously you know well you may not know um if you're new to the channel but i do have an antique booth where [Music] most of the stuff that i find in the trash doesn't make it i mean hardly any of it makes it to the antiques unless it's like a really really cool you know antique or really really cool collectible um i use the money that i that i sell stuff that i found trash picking to go to garages in the state sales and i buy stuff there to put in my booth so i forgot the question was um tab's collection of coloring books is asking have you ever gotten scared to pick or has something ever scared you in the trash it scared me in the trash um i can't think of anything i mean i'm sure maybe something's maybe like jump but i really can't think of it um if anything i don't know if i was i don't feel trash picking or what and maybe my i think my camera might have been already i think it was a couple weeks ago um where junebug came out and hit me in the face you know and maybe maybe do you know like one of those but i think by that time my camera was already off yeah gin bugs are rude yeah they do that and some of y'all might not know what junebug is there there's little animals that come out little insects that about this big and they're they're like a hard shell little flying bug that come out they call them june bugs because you they start come out and mating in in june and man they're attracted to light so obviously i've got this light here on my chest mount and you know sometimes you'll see them flying around and hitting you your mom says it's time to raggedy ann agreed with her [Music] what what are your favorite songs or what requests would you have for future videos for songs uh mr j says they are the drunk bugs of the insect family that's for sure yeah they go crashing in everything all right so we made it to a new neighborhood there was a long stretch where we were just driving down to get here to get here so this neighborhood um in the past has been hit and miss but when it's hit it's really really good so i caught you know there's some of these areas that you come to like man do i want to come out here and drive around and uh sometimes i won't make it out here sometimes i will i'm already out here on this side of town so i'm gonna drive out here but um but like i said it's just because all it takes is one really really good house man to find stuff and it makes your night and that happens a lot with these videos where i could be driving around for three four hours and not find anything and then go up to one house that they're moving out and they threw everything out and boom that's that's the gold mine and guys i know i'm kind of all over the place with um you know trying to answer questions and you know and speak about what i'm seeing and stuff like that so i'm sure there's a question that got asked that i might have been in the middle of answering and then maybe i got distracted so if that happens ask it again donna says remember when would be a great song for you to sing i love alan jackson songs [Music] tennessee whiskey seems to be your most popular one so you can do that again sometime i love the tennessee whiskey song they like to karaoke han and my son do and tennessee whiskey is a must because everybody's always in the mood to hear that song at any time yeah tennessee risk is not an easy song to sing here man i like i like singing it but sometimes i'm worried that i'm just screwed up oh i swear every time i go sing that in karaoke i feel nervous to sing it uh let's see this neighborhood here is it's a series of cul-de-sacs too so it's a lot of in and out of the same little street in and out marilyn we do have two kids a boy and a girl my son's in the army my daughter's high school age she's in band me and my husband fun fact met in band in high school if y'all want to guess do they know what instrument you played by a chance some of them do if you want to guess what instruments we played uh i'd like to see what y'all think yeah she wasn't banned mr j you can't answer yeah mr you can answer don't be a shooter or rodney or mom or mom i'll give you a hint for those who don't know i play officially play three different instruments so one of them would be used in the band and the other two are not necessarily in a marching band but you know our instruments thank you marilyn uh for thanking him for his service uh we were in a high school band we're in the high school band and that's where we met and our closest friends to this day are also banned former band friends this car over here is killing me man okay so we have a tight turn no he did not play flute i can guarantee you that okay y'all can see his backing up skills because we're in our tight little corner cul-de-sac [Music] oh janet mount pleasant is there uh near pittsburgh can you see it yeah okay yeah lulu i was in percussions so i did play uh the mark bass drum it was the smallest because i am not a tall person but i was in percussion and my husband was a saxophone player so if y'all guessed it mr j also played the sex one yes mr jay played saxophone those were the two best instruments in our band percussion number one and a close second is the saxophone yeah okay a few of them did know you played saxophone [Music] i also play guitar and i also play the piano yes i don't know a lot of y'all know play the guitar because i must run on the guitar a couple times that actually that was the first time i'm actually saying it was because i picked the tunnel i was testing it out and then singing song um you're on the road and someone is saying don't run stop signs oh well yeah it's late at night i tell him that all the time i think stop i think stop signs are no longer valid after 10 o'clock yeah let's see can you see without this um yeah it looks fine okay because it's kind of hard for me to see me down that way so what do you have over here i'm gonna get my flashlight out don't got to worry about it claudette loves playing the spoons i bet that's entertaining that's uh that's an old country full type of instrument can y'all see him okay we just turned off a light inside um just because it was a little distracting [Music] thank you shelly for the donation appreciated thank you shelley what's on you guys you guys are awesome she appreciates your prayers oh man it's nothing it's nothing um you know i i firmly believe that um if god places something on your heart to do something it's for a reason and you should do it and uh at church a few weeks back um our pastor was talking about uh praying for his the message for the the series that he was doing that month was praying for the one uh the the he wanted everyone in the in the congregation to have one person that god really put in my heart so you know what you've got more than one you've got you know and i've and i felt the calling to say you know what you need to pray for the thousands that watch your videos it's because it's amazing to me thousands to say that number that watch your videos every every day so i said you know what i'm not gonna ignore that calling and yes i am gonna say a prayer from for the people you know not only because to because it pleases god but um i've come to find out that a lot of y'all have taken it to heart and if man if it means something to you when i when i pray and you feel it and and it touches your heart man that's the most man that's like so gratifying to me not to sound selfish but but i love to hear that that that it meant something to them that it touched them and that maybe like i always say it made them want to you know get to know god better so that's that's why i say those prayers and so if you like it you appreciate it it's it's my honor really to do it for you um demetrica is asking do they have heavy trash days designated in the neighborhood you go to yes um that's the days that i try to go to only um i can't go on regular trans days but you're going to see that i've gone before when it's not heavy trash day and i don't and i don't go uh the city of houston itself has a heavy trash day once a month and the city of houston gets it gets hit hard on heavy trash today man by these figures because they have it once a month one month it's heavy debris like like uh branches and stuff like that and and people who cut down trees and then the second month is actually heavy haul so it's every other month really that they have heavy trash pickup so i don't even go to houston because man there's people all over the place at least i'm gonna do that uh the neighborhoods and the cities that i go to they have trash pickup twice a week one day is um recycling and heavy trash pickup usually and then the other day is like regular trash and like um like like tree trimmings and stuff like that so that's how they separate it usually sometimes recycling is on the opposite date but it's usually one day out of the week that they have heavy traffic which is why i'm able to do this awesome jerry remembered um that used to have to bribe me to come with you but buying me ice cream oh yeah i didn't get ice cream oh but you did get i should rather today well earlier today but this is later today so thank you jerry i might get uh find out who's open get ice cream on the way home oh man um kay's asking if you sold that recliner in the garage sale no i didn't i didn't um at first you know i was trying to find someone that i can give it away to who was in need that was that was my goal when i got when i picked up that that recliner us i i was talking to iris that next day and i said man i really want to bless somebody with this recliner um because i know there's a lot of people who need it um who might you not not just someone who wants it just to have a recliner but someone who really needs it from medics to meet each other something you know so okay okay is asking um she said she's interested are you local or are you in houston area uh k deals is asking what about the meat grinder did you end up selling it that did sell that did so yes she's in spring so maybe um if you want to shoot an email what's a good email address to communicate j c a y a l a 99 i can't i can't type it up there right now because i'm driving sheet uh i don't think she could i don't know i don't know if you could do it on my you know uh through the phone yeah jc ayla 99 if you go to any of any of my older videos you should be able to go or if you go to my website um if you guys don't know i do have a website up now um it's not a lot going on in there but i just wanted to create it that way nobody else would own it and i own it but it's and you can message me through there that'll make it easier just go to scroll down to contact us and you can send me an email right there and it'll go straight to my gmail address um joyce is asking who runs a booth um the booth is run by the management who owns the mall basically you've set your items out there in the booth with a tag um the tag is going to have a small description of the item is going to have an item number if you want to have an item number it'll have the booth number and the price that's pretty house that's pretty awesome they've got it's very different oh are we getting out yeah okay well this tree is covering the pretty house but he's gonna get out so give me a second yeah oh yeah people are always in need of dog crates this is for a big dog so yeah new is not cheap for sure the moon is gorgeous today okay that's it [Applause] sometimes those knock crates are like really rusty and you can tell they've been sitting outside for a long time and i won't pick them up but that one right there looks like it's it looks like blue it didn't stink there was no hair all over it's not sticky so that's a good dog crate that guy right there i'll probably get it i mean i can see how they go from brand new but i'll probably get like 60 bucks for that sucker that's a big one so that's it that's the first um yeah that's the first thing we found in this neighborhood donna says you owe me a few ice creams no single scoop we're gonna banana split it there you go that's my language right there have you ever been duster diving tab's collection of coloring books is asking um i've gone a couple times and that's me i think i've never really had well you know what i've gotta i've gone a lot of times to check dumpsters in the area where i live but i don't have any luck i've gone in there and don't really find anything the one piece that i've had really good luck was it was uh at walmart and people surprised by that but this this is an older walmart store that doesn't have the big trash compactors and that's the thing that a lot of these big stores now that are new have them large trash compactors and they just throw stuff in there and it gets smashed up and it's gone i happened to be driving by one time and they had this humongous what they call a roll-off bin it's a big it's a big metal box where they literally load it up on the back of trailer and get it out of there and these people at walmart had thrown away all their older um like strollers they had um like walkers they had the high chairs a bunch of baby stuff like that all brand new in boxes and they threw it out and i that was a major score i filled up my truck twice with that and uh another time i went back and it was right after deer season or hunting season and they threw out a bunch of like uh deer feed not just plain deer corn but like the high protein deer feed that's really expensive bags and bags of it so i picked that up and i gave it to my brother-in-law because they're really into hunting but other than that that's that's the only two times i've really had any success and i'll drive by every now and then at walmart and i don't ever see stuff back there anymore can you sell them roaches no they're coming out of that store oh great what i like to do is um be able to get into these dumpsters at a really nice um neighborhoods i'm out of neighborhoods uh like apartment complexes or condos but um they're all they're all gated man and it's hard to get into those things and then now with the trailer you know it's gonna it'd be really hard to try to be you know incognito and not get caught bath and body works yeah to get some lotions and candles i've see and i've seen and i've seen them out there there's a couple people that i follow on tick tock that um they go do just that they'll go to bed bed bath and body works uh there's a there's lady african oh no what's your channel name she's uh she's on youtube and man she does great uh picking up stuff bed bath bath body works whatever and i see her picking up her candles i see her picking up lotions and all that good stuff and i was won by the house that i've gone to and i don't ever see anything in there i've gone to ulta before and they completely destroy everything they get all their their lotions and their perfumes and stuff like that and they mix it all up and jumbled it all up and it's it's a complete mess they don't want anybody which is stupid because if they're not going to sell it at least let someone else get it they can use it you know because you can't return it because it's open it's not like you can return it uh lulu's asking if you would ever buy a storage unit i've thought of that before and short no mainly because i just don't want to invest more money you know into just storing something yeah you know right now i do really well with the booth the booth kind of acts as a storage unit but the booth makes me money yes i pay a monthly rent but at the end of the month it's paying me out that's asking um did you sell the last or the last two european amounts no i haven't yet i'm gonna um i'm gonna take those to the booth and uh stuff like that that's cool and neat looking yes i can sell it on facebook and i might be able to you know get some money like probably tomorrow but i like to put at the booth to get attention for people to kind of look and say oh wow look at that and they come inside the booth and then it gives them a chance to not only see the the mounts or whatever it is that i have there but decided you know maybe walk around and take a look see if there's anything other than my life so like something like that i might put up a little bit higher just so you know it doesn't sell right away because i like the attraction into the booth before you know getting a hundred dollars for it julie says she score quickly that's the one i've gone to was that julie uh julie korea julie i've gone to that beth and works and i've never found anything there is there a certain day that you're gone maybe we can go with you and then we can get ice cream julie good night amy thank you for your comments and hanging out with us tonight let's go over here okay we're about to get out um all right so here's the trash picture what i want you see all these large black bags this is the big ultra bags that kind of look like good stuff what i can hear this looks like it's nothing this looks like it's aluminum trays nothing so sometimes you just get jumped you know like you don't know unless you look but this is what usually the bags were this is all fills up boxes of cashew food that's trash well i've been doing this a long time so i can usually tell by filling the bags what kind of stuff is in there and not gonna work i'm not gonna pick up these yeah so i was hoping there was stuff there but not not but that's you know if you're still watching i forgot who asked earlier uh that's that's what i look for the big bulky trash bags and um man those have been the funnest bags a lot of people love you know it was funny when i first started doing the videos i didn't like to go through the bags with y'all you know record wrong with the bags just kind of straight at the end and i started getting a lot of messages saying hey you need to show us as you're digging and man so we get into a spot where it's low don't go hang on tight because i knew that was gonna happen um i knew that wasn't happening when we were out here that uh there was a could any other questions actually this street that i'm about to get on back over here is a street where i found all that wine i'll point out the house to you guys here in a minute jerry's asking if you're a lot here a lot here [Music] guys we can tell i think we're in a bad area for low coverage i guess is it on i guess it's on now it's on now but it's just kind of been off and on how long have we been on um 111 minutes it keeps buffering and freezing i didn't get an answer right what are the questions um jerry what was the question that you didn't hear the answer we've had a lot of buffering as you can tell so not quite sure what y'all caught or what cut out spiders and snakes no no spiders and snakes i've never come across those um i probably wouldn't be scared of them i would you would you know i've had to kill a few snakes before that were but no i don't think i'd be scratching rosalie's asking how long does it take you to go in your areas for treasures that depends on on um around and not a lot of picking it could take two three hours if i'm stopping at a lot of spots and digging through a lot of places that could take four or five hours so it just depends i'd say on average four to five hours though sometimes i've been out if it's um if i don't have to work you know for a few days and i've got a lot of amount of time off um i'll go to a lot of areas not just one and i might be out for you know the whole night if it keeps on buffering we'll probably just in the video any possums or raccoons ever jump out at you no but i do see possums of raccoons and armadillos a lot that i do see a lot of and i notice a lot of rabbits just running yes a lot of rabbits a lot of i see raccoons all the time and i see possums all the time and i see armadillos all the time um there's one area that i go to that's by brazos river and you'll see a lot of deer there's a couple bit videos i know it's hard to tell what month i film them in but if you know during the typical deer hunting season months when they're out about rucking and mating you'll see a lot of deer out there at night anthony what is your question i haven't noticed any so um while it's quiet if you want to if you want to ask your question again he's uh said he sent a few and i missed them all so let's see what his question is the uh it's these questions are on on the on the phone don't come up the same as on my laptop or my pc you know i see a long list of questions on the computer but on the phone they pop in one at a time and if and if four five six y'all asked a question at one time i might not see it and then with the buffering um that might pause us from being able to see the yeah the buffering didn't help yeah so be patient guys and if i don't answer your question it's not that i don't want to ask it again and uh keep on asking me because for whatever reason i'm not seeing it um it's probably beyond our control yeah shelly the the comments are on for a few seconds and they disappear quickly so and then my uh phone is just kind of going up and down so i try to focus on that yeah it's kind of it's hard to focus on keeping the camera or the phone you know fixed on a good spot first and also kind of read the comments oh someone said in uh deep breath north carolina people will shoot you if they catch you in their trash that's not fun no trash picking there yeah am i gonna shop back here in texas yeah uh we're definitely a family of believing to protect yourself so um horace is asking if you have a p.o box yes hope floor is i do have a p.o box if you will go to not in this video but if you go to one of my older videos if you look in the description underneath uh the video you will see po box information there i want to say if you go to that information might be there also i don't remember but for sure in every single one of my videos in the description box um you'll see the video and then you'll see like the description of the video click on the little arrow and it brings up a lot of information not only do you get the peel box number but you also get links to my makari my ebay my facebook page and my webpage so check it out there everything's in that in the description it's not in the description of this video because i'm not at home to make all those edits and i can't do that until i get home so a question from me because i haven't driven with you in a long time but um is this like a typical night like where you don't find a lot or is this a slower night for you for this area that i'm in it's pretty typical you know uh for this area okay and uh that's what i'm and that's why usually i don't drive a lot on sunday nights you know i will sometimes and i try to go to certain nights but um it this is it's pretty typical typical for for this area okay anthony's asking um if you think it is good picking in san antonio i am moving there tomorrow from toledo ohio congrats on your move anthony san antonio has got some really nice areas um so yeah i would say picking would probably be really good in san antonio what you need to do is go on their city webpage and find out what areas are having the heavy trash pickup drive around the areas that you might be interested in and make sure you try to find an area that's um might be a nicer area which sometimes you know i've gone to some older areas and i found like antiques i mean so you can't get against these older areas either um i just choose to go to this over here because i've tend to find more um on the nicer areas you know not that you won't find anything in a more modest you know neighborhood but definitely go online when the heavy trash pickup is and that's when you want to go drive around you don't want to go drive around regular pickup because um most people are going to wait for the heavy trash pickup to put up you know the good stuff do you have a twitter um i used or i guess i do but i don't ever like ever ever get on there so i don't even know what my username is and i don't even know what my password is to get onto it so i don't use it but probably right now my most active one is uh let's see but you guys have a good idea of what it's like out here you know it's a lot of driving around most of the times and then you put a lot of hours on your vehicle which is uh you know why i got to sell stuff you know some people ask me well how do how do you feel right about selling stuff that you find for free well you know you drive around all night and um you know you put a lot of miles on the vehicle and it's your own time that you're using out here i don't try to get rich off this stuff but i do at least try to pay myself back you know for my gas money and for maintenance on the truck um is wondering if we're gonna get moderators um not in this video like i said we're on our phone and it's harder to go in and make these um edits and and make uh like stuff like that happen so probably wouldn't do it in this video uh julie korea said in sagemont they take stuff with regular trash so people are always putting up good stuff it's good to know julie yeah i'll say that about sagemon they that is true actually sagemon is my old stomping grounds that's where i grew up mostly um from like fifth grade uh through you know through junior high high school so vermont as we call it here in our area yeah there's there's some nice neighborhoods uh riverstone ranch also is close to uh sagemont and um and they will put it on you know some stuff not only on heavy traffic but regular trans day too um all this talking's gonna be thirsty insert vicky joke here oh man yeah this night over here this is not a the best area but my my best would be tomorrow night and i really don't feel like driving around tomorrow i didn't feel like driving around today especially being that i don't even have a camera because i don't i don't want to go out and pick honestly i don't want to go out and pick just to pick stuff um i want to do it to make my videos so if i don't have a camera i'm not really going to go out i sent uh i actually sent an email to gopro um tell them about what happened and kind of kind of uh bragging about you know obviously how good the camera is for it to keep working even though it fell off the truck and got ran over i'll say about six or seven times so you know maybe they'll maybe they'll send me a new camera who knows just because they like my video how's the buffering um seems good i haven't seen any buffering comments so i think we're okay but as y'all could tell the lights can get long this house over here this house over here is i found i'm not sure if you guys remember that video but it was a globe a little one that's on the stand that opened up and it was uh it held like one bottle i got like a wine bucket yeah i remember that cause i wanted to keep it yeah but uh i can't keep everything no a lot of people will accuse me of being a hoarder but trust me i'm not a hoarder i want to get rid of this stuff uh it's just time is you know is our enemy man you know we don't have enough time and uh being that i don't do this full time this is not my full-time job i do work full-time i think someone else asked me that earlier i do have a full-time job i do work rotating 12-hour shifts i work at a refinery and uh i work uh 12 12 hour shifts so that's that's a lot of work and um good night taps collection of coloring books uh thanks for watching and for the questions yeah i know she's been she's asked me if i find any adult coloring books and i've had them in the past but i think well not to think i know that i uh i donated those books but trust me if you guys for those of y'all who if you email me and ask me questions if i have something i'm more likely to remember you and more likely to be able to continue back because if you just leave me a message on on in the comment section it's it's it's sometimes it can be really hard to find those comments again and answer them back and i don't get notified when i get reply to so i don't know you know it's it's like a needle in a haystack trying to find that one comment if you guys looking for something or if you're interested in something the best thing to do is to email me rosalie is asking how did you coordinate and remember when trash night is for all the areas well i really stick to two nights of picking and um to two areas be honest with you so it it's not really that hard i mean to be honest it's it's really just two areas that i go to and um it was a lot of trial and error i tell you that i remember when i first started doing this before i was recording i would i would go a lot i'd go like three four days a week and but it wasn't all night it was just a little bit to try to find stuff and there was many many nights where i wouldn't find anything and it was by process of elimination of uh of not going certain nights and going certain ice and going to certain areas and not going to certain areas where i doubt it down to two areas that i like to go to that are usually even though tonight's not a great night i found a lot of good stuff that's you know gonna do well for me and um what helped me out a lot was kind of wised up i don't know if someone suggested it to me or if um i just happened to do it on my own but someone i don't know does anyone suggested do i do it but but i had the idea came across that i should look online to see when these heavy chest pickups are and that's what i did and you know that's kind of how i narrowed it down just kind of planned it out online yeah um berlin is asking if you've come across expensive jewelry yes yeah um i said a little while ago and i know some of y'all are kind of in and out and uh just joining us but i did find just a few weeks ago a a a 10 karat gold class ring from 1956 from the university of pittsburgh on ebay look up vintage university class ring and you'll see some of these uh class rings from these big schools go for a lot of money i've also found lots of gold necklaces i found diamond necklaces i found a wedding ring one time and i took that back to the homeowner and she seemed to be kind of ungrateful that i found it she seemed more concerned that i was you know picking through her trash then that i actually gave the ring back her which is weird because she actually told me i don't know why they let y'all do that yeah and that would have been in a landfill so yeah jerry our puppies are doing great uh maybe he could put them in another video they're adorable yeah i you know i've tried i thought about doing that and putting more videos but you know i just i get like i don't know it's like i know people ask me hey you should sing on your videos they should do what you know and i just i forget about it they also do yeah and our puppies are crazy and they don't sit still no they they don't and they don't listen so they're cute those are little bitty dogs got the little pomeranian judy and sasha our little yorkie um donna's asking if we ever come across wonder woman memorabilia justice league pepsi that's the stuff she looks for i can't say i've ever come across any kind of uh wonder woman stuff no i can't think i can't know i could say no that i haven't pepsi i find no i don't think so either i find more coca-cola stuff than pepsi stuff and uh and maybe because a lot of people think that coco is worth a lot of money and they're just so much of it and they try to sell it online and it doesn't sell i've come across that myself at my booth i bought a bunch of coca-cola stuff and i've and i you know collected some stuff that i thought would sell and i put in my booth and it wouldn't it wouldn't move and i had to really really just keep on slicing the prices for it to finally you know leave the booth i think it's harder to find pepsi stuff than it is coca-cola stuff too so i think this much more valuable um josh ritz is asking if you've come across uh cheerleading stuff since the last time we all spoke was no no and i remember you josh right yeah josh ritz yeah i remember a conversation josh and i haven't i have not found a single thing and uh yeah no i haven't the only thing i did find one time that vintage i forget what they're called but they're like the like the big horn or like the you know the the cone thing that where they literally used to yell through and uh it was that was vintage though it was from the high school in our local town from like 1970 something i think and i ended up selling that at my antique booth matter of fact i ended up selling that to another vendor i remember remember that one yeah it was a megaphone yeah they called megaphone yeah another vendor bought it and they ended up putting another booth in they you know put it for i think about a hundred dollars more yeah they jacked the price up a little so but hopefully they sell it yeah they look good oh it's bumpy here yeah that was recycling stuff yeah it looks like yeah but like i said baby this is pretty typical over here jerry what kind of uh do you have he says his doesn't sit still either what's up there it looks like that was one of those stairlight bins but they took all the plastic bins out so it was just the shell josh that he picks two recycles that he donates uh in his areas that's good i think the best thing we can do is to donate you know a lot of the stuff because you know we do gotta i mean uh there's nothing wrong with selling it because you do gotta you know like i said recuperate your costs for being out there and putting the weight on your vehicle and of course your time you know your time is worth something as well but i probably honestly i i could say without a doubt in my mind i donate way more than i sell oh man wrong road let's see let's see i can get out of here so you have to turn around yeah i'll make a turn up here i just never been on the side because it's a lot of uh watch watch this be the area where i find something like really good i've never driven back this this corner jerry has a boxer pit mix and a rat terrier who's being a weirdo at the moment i love boxers it's one of my favorite dogs and they have their own personalities like i've gotten so close to our dogs these last few years and um they're like kids you know they really are uh stephanie's asking has anyone thrown out their collection of collectibles that was impressive oh yeah i've i've picked up a really impressive collection of kiss memorabilia one time some guy it was a few magazines um the two best magazines that were there was a magazine called grooves and it was like the introduction of kiss to the rocking world uh rock and roll rock and roll world say that three times rock and roll world rock and roll world and it was it was a blue magazine by grooves saying introducing kiss you know blah blah and that was in the trash and also there was a marvel comic from back in the 70s maybe late 70s maybe early 80s i forget the year on it but it was a marvel magazine uh with kiss on the cover and it was them as like superheroes or whatever and that i still have the grooves magazine i haven't sold it yet i don't know why i kind of been holding on to that one but i sold the marvel magazine and i got i think i was probably the pink ones comic book um there's a bunch of old sites fixing comic books back in the day and i have a lot of them i just never sold them um josh says the best find he found was a 1920s louis vuitton trunk wow that's pretty cool i've yet to find a rule at least i don't think i found a real one yet you know i'm not an expert on all those things and uh some of them you could some of you canceled that are that are fake they're obviously fake they're very rigid and they're not soft leather you know or i found i found a louis vuitton uh wallet they had that had a gucci liner on the inside jerry thanks for telling me i was wondering when i said him but uh you know of course we can't tell but jerry's a female and i know you you do watch a lot of our lives and stuff so we're very familiar with your name i appreciate it man i'm wanting to find some more stuff suckers so you guys can see me picking some of these items walk by faith not by sight hopes you find a lot of uh marvel superhero things yeah and if you come across a a lift chair they need one i know i get a lot i've actually had a few people ask me if i have a lift chair and i don't i don't in fact i want to give me a lift here almost it's kind of quiet looks like even trash that's out it's mostly just stuff in cans you know there's nothing big [Music] no just a lot of trash so y'all tell me for y'all have been watching for a while you asked me what's my best finds or whatever what what's what's the best things that you see me pick up um that you really liked or even stuff that i maybe maybe would have might have passed on that you said you know that i should have picked up can leave a comment on that you know saying hey i really liked you know this thing that you found or i wish you would have picked up this item rick says best things uh he found are lawn mowers which he fixes and resells yeah uh stephanie asks what's your favorite time of day to pick if you could choose i like going at night um for the sole fact of getting in front of everybody because there's a lot of people that come in the morning there's a lot of pickers a lot of scrappers um and then they usually come in the morning early in the morning so i'd rather go at night and uh beat them to the punch even though i'm not really in competition with the scrappers that they're doing picking like me there's been a few times in my videos where i film um like another picker a lot of times they don't want to be on camera so i don't film them but at least you know film them as they drive away so you can see their trailer or their truck full of stuff oh man [Music] rosie says the recent desk and hutch was a score i totally would have picked that up yeah um i didn't have any more room at my house so um chris ended up taking that and keeping that at his place but yeah that was actually a really nice desk and hutch jeremy says uh he had built his first bike out of parts of the trash oh really not this one yeah man you know i found an old mongoose uh like bmx style bike i forget the model that it was um but i almost didn't get it because i wasn't sure if it was vintage or not but i ended up looking at the at the wheels and and trying to figure out you know if i saw these wheels on older mongooses and i didn't end up being a vintage bike and uh i don't forget what i did with that thing but yeah you could piece together bikes you know and make yourself a good one you know take a good time off one and put it on one that's neat that needs it and there's nothing wrong with that a volt dividend is asking how long you've been doing this i have been doing this since june of 2012 when i first started doing this so nine years and excuse my runes for not looking at the camera more but i am driving so i got to focus on the road um walk by faith not by sight that of it in our garage people were thinking about it but nobody made the commitment [Music] what's that over there inside i see a lot um i just see boxes hard to tell it's too dark coming around the corner it was dr fish i couldn't see but look at my i couldn't tell either let's see over here we got some sheetrock well jeremy started that uh bike when he was 10 and he's almost 40 now that's what started it all oh well original original net head thank you for hanging out with us you know her she's been watching for a long time how much were we asking for the recliner you know i had 160 or 180 but i would i mean you know if i found someone who really was a need i'd give it to them you know and we tried to uh give it away to somebody neat but we couldn't find anybody to come pick it up or you know sometimes i feel like when people see something for free they kind of think it might be a scam yeah so i think we're gonna be getting close to the end here guys this is like really the last well i could go to other areas it's getting kind of late so um if y'all enjoyed this definitely let us know maybe we could do it again in the future um it's not as busy he said as of the night as it usually can be but it can be hit and miss yeah we've been at it for right at three hours um like i said we found some decent stuff you know definitely enough more than enough that's gonna pay for the gas you know um we're gonna go through those bag of shoes we found that little speaker we found a little lamp a little lamp we found that clock that works and we found that large the best find i mean just just by looking at the surface is that large dog crate and that'll definitely pay you know for the gas that we use i mean because we didn't use very much i use maybe less than a quarter of a tank so that pays for that but we're getting to the end um i don't think i'm going to keep going just because there's not a lot of areas in here and it's getting kind of late and iris jesus doesn't step this late and i don't blame her because she's like she said she's a she's an early morning person she's got to get her 12 hours of sleep i do need my 8 to 12 hours of sleep no i'm kidding so i'm gonna just finish this little section here babe and then we'll shut it down okay okay so we got about another probably another 15 minutes or 20 minutes of picking in this area so if you got any other questions uh drop them in quick before you know we log off it's probably about another 15-20 minutes and then this this area is so dark because they have all these trees right here like all they have the trees in the yard and the trees over here by the sidewalk you know so it blocks out like all the light like you don't even know what they have street lights over here walk by faith uh not by sight do you know where they're located they're saying that uh they could really use it uh let us know where you're located yeah email me if you're if you're in the houston area you're more than welcome to come get it you know yeah repeat your email address for the email address is j-c-a-y-a-l-a 99 or if you go to my website just like the name on youtube go down to the bottom where it says contact us and could message me through there and it'll directly send me your message through my email and i can respond that way too oh they live in jersey village okay so far okay well uh send an email so we can get in communications um we've had another interest in it but oh what is that it's a cat but we just need to communicate so yeah go to scroll down or says contact us or it might even say message the text to pick or something like that and uh that message will go straight to my email box and i'll be able to contact yeah it's definitely not country the thing is is like this neighborhood for whatever reason not only did the planner put two trees um in the front yard which is pretty typical but they also put trees um let's come over here and see that that area can see that area that's in between the sidewalk and the house they put trees there also so yes it blocks out all the lights it looks so dark over here i'd be more scared to go pick in the country that would be in a neighborhood man those country boys get on you quick amy it's been good having you with us too she's been with this uh most of the time picking uh volt we don't do this is his first live pick um but he may be doing them more often that's up to my camera man so if i have a cameraman that'll come here and do this because it takes a lot of work to uh what iris is doing is a lot of work and she's making sure that the phone stays charged oh so making sure that the that the uh the the light stays charged which right now it is charge is good uh she makes she makes sure that she's going through the questions and answering and stuff like that i can't do none of that if i'm driving i can't do any of that uh you guys would just be asking questions and i wouldn't be able to see any of it so it's it's it's not easy you know he doesn't see this like ever if we do it on another day where you know maybe my daughter doesn't have school the next day and then she'd probably come out with me i want to do it on a monday night where it's in my honey home where i always find stuff that's that's the area that'd be really cool to do live pick so you guys can see some of the stuff that i find there and some of the houses over there are just my goodness they're humongous and um when i'm when i'm recording my videos most of times i don't film the houses i don't think about it you know um i go straight to the pile and and i get stuff every now and then you go to glen's house but man some of these houses are humongous i mean some of these houses are nice too you know allow me a lot of times real nice as you can't see these are because it's all dang dark any last questions any other things you guys want to ask me because we're coming to about last few minutes before i cut this video off let's see this that's empty oh my god he said i woke up brother this morning we stayed out late night last night and we're going to sleep jerry k texas is very hot where are you located you said it's hot there also look at this little guy over here go ahead and come off no you don't need a light see this sometimes you find some cool stuff like this i had to put my shoes on i got comfortable it does it's just this guy is not in good shape not in good shape and there's your spiderweb yes i don't know it's really brilliant i think he's on his last leg i think i'm gonna leave it to take it okay not today amy says leave it we left it actually you know what um for those who've seen the video um we were me and chris were picking at a house about three houses down this way and the guy who lives in this house walked out over there and offered us a really nice um dresser with the mirror and uh we drove around this way and he had it in his garage and uh he that's one of those guys that where you get caught he walked all the way about two three houses down and told us about that dresser and we walked into his garage his kid was in there playing around and he gave us a really big dresser with with a mirror and um that was that was that house right there oh okay oh jerry's from canada yes it's super hot and super humid here humid is a key word humid is a capitalized keyword it's one thing to be hot you know but then to walk out it's like you've got like this layer of moisture all over your body it's it's that's the worst part because i've we've been areas where it's hot you smooth it's pretty miserable all right guys well let me we're going to call a video right here because this is really the last area that i can go to without having to drive to another section and then be out for another two three hours which i'm not going to do tonight so i want to thank you guys for watching i want to thank you guys so much for uh hanging out with uh with me and iris tonight i hope you guys enjoyed it it's something different a live video i don't like i said i've never seen anybody else do a complete live video like this so if you guys like it give it a thumbs up share it let me know in the comments say yes i love this video do more or eh i really don't care for this kind of material uh let me know because that's how i know to make this that's how i make my decisions on what kind of videos i want to make stay away from doing garage sale videos because you guys obviously don't like them as much as you do the trash making videos because those don't hardly get any views um father thank you so much for the blessings lord i just want to ask you that you reached through these channels and that you would reach my my viewers and my subscribers lord and that you bless them and all their needs in their lives father we just want to thank you so much for the many blessings that's in jesus christ that we pray amen guys thank you so much for watching bye thank you thank you thank you thank you let me know if you guys like the video if you want to do it again until next time peace god bless are you sure you want to stop streaming
Channel: Texan Picker
Views: 14,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash picking, dumpster diving
Id: AIom8nL6VGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 8sec (9128 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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