Live Taking a Look at TrueNAS SCALE 22.02 RC.1.1 // What's NEW?

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okay hello everyone all right here we are today um today we're just going to do a little live i'm going to talk about true nas scale i haven't talked about that much i've created a little server mine in the back there you may see it right right there a little bit [Music] there there all right so uh that has trueness scale 22.02 rc one one so it's getting pretty close to coming out to to be a full-blown version and i'm pretty excited because that's one based on linux so yeah and also updates i put a little message in the channel that um i am i turned on membership to the channel uh 1.99 it's you access um and what that really does is gonna give you the ability to do uh um access to the discord channel um so i started a discord server and that way um i can maybe help some of these people that are asking questions that are are not very easy to answer just on a comment um so if you're a member you get the access to come in there and maybe you can ask a little bit more in-depth questions we can have a little bit more of a dialogue uh other people can help each other so build a little community there um and hopefully maybe i'll even have some of my technicians uh pop in and out of there to to give some people some help so uh um and then just general discussion um let me know uh in the comments uh or talk in there and see what you would like to see uh from that membership i'm interested in and what kind of value you could get out of it what value i can give to you on that membership all right well that let's so let's uh go ahead and get started here so i'm going to show you my desktop and here we go so here is my desktop let's talk about true nas scale so first of all if you don't know what scale is um so true traditionally is based off free bsd and um a little while ago they announced that they were going to change that up and uh and offer some expand their product lines and that's where they they change freenass to truenass and and they're going to kind of put it all under one name so truenas scale is the linux version of trunas and i'm super excited about this because number one zfs has come a long way on linux from when freenas was um uh you know the go-to zfs for for me so a lot of things have come they've kind of reached parity on the zfs side which is great because zfs is an awesome file system linux is going to let you do some things that you can't really do in freebsd so you can do virtualization and freebsd using beehive but honestly it's a little bit behind the times when you compare it to a kvm based virtualization and so um with scale you're going to get things such as docker and kvm virtual machines built into it and a bunch of other stuff so that is super exciting now also i'm a little more familiar with linux i am bsd so i you know most of my machines i run are are linux boxes uh you know on the bsd side i run free nast trueness now i run pfsense which is based off of that and and that's about it so when you're coming down and looking at that and most things translate over pretty good you know if you got if you have linux skills they translate over to freebsd pretty pretty well it's just like you know your linux skills transfer over to your mac os which is based off of bsd also so let's take a look right now our current version of true nass scale is 22.02 rc 1.1.1-1 which means they had a release candidate and they they rubbed it one more time so what do we have here all this stuff here this is just the cycles change log so we've got some some bug fixes and some of these known issues uh looks like there's a few zfo gloucester fs oh glossaryfs is also something that i really like um if you're interested in and seeing like a gloucester fs tutorial um i'd be happy to do that that sounds pretty good uh at one point in time i created a um raspberry pi cluster and i use gluster fs uh in the file system so that was a pretty cool project i did um maybe we'll come back to that i'll show you that at some point in time we'll do a video on that i can pull that back out it's actually still up and running mostly but it needs to be redone so a few things here um really i don't see a whole lot probably more of it in the rc the the rc rc1 excuse me yeah so this one has the big change log because the dash one of it probably is just just a little minor minor tweaks but you look at this all of these things here uh looks like they're using angular for the ui i didn't realize they were using angular so yeah look at look at all this uh upgraded 21.04 but they're basing this off of debian but let's see okay let's look at developer notes oh there's a discord server so if you're interested in that check that out um so downloading true nas scales if you want to go can go to trunas go to get true nas pick scale it'll bring you to this page right here um there's actually one more page for this you just where they want to get your uh your email address and everything but there's a link down at the bottom you can bypass that if you don't want to give that away so um minimum requirements dual core cpu eight gigs of ram 16 gig ssd for boot two drives or blah blah okay this is all normal stuff also if you go over to introduction nope that's not what i want let's go to documentation documentation resource documentation tuna scale so here is the documentation for trueness scale down here and this is what scale actually stands for um yeah but uh let's go to the introduction hardware boom boom boom see get a little bit of a inconsistency i will just tell you i have mine run around eight gigs of ram um so it does actually work um getting started come over here and you want to download this guy you're going to use um rufus if you're on windows and make sure that it's in dd mode when you burn that to your usb flash and uh here's the installation process it's pretty straightforward install pick your drive you want next next next through all this stuff pick a swap drive add a password boom you're up and running and that's pretty much all i did on this machine that we're going to look at here post install you get a screen like that so back on the home monitor in the back there um it actually has looks just like that so here you go network interfaces all this stuff oh yawn going on so yeah there you go so let's go ahead and look at it so here it is now that is that is some crazy background there on that on the the trueness scale so i i don't know if they all do that or they just pick a random background but kind of cool it's a little more exciting than what you get with the other one so let's just um so true nascor looks like this versus trueness scale so yeah anyway so let's go ahead and log in set that up as root you put a super secure password in there and boom all right so actually let's go ahead and compare side by side let me pull up that that true nasa hat up there again all right so here we go boom and boom let's reset the scale here's all right so trueness scale runescore all right well those look very similar see a few things are slightly different like over here on the left hand side they has the root login right here so that's slightly different um you get the information right here um icon changes you get a gear over here on this one versus settings is looks like a person um so that's slight differences now it could be this guy needs to be updated because this is 12. you want so let's go ahead and and um check the updates on that there's definitely some updates so maybe maybe that changes when when this gets updated but yeah anyway so the the little system information panel uh looks a little different of course you get the the scale icon versus the core icon scale it looks like the core icon but it has more boxes yeah so yeah and uh so it gives you the version i think they both give you the version yep version here host name uptime platform platform host name uptime boom so i've had this up 43 minutes cpu if you notice this is an a6 3500 apu it's not something that's super powerful it shows three cores uh that's weird and that it has a three core processor maybe maybe that a6 does but it's like a cheap old cpu right it's showing uh you know my eight gigs of ram over here um storage i have no pools created interesting interestingly enough though you can look you can click over here see it turns or you can just create the pool right there um here's your network and everything so most of this looks pretty pretty much dissimilar um like i said if you got questions you want to know anything about this or as i poke around on this just ask questions or if you want to know something about some of the other things i do feel free to pop into the chat there and we can we can dive diverge off of what i'm doing here if you feel like it okay so next up storage so again storage is the second one on scale and then it goes way down here to get storage on this one so that's interesting and notice that it doesn't expand out i could be because i haven't created any pools let's go ahead and create a pool so great pool and we're going to call it tank right and we're going to put these two terabyte drives in here over like that and all this looks very similar to what you get in the you pick striper mirror i'm sure that i have uh raid z raid z2 if i had more drivers drives in there but i only put two drives in there um to do everything so everything seems good you add a v div if i had more disks this looks very much exactly the same as are you creating stuff on the trunas core version so let's go ahead and create go ahead and confirm i love the fact that they give you these confirmed check boxes is when you're creating these things you know you want to do it right the first time and make sure you check your stuff so i like that little confirm before they let you do it and then boom here we go while we're doing that let's hydrate okay failed interesting now i just threw some random drives in there so let's go ahead and go normally go up to look for devices uh disks oh disks let's look at disks let's just go ahead and wipe these guys quick wipe confirm my guess is that's probably what's going on there is i had uh you know something installed on those drives at some point in time that was see let's go ahead and do a quick wipe on this one b and confirm and see what happens there i like that this is built into there i'm not sure that's in the existing one so let's go over there and take a look let's go to disks uh let's just go ahead and look at this disk right here expand this down and yeah so i don't see a wipe on here and it could be because it's already in pool um but yeah that's interesting it gives you that extra stuff all right so back to this so we we've done a we've done that so let's go back and see if we can create that pool again um let's go tank one more time we're gonna add these guys here over here mirror it and click create confirm and create and cross your fingers one more drives failed again v dave interesting well i have no idea what all this stuff is and let's see now normally there's shell shell here we are on the shell let's see what we got here interesting stuff just looking to see what's around so what do we think is there a problem with the discs maybe i need to uh do a smart test because no that is let's go back to disks and see what we have here um yeah i don't know let's just go check for an update real quick maybe maybe no updates um okay so it doesn't like those discs all right here's what we're gonna do we're gonna shut her down i'm gonna move those discs to a different location and see what happens here let's go file shutdown shutdown and i'll switch you back to this i go here foreign okay so i booting that baby back up we'll give it just a moment and uh maybe i'm gonna grab another drive real quick and uh maybe i can drop another two terabyte driving here's another two terabyte drive we're just going to go ahead and take this out uh the the scale of the it's not really a big update um thanks for the question but like i said my uh i've been kind of ignoring the trueness scale a little bit for the longest time because you know it's a beta and you know you really could use production or anything but now that it's set to release candidate um i was thinking it was worth the time to go ahead and put some effort into it and check it out so that's what i'm doing um we'll take this other two terabyte drive here and install it i just did a reboot for those just coming in to try to get this pool set up um so um i moved drive different location i have um a raid card in or a hba of some sort that's in and there i don't even really remember what hardware i have in that that machine there was just some spare parts that i threw together a while back and was going to use it for this purposes but uh yeah all right so i've got this other two terabyte drive here that uh we can make set up do it all right so back to this we have um trunascale it's back up maybe just maybe oh look here's a getting started i think we got that the last time we're in here let's see it gives you the documentation forums um all this to find the information later by clicking the gear in the top right corner then about i'm just going to say that's actually not true because they've changed that from a gear to this other icon but whatever all right so um getting started put you there okay so let's go back to storage and let's go ahead and look at disks and so both my disks show up here um interesting a b and c right there so let's go ahead back to storage and create a pool product create a pool again let's tank one more time select these disks go over here mirror and create confirm and now if all things go well it's going to create these full again and it looks like it's going to so maybe it didn't like that hba that i have in there that could be the problem so while we're waiting on that uh just uh interested for those of you uh checking in i would like to know what you'd like to see out of my membership portion of the channel right now i got it set at 199 to get in there and i connected to a discord so my initial thoughts are we use discord to answer or have a more in-depth conversation than what i can have in the comments for people fixing things or giving advice so that's the plan and here we go she's up and running now i have a a drive tank all right good deal let's look at that boom so let's go back to disks and view disks and you'll see that they're in that tank okay i like it storage go back here it shows it shows this so is the lz4 for compression add a data set add z-vol edit option to view permissions all this stuff looks pretty similar what do we have here oh look add b dev scrub pool status circuit status it shows that it's in a mirror [Music] yeah replace detach so far this is looking pretty good let's compare that to what we have when we go to the status in here pulls and go to here and go to status and so this versus this very similar um on this mirror i had the ability to come up here and extend and remove on the raid z you don't get that so i don't know if that's just a difference on the drives you can edit offline replace and over here on the drive you can edit offline online replace remove detach it seems like they just a little bit more um so yeah awesome all right so moving on so now we got data set set up let's go back to the dashboard and take a look at it now so now what you get is this storage down here and still a big button that says create pool on this one you get yeah it's a little different honestly i'm liking the scale a little bit better i'm hoping that these ui changes will actually uh come down to the core product too i guess as they probably will they'll get more one for one changes so yeah all right so that's that you can do the check for update right here which also is true on the core updates available which i haven't updated that one what else do we have here so that's storage with a debt now it just there's a lot less on the left side here on this one i think they've they've moved you know update general advance boot several things under the system settings that are not yeah so maybe it's just they don't have as much implemented yet in the trueness scale um so look at shares this is definitely different so if you go over here and you go to sharing um it's just a little bit different um maybe services kind of gives you so yeah it's definitely a different layout we've got windows shares unix shares iscsi webdav stopped so it's definitely definitely different here i'm used to how it's done in the other one so let's take a look at these you got turn on and off configure service like typically that's here under services you turn it off and configure here sharing you'll go in here and you'll set up things in here so they're kind of maybe adding those all in one spot um i kind of like it it's going to take a little bit of getting used to add add a share configure iscsi let's see let's go and look at the configure this looks pretty no enable smb1 until m b1 these two things are important if you have legacy old like servers that you need to talk to and that's more common than you would think oh look now it went to the services so this is in there somewhere so is that maybe under okay so services under system settings services this is the equivalent of services here boom boom now there's a lot in here dynamic dns i'm curious to see what we have here the dynamic dns and this one when you go to it you have all these options and in this one dynamic dfns layout's a little different and there's still a lot of options here so maybe the same they might be slightly different check ip for ssl interesting i'll let that catch up ftp ice desi ldap or assume that's all app nfs openvpn client openvpn server i think you have those on this too yeah client server too um rsync smart smart uh smb so if you can make your shares snmp ssh you can turn off on off ssh um i usually leave this off unless i need to actually do something so sometimes i flip this on and off so yeah i think basically those are all pretty much the same let's see what else we have so back to shares just have these guys data protection oh this is new because i don't think i don't think there's an equivalent of that in score so let's see what we have um boom okay so it looks like data protection is about cloud syncs and two tests oh i i like i like this little dashboard so what do we have we scrub this these are these are um that's a zfs uh like a maintenance type of thing for zfs snapshot test that's that's there's an equivalent of that we have to do this under a task um to get rsync cron jobs these scrub tests um so those are in here um i just named them slightly different cloud sync tasks um cloud sync test that's in here also first thing i think i saw that snapshots replication tasks smart tests uh smart tests replication tests tasks yeah so basically that's change from tasks to data protection okay i'll take it um cloud sync let's take a look at that push and pull yeah this looks very similar so if you've seen my video on how to sync your freenas with onedrive or or sharepoint this looks pretty much the same um yeah pretty much but and so what you'll probably go is there should there's going to be like a credentials somewhere here yep so if you go into here if you have um cloud syncs test you'll see my wasabi one and then you'll go under accounts so now system credentials cloud credentials you'll see my wasabi credentials in there and so that's how that sync is set up my guess is here you go before you set up your cloud sync you also go up here to credentials and should probably maybe directory services nope um 2fa hmm yeah backup credentials so here's why you would call it backup credentials okay uh cloud credentials so that's right here you go in and you select that and here's your list of amazon s3 backblaze box dropbox ftp cloud google cloud storage google drive google photos http um azure all kinds of stuff like that to my s31 is what i'm using for the wasabi and you just go to the advanced settings and you pick a custom endpoint okay so i'm assuming that all sort of works here let's see what else do we got so that was data protection um network all right here we go look at this silly network you got excuse me my bad here's your address um i have it set up on dhtp so let's go to this global settings here and take a look at the host name local name tns mdns you get a little question marks it says hey what is this um for netbios allow that's pretty straightforward stuff right okay now let's go to [Music] see i wonder how you change it oh okay so you just click on that interface it's not super intuitive you'd think that there would be like a little pencil there so most of this stuff here that you get like something like this let's go to system and um oh let's go to network let's go to network summary network interfaces so most of this stuff you have a edit item icon to change them so if you were going to want change stuff you would change it by clicking edit here reset instead of this delete so it's a little bit not intuitive to just be able to click on that and then it shows edit interface that's fine it's just changed from what we normally do so here's your dhcp uncheck that and i'm sure you get you can make a static ip address here's openvpn start stop that's cool all right so uh okay hey got a couple people talking here i'm itchy to use scale too that's why i popped this in here because i was like i'm so excited for for for it to go to actual general availability why is that pop up in the middle so yeah i'm not sure what pop-up you're talking about um but uh it's a good question so oh you're talking about like maybe you're talking about the edit interface popups yeah that's just a sidebar coming out it's a ui choice um credentials we kind of looked at this let's look at local users it's going to probably be all of your local local users for linux and that says all the built-in users except root are hidden by default using the gear icon in top right to toggle the display built-in users close all right so you can go up here to this gear and you can show built-in users that'll be all the ones like if you have www for or whatever this district is using for the web server and many other ones yeah yeah so you know so like this pops they kind of vary back and forth on where these little pop-ups this one pops up on the side but i guarantee i come down here and i hit edit it's going to come out from from the side rather than um as a pop-up so uh like it's it's a ui choice um it's going to take a little bit of use getting used to i think uh i think they do that in this one too so nope yeah so that's something that's different you don't get a whole lot of outs from the side in the the old interface like i said my guess is that they are going to um merge these closers so if you don't like that pop out give them some feedback they're i'm sure you can pop into their forums and stuff and but i don't think there's a feedback is there a feedback in here somewhere let's see guys no here's the alert i think that's actually the same so yeah they're they're here's the alerts so they they are doing some pop outs from the side even in the trueness core okay so local groups this is probably going to be similar all the local groups are going to be hidden unless you unhide them so but when you create new groups i'm sure they'll pop in there let's see directory services directory servers active directory ldap services so this is probably going to work a lot better in trueness scale than it does in the trueness core uh so the active directory stuff with with linux is very mature so um yeah so i don't even know if that's in here [Music] directory services yeah so there is a directory services stuff in here but i haven't used in a long time for the that so let's take a look at show advanced okay changing invest can be dangerous i do like the little pop especially when you're you're you're getting used use these things cancel i don't want to see that can you okay so that's just there there's nothing exciting in there backup credentials we were already in here so if you need to have ssh keys i assume yeah [Music] they look just like credentials so maybe they oh here the ssh key pairs here or ssh connection save so that's a good thing if you want to do you have to do like rsync or some sort of automated command love the cloud credentials those are super helpful virtualization so this one's kind of a big one i'm going to go down to apps first apps oh boy so here we are this first time we're initializing apps it's going to want us know where to put those apps at this is very similar to in core uh where where it needs a place to put the jail information i'm assuming this is docker um so basically what you're at what it's asking you to do and where do you want to store your docker we'll put it in tank choose it's going to go in here and do its thing all right that seems to be taking a little bit doesn't it that means it's a perfect opportunity for me to hydrate all right there we go using the pool all right so successful boom all right so available applications plex is a huge one next cloud is a huge one min io is awesome uh let's see what else we have i mean i don't do anything with chia um i said there's two plexes that's interesting um must be a different versions no they're looking the same version that's interesting um there's even another min io so it's weird that they're they're duplicated like this so let's maybe click over here installed it's gonna have nothing let's go to availability maybe it just duplicated those yeah so i think it did so that's not a whole lot of things calabra um what is charts okay close and if you're familiar with plex i mean that's a very common use i think this is probably going to be probably better plex server than what you get with the freenas version xcloud i'm hoping this is going to actually be better too because some of the some of the struggles with next cloud are bsd based that uh things aren't supported like for example the um the document uh editing that's built into next cloud uh for for editing documents there it doesn't work on freeness truenas in the uh bsd version so maybe it works in here chia um you know this is that blockchain um storage i don't even know what ipfs figure file system min io if you're not familiar with my in io it is a i believe it's a go based uh let's just say go yeah i think it's go based implementation of amazon s3 that you can well i have a video on that too so if you want to check that out that's cool so uh this guy here another chia thing let's see let's manage catalogs okay so there's an official and that means that you can probably add a catalog manage docker images so yeah no applications installed alright so now let's go back to virtualization is the fun stuff so virtualization on this is going to be kvm based and so let's see what that looks like add virtual machine you got a guest operating system you use windows linux bsd [Music] spicer vnc very good very good um test system clocks of cpus threads cpu modes host mode password okay okay this is all pretty normal stuff disks use existing create a new one 10 gig okay pick pick where you want it you can do it in your tank you can do in your x applications um honestly if you're going to do vms i would probably create a um an old your own data set for it so uh we're just gonna do this for now intel for io okay that's pretty normal stuff installation media that's at um gpu interesting let's see what this is so the gpu pass-through on this up might be pretty neat um because at least one gpu required by the host function okay so this is this is something to think about when you're um want to do like a flex server if you want to do transcoding so you might stick an extra gpu in if you can find and buy one right seek an extra gpu in your trueness scale box that can be passed through to do gpu transcoding of your plex video so that's something to consider there alright so nothing exciting there it's that's pretty straightforward uh reporting so typically this is you know just all your charts and graphs it's very similar you just go up here disks let's look at the cpu again yep normal stuff there look you can see where she went down i rebooted memory you can see physical memory swap space utilization network check out network interface uh nfs partitions i skipped nfs because i don't have anything it's configured so here's that system so uptime this is just this pretty normal stuff target uh you know not the store zfs so here's all your zff cfs information so that brings us back down to system settings the first thing you got is updates so you go in here you can click on this install manual updates that's normal stuff general so the general gives you support information for ix systems um gui stuff settings localization settings look up let's change this real quick since i am in there we go and now hit save on that it'll change that time to the right spot for me here's where you change your ntp servers let's just take a look at this cert http to https redirect um yeah it's all normal stuff nothing too exciting about there that was general i think let's go to advanced all right console show console yeah so initialization isolated gpu devices this is interesting interesting i think i really think this is going to be good for uh plex and doing some stuff like even if even if uh maybe you got your nast and you have a couple extra gpus in there and you're gonna do some uh crypto lining on it or something i with this gpu pass-through stuff it might be pretty pretty cool might be able to do some fun stuff there boot it should be the boot device and where you can check your boot status there let's see what else we got uh stats okay [Music] rename clone deep um this is kept keeping this involved we're like if you have to roll back to a different version you have this similarly in the uh regular version core version two so that was that services again we looked at this earlier this is all the services bing bang boom um and then shell there it is normal linux stuff um i didn't think of any linux commands right on top of my head but there you have it now that covers everything over here uh oh you know down here at the bottom and i know how here it has this over at the top looks like it's down here at the bottom on this one so all right and i think this expands and tracks that i think you actually have that over here also goes all the way away on or versus just collapsing down on one scale all right so status command okay connect oh cancel so that's a true command we have info directory services task manager you show your histories and you have alerts over here where you can go to alert settings and services interesting um you got settings change password preferences api key key guys okay let's look at preferences oh here we go we can change our theme retro logo i really like the retro logo so but all right so here's what dark is let's look at blue there's the blue and dracula there we go that's dracula nord yeah that's an order just kind of muted paper okay solarize dark yeah it gives you a little i'd call this like a sea green or something like that uh midnight your midnight one not bad high contrast careful this one's to be bright so i'm going to go back to ix dark and there it is so that's that changing password just let you change your admin password uh api keys or you can add those i believe that's for true command um guides send you to the guides that's good about and there's our about all right so that's everything uh how do i get this uh also you got docs here it's interesting i'll just take you to the docs there's another way to get there and the power button hit that log out restart shut down well that's our tour of trueness scale 22.02 rc 1-1 so and if there's any questions pop them in here i can answer them um but uh i think it's ready i will probably continue to play around with this i'll probably maybe set up a uh share here pretty soon i'm gonna do some stuff i'll keep this guy online and and monitor as we move through and update it and when when we get a general release we'll probably do a setup and maybe deploy like next cloud and some other stuffs on it um i might just do some of those things anyway and uh there you go so let's talk about a couple other things now there there is some things on upgrading now let's see if i can find that because there's there's a way to take a trueness core and convert it to a scale and let's see the introduction see if i can find that migrate so number one so virtual machine uh so it it will work in everybody's stuff for virtual disks so you get that but here's one that's interesting migrating from trueness core to scale um so uh okay so let's see there might be some issues with some encryption um basically it looks like you're going to do your basic install and you're going to select install update and uh preserve the existing upgrade and install okay so you'll do an upgrade install uh and and i guess it will do a user configuration let's see if proceed with the great yeah okay so this looks pretty straightforward really um you can take your or and upgrade it to scale you you just similar to the way that you would install trunas off of a usb and you'll just hit install update and you're going to keep the existing version so it upgraded the existing version and i think it's going to take your truenav's core and basically just convert it to a scale my guess is that it backs up the config um and or keeps the config somehow and then reinstalls the operating system and restores the config that'd be my guess typically when i do an upgrade or a big change you know the the zff pulls you can you can do a fresh install and drop your old config and restore and boom so i think this is going to be pretty similar so uh i would uh maybe i'll try that at some point in time excuse me chill all right thanks for joining me on this live stream on playing with runescale i am excited about it and we'll keep it going i will probably blow away that existing data poll that i did and add a third drive so that we can have a zfs uh raid z in there um to play with and uh we'll move forward see what happens i'll see you next time i'm kevin stevenson with if you got value out of this go ahead and smash that like button if you subscribe to my channel if you need help i have a new membership so you can join the membership for 199 and you can get a little bit more help than what we normally do through the commenting section so check that out uh if you want to go ahead and contribute to buy me a coffee i've got a link on that too where you could just shoot me a little bit of cash love there so anything else i appreciate it and we'll see you next time
Channel: PhasedLogix IT Services
Views: 894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GetMeTheGeek, PhasedLogix, freenas, truenas, Linux, Proxmox, haproxy, trueNAS Scale, Whats New, Linux tutorial
Id: tkzG9Mdvc9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 16sec (4156 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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