Live Stream - Holiday Theme Day 2

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[Music] everybody Aaron Blais here and we're back at stream number two for this week it's Thursday yes it is the Thursday before Christmas it's our favorite holiday so next week we are not streaming either Tuesday nor Thursday we're not gonna be streaming at all we're going out of town my lovely girlfriend Vedanta and I are gonna hit the road and never come back no we wait we are gonna hit the road and visit family and all that kind of stuff I need to hydrate stay thirsty my friends but um we had a really fun stream on Tuesday where we did Rufus the red horned rhino that was fun it was super popular we posted it on social media and I think every Rhino save the Rhino site or rhino you know whatever around the world has picked it up it's yeah it's been picked up all over the place so that was really cool I actually had a lot of fun and started doing this little sketch can you go to my dent in my desktop and I started stichting I thought well why don't we just hit other African animals I just I started drawing this elephant so unless we come up with something better today for our request I'm gonna stick with the elephant because I was having some fun with this and I know this yes today is another christmas request day and so where am I looking with my back oh I'm at the rim okay yeah let's go back up here yeah we got cameras everywhere so um so anyway as usual I've got my trusty dusty Dusty dusty my son Dustin here he's gonna help us with questions on this end maybe we'll get him to sing a little bit of chipmunks for you know yes we're gonna get him to sing some chipmunks for you know Christmas chipmunks because he's saying it the other night all the way through and it was awesome Jack Frost Jack Frost that's not bad why don't I you know what I'm that's pretty cool I like that idea I've never really thought about what I would do for Jack Frost well I puts me on the spot man yeah yeah well you all you have to do is sing for two minutes I got a I got a draw for two hours and make sure it comes out okay so and then we've got we've got Nick Burch my business partner in Sarasota and he's gonna be answering questions what oh you know what we forgot to do I forgot I forgot deep thoughts with Nick Mertz I was sitting here looking at google maps of Hawaii and I forgot to pull up deep thoughts with Nick birch no evil Santa's the red tri-c there we go that's what I was wanting to draw right here oh you know what a real kind of badass Santa on on the Polar Bear riding a polar bear could be kind of cool flying on a on a blink blink blink yeah what was the polar bear one okay I think Santa riding doing I like this I like to Santa riding these different animals it's kind of fun actually I also I want to remind everyone you can go to the down here to down to the desk we are 12 days of Christmas sale is still going on we are on day nine and today is the story sale so it's Chuck Williams course on writing story it's Linden Reddy's course on storyboarding it's story for live-action and animation and storyboarding with Linden ruddy and both are 35% off or more today so check that out if you're interested in storyboarding or writing stories for film or animation check out these courses are really great Chuck is a producer and director and we've worked together for years and years and he's amazing at getting stories off the ground at large companies like Disney and Warner Brothers and that sort of thing and then Linden Reddy has been in the storyboarding has been storyboarding for I think 30 years there's one amazing storyboard artist and so we've tapped those both of those guys to do courses for us and they're great requests Lynch alligators grinch alligators alligators the Jack Frost okay all right so let's do Jack Frost even though I'm gonna save this guy I'm gonna save it I don't care what you say I'm gonna say porcupine elf uh-huh okay I think Jack Frost is gonna be the one to go now Jack Frost remind me about Jack Frost so Jack Frost is uh is he a good guy or a bad guy or is he just the guy that brings Christmas yeah I've never really known I think he's one that brings winter he brings winter that's on that Christmas you know he brings winter yeah a hermit raccoon Santa chopping his Christmas tree in the woods well that's awfully specific I think we're gonna go with Jack Frost everyone and just looked up on Wikipedia Jack Frost is a personification of frost ice snow sleet winter and freezing cold right on he is a variant of Old Man Winter who is held responsible for frosty weather yeah yeah he's basically in the spirit of winter all right which Disney animated feature has the best acting for you which best which Disney animated feature has the best acting that's hard to say I'm gonna go I'm gonna I'm actually gonna go back to some of the older older films Sleeping Beauty Cinderella rescuers the rescuers the original rescuers with Medusa she was fantastic so you know that's when the nine old men were you know they were hitting the end of their their careers but they were at their peak and if you look at 101 Dalmatians Cruella De Vil you know I'm looking at the villains who are just absolutely amazing amazingly acted so I got a I got a think here for a second I got to get in here and do some Jack Frost hell yeah it is see do you see Jack Frost is being old or young personally someone like Santa with with a would like a shorter beard and maybe some some icicles coming off with AB you see I don't know not sure I see him I definitely see him kind of pointy and Jaggi jagged like ice I think a lot of people have pictured him that way not liking that he should be elf like yeah I thought he should be Alf like definitely I'm thinking I'm trying now I'm just gonna scribble do I want to get them up in the air yeah I know that but that's their interpretation I'm wondering if our interpretation we're talking about the animation acting somebody promised that dr. dopler from Treasure Planet was amazing yeah he was it was the comedic character I think that was Sergio Pablo's yeah the guy that's doing he's the one that's doing Klaus not know I don't know if I'm not know I don't know I said I think Jack Ross could be delicate like its own plate yeah that's why I'm thinking at least something like that Jeremy Irons was a great scar he was like I want to get I don't I can't remember see I want to get a nice profile on him I can't I'm trying to think of what what he could be doing Jack yeah this is see this is where I struggle with you guys I struggle for that first 20 minutes 30 minutes trying to find what he's got to be spreading snow and frost right what if he's coming at us almost superhero like these that's two that's two superhero and then when he's spreading all the behind him you know you see this is this is a lesson I want you two guys to see see how I'm just scribbling I'm not you know don't worry about getting when you're trying to find when you're thumbnailing out ideas don't worry about getting things perfect can you do a Christmas knowledge sometime I definitely could I couldn't do a Christmas knowledge sometime you know there's there's something about I still like the the polar bear idea maybe taking the taking that I want to take the polar bear idea and maybe he comes riding in on a polar bear there we go I think that's gonna be the I think that's gonna be the winner trying to do hey there's a new message standing by Justin yeah we got a tornado warning here mad munchkin on YouTube suggest hey mad munchkin what if you model his face after an emperor penguin and he's riding an arctic fox I like that idea I'm gonna put a pin in that right now let's say I like that idea I just I've got this idea now in my head and I just kind of want to I want to play it out good question but did you know that the second scenes of the numeric the new Mary Poppins movie were animated on paper again yes yes they were animated at my friend Wow hold on one second ken Duncan's studio oh yeah uh you know what I don't know that I have he's riding in riding in polar bears are long long in the body it's interesting that uh storming in Fort Myers as well or where they're at oh yes it's all it's all over the state yeah all over the state may Jack Frost riding his polar bear polar bears the biggest largest land carnivore on earth really yep and Jack Frost is just a look guy it's just a little guy no pull those scribbling out scribbling out oh yeah actually you know I don't like the the profile just it's just a perfect profile so I like the idea I like the pose but now I'm gonna turn it in my head got to do this fast man maybe have him reaching back like I was right or left hand and blasting out the frost yeah that's what I'm thinking Oh funny did we'll find it YouTube's correction in a previous stream you said ply to put some marsupials in fact they're monotremes yes they are I did say monotremes at one point but I thought monotremes you're right they are egg laying mammals you know I can't always be right I'm struggling with the yeah sure really quick so if you're drawing a head from a low angle think of break it down into its simple shapes right and so if you've got the jaw think of the anatomy the the back of the jaw comes back this way and then we've got skin that comes underneath and the neck okay there's a nose comes up to the brow cheekbones cheekbones come back like that drawing this very quickly but we've got this shape underneath that comes down to the front of the neck then you have muscle that comes down trapeze us and then deltoids okay now if you want to there you go let's draw it from more extreme angle then you're going to have the chin think of the shape of the jaw comes up once again you have this shape it comes down into the neck looking straight up comes nose comes down there's the brow mouth like so think of that jawline that's that's what's going to help you and your eye line mouth line that sort of thing so you can see if you look at and hear this this is all stretched out so you could if you look back and forth between the head on the left and the head on the right if you go back and forth you can feel it anomie you can see and make sure that you put that pivot on the right where the skull connects to the spinal column that's where the pivot is it's not in the middle that's right where the part where the spinal column is that's going to be the pivot please release the Chipmunks Dustin panda priest this on twitch asks did you always do digital art or did you transition from old fashion to digital if so was that a difficult transition and what steps did you take to make the make digital more comfortable well panda priestess you got to realize I'm 50 years old they definitely didn't have digital drawing 45 years ago when I was drawing when I first started so I transitioned yes from traditional to to digital and I did it through using a I started using a Cintiq which is what I'm using now a pen display for me you know the transition from Cintiq to pen display was very very simple so that's that's how I did it and I just started learning the software but because I already had training you know in hold on one second I'm thinking because I already had training you know in traditional saw of traditional drawing it really helped my it really helped my transition into digital I'm trying to find a decent pose that like this one rod I can get rid of that this one not that one get rid of that I'm building up lots of layers I like I like this pose I just want to pull it up you know what I think it might be the issue in a rotate again well no not right now I'll draw a bear eye here in a minute do I have advice on how to rush into too many details now rush yeah just don't don't no no but you're you're you're filling in your own advice so you know if the problem is that you're doing too much detailed you know look what I'm doing I stay very loose for for a long time there we go now I'm starting to I'm starting to feel a nice push here I've got a raccoon Jethro's name Iraq Frost YouTube question Aaron do you feel how do you feel about using the Loomis method for drawing human heads I don't remember what the Loomis method is do you remember what do you remember what that is Nick I don't remember what that is Nick do thing there we go get that back nice and square the other leg in there there we go now I've got it I'm getting an idea for the final image now in my head and I might even go back to doing it horizontal again the Jack Frost had a suit of armor he might I don't know but you may also have a kind of staff like so barely or painting a happy little polar bear you know left in Scotland likes the Loomis method ww Stamper Coco Prokopenko Nord ahead at any angle okay that's great I'm just I can't do that right now Stan's gonna be here in March yeah Stan Prokopenko will be here in our studio in March what was that [Music] okay so right now I'm drawing a complete blank on what I want him to look like but I think I've got a composition that I'm diggin so I'm gonna knock that back now I can start to refine it now I've got something that feels somewhat good I've got a limited time here yes yeah so you're usually starting with simple shapes I mean I do that automatically anyway so maybe I use a limb Smith method and I didn't even realize it to do something similar I don't really watch a lot of them but I mean like Christmas Christmas stories probably my favorite we watch Christmas vacation a lot trying to give him a little bit of an expression here there it is so Nick's showing me right now you can turn the head at any axis oh I see yeah I guess I don't really I guess I mean it-it's not something I consciously do I think I'd do something similar to that so here what I purposely have done here is I've tried to pull the the head from being just straight at us even a slight three-quarter helps I wanted his head to be a little bit smaller and make his body feel bigger but it might be a little too small not today I do sometimes absolutely do I use reference when I'm drawing and I absolutely do not today I'm kind of I know polar bears well enough that I'm just kind of making it up as I go making it a little bigger he probably freaked there so I work on work on getting this guy looking good and I'll go through and I'll refine this one more time it's taking us 30 minutes to find a composition but a we're finding something here I love it when you guys put me on the spot I start to panic don't know if I'm gonna be able to do it I go through this cell scenario in my head oh no now they're gonna realize I really don't know how to draw not too bad I'm struggling a little bit here let's reverse it yeah see I just do off a little bit of trouble I got a I got a beef up this side over here they're much better new there's something that wasn't feeling right when you're when you're having trouble reverse it flop it I feels much more balanced now yeah much better I'm diggin that a lot the focal point is way up I mean people look at yep the focal point is way yep but I'm gonna make you I'm gonna push you to look up there notice how everything is leading up I've got all lines are kind of leading up to the top up here I will make you look up there and I'm gonna do it through light and value as well we imagine them as being like 16 18 and like 20 yeah so I'm just very very quickly drawing these in I think when keen said I'm always worried that someday someone will find out that I can't really draw yeah I just I just stole that from him because we all have that he and I used to have that conversation all the time and and we say that to each other all the time it's like yeah we feels like you know at some point someone's gonna figure out I really don't know how to draw no I just we struggle the point we're trying to make is we struggle as much as the next guy and so you know everyone it just feels like we can't draw so often many times right here I want to get this ground coming up there we go like so try to get a nice negative space and the snow working there we go not liking this in here see how I quickly I'm just going very very fast that's the key to all this YouTube question what does reversing it do I you know I don't know why it works but when you reverse an image it causes you to see it in a new light and you can see the imperfections a lot easier for some reason it just works so if I'm struggling with the drawing on something I'll reverse it and I'll see it I'll the mistakes that I'm making the struggles that I'm having all of a sudden will show up even more and it just it just works you can see them well if you if you there's always a sale for TV paint on our on our site if you become a member on our site you automatically get a 30% discount or just a little over 30% discount on TV paint itself so the membership the discount pays for the membership basically I don't know it's just not something I've been doing so I'm just gonna maybe you know I'm wondering if we put him like almost like old you knew it Sun goggles do I have a favorite Pixar short I really liked for the birds that was one they that was an old one I really like that when it came out working for Disney did you or other animators ever struggle with art block oh we always do yeah you just got to fight through it you know I'm struggling through it right now in front of you guys I'm drawing crappy stuff but you just you just fight through it well what are the things did you wish he knew when you started to draw and start studying the art I wish I would have known I'm just - that it just takes time to study more and just can be patient with it you know that's the thing you know I wanted to know how to draw now right away and it just doesn't happen that way and you just gotta you got to trust the process trust that you know you're gonna you're gonna learn after a while here I'm pushing him a little bit more dynamic yeah I'm gonna make him a little smaller nick says oh I'd like to send goggles the idea you should explain that yes I will show you what I'm talking about Oh am i drawing him on the same level we return there any which used to make Sun goggles by taking a whale bone or any kind of bone for that matter and they would cut small slits in the bone and then wear those goggles I'll show you what it looked like if you had here's an intimate person okay and here's their nose they would wear these goggles okay they would wear these goggles that came over their nose and they're made of bone and they would have these slits cut in them like this and then they'd have you know sinew sinew cord wrapped around their head and they'd you know they'd wear hats or whatever or just regular old you know I'm not wearing anything but they'd have these goggles and this is you know they've found these ten thousand years old but that's the they would cut these slits and it would cut the snow glare and it was basically the first sunglasses but they're made of bone very cool stinks very cool indeed yeah intimates came up with it first he's looking like cher man [Music] the original sunglasses that's right they are the original sunglasses it's my original bundle it's the my first brush set its brush brush set number one so very first and it's and it's brush number seven within the set the idea what colors you're going to use or do you keep the decision of colors at the end after you finish drawing I'm gonna keep it all in the cool spectrum yep blues purples they don't pull this down like this well the frost is coming off of him that should be cool instead of you know how like Ghost Rider has like the firehouses yeah me like the same idea but snow coming off his hairs yeah YouTube question I've heard that when you work for Disney they own all the art that you make even including what you do in your spare time off the clock is that true well sir a certain degree it was true we um we never had to do that I actually had it written into my contract that they didn't own everything but that was part of the deal yeah I mean they they're you gotta remember too they paid us a very good salary and so they it was mainly to protect themselves from us coming up with new stuff that might compete with them and so they were really great about you know okay if you're if you're if you're for me for instance I was you know showing in a lot of galleries and I wanted to be able to do gallery work and so you know I wanted to carve out in my contract you know the ability to do that and Disney was fine with that like I said they just they were they were mainly concerned about competing you know coming up with competing things with other Studios okay let's see here let's put a big buckle right here in his chest I know he's feeling a little and somebody suggest I think if this hand is going up it might but I'm just trying I'm not sure how to get it compositionally in here unless I shrink up the entire composition which I could do really what I'm what I'd like to do is I want I want everything to lead to Jack so one thing I'm gonna probably push is I get that arm out here instead so that leads up here this leaves up the sleeves up and then this I want a very stable looking composition as well so everything you can see everything points up to Jack everything leads to his head or I go counter to it with the snow the only thing I'm breaking out of that is the is the polar bear head breaking that out of this out of this composition so I so I can get a little attention on him as well so now I've got that really roughed in this is this has taken a while but this is um you know I get questions on how to guide the eye and that sort of thing and this is these are some of the things that I do in order to get you might you know to guide the eye where I want you to go where I want you to look next question YouTube question do you think that contract stipulation has anything to do with Don Bluth breaking off on his own yeah I think so I think unless I think John Don Bluth just wanted to do his own thing and and that's why I he that's why he took off but I don't know Don Bluth well enough and I wasn't there so like I don't know Island Rylan says can you make his glove shine like Michael Jackson's probably could not pull that eye in just a little tighter how can you keep answering all these questions on the fly and stay somewhat focused on designing the characters it's it's super hard but I've been doing this for a long time so I want to draw a story like a small personal project and these stories about my life and other's lives so do you recommend books or videos or online courses to help yeah I mean there's plenty of books out right now that you can that you can get there's a couple that I really recommend one is story by Robert McKee it's great on you know just talking about story construction skip script writing that sort of thing and then the other one is save the cat by Blake Snyder both are excellent books on story and writing and mainly script writing I should be more specific well I was definitely thinking of them in the blue were definitely blue you'll see and this bear is going from polar bear to more grizzly bear but I'm not gonna change them at this point I've already been drawing for 45 minutes and I barely got a sketch so don't we always end up here I always end up in this predicament so keeping it rough keeping it loose keeping it cool baby yeah no I haven't worked with them but uh but I I know him yeah Borja wherever we met him we've met him at at CTN big guy with beard I know I'm helping you out but helping you out baby oh you want to do the Chipmunks I can tell alright so I'm just tying things down so I like to tie things down as you guys know and even though I'm tying it down I'm still you can see I'm still staying loose you got to realize when I started I started in 1988 there wasn't any limited positions it was wide open so we didn't have that issue matter of fact it was it was people you know they were hiring like crazy as we got further and further in you know as the the more films we made like when we made Lion King after Lion King you couldn't you know we as animators really had a great kind of position in the industry because we our jobs were really in demand and so we didn't have any problem like that wasn't limited it wasn't until the early 2000s that it really started becoming limited well late 90s early 2000s I started become really limited and by that point I already had my you know I'd already been out it for years and years so was it it's a different story for me the rains on the bear effect focal point and expression uh not for me it's not too bad I'm uh I'm actually I'm glad you brought that up cuz I got to come up here I might even do this so I want to do this does that look good looks a little looks a little uh not right like you should have a red rubber ball in his mouth Jacob on YouTube asks how did you learn animal Anatomy I'm guessing observational drawing was just a part of the process it was a it was part of the process it was actually the main part of the process I didn't go to school for it oh you know the one thing I always say to people is I was a pretty creepy kid and that I used to bring home roadkill and draw it and put it in the freezer and draw it some more and then when it started to decompose once I got all the drawings out of it then I would throw it up on the roof of our trailer that we lived in and of course my parents didn't know that and I'd wait for it to decompose to get a little bit more remember coming home from school and there'd be vultures on the roof of our trailer munching away and and then I get the bones and and I draw from the bones you know and so that's a big part of how I learned I really learned a lot of comparative anatomy doing that understanding you know the similar parts that we have on our bodies and yeah so I could have even gotten the way of Jeffrey Dahmer or became an artist and so luckily I became an artist YouTube question is it important to have the less layers as possible or is that a very secondary thing you know it doesn't matter for me I don't care how many layers you have as long as it's you know as long as you can keep track of them you know I tend to have a lot of layers because I like to keep everything separate that's just my personal choice can you work remotely freelance for Disney uh yeah a lot of people do I don't but um why do people do I know when we when we were making brother bear we had several guys working remote Golden Compass I didn't think of that that's actually kind of yeah now that you mentioned that I kind of feel it too oh yeah I didn't thumbnail well this you guys kind of saw me this was my thumbnail process basically figuring it all out through scribbles on you know right here on the board but I do now do I want to make him do I don't want to make Jack Frost all bundled up like in big furs and gored should he just like the cold shouldn't doesn't even affect him he's Jack Frost I know but it there's something I mean he's Jack Frost if anything it would be interesting if he has like like minimal clothing like not really huge jacket but just like a small one yeah and as wind blows like snowflakes comes off of everything off his body it does her so yes ice broke iced robe I don't think he's just waking up I'm gonna bring make his forehead a little bigger Aska can you talk about how the mindset of an artist works talk about how the mindset of an artist works that's a big question now I can't know I mean I think artists are as it is unique to each other as everyone else is so I can't say how every artists mind works at all I think you know we tend to maybe see the world a little differently sometimes or interpret the world differently but I don't know yeah for some reason watching this drawing unfold makes me want to go and see the Northern Lights good then get out there and go see them yeah just kind of even though this is supposed to be tying this down and I'm just I'm still just scribbling shards of ice there's something here I want to his hairs giving these Syndrome vibes from The Incredibles yeah syndrome it's all twisted up and curled up into the air YouTube questions you please paint a Scottish Wildcat one day they are critically endangered with less than 100 left in the wild I would love to I'd have to find reference because I'm not I don't I'm not familiar with the Scottish Wildcat I know they're a small Wildcat that I dunno I just can't and I know they're gray at least I think they're gray but I can't remember what they look like beyond that winter clothing might help sell the idea that it is cold where he is yes yes I see I'm tending to agree with that I'm wondering if I whoops I wonder if I do something like this having robe style sleeve yeah it's all kind of bunched up in a breastplate sleeves a little long but if I shorten his hand see what I mean what do you think anatomically there it is I see the cat now yeah see they they are they're a smaller cat Nick just pulled it up for me Thank You Nick the Scottish Wildcat looks almost like a domestic cat but with puffy cheeks and tail yes that's right there we go see that feels a little better I like that outfit better don't you yeah now with that in mind it's gonna try something else just just just bear with me because I like it a little bit more mysterious what if we try something yes you have an artisan up here yeah yeah music movie will they be released at any time it was it was released it was released with a DVD I want to try something real quick I think this is like this gonna take I want to make him a little bit more mysterious rather than just doing this comic book looking ahead which I'm just not liking so I'm just gonna go ahead and get rid of it sorry folks if you liked it I've got a different idea and I'll lose this yeah I just want to have him more bundled up in the head I've got to come up with a big kind of robe it's almost like a kenny like kenny woofer but with fur were you excited to make the change to digital drawing or were you skeptical skeptical skeptical to go I was nervous I wasn't skeptical I don't think I just um I just didn't know what I didn't know how to do it so I was really nervous about it yeah I like that better yep because it's Jack Frost man there we go I'll finished up the details on there later I got to get into some painting I'm going to pull that hood an even tighter if we invite you to Amman Jordan one day to give us a small lecture or workshop would you do it I would yeah if you guys can get me out there man I would be there in a second twitch question I know this sounds silly but what should I practice to make better clothes design it is simple to say just draw clothes but when I when I need to create something all I see is just a black block in my mind you know no you're absolutely right the biggest thing study folds look at how different fabric folds that's a big deal still not getting this right study how different fabrics fold and that that will definitely help matter of fact you know at one point we were gonna I just haven't done it's gone by the wayside but I think I'm going to hit a little harder is I was gonna do a whole course just on folds fabric folds because that's a that's a big thing if you can understand that and understand the luminosity of fabric how light can shine through it you know look at john singer sargent Saroja Joaquin Saroja they were painters that were masters at painting fabric there now I'm liking that outfit now I now I'm liking Jack Frost I wasn't liking him before no because I pretty much draw perfectly I don't need help I know what you mean I'm just kidding but it's it's not I just don't I get a lot of our I get a lot of requests for it first of all and I just don't know how quite yet to get everybody that wants that so we're still working on that I'm gonna try one more thing any tips are things to keep in mind when drawing people transforming into animals that's really specific know the anatomy of both understand your comparative anatomy so that you have parts turning into the right parts so that's a big one I'm gonna turn this horizontal again that's gonna feel a little better for me there now I can get now watch what we can do we can get a really cool sweeping effect oh yeah baby this is gonna be good yeah so now what we're gonna be able to get you know a heal heal heal get on over here but here we've got our landscape coming around like so and then here we can have they coming around like that except it's gonna be more white I'll be coming up like that see that nice sweeping action Dustin yeah you see that you see it can you feel it oh I want it up in here too there that's what I'm looking for now I feel like we've got the composition that I want now all I feel good enough to go in and start painting I start with the anatomy start with understanding comparative anatomy and proportion I want to know you know there's there's basic shapes to a lot of different four-legged animals deer you know within the deer family there's shapes that go across species you know within carnivores or certain shapes that go across species and so I try to find those shapes first then then I just I look at that I get to the details alright snowbear snow bear boy this is this one's been really a big struggle yeah I know jeez it's uh it's hard man come on give me a break oh I'm just want to combine let's combine those alright ok I'm just gonna go kind of a blue and then we're gonna break it up into different shape whoops wrong way man come home do I like the Paddington movies yes I do like the Paddington movies you add them on YouTube suggests you know what you should do you should save your work you know what you're right I should save it and then tell Dustin if he sings anything else this is not in Chipmunks voice he's fired so if you don't sing something that's not in chipmunk voice you're fired sing Christmas yes to same the subject yeah I had him pull the leg out I don't want to cover the leg I want to detail so you can see it kind of wraps around the thigh and then comes down but it's like wrapped under his leg so it works trust me how's the procreate tutorial cup going back from Norway well I'm not working on it yet in hello Norway I just haven't gotten to it yeah I'm actually in the process of working on a new updating my four legged locomotion course with a brand new one and and if you've ever bought my locomotion course in the bat and the in the past you will be getting this for free matter of fact let me see what I've got here I've got I've got there's a walk at very santur EVOC I've exaggerated a lot of the movements to to get the viewer to understand how things push and pull against each other and then I've got a little trot right here where the characters trotting along and explaining the mechanics of that trots and then we're also got runs I haven't got that but I haven't done yet that's going to be done later on today actually I did so I'm gonna get in here and then all that maybe make it a little bit grey or maybe you know it not grey maybe more turquoise yeah I have done that just creature design and and and it's a lot of fun to do that Terryl Whitlatch who is my hero is the queen of that look her up Terryl Whitlatch she's done a lot of Star Wars designs and she's absolutely amazing among your first brush set of the one with the line head which other brush brushes do you usually use or recommend for painting local colors this this one right here that I'm using this is number seven I recommend this one I also use it as my sketch brush I'm using it for local color right now as well what do you do to deal with the real difficult work that causes big trouble or big struggle what do I I'm not I don't follow that question ask it again what what do you do to deal with a real difficult work oh you just you just don't give up keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing don't ever give up never surrender seriously never give up never surrender no I don't like that color I want to go down up here you come down there his business terms so shouldn't his he'll be facing down in his toes could be but I have his I have the stirrup Mac back more towards his heel so it's pushing down I think it makes for a better silhouette I could I could do that but the idea was that the storm pulls back towards his foot so pushed so far through that his foot is in inside the stirrup or his heel I'm sorry isn't is is where the stirrup is yeah see here I'm gonna have a lot of snow so I'm gonna be able to cheat do quite a bit of cheating on getting the snow effect no I have not Terryl Whitlatch has but I have not I think once I have the design down and I'm at this stage where I'm starting to paint and and kind of really bring it into reality that's my favorite part I really enjoy that because we all have we all have points where we just think the drawing or the painting or whatever it is we're doing it's just garbage and I go through that on every image every single one there we go let's see now I want to have once again this is just local color I'm gonna go in here I'm gonna go into warm Oh keep it cool keep everything cool I might work a little bit of not sure yet not sure yeah obviously he's got his goggles on so I'm not sure gotta get him to pop a little bit better yeah I just I've got a lot going on I don't want the Northern Lights to screw up screw with the composition that I've got already although I think we can get something that'll work there we go well those new dick yes a question I see that you use TV paint how widespread is the use of that software in the industry as compared to other 2d animation software I think it's right up there with Toon Boom I think it's it's being used for a lot of feature films I know that cartoon saloon in Ireland uses TV paint to do their features so it's pretty widespread what is Jack Frost pointing at the reaction from the bear is so incredulous I love it it's he's when I he's not pointing on anything he's actually it's he's using his staff to conjure snow and and you can see the little swirl that's what's gonna happen in just a moment when I get to it so here I'm working that background darker and darker keeping going cooler and cooler with it as I go darker you see the movie loving Vincent about Van Gogh I never saw it and I'm disappointed that I didn't but I never saw it and I really want to and I will at some point so here I've got this background it's also it's almost like a fisheye lens that we're looking at and we're looking up into the dark sky behind our Jack Frost character so I'm going to go ahead and start throwing in actually we got to do the snow don't we geez geez Louise just experienced i I let the a composition kind of evolve I wasn't sure what the composition was gonna be but I just kept working it working it working it and I knew where I wanted the eye to look I wanted the item to be on Jack Frost and the bear so I knew that's where I wanted to die to go there's our rough you've got a rough look right there maybe it should be a little darker on the snow thinking the local color oh we're just gonna leave all that let's leave all that I can do this I'm going to what if I do this go just a little bit Oh maybe a little darker I have seen it and I love it so I'm gonna go a darker so you can see what I just did I just put a dark tone over everything and now everything I do is gonna be light over the top although I'm gonna do the shadows first I loved that that movie I thought it was fantastic I thought it was brilliant alright okay we're all set so I want light from kind of up above in the top of the frame back behind them so he's going to be a little bit silhouetted Russians are using just my regular sketching brush just my regular sketching brush from my original custom brush set so you can see I know that the Lighting's gonna be behind them so I'm pushing the shadows darker as we get in towards the center of his body look how loose I'm keeping it loose baby loose as a goose there we go same thing with Jack really not but I think he looks cool yeah you can be vehicle there we go Deveney techniques or tips for simple lighting I personally have a hard time making it look I appealing in flow well I really just think about no this is what I'm doing now I think about where that light sources and I try to light accordingly now there's places where I'm going to cheat for compositional reasons but like right now I'm imagining that light source up above and behind a little bit but I'm you know I'm pushing playing with a little bit you know I'm adding rim lighting along the right side which there might not be rim lighting there but I want there to be rim lighting there so I'm it's my universe and I'm gonna do it this is all gonna be in shadow except for maybe some rim lighting back here because of that blanket the moon is gonna compete with the Northern Lights if I put the Northern Lights in there so it's got to be one or the other I think oh I wonder if the harness is actually necessary they're a team you know I agree with you I might take that out Charlie on YouTube asks what's the best Christmas present that I ever got as a kid ah wow you know I don't know my father got me a good rib I realized steak one time I still remember the Christmas waking up I wanted this thing called the green machine or he was called a cheetah it was like a it was sort of like a big wheel this is back in 1974 and and lo and behold it was under the tree that was one of the coolest things I ever got remember getting a key a keyboard say key Oh keyboard for Christmas I really wanted one of those really bad so those were always great I was got you know art supplies and things like that but my Christmases tended to be a little bit lean but they were always good how do you how do you study to get better at compositions you know cut being good at composition I mean there's rules that you can follow which are fine but it really is one of those things that's really elusive it's it's it's in the eye of the beholder and if it looks good it is good so sometimes it's you just have to find that thing that's gonna look good and and for every rule that there is out there there's one that you know there's rules to be broken so every hard fast rule that you see about someone saying oh you should do this in composition someone else is gonna find a way to break that rule all right where am I Here I am Birdman's draw the Polar Star behind Polaris Polaris belarus belarus Polaris Polaris Polaris I might I've definitely got to put some stars in error once again I just want to make sure that doesn't compete too much with the composition that I'm creating I'm going through this really quickly put a nice plane right up on top my favorite Christmas gift was an Old English Sheepdog I was six and ended up naming him boss he was my best friend for 15 years oh that's a great story I love that story what was your favorite part Christmas gift Dustin that you can remember remember was it that one more thing where I didn't smother you to my favorites well the most outlandish one that I thought was really cool was the was the collective sword oh yeah but the other one that I thought was fun that week they you know a lot was the arse equalizer oh yes yeah see stuff like that that you know it wasn't the greatest gift but there were a lot of fun yeah we have Nick says you smothered him with love yeah I allowed him to breathe oxygen for another day the greatest gift of all you get to live kid who influences you as an adult as an artist Oh a lot of different people I mean that's the beauty of the the world that we live in now with the internet there's so many artists that we have access to that I am constantly in influenced by different artists everywhere a lot of really great young artists that see the world and ways that I've never thought of and just really cool stuff and then I'm always influenced by classic artists and John Singer Sargent is always a big inspiration for me along with walking Sirois and there always be a major for me all right so now I want to start drawing right over I want to start drawing right on the top so here this is gonna this is I'm never gonna I'm not going to get this to be finished and completely rendered where the the black lines are gonna be out and all that stuff I'm just not gonna have time yeah okay yeah I hear you Dustin I hear you watch animals and people yeah I know I I'm not trying to be a smartass with all these answers but sometimes the question and you know you just got a you got to think about it if if you want to animate animals and people then you got to watch animals some people it's simple as that it's what it comes down to and no matter what it is if you want to get better at lighting then look at different lighting situations if you want to get better at drawing animals that are moving then try to draw animals that are moving you know and sit there and try to try you're gonna suck at it and that's what I think that's what people get frustrated at with is they suck at it at first and there you go well how do I do this well you're doing it you just suck at it and the more you do it though you could have better you're gonna get and that's the thing it's just you know when I started drawing anything that I'm doing nowadays when I first started I sucked at it but that's just how it is and but over time you get better at it nick says my favorite Christmas present was 1986 I got the Nintendo pajamas and The Legend of Zelda Zelda video game my dad and I spent every day after school playing it years later he did the same thing with my sister when a newer version came out those were the only video games he ever played that's a really good story actually this necklace is a sperm whale tooth they got from a little shop a little antique shop on the Big Island in Hawaii so it's it's an old antique sperm whale from from back in the day when they were hunted now I don't recommend going out and getting sperm whale teeth but this one was already was already there and I really kind of liked it and so I got it oh yeah we will one one of these days he benefits us going to her we've already got her snagged in to do a couple courses for us so she's gonna do some courses so look for those in the in the coming year boy I am really just noodling this thing and just making a mess but I'm just gonna keep going they can't always work out the way we want obviously but oh my back is itching so I want that to be just a little brain or not quite how many hours he's been enjoying for a week oh my gosh per week I don't know 40 because I work a normal week I'll be 40 hours maybe a little less was the longest time I don't know that I ever did a week more I think the biggest week I ever did at Disney was like 72 hours I never had anything super huge I always got my work done pretty quickly I'm gonna keep a blue theme for now and then I might find a little place to add a little complimentary you know a hot yellow or orange and it keeps us all very loose they can see I'm just it's almost like matte painting you know when you're doing matte painting you're not really painting you're suggesting details without like really painting super detailed paintings you're just kind of suggesting the details that's kind of what I'm doing here cotton watercolor set it's the cotman watercolor set field kit cotton field kit matter of fact it's right there right next to your head right there those things yeah this is it right here so it's called a this is made by winter Newton but it's also Cottman once your Newton it opens up and you've got all kinds of great things inside lots of paints this one I've had for quite a while but I I love this thing so that's I really recommend that oh it's an interesting idea cuz that'll give us our warmth who said that but I I'm not sure where to put the and the lantern considering he's see how loose I'm keeping it the lamp oh yeah baby Dustin you're a genius thank you I try that's gonna be our might draw attention away though I'm gonna try something I'm just gonna put it on another layer those were PJs from the Sears Christmas cattle hook winter lists winter lists on periscope asks how do you stay motivated when it comes to art you know I just love art I don't know how I just always I've always loved it I've never been not motivated so it's just something I love to do do you think we need a graduation from a college do you think we need a graduation for ghazal from a college like Cal arts or go bland in France to work in big studios no you don't you just need to know how to animate no one cares if you have a degree now granted it helps to go to those colleges because you learn you learn stuff but but no and they don't require a degree from those studios from that call it from those colleges could be but I wanted to me I want the light coming off the spear to be making Frost and I think a warm light would yeah we'd contradict it and so from there I think on this chest I'm gonna get like a glow I'm still not sure that that's the right way to go not sure yet that was too much see what I did there yeah hmm all right back to back to live here we go we are pleased to announce that the in danger book has hit its Kickstarter goal so with 8 days to go you're guaranteed to get your reward excellent so in danger is the book that I'm a part of or a bunch of us artists from expedition art which is a group that I belong to we got together and did a bunch of animals 100 and dangered species are represented in the book and here we go and we did a Kickstarter to push sales of it and we've hit our goal and so you are guaranteed if you if you actually donate it to it you are going to be getting the book so I'm just kind of scribbling making up detail making this very quick there we go this is gonna definitely be a quick exercise today yeah that's what I'm gonna do I think I'm gonna go right into Oh glow we'll have a nice clash actually you've got a very good point Dustin look at the big brain on Brad I can do something like that and then we know I'm gonna have enough recommends I blow the snow writers chess piece as well to connect it to yep that's a good idea good idea whoops on the wrong layer there we go got all kinds of light happening here I would say this is quite a loose I got a I got a loosen up with this thing I'm getting all wound up there we go let's I'm gonna start experimenting yeah I'm gonna get loosey-goosey get experimental with it let me grab my dry brush yeah every comment a little bit of that is that what here is that one of mine I can't remember well there we go that's what I'm looking for I think this might be one of yours if I want a little bit of follow some of that following right off of mr. Jack Frost not liking that at all what I can do Nick's got something no it's been there yeah nice picture that Nick has what is the opinion what's what's your opinion on doing concept sculpting in ZBrush versus concept drawings oh I think ZBrush if you can do ZBrush I think it's even better because you can and I'm really want to learn ZBrush just for that reason I really I'm fascinated by the idea of being able to do that and then and then you can grab different angles and all kinds of great stuff so I want to lighten that up just a touch now I want to find that my splatter brush that I'm always looking for I should just go ahead and move it and portrait study aside from getting better of doing it just curious if it affects drawing I think it really affects lighting you're gonna understand lighting very much very well yeah I just think that's that's one thing you'll definitely walk away with is a good sense of lighting have you ever used the four deep end with barrel rotation no I don't know what that is you spook me I love this brush bringing literally just opened up a new ZBrush course for illustrators and I was the first to sign up I've always wanted to learn it too it would be absolutely I completely agree with you so there's our our Jack Frost nipping at your face a wonder I want to try something I want to try something here let's do image let's do this filter I want to try that radial blur again so if I want to see if I can get it to be centered around the staff yeah I'm just gonna take a guess right now head okay it kind of works actually it doesn't work it works pretty good see that yeah doubled it up oh yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah okay let me try it again because I'd like it to be a little bit more dramatic hit OK again see if it pushes it a little bit more didn't really do much of anything that I got to push it I guess it did a little bit yeah I kind of like that and then we'll throw a little bit more on top I'm gonna grab it looks like he's just simply spinning his staff and the snow is like on its own going back going yeah like the wind is carrying the snow yeah I kind of like that I'm digging it okay we were gonna do northern lights but I'm feeling like it's gonna get a little busy up there yeah obviously the one person didn't recommend having a third light source coming off of these yeah yeah I want to look at some of these real quick I'll say I think that should be far there maybe maybe had that Alerus star out in the distance uh-huh I never use this brush I was wondering what it might look like but I don't like it we look at one of my no this is a different one does every digital brochures now this is a different one I got from another friend of mine don't like it I was gonna put that on I'm gonna put a blur on that just experimenting once again see that looks a little better that will highlight yeah I want to try one more right along there there we go I'm like I'm kind of liking that now I want to come in here so I just want to add a little bit more things coming off of him yeah he would I'm gonna hit all that actually you know what I'm just gonna get in there now and just start rendering over some of that stuff let's do that let's let's just I want to start getting rid of I wanna argh where am I there we go because I'm starting to trail off here question however watched the unfinished thief and the cobbler I have I saw it when when it was still being made thief and the cobbler because it was Richard Williams movie that was being made oh he started it back in the 60s doing it all over himself yeah a lot of it himself I should say and ultimately he lost it to a financing company and they forced him to make it well they took it away from him and made it themselves with Warner Brothers but um it was something else I don't on YouTube asks where are the Chipmunks we were promised chipmunks oh yeah chipmunks Justin yeah see sing the Christmas song if you sing it now then we'll stop pestering you about it maybe but maybe not just a little one just just a little bit come on Dustin just just a little bit come on well we got someone coming in behind us oh you got someone coming in behind us hi my daughter and my granddaughter just showed up that recommends uh maybe to make the Northern Lights somewhere on the horizon so won't be too crowded with objects well I'm just not I don't know that I'm gonna put them on at all I don't know that it needs it okay boy this is taking a long time this one's kind of I'm struggling with it like crazy you can see see that I'm struggling whoops God I got it come on I need to go into some darker darks - that bear turned out really bad but I'm not like well his his experienced face and everything it's just too too square on looking at us but it's okay I get some darker darks in here right there there we go and let's get let's do this I definitely want to get back behind we've got no new questions yet I think we're I'm think I'm being boring I think I'm losing we're losing people this is this was killing me come on Dustin chipmunks that's why we're losing people chipmunks do the chipmunks are you fired do the Chipmunks are you're fired Chipmunks or you're fired oh there goes my granddaughter there she goes there she goes I love it when little girls cry why we're almost done all right maybe a little light coming off of there yeah I've just got to I've got to finish this up cuz uh I've got a crying baby out there it's Christmas time it's Christmas there you go there we go let it go baby let it go it's perfect alright Christmas what's the Christmas song yeah what's that one yes [Music] [Laughter] do you believe that came out of Dustin's mouth I don't know adding some this little design yeah oh it's fine because you can tell your stream people Oh applause all around for Dustin oh people have been commenting about how great the bear looks that's funny I don't think the bear looks that great but I appreciate it folks oh this has got to be I got to draw this under now if I get that there we go oh you can't people all over the world are holding up lighters for you right now Dustin and my comment screen is blank well that's weird refresh it again yeah it's no good here asking questions I'm sorry but I can't see him right now yeah Dustin can't see any anything on Facebook Facebook question by using a tablet or a Cintiq I am using a Cintiq there we go that that light does really help I like getting the the reflected light onto the fur that really helps whoops we're almost there folks I know this is this was really drawn out today no no pun intended I'm trying very desperately to get this done quickly well this little pain as possible well my granddaughter is already giggling and squeaking so I think we're okay maybe have some orange glow yes there will be actually I'm gonna I'm gonna when I get in there to do the lighting which is not going to be too long from now get in there do some all right so I improvised and using my phone now to read out the comments and went on YouTube asks have I seen a star is born yes well if you're talking about the new one yes I have seen it and I fell in love with it absolutely loved it I cried like a baby [Music] [Laughter] there and I'm just kind of going in on losing edges everybody answered the jumping off his collar question the what oh what the hair have any snow dropping off his paws yes he would and I keep meaning to get to that I just haven't gotten to it yet that goes in and out sometimes it's happened to me before yeah it really is there we go a little bit more get any artists to draw you as an animal who would do it and which animal oh I have no idea well that's a tough question who would do it in which animal and I don't know not which what should I be what animal would I be Justin a bear oh yeah it would be a bear wouldn't a parrot I heard someone say a bird in the background yeah I think Glen Keane is the guy to do it you're right your office yeah okay so I've about had the radish here this is my intimate version of Jack Frost we clean up some of this some of this you know just take that right out of there how about that question hi have you ever tried to draw with the other hand yes and it's yeah no I don't like it I don't like it oh I'm doing this all wrong doing it all wrong I tell ya I'm doing all wrong Aaron do the thing every all disease that one here I'm so screwed up on my layers I don't know what's what I just saw the comments then this dream was working and the comments weren't loading yeah and the only and here on the phone the only way i refresh the comments is if I leave the stream and reenter the stream it refreshes with the new comments crazy man alright so are we gonna finish this up what comments or backup on the over here okay alright here's our there we go there we go how badly confuse do you get with your layers sometimes oh pretty bad I'm notorious for not labeling my layers that's one of the first things I tell you in my how to draw my digital painting course is to make sure you label your layers and that's one thing I never do I'm sure if that making looks makes them look too sinister you need to get a little depth to those eyes and what age did you realize how talented you are I don't know if I ever thought about that other I just the age that I knew that I wanted to draw a lot I just kept on drawing talent only gets you so far it's hard work and dedication that gets you the rest of the way I've seen a lot of talented people fall by the wayside and a lot of people that were quote not talented make it because of their hard work let's see that feels a little awkward but that's alright so now I'm going to do this all right so now I've got all that on one layer I'm gonna mess around with this a little bit let's play with the saturation I think the saturation can be pushed up I change the hue I don't want the hue change I want the saturation changed have I ever seen the animated film The Last Unicorn yes I have it's a great film Jeff Bridges is in it just some of the voices I can't remember so here now what I want to do is I'm going to copy this layer I'm gonna grab a very bright orange yellow going to grab my paintbrush the airbrush paint brush I'm going to put it on color dodge and I'm going to bring the opacity way down to 16% we get all this really bright do the same thing in here yeah it feels pretty good hey hey I'm gonna do a little cheat I know a lot of people hate this but I'm gonna do it anyway today putting the lens flare on it yeah we've got a little let's try another another one in a future livestream could you do an art challenge like drawing a painting with a small colour palette using a few colors yes I can do that that's actually a great idea I would love to do that she tried of doing a sketch wall while off-roading in Jeep that's weird okay so I'm gonna do this oops knock this up can you save this live air do what you save this life save it live saved it just now so here I'm adding little burning in little areas of light yeah it really is here I'm drawing with light there we go there give that extra lightings low yeah this little extra lighting on the textures there we go I just erased well they probably do not a fact what I'm gonna do here knock this down hit that a little bit yeah I'm just keeping everything loose me up keeping it loosey-goosey exactly there so there's our Jack Frost I don't know if that's exactly jack frost but if I think it's kind of a fun concept for Jack Frost maybe anything Dustin kind of cool just gonna try one more thing I know it's always one more thing with you Oh darken in a couple areas my class Harry do you recommend we do all traditional art on an easel or some kind of slanted surface no not at all do whatever's comfortable that's what I recommend do whatever is comfortable think think I'm there I think I'm there I think I may I think I might and try one more thing that's one more thing with me I feel that the that shadowopacity just made to the right kind of breaks the snow spiral okay hold on one second I'll see what you're talking about where's my grunge there it is I wanna see if I can get a little grunge in here what the heck come on trying to get to my there we go alright just want to throw a little grunge on it see what its gonna look like give it a little texture all right now the grunge is warm I'm gonna make it cool then I'm gonna get rid of it in the places I don't want it whoops push that a little bit more and a little bit more a little bit more there we go so there you go I gotta make it the opposite there's a cool I made it nice and cool I'm gonna go in and and this once again this is just an experiment I'm not sure if this is gonna work enough just hit the places that I want it to disappear yes that's my granddaughter yeah just a little added grunge I thought was nice hey shadow under the bear there was a shadow under the bear it's a little late now because I put everything down to one layer hello thank you for a live drawing question do you find the social aspect of our example Instagram oversaturated and where do you think is going can it continue yeah I think it can continue I'm not sure that it's oversaturated I actually love the saturation because I'm seeing so many different people's art you know I think it's fantastic so no I don't think it's oversaturated at all I'm gonna call this done I'm calling it done done what's my thoughts on keeping animals captive in zoos well I think if the animals are happy and if the the enclosure is a healthy one then I think it's fine you know people live in neighborhoods and houses and are perfectly happy our natural appetite of the plains of Africa but we like living in our houses as long as we're fed and animals are a lot the same way as long as they're taken care of you know they need a good healthy habitat great food social interaction if those are all taken care of then then they're in a good place all right well there's my struggle for the day as you can see it wasn't easy but you got to see once again you got to see me struggle so that's good and this was kind of fun I'd like to try this again and a little bit more finished mode where I kind of go in and work it a little differently and I could go into this and just keep working it and work working in this is like a good start and this is a lot of fun though they enjoyed this how about you Justin yeah you're saying you're finally saying man yeah just getting a little can't resist once again can't resist there we go alright well let's call this done let's get out of here I hope you guys have a great Christmas remember we've we're on a 9th day of our sale and we've got 35% off of our storyboard classes and story writing classes that's 35 percent off so check that out and and we've still got several days of our Christmas sale going so you know stay tuned at creature art teacher calm and we're gonna have a lot more stuff coming out and remember I've got my my 4 legged locomotion updated version is going to be coming out before Christmas Eve hopefully in the next couple days and we'll get that out to you I'm working on it as we speak if I'm not doing this if I'm not doing the live stream that I'm working on that course so thanks a lot you guys I had a really great time I hope you all have a really wonderful beautiful Merry Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa whatever you celebrate wherever you are whenever you celebrate it I hope it's wonderful and beautiful and I hope you guys put some beauty back into the world and just have a great holiday and do something nice for somebody and I will talk to you next week the following week after after Christmas so well we'll see you actually between between Christmas and New Year's we'll see you there so I hope you guys have a great one and I will talk to you later I guess that's of it that's all I got try a Dustin shopping cart oh yeah put your shopping cart away that's all I got to say Dustin [Music]
Channel: The Art of Aaron Blaise
Views: 17,640
Rating: 4.927835 out of 5
Keywords: The Arts, Animation, Art, Illustration
Id: Gq--JnrGljs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 52sec (8632 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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