LIVE STREAM: Gouache Painting Demo

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[Music] hey everybody Aaron Blais here and we are back it's no lean in there you go whoa there you go we're back I see Vedanta in the corner of my eye it's Thursday and we are going to do some gouache painting today you want to stick with traditional media we had such a great time doing the brush pens these guys right here on Tuesday the moji if you remember we did this this little sketch right here with the brush pen this guy down shooter Dustin down shooter yeah so we did this guy on Tuesday and that was a blast and I want to I wanted to stick with doing some traditional media with you guys and so I thought because I haven't done it at all with anybody we thought we'd jump over to gouache now for those of you that don't know what gouache is gouache is an opaque watercolor so watercolor usually is transparent it's pretty you build up layers and you go from light to dark and you really can't paint anything light over the over the dark areas because it's transparent no gouache has opaque mediums in it so you can paint light over dark or dark over light it's still water-soluble so like watercolor if it dries up on your palette you can reconstitute it with water and it gets going again I sat down last night and did a little practice painting you can see here down funer there it is I used to live on the beach a few years ago and had some photographs and went through them and and found this image and so I thought I'd try to recreate it in gouache had a good time doing it and so I thought okay well why don't we do some gouache painting for the live stream and so I pulled out some more reference I was going through my stuff and this is a photo that I shot on can't remember the name of the river but this is in Nepal in Chitwan National Park and we were out tracking rhinos and tigers never saw any Tigers but we saw plenty of rhinos we were tracking them on elephant back and this is a photo that I shot of this wild Indian Rhino at the river in Nepal and I thought it would be really kind of fun to try to sketch it fairly quickly it's probably gonna take a few hours a couple hours but it's not we do that today in gouache so we're starting with a blank hopefully we're gonna end up with something like that it's gonna be lovely here's hoping I know I'm a little nervous I've got up on the spot I'm paintin in front of a whole bunch of people on the spot when a medium that I'm not completely used to I've been painting watching a long time other than that painting I did last night I'm sure you'll be fine yeah we'll try try well as usual I've got my young spawn next to me Dustin Blaise I don't have a camera yeah he doesn't have a camera and then and we've got Nick birch my business partner and he's in Sarasota oh we didn't pull up we didn't do the thing oh we got to pull up Nick's deep thoughts Nick so go to bookmarks Dustin and there's deep thoughts but anyway so we've got Nick there he's gonna be helping to answer questions and so while Dustin is doing that does so what you shoot me over to the down shooter alright here we go we got it already right off the bat we've got a youtube question do I prefer going light to dark or dark to light and wash I kind of prefer I go back and forth but I kind of prefer going dark to like sort of like working in acrylics I just like to do that although with gouache I go back and forth the same thing with acrylics twitch question is it acrylic gouache or watercolor gouache this is water wash so it is water-soluble alright so I'm just gonna get my board set up and just very quickly I want to do this sketch of this Rhino what's so funny more oh there's all these comments when you introduce me Dustin is owned by Disney by the way and Bryn says hi doesn't your the Robin - Aaron's Batman yes he is so I just want to get these shapes in very quickly he already answered the the twitch question right but the acrylic washer yeah and the really cool thing about these rhinos is that we would we'd stumbled across them you know when we were on an elephant back we're we're going through all this elephant grass this is one of the few clear places that we came out on this river and anytime you got off the river you were in 20-foot tall grass and it really was grass and and it was really cool because you could hear the rhinos and they might be ten feet away but you couldn't see him and so you'd hear this runner or you know and then they'd they'd have even drawn this head too big here but let's see but um let me see if I can do this here I'm just going to quickly sketch this out it's a little far over to the left but I'll run with it I'm gonna keep it so we so we'd come up on them and they they couldn't really see us so they'd stand still even though we're on elephant back and the elephants weren't really scared of them so they would just kind of hang there and be just a few feet away from them but when they were out on the river they were really cautious when they come out like this and it was very difficult to get near them especially if they had young with them well it's your preferred brand of gouache I'm trying to find out affordable but good brand Windsor Newton I don't know if that's affordable for either the Windsor Newton brand is somewhat expensive but when you you're paying for the pigment so you're getting a lot of pigment Grumbach is another good brand how much are those usually it depends on the color all the cadmium cobalt cadmium czar more expensive you know things like that your hues are less expensive because they're know that the staining power is not as strong really they they price things by by a color yeah because the pigment is harder to get like cadmium x' are more expensive because it's a cadmium pigment that's in there so it's a little bit's it's not pricier never knew that yeah the more you know so trying to get here currently fighting to finish a script for a comic I'm working on really fun so far now I started wonder if I know my character well enough what do you recommend me to do keep writing until the end or know my characters better know your characters better their characters really your driving force right and it doesn't you know people talk about a plot driven story or character driven story you can't have one without the other and so if you don't know your character you don't know the decisions that that character is going to make in the course of that story and so a lot of times that and that's okay because a lot of times you discover your character as you're writing the problem with that method is a lot of times by the time you get to really know your character your story's written then you shouldn't think you want to write it over again and you know we always joked about that at Disney you know great when we finished animating we knew our characters well enough to start animating so I was like I'm Beauty and the Beast you know I really felt like at the end of you know when I was done animating I'm beating the Beast I knew the Beast well enough to really go back and start animating them again and but you just don't have those opportunities obviously know if you can see this in that but is it the right now or the hippo that don't walk unless their calves walks first that I don't know I've never heard that so real quickly and you know these are these are Asian or Indian rhinos and so everybody thinks they have these big armored plates on them they're not armored plates these are just really big folds in there very tough hide that they've got they're just folds and the hide let's just fold it in a way where it looks like armor yeah and for the species they all fold basically the same way that's rather interesting yeah have you ever visited kaziranga national sanctuary for rhinos in Assam India I have not I've only been the envy at one time I was in Delhi for just a few days I really what we really want to go back I want to go to Sri Lanka and down there as well and hit some of the that elephant refuge is refugees down there but also hit some of the reserves in in India as well so squashes Oh peg does it act like the multiply layer in Photoshop no actually regular watercolor works like the multiply layer in Photoshop because you build it up and you can see the layer underneath with a with gouache it's opaque so you don't see the layer underneath depending on how opaque you go Emily on periscope says I tend to find that little touches of gouache can add a lot to a watercolor piece they can absolutely you can go in and add some Opaques I try to stay pure with my watercolor and see if I can do the whole thing transparent but I absolutely agree because there's a lot of times I'll go back and let's say I'm doing a portrait of a cat or something and I mean some opaque whiskers I'll do that quite often in fact he did that for for one video for the upcoming watercolor of course I did exactly that in there Eric asks do you find that you are more a creative during a certain time of day no I am I find at any time of day I've got the so used to just having to work on demand or like this you know when we do our live streams I got to be ready to go at 1:00 p.m. every you know and we I was sitting here scrambling trying to find what I was going to paint 20 minutes ago I knew I wanted to do gouache but I wasn't sure what I was going to paint so you know a lot of times I'm behind the scenes I'm scrambling right up to the last minute to figure out what I'm gonna do and now William on YouTube says Aaron you're a part of the reason why I've invested in the Cintiq 16 definitely a good purchase well man that makes me happy because if you didn't like it I would be found be sad I like these uh this combo of comments here one person asked what's the sound of a rhino makes oh yeah and right right after that someone said how does it impersonate one actually I think I might have some have the sound on some of the video that I've shot in my my photos section I don't know where that would be click on photos click go down to the right to the right to the right now double click on that foot on the image judy in there we go now scroll down yeah keep going down down down down down down down down down down down down keep going keep going up slow down keep goin goin goin goin keep goin that's up and up that's in gang talk keep goin down now you're gonna hit now you're hitting some of that yeah go back up go back up go back up back up I think some of those are videos do you see any I was looking like videos oh they may have gotten shifted but anyway yeah yeah sorry about that it was a whole waste of hold on we realize pasted nothing am i sitting in front of the you're good so I I do the sketch very quickly you can see it's uh very very quick and what I like about gouache to's I can just get in here and draw as much as I want and not worry about the pencil showing through like I do with transparent watercolor although even with that I I often don't mind if it comes through depending on the effect I'm trying to get did you take that photo yes I took this photo Nick says we are currently working on an animal reference library for oh yes we are so we are currently working on an animal reference library for creature art teacher comm subscribe for the subscribers in there we're gonna have a video with about five minutes of two of the right rhinos fighting that we filmed yeah so what we want to do because I'm so I've got so much animal reference I want to start sharing it with you guys and so we're going to put together a big reference library for the folks that are subscribers and you know locomotion action all kinds of stuff UK here sorry if I missed it but what tape do you recommend for the edges of the art I don't take leave things with asti yeah messy don't use masking tape masking tape will tear the paper this is artist tape art it's just called you can see on the inside here artist tape this is one inch wide this is a half-inch wide and it goes on and peels off and leaves everything perfect so just look up white artist tape it's way overpriced but I don't have any choice but it's it's sticky but not too sticky that's the beauty of it so I drew them a little too far over to the left for my compositional needs but that's alright I'm just gonna try to balance it out here and I'm gonna go very loose with it that's a goose what do you laugh for that boy oh just a comment so I made the ace picture coming from the second movie with a speaker coming up probably birth birth birth you can also try Oh righty then if you look at the reference there's a pile of mud here that's actually a pile of rhino poop nice how do you like the idea of Disney Princesses from Roth breaks the Internet is making their spin-off I like it I think it's kind of fun if they do it irreverently I think it's a lot of fun and I think I mean they don't have to be too irreverently like DreamWorks was and Shrek the first one with fairy tales and all that but I do think it's fun for them to make fun of themselves a little bit okay so I've got something I've got enough of this down or I think I can get any chance you might come to love it on there's no chance of me come in the Lebanon right now we just don't have anything happening in that part of the world but we might have some stuff happening near Lebanon where you might be able to come over such as we're going to be in Seville Spain at the beginning of May and so you just got to hop over the water there if you can get over the water then we'll be there I'm not sure there are travel restrictions from Lebanon to Spain sure if there are but anyway so there's my mic quick right now and we're gonna now take that and I want to start laying in some color I'm going to start with the background well first thing I want to do is I'm going to start mixing color and I'm going to keep it somewhat thin you can switch to this camera - let's see how it works there we go see we got a it's alive gonna ezel ezel we got a palette cam set up and I tend to go really kind of messy and quick and and I'm using I should be using titanium white right now I've got a zinc white and zinc white is rather transparent it's not super opaque but that's okay that's all I've gotten so that's what I'm gonna use and so I'm just going to mix up some of the color that I'm gonna need and I'll lay everything in really rough got a big bucket here Nick Nicks it's also often called drafting tape okay got you for the for the artist tape twitch question Aaron what's the latest animal you've become fascinated with drawing anything new no I'm still stuck in my big cats and bears and right now this is this would not be my the one that I'm doing now let's say the Rhino will just say it's a rhino that's the latest one I'm fascinated with maybe just wrote I'll be in Yellowstone National Park yeah oh man oh man II so I'm gonna mix up a little bit of actually I probably should throw some cerulean in there I've got cerulean blue right here have you heard of the 500 prompt drawing sketchbook where the book has 500 pages of prompts you draw where the book already have written on each page what you where you're going to draw that's cool if you're into that I think that's very cool I always kind of know what I'm gonna draw or paint but I think it's a cool idea for those that get our art block lune art tick Firefly on YouTube says budget tip I use masking tape but if you use a hair dryer to blow hot air on it before taking it off the glue will go soft and you can peel it off without tearing the paper that's a great idea I never knew that William on YouTube asks what surface are you working on right now panel or canvas oh I'm glad you asked that I'm sorry I completely forgot to tell you guys I am working on arches watercolor paper 140 pound hot press so I'm working on very smooth paper hot press and 140 pound I'm working on a watercolor block so it seals all the way around and then I can just peel it off after that so that's what you know it curls up a little bit you can see that's curl just a little it off but it's not too bad but that's what I painted on last night this is the the smooth 140 pound arches paper right there so I'm going to continue mixing here would you ever come to Croatia absolutely actually I've got a couple of Croatian friends and we've been talking about trying to organize something in Croatia airbrush it off I don't I did in college and I wasn't very good at it grab a little bit of alizarin just to warm that up and then to tone it down I want to gray it down a little bit I'm gonna grab a little ultramarine and tone down that ochre it's great out there of the ultramarine is a compliment it's an opposite color so it'll gray it out brown it out whatever you want Paulo this is going to be for some of the color on the on the Rhino itself I'm trying to mix all of my colors ahead of time I'm gonna go brighter on that too and the other thing too it's hard to making the adjustment going from watercolor to gouache for me because I always think of the watercolors transparent and forget that the gouache is not and so I tend to make my colors too dark the other thing with gouache that's kind of hard to get used to is that it it goes on a different value a different lightness and darkness than what it dries to it dries darker than when it goes on will there be a way to use the image library library without a subscription like for example just by the animal skull package we haven't we haven't decided yet we're not quite sure so this is a it might look like black than I'm kidding but it's not this is Payne's gray I like using Payne's grey because it's not black it's a cool blue-black cool cool I'm gonna gray it out just a little bit and then we'll go darker later masking tape with the hairdryer does anyone know if that still leaves the edges sticky on canvas I don't know I don't personally know cuz you don't use masking tape I don't use masking tape I use artist tape yeah I haven't used masking tape in years question any news on what you'll be doing at the lightbox event no there is no news I know I'll be speaking and and we're you know we'll be doing a few things there but I'm not sure what yet is that the thing that's going on in Pasadena yes No it's gonna get September yeah we do funny feel lands right on my birthday or thank you my back hey favor hey Bader what app are you currently using what app app what happened my music I think for the live streaming we're currently using of OBS to livestream it's gonna say my app is I pad of paper in my hand my app is called a ballot dog wash so I'm just laying out all the color still laying up color there we go recently saw the movie princess and the frog isn't weird I was a little dramatized on what happened to the Firefly yeah poor guy I love that yeah brats almost kill me to death you bet though merely cute give me a deal my favorite part is when he takes the one sticker gets the one sticker off the of the gear like no fun let me get that for you hey then the Gator turns out like kitty helped me with the other side is just nothing but stickers it's like oh just that like just that sound of side is like oh there we go that's a good background color so I've got a little bit I've got a few colors in here I'm gonna use have you seen How to Train Your Dragon the hidden world yeah it's really amazing I'm sure it is I have not seen it yet so I'm gonna go to a flat brush and I just want to lay in I just want to get this board covered I'm gonna go rather thin with it do you think one day you can do a Bob Ross style painting but in Photoshop the equivalent brushes to his tools same color palette probably they jump over to the down shear - Dustin yeah so I'm just going to lay in very quickly some color here I never picked this up as twenties that speaking about rasa I recently saw a video on Facebook where means this teacher and all offer uh students went to the stage of their school and they had Bob Ross on a projector they were learning how to paint like Bob Ross and they were all dressed as Bob Ross that's pretty cool like with buttoned up shirts like the same clothing they all wore the afro wig and so they were painting like Bob Ross while watching Bob Roswell dressed as Bob Ross they basically had a Bob Ross day that's great so what I'm doing right now is I'm just just want to cover up some of this mess up right here when I get some of the background in I'm not worried about it being I'm just gonna let it bleed better run together I can still see the drawing of the Rhino underneath everything which is fine what's the difference between drawing and painting you can draw with a brush it's really I mean drawing obviously traditionally drawing mediums are hard like graphite crayon charcoal those types of things and then painting mediums obviously or you use some kind of medium whether it's oil or water or whatever it might be to run those together now guys do you mix colors before painting with watercolor - and when yellow the watercolor course be out Dustin once the watercolor course come alone what I'm done with the editing which I'm hoping to get done as soon as possible so I'm hoping to get it all done and at least by the end of next week hoping there you go so that's my overall goal so hopefully you guys will get the upcoming course in a couple of weeks and yes I do mix beforehand when I'm doing watercolor I'm not sitting in the I'm not in the picture I'm like wait what's your horoscope sign I'm an Aquarius I'm a bear down and tell sir I just wrote Destin finish the editing thing I'll do my best it looks like Nick's got a YouTube will you ever want to grow your hair long again in the media future no I had my hair long for 25 years and I'm really liking having it short right now maybe you know the one reason I would ever grow it is to donate hair again because when I was when I had it long I was donating it and and I like being able to do that for sure and at which question do you ever use masking fluid I do use masking fluid but not for gouache I don't really need to with wash but I use it for watercolor and actually we have a whole section I do a couple of lessons where I focus on using masking fluid in my watercolor course that's coming up and so here and uh Nick Nick asks hey Nick is it possible to get a shot of the palette and the painting and the same view [Music] so the key at this stage is just to lay down get this canvas covered and and I want to make sure that I'm not tightening up too much I just want to get the general sorry everybody just want just one second there we go there we go oh look at that they're running bad well that's all I blocked your view a little bit uppers like yeah trying to make you shrink someone's requests me to do the Flintstone sound like what what sound like yabba-dabba-doo like that yeah but Dad I'll pay more hey hey yabba-dabba-doo so you can see how this is it's also you know once it sets it's still water soluble so I'm just going in and hitting some of these areas here did you ever have issues with family or friends now supporting here dream of being an artist and how do you deal with that no I am and I really didn't care what anybody thought anyway I was gonna I was always very stubborn in with what I don't know one was gonna tell me what to do even as a kid so I never had that issue but I was always very supported by my family as far as wanting to be an artist most of my family was artistic as well and so you know my brother is an animator an artist my my mother wanted to be an artist but she just never did it my father is very artistic so we were very lucky in that sense my brother and I and my stepfather as well you know my parents divorced when I was young and my stepfather was artistic as well and he's he's the one responsible for getting the end of you know watercolors and and really driving me to get my act together when I was a teenager and kind of rebelling to get my act together and get into school yeah we'll get my you know figure things out basically did you just mix plain water color with whitewash to create all your block colors or no no no it's all wash hogwash hogwash Alex Kay on youtubes ass is there a media which you aren't as comfortable using or dislike using there's certain ones that yeah I've just never I'm not a good sculptor I haven't sculpted very much but beyond that now there's pretty much I like I like all mediums and everyone has its challenges and like watch I'm you know I don't use watch very often and so for me it's a little difficult because you know gouache has its own you know things that make it what it is and so that's a little difficult sometimes Dustin you could entertain that birthday parties doing impressions yeah he could so either happy birthday so I'm just laying in color how many times have you taken a sip of the paint water thinking opposed drinking water I've done it a hundred times at least a hundred times that must been a fun taste oh yeah the worst is when you do it with turpentine when you're doing oils so right now I'm working the gouache very thin like watercolor just to get something down on the paper and then it looks very messy right now but I'll go back in thinking that I can't see it somebody that your greens and the small small window there looks like a shock Pikachu beam what the with basically your greens looks like a shocked face Oh yeah I agree I can't I can't even see that anymore and a while back you said you were coming to Denmark sometime would it be possible to meet you here somehow or is it a closed event I'm gonna be the Borg April 20 27th 26 somewhere in there and I'm gonna be at the animation workshop I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a closed event but check into it see if the see if if it's open to the public it might be Juan Carlos on YouTube asks how fast is gouache dry compared to watercolor um I actually think that think it dries a little bit faster you know it's it's water it's a water-based medium so it basically comes down to however fast the water the water dries and for the question that about accidentally drinking the the paint water instead of there instead of the drink instead of the normal water yeah somebody adds I have often dipped my brush in my coffee oh yeah I've done that many times you have I think every artist has done that yeah dip your paint into your coffee by accident oh yeah oh yeah for sure that must've won't get even more oh yeah what's the current size of the paper this is nine by twelve nine by twelve okay so here's the reference there's the reference there's the lay in once again reference lay in and now once I've got it laid in now I can start going in and starting to render it a little bit and I have more color first I want to blow dry it so I'm not going to be able to talk for the next Oh what's my favorite memory going to the account I've got a couple let me go dry this first and then I can talk sorry I don't know if you can hear me or not today hear me it's got a blow-dry this for a bit it looks like a mess doesn't it but when I met we're gonna fix up we're gonna pull it all together make it look really pretty [Applause] the funny radio moderator song again when the hair drivers on I sat at the bar and had a drink with Clint Eastwood during commercial break got him up got him a white wine and you know I got him with the with all of the hobbits from Lord of the Rings and went to the Lord of the Rings afterparty did that that was fun got a lot of good times I appreciate but the drinks are free yeah yeah so if we could buy him a drink he goes yeah I appreciate it but yeah the drinks are free no it was fine it was fun he was a cool dude I don't agree with his politics but I like him yeah I would probably lose my mind just a little bit especially it was like Arnold my whole my all-time action hero yeah you just picture like walking out doing like mr. Schwarzenegger army just like oh nice - nice to meet you - we've got to go to the chocolate to get to the after-party you want to tag along so I'm just gonna go in and just loosely throw in some shapes in the background here [Music] have you ever done murals or I did I did in college did murals in college to help pay my bills and help pay my tuition how do I understand or know my characters better you got to write them we've got to write them you got a you know how do they fit into your story what you know what in their world brought them to your story you got to figure all that stuff out and it's just sitting down and deciding who they are this is that Arnie's favorite part of the chopper know the chopper is the place that is the thing that gets me to my favorite bar it's called Dylan's these Devil's some of these are demo original paintings I haven't yet we have not sold any yet doesn't mean it won't I'll see you at the party victor is it victors of Richter from Total Recall never figure that out I don't know so once again I'm just going loose over this and then once this dries I'm gonna run a little fog over the top of it just to run it together well it's the most mind-blowing thing you learned as an artist oh I don't know that's that's a that's a tough question that's a good one the most mind-blowing I don't know that's that's Ossining that question alone is mine am i blowing yes that question alone is mind blowing you know there's so many things to consider you know as an artist I've never really thought about any single mind-blowing thing all right I've got a blow dry this twitch comment rest in peace in some users now with the head dragon down we're all on YouTube as I struggle to determine when to call a watercolour painting finished I ever think they look unfinished or overdone do you have any tips now just keep doing it you'll start to get a feel for it I am I struggled with the same thing you know setup having a clear idea of what it is that you're gonna paint you know thumbnail it whatever there's way started everybody started putting up break out the Armel quotes well my personal favorite Arnel movies specifically for the clauses is Batman and Robin oh yeah they do Batman Robin everybody thinks that terrible movie but I love it for oral especially with these puns just alright everyone chill like oh my god I can't be any more obvious what's your favorite thing about watercolor for me it's an easy medium I like it because I've been doing it for so long I think it's a very I can manipulate it pretty well and and I think it's it's actually somewhat forgiving I like the spontaneity in watercolor too nick says dustin maybe mute mike but he's doing the hairdryer but when he's doing that air track what calm you to Mike Oh baby Oh mute Mike but then I'm still talking yeah we're still talking we needed Dustin blaze comedy special there it's gonna run some of that together to get a little gray and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go back later and run some of that together or put some you know from distant detail in there but for now I'm just gonna leave it like it is that's gonna be my background nick says Dustin man maybe mute the mic when he's doing the hairdryer yeah that's what we just talked about okay now you see my problem I'm gonna mute it now you we so I'm gonna grab Brown I'm gonna go a little Bret Sienna burnt sienna burnt sienna all right my dad is going to Africa next week I think it was a Tanzania in there I have been to Tanzania yes I went to Teheran Gary National Park in Tanzania how do you get yourself to paint more loosely hold on loosely 38 special I listen to 30 expression people are now like now I miss the blower noise thing because I immediately during the last you know yeah it's paining loosely is just something that you have to force yourself to do you just have to have faith that it's gonna be okay it's going to come out all right so what I'm doing here is I'm the sand in the background getting a little cooler - that's sand in the earth Oh barf that's sand in the background is dark towards the water's edge here and they makes it okay the muting is just weird my bad it's okay Nick we know you mean well so I'm just painting in some of these darker spots of sand back here and earth and now I want to really lighten it up another question up there from YouTube okay can we ask afore you have read up to me John on YouTube asks do you prefer hot pressed paper over the textured cold cold pressed for watercolor and the gouache no I prefer cold press with gouache I want I want the texture with gouache I mean I'm sorry not wash watercolor I want the texture with watercolor I want the smoothness smoothness with gouache so I prefer cold or hot press with gouache cold press with watercolor so I'm going to turn this upside down it's kind of work this I'm always very interested to see a painter's shapes and loose strokes turn into something I'm watching housing this well very carefully very carefully as we're gonna let this at this point your career is there any part of your drawing skills where you wish you were better well I think in general I'm always striving to get better at everything I do and I I struggle as much as the next guy you know I just stick ice ice I just don't give up so I've got a general sense of the tone coming down here and I'm gonna add texture plus I'm going very very quickly very quickly very loosely very loosely 38 special 38 special hold on loosely damaged elevator 38 special age 31 looks like Nick's got a couple of questions for you that's good for me Nick says Jacob on YouTube asks how was the transition from learning illustration in school to enemy animation professionally and do you have any tips for doing the same yeah I mean the for me I already knew how to draw I learned how to draw in college we had some great instructors and that's one of the reasons I got the job at Disney it was because of our instruction on drawing at Ringling and and so the leap from knowing how to drum just basic drawing to animation is not a huge leap it's just understanding action and movement and and emotion and how to convey those emotions through acting right and so that's where we spent our time is you know trying to understand that and so I've been up we're you know we're always trying to know how to to at least in 2d we're always looking to improve our drawing skills and see one of the things I'm looking at here is you know the gouache dries darker than when it goes on so I've got this nice blue it almost looks like white on here but it'll go on kind of a blue gray on my painting the only advice on keeping to any advice and keep having fun and not stop enjoying what you do when turning the things you love into your work saying turning art into a job thank you well I mean I already I love what I do already so I think it's just being aware and trying to keep that attitude the thing is a better finding what kind of art you want you want to do that that you enjoy doing yeah there's that but I mean art in general I mean just learning different types of art whether it's animation or or here we are you know doing some gouache painting whatever it might be find the thing in it that that really drives you do you listen to TV audiobooks music when you when you paint your music use it they're kind of like sometimes I listen to music but then sometimes I actually put on like movies or TV shows in the background and I don't haven't paid attention to them to what's going on I just listen to it because I picture it all in my head and somehow that keeps me more awake than listening to music yeah I can't I can't do that I have an inability to to have TV going because I want to watch it and then I can't watch TV and pain at the same time so getting some of these you can see how much darker that's drawing compared to what I had on the palette but the great thing about this medium is you can go in and paint over it opaque opaque ly quickly damper recommendation on the left half of our desktop computer that can handle your art programs animation short clips I use Mac I have a Mac Pro that's what I use you know different people have different things my budget I really push my budget you know I we as a business for us that's the best computer for what we do and it's a little bit pricey but it really serves our purposes I / I personally go and here comes Dustin hey yeah I I personally and the one PC guy of the whole team but yeah I personally like PC more because the parts are cheaper to come by and you can build your own and so when you need to replace a part you simply take the old part out put in the new one once you can afford it yeah Mac just don't have to replace the parts no you have to replace the entire computer for a couple of grand I've never had to replace anything just wait a few more years yeah we have those kinds of debates all with all the time they're rather entertaining all right so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go in and I'm going to redefine the the Rhino I'm going to start painting on the Rhino now and just work my way from left to right what expense do you consider yourself a youtuber and which youtubers you follow any non art youtubers I don't really follow any non art youtubers I don't follow people but I don't really I for me I don't spend time on YouTube other than when I'm posting stuff to youtube so you know I know proko and a few other people but that's about it you know that's that's my extent basically fellow artists yeah so risk on twitch asks do you have any brush recommendations mister blaze I'd like to get into gouache yeah I mean my biggest recommendation is of you know you don't have to go super expensive sable brushes or anything like that well make sure you get a couple of flats like this this is a one inch flat now recommend maybe a half inch flat as well they're great for laying in areas and then using the edge to to get nice choppy areas and then rounds that's all I pretty much use these are all round brushes for certain bits of detail minor go they might go all the way from a number three up to a number sixteen so it really depends and actually I've got this one here this is a this is a fifty you can see how big that brush is not gonna use that on this one so but there you go but I've got to get in here now and I've got to get serious about doing some some painting here on this guy if you're trying to digital painting of the software paint tool Sai is so what are your views I am NOT what's it called Sai si I never done it okay so here I'm mixing some dark I'm gonna go in and I can barely see the drawing when I come in here and I'm just gonna lay down probably could go with a bigger brush but I feel like I have some good control with this small number three there's gonna lay down some dark and then over the top of that we're gonna throw some light is there still the opportunity to make a career doing hand-drawn 2d animation like not flash style now that 3d animation is everywhere in the industry sometimes I get some discouraged by this even Disney has stopped doing it you know I think it's gonna come back if you look at streaming companies like Netflix and Amazon they're currently creating a fair amount of content in 2d now I think a lot of it is flash I could be wrong but that being said I think it's going to start coming back around again and we're going to see a resurgence of 2d animation in the future you know with the advent of you know new software and drawing tablets you know a lot of the overhead is being cut back and the and the ability to work remotely longer the overhead is being cut back just from the sheer fact that you don't have to use paper and and that sort of thing so once again I think yeah it's kind of it's going to change I think we're going to see I said a resurgence of it I think I'm using too small of a brush right now but uh I would be a be patient because I think it'll come back around that's my advice and my hope oh and we're gonna try to make it happen looks like Nate's got a whole list of new oh well look at that Jesse I knew two basket we use watercolor techniques on gouache absolutely it's a water-based medium so you can do it you can also do it with acrylic you can use acrylic acrylic like like watercolor if you so choose but the cool thing about acrylic is that it's opaque once it dries and so you can build up you know what else have we got do you have any brush recommendations oh I just talked about it BM reports that I have max are three hundred percent cheaper to own over their lifetime of use than pcs over the same period that's probably for like pre-built pcs not custom built pcs Mark on YouTube as Aaron I already have my positive opinion on this but interested to know your thoughts in a world of digital arts why use traditional tools ie paint traditional animation charcoal drawings why why not I mean for me I like I love digital art obviously you guys know I love digital art but I also like at the end of the day to have a physical piece of art in my hand I love the craftsmanship I love you know there's excuse me there's a challenge that comes with traditional media meridian or any type of medium that you have to you know the art how much of the art is understanding the medium and and and working with it right I mean that's that's the craft of it going a little bit blue there are applications for visual art in games like tabletops or RPGs they're there art is really awesome have you ever thought on joining that project I have not only because I really love where I'm at right now how do you deal with water lines when working wet over dry watercolors I blend them you'll see that I'm constantly rinsing my brush and squeezing water out and then going back in and if you can see I'm pulling water out and then going back in and reworking and the thing with with gouache and watercolors you can go in and you can still rework it I'm still just laying in the base right now now the problem with gouache is it takes me a little bit longer than other mediums so like the one we did the other day where we were just drawing this is going to take a bit longer this might take a few hours but you know we'll just we'll just roll with it oh yeah yeah blend okay jump to a larger brush will you shoot the glass course soon uh yeah I might do an acrylic course before that or and I'm also looking to do a new dog on it I gotta go darker a new animal drawing course I want to do a birds-of-prey course where's your ice water I didn't get it before I started yummy yeah one for you no I'm good so here I'm just going in and did you work on 1990s rescuer rescuers down under if so which characters did you did you animate I did I did work on that was the first feature I ever worked on and I worked on all the prison animals kangaroo down down below and a little bit of the lizard matter-of-fact in order for me to get promoted to an animator I had to do an animation test involving the characters of Joanna the lizard from that movie so I had to animate Joanna coming into this room and kind of sneaking around that we have a few more things from nickk nickk nickk nickk nickk nickk nickk nickk nickk do the thing we're gonna YouTube's asked I'm trying to teach myself how to paint with oils and I was wondering if you had any tips yeah the thing with the oils is you know oils are probably the most forgiving and just remember that you can get away with a lot I'm gonna do a boil course I love painting in oils and you know it's just telling you tips you know cold is a little it's a little hard you know because there we go because I'm not sitting there showing you but um you know just be patient with oil and just let it do its thing you there's a lot of control you can give it and but you just got to take your time that's probably the biggest thing I can tell you sorry I'm trying to I'm trying to paint and think of another way I'm trying to paint and watch to think about oil at the same time and I'm our time sorry about that an excess from earlier having said that we have a pretty neat book and book game project we are working in very soon yes we do have it's a choose-your-own-adventure type thing and we're really having a great time with it and we're going to be doing some live I'm illustrating a big chunk of it and we're going to be doing some live illustration that illustration illustration illustration a deuce illustrating of it soon in the near future so all I'm doing right now is I'm just building up building up building up to the late comers is the watercolor course available not yet we I just started editing earlier this week and uh hoping to get it all down by the end of next week and so the watercolor course should be out in in a couple of weeks at least by the end of the month fingers crossed yep fingers crossed so I want to start getting some other color in here you can see I can scrub these and soften them and get all kinds of texture and a new question up there Joshua on YouTube as in your experience in tenure do you conceptualize the image or effect you want to produce or do you find yourself applying practice techniques and seeing what happens I try to envision it first and then from there i am i you know i apply my techniques that i know but i definitely try to try to see what it is in my mind what i'm doing and i'm trying to get a very specific light-colored orange here color that hide it's got a lot of red in it is white in black a color depends on what you how you consider color does any any color can go so bright or so dark that it becomes those colors so technically it is you know it is those colors or but it definitely belongs in the color spectrum because you know are things will get washed out to the point of being lighter or darkened to the point of being black so you can see I've kind of pulled if I show the Rhino here you can see I've kind of pulled together some of the darks to redefine that Rhino so now I want to go in and start defining some of the color and the hide dude big question and the other thing that's going to happen here is you're gonna see that this will probably dry a little darker a youtube question can you describe the shift in celebrity from the old days when the public didn't know the animators to now with the social media and things like that any weird fan moments um no not really I mean I've had people come up to me that recognize me from YouTube or whatever you know in the grocery store which is always kind of weird but other than that no not really we mostly get your your fandom happening in conventions and yeah and that's that's cool but did you ever have any like encounters like in a in a marquee like Publix or something yeah I've had people come up to me in in grocery stores I recognized me you know locally and that's it's always kind of weird so I'm just laying in some nice cool colors on his sin out like so that are reflecting the sky colors and I'm gonna have to build that up is it true that Disney artists don't use color black in their work no that's not true we try to avoid using black I mean they don't it's not something you just jump in and use but if you call it if you know if it calls for it you use it do the people that you made me take put your card away yeah and Nick says familiar it depends on the color spectrum you are referring to light is different than pigment yeah but even whether it's in light or pigment things still can lighten up to the point of being white or darken to the point of being black they're doing you read that for yes please mark on YouTube masks creating 2d animation I brought out and tie down every frame of my animation then I inked every frame the inking process takes forever any recommendations or approaches to speed it up no next question unfortunately it's it just it's one of those things that just takes time and the in-betweening process for me to always drives me nuts and it just is what it is it just takes a long time our it drives me nuts people crazy are you and blaze the father of the famous Dustin yes that is he do you know what I I had app is better for doing 2d hand-drawn animation I've used to boom with a PC but for me it was hard to do the cleanup because of the lack of precision with the pencil although during the rough was a lot of fun but is there any iPad apps and that I don't know do you know of any custom your rusty me I don't know I honestly have no idea if there are any tablet root tablet based apps for animation I've only known like nicotine pain boon all that stuff but those are all computers Nick did the thing we need you to figure it out oh there is enough people brought up one said try ruff animator followed by another person says I hear ruff animator app is good yeah give it a try see how that does yeah couple people are yeah we got three people bitching about row Famers so I guess that is the app for the iPad there you go and question so far I ran it out of God dent so I'm just kind of working back and forth between light and dark and that's too much pigment on my brush what size is the arches paper in centimeters and centimeters it is 23 centimeters by 31 centimeters do you find squash requires a sturdier paper than watercolor for all the layering and scrubbing not necessarily because I think watercolor requires pretty sturdy paper too because I do a lot of scrubbing with watercolor as well do you know Nick's cider or have you seen his makings no I do not know this piercing you speak of Oh Nick says if you have an Android tablet TV paint now works on that that's pretty cool that's pretty freakin cool man all right so I'm trying to get give us some more questions surround me a freaking bone here that's how I didn't mean to cut you off sorry working on the highlights now yep going back and forth so I like jumping you know from right here like up at the top here I want to really define the shape of the back of the Rhino man it doesn't even feel like a an hours pass crazy huh yeah feels like half an hour what's the biggest difference is between gouache and watercolor wash is opaque water colors transparent how do you maintain a healthy work-life balance I I don't really have any problem with that you know when I I like to play too so I am you know we have our own business so Nick and I you know if we want to play hooky we play hooky and you know and don't feel guilty about it we love we love what we do but we also love to you know we love enjoying our families and and that sort of thing and and so I don't have any problem getting out and and just getting away for a while now I I do if I'm on vacation or something like that I do tend to bring drawing material and all of that so I can because I like to draw for fun as well so I'm still doing that they've just changed his picture to do him I think is a Nick cider so now you can start to see that I'm starting to build up I'm getting some nice light areas along the top of the Rhino here what exactly did you do for Disney I was a director and an animator I was there for 21 years there we go you have any tips for improving drawing faces I find it quite easy to draw bodies in motion but when it comes down to faces they just don't look right you know that's just it it's hard because there's a lot of symmetrical issues that you have to look at in perspective you got to make sure probably one of the biggest things that people forget is making sure that the perspective is right on a face you want to make sure that all that everything lines up and the right way so don't forget your perspective that's a huge one this concept art created through the process of moviemaking or is it all done before the storyboarding it's done before and during you know because you're figuring stuff out both through storyboarding and concept in fact during The Hobbit they were concepting the the design of Smaug the dragon the entire time before the second one released yeah I think was like one thing they did the whole the concept of the whole thing from the entire production of the first Hobbit during like the filming and everything mm-hmm it was until like weeks before like weeks before they did the official small reveal scene when they they were finally finished with the design right so yeah it can it can range from all different times it's just as long as it's still going on then there's still room for concept absolutely how many layers can you add in gouache painting is there a is there a point where the paper can't take anymore not really because you're you're you're building up on the pigment you're not building up on the paper the paper takes the initial bit but you're really just building up on the pigment on top of pigment on top of pigment so I could theoretically just keep building this up which is kind of what I'm doing right now if I'm looking to buy the character design course that you offer is it necessary that I should get the complete animation course first not necessarily if you want to be an animator and you don't know much about animation that I recommend getting the animation course only because I think it'll help you but you don't have to know basically what you want to learn do you want to learn how to design characters get the character design of course the drawer learn how to animate get the animation course if you want to do both then they get both it's all about what you want to do and what you want to thank you for that clarification Dustin you're welcome I got a couple of new ones oh yeah that's pretty cool yeah I like photorealism that's cool Jesse on YouTube as well you're mixing color is it possible to say the name of the colors it is possible will I do it I don't know no of course I'll do that what do you do when you don't know what to draw wait wait I got this you draw yeah I guess draw and eventually it'll come to me just draw just sit down and you do it just go away any tips for concept art storyboarding portfolios trying to get a break put your best work in that's the best I can tell you so you don't have the best work in then it's not you're not you're doing yourself a disservice and don't put any incomplete pieces in there see it's when you get to the highlight section like I'm doing now it gets weird because you'll see that this what I'm painting right now is gonna dry a lot darker than what I just laid down would you do some Bob Ross ASM offer a little bit here there's paint in this hi again some texturing not worry about it they can barely hear you because of the mic exactly so they have to get in real close and listen everybody does get in real tight and listen me give me pain hey rip the headphone users right there so here I'm just putting in a little bit of texture there we go well artists have you have it's party most well there's no single artist that that's inspired me the most I've been very inspired by a lot of different people both alive and dead I was just thinking about Joaquin Soria who was an amazing Spanish painter I've been a fan of for years and years and we were just talking about him the other day yeah there's just there's too many of the name I missed the beginning did you sketch this by eye or take a quick outline of the original for proportion I sketched it by eye you can see the reference up to the right of the screen have you made a video where you made art with the cheapest garbage I did a video one time where I made a painting it's on my youtube channel I did a painting with coffee and crayons and look at what Nick did Jaggers back it is the first thing you're using a synthetic brush it is it is a synthetic that's okay i don't i am i treat my brushes really badly so i am so i i buy cheap ones but ones that will hold there hold there tip look I got a few new questions Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick do the thing Terry into me alright twitch question are you you softening your edges with a dryer with a dry brush or more damp the times I've messed with gouache I've always had problems with picking up pigment while trying to soften edges yeah you do pick up some pigment but you gotta kind of redistribute it at the same time you're you're softening it and so yeah I am picking it up but I'm also moving it to where I want it to be it's hard to explain but I know what you're saying and it's just over time you'll get used to doing it the right way I guess is the best way I can put it and YouTube question how are your whites not muddy I am I make sure to keep the color pure I never mix more than two colors when I'm mixing my whites that way they don't become chalk Oh guys technical question with wash when you put a color on and then put water on it did the water or did the color underneath move like water colors do it depends on if it's dry or not that's the big deciding factor there you can see this guy starting to come together a little bit for me what you call those nifty brush pens you hear we're using the last ring of Jumanji come on these are bomb oh geez emoji there's a poop emoji they're called Ben Muji do you appreciate Ralph Rafa Macquarie yes the query yeah it's ready the quarry the query McQuarrie thermacore you can I've heard used both ways the deer appreciate his work oh yeah the Star Wars stuff was amazing what see the he was the original concept artist for all the ships right yep that's right I think that's all post on the Facebook somewhere so here I'm just kind of moving pain around I'm trying to create texture Megan on YouTube asks what are the essential skills you need to do concept art for films I think speed imagination obviously painting ability drawing ability imagination all of the above so what is it coming up to great but I'm having fun doing it that's and that's the important thing it's all about having fun in the end yeah you can see we've got some nice kind of stuff happening here I just want to get in and we got to get to the really deep darks down below we're just needed making a nice little friendly right now down the river are you a Marvel or or or DC neither I don't really care like the movies I've just never been either one I didn't really grow up with comic books I grew up you know drawing dead animals and stuff and being creepy that way yeah I like the like a few issues of spider-man and uh and like Wolverine they here and there but never got like really into the comics but I did understand the characters and everything so what it's so I saw the movies I understood them quite a bit so you know they have based on movies and comics yeah like Marvel more than DC DC sometimes they make their movies a bit too dark I mean sometimes a freaking movie well Wonder Woman wasn't so bad I mean no yes the powell is still dark no scimitar goes free wise yes it's all still dark but definitely the better one of all the DC films did they use squash paintings for the Disney movie backgrounds or acrylics acrylic squash watercolor oil depends on the movie Bambi was oil I think we use gouache on some of the Roger Rabbit backgrounds Beauty the beast was oil wasn't acrylic acrylic yeah being the beast was acrylic and Mulan was water color acrylic but treated like water color in a lot of instances so I got close somewhat somewhat what what about Brother Bear was brother very well well acrylic ah but it was meant to look like oil paintings aha so I was fooled exactly as planned it was meant to be very painterly yeah well what's the most common paint used like as you as I mentioned like three from three digital though well back then I'm talking about because you mentioned like acrylic three from three different yeah probably because it was so it's so forgiving I got two new questions from Nick or in this case Mick Jagger Josh on YouTube asks could you explain the abrupt movements and geometric lines you make occasionally no I think it's just my style sometimes I don't realize I'm doing it I try to follow the planes of the of an object that I'm painting you know the shape and 3d space and so sometimes that comes it comes through in that way painting the happy little rhinos with a lovely image and a youtube question I'm developing CGI showreel i animate in 2d and use a strong guy to create CGI should I include the 2d rough animations with CGI shots and show real they even include the 2d rough atoms yeah if you think if you think it's interesting to the people viewing and it might give you a little extra leg up then yeah go ahead but you know if it's if it's something that only you can appreciate then don't yeah you don't need to overload it oh man Matt Yocum here nailed it I mentioned a Mick Jagger that Dustin don't you mean you haven't you know we have a question from Nick Jagger yes from Nick Jagger Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Jagger have you used gouache paint on toned paper yes and it's fun tone paper is like the darker yeah anything that's not white good to know there we go I'm just trying to get when we get a nice light color and something that's opaque enough when doing cleanup for animation what is the best way of doing it doing the keys first or just straight ahead keys first do your keys then do your breakdowns then do the in-betweens always always always I never painted with gouache do they dry fast like acrylics yes so I'm going through now and just hitting I want to hit the top of the still there's still a little bit to the top of the Rhino that I want to get here just working it nick says as a quick follow when some people review portfolios they'd like to see prices work to get an idea of how you think well others only care about the finished product but if it's good 2d I say go for it yeah yeah if it's entertaining like I said then put it in there if it adds in if it adds to the to the person that's judging you if it adds to it then definitely put it in there can wash be reactivated like watercolor when left alone yes it's one of the reasons I like it I like a lot and I already have the drawing fast question right about the acrylics mm-hmm so you can see when I lay down a brushstroke you can see how bright it is when I lay it down but as it dries it really darkens that's one of the hardest things to get used to when painting in gouache it's again keeping this any loose in innovation I get the concept of keys and in-betweens but I still don't understand what our breakdowns breakdowns are between the keys and the and the in-betweens so a breakdown is not this it's not quite a key and it's and it's not a straight in between either and so it's something kind of in between it's that's the breakdown I don't know how to explain it more than that it's um so it's like say the keyframes one is look like the first keyframe is you looking left and the second keyframe is you're looking right the Trant the the in-between is you're looking straight ahead and the breakdowns is if I here's here's a this is what the breakdowns put the camera on so if I have my hand looking at pointing at you and then I have my hand pointing over here those are two keys there's a key and there's a key now I'm going to move my hand between the two now am I going to pull my hand in and move it that way am I going to move my hand straight across so the breakdown is gonna dictate it's not the key because here's the key and there's the key but it's also it's gonna dictate the action so let's say I want to pull my hand in so I'm going to come here there's my breakdown and there's my other key so now it tells the artist that my hand is coming in and then going that and then the in-betweens are going to be from here to here the drawings in between and then from here to here the drawings in between as long as you follow that arc you've got good movement but that's what a breakdown is the breakdown is not quite the key because here's the key and there's the key it's the breakdown it's the one that dictates helps dictate the action where it's gonna go next yes gotcha now that makes sense that make sense now awesome just join do your best Jagger what do you think of mixing different materials but with the same texture effects as wash and Colour pencils do you recommend Church right I only affected my experimentation it's always it's always a good thing with art you'll make discoveries so I come again I want that knowledge statue mark asks as a follow-up to my eating question from earlier should I treat inking the same way keyframes and then in-betweens yes and then Peter from YouTube asks who do you think would win that Indian Rhino or the water buffalo uh well that's a tough one I don't think anyone would fight first of all but um well these are pretty territorial the Indian Rhino is not quite as big as people he as you think it is compared to the water buffalo there's a good chance that water buffalo could win all the rhinos are really big to go you know they are being but I don't know when you're traveling for a close event why not have in an informal event and greet at it like a cafe or a bar cuz it always depends on time when I go and do these events I'm usually in and out that's why well if we can we'll start doing more it depends on you know the amount of time that I'm in a place was there ever time that you felt that your work or your skill is not enough yeah how did you deal with that fear of not being enough I just kept working I really did I mean it really came down to that I just don't I have faith in myself I really do and I I just pushed through and you know I I don't know how tell you you just gotta you gotta fight through that and just have faith in yourself and know that you can do it it's not always easy matter of fact it's never easy there's times when it's less hard but it's never easy ever am I going in with some cool colors right now make some texture on the sky is your channel also streaming on Twitch yes your your twitch name is Aaron Blais art correct I believe did you answer the any other questions I don't think so can you answer or I could ask him for me if you dare work with or meet a Eyvind Earle I have a new role I literally know I'm in rows before my time but I have honor for those of you that don't know I even early he's the one that did all those beautiful he was a beautiful style that was created for Sleeping Beauty those trees and the backgrounds are just stunning that's I have an earl nick says on our Europe trip we are aiming for some of those informal meetups stay tuned but he spelled it out as t oo and that's right station maybe as in Tunes Lutetia but we um yeah we're looking to do that at the zoo in Manchester if we can we can swing it so I'm trying to get some of the texture here on the on the back end of the Rhino they just roll of May 17th come join us photography in Bozeman at some Yellowstone action yes May 17th that's something we want to shoot for Bozeman Montana photographing Cougars bears what kinds of fun stuff when I get some of the grass in here and now it's time it's time I'm just sitting here kind of noodling we got to stop doodling gotta move on get this thing over with for someone who knows very little about gouache what is the difference between gouache and watercolor the biggest difference is sorry we've decided that question this is Austin and she destroyed it oh okay hi Austin the biggest difference between gouache and watercolors that you can see what I'm doing right now I'm painting light over dark you can't do that with with watercolor so gouache is an opaque medium meaning it goes down you know depending on how thick you use it it goes down opaque you can't do that me you just can't do it will you come to Austria we have an amazing zoo in Vienna I'd love to I would love to do you keep up with the newer animation TV shows or movies is there any you watch or plan to watch eventually no I just don't I am I used to well the later the the latest anime movie watch was the spider-man movie oh yeah I thought you're talking about like the series and stuff like that no it's just straight just animated like TV shows or movies yeah movies you know I try to as much as I can TV shows not so much I just don't have the time I don't watch I'll sit down at night and watch a little bit of TV but I like I'm trying to spend I try to spend more time in my studio I have a great difficulty seeing colors accurately when I paint how do I get past the illusion that a certain color is lighter or darker than it actually is experience timing experience will take care of that so you can see it's just very loosely laying in grasses and that sort of thing this is um coming out okay there's a couple of other areas on a hit we would love to meet you down here in Argentina will you ever teach a workshop in Latin America I've taught lots of workshops in Latin America problem is I just haven't been to Argentina I've done a lot of stuff in Chile I've done stuff in Brazil and actually are there any plans of going to Chile not currently although that can change pretty quickly because we go down there a fair amount Nick an idea hi Aaron a Dustin which brushes do you juice joy deuce deuce they make shoes yeah probably and I am right now I'm using a number three round very small brush I'll be smaller than I need to use somebody says he needs a little birdie friend yeah for the Rhino he needs a nice little friend right on the shoulder right there but uh Nick says for those asking about about color we have an awesome course on color theory by Ronnie Wilfred at creature art teacher calm raaah he's one of the best guys I color I've ever met really really great so I really recommend it if it's something you're if color is something you struggle with Ronnie's really great you ever just press can control Z out of habit when drawing traditionally no I don't I know people that do mistake where's my keyboard sorry you're painting gouache what texture sits on like fur skin grass wood cetera wasn't which of these textures do you enjoy the most to draw and to paint wood and fur I like fur grasses I think I like grasses to the challenge you're doing grass right now it's not like fur like wolves and bears and yeah oh my my knees you tigers and bears all by any update on whether or not you're coming back to UCF no I don't have one yet right now we're going to be doing a lot of travel so the answer is no at the moment we're not gonna be happy being there I'm not gonna be there anytime soon because my summer pretty much our summer is taken up between Europe Japan and Hawaii but but things can change so stay tuned I think we already answered that one dick but it's probably a late comer but uh David on YouTube asks how many layers of paint can the gouache hold before starting to have problems with the paper oh I don't have any I don't know I've never I've never hit that far because the gouache will can keep going and going and going just I get energized it better just keeps going yeah I'm just going in right now and softening some edges my son really wants to do this and while I agree colleges are too expensive well you always go back to that Ringling got he would would you have gotten in without the networking front really it was a different time back then I think you can't get in without Ringling now back then the way i got in i was in the first internship where they took people that didn't that work from an animation school it was our it was our program our pilot program that kind of started the whole internships thing that happened through the 90s and so arthas quite a bit different I think with all the information that's out there on YouTube and you know all the stuff you can get online I definitely think you can get an education without going to college now I think it really depends on the on the student as well because not everybody learns the best that way some people need that discipline so really I think it does come down to you know how how well can you learn on your own I have suggested for Easter you should do a yellow bear playing with some eggs and hares and bunnies okay what what are our horoscope signs oh I'm Aquarius I'm a Virgo how do you get the networking and mentoring without college social media it's all done through social media now there's so much I mean so many people get jobs and are recognized just through social media alone Mele hafsat which asks do you ever have trouble with your paint becoming muddy yeah I'm struggling with it right now you know this is a struggle for me this painting but I'm having some fun but it's yeah it's always I always have a not always it's just I'm doing a painting that's mostly in the in the gray range and so it's hard a lot of times to keep that feeling fresh and Nate says that a he and Steve are both capricorns for the horoscope the horoscope horrorcore oh whatever these are we pronounce it I have a hard time saying out loud okay I'm just creating a little bit of texture in the background here is there a newsletter I can subscribe to to know where you'll be traveling to I never knew you came to Latin America and would and would not want to miss the opportunity again yeah go to our website creature art teacher calm and we have a monthly newsletter that you can sign up for creature of teacher calm and we are out of questions there we go I'm just hitting some new areas along here you get the beach a little more detailed yeah it's going a little slow yeah Austin if you're watching I might be a little late you meet with you make me want to try gouache now I've never tried it before I'm gonna get broke buying our supplies that's all your fault it is all going as I have foreseen it what is the watercolor course a bill for purchase when I'm done with it hopefully by the end of the month I'm just got I just got started with it today or that today uh earlier in the week if you decide to come to Latin America come to Peru - oh yeah we've always wanted to go to Peru actually YouTube's comment says for quality gwacious can wreck your paper after a certain amount of time of use I'm sure and you don't want to use poor paper either on the flip side of that and a youtube question have you worked in other temporary mediums such as egg tempera or casseon they seem kc casein is a milk based yeah and no I never have I've always wanted to especially well actually both of them egg tempera and casein I never have I've always wanted to one of these days now if you look at artists like Andrew Wyeth who did watercolor but he also did those those meetings I just you know there's really wonderful beautiful stuff and uh just getting in some of the reflection here on the water Sandra on YouTube asks what basic colors do I need to buy to be able to mix what I need I would say get a warm and a cool of each of your primaries and secondaries so if you can get a warm and a cool yellow which would be like a lemon yellow and it can't yellow and then orange get a CAD orange and maybe you can probably just get away with a cat alarms it alone and then CAD red and alizarin crimson for at least dark cool red and James asks who's your favorite oil painter oh I've got too many of them to mention Anders Zorn Joaquin Soria John Singer Sargent all of the above Joe asks can you glaze over gouache you can but you can't scrub it because it'll start coming up and Matthew asks what was your first animal photo reference like any cool memories and where are some great locations to study wildlife well the my favorite place to go for wildlife is Africa the Maasai Mara in Kenya and there's where it's really you know I've got lots of great memories of being out in the you know and a little skiff and I'm in the mouth of this river you know photographing grizzly bears as they catch salmon in Alaska and you know just you know laying on top of a Land Rover in Africa you know photographing lions and walking through the grass or whatever it might be I've got all kinds of fun memories dear me please to sell prints of your art would love to hang some up on the wall I've got prints if you go to pixels comm and search word search my name I've got a whole bunch of stuff there here we go just getting some of the some of that done there Aaron just visit the whole world okay every single place jungle and the caves and the trees and all the side road towns just visit okay okay will pretty much be traveling for the rest of our lives that like that one of these days your travels how much does the political climate of the country and surrounding countries affect your plans oh no I mean a little bit you know there's there's been a couple countries that I've gotten to you that on paper we're kind of sketchy but when I got there they were fine you know me and Marv and and you know you know places like that so I don't I pay you somewhat of attention and you know a fair amount of attention to certain places but by and large most places are not as bad as the media would have you think so this one's a little clunky a little funky but I've been fights been fun creating it about a traditional media have you ever tried Copic or prismacolor markers yes or do you only work with watercolors no I've done Copic in prism of color so here I'm just laying down some nice orange over the top as kind of a wash youtube question err err tried the banjo we've got a banjo in the house Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing a twitch question Erin what are the top three projects that you were the most proud of Brother Bear Lion King and Mulan really not even be didn't beat them oh yeah I guess beating the pieces in there I was expecting the beat the beasts be like number two or number three to be honest follow up on the starter color question do you have a favorite shade of blue in your set ultramarine when I used to collect a a fig a uh okay I'm trying to think you get that okay all right they used to collect tabletop figurines for getting called Warhammer 40k and had an army called the Space Marines and they were ultramarines oh yeah that that was the name of the army was ultramarines so every time I hear every time I hear altering blue I'm just like I love drawing to the sand and chalk on the roads do you ever do that - oh yeah absolutely so here I'm just laying in a little bit of color over the top glazing glazing glazing try not to scrub too much I wanted to play that Orange against some of the blue I've got in here you can see how strong some of those oranges are just softening some of this up yeah that feels pretty good then I'm going to go in and hit some highlights and we're going to call it fini fini fini Emily asks how do you prefer to store your gouache paints several tubes are difficult to travel with but it also doesn't re wet very well what do you recommend oh I just I I just soak them I mean I do everything in tubes like so and I just let it dry on my palate and I just reread it for me it doesn't doesn't bother me and twitch question you've been around so many wild animals have you ever been attacked by a wild animal I wouldn't say attacked I've been charged when charged by an elephant been charged by a lioness we got too close to her litter of brand-new cubs I've been bit by dogs but nothing major I'm always I'm always very very conscious of stressing an animal out I don't want to stress them and and so I I always err on caution then I have an idea first string Aaron takes a screenshot of one of his favorite scenes he animated and he paints it in Photoshop mm-hmm that's a good thing so basically recreating a scene in your own style of Photoshop like a realistic version or something no it's pretty interesting I like the sandbank they've been joined by an elephant or lioness but it's no big deal guys really no big deal it wasn't at the time so I got mauled by a lion that was big attacked by a bear but I'm perfectly fine don't worry about just another normal day in the office I want to try animation but I'm confused by all the different products and programs where should we start I don't know what to tell you there talk to your friends talk to people that have some advice as far as what what to use yeah because that is a tough one it really depends on what it is that you're looking for Achilles dude chilly going later I'll see you in a little bit I'll see you later okay so how do you hey Doc how's it going okay say hi to your mother for me okay so I'm just laying in a few last highlights here oh yeah sorry it says uh there's a there's a new face in the in the paint palette and the gray one it's a lady with the with curly hair and I I can actually see that now where the in the gray so you got the oh yeah I see her the hide the mouth what software you see right realistic it's a it's a software called gouache you know it's very ultra realistic comes with VR goggles listening to you guys that work my co-workers keep asking me why why am laughing so much your impressions are killing me oh you're so welcome yeah you like a couple of old laughs here's a couple of more today hey I'm going to the u.s. from the first time in my life super excited to visit Yosemite but I'm slightly concerned about meeting bears too close have you had a close encounter yeah that won't happen whoops hey there's my phone that was a telemarketer that won't happen to you cemani you won't run into any bears to close at you 17 you'll run you may see some black bears but they there won't be an issue look like that bear is wearing people's clothes and I have run into bear I had to I have had some close encounters of bears in the in the wild and everything always turned out okay so don't don't worry now you're a painted of pet on stream no I haven't we painted animals in a stream we painted the possum but not any of the pets like Achilles or no they probably would not hold still long enough no we won they take a photo of one yeah but that's all you gonna get yeah about the breakdowns in animation you were talking about earlier how do you write them down on the charge from the next person who will work on the take it that depends on the timing that you're trying to get so you have to you have to think about that timing and then we read it out accordingly so that's the only thing I can tell you on that do you think your traditional animation portfolio will be useful for applying through studio considering most studios today do 3d animation it depends on the studio if their studio does traditional animation then yes of course it'll be handy if they don't then no it's not gonna be any and you don't want to use it if I'm if I'm a studio does only 3d animation I don't want to see your 2d animation I know it sounds blunt but that's just that's how it is but if you have something that's interesting you know as a like a little tag at the end then you know sometimes they know studios will like to see that don't know it's over my shoulder to see what I'm watching Wow mom can you put more hearts on this yes she proceeds to hit the heart button several times will you do of course I'm drawing animals in the zoo that's a cool yeah I'll do that hi do you think you could show us more of your animations yes we will do that on future streams right now I'm gonna just finish this up for Nia wanting to try watercolor for the first time is there a particular paint brand you'd recommend using Windsor Newton Lee do you need yeah that's my preferred brand is Windsor Newton is that we are currently using what I'm currently using now yeah thoughts on the new lighting movie I have no thoughts not till I see it but I'm very excited to see it I'm very excited to see what they've done with it big jon favreau fan so I think he's gonna do some really great stuff so much for anything up yes I got mad the person is asking about the question of more animations like oh my god I got I got Bechet you're very welcome thank you for dancing but Rosina Rose Island ROSC I na rosanna rosanna I think Rosanna's ro as a rose Rosina Rosina Rose I the butchering it Hey I'm sorry yeah I'm just throwing out a few brilliant alright I'm really impatient Lee waiting for the first look at scar for the new Lion King film oh I've seen him oh you have yeah how's he look you it's great does he look like the old scar no no completely different yeah it much more realistic these Lions look real Oh Nick has a few big questions here Michael on YouTube asks my former boss was killed by ten-year-old Grizzlies so with a mostly grown cub last September in Jackson Hole Wyoming he was hunting guide and got attacked while field dressing an elk that's horrible I'm sorry to hear that that is horrible and twitch question any advice you can give me I have been drawing for a year I am 31 and want to work in video games as a second animator I have fear of breaking through and getting a job I'm thinking of going to school for something but worried about that I'm that if I am making the correct decision any thoughts you just gotta you've only been drawing a year so you've got a lot to learn I've been drawing 50 years and I'm still learning so just keep doing what you're doing and you know if you're learning if you're drawing then you're then you're learning and then you know that's great so just keep doing that and be patient who is voicing the discard do you know I don't on your brushes why do you leave the cellophane and price coating up on the handles because I'm too busy and I'm not anal enough to take them off because they work just as well without taking them up that but you do realize that that's just like one extra gram of weight that's gonna throw off your painting by by mere centimeter if that's gonna throw off my painting I got bigger problems there's my anybody no it's not the greatest but it was fun painting flat light like this is often very hard still looks good though I like painting shadow light and shadow it adds drama and adds volume but still I've enjoyed doing this what's your opinion on all the live-action remakes of classic Disney films I love it to be honest with you as long as they're good you know why not people get all bent out of shape about it but I think it's I think it's pretty cool yeah even like I'm personally kind of like about it like I think it's the younger me like being so used to these animated features like seeing him so different in a live-action form just kind of throat throws me off like I'm not a huge fan of change but look the old version is still there yeah I'm just worried about Aladdin with Will Smith as a genie oh it's gonna be fine hopefully why are you worried oh I got it I got plenty of other things to worry about like getting this getting this project done there we go but but the whole thing is just like that one extra little one to add to the thousand pounds of worries there we go there's our Rhino I feel like the movie big fish I do like it that's the movie wha with a human right burger yeah yeah yep that's a great movie I was like the the giant you no just get a little texture on those but would you like to see brother bear turn to gentle I thought you remake actually I think it would be pretty cool I've thought about that obviously we'll never do it the movie never was never big enough but I think it would be pretty cool if they yes I do if they keep this pace up of turning every single they're not an amazing feeling - I'm not gonna turn every single one of them in I'm just surprised they haven't done Snow White [Applause] dick says big fish is probably my favorite Tim Burton film I think really does Tim Burton yeah really Wow then yeah I would agree with that there's our reference those are our guy that's our guy when I pull the tape off pulling the tape off always makes it look a little better I'm not crazy about this painting but I really enjoyed making it every once in a while you had the stinker and you just happened to do that stinker in front of a crowd of about a thousand people but hey that's all right I think you should do four for the tape etude Center it back to the to Senator camera so you can show it like a satisfying like the satisfaction video just get it just get it right up there yeah a nice clean line [Music] man that's clean nice clean line it's allowing we were watching a unsatisfied clip where a guy did perfect calligraphy and like just super clean and it and he written it all out as it rolled out that satisfied yeah and as soon as he was done with it he smudged his hand right across so there's my gouache attempt at painting a rhino today that was kind of fun and like I said it was um those are our reference and there's our painting so that was it was great and one of the great things I loved about like I said with gouache is the ability to just keep going back over it and go darker you can go lighter it's super forgiving you can do all kinds of stuff with it and and and just have fun with it so like I said this was not the greatest painting but it's not the worst and and I certainly enjoyed sharing the process with you guys it's gonna soften a couple of inches here you know me I can't stop when when it's not done yet there's an interesting question when it comes to the live-action adaptations would you like to see the Robin Hood in live action now as humans but the animal Robin hood-like the foxes and all that well then that would be CG but it's a more realistic form oh yeah that'd be cool like a CGI version basically that would be cool sure sure I mean technically that's what they're doing with Lion King even though they're calling a live-action right so just filling it out here I can't I can't sell it oh yeah they're doing a I forgot forgot Lindsey here remind me Maleficent - that's coming up they're doing a sequel to Maleficent yes I think Don Hahn is producing that - I wonder what that's gonna be all about I mean I thought it was pretty much all sealed up tighten me up with that uh with that bit no there's always something new story to be told somewhere along the way somewhere along dewy there's always a new pain tale to tell so there we go so there's our Rhino and uh that was a lot of fun like I said it's driving me crazy you can uh you can sell you can tell can't you I gotta get going I gotta babysit two hours later right there that's what I was looking for right there oh yeah oh yeah sure oh yeah sure Pocahontas is one I'd be surprised about they didn't remake it yeah I'm gonna be too much pushback from a political standpoint nowadays especially nowadays thank you so much for the stream sir great as always it was I really enjoyed it and we're not going to be around next week we're taking I got to take time off again I'm heading to Hawaii for Dante and I are off to Hawaii to hang out with friends I'm going to be doing some artwork while I'm there though and I'll be sure to bring him back and share it with you guys but um I hope you learned something with the gouache today was a lot of fun to do it took a long time how long we into this and it was over two hours it's 3:30 yeah two and a half hours so yeah that took way too long for what we got accomplished but it was still fun so go out try some wash squash like I said wash is a lot more forgiving I think in a lot of ways because you can paint dark over light or light over dark or whatever you can just have some fun with it it's really great for painting fur and lots of great textures like that but go out put some Beauty back in the world be nice to somebody open the door for somebody put your grocery card away all that good stuff and we will see you in a couple of weeks and I'm really looking forward to getting back again and with that I hope you guys have a great rest of the month and Dustin take it away see you guys later [Music]
Channel: The Art of Aaron Blaise
Views: 46,930
Rating: 4.9337626 out of 5
Keywords: The Arts, Animation, Art, Illustration
Id: 0JyVmUvAdTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 24sec (9144 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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