How to Draw Wolves, Coyotes & Foxes - Sneak Peek

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[Music] you hey everybody Aaron Blais here and I am working like crazy madly madly drawing trying to get my latest course done on how to draw wolves coyotes and foxes this is something I've been working on for a while it's something you guys have been asking for for quite some time and I've been really excited to create it I've been having a lot of fun creating it and I'm really excited to tell you now that you can go on over to my website creature art teacher calm the art of Aaron blaze and you can pre-order it we have the entire course coming out June 18th that is our release date but you can pre-order it now for a huge discount and like I usually do I always like to give you guys a little bit of a sneak peek and so that's what I'm doing today I'm putting out one of the videos here on YouTube I hope you guys enjoy it just know that there's gonna be a lot more to come June 18th is our full release come on over to creature art teacher dot-com now and you can pre-order it and get a huge discount so I really recommend it this one's been one of my favorite ones to create I think you guys are gonna have a great time it's sing I'm including you know the musculature how to draw the heads how to draw their poses gestures how to create characters in the Disney style out of these the wolves coyotes and foxes I'm also digging into my animation background and showing you locomotion how to do runs how to do trots how to do walks all of that so it's gonna be really full and like I said it's been a lot of fun to create so head on over to creature art teacher calm put your pre-order in and on June 18th you'll have the entire course downloadable for you thanks I'll talk to you later bye [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so in this next video I've gone over you know we just finished up doing some poses the wolf wolves running through the snow all of that and those were great and that was fun I'd like to do some more where we get a loosen up just a little bit more I think it'll be a good lesson for you guys I'm just gonna try to go through and draw very loosely a whole bunch of different poses and just have some fun with it so why don't we go ahead and just dive in the first thing I'd like to do let's just make poses up I just want to make some stuff up because I want you to think about what I'd like you to think about is you know what I was talking about earlier about how I layer the different parts of the body in order to get depth and when you think about the different parts of the body and the way that I do I think it helps Lisa it helps me create accuracy and kind of put the wolf together accurately so I think about the head the neck the shoulders the body the hips and back legs and then the tail and then those are the parts that I overlap okay so why don't we go ahead and let's say we have a dog running okay and I'm gonna run it show them in 3/4 and let's have them I'm gonna think I'm gonna bring his head way up like here I'm gonna first of all I'm just gonna go somewhat loose okay ears up once again these are gestures we're gonna go really loose so I'm thinking about that neck okay cheekbones the eyes will get in just a minute so here's that neck coming back and I want to do like he's in the not in the stretch but in that where he's gathering everything up in a run so when that happens you're gonna have the shoulders here well this here's the head neck overlapping here which comes down and then you've got the shoulders that come up in the shoulder blades that come around to the shoulder so think about that mass right there okay and what's gonna happen is these legs are gonna come back maybe this one here maybe we have a leg coming forward like so like that and then what's gonna happen is that back will be up in the air okay see how I'm staying very loose and I'm thinking about each part so there's that body then the hips and the pelvis and that feeds right into the legs and this leg is gonna be up like so okay we're gonna come down there's knees let's just think about all the different parts and then write down and to the foot like that and then we might see the other foot back here okay like that and then the tail which is attached back here because it's turned under it's gonna be coming back maybe you come back like this okay now this back leg so not back leg but the leg that's in the background of the four leg let's bring this back and it's going to be on the inside it's gonna be way back under and on the inside like that okay see how you know looking for fluidity through the body here and I'm not I'm not laboring it okay but I'm thinking about these different parts here's the head brain here which it's going to connect unto there goes down with the shoulders remember here's the neck shoulders coming around connecting into the arms all like so and then what I'm doing here is we're gonna erase that back so that we can see the the four legs will go between the back legs as they come forward like this okay it should be more like that so let's tie it down just a little bit all right I'm still gonna keep it fairly loose but I want to get some details and the face so we've got a head coming up nose I'll make sure we keep that perspective right right there we go there's our lips I'm not going to bother with the nostrils at this size key is getting those eyes right right nice and dark there we go just like that remember once again we're gonna get that coming under here let's get that shading over the eye all right cheekbone coming over down over there I think we get a little bit of fur you can see a little bit of fur back there but I imagine him running pretty good so I'm going to push some of this fur back get these ears up like so up here down in here like this there we go lots of fur coming down it all comes off of these cheekbones right here it starts to curve out that's the direction of the fur remember and then a lot of fur in here bunches of it okay there we go I'm gonna darken up around his mouth a little bit there there we go where the fur comes off on here in here there we go reading there I'm gonna keep these really loose so keeping in mind that fur coming off and you know pretty good clumps I'm not gonna draw every bit of it I'm thinking about all this neck fur coming off and coming down in between the chests the chest not chest comes down and over I'm gonna follow that form right here and let some of this fur come off you know off the off the shoulder same thing here I'm gonna let this come back come back underneath like so there's muscle here remember there's the shoulder the shoulder blade if we drew it underneath it's coming down right here we got the shoulder comes back elbow actually I'm going to draw this a bit more massive if I'm a bit bigger foot cuz wolf this big is gonna have some big feet there we go and the other foot we'll just other toe will just leave in the background back there most of this fur will just let it lay back can we get in here and we're gonna get a bunch of fur gets shaggy right on the back into that leg right back there and actually remember too we should have a little bit of shag coming off of here if we follow the form it kind of gets skinny right there in his waist there's that knee that comes down ankle is here tendon comes up here we go right off the heel tend the Achilles heel just like that then all this will just kind of bunch up the fur a bunch of shag you know shaggy fur coming back I'm gonna get a little more gesture to the tail do it that way there we go there's that dewclaw coming down wrist comes down to the break right here I'm gonna let that come down and we'll get a bunching of the paw right there of the foot I'm gonna bring these front paws our front toes way out I leave the other one there that feels pretty good like that and then the other there's the back heel the same thing here looks like so so we got this wolf running got the shape got the right shape to the head gonna change the shape of the LA just a little bit not crazy about it just want to give him a little bit more depth to the eye that feels better I think about that the furrow rate there is a mass like that well this color I'm in really quick just to separate them out from the background I'll do that with all of them there we go so once again I want to reiterate you know staying loose when you're laying in a pose you know here's one we just made the pose upright on the fly and overlapping the different body parts that's a big part of what I do overlap those body parts and and you think about that you think about them separately but you also think about how they fit fluidly together and I know that's kind of it's almost like a contradiction but I really do think about them separately but I also know that they have to fit you know and have a rhythm to them ultimately when everything is fitted together and so that's what I strive for I think of everything as a whole to have fluidity to it but then I break that whole up into its parts the head the neck the shoulders the body the hips and back legs and then the tail but they all have to work as a whole okay so just real quickly there's that's a night I like that silhouette too because it breaks up all the legs so let's put that off to the side okay and let's do another one shall we let's do another one okay let's see let's I'm just gonna let's say he's looking this way I'll be looking down a little bit I want to go really loose with that like if I was just making up really making up a pose okay which is what we're doing here so I've got this head I really got to think of I'm really not thinking about what I'm doing what am I gonna do the rest of the body yeah I have a certain way that I do you know think about those cheekbones okay so we can think about the cheekbones here thinking about perspective of the ears are here I'm gonna come back here's a here and I'm looking we're kind of looking down on the ears you know so maybe then they come out this way and everything kind of comes back like this see how loose I'm being and let's draw that neck where are we gonna do with that neck okay there's that I'm liking that what if we do this shoulders let's put the shoulders here put them up here I'm making a mess draw a loose but not messy okay draw loose but not messy I know that can be sometimes a contradiction in terms but you can be loose you can be loose but be accurate so here I'm gonna have I'm gonna have them sitting so here's the shoulders coming up body there's a body right there the body is gonna come down let's move this all up and I'm just remember I'm thinking about each part here's the shoulder blades I know are coming down like this you have the shoulder which is going to come back to the elbow that's foreshortened you know back here I want to have a foot here that might be a little bit long but let's just roll with it for now see what we get like so I maybe you know I don't mind exaggerating a little bit either you know as well maybe we got these might be a little thin and so if the pelvis is here that legs going to come up right there's gonna be muscle that comes along here let's get the other leg over here and the knee the knee comes down like this like that right I want to get this kind of curve I want this kind of curve to this so I'm trying to try to pull back from showing much more belly over here I wanted this to be the driving force so that everything kind of curves into the direction that he's looking you see how this kind of just evolves you can have some fun with that you know a lot of times I'm not sure of a pose that I'm creating but I'll just let it evolve and we want you know he's gonna be sitting on his ankle on his feet and we'll let those feet come forward like this so and like so that feels a little funky I'm gonna pull that back a little bit we get those feet underneath we'll get them underneath just a little bit more there we go let that everything how to just fill it in right here and then here you know maybe oh actually yeah I think it'll be better to have the tail on the other side to help with that curve right and it's gonna be maybe here I mean that's pushing it but what we end up with is this nice kind of circular curve okay so you know I've gone through and we've worked everything out in the same way that we've let me get those brows in there but look out see how loose I go I love to go and I'm gonna get some fur down here too to overlap that that leg I've pushed him to be a little skinnier I've pushed the caricature just a bit but if I like how it feels I like that you know he's looking maybe he's up on the edge of a cliff and he's looking back I think the tail should probably be back further back in there somewhere in here you know let's try something else because the it feels like we're twinning a little bit on the feet what if we pulled that leg out just a little bit like he's sitting on his foot bring that back like that or actually what if we did the other way around see this is where I love to explore I'd love to explore so if he's if we got this curve going then maybe this leg is pushed out right and this one's pulled up see that feels better to me me in here it's gonna come back we're gonna get some foreshortening on the foot right in there and then this foot maybe more like that and lots of fur coming down that feels a little better let's swap it yeah I like how it feels like he's kind of pushed back on his haunches that I like the character of this pose there's something about that that feels kind of nice maybe we can extend muzzle just a little bit just a little bit give it a little bit more character so now let's pull that back and now let's tie it down you know I'd like I said I just want to reiterate going loose with this going loose with your drawings really gives you the opportunity to explore I'm gonna push those eyes a little bit differently there we go that feels a little better I'm just going to come down with the snout and we're gonna come up over here trying to keep my perspective correct around cheekbones perspective is going this way top of the nose straight the the centerline comes down in here I'm gonna push the size of the nose just slightly want to make sure it's the right size and those cheekbones come down I'm going to come into here I'm gonna come out just flare though then flare that muzzle just a touch I think aesthetically it feels a little better when I do that just like this I'm going to let that mouth come in and we've got that feel right there all right this is going to come down a little riled like that and then here we'll just see a little bit of that chin maybe that lip comes out there we go it was my standard shading over the over the I want to get a little bit of all that brow muscle there once again coming down here we go there this feels a little heavy on this side compared to the other so I'm going to pull this down once again I want to make sure it's my perspective right on the bottoms of the ears as I'm matching the eyes so it's close enough it's nice and close and then here we've got a nice this feeds up nicely into here and let that feed underneath and right into the neck see that feels pretty good feels pretty good they're getting a little too many lines up in there don't want to get you don't want it to get too busy okay fur there we go I'm sketching very quickly this feels good you know we might be able to get away with enlarging that head a little bit and pulling it out I think I'm going to do that so I'm gonna do that with now that I'm looking at it tied down I'm going to enlarge it enlarge it even more and pull it out this way just to push that pose even more so now let's do it with the same let's do that with the drawing underneath so it feels a little consistent so I'm going to enlarge that pull it into here and large it even more into here well I think I can enlarge it even more there we go I think that's about where I was just so it doesn't feel so it still feels a little consistent under there so like deselect there we go that feels pretty good and I just need to fix the shoulder actually I'm going to pull this pull this back there we go and that'll fit that neck for will come right into here I'm gonna let this neck for kind of feedback that what you see there so now it pushes that pose even more if we turn that around it's got a nice feel to it that I'm liking not liking yes yeah I want to clear up a little bit of the darkness on the eye there that feels better all right so let's turn that back around yeah let's get in here there we go that feeds down into the belly you know this is definitely a caricatured wolf but I try to I try to you know in all my animals you'll if you'll notice how when I draw my animals I try to make take the essence of what makes that animal that animal and then I try to push it and I try to put character into it and I still try to keep it realistic but I try to keep it in a realm that's it's got a little bit more I don't want to say soul because I think every animal has sold you don't have to mess with it but I just want it something that's a little more anthropomorphic I guess so that you can relate to it a little bit more which you know is debatable whether or not I need to do that but it's just something I think it's something I've picked up you know from my Disney days there's that wrist coming down there we go now let's get these feet drawn in really good I kind of want to spread the toes out a little bit there's a claw iclal their toe pad toe pad we get down in between I'm definitely gonna spread the toes out just a bit I get there I may pull this one in just a bit I'm going to pull that I'm gonna pull those down extend that foot just a bit I'll actually bring them up a little bit there we go I think so I'd sort of give them a little bit bigger foot just up caricature that a little bit more and here we go we're getting to hear okay once again there's a toe pad that comes up tendon for that tandem comes up for that the toes and then the bone right here there's the other toe so I got some decent sized feet I'm gonna pull that one right in there like that and then here I'm going to emphasize that curve a little bit so I'm going to pull his belly out see there I'm gonna pull that out there's Annie the other knee right here coming into the foot they're some of the FIR he's kind of sitting way back on his haunches let's go toes here toe here and pad that kind of sits back goes back into the eye kind of neat that way so for its foreshortened you see that and then right in here just to continue I think I'll exaggerate it a little bit bring the tail this way so we're almost making a circle always trying to figure out what's the you know what kind of graphic statement can I make you know with the fluidity so here we've got this nice curve coming around it's kind of a fun pose I love drawing wolves there's so much character there's so much fun you can be had that can be had with them there we go there fun making up poses I'll tell you once you get that Anatomy down in your head you can really have some fun with it there's that let's go ahead and put these in folder all right let's try another one how about a wolf howling what if we do like this I'm gonna force shorten it like this you'll see what I'm doing here in a sec I'm drawing very small when we pull this up so you can see I'm going very loose with it because I want you to follow suit if you're doing this with me or the shape of the jaw underneath you get a big neck URIs are gonna come back here's a here coming back like that the eyes gonna be up here here's a muzzle coming around there's a can you see it that's the you know we're looking if I drew through here there I want it all the flow back like this so let's get those shoulders which will be here and I kind of want I want it all to kind of come together to a point like this so I'm gonna let this foot kinda come forward and this one go behind so I get a nice pleasing everything coming to a point here you know maybe he's up on a rock cuz I want to alter kind of sweep up so if we pull this back there's the body okay see that keeping it all might even push the neck here pull the shoulders in here and push that body here and then push the shoulders here so we get more of a sweep like that see what I'm doing they're pushing that shape under the chin now it's going to come back to the hips I might be pushing it a little much but let's let's go ahead and do it here's the knee right there let this come back the ankles one foot right there come with us pull that up like that there we go and then you might have the tail coming around like that just thought I'd really push that just see what it would look like I'm gonna try something really quick I want to see if I can push get a curve going this way in the body how and see how that would look and then push the body down in here let's really push those back legs that feels pretty good let's go ahead and start tying it down and see if we can find it make it the back end is a little funky looking and I can find that a little better but let's let's start with the top I like I like going loose with stuff like this let me yeah actually let me enlarge that just so I can I can go a little more detailed with it okay so first things first let's get that muzzle here's the nose pre-impact like this and they really do kind of an oh they can they pull their mouth together and do a huh oh and get a new sound out of their howl which I find pretty interesting there we go and then work this back the I it's going to come in here and we got a little bit of the brow coming off right there you see that and then the eyelid those cheekbones that we're kind of seeing the cheekbone from underneath there like that everything kind of works back like that there we go and all of this is going to be fur so I'm going to let this kind of come out fill out here come down and around let all this fur come down and kind of fill out in here that feels pretty good and that ear it's kind of I see it as being folded back a little bit I'll fill that out there got some dark lips in there he's calling out the howl of the wolf like that we're gonna bunch this up and then stretch this out break the fur up in here like that here we go and let it start to follow the I wanted to start following the the shape of the shoulders when it comes down like that I'll let those shoulders come in they're going to have some chest fur that comes in between like that remember I'm thinking about the shoulder blades coming in connecting here and then their shoulder is there so I want this to feel like it's coming back like so like that we're going to come down they're just got more fur coming down remember I want that I wanted that foot I wanted it all kind to come to a point I think what I'm gonna do make it feel like he's on like he's like it's coming like folding over the rock there we go right about there keeping it loose and maybe they're getting pushed up folding up over here just like that and I want that to come around I'm gonna push the size of this body I think it needs to be bigger right in there pushing that shag I'm maybe not so much there we go so I'm gonna try to clean this up a little bit have that leg come out well we'll push the tail even further it comes back comes into the calf like so I'm gonna push this back leg lap back even more I'm gonna bring the tail out and curl it under so you can redraw you know as your if you rough something out you can you can change that up so we got this thigh muscle that comes down into the knee which comes down into the calf this can probably be a little thinner but I'm going to leave it right there right now there we go this is much better see I'm changing the the footing so you got something that feels a lot better you know when I rough something out a lot of times I'm not thinking too hard about the anatomy I should be thinking more about it I guess but a lot of times I'm just I'm trying I'm wanting to get that attitude its fluidity there we go I'm doing really quick on these toes there we go these are gestures those legs those back legs still feel too small so I'm gonna shrink everything up I'm gonna take the section right yeah right heel and I'm gonna stretch it whoops Z let's try that again like I didn't I had it on whoops return I have to do just one layer at a time edit free transform now let's try stretching it much better that feels much better yeah I like that I like pushing them up like that I think it's kind of fun to push it to push that pose really extreme yeah I like that and then let's go ahead and color them in see if we can go even looser with some of these let's get some try some more action let's try some different angles to there just put him right there let's just get him out of the way put him right there so let's try another one try something from behind so let's say we have a wolf and let's have him looking this way seam tape at the tapering and rounding the nose no the fur comes off of here we're gonna get you know this kind of feel it all comes off of here so you can already see plus I want to have some feel like he's kind of turned this way like that so here's the shoulders okay shoulders are going to come down if we draw through it's going to come down around like that so is the body's gonna come this way and then here's the pelvis right there the hips we've got remember when we did the leg the leg Anatomy you know the heel the legs come back like this I think this one here will come back whoops I'm getting a little fat there then you get a little curve and then we got the ankles that comes back like that and then here like so we're gonna have a tail right in here I'm gonna pull these some overlapping each body part here's the pelvis and hips tail all of that comes up in here body shoulders neck head I'm pulling those the front legs in because I want everything to come under there there we go and what if I might bring up bring that leg out let me see what that would look like that looks funky looks too funky well I'm gonna I'm gonna clean that up so I'm gonna I'm gonna keep the gesture going because sometimes I'll get a little carried away I get a little remember I was talking about drawing loose but not messy well the here I got messy so here I'll just I'll tie it down a little bit but I'm still gonna stay loose with my drawing there we go there's that ear other ear yeah there we go gonna push that just a little bit there we go get some fur in there fur I want all of this to come around like that I'm gonna push the shoulders up a little higher there we go remember the shoulders remember that off the fur patterning I was talking about and it makes these patterns that come off the back like that that comes down here's the shoulder it's kind of hidden behind and then we're gonna have a body coming in but then the elbow is right in the air okay that comes down to the elbow there we go there's the top of the hips and a hip right here just like that I'm gonna have that see I'm gonna go a little bit more clean now than what I was doing before there we go there's I know the knee is back there and I'll let this come back this way if I draw through I'm going to get an ankle right here and a foot like that let's do the same thing on this side so we're slightly or slightly you can see we're slightly three-quarter so we're going to see a little bit more back here was back I'm gonna have this foot kind of stretched back a little bit more like he's got that foot foot push forward more like that there's a love behind part of the pad actually I'm gonna let this come way down there's the elbow the pad these kind of angles get tough I'm just going to go really loose with it so once again just to reiterate you know this one I struggled through a little bit but we still get through it head okay we have the fur that comes off the side of the face neck okay I'm trying to get this kind of gesture through it and then draw some fur coming off of here okay so then there's the shoulders coming back to the elbow adjust that just a touch going back to the elbow right there this would all be muscle up in there on the triceps and all that there's the back of the arm here's the belly it's gonna get thin in here but if we come back the knee is in the front coming back to the ankle and back into these feet okay so if I turn this around and double-check that pose you can see this feels pretty good I think I'm it could stand - I think those back feet could stand to be a little longer right here let's just stretch them out a little bit that feels a little better there so it's really turning things in space when you look at that back leg you've got a leg that looks like this right it comes down the other knee and it comes down to the calf ankle foot like that and you got to take that and turn it and space so now we're looking at you know from this direction we're looking at it from behind and you know that's that's where once you get that Anatomy down and you end if you draw from life enough you can start doing that in your head but even even still it can be difficult sometimes and I still struggle with it sometimes even though I've got the anatomy in my head and and you know that's the whole reason I didn't edit this out of the out of the video because I wanted you to see that you know even here here's a guy that's teaching you know Anatomy I'll still have to struggle through it but I think about I think about that a net I mean I think about how what I need to do in order to make it work and then I work it and I don't give up on it you know that's the key don't give up on it so I'm just gonna put that right there and let's go ahead and color that guy into let's do something that's a little more stretched stretched out and we'll get it you know a decent silhouette to this silhouettes a little pushed and a little funky it's all kind of bunched up on itself I like to get a nice clear silhouette okay so let's take that put that in a folder let's put him up here there we go turn these guys off let's start with a clean one let's do something more dynamic let's just see what we can do with it a dynamic pose what happens if we go here you'll see I'm gonna get really just roll with it maybe this one here we can so I'm thinking about that ribcage right into the belly the head too big it is too big let's let's rethink that head I think about the shoulders what's the other foot doing and was doing that so I got that you went a little bit big with the neck finding that fluidity let's go bigger with that PAH there we go there's that shoulder I shrink it up a little bit well if we do this I've been looking down just down just a little bit there we go bring this one up over here cheekbone yes this looks funky right now but we'll fix it we will fix it we have the technology there so we have all of this coming out see them that mess of the mass of fur err like that let's tie that down let's just see what we get out of that because I like I like going loose like I said I want you to see my process I like going loose with stuff like this and then coming in and prettying it up and make it look like it should so obviously we've got some problems going on with the eye and the eye location yeah that's a better eye okay so there's that I want this to feel like it's coming back the right way and there's a I on that side but it's gonna come into the nose I want to max make sure I'm kind of matching the same plane there we go that's a nose working rate I'm gonna go ahead and but those nostrils in there those cheekbones I want the brow working right on this side there there that feels like a good muzzle see if you get something roughed in yeah it's you can always go in and then make it pretty later and that's that's something I always you know I worry about first thing I worry about is attitude am I getting the right attitude am I am I getting a dynamic pose I'll play with the posing and not worry about how pretty that drawing is because then we can come in do things like this and get everything working a little better there we go see there we've got something that feels like an wolf feels good get some thickness to that skull there we go just like that see how fun this is you know when you find when you get to where you can kind of explore and not worry about the anatomy right off the bat because you always know you can come back and correct it right you always know you can do that there we go all right so now so now looking at it here I know I want that shoulder to be further in back in here I know they've got a tricep right there and then that comes into the arm this is all gonna be a lot of fur I'll let that fur come back but I know I have a shoulder here right there I actually might even push the shoulder in and let this fur do this a little better let this fur be in here I'll let the shoulder come in like so I know I'm for shortening this paw there's one to three there's the elbow out here and fur coming off okay so everything is foreshortened right there let's get in here we're looking underneath the elbow coming off of here maybe a little fur I'm gonna thicken that wrist up a little bit we got here with the wrist coming down not gonna really see the other dewclaw so much but there's a tow there's a pad and a toe here another toe another pad like so I know this comes like this okay and then got another pad right here on the toe and then this is a lot of fur I'll push that straight and maybe you'll see the dewclaw in there maybe just a little bit I don't know I don't think we'd really see it I think it's more pushed up to the to the top I think it'd be more like this actually so there you're seeing the underside of that foot like so can you feel it there we go now let's fill this in with fur give them a little thickness to his belly there's that hip coming back to the muscle a little bit more muscle back here I'm actually gonna stretch his lengthen the leg a little bit and it comes around like this here's Annie give them a little more shape to that calf like so keep it a little straighter on the inside that paws should come around like so there we go I'm just like to follow the form so I'm bring that knee up in here yeah there's a one top-off one put one foot see I like drawing bold too and it might take it might take four or five drawings before I can get to where I'm drawing really bold get those toes in there right there got a nice foot happening there we're just losing a little bit of fur so let's pull that back and let that come to a point and see there so we've got a wolf kind of jumping whoops kind of over us let's go ahead and pull over that end there we go just exploring remember you know going loose I love going loose and then once I find my pose and my proportions I give our proportions right then you can go in and you can make it look right you know I don't approach these poses I don't approach animal drawing really scientifically I approach it more from an emotional standpoint trying to find a pose that feels emotional or feels pleasing or whatever and then I try to find the anatomy to fit and once again I think that's from an animators point of view that's [Music] let's put him right here there we go he fits right there that's kind of fun let's do some more how about one more drawing at least one more okay let's try to do something I want to do something a little more designee so let's do a bubble sitting but I want to try to find some real like design enos to it you know what if I what if we push push the push it to where it's almost caricatured you know this shows those shoulder blade into the shoulders air-sea I'm trying to lose the shoulder blades let that come underneath feet so here's the hips so what happens at the hips it comes up to the knee the knee comes down there's the bend in the leg so there's the thigh like that and the ankles all the way back here so we get about that much of the foot sticking out like that and you get some of the belly coming in I like you know that that kind of feel to it I'm gonna pull those hips up just a little higher I want to make that thigh a little bigger like I like he's sitting up on a perch looking waiting you know there and really get some of that fur coming out if you blow this up yeah all this fur like that there we go into the ears you see how Lucy can be give him a little bit more substance to his muzzle see this I like this pose this is a pleasing pose and we got fluidity through it okay that's what I'm gonna save let's save that let's put that off to the side let's turn these guys on well let's put that off to the side put that right there nakta opacity back a little bit so we can get that I want to save that so we can remember that fluidity and we'll move some stuff around but let's turn these all back off again let's go back to this guy so now let's knock this let's knock this guy back and let's try to tie it down without losing the energy see that's a you know using that sponge you don't want to lose that spontaneous feel and that's that's one of the internal struggles I always have let's see if we can keep the appeal of this initial drawing there we go I let that kind of forehead come down into the muzzle here's our nose there so when I tie things down even though I'm tying them down I still try to stay somewhat loose and really direct I try not to you know but I call noodle you know just try to chisel you know I don't try to chisel I try to to stay really spontaneous still so I can keep the life of the drawing that's my goal I want to make sure that the life of the drawing stays in there like so or at least I'm hoping I'm keeping that life in the drawing there's the other ear starring this trying to stay really bold with it you notice as we as I draw more you can see that my drawing from the since the first couple of wolves that I drew gets more and more bold and gets more and more confident and even after 40 years of doing this and working at this they still require a lot of warm-up sometimes which is kind of what I'm doing right here so once again at the risk of sounding like a broken record you know thinking about the anatomy under here there's the fur pattern you know shoulder blade we got the neck I like I like getting this kind of feel you know because it connects into the back of the skull the the spinal column does doesn't connect to the bottom of the skull like ours do it connects to the back so you're going to get that kind of feel to the back of the head all right the neck is up here like that and then here we'll have that come down that drawing is drawing in there is getting a little funky let that come back to here I'm gonna bring that elbow out here a little bit more they're just like that I'll draw the toes in in just a little bit I want to draw right now what I want to do is get all this chest for her looking right there we go no this is gonna oh this feeds into the ferp in here there we go let's go ahead and get those toes in there it's something that looks somewhat dynamic there it's not a bad foot and we'll have this one come down and we'll just see a little piece of it back over there so here's our pelvis think about that pelvis and then all the fur on that leg we blow that up a little bit all that meat that's a muscle right there blow that up a little bit there we go and lots of fur coming off of the belly and then the other foot back here put that and uh into the background is slightly but trying to keep the life you know trying to keep the life of the original sketch is tough sometimes I think I've I've I feel like I've lost it a little bit you know when you get in there and you start throwing your details in it's hard to keep that original life and I'll find myself kind of throwing in sketchy lines to give it a little bit of life back it's hard to do throw in a little bit of anatomy the ribs there that's kind of a fun one there but that's um another wolf it's not feels pretty good let me let's go ahead and color color this guy so just to reiterate I just want to and I know as I say that a lot just to repeat myself but it really I let you understand it's more about finding a good rhythm finding a good gesture don't worry about the anatomy right off the bat because you can always add the anatomy in later it's really about finding that pleasing attitude pose whatever it might be so there is a pretty fun page of wolves I think you know working through and coming up with poses like this is always a lot of fun it's working it out taking the air your Anatomy knowledge and putting it to the test remember think about the that overlap of the head the neck the shoulders the body the hips and legs and then the tail I'm always thinking about that even if it's in a sitting pose here's the two sitting poses here's the head the neck shoulders body hips and back legs and tail head neck shoulders body whoops legs back legs and pelvis is in there and then tail you know especially in this one too head neck shoulders body pelvis back legs tail always thinking about that okay always thinking about that it really helps you in creating the space the overlap all the things that you need in order to create depth with your poses these were a lot of fun why don't we I'd like to go on one of the things I was thinking about and actually I had a request for this is to kind of take what if we took some of these the knowledge that we have down we push the caricature a little bit made characters what if you had a wolf that needed to animate to make it talk how would you take that muzzle and make some of the mouth shapes and so I'd like to go ahead and kind of talk about that a little bit and create some drawings for that so why don't we go ahead and jump onto the next video
Channel: The Art of Aaron Blaise
Views: 125,241
Rating: 4.9742765 out of 5
Keywords: The Arts, Animation, Art, Illustration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 25sec (6085 seconds)
Published: Wed May 30 2018
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