Live - Character Design & Animation Demo!

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[Music] you everybody Arab lace here and what's the date today it's Thursday so today it's Thursday so today is gonna be our last stream for quite a while at least a month we've got a lot of travel coming up and we're heading off to the Philippines on Monday we're gonna be in Manila for for about a week and then from there we're gonna be in Colorado for about a week and then I'm gonna be down in South America down in Brazil and South Paulo we're gonna be down there for about four days and then rain after that I'm gonna be off to Tokyo I'm gonna be there for about a week so we got a lot of travel coming up and so we're gonna have to take a little bit of a hiatus from here doing this but we'll be back around the holiday and the other thing too because we're getting close we will be at the CTN event out in Los Angeles California in mid-november so we'll be out there for that and then I'm gonna be over in around the Manchester area and Knutsford specifically in the UK in England in the first week of December so so those are some of the other places we'll be popping around but we'll be live-streaming hopefully in-between some of those some of those trips but immediately over the next month or so we're gonna be stationed here as you can see I got a new background and this is uh this is the drawing that I did on Tuesday and I just want to let you guys know that when we get back from some of this initial traveling we're gonna auction this drawing off and try to raise some money for some charities there's a fund you know we raise money for big cats and that sort of thing and it would be obvious to do big cats with this but we just did a big push and there's a I'm a supporter of the Malala fund which is a fund where you know they raise money for education for women all around the world and it's something we believe in very deeply and so we're gonna be raising some money for that for the Malala fund so look for us doing that oxygen probably in the next within the next four weeks or so we're gonna do that so anyway we're back I got a bolo my throat you hear that it was weird but we're gonna be doing some animation today but we're gonna do something different I'm not going to do something like you know I'm not gonna I don't have anything started we kind of doesn't never sit in having drinks last night with Vedanta my girlfriend and we came up with this idea of let's see within the two-hour of time limit and I've been yakking for three minutes now but within the two-hour time limit that we've set for ourselves we want to see if we could record a line of dialogue design the character and then animate it all in two hours do you think we can do it maybe yeah so so that's our challenge so today as usual I've got my trusty sidekick Dustin blaze my son say hi Dustin everybody stay hydrated or you wanna be the whole time it's dehydrated everybody drawings it joins a tough thing so anyway the first thing we need to do is we need to come up with a line of dialogue very short okay yeah I've gotta animate this in two hours so it's gotta be very Huxley I gotta animate it in about an hour and a half hour and 45 minutes because we have to design the character too so we need a line of dialogue Dustin I were talking earlier once again with Vedanta and I want something I can use as like a little gift from our website or whatever the first thing were the the latest thing we came up with was I arted I arted yeah but I don't know we gotta come up with the Dustin's gonna record the character by the way so he's gonna do something in his voice yeah one of his voices and we're gonna record it but I'm not sure that that's the best line but we want something about that long so we thought maybe we throw it out to you guys and see if you guys can meet it or beat it as we used to call it and when we would do our story work we'd come up with an idea then we'd open it up to everybody and say hey can you can you meet it or beat it and so we'd like to see if you guys have any ideas for a very short line so go anything to people already said put your lay put your card away put your card away right put your card away I like that I kind of like that stay hydrated yes stay hydrated I like that your tongue slowly took two hours ooh drawing is thinking drawing is thinking drawing my friend is thinking hmm yeah some people are some other people are backing up the budget counterweight so we've got a lot of votes for put your card away that's it that's probably in the lead I like drawing us thinking but put your card away play check card away do does like a grumpy old man or grumpy I'm gonna come up with an animal or something but mystery man yeah bebop any other ones put your card away it's a card away see when you see it I'm just on this don't put your card away put your card away I don't know what you're saying is it picture card away they go or stop doing it there we go there we go stop it and keep drawing there we go just draw just try so there's a lot of votes for that is that the maliit jaw is the answer drawing is the answer my friend you're calling me a cheater I Can Has Cheezburger what is it I Can Has Cheezburger I can as I can that's too long what's impunity back in the world yeah I was thinking about that put some beauty back in the world that's a little bit of too long of a line to do in two hours I like to I'd like to animate down though I think I might animate that I think I'll do that not today but I think I'm gonna do that put that on the on our website yeah okay we gotta come together we gotta make a decision you gotta make a decision I really think the put your car do you like that one I like that one Taylor would be following okay put your heart a lot of people okay I think we're gonna go with put your card away so that's that wins the vote so I want to show you guys first of all how easy this is we got to come up we got a voice in your head that you want to do you're on the spot man in front of like thousands of people right now I was thinking of the probably the voice I was just doing my car away but that sounds too forced and then put your card away hey that's not bad you got to be clear you're gonna hear me going the director mode now you gotta be clear yeah really enunciate especially on card away card away card away card away yeah who you got early he does dummy you dummy put your card away hey dummy look you're gonna wait I like I like having a phrase up like two phrases hey dummy put your card away hey dummy would you got away don't you got it see that's the thing put your grocery card away ah put your card away it's it sounds like it's one word card away what's current what's a card away I mean put your card away maybe I'm just I'm not hearing it too much we use we always used to do this when we get into our recording sessions and we'd hear there we'd save the line so many times that would start losing its meaning and it would just start sounding weird to us yeah hey dummy put your card away yeah well I think that'll work aw would you go away would you card away what's your card to me let's see okay so do we so on my phone I've got I've got a oops I cleared it out I've got a digital recorder right there and so it's awesome and picks up every little sound in the room so we gotta be really quiet but you got to come up let me hear your voice again hey dummy would you feel it away gonna be let's see if we can come up with an I like that voice hey hey we're losing precious doing Joe Pesci Joe Pesci Hey look at that it's a it's Tony what you got away yeah but it's yeah it's we're losing the enunciate we gotta get them yeah you got to get it more uh you know enunciate it better put your card away hey dummy put your card away hey put your card away I'd like your first and your first phrasing of it I put put on the first voice that you had the the the the gangster yeah they dummy put your coat away hey dummy put your gun away yeah yeah get some you don't do the a on the end of it but you get a little try to get as much range in it as you can texture okay dummy but your card away you know that something something that has much more range to it a dummy put your card away a dummy put your car away if dummy would put the card away do do another one try separating hey and dummy a dummy hey no me put your card away I like that try it again hey dummy would you call away that one let's go with that yeah okay stop so now play it back you got a lot of feedback in there first one the first one wasn't bad either let's jump to the end I like it so we're gonna edit it we're gonna jump down you know okay so it's go I'm gonna say overwrite so I'm just editing it right now okay so oh shoot I'm gonna go back look no I want to edit it there we go what's the recording app that we're using this is just came with my phone it's just a digital recorder that came with my phone I have an LG so now you can see yeah you can see the little the waveform alright so now what I want to do is I want to take that and I'm gonna share it okay and I have a Dropbox account so I'm gonna share it with Dropbox I'm gonna add it to my Dropbox I'm gonna put it my acting for animation folder that it's already set up so I'm gonna add that and it's already uploaded boom upload complete so now I go jump to the desktop Dustin so now all I need to do is go to I'm gonna go to my let's see I'm gonna go sorry I have to go up here real quick I'm gonna go to Dropbox Oh actually no I can do it this way I'm going to load soundtrack and I'm going to Dropbox oh yeah so let's start taking some some suggestions on what the character should be yeah what what should the character look like with that kind of voice yes and then let's click on here should be this one hey Tommy would you got away that's it okay so now I go load and there it is so now you can see it's all it's loaded automatically loads right into the timeline and I just have to check the length on this really quick and with a scrub down right here and it looks like it's ninety eight frames so that my marking is at frame one my mark out is at ninety eight ninety eight frames that's a lot it's like we're gonna have at least forty six forty seven drawings I don't know if I can do that but I can get a pose down I'm gonna mark out a little bit oh I do too I'm gonna show off you a polar bear pretty specific way so now if I turn this up I've got it loaded just real quick Dustin I got this loaded hey tell me what you got away hey dummy what you got away boom okay a tough gorilla ooh tough gorilla well what was your favorite the rat yeah a fat rat has that yeah boys let's uh try a little mouse so okay so now we've got we've got a line of dialogue recorded which is cool now we got to come up with this character I got a design a character so we want a rat what were some of the other suggestions [Music] rhino's interesting a bug face Chihuahua no cowboy rat a raccoon with a toothpick I like the toothpick idea yeah a rough for sharp toad another gorilla card pusher rat a lot of rat suggesting a trap images right now we just tried drawing a rat just real quick and see what we get a baby in a stroller that's actually kind of funny that reminds me of the old Pepsi commercial with a little girl yeah that's probably one of my favorite commercials let's see here all right with Dumbo ears a villain Vanek dolly and rat bartender gosh I gotta push it more t-rex trying to reach the shopping cart with his tiny hands or the baby from Roger Rabbit baby Herman let me try let me move this over all right we got to do some designing here I got to do some quick designing I'm gonna I'm just gonna stick with the rack all right maybe give them little ears I'm gonna push this a little bit more it's official he started me at all right there have a big goon looking rat deserve said that kind of gives that care that front dose there kind of gives the characteristics of a camel the way it sticks out like my camel yeah well they're probably similar then they're related don't think they're related we scroll through up here give them a tie in the eighties themed hat that's funny you're a huge buck teeth I'm just looking for simple shapes right now to see if I can come up with something somebody said you turn yourself into a right when you snitched on little pony then you gotta have you gotta have whiskers so there's that's him hold on whoops that's what it looks like from the profile so you gonna look like from the front it's a naked mole rat oh it just looks wrong hey buddy you might want to put some flour on man for some reason this reminds me of the mice in 500 girls what somebody says well they're both mice they're both designed after real rats and real mice there's bound to be a little bit of similarity so I'm doing here I'm going to do something here hold on one second oops oops going too fast stop there we go put that there bring this up here where can i buy your brushes which you used to sketch right on my website creature art teacher comm if you go in there I've got a whole bunch of brushes tons of brushes that I put together hair brushes and foliage brushes all kinds of stuff Humphrey Bogart unsee Bogart was a famous actor back in the 40s come on man you got to know Humphrey Bogart Casablanca oh he and play it again Sam although he never really said that supposed to be Humphrey Humphrey Bogart also the African Queen so I've got something here now we got to put a costume on I got to put something on him I want him a little bit right now he's just a little rat like a little too rat like said that thing is lying the end well I believe this is gonna is the beginning of a beautiful friendship yep did they have to like dig out a or something because the woman was the woman actress was so much taller than he was I'm not sure I've heard the same thing oh I got to save this hold on this is a rat animation there's a demo saved we're gonna save this to acting for animation save it yeah Oh gotcha I don't know it's got to be a streetwise something like a mutt or something like that but streetwise you know you could make them you can make it anything I'll say for some reason I just instantly started thinking Fox Oh Fox that's interesting I'll push his cheeks out just a little bit more how are you so good in this uh my eraser bring that back up to 100% so he's like no I want to get we gotta get these way up in here like so yes it helps if you make sounds when you draw man I keep scraping that burn I have my finger [Music] grease bacon grease maybe so sorry I'm sitting here just I'm not even talking so do we have any questions as we go here this is one of my custom brushes this is one I I created this brush a few years ago and it's the only it's pretty much with the exception of just a few other brushes it's the only brush I use I just started doing it plus I had I when I was at Disney's when I first started using Photoshop and so I had some really good artist friends that helped me out namely one of them was Andy Harkness who was the art director of Moana and he was art directing a film I was working on at the time and and so you know when I decided to start trying to learn Photoshop I would just go into his office when I had questions and he would show me little tricks here and there and that's how I that's how I did it this is gonna it's a that's alright I'm kind of I'm liking the proportions on the head but this is just a rat so we got to come up with something new well we're coming up on on the half-hour mark here I got to come up with something or I'm just gonna animate from like the waist or shoulders up so we've got to keep it simple so yeah so we got to get this simple shape to his head you could probably like from some waist up you can make him be like almost like he pointing at something like Dhoni then thumbs behind him like put your card away hmm well if he had a jaw with his jaw stuck out no don't like it I don't like it there any tools or tricks you can use to keep consistent proportion I just really eyeball it I just trained myself to stay focused on that I always looking at it this will probably be posed to pose with a little bit of straight ahead yeah there we go you know what I'm gonna try one more thing let's do this we're getting there folks we're getting there weirdoes you and Bob Walker's cameos appear in brother bear we were just tiny tiny little part of the funeral procession during the scene we're like that a little better during the scene where Sitka they're sending his ashes up to the great spirits it's not a very comedic section there we go though now I feel like I'm getting somewhere I like that kind of feel it's a little longer more a little more rat like movie I will not no I'm not working for Disney and I left Disney and I left Disney in 2010 and and I've been independent ever since I mean I've worked for digital or a digital domain for a little while but other than that that one movie yeah yeah that's the one so I'm Colonel I'm kind of digging this so there's something really quick my ponytail ya know got rid of it no no more long hair for me for a long for a long time I get so hot and muggy here I've been growing my hair and donating it for the last 25 years and I this last haircut I donated another foot of hair which makes about 8 feet of hair that i've donated over the years and I'm finally just done growing my hair it's so much nicer to have short hair it really is I just I love having short hair it does it makes it easier it's and it's harder all at the same time so it's got its own set of problems but yeah I mean it's the timing has already figured out for you obviously because the beats are there so that's kind of cool so I think we got I think we got him Dustin what do you think this guy right here yeah you like him thankee I'm gonna use that I think I'm gonna use that I'm gonna use that as a starting pose there we go pull that chin back just a little bit was rats their chin goes back a little further there we go so that's gonna be we get rid of these guys and I'm gonna file save this save as a rat PNG I'm gonna save this as a PNG I'm gonna see if I can I just save it on the desktop save okay see if I can pull this over into TV paint so I'm going to import footage it's not really footage I got on my desktop rat PNG it's gonna keep saying do I really wanted that's a PNG or an incorrect that's okay somebody's recommending to give them a hat Oh a hat I don't know there we go so I've got him there this is my starting pose so I'm gonna move him here well I mean I'm just gonna animate him like this about this size right about I want to start over here because I'm gonna have a move to the right I think I don't have time to thumbnail although that's a horrible it's a bad bad habit maybe I will thumbnail it really quick but don't don't not thumbnail ever force you to change sometimes it's only happened to me a couple of times okay so there's my pencil I'm gonna use I might go a little bigger than that actually let's go probably ATS bigger eye so I'm gonna try to be bolder with my line and I'm gonna knock that back I'm gonna put that underneath right there we're gonna get back up on top cuz I want to redraw it being mean don't skip to some nail the in-betweens no just thumbnailing in general figuring out what you're gonna do sorry um when I when I figure out when I set up a shot that I'm gonna animate I usually sit down and figure out all the posing through thumbnailing and do small drawings and and here I'm kind of skipping that stage I'm just gonna dive into it I think we can I think we should sit down and thumbnail it oh I loved it I thought it was a fun film I really I really enjoyed it there's a there's a couple of things I wish they would have done differently or pushed more but I think overall it was very cool it really felt like a film that I would have loved to have made all right so we've got a line of dialogue we've got a character designed we got this rat dirty rat giving a giving a little necklace here a leather jacket what do you think of the movie I love I love that - really enjoyed that film so you can see I've thickened up my pencil on TV paint here so that I actually can draw a lot bigger there we go I've thickened it up so that I'm forced to draw kind of bold so let's listen to that dialogue again because I know this is gonna be my starting pose he's looking over he sees somebody not putting the card away so let me listen to that again hey dummy what you call away hey dummy what you call away so I'm gonna keep it subdued so it's me hey dummy put your card away then it's gonna get big hey dummy what you've gone away so let's start this with a scribble pass and I'm gonna do the scribble pass will become my my my thumbnail pass basic I'm gonna find the posing through the scribble pass which I do sometimes oh I haven't seen Balto in a long time spend years but I really enjoyed it but I can't remember yeah so we're gonna I'm gonna add a drawing here we're gonna turn on the The Onion's skin him and knock that back a little bit and so I'm gonna start scribbling this is gonna be really messy but it's okay so let's see I want him to go just move a little bit turn a little bit more towards us maybe turn a little bit this way a little bit that way so you get a little turning his head see this is gonna be very scribbly he's gonna say hey but this is going to be after you're awfully quiet over there Dustin alright so Dustin Dustin's having to kind of pull the duty of Nick and himself so he's trying to go across four different platforms and to get off the questions for everybody so today's a little difficult I mainly just so all those twitter and twitch viewers I do apologize what do you think about Disney's animated shows like ducktales rebou big hero six the series I don't know I haven't I haven't seen them I don't keep up with those shows so he's gonna end up just moving his head just a little bit let me get rid of the fix that I a little bit what you think movie see I love that I really liked it a lot and I thought Matthew McConaughey did an amazing a surprisingly really good job I didn't expect him to be that good with voicing a character realized it was him until I finished watching the movie and his name popped up early then after fight then after finding that out and then playing it through again they yeah there's star like oh yeah it like there's a few little things that he does with his voice where you can easily tell it's him yeah so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna have them anticipate with a little bit of a take in here he's gonna squash right down in here you prefer a welcome Oh Cintiq by far I love having drawing right on the screen into into us I currently work at elimination McDuff are you interested in going to see the Grinch oh I'm already yes I'm definitely set to go see the Grinch again harder to believe that the Grinch is voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch yeah I know and he's awesome he's gonna be doing the voice of Shere Khan in the upcoming Mowgli movie voice acting and motion capture oh yeah like in a hobbit he was the voice of Smaug and he's also the voice of the Sauron oh yeah yeah I didn't know that so I'm gonna pull these shoulders up a little bit so he's gonna squash him out so I'm just doing this little breakdown in here where he's doing this take I did work on Mulan I did work on Milan I did I I was actually originally cast to do the villain but at the time I was cast the villains name was Bao gung and bow gung ended up getting written out of the movie and the Shan Yu became the villain and impress Romeo's great friend press Romeo's an amazing artist he ended up doing the he was already cast on Bell Gong or on the the shan-yu so I didn't have a character so I ended up doing several characters I did Yao from the gang of three the guy that likes to fight all the time and then I was soup the supervisor of the ghosts the ancestors as well all right so here he is he's squashing down he's gonna say hey hey hey hey hey so right here I want to stretch this out here hey right there I'll pull this over here and we'll open up his mouth right here I had a chat with Alex Williams are you familiar with him I worked with Alex Williams in Florida back in the back in the early 90s what's that he was working with you on rollercoaster rabbit and what was the so you had to chat and was that it was that the whole oh he's very nice how do you avoid over animating and what exactly is over animating is just when you move a character too much and you avoid that by just making that character real to yourself you know act it out yourself how would you truly act it and and and don't I mean you have to feel what you're talking with your what you're animating and so you have to make so you have to make it real to yourself right and so by doing that you'll automatically just kind of start falling into more natural performances if you start really feeling you know and plus I took acting classes and that sort of thing he's going hey hey hey see that no I haven't actually I really love what I'm doing now I really love it I love teaching you know we're doing it we travel all over the world and and I'm still making art I'm still hold on one second sorry I'm still animating you know I'm doing all this stuff I always loved to do before but now I'm adding the fact that I'm traveling and I'm doing it from home and I'm meeting so many amazing people I love everything about what I do now and I and I I don't want to give it up and you know I didn't know what I was missing before and I really I really love it so you can see here so now hey hey hey hey so this drawing I don't like anymore so I'm gonna bring this back now give them a little bit more forehead or cranium I should say if it's really quick dialogue it's the same way I approach it just the same as I would anything else so I'm gonna keep this mouth open just a little bit you know even if it's I just feel what he's saying and I am doing inktober and we actually dust and I were talking about this last night we might be doing some auctioning of the drawings when we're done at the end of the month to raise money for a charity again hey it's a little he shrinks a little bit but I'm gonna run with it I'm gonna actually pull this jaw over there we go the curly horse the curly I'm sorry I don't remember the curly horse oh oh I'm sorry yeah the the breed you know I have not done that yet I have not done that yeah I'm sorry I've been busy with other stuff hey hey hey Tommy Tommy Tommy hey hey at the end of all this could you show us your way of doing cleanup after animating this maybe on another stream this is gonna take too long when I get to the end of the animation and I'm gonna be pretty beat but I won't I'll show you how to do cleanup on another on another stream hey would you tell me I want to put a drawing right there right there okay there's several wildlife charities that we give to and but the one I want to give to this time around is for the Malala fund which is for the education of women for around the world that wouldn't otherwise have access to education we really like that that that charity quite a bit and so we're gonna give to that sorry I gotta focus on this for just a minute so I want to bring him down because I gotta bring him back up on the last phrase now I'm gonna have them turn more towards who he's talking to so it's gonna be like this did you ever play one of the games you animated you know any of the games yeah yeah like The Lion King game or the Aladdin game or any of that no I never did now I wasn't I've never really been a gamer as Dustin will attest to it's just not anything I've ever really got into so I never played any of the games I don't bring this up I have I visited India back in 2011 and I plan on going back as well we're just not sure when yet I'm gonna take these eyes and I'm gonna pull them up here cuz I want that head right about there animation film that you didn't Bambi you get that question a lot Bambi enlarge this a little bit to Pinocchio modern ones I really loved secret of NIMH there's a lot Zootopia love Zootopia okay so dummy there we go are you using your new Cintiq there you go ma'am nope this is the one though that's a smaller Cintiq this is uh this is I'm using the one I've had for a couple years my 27 inch then when I got in the mail was a 22 inch dummy let's try this scribbly scribbly scribbly we I haven't been to DePaul I went to Chitwan National Park in Nepal back in 2011 when I did that trip to India I also went to Nepal and went flew in the Kathmandu and then and then we went and did a couple of puddle jumper flights around to some of the other areas and we also drove this is really horrible I'm just gonna keep rolling with it Tommy hey I'm gonna take that drawing take that head the way his head is turned it wouldn't be sitting where it's sitting take that head I'm gonna move it up here right up out there what kind of tip do you use for your Cintiq I use the the felt tip tips I'm just gonna lightly indicate that collar dummy why don't you use a glove all drawing on this I've never had an issue with it I've had a lot of people ask me that I don't need a glove my hands don't get all sweaty and I can't stand having gloves on my hands Dommy Dommy Dommy nineteen valium wall in meeting I'm I'm just flipping back and forth trying really hard to pay attention to to the volume that's exactly what I'm that's exactly what I'm trying to do is I I'm just constantly looking at it constantly looking out looking at the size of the nose okay so this is I'm gonna move this back on the timeline okay Dustin's taking a restroom break there we go okay so I'm just gonna draw for you guys I'll talk while I'm drawing so you can see what it is that I'm doing but um so now that the heads up the angle on the head is up a little bit we're gonna see that the angle of the nose and the head itself you know slightly different light and so like the ears are gonna drop back they're gonna drop down like this and one thing I want to do is I'm gonna lift it up I want to bring it up even higher whoops hit return I'm actually gonna pull that ear I'm gonna drag it like this and this one I'm probably squash out I'm just gonna squash it out like so here what I want to do is I'm going to close his eyes almost looks like a cat way I'm drawing them and I'm gonna drag race this back a little bit I'm gonna drag his mouth just a bit like so remember the JA way his jaws opening it's got to open back here the hinges back here it's not at the corner of his mouth sorry I can't see the questions right now so that's why we're I'm not answering any questions Dustin is my eyes for all that so right now I'm just just animate and scribbly scribbly they're dummy actually you know what I think it would be better played this is where thumbnailing comes in better played if we actually opened his eyes more I'm going to push those rather than pushing the brows up there we go I think that's a better expression very quick hey he's back have a little a little incident [Laughter] [Laughter] yes I says it's like a very job blue kind of feel oh whoops oh yeah yeah well there you go Don Bluth was Disney I was Disney so how was your India trip oh the India trip was great it was awesome no I was just drawing actually I'm gonna let that caller over here drag a little bit and you let this one drag a little bit as well what's that Dustin sorry do you have any tips for artists with limited resources and money to create more quality in their work well you don't need you just need pencil and paper - yeah you just got a draw so you know it doesn't have to be digital work you know just as long as you're working on pencil and paper you're you're doing it so I'm pushing his shoulders down and I hate that last drawing that is an ugly drawing so I'm just hitting and I'm just hitting key poses I'll get the rest of the dialog later me Oh sometimes I do if there's me there's a Thursday if there's a big you know gap to be covered sometimes I'll really push it hey he's just drawing um I hold on one second there we go I am visited Deli I was only in Delhi I'm just gonna lightly opacity you want to turn that down I've got to redraw this even though it's a scribble it's still gonna be the basis for what I'm doing and it's not crazy I mean I'm crazy I'm not crazy with how it's looking arthritic um um I don't know I just don't have any problems with it I am I just I've never had any problems with that sort of thing luckily knock on wood so I think what I need to do is pull these eyes I think it was a mistake before I don't want to go too far on that what place would you like to go that you haven't been to yet I really want to get down to the South Pacific Australia New Zealand I've never been down there Papua New Guinea you know getting up into the wilds there all those places hey Vedanta she's just in the other room that's my girlfriend but doctor all right so I'm gonna pull that ear back hey dummy do you think 2d animation will ever make a comeback um I do I gotta put my eraser back up to a hundred percent there we go I do I think it will eventually we just need I think it's actually making a comeback I think the streaming I think that the savior is gonna be all the streaming channels that we have right now I think they're they're they're creating so much content I think it's just a matter of time before we get a fully animated 2d feature done that they'd I don't think it's gonna be the big studios that are gonna do it anymore or the big traditional studios I think it's gonna be a streaming company that's gonna do it so just down here what does this animation you doing this is uh we we set a challenge for ourself which is to come up with a the line of dialogue which Dustin recurrent recorded my son design a character and then animate it all within our two-hour mark I'll probably get it posed out with a few in-betweens I'm scribbling through it right now a dummy I didn't once well I didn't have that problem once if they understood it then they understood it so I always tried I always prided myself on trying to be very clear on what I'm looking for and there's not you know sometimes you don't know what you're looking for sometimes you know you know where you want it to go but you're not sure how to get there and that's when you rely on the people that you've hired you know I just use um this stuff screen cleaner that's what I use okay hey dummy I got a move on you gotta get moving on this you gotta pick up the energy to Dustin I know you've stayed up all night last night so pick up the energy all right here we go hey hey dummy I'm gonna let that play real quick to see how it see how it plays hey dummy hey dummy hey dummy okay so I want to put it in a patient in there right there for that Hey right in here plans to visit India I mean not Delhi not specifically Delhi we do have plans on getting to India so I'm just not sure when so I'm once again I'm gonna bring him down I'm gonna bring him down for the anticipation I get that head the head shape set right there we go so I'm just going to squash right here what do you think about game animation in general game animation in general I'm not that's a very general question so I mean there's good game animation there's bad game animation so I think I don't know what to tell you yeah I mean there's good and bad just like there's good and bad 2d animation so yeah I don't know it's that's my answer correct yep right there up in the corner you can see it up there it's a one-time buy that's what I love about it I love TV paint actually I'm gonna drag that are you seeking syncing each frame to the countenance of the recording right now I'm just phrasing the dialogue so I'm hitting the big shapes where I want them to hit according to the dialogue and I'm not worrying about lip sync quite yet so I'll show you what I'm talking about here in just a second as I scribble this out getting used to listening to the same clips over no I mean you gotta listen to it in order to figure out what it is that you're gonna animate so no you just listen to it over and over that's part of the that's part of what I do as an animator there we go hey hey comes out here do you ever want to go to Australia I just answered that question Dustin come on man you gotta wake up Dustin stayed up all night last night I just said I wanted to go to Australia yes I do want to go to Australia Austria Oh put another shrimp on the Bobby yes I would love to go to Austria yep who knows well I'm come close I made it to Switzerland about five times for work and whatnot but I've never made it to Austria all right so here we go he's a hey Tommy hey suffice if I highlight that hey Tommy hey Tommy yeah hey Tommy so I'm hitting just those big accents right now hey and then I'll hit I'll finish off the mouth shapes in just a bit Tommy hey Tommy okay so now let it play through hey Tommy what you've got away put your car away tell me what you've got away hey Tommy what you've got away so right here I'm gonna add it drawing put your cup I'm gonna have him finish up right in here I'm just gonna I'm gonna try something different here I am just going to draw for a little bit I'm gonna turn this off well we're trying to do it this way I'm gonna draw a little bit more comfortable sighs but you Connor way I want to I want to get this this attitude huh huh which paper do you recommend for inktober if you're taking part in you may tell us I'm still searching for a good one reading some Germany by the way I use a toned at Strathmore paper gray gray toned we get this real quick and wondering how many people that are watching were ended up watching the fake live stream yesterday yeah we we accidentally I was messing with the cameras yesterday and didn't realize it and didn't realize I had started streaming and then went out and went grocery shopping and to conwy because we were setting up the green screen for the first time then yeah so there you can see I'll just go and make very simple shapes but you got away I'm looking for a good clear silhouette here that'll work right there so they okay to do inktober in digital or does it specifically it specifically meant to be pad pen and paper it's inktober it's their ink drawings so it's it's meant to be that but I mean as long as you're drawing who cares as far as far as I'm concerned have you watch this series once upon a time I'm not I saw that ABC so there we go so that's kind of where I want to be with it yeah let me let me increase that size now I can play with that see the problem with this is this is what I'm gonna do now I'm going to shrink him up return I'm gonna go this is what I'm gonna do I got to go back to the beginning I got a bunch all these up it was a BC it was a BC right yeah you were wrong I'm gonna retime them with your life life critiques of submitted animations I will at some point I absolutely will so what I'm doing here is I'm shrinking everything up I'm gonna start him over here maybe I'll continue draw his body out I'm resizing him because I want to be able to get him in that pose over on the end and so now everything should be resized the way I want you might be able to go a little bigger we increased that size a little bit so now now I gotta go move him over right about there okay I have to draw that out all right so now I want to jump to this last frame increase that size to the size that needs to be there what show would you rather watch Family Guy or assistance Family Guy hands down without a doubt sorry Simpsons but you caught away hey buddy hey guard away Peter wouldn't wanna meet her really wanna later any favorite book um well there's a lot of classics you know that I've always I've always loved Steinbeck's jeez what am i drawing a blank Grapes of Wrath thank you that's one of my favorite books of all time and I love on Mice and Men and Life of Pi when I read it I really loved it I haven't read a read a book in probably a year which is horrible to admit with the TRO for the choice of other Simpsons and Family Guy if South Park was added into the mix I'm still I'm still a Family Guy so Family Guy yeah I like South Park okay okay so let's retime these now I gotta draw his nose back out I got snipped off what's your favorite childhood comfort food pork chops and applesauce hey I loved pork chops and applesauce right in here hey hey it is room yeah hey question would it be Family Guy or Rick and Morty Oh Rick and Morty I after a while I can't stand looking at those drawings yeah I like I really like the writing on Rick and Morty I just can't stand looking at those drawings for more than one episode yeah sorry I'm I'm timing right now something I'm thinking it don't bother me in thank you so this is gonna be our last frame right hey right there but I'll bring it in here which is all the way hey dummy what you got away okay so we're gonna work into that last pose I've still got 30 minutes put your car no what do you mean mobile devices if so which one do you think is best mobile mobile devices all the devices yeah does an iPad count as a mobile device yeah yeah I use an iPad pro occasionally what what's your favorite Ghibli movie Princess Mononoke my friend Totoro Moving Castle so I'm really gonna scribble now watch this they were just gonna scribble scribble yeah you've been going for one Allen 30 minutes how are you going to get this done Oh we'll see he has his ways I might I might come up a little short but we'll get it so what's your favorite animal to draw any big animals bears big cats elephants I love all the big animals I'm breaking this down to the movement put your card away on what card away I want that really big for a second Eris Alec is in coral yeah yeah so I'm gonna have them way up here don't bother don't bother me I'm thinking does anyone name that movie be something other than you Dustin so I think you know it don't bother me I'm I'm thinking oh you don't know it I know that I know it's just one of those where it's like it's like I know it's right there but I just can't remember the name of it like right now this very moment uh-huh good anyway is anyone getting it name that movie don't bother me I'm I'm thinking yes that's it who got that yes all right Catherine yes it's the witch remember the witch comes up don't bother me I'm I'm thinking okay okay so you get this nice big open mouth you'll shoot your eye out kid whoops I just do Oh put it on the wrong layer it is a rat it's a very quickly designed rat I want to get these hands would you recommend going to animation school to become an animator yeah yes although it depends on how you learn if you if you learn you know if you don't need the classroom environment then there's a lot of options obviously out there for people that want to learn from home there's online I've you know I've got my I've got online classes that I have you know on my website that people learn from so it just depends next to the color option oh this box this is my light table so I can turn on all the different I can turn out the outs my onion skin so I can turn on the number of drawings ahead and after the or beat you know before and after drawings so that's my light table if that's the one you're talking about so I'm just kind of really scribbling this in say that again I worked with 3d animators but I never learned 3d animation but the biggest thing I learned I'm gonna let that play the biggest thing I learned was that the principles obviously are still the same so the way it wasn't it wasn't too bad it wasn't a big leap for me to work with 3d animators I'm gonna copy this hold on one second I'm gonna create a new animation layer right there I'm gonna paste it and then I'm gonna come down here and I'm gonna I'm gonna delete that drawing and I'm gonna bring this one up let's see I want to see that and I'm gonna go to where is it up in view display show full page there's uh oh it's driving me nuts for those of you watching there's I've got it turned on so that I'm only viewing the layer that's the current layer and I can't remember how to turn on all layers it's really simple - yeah you lair display currently display all there's there we go that's what I wanted thank you very much whoo I just want to put that there they're gonna drop it down underneath now I'm gonna redraw that cuz I don't like that hand play so would you go way way way away now bring that hand down a little bit anything with a lot of limbs an octopus a tiger with stripes and that's why he's simplify the stripes exactly there we go we've got 30 minutes 32 I've almost got it all pretty much freezed out there I'm gonna do as many as it can I won't be able to get all the in betweens in what's over here bring the handbag Norwegian 2d animated film of the big bad box I have not Oh Fox but I have it they have not I have not no the big bad part of the box maybe bring that out just a little bit more there used command alt keys for turning the animation disk in TVP I have not I haven't tried that so here was getting them straight over here have you got any tips or advice for someone starting a university course studying animation apart from drama yeah it's really it really comes down to the more you do it the better you get I know it and you didn't want to hear that but it is it's you've got a really manage your time first of all and you know when you when you end up doing your thesis your thesis piece don't make it something don't make it a you know don't make it a feature make it simple that's that's a big mistake that young people make is they they bite off more than they can chew on their thesis so make sure that you get something you can finish not away hey tell me what you've got away here see hey tell me what you've got away hey dummy so we got everything freeze dance all the way hey dummy what you've got away hey dummy what you've got away okay so now let's jump back to the beginning those thick lines on his uh yeah alright so I'm going to bring that up to eighty right there let's uh let's just do that all right start break yeah I'm gonna start breaking this down as we talk what do you recommend to use with your class reviews with my anatomy class yes just pencil and paper or you can follow along in Photoshop if you want but it just you just need to draw should you just draw along with me so just pencil and paper would be adequate you know and then you'll have your own eye I tend to force people to really look at their own Anatomy look at themselves to understand you know what it is that I'm explaining so that helps as well but you don't need any special equipment or anything like that if that's what you're asking do you think digital drawings could be sold as originals mmm no I mean no you could sell them as prints but there is no original it exists inside the inside the the computer I mean if you only sold one one copy of it and destroyed the file I guess that could be considered an original but it's still just a print so it's not the same as selling original so at all and that's that's kind of the big argument nowadays about about digital art I think digital art is still art I just don't think you can sell it in the same way that you sell you know traditional media you just can't do it because it's it's printed it's not hey so I'm breaking this down what you got Dustin you fading out on me again no did you like the 2016 movie The Legend of Tarzan I believe that's the live-action yeah if it's the one I think it is No yeah so what I think it is I did not like yeah the one with Sam Jackson I didn't like that one how do you find your own artistic style or does it come naturally in time it comes naturally in time that's a good I'm glad you said that everyone's so concerned about getting their art style but you know what you don't have to worry about it it's it's gonna happen you've just got to let it happen and the only way it's gonna happen is to keep drawing and just let time find it and yeah I mean you're in your style your style will change throughout your life my style has changed several times in my career you get influenced by other other things you know and and in other people and whatever you're constantly adjusting and adapting and and your style will always change never saw it no I didn't see it what do you know and what do you think about French animation school oh go bland it's a go bland I I know very little other than the amazing work that I see come out of there consistently I think it's an incredible school I mean I've yet to see any crappy work from out of there it's just blows my mind Hey Hey so I'm gonna draw this back hey hey there so you can see just breaking it down which aren't really in a question would you say you get the most regardless if it was during an interview or livestream um I get a lot of what animal is the hardest to drop I don't know why I get that question so often or what weather my favorite what what are my favorite animals to draw what's your next you know like later down the year what's your what's your favorite uh what's your favorite shampoo all right I've heard a lot of innovators say they keep a mirror at their desk and study their own facial expressions while animating do you think that's a good idea it works for some people I've never done it I always just try to feel it I've never used a mirror I'd look at and I look at you know human anatomy and faces and all that sort of thing so I don't really refer to my own face but some people do do it you know back in the old days you know you'd see the pictures of the nine old men doing it a lot of that was just propaganda they weren't really doing that they just you know it made it easy for the public to understand what it is that we do I don't know that's a tough one I don't really I don't know if I have a favorite question that I usually get it hey Tommy would you go away hey Tommy so here's what I'm gonna do okay say I can go in and make adjustments now yeah hey hey Hey hey dummy never got away yeah it's not good we like you hey dummy what you got away so dummy hey dumb oh I'm gonna bring that back I'm gonna open up his mouth I'll bring it back one frame oh there's the M right there dumb here we go what's your favorite toilet destination toilet destination toilet in Asia Japan they've got the best toilets in the world man Zoe fer oh they're awesome all right I need to travel to Japan just for that yeah I wonder how much it would cost to get one of those fitted into a house our berries yep where's the m4 dumb almost 15 minutes left can you get it done in time well it's gonna be tight I might not make it but we're gonna get pretty darn close yeah there we go ha ha I said it what was it like to grow up with the animator for her dad I think it's been pretty awesome of being able to see everything behind the scenes that not that many people have a privilege of seeing that really I really enjoyed all that yeah you got to do some pretty cool stuff yeah and also met some really cool cool people Phil Collins Dave Thomas Rick Moranis Jeremy Suarez it was definitely a really fun time what animation schools are most likely to hire from see that again what animation schools our Disney and Pixar most likely to hire from oh there's Cowell arts Ringling Cal arts Ringling Sheridan SCAD they're all over the place hey Tommy would you got away hey dummy would you got away okay we need a drawing in here yeah baby throw it on me all right how many years you've been animating in in what year you considered you've mastered most of it I've been animating for 30 years and I don't know that I've ever mastered it I wouldn't say that I've ever mastered it but I'd say probably in the mid-90s is when I got a handle on it where I felt like oh okay now I understand you know a little bit more do you know any Portuguese animation like the suspect I don't yeah no I'd love to see that well if games like cuphead bc 2d animation being reappeared i don't think it's ever not been appreciated i don't think i don't I don't think it's ever not been appreciated so I don't I don't know about that but I do think that things like cuphead are going to bring 2d animation back into use if that's what you're talking about take it take a little stab at it Dustin sure yeah I personally think that tuning animation never went away or was never appreciated oh the big businesses wanted to go more toward CG for for the movies and everything but a lot of a lot of game companies like Steam and others and a smaller such as the company I made cup headed I started seeing how nostalgic the 2d style animation has become it started implementing that a lot more into into smaller independent games that are actually almost more popular than the Triple A games of today in fact over half of the games on Steam are all 8-bit style games that were just released in like the past two or three years and it's just that nostalgic feeling and also it's a much simpler tech technology and having the 2d animation brings out a more unique art form into each of each of these games so there you go yeah I never say I don't think it's ever gone away he's just gone to a different platform and I think eventually we'll go back into uh following features oh I think it well for sure eventually definitely it may not be tomorrow may not be next month yeah it'll happen though it will happen I've ever had a chance to work with or meet Bill Plympton I've indirectly met Bill Clinton we've we've talked to each other on email and Twitter but um yeah but no I've never had the opportunity to work with them I'd love to give any opinion on some of the animated shows coming from Mexico no I don't have an opinion I don't know of them but I should I will try to educate myself on it hey Tommy hold on hey Tommy would you got away hey Tommy what's your heart not liking yeah tell me hey Tommy tying this one in a you know dummy hey you saw me what you got away hey dummy what you got away sorry hold on Dustin noise hey dummy what you got away okay what now any advice on improving ink work with you improving your ink work when your sketch looks better than the final form yeah I mean a lot of times what's happening with your ink is that you're you're killing the life of the drawing try to do your inking and then the same with the same life that you're drawing add and you know an ink line doesn't have to be a beautiful pristine line it just doesn't and so you know just try to keep that life there's there's life in the in the you know it's when you're searching for your lying and and that sort of thing there's a lot of life on that a lot of times and you know don't be afraid to let some of that stuff stay there because that's what's what's happening is you're you're just killing the life of of the of the drawing by by making everything so pristine have you seen war of birds no I haven't that sounds interesting though and a Martin burger asks which one is your favorite Bangkok brother I love them both I love them I do I love them I hear I heard about French animation what do you think of the level of the level I don't know what the level is is that a something animated or is that or your they talking about the level of animation oh I just I think French animation is fantastic yeah so I'm just really quickly run you're gonna scribble this out tell me what you know me this will be on YouTube to watch later right yes look look look what the bird ah the bird gotcha but it sounds like a bird Birdemic so you're gonna see a real funky stretchy drawing here so are you more for planning the timing or for feelings and timing as you go I try to feel the timing as I go have you seen the Golden Apple animation it came out recently about only with a with the pilot episode no I have not so this is all very scribbly than I'm doing right now do you like the style used of the recreations of old old shows like scooby-doo Bugs Bunny and Tom and Jerry yeah I think they're okay time changes everything and yeah and yeah so far some some of the changes have been good something changes have been better but oh no so I'm just really doing a scribbly drawing here so you can see but you've got away what hey so that's really just a connecting drawing put your how do you maintain death and freshness in your backgrounds I'm very careful not to mix more than a couple of colors and I don't you know I try to avoid mixing compliments unless I'm doing it for a reason mixing compliments will muddy your colors so I try to keep analogous colors mixed colors that are near each other on the color wheel FPS frames for so I was 24 24 frames per second I could do 60 if I wanted to I've always only animated in in 24 frames per second so that's what I that's how I work that's how I roll baby how you roll yeah singing yeah that's what I was doing have you seen the teaser of the new Thundercats series did you like the new character design no I haven't I personally have in the main Thundercats I feel like they made it a bit more childish than the original style so here we go like all the characters are like more rounded out and it's more of a more of a comedy than action so um I've never been into the Thundercats it's a little too furry for me yes I remember watching the Thundercats all they were like furry stinger Thunder Thundercats I remember the whole Thundercats opening and there's one there's one guy in YouTube that recreated that entire opening but instead of the Thundercats it was all the characters for the destiny game that I've been playing oh yeah and they this guy fit every single role to the team like it was perfect well that's crazy man so here I'm getting the Oh Oh way and then we're gonna get way on the way down oh we've got one minute I'm not gonna make it what you got oh boy okay look what you got away do you enjoy or know any Korean animation if so what do you think of them I don't not I'm not up on my Korean animation and uh sorry about that any opinions on youtubers that you maps and into animation say that again any opinion on youtubers that do maps and animation I don't have an opinion I'm not quite maps maps and animation maps like anime down as oh I'm not I don't know what that is I'm sure it's an acronym for something but I don't know what that means if you could specify a little more sorry I'm not up on all that mom the minim the modern lingo you kids are doing now oh my gosh whose show is this whose show is this yours go ahead of course it was gonna be about to streaming a video so let's put a play out a dummy would you've got away hey tell me what you got away it's nothing it's not the best animation on the world but this guy it's got it away it's a little bit something that's phrased out tell me what you've got away hey what you've gone away okay so now we got to get away yeah I know I got one drawing yeah well what a map is when many what create a full musical / animation video oh cool I think that's awesome that's a cool idea yeah map stands for multiple animator project oh okay I like it so in a way Disney is a matte company yes I think these would be all be long-distance I'm gonna zoom something recommends that you should watch the rebooted DuckTales oh really yeah and panic at the disco did they yeah he did a Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Fallon he to cover up it yeah they still have seen that yeah because he did a good job right oh yeah he's awesome at anything he does music video for Saturday night for what the his song Saturday night oh yeah yeah that's great so I'm just scribbling in the hand right now well then the hands go down beyond and then they're gonna pop back up in the final pose what kind of they always seem to go for Disney / Pixar the good though good a lot of other worthy nominees usually are are there like like well as far as who's nominated I can't I can't talk to that but as far as the ones that I win I think generally the ones that win deserve to win so I can't I don't know that I agree with what you're saying I think it you know anything with a great heartfelt story is is gonna be in the runaway well good hey dummy what you've got away hey dummy what you got away hey dummy what you've got away hey dummy what you've got away hey dummy what you've got away so we got one more thing on to do in here I've either of us seen Biker Mice from Mars no no you know try putting that over and see what that does sorry go ahead no do you think is possible for an animator from the UK to work for Disney in their studios or do they normally hire from select schools in the USA no it's a few if you know you have to be extra extra exceptional if they're gonna hire from outside only from another country because it takes a lot to get people in through immigration and all of that but if you're exceptional no though they'll they'll hire I mean art studio was extremely international when I was there would you ever be open to critiquing animations that we send you I would we just we just we're still working on how we're gonna do that but yeah we're definitely open to it we're trying to figure that out that you know in a way that we can because we've got thousands literally thousands of requests to do that and I just want to make sure I can do it the right way we might be getting close to a to a possible solution but if it may work you may not work we'll see what happens only time will will tell and also we're busy about all these other things going on especially with all your traveling everywhere yeah have you seen loving Vincent the movie valve and those letters I've just seen clips I haven't seen the whole thing we got away they're all oil paintings yeah hey dummy what you got away hey dummy what you got away kind of gave up on the whispers here towards the end what very very rough so this would be a pretty scribble pass what you've got away hey dummy what you've got away and I would do something different with their hands I'd go in there refine they got away right now they're going popping all over would you go away the thing I wanted to prove to you guys today is is to show you that if you get a quick idea in your head you can you can fairly quickly within a couple of hours rough something out and have it down and then you can massage it and play with it hey what you got away if you're still a day I know this would be a phase where I would bring it to the director and say here's a rough idea of what I was thinking what do you think and they go hey yeah we really like that or you know what maybe try something different here and then I would take it back and if they liked it then I would go back and redraw everything and get everything working more smoothly and and just make the drawings a little bit better and then I would hand it off to in between there's no for cleanup and that sort of thing I'd actually show it to the director again and then get it approved but I always when I was a director I always wanted animators to show me the work at this stage because they could just whip it out really fast then we could look at it we could start talking about it and then that we had something you know we had some common imagery that we could we could refer to and you know being able to do it this way it's just so much that makes the process so much quicker hey Tommy would you got away hey would you got away and the dummy it's a little harsh lay his head Maloney would you've got away but all in all you know for a first would you go pass without doing any thumbnail something we didn't right off the bat I think it's kind of cool it's kind of fun you can see to how loose she can be with these drawings if you look at these let me turn the night light table off if you look at these individual drawings these are really bad drawing hey dummy especially through years but you can get the idea across very quickly that's the idea tell me what you've got away I should have his tail on me here yeah what you got away hey dummy what you got away hey dummy what you got away I probably wouldn't bring his head down as much on dummy would you right here probably keep it up here somewhere dummy and then go okay then bring him down for put your card away bring it down in here what you've got away put your card away oh that's a good idea hey dummy put your card oh that's a great idea what you should have told me that man but now that but that's the point see ya I can I can draw something really quick like this and say and I didn't waste that much time and you know you know I've got a better idea you know do it you know hey dummy but you can't quit your car away and you can go on back in you can make those changes and that's that's the point I'm trying to make if you're doing if you're doing hand-drawn animation get it down fast we always say get it wrong get it wrong get it down fast get it wrong fast because then you're gonna start seeing with all the things you can do with it to make it better now granted you should at least plan before you start doing your scribble play pass that we did skip the the thumbnail pass try to plan out the animation as much as you can but then once you get there just get it down really quickly because even if you thumb nailed something out once you see it moving you'll come up with new ideas other ideas that are gonna make it even better hey dummy what you've got away see like one thing I might do right here hey I'm gonna try something just really quick if and you don't mind Dustin hey hey right there a okay right here I'm gonna put a drawing in turn on the light table but I'm not gonna let his head settle as much so this um I know you answered this already but uh this is a late comer but uh this stream will be archived for later oh yeah they always are you're gonna find it on YouTube you'll find it on Twitch you'll find it on Facebook yeah it'll be it'll be archived so I'm just gonna let him settle here instead I think this is a better pose having that head up and then when he goes down I'm gonna have a move through those drawings that I just did dummy questions lately this and uh yeah so here I'm gonna let those teeth maybe separate a little bit dummy the way thing is the most engaging feeling wall animating the most engaging feeling while animating I'm not sure I understand that question what is the most engaging feeling while animating sheer Joey yeah terror how the heck am i I'll tell you what I can't tell you how many scenes I've gotten in the past where I go I don't know how I'm gonna do this this is way they're gonna figure me out they're gonna know I'm a fraud they're gonna completely figure out that I don't know how to draw I don't know how to enemy I don't know how I'm gonna I have no idea how I'm gonna animate this scene and then a week later somehow or another it's done and I go I don't know what happened it's almost like someone else drew it so here I'm just gonna have them sit just want to see actually I don't even want that much and that sorry Dustin all the way the stuck just just shake him out okay so stop shake them out there we go I wonder if this will work on me what you got oh that feels a little better let's see if that works hey dummy what you've got away yeah see that's better hey dummy what you gotta wait out I might even tighten it more put those on ones see what that does hey tell me what you've got away yeah tell me what you've got away see you can go through a shifting timing on drawings in me but you've gotta create a completely different feel hey dummy what you got away hey dummy what's your car way hey dummy what you've got away yeah that's kind of funny would you go away so um you went over my 15 minutes we got way we got something roughed out and let's turn the sound off just to see yeah so obviously there's a lot of drawings to fill in and if I have the time I might go in and just scribble it out and fill it out so you guys can see it the next time we do a live stream which will that's gonna be a while from now it's it's it's 30 I'm drawing help 413 I have 2 4 3 6 2 6 3 2 3 6 14 1 1 2 3 3 3 6 5 3 4 4 4 so that's how each one is held so I've got a lot of so if you looked up but I just really hold each drawing as long as it needs to be held so like this this is a this is a pose that you settling into between phrases so you can see that that drawing is held for 14 frames but then he goes and he to make some makes a big statement there at the end you know the first drawing is held for thirteen frames before he starts to talk Hey then it's held for six that's that's probably where I made my biggest mistake right here that that take right there that drawing I would adjust that it's too big of a jump see everything everything goes it's not fluid at all I would bring him and this drawing here I would bring him more bring that nose want to do it just gonna do it I can't I can't not do it chime in sure how do you have you tried walking mobile studio pro I want to know your opinion on it yes I've used that Dustin's used it go ahead Dustin it is awesome it really yeah but yeah it's basically a laptop but in the shape of a tablet that you can use a Wacom and because it's a Wacom Cintiq Cintiq portable basically yeah and that's what I love about it it's a usable screen yeah and yeah you can use it as a second monitor as well but use as a main monitor for like I'm gonna laptop for me yeah what you've got away hey dummy what you've got away there you drunk hey tell me what you got away hey dummy gonna hit that what you got right there right say it again if you work on Tues does switching to ones or threes affect their fluidity of the animation it will not not a few time them in the right place you can switch you can go from I don't use threes so you can go from one to two is you can go back and forth as long as you put them in the right place and you won't see yeah so I just moved if everything felt like I'm hitting a little bit late so let's see if that lays better tell me what you got away that feels better hey dummy what you got away hey Donna me what you got away hey yeah I want to show you let me pull up let me see if I can pull this snow bear I want to make a point real quick before we go I know we've been on for a long time but I want to I want to show you something and again for the late comers that this is the last life Wow yes this is our last live stream for at least a month so the next life stream will probably be like - probably yeah yeah so I'm looking for snow bear run in snow bear with bear that's not right come on how do you color calibrated wrong monitor runnin snowbear runnin that's it load what's that how do you color calibrate a drawing monitor all right color Cal well the noose the noose antiques are pretty accurate you can't really color calibrate the older Cintiq s-- and to be honest with you I've never had to color color calibrate anything so I'm not quite sure what I wanted to show you on this this is a combination someone that asked them can you do ones and twos together and so this is a shot where I do have ones and twos together and so and I want to shut see if you can tell where they happen so this is just a quick little personality animation test that I did of snowbear which is going to be the short that we're working on and when he runs around he's all on ones but when he slows down and stops and looks he goes to twos actually when he does that roll backwards that's all on twos and everything him coming forward all through here is all on twos this is all on ones twos ones twos stays on twos all the way through here so you can do ones and twos together and you can get away with it and I know we do that all the time so I just wanted to improve that point so let's go back to our other a rat animation real quick we'll play that one more time tell me what you've got away hey tell me what you've got away so there it is that's our rough animation done in two hours and 15 minutes went over in 15 minutes but anyway I hope you guys enjoying it I hope you learned something remember just if you want to animate something get in there and just start scribbling and be loose do it fast get it wrong quick and then move on and you can refine that animation and make it great but I really enjoyed today I've really enjoyed the last couple months that we've been being so consistent with the streaming and I hope you guys have enjoyed that like I said we are gonna be done for about a month while we do some traveling but we're gonna try to talk to you guys when we're on the road so I'm going to be in the Philippines next week in Manila and I will try to do a quick hello and show you what we're doing out there and the same with Colorado down in South America and over in Tokyo as well so get out there put some beauty back in the world like I always say put your grocery card away put your gun away hey buddy put your card away and and do something nice for somebody just go out and make somebody else's day better and I guarantee you it'll make your day better so go to my website creature art teacher calm that's creature art teacher calm go to the website and you'll see that I've got all kind of photoshop brushes animation tutorials storyboarding color theory story writing animal drawing courses I've got all kinds of stuff there that you might want to check out and and so enjoy that enjoy the next month or so and I'll see you guys probably around November probably see you in November so October I'm sorry it's over yeah October I'll see you in October yeah I was kind of jumping Todd to the end of all the traveling but no okay October I'll see you guys knocked over so I hope you guys have a great rest of your week hope you guys have a great month and I'll see you soon thanks bye
Channel: The Art of Aaron Blaise
Views: 102,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Arts, Animation, Art, Illustration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 39sec (8739 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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