Live: Special coverage on an eight-day China high-speed rail tour坐高铁看中国,纵横之间领略中国之美

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stories of people culture and nature on a thrilling eight-day journey through china's vast high-speed rail network setting off from the chinese capital to down south in guangzhou shanghai on the east as well as nearby john giaco its partner for the winter olympics plus a visit to the roof of the world aboard the world's highest railway from glitzy metropolis to vast plains and rugged mountains join cgtn on a fast motion journey exploring china's beauty and diversity for an experience like no other starting october first [Music] [Music] right today marks the first day of china's national day holiday also known as golden week and this year's holiday is one day longer than usual mid autumn festival also falls on october the 1st and chinese tourists are eager to travel during the eight day holiday and train is of course one of the most popular choices of transportation so starting from today cgtn will take you on the thrilling eight-day journey through china's high-speed rail network our reporters on four different routes will bring you stories of people culture and nature i'm cbt reporter joe joshi and i'll bring you stories from my trend journey with some health workers who fought curb uniting in central china's wuhan join me on my return to the city from beijing to shanghai in just four and a half hours by way of the fastest train in the world we'll take you to experience the heartbeat of china's most cosmopolitan city and experience the sights and sounds of some of the most amazing signs along the way i'm simpson wisdot and i will be traveling from ching hai to tibet on the highest railway in the world bringing you spectacular landscapes and stories of amazing engineering along the way i'm now on a smart high speed train on jinjong railway this is where history interviews with the future [Music] right before we start our train journey here's some news from china thursday marked 71 years since the founding of the people's republic of china and the state council on wednesday held a national day reception in beijing president xi jinping and other high-level officials attended as well as nearly 500 guests from home and abroad premier league channel addressed the event he said facing the kobe 19 outbreak and global economic recession china has achieved major strategic results and lee underscored consistent reforms and opening up he also called for efforts to fully and faithfully implement one country two systems along taiwan lee urged the efforts to uphold the one china principle and the 1992 consensus to firmly oppose and deter any taiwan separatist activities and external interference now chinese people have an eight-day holiday break this year and the traditional mid-autumn festival forza national day parks and tourist sports welcome visitors with pandemic preventative measures in place and in shanghai's forest park reservations are required so our health code and temperature checks visitor flow is limited to 75 percent of capacity and in the east china sea nanjing museums plan to extend hours into the evening and this is to reduce visitor numbers during day time the city also expands pedestrian streets and opens more outdoor facilities and in central china's one of his famous pedestrian streets is also open to the public but besides the spring festival the golden week holiday is a peak travel period across china and this year from september the 28th to october the 8th real whale authorities expect an average of over 9 million passenger trips per day totaling to at least 108 million trips for the set period a national day rush on october the 1st will see about 13 million trips a record high since the coronavirus outbreak an addition of 1 200 trains will be put into service bringing the total number of trains to nine thousand five hundred per day to meet the travel rush and china has been committed to expanding a transport network during its current five-year plan it's a high-speed rail system is expected to reach 38 000 kilometers by the end of this year double this length in 2015. and over the past five years the government's average annual investment on railway infrastructure per year was 800 billion the high-speed rail network covers most of the country and helps people reach large cities in a much quicker time and the network not only enhances transportation capacity across the country but also provides support for economic development and china's high-speed railway network is the biggest in the world covering over 35 000 kilometers china has its much high speed real track as the rest of the world combined but it does not stop there wang chao tells us about the plans for further expansion despite its already large capacity chinese authorities continue to look for ways to expand the country's high-speed rail network a 2016 national plan extended it from the original four plus four structure into an eight plus eight that essentially means by 2030 there should be eight horizontal and eight vertical corridors the longest is the new eurasia continental bridge passageway connecting lianggang in jiangsu province to urumqi in the xinjiang uiga autonomous region it passes through the cities of shujo sian lanzhou and singing connecting the countries east all the way to the northwest another example the beijing to hong kong corridor connects cities in the north to south direction there's also a proposal for a branch leading from and ending in taipei via a tunnel under the taiwan strait the new network will bring drastic cuts and intercity travel times across the country by 2035 the entire rail network is expected to reach 200 000 kilometers and the high-speed network should double to 70 000 kilometers this means the network will then link almost all large and medium-sized cities from special materials for train tracks to intelligent operating systems technology has a crucial role to play in china's eight plus eight high-speed rail network which once completed will serve as a vital part of china's social economic development china's a high-speed rail network has embarked on the path of independent innovation it's caught up with and surpassed the world's most advanced players in many technical aspects and here are some of the factors that enabled this rapid growth the launch of the fusing the first chinese developed high-speed train marked a significant milestone its core technologies and the number of patents is generated showed china's path to independent innovation here we have the car body a towed vehicle designed to move along a railway track the major technologies here involve how to make it lighter using new materials and new structures china's number of patent applications for the car body has much room since 2006 and has led to a rapid growth in global applications moving along we have the bogey it's a frame onto which the wheels of the railway vehicle are fixed it's used to facilitate movement on curved tracks the main research also focuses on methods of making it safer and lighter the number of bogey-related patent applications by china made up more than half the world's total in 2010. and now we come to the train control and management system or tcms it's often referred to as the train's brain that's because of its key role in controlling the train's traction braking bogies doors and air conditioning the trend in patent applications on tcms since 2008 has also been dominated by china from the overall number of related patent applications we can see the trend of technology concentration and it shows that china has caught up quickly by importing as well as developing its own high-speed rail technology starting from 2004. and now we have claire pearson joining us online she's the president of the china-britain belton road chamber of thomas welcome to the world today claire you worked in china for for a while have you ever traveled by railway high speed range here how was the experience yeah thank you for having me here today on your national day um i travel by train regularly like a typical business person who works in china is completely transformed the way i operate i work as a lawyer and my job is to go and meet clients and the thing about the train the way that it's really changed it when i arrive at a client meeting i don't want the wear and tear of travel behind me i want to have the relaxation and time to repair my mind it's not about how many meetings you have in china it's about how many um meetings of mind you can cultivate so you have to be relaxed when you arrive and that's why i use the train i'm based in beijing i can cycle for 30 minutes to to beijing's south railway and it just takes me four hours to get to shanghai but the difference is before i arrive for that meeting in shanghai i can be working solidly for four hours on the train i can be taking phone calls or i can be pre-meeting the client on the train the train has actually become one of the key meeting rooms in china because we call it meals and deals on wheels because the trains are very comfortable and they're conducive to working quietly with either on your laptop on your phone or with your client in a sort of meeting environment so when you arrive in shanghai you're already on top of your game and ready to win your deal the other area where i use the train a lot and my brother's been able to build the business because he he was working in shanghai and could open a tech company in hangzhou because he could attract people from shanghai to work in hangzhou because of the high-speed rail connection only taking a couple of hours so for me it's about two things it's about economic stimulus and social inclusion i heard 1.1 billion trips were taken in 2015 and and the one thing i really like about the train is its consistency and reliability because this allows me to say to a client exactly what minute i will arrive in shanghai hangzhou wuhan it will allow me to say exactly when i'll be at the desk in nanjing because the trains leave when they say they're going to leave they arrive when they say going to arrive and you don't have that wear and tear of flight and road travel so your brain is in a good condition to operate effectively in the meeting right trains uh apparently have become a better choice for a lot of people and just like you they are using the trains as meeting rooms as well or as a commune transportation but let's see from a larger picture here what do you think the general construction and planning of china's express trains to be frank it's phenomenal i've been traveling across china for 20 years consistently by train and the biggest change between 2000 uh to 2010 it was sort of hard work but 2010 to 2020 it has been completely different because china has the engineering capacity to build a railway that is smooth fast and cost effective that no other country has and so i mean china i mean it has been able to build on the roof of the world i heard that joining up uh you know you can get to last for now which requires sort of permafrost engineer technology that other countries just don't have i mean similarly um i was born in zambia and they built the tanzan railway there so china's been building good railways for a long time it's drawing on 50 years technology development and i think the most important thing is that china has just built across a continent it's just upgraded its own network across the whole of china so it's developed the technology on the job there's nothing like learning from doing and china has performed engineering feats that i think it will enable it to take this railway technology around the world i was just reading that it's possible they could build across the bering strait so maybe we can get from london to new york by train thanks to chinese engineers i would like that it's low carbon it's socially inclusive and it's a good price and for women traveling on their own it's completely safe so there's a lot to be said for the train in the climate change migratory era thank you thank you very much claire pearson the president of china britain belt road chamber of commerce now today we uh like we mentioned just now begin an eight day special series china express we tour the country on bullet trains we'll take the world's longest high-speed rail from beijing to guangzhou in the south from beijing to the financial hub shanghai we ride on china's busiest fast train and from beijing to is a co-host of the 2022 winter olympics janjako we take the world's fastest autonomous bullet train in the west the heavenly road runs from xining in qinghai province to lasa in tibet and today we travel from beijing to guangzhou stretching nearly 2 300 kilometers the beijing guangzhou line is the world's longest high-speed railway with an average speed of over 300 kilometers per hour and the line has a drastically reduced travel time between the two cities to just eight hours and along the way we'll visit the city of wuhan it's a major transport hub in central china it was also the epicenter of china's coronal virus outbreak earlier this year we'll find out what life has been like since then and now let's look at beijing guangzhou high speed railway which connects one-third of china's population since it opened in december 2012 millions of passengers have found that their hometowns are not so far away after all if you want to witness the four seasons changes one day hop on the beijing guangzhou high speed railway it's china's longest north south train route with a total length of nearly 2 300 kilometers it also hosts the record for operating the longest mileage in the world it runs through six provinces 28 cities and seven regions where your journey takes off from beijing the train traverses the vast north china plan then crosses china's two major rivers the yellow river and the mighty yansu in spring the temperature varies from warm temperature to subtropical the landscape transforms from deciduous broadleaf forests to evergreen ones from planks to low hills if you take the train in winter it will catch snow in the morning and green trees by evening in the 1970s beijing to guangzhou took nearly 38 hours on the express train which traveled at 60 kilometers per hour that's thankfully been cut short thanks to the high-speed rails top speed of 350 kilometers per hour and that can rival the speed of a brand new ferrari until the high-speed rail was inaugurated many migrant workers from across china only return home once or twice a year and now they can return home more frequently as they better connect it with their family members and an important stop on the beijing guangzhou railway was a hitchhike earlier this year when the kobe 19 first emerged there and one doctor in the eastern city of nanjing is taking the high-speed train to revisit the city where he once risked his life fighting the virus and this time he says he wants to see how gohan is recovering our reporter joe jaisin is with him i'm one of nearly 100 million trend travelers during the national day holiday starting from october 1st and i'm setting up for nanjing south railway station in the capital city of east china's johnson province on the very first day of cgtn's eight long china express series it's my privilege to join some local health workers on a train journey to central chinese wuhan once the city harvested by the current of ours where they fought kobe 19 for more than two months and it's a great opportunity for us to revisit these frontliner stories and find out how they're feeling right now and i'm pleased to be joined by dr jalin who was among more than 42 000 medical personnel from the cross country deployed to uhan soon after the outbreak so mr job uh back in january um you left for rohan from this station and what's the difference between and now so you have in the hall so back in january in january the time was tight and the future situation in wuhan was unknown my mood at the time was quite uneasy i didn't know what would happen in the future and i didn't know if i could come back again now the epidemic situation in china is under control i feel very thrilled relaxed and happy to have such an opportunity to go back to wuhan and visit the doctors whom i worked with back then especially during the national day holiday and the mid-autumn festival so for this trip actually what the most you look forward to on this trip uh let me see it's a foreign the thing i want to do the most is visit the doctors with whom i fought kobe 19 as well as tour around the city and eat local cuisine when we fought the virus back then we didn't see each other's faces because we all were masks so i want to have a look at their faces this time i also want to visit the yellow crane tower the yanza river bridge and some light shows at night i want to have a good tour of the city have some local cuisine and feel the life there after the city gets back to normal so we will get there soon because the trip will take less than three hours to ohan and i know that some medical families also actually with the medical staff on this trip as you mentioned this is the this year's mid-autumn day also actually the chinese traditional celebration for uh family reunion also falls on the sunday as national day so that um we will be able to catch up with some of them uh while we are on the trend and earlier dr janine shared with us his experience in fighting kobe 19 after wuhan was locked down on january 23rd our hospital set up an emergency team to isolate those with fever i was the first to sign up on that day the hospital also asked me if i was willing to join the jiangsu medical team supporting wuhan i signed up immediately on the 25th we set off for wuhan to be honest the unknown origin and strong contagiousness of this disease made me worry but on the other hand as a professional medical staff we defeated sars before i believe that our country could also overcome this disease this time the first batch of 147 medical team members from jiangsu province to support wuhan were confirmed on january 23rd after two days of preparation we set off for wuhan on the 25th upon arrival we came to the first people's hospital of jiangsha district even with the psychological preparation the situation is still much more severe than we thought medical staff are exhausted materials are extremely scarce and the number of patients seriously exceeds the capacity of the hospital however with the support of national medical staff and the continuous assistance of national government especially with the establishment of square cabin hospitals the situation has greatly improved by early february to be honest we hope to reunite with our family but we must ensure the situation in wuhan is under control then it is the final victory i really hope that we can return to wuhan again to meet colleagues who were working side by side at the time i hope next time i can enjoy the food and beauty of wuhan well when disaster strikes help comes from all cautious after the coronavirus outbreak the entire country acted promptly a support was mustered to assist hubei and particularly rohan to convert the disease the lunar new year was approaching it was business as usual at train stations in wuhan as authorities dealt with a large amount of traveling associated with that time of the year [Music] a silent killer had been spreading through the city heavily disguised as a bad code with an unpredictable incubation period the normal current virus hit hard and fast on january 23rd wuhan was locked down as authorities looked to contain the spread as best they could work began immediately to treat thousands who were reporting symptoms and to learn more about the scalar virus [Music] unable to cope with strong demand or hindsight help and the national rescue operation was put in place two massive temporary hospitals were built from scratch in a matter of days over a dozen public venues were turned into makeshift medical shelters qualified medics were also in short supply in wuhan however tens of thousands answered the call over the following weeks coming to the embattled city from all corners of the country medical supplies and personal protective equipment were delivered in vast quantities and in this rescue china didn't stand alone over 200 countries regions and organizations lend their support to the effort a third of them donated medical supplies such as mess and protective suits as well as food among other necessities [Music] in february to learn more about virus the wh o sent a team on a joint investigation to china during their two-week stay wuhan turned the corner and started on road to recovery the head with whoa's team explained what brought about swift turnaround after going through a number of calculations our our assessment is that this approach what we call an olive government all of society approach with very old-fashioned tools in some ways has probably uh definitely averted and probably uh uh prevented um at least well well tens of thousands but probably hundreds of thousands of cases of coven 19 here in china which is an extraordinary achievement and so important he also thanked wuhan for his massive contributions and sacrifices in those early days and i just thought it's so important that we recognize that to the people of wuhan it is recognized the world's in your debt and when this disease finishes hopefully we'll have a chance to thank the people of wuhan for the role that they've played in it because many of us many other people here have suffered but the people of that city have gone through an extraordinary period and they're still going through it and there's so many stories like that the spring brought more than just the milder weather to wuhan after 76 days in lockdown the city was restarted in early april the story of wuhan in 2020 is indeed one of inspiration and selfless heroes and social media platforms have acknowledged this the sacrifices of a fool save the lives of many they said and show that when a collective will is present then anything is possible while the joint efforts helped cover 19 patients in wuhan a 72 year old man who recovered from the disease has traveled 1 800 kilometers to shenyang to in northeast china's learning problems to express his gratitude to the medical workers who saved his life let's take a look at his story foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] well railway networks in central china's hubei province are also gearing up for the holiday travel rush several batches of extra trains have been pushed in a place since monday in the provincial capital wuhan authorities say over 1 000 additional trains will operate for the holiday season and that's just the first batch most of them will service the uhan railway hub while 65 more high-speed trains will be allocated for inter provincial travel ohio railway stations are expected to see nearly 6 million passenger trips throughout the holiday period the average passenger count is anticipated to be 527 000 per day this comes as the pandemic eases throughout the chinese mainland and wuhan's landmark yellow crane tower receives visitors from all over china during golden week the ancient structure dates back to 223 a.d and is reopened after closure during the pandemic and on the first day of the national day holiday our reporter sarah she is at the famous site hello there is here so what do you have for us hello doning um i'm now standing at the yellow crane tower or hong kong it's a landmark tourist attraction in wuhan it's one of china's three famous towers today is the national day and mid-autumn day you may notice that people from across the country flocking here they climb up to on the tower one hoping to see the beautiful view of the yellow crane tower and the yangtze river china's longest river and the famous yangtze river bridge that is the first bridge on the yangtze this morning i met a few tourists here i talked to them and they came all the way from beijing from tianjin changsha buffet to spend the holiday they took the high-speed train and they told me that they want to they want to take a look at the yangtze river at the yellow crane towers some famous tourist attractions here and most importantly they want to taste the very famous hot hot and dry noodles here so that's why they come here according to the city's prevention and control measures all the tourist side should require reservations and limit visitors to no more than 50 percent of their daily capacity in the following days of the national day holiday the yellow crane tower is expected to see um 37.37 500 tourists that will be the maximum number of people it can receive to safeguard people's health and 80 percent of this number will be uh the the tourists from outside of kubay province this august hubei province announced that it would offer free access to nearly 400 a-level tourist attractions across the province through the end of this year is their way to express their gratitude for the nation's assistance and support during the colvin 19 outbreak as everyone everybody knows that wuhan was a former epicenter of the kobe 19 pandemic in china it lived through 76 days on lockdown today when you walk down on the streets and there's tourist attractions here it's really hard to imagine what the city has gone through we're we're really very glad to see it's back to the normal and we hope you will get better and better back to you tony thank you very much indeed sarah is here reporting from han some medical doctors who helped to han fight the virus are returning to the city for a visit during the holiday uh and our reporter george yassin spoke with some of them about their feelings to be back we're on a high-speed railway train bound to woohan and we've got some time to get know some of the medical personnel on board while actually we can get some feelings about their returning uh back to the former epicenter of kovi 19. so we will begin with dr punchman who went to wuhan by himself in the end of january actually he is also the member of health a national health commission's team of experts so dr pine i'd like to know that now you're on the way back to the city you fought alongside the um local staff in two major hospitals over three months at the height of the epicenter so what is going through your mind now right now actually compared to the very beginning in january is totally different actually i also seem at the same places but back then actually it's more with a mission in mind but right now look at i'm quite relaxing and cheerful with my family members to riveted wuhan to see his full recovery so we assisted two hospitals see a chinese the traditional medicine and the western hospital and the first hospital in zhang and also one of the hospitals become the very first hospital to clear off the old confirmed cases so when i see the whole patients going back home we were so touched and moved actually they only got us when they hospitalized some people in that actually could not take care of themselves after a period of treatment and care they went home by themselves and actually can reunion with their families so actually for myself i'm so proud of myself i'm so excited i'm so gratified actually i use my power to contribute to this fight i'm so happy for them and for ourselves more things that you should feel proud of um because you know the traditional chinese medicine or tcm has played a really important role in treating kovi 19 and actually its usefulness wasn't quite clear in the beginning but actually as a a tcm practitioner and how did that application increase your confidence in fighting against devourers jesus talking about it the role of tc yeah a key role in treating critical condition patients but they also actually treat the a patient in the makeshift hospital with the ml symptoms actually already proven its effectiveness in the makeshift hospitals so tcm not only for treatment purpose but also actually can help our patients to strengthen their immune system so make them stronger in terms of body condition so that's the asset and the wisdom you medical workers assisting ulhan must be very excited to go back to wuhan so what is your plan today there uh so for today my plan is at the day time we traveled with this high-speed train and it was a tour around upon arrival it was totally locked down there was no cars this is a heroic city and our reporter julia has actually arrived at wuhan railway station now let's check in with him to see what's going on hello justin so what do you have for us over there yes donate after about three hours from nanjing and 470 miles by rail express our trend has just arrived in central chinese wuhan and in our special program china express i travel with healthcare workers uh who came here when oohan was the hardest-hit city by covington along with local staff and today on national day they returned to meet their former colleagues and the recovered patients they once treated at this time it's all about celebrating the memories and how they turn those serious hardship into an achievement as you can see over there some came here earlier to welcome these special visitors because the coronavirus has mostly been brought under control in china so shaking hands they're embracing each other is now possible but none of this would be possible without the efforts of these uh healthcare workers to fight the virus i can also imagine that what these medical staff were thinking when they arrived at wuhan station in late january nobody to carry them and only a few people inside and outside the station and that's when the city was put under a street lockdown that lasted about 11 weeks and the fact is wuhan is widely known as the thoroughfare of nine provinces and it's the main hub for china's high-speed railway network that extends in all directions its location makes a significant connection node between um the eastern and western parts of china and a bridge between north and south in terms of uh industrial development so it's real service is also a part of china-europe railway express a killing between europe and asia through the building road initiative so all of these made the decision to completely have the major transportation hub a hard one but it proved to be an effective one since ohio lifted the lockdown in april trends across the region and continent have gone out to fully get up and running again especially in the tourism ministry since august medical staff from more than 20 provinces who helped the city have been invited by local tourism authorities to tourism spots in the province and to boost local tourism travelers from around the country can also enjoy free tools in these places and in august alone oohan estimates an increase of 34 in tourists year on year so when medical workers revisit the city they'll definitely find a place it's rolling back into actions and that's the country's railway network no doubt the best way for everyone to discover this during this year's national day holiday donny thank you very much indeed jashin nice to see that wuhan is back to normal and these people are happy about that thank you very much again jojasin reporting from wuhan and while indeed along with almost every other aspect of life the industries of central china's covenanting epicenter gohan were shut down by the pandemic for the first few months of this year but now they are recovering as well since april the 9th manufacturing firms have gradually resumed production in juan over 700 000 industrial companies are now running at full speed especially in the high-tech manufacturing sector which has now become the engine for wohan's economic recovery a city authorities say there was strong progress towards recovery even in the first half of the year and the key indicator of industrial electricity consumption even increased one percent year-on-year in the second quarter a nearly 300 industrial enterprises have exceeded growth targets with the average value of output rising by 20.8 percent and while wuhan was put under lockdown to stop the spread of 2019 airways and highways were nearly shut down and waterways became a crucial measure of transport for the virus hit city and our reporter joe jason once again talked to one crane operator at a young lower port for his experience during the during and also after lockdown [Music] waterway transport was a lifeline for wuhan when the city was put under lockdown in late january sheetan and his several colleagues remained operating the gantry cranes but the workload was much smaller than they were used to the workload just plummeted compared to the busiest period usually there would be non-stop work during my 12-hour shift but it reduced you about 4 hours during the outbreak despite shorter working hours at the cabin stress was high for shea who began his operating job 13 years ago we got emergency orders to speed up the unloading goods from a slew of ships it must be medical necessities we reckoned so we did the work safely and quickly we certainly felt stressed because these were meant to save lives aside from medical supplies such as masks protection suits and ambulance accessories the biggest england port in central china continued loading other daily necessities including import and expert goods during the difficult period that's why she feels proud of his work it was rewarding to realize we could do our bit to at least help safeguard our nurses and doctors [Music] this knowledge has made a big difference for sure his work got easier again after the city left at lockdown in early april that includes being a part of resuming the first international container carrying about 300 metric tons of anti-epidemic supplies and daily necessities to japan in may oh yeah the port throughput in february was just one quarter that of the same period last year and that increased to half in april in june the throughput rose slightly from what it was a year ago and now continues climbing thus we're confident we will achieve our output goal this year uhan's industrial resumption is now in full swing and the great demand for grin in the region is driving the port's year-end goal toward a 13 increase in throughput from last year young laporte is expected to lead more strategic integration with other ports in the yangtze river basin so as to build what chinese leaders caught the golden waterway joe joshing cgtn wuhan ube province and many foreigners who work in wuhan are also seeing their businesses up and running now and saraswat tells us more stories like that my name is sina i came home exactly two years ago years ago i came here for uh studying i really like this request as well it's nicely [Music] i was living in a good time in a in peaceful and happiness and everything was good here but now gohan is in trouble why i should leave it no no i'm not gonna leave it in the situation [Music] so i was really happy because i know that that is something that we can uh help doctors and nurses maybe we can even in a small house even just a cup of coffee but this can make them happy and this can show them people are watching you people are watching you people care about whether you're what you're doing this is a small thing a lot of people they did better than us so even from now okay what we have done we should forget about it and start to do more and more and work harder really work harder at least one year to make wuhan better to make all the cities better [Music] [Applause] about our business every week is getting better but still after two months or three months of maybe thirty percent or forty percent before the everton we are sure about that wuhan will be better and better now i feel i really love this because i don't want to leave it i i really want to stay here something good happened for me in this time so i decided to stay here for a long long time and we are joined now online by kodaik he's the deputy director of the ohana office of the japan external trade organization thank you for joining us mr katahoda um first of all when did your company resume operations how is it now in the city yes is home to reading domestic and multinational companies and most businesses that were affected by the nearly three months broke down have resumed the recovery both economically and socially has been a stable path thanks to state assistance and informed public that follows the government's preventive measures in residents from food markets and parks and many running masks despite the summer heat as wearing them is a monetary when taking public transport and visiting modes well mr cathode as japanese firms in get back to work do you still remain optimistic on the growth yeah i think the i think the epidemic is a short-term issue and chinese china's economy will continue to grow the outbreak may negatively affect uh performance but i'm i'm optimistic about development prospect for foreign countries for foreign companies in china the country uh country uh advocates high quality development and has issued support policies to encourage consumption and promote green development as well as surprise side structural reforms and for example when we surveyed the current situation of japanese farms in july it was revealed that almost all of them were in corporations and 90 percent japanese firms were not going to change the business plans in ohio thank you very much mr kodai kataoda the deputy director of hana office of the japan external trade organization and is happy to see that everything people's life and the industries are all back to normally in wuhan and we believe that everything will be back to normal back on track in the world as well we will have more special coverage of our journey on the fast track later in the day so please tune in for the vote today at 5 00 p.m and china 24 at 15 past 8 p.m beijing time to see how life is recovering from the pandemic in you can also scan the qr code on the screen for more on the cgtn app and to end our special coverage of china express we take you to a flash mob at wuhan railway station where residents gathered and sent my motherland to express their love for china on national day the tune is a beautiful folk song and remains very popular to this day [Music] [Applause] now [Music] let's take a look at some international news the u.s supreme court's new term begins on october the 3rd subject to her confirmation conservative judge amy coney you
Channel: CGTN
Views: 166,613
Rating: 4.776557 out of 5
Id: uahymZqDcag
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Length: 51min 48sec (3108 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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