Live: SpaceX Inspiration4 Crew Returns With Splashdown | NBC News

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nation of nosecone closure so as we begin the second half of entry dragon is now beginning to flush nitrox into the cabin and continuing to top off the inspiration for crews suits with cool air again this is what will allow the cabin temperature to remain comfortable while external temperatures can reach upwards of 3500 degrees fahrenheit again the heat shield is pointing forward that's the leading structure that is going to be heading into re-entry um and that's going to be what leads the capsule to the landing site and again the exterior of the capsule will get to approximately 3 500 degrees fahrenheit but again dragon was designed for this dynamic event so there will be uh some cool air um inside of the cabin it's environmentally controlled as well as through their suits they do have their personal air conditioning inside of their suits where they will get a flow of nitrox and as andy mentioned earlier there are sensors in the suits so they don't even have to think about if they're getting too hot or not the suits will just automatically keep the the environment controlled inside of their suits for them okay this is a great view of the suit uh first off looking super slick and super cool but it is essentially a mini spacecraft there's an umbilical from the leg portion that will hook up to dragon and that will route uh communications and electronics as well as again routing the air needed to keep the suit pressurized in case of a depressurization event a depressurization event or if they need to be purged with cool air it can do that as well and some of the cool manufacturing features the helmet is 3d printed the material uh the of the exterior of the suit is a heat resistant uh as well as the gloves are uh designed uh they're conductive so that they're designed to be able to use them on the touch screen yeah and again they're all custom made for each of the astronauts the chairs themselves are also custom fitted there are a couple of different sizes and the armrests can be adjusted um for the astronauts preference and so um you know we want to make sure again the the crew is as comfortable and as safe as possible for landing the the seats will actually recline up to its landing position and then um there is a five point uh belt that will keep the astronauts in place to make sure that everything is nice and comfortable for the team and we have a dragon tracker and that's what you're seeing on your screen you can see that dragon is currently to the west um of south america there and on their way you can kind of see their trajectory heading towards the coast of florida for their splashdown today so we are expecting to enter that um that blackout uh period in about two minutes here uh we should hear the um the core communicate uh to the team here in a couple of minutes um that we are again entering that blackout period and then we'll re-establish communication uh once we're through with that dragon spacex for entry brief go spacex jared you're looking good no delta's the timeline vehicle's nominal tracking no issues the derby burn is right down the middle with nominal landing site targeting no deltas on weather recovery and we're looking forward to having you home shortly and copy that spacex goodyear before the orbit burns vehicles healthy recovery forces are there weather is looking good see you guys soon good reback so we heard um some awesome calls uh from the corps uh the d-rover burned looked good uh uh re-entry and weather all looked good so everything you would want to hear for splashdown we got it and so things are looking great for splashdown in about 20 minutes here and so um super exciting and things will start to get very very dynamic and a lot of events will happen over the next 20 minutes or so so at this point we are entering um here shortly a communications blackout period which lasts approximately seven minutes due to plasma formation around the spacecraft during this time no vehicle telemetry is received by mission control or the recovery team and no external communicate no external commanding of the vehicle or voice communication is possible as a reminder though dragon is designed to fly itself and continues to autonomously so dragon is designed to fly itself and continues to autonomously use its draco thrusters to orient itself during re-entry so during re-entry the vehicle we'll be slowing down from orbital velocity which is approximately 17 500 miles an hour all the way down to about 350 to 400 miles an hour before we deploy those shoots and we did hear a call out of 200 kilometers that is basically telling us that the dragon capsule is getting closer and closer to earth again they went all the way out to orbit at about 575 kilometers from earth i think the furthest they went was 590 kilometers but now they're on their way back home so they're approximately 200 kilometers at this moment um and again today uh we are bringing the crew back home um we've begun uh several uh uh operations during this deorbit sequence uh but actually do you orbit and return home began yesterday we did have a couple phase burns yesterday that brought the vehicle down to approximately 365 kilometers and now we're getting closer and closer to bringing bringing the crew back home it's getting really exciting over here um can't wait to see uh see them back on earth after their trip to orbit yeah so jesse mentioned yesterday we started some downhill phasing burns or two of them to lower the altitude earlier today we saw we didn't see but we got confirmation of the drunk chest the trunk jettison we completed our deorbit burn successfully and right now uh dragon is um going through its reentry phase and through its blackout uh communications portion and shortly here we're gonna have splashdown um after our parachutes deploy and you know i can't believe this mission is um has has come and gone so quickly the crew has been again super busy and i do want to remind um all of our viewers that uh this inspiration for mission this inspiration for a crew it's it's all for a great cause we want to make sure that we further human space exploration we want to do a ton of science and we want to fundraise for st jude children's research hospital um the goal is 200 million dollars uh jared isaac man donated 100 million dollars himself and we're a little over halfway um through the other 100 million dollars that we want to fundraise so if you're watching on youtube if you have a computer nearby you can go to donate and support the cause there there's also a bunch of different things like auctions um dragon spacex please verify crew entry preparations complete with tablets restraints visors and feet in cuphead spacex we're just waiting a little bit longer but we'll do it right now spacex dragon and tablets are secure restraints are titan visors are down we are ready to come home we copy all dragon approximately four minutes 30 seconds until calm blackout we'll see another side at two three zero zero 2300 just under five minutes away from that blackout period so uh what you're seeing on your screen is the core the the crew operations and resources engineer communicating with the crew on board dragon preparing for a re-entry back into the earth's atmosphere so they're closing the risers and making sure that their five-point harnesses are [Music] secure basically doing all their preparations for that reentry and again if you're just now joining us you are tuned into the inspiration for mission this is the first all civilian uh crew uh out to orbit and now they've been out there for for about three days and now making their way back um and the crew on board is jared isaacman who's the commander for the mission um he is the 38 year old ceo of shift 4 payments um he has uh been a fighter pilot for many many years he's flown in over a hundred air shows and always does a fundraiser or charity event with every one of his air shows and it's doing the same thing with this mission which is pretty pretty incredible up next we have haley arsenau she's 29 years old and she's actually the youngest american to fly in space ever she's also the first away from his theaters by his attitude continuing to get great calls haley is also the first in space with a prosthetic she is a pediatric cancer survivor and also a physician assistant at st jude children's research hospital the same place that saved her life when she was 10 years old we've got dr cyan proctor on board making her way back home with the crew she is the 51 year old mission pilot for this mission she's from tempe arizona and she holds the seat of prosperity uh she actually was awarded this seat store um we got a two-minute call out for that expected uh blackout period but dr cyan proctor actually was awarded the seat for starting her own basically business uh for her artwork and her poetry but she's also an incredible human being she's an analog astronaut she's always wanted to go to space um almost became a nasa astronaut entry attitude complete and now uh she's on the crew and it was able to accomplish her dream and uh last but certainly not least is chris tombroski he's 42 he's a data engineer um at lockheed martin and a united states air force veteran uh a um space enthusiast through and through and uh you know i was watching the donkey series and um he's just a uh a fan a husband and father first and foremost and so um those were our four crew members that are currently making their way back home uh back down to earth and um as part of the inspiration for mission i'm so excited to see uh see them come back home and i can't wait to hear their stories from being out in space again just first all civilian crew you know they're not professional astronauts i can't wait to hear their stories uh coming back from that yeah it looks like they've had a really fun time um i was watching the interview with the saint jude saint jude children yesterday and uh they were throwing eminence out of the capsule acceleration and with the microgravity just darting them down and trying to chase them down so uh they're they're obviously very very good friends and um uh you know work very very well together and we are entering this blackout we are entering this blackout period that we have mentioned again it is an expected period of time where the vehicle is re-entering back into the earth's atmosphere it generates a lot of heat about up to 3 500 degrees fahrenheit which causes a plasma layer to form around the vehicle so we do lose comms with the crew they've already done uh their pre-blackout period operations making sure that their visors are closed they're strapped in and they're ready to re-enter back into the earth's atmosphere and so we do expect to to regain calms about seven minutes after they've entered the blackout period so the view on your left is mission control in hawthorne spacex's headquarters uh you can see that we've got some folks gathering uh they're also very excited for inspiration for it to return back to earth um and so yeah we're all waiting uh we're actually uh about 20 25 minutes away from splashdown off the coast of florida again dragon even throughout this blackout period it can pilot itself essentially so again the crew just needs to make sure that um you know they're strapped in and enjoy the flight because dragon will take them to uh where they need to be yeah exactly and uh as we mentioned earlier uh you know they don't really have to do anything aside from follow along with each event that is happening uh so we did catch them earlier uh watching some movies on their flight back home um but yeah they they're they they really don't need to do much as dragon is autonomous yes so after we splash down um for those that are maybe watching for the first time or wondering um well how does dragon get out of the water um so dragon itself is uh designed to be waterproof a signal in four minutes and 35 seconds so we just heard the call out that dragon is about 80 kilometers in altitude we're entering that uh communications blackout period now and uh we just got an update that it's expected to last about four and a half minutes so again we'll reestablish communications with the crew uh after this blackout period but um we are entering the atmosphere at a very very very high velocity and when we start to um uh get a lot of friction from the atmosphere and the space capsule we start to form that plasma and plasma tends to interfere with communication so um it's a temporary communications blackout and again we're gonna be be be able to reconnect with them in about four minutes here and during this time no um no vehicle telemetry is received by mission control or the recovery team there's no external commanding of the vehicle or voice communication that is not possible at this time so as a reminder dragon is designed to fly itself and continues to fly autonomously using draco thrusters to orient itself during this re-entry now during this re-entry uh the vehicle will be slowing down uh the orbital velocity from 17 500 miles per hour and the use of just the atmosphere will bring the vehicle down to about 350 miles per hour before we even deploy the drove shoots yeah a few minutes after we get uh communications again we are expecting to deploy um the sets of parachutes we have two sets the first again are drogue shoots they are there's two of them their job is to slow the vehicle down from about 350 miles an hour to about 120 miles an hour and those deploy at around 18 000 feet shortly after that we'll deploy our main parachutes there's four of them those are larger circular orange and white uh shoots and their job is to slow the vehicle down from 120 miles an hour to about 15 miles an hour and then we'll make splash down off the coast of florida in the atlantic ocean so yeah dragon is again flying itself even the shoots that i had just mentioned about um there's sensors uh on dragon that detect altitude and pressure and they will determine when to fire those um parachutes and so pretty much everything on dragon is autonomous and again it's steering itself it's taking the inspiration for a crew where they need to go for their targeted splashdown again if you're just now joining us we're currently uh in progress of the blackout period um what this is is basically the dragon spacecraft uh re-entering the earth's atmosphere uh it'll see temperatures external temperatures of about 3 500 degrees fahrenheit building a plasma layer around the vehicle preventing calms and communication with the dragon spacecraft it's expected to last about four and a half minutes we're a little over halfway through that right now um so we should uh in a in a couple minutes here start hearing some comms from the core uh checking in to regain that communication with dragon [Applause] uh what you are seeing is a view from our thermal camera uh seeing dragon coming back down to earth right there yeah this is amazing this is the first shot of the dragon cap so coming back as part of the inspiration for mission uh the crowd here is super excited seeing that for the first time as well um so yeah a couple minutes left of the blackout period and we should be getting calms re-established with the crew here shortly what you're seeing on your screen right now is on the left hand side that is mission control hawthorne dragon gps converged expect nominal altitude for drone shoot deploy copy that spacex we show the same and those comms confirm that we have regained comms with dragon and they're getting ready for drogue deploy here shortly yeah i love these tracking shots again that is dragon in the center of your screen we've got visuals of it and we're expecting um drug shoots deploy to deploy and then the main shoots shortly after that here in a couple of minutes ah [Applause] [Music] again a lot of excitement before inspiration for crews return uh waiting on drug shoot deploy that happens at about eighteen thousand dragons [Music] the team's experiencing about three to five g's we heard some words to to have them brace for a drogue deploy they will feel the difference in speed when the shoots do deploy and that was what the via core mentioned there that's such a cool shot of dragon uh coming back down to earth it looks very fast uh in this camera view here there it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is a great shot of tracking looking at the drug shoots a lot of communication going back and forth between the crew and ground station but the drogue's job is to slow the vehicle down from about 350 miles an hour to 120. we are expecting the main shoots for these to cut off and the main shoots to come shortly after this [Applause] dragon these are full healthy mains [Applause] and at 404 pm pacific time we do have confirmation that the main shoots have deployed and you can see that on your left-hand screen of a camera looking forward uh above the dragon capsule looking at those four main shoots one thousand copy one thousand the next event coming up now is a visual confirmation of splashdown you can see the dragon capsule on your right-hand screen uh slowly coming down now we've talked about how fast the vehicle uh has been traveling um but they will be touching down approximately 15 miles per hour when they touch the uh atlantic ocean there you copy 800. now the the dragon one program had great success with the water landing with 20 successful splashdowns over the course of that program nine of which were carried out by flight proven dragon spacecraft and this is a great shot dragon continuing to descend back towards earth again targeting a landing uh excuse me a splashdown off the coast of florida in the atlantic ocean copy 600. now 400 copy 400. 200 we're bracing coffee 200. ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] spacex [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] inspiration for on behalf of spacex welcome home to planet earth your mission has shown the world that space is for all of us and that everyday people can make extraordinary impacts in the world around them thank you for sharing your leadership hope generosity and prosperity and congratulations on your incredible journey [Music] [Applause] thanks so much spacex it was a heck of a ride for us it's just getting started coffee just getting started so welcome back inspiration for the dragon resilience capital has returned the crew has returned uh what a phenomenal phenomenal visual that we got um and i love that jared said we're just getting started right this is the beginning of their journey of the next steps to the new era in human space flight um and just you know wha what an incredible mission what an amazing um view watching them touch down and splash down into the atlantic ocean you can hear the crowd here so excited to welcome the crew back home yes so we do have a couple of events that need to happen first before we can start to uh get the crew out of the capsule so you can see some boats headed towards dragon um and uh you know the first job is to make sure that the area around dragon is safe to approach and then we'll go in there and start rigging the dragon up to be able to hoist later on onto our main recovery vessel so uh we also heard that jared had given us the confirmation of stable one what that means is dragon has splashed down and is upright there's also a stable two um dragon can actually be upside down or sideways um it is waterproof and has systems where it can pump seawater into some bladders to help keep it upright so again stable one is the the best possible scenario that we can achieve and that's what we see on screen right now and just something to note um there are going to be a few operations that happen um before the crew can get out of the capsule so they will be strapped into their seats remain strapped into their seats um throughout the this and these operations until uh basically until hatch open uh once we have the dragon capsule on board the recovery vessel so we do have some events coming up next the fast boats will be approaching the dragon capsule they'll be doing some inspections to make sure that it is safe before we begin operations to lift dragon out of the water onto the recovery vessel dragon spacex is go for recovery personnel to approach expect personnel alongside in one minute and copy that spacex we're looking forward to seeing it and dragging with that we request to come aboard via display clam requesting permission to come aboard via display cam permission granted come aboard now what you're seeing on your screen is uh the recovery team approaching dragon again they will be uh starting to do some inspections uh they'll do some ordinance and hypergol checks just to make sure that the vehicle is safe before they begin rigging dragon uh to bring the vehicle onto the recovery vessel and i think on the left hand screen that is uh someone on a jet ski helping to pull some of those shoots out of the water they did automatically detach from dragon once they once the vehicle splashed down so now they are removing them from the water yeah it is super important that we cut those main parachutes we don't want any type of wind or even the water to pull or drag the dragon capsule but when we did see dragon splash down we also saw really good visuals of the mains being cut as well there is built in personnel that are going to go out there and collect those shoots as part of the recovery operation we are expecting about an hour from splashdown until we can get the crew outside of the capsule again we're going through a series of safety checks and some other operations to get uh dragon hoisted rigged up um and lifted up onto the main recovery vessel before we can open that side hatch and get the crew out it was very very exciting i think the couple of seconds leading up to splashdown you could hear a pin drop here in hawthorne but as soon as we made contact with the water excitement erupted and it was just amazing again this is the inspiration for crew the first all-civilian mission to orbit with four incredible incredible uh crew on board and we now have an inside view on dragon as they are sitting on the ocean water uh waiting for the recovery operations looks like uh we got a selfie i think dr cyan has taken some post splash down pictures uh well deserved and again this is standard procedure we do have um some crew uh climbing on board dragon they're performing some inspections uh just making sure that the vehicle is safe prior to the next dragon spacex hyper golf sweeps and norton's checks are nominal rigging is in progress approximately two five minutes until capsule lift stand by for pmc some excitement from the crew on board and if you noticed um the difference in view the camera actually has not moved but the seats um from what you've seen previously of this view the uh the astronauts are actually rotated a little bit more forward and that is for these return operations instead of the recline back position so that's why the view looks a little bit different so on the right hand side um we do see the uh the rigger climbing up on the dragon capsule to attach some hardware um so that way dragon can be lifted and hoisted out of the water using our main recovery ship go searcher which will be approaching the vehicle in a few minutes here so that hardware is important um and that's how we get dragon out we hoist it and we actually put it on what's called a nest and then we'll perform some more checkouts make sure everything is good before we open up that side hatch now you can see um one of the tech's climbing on board crew uh is the crew the dragon capsules exterior they do train for this event um they do go through a lot of training to make sure that they are qualified to perform these operations so so dragon spacex will be public so if you're just now joining us you are tuned in to the inspiration for mission the all civilian crew has now returned back to earth uh what you're seeing on your right hand screen are recovery operations currently in progress the crew has already done their safety check to make sure that the vehicle was okay to approach and now they have begin uh some rigging operations they're installing some of the rigging hardware that they need to be able to lift the capsule out of the um out of the water onto the recovery vessel and on your left hand screen is the live view inside of dragon of the crew and it's just been such an incredible mission so far like they lifted off on wednesday um expected to be in space for about three days they were able to perform some science experiments they were able to do some charity events talk to again this this mission was all for uh a fundraiser for st jude children's research hospital so they got to talk to some saint jude patients live while in space and doing backflips yeah and and to think that this crew uh really formed about six months ago and i we cannot stress that this is the first all civilian crew uh they their day job is not being an astronaut they were trained in the same simulations and same manuals that you know dragon previous dragon crew members were trained in and they got together through together this amazing mission again um you know providing fundraising capabilities for st jude children's research hospital they they gave us a live on-orbit event yesterday um and uh you know they spent a couple of days in space did some art did some photography did some somersaults and now uh they're back on earth and in a few minutes here they're gonna take a a fresh breath of fresh air from fresh breath of earth air for the first time in about three days it's very very exciting yeah i cannot wait uh to hear the stories that they have to tell us you know we did get some of those live events but they were out there for three days um [Music] that's quite a bit of time uh being out in uh microgravity um in a spacecraft uh so i'm really excited to hear what their experiences are really like um you know with the nasa crew missions we we typically get to hear you know some of their uh their thoughts of the dragon spacecraft um would love to hear uh more from you know just a a all civilian crew this time around not professional astronauts and i think it's it's uh as we see the sun setting on the right hand side the boats are equipped with very strong lights to make sure that they can continue the operation in case the sun does go down but one thing i do want to reiterate is weather and how great that's been for us we we had a phenomenal day in terms of weather wednesday during ascent and on return you can look at the ocean now and it's it's not choppy there's no waves essentially um it's basically like pool water and so the dragon capsule is is there it's it's floating there now because it's not you know choppy the recovery team can get in there do their jobs without worrying about any other um external factors yeah that's extremely important safety is number one here at spacex so we always want to make sure that we're keeping uh these events during uh an environment that is safe and and weather plays a very big factor into that um and not just for the crew on board dragon but the the recovery team there which you've been currently seeing climbing on dragon you know installing the rigging um they're on boats uh so it's really important to make sure that the weather conditions are accommodating to these operations so we are expecting the team to finish installing all of the equipment needed to lift dragon out of the water in a few minutes and we should see another boat approach the dragon capsule and that will be where we essentially hook it up to a crane on the back of the boat lift it up out of the water and on to the recovery vessel the dragon vehicle is looking nice and toasty i think if we had daytime shots it would look essentially like a marshmallow again when it's re-entering the earth uh it um can get quite hot on the exterior and the pika material is doing its job and absorbing the brunt of that um of that heat uh but uh there's a side hatch i mean that's that's where the crew is gonna egress out of that side hatch was sealed three days ago and it hasn't been open since and so um you know typically uh uh you know missions with crew go to the international space station the crew will ingress and egress out of that top hatch that you see there but because we weren't going to the international space station for this mission we installed that super cool cupola and that hatch is going to stay closed but the team will be exiting out of the side hatch in in a few minutes here so currently uh performing recovery operations we have a crew there on one of the fast boats installing rigging onto the dragon capsule this will help them lift the dragon capsule onto the recovery vessel into the what we call the nest the dragon nest on board we'll reorient and locate the vehicle on the recovery ship in a position where we can open the hatch and then have the crew step out for the first time since uh wednesday and when they open the hatch we will have a medical officer check on them first it's pretty standard procedure to make sure you know they have been out in space for three days so we do want to make sure that the crew is okay there will be a team there helping them every bit of the way to make sure that they are okay as they walk to the medical room on the recovery vessel what you're seeing right now on your screen on the left hand side is a live view inside of dragon a view from the behind the displays on your left hand side there that is commander isaac man and to his right is dr cyan proctor who was the pilot for this mission they're now back down on earth what an amazing homecoming day for this crew such an exciting mission so after landing to recap the events it took about 10 minutes for the recovery crew to complete their safety checks and then once they completed that the team began to prepare dragon to be lifted onto the recovery vessel as part of the preparation for this lift one member of the recovery team that we saw on screen climbed on top of the capsule so that way they can attach dragon's hoist rings and connect the lifting lines again we are estimating about an hour after splashdown until we are able to raise dragon up and out of the water onto the recovery boat and remove the crew from the spacecraft and then jesse just mentioned after medical checkouts the crew will return to the cape by helicopter and be rejoined by their friends and family if you're just now joining us you are watching the inspiration for mission uh the inspiration for crew first all civilian crew to orbit is now back down on earth um and currently in progress of the recovery operations they're currently out in the atlantic ocean as the team is rigging up the capsule uh to get it ready to be lifted onto the recovery vessel and what you're seeing on your left-hand screen is live view of the crew inside of the vehicle at the moment yeah we splashed down just a few minutes after 4 p.m pacific time we also had great visuals of the dragon spacecraft returning back to earth we saw some really great shots uh from the dragon vehicle looking upwards to the drogue chutes and the main parachutes um and then we you know had a nice soft water landing in the atlantic ocean and again we're waiting for the rigging equipment to be installed that way we can get the vehicle out of the water and then the crew out of the dragon resilience capsule rigging is complete approximately five minutes until capsule lift the crew is having a great time with in-flight entertainment so yeah it looks like they're all in great spirits uh we have a really cool shot on the right hand side of the screen that is the back of go searcher um the main recovery vessel dragon is in the background as well as some other supporting recovery vessel ships as well yeah this is again pretty incredible to see where we are today with this mission first all civilian crew and uh ironically it's so much like they just went and and flew on an airplane as they're watching movies waiting to uh you know deboard the the spacecraft and again this mission is a fundraiser for saint jude children's research hospital we've got some great news that we've raised up to 177 million dollars so far how incredible to do such a inspiring mission like this as well as raise 157 million dollars for such an amazing cause yeah in the last 90 minutes essentially we raised four million dollars uh keep it up everyone thank you so much again it's going to a great cause and it's benefiting a lot of a lot of wonderful people again currently in progress our recovery operations so far they've already uh inspected the capsule um for safety before uh installing some rigging hardware we got some comms that they will be ready for uh that that rigging is a rigging setup is complete and they will be lifting the vehicle in a few minutes here again this is go searcher and what you're seeing on your right-hand screen at the end of ghost searcher is the dragon nest it's basically the nest or stand that dragon will be lifted onto and set into we also heard some comms that the crew is in good spirits watching some entertainment uh while they wait to um while they wait to be lifted onto go searcher and for a hatch opening so that they can egress the vehicle yeah they've been busy doing a lot of work for a lot of great causes so now that they're back on land we want to give them a very smooth experience they can just sit back relax we'll take care of everything else we can see that the gap between the go searcher boat and dragon is starting to close um we are expecting uh to hoist a dragon out of the water and again put it on that nest that you see on the bottom middle of your screen in a few minutes here and weather has been just great for us today actually through this whole mission this is such a unique mission where we did have to ensure that weather upon liftoff as well as return would be well and not just the weather in the atmosphere but the water where we are landing and you can see on your screen that it's very calm this makes it really a lot easier for the crew to perform the recovery operations just great great weather all around for this mission so we just saw the crew tossing a line um to the other uh member of the recovery uh crew on the dragon capsule itself and so this last bit of distance we want to make sure that it is nice and controlled for the dragon vehicle to come on in and [Music] make its way up the recovery vessel for safety purposes the crew does remain strapped into their seats throughout this this entire process as they uh are going to be lifted onto the boat and again they will have um the first person check on them match opens will be a medical officer to ensure that they uh are safe and healthy before they start egressing the vehicle and that'll be when they will be allowed to get out of their seats [Music] we've got a crew member on the dragon capsule at the moment um and again they are helping with the rigging hoisting process to lift that dragon capsule onto the recovery vessel and again they have done several hours of training um for this particular role um so they are professionals dragon brace for capsule left you heard some comms uh they are getting ready to lift the dragon capsule you saw the last recovery uh crew member hop off of the dragon capsule into the water and onto the fast boat there as they clear the way for lifting the dragon capsule and here comes dragon out of the water ah incredible dragon is being lifted onto the recovery vessel into the dragon nest that is what you see them setting the vehicle down on right there you see at the very bottom of dragon some water coming out again that's the ballast system that help helps keep dragon upright in the sea water or in the ocean so it's functioning as designed and dragon is now on the recovery vessel dragon's almost a little bit of a mix of a rocket spacecraft and a little bit of a boat it does everything you needed to yeah exactly dragon welcome aboard the recovery vessel recovery personnel are completing final checks stand by for translation to egress platform in approximately one minute i see some fist pumps from dr cyan as aboard the um uh the dragon capsule right now uh next event coming up after the the team does some safety checks is opening the side hatch that's gonna be very very exciting we're gonna see the crew for the first time and they're gonna see earth for the first time since three days ago well they've seen earth they've seen earth but from space they'll see earth from earth now they'll become earthlings again now what you heard was some comms just letting the crew know that they will be translating the dragon on the nest and reorienting it into a position on ghost searcher so that it is in a good stable position for them to open the hatch so while dragon's top hatch houses the cupola the astronauts will you
Channel: NBC News
Views: 158,695
Rating: 4.7609777 out of 5
Id: DMC7-Mjlgvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 35sec (3575 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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