Sea Scallop Challenge | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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the home cooks are battling it out in  a replication pressure test they have   seven live scallops for three stunning dishes  replication requires a lot of good observation   of skill and this is a talent that not everyone  has there are only two spots left in the top   three and at the end of this challenge one home  cook will be eliminated find the hinge and I   accidentally sliced through that first scalloped  fail rodica how you doing what happened here I   lost a bit that was stuck to the shell on the  first one but I'm gonna make sure that I stay   really close to that wall this point on crack  is that this left watch clean strokes that's   the technique understood chef okay that's  all I can do thank you come on clean stroke   oh so much better back on track those Scouts took  me a little bit longer than I would want but I'm   feeling much better everything seems to be coming  together now and I think I got this 30 minutes   left my true compare is gonna go home today I  have to bring my a-game or else I will be going   home hi Matthew so you're the last one to open  and clean you see scallops is that part of your   strategy yes chef I want to make sure that they're  as fresh as I can to serve for you guys scallops   are probably one of my favorite things to cook I  have to do them justice today which of these three   dishes will you find the most challenging  probably the st. jock I've never cooked it   before there's so much a different flavor and  technique in just that one dish so I think I'd   have the most trouble with that one carry on  Matthew look forcing the dishes Thank You chef this point in time the home cook should really  start slicing the scallops pick the cocky same   Shack time is running out and I need to get  the coquilles saint-jacques in the oven think   what I think they should be doing is taking  a small pot adding some beautiful fresh herbs   to it with a white wine and poaching those sea  scallops to perfection so doing the mushrooms   making a light fluffy potato puree producing  a beautiful gratinéed finish so it's golden   brown on top and totally delicious next there is  the crudo where it's all about adding delicate   flavors without cooking the sea scallop you  have to use a super sharp knife and make   sure every one of those slices count perfectly  Jeremy's doing a beautiful job slicing through   those scallops or his crudo and he looks  so comfortable doing it too we're feeling   the pressure but it's got me laser-focused and  I'm going through these scallops like nobody's   business Veronica on the other hand looks like  you sawing through them I don't want to see   jagged edges right a nice drink I try to just  cut straight down and I have smushed my scallop next you want to make the pea puree I pulled my pea puree out of the blender and  I want to get it even smoother so I tried to   pass it through a sieve and it's not going  through so I'm just gonna have to leave it   no time just get it [Music] now my technique  when I'm searing scallops is to sear them only   on one side and I use a little bit of sea  salt I don't use any black pepper because   the black pepper I think all the powers the  delicate flavor profiles of the scallops [Music] I put my all in the pan and  it starts smoking I'm running out   of time and I'm starting another  pan for my scallops five minutes   I was debating now on that plate I  want to see a perfect replication [Music] look at Matthew he's dumped always pea puree into  a safe with less than two mister I want to yell   at Matthew he needs to pick up the pace shoot  Jeremy's bringing his up to the front already   [Music] 30 second jump 30 seconds left come  on get up quick Matt field come on let's go Matthew you gotta bring it up bring it up now he  hasn't brought anything up yet [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow I know that I did really well  in this pressure test and I'm thinking that   I'm not gonna be the one going home that was for  me the most difficult cook yet but I tasted all   my food and I know it tastes good I look at my  crudo and I can't believe I forgot my black salt beautiful Thank You chef be surprised with  yourself I am I'm from the prairies so it's   my first time ever working with live scallops  [Music] puree is stunning it's absolutely   ethereal a word I don't normally use [Music]  I wish this wasn't just a tasting and I could   actually need the whole plate because it's  delicious thank you you just nailed that hi Jeremy chef Alvin well I can tell you  this is beautifully sliced nice and since   you can see the shadow the knife through  that every single scallops beautifully   cutting you see they're perfectly round  good work here crudo everybody thinks   this is simple but I like a tightrope  nothing should overpower each other this is harmony everything is working together  but got two very strong yeah Challenger the   cookie sanjak have you ever had that dish in  a restaurant no I've never even heard of it   till today hmm you had a nice even grant  over the sea scallop and the sauce and a   mushroom portion that little darker and the  potatoes might have helped the cause a touch [Music] the flavors are wonderful Thank You Shan it  is delicate the source is there it adds nice   moisture could've done with just a touch more salt  but it's a very good showing thank you thank you I'm terrified of Jeremy's beautiful place because  I'm pretty sure you're gonna be in the top three   and that means I'm gonna have to compete with  this new Jeremy this is not your best work this   dish right here this looks a little bit like you  rushed through it did you strain your pea puree I   did not even get a chance to Chantel it's very  rough yes chef this dish is all about finesse   I know chef it's underseasoned yes chef when  you go to a restaurant you have scallops what   will make you send the scallops back I know  overcooked scallops chef do you think these   scallops are overcooked I'm not sure steaks  can't get much higher than this right now
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 3,017,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alvin Leung, Claudio Aprile, Michael Bonacini, cooking show, culinary replication, masterchef, masterchef canada, masterchef canada season, masterchef world, pressure test, scallops
Id: EyAXg9bl28o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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