LIVE Sagemont Church, 09/22/21 Wednesday in the Word

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foreign you so so so you you so you you [Music] so good afternoon or good evening now it's getting a little bit darker a little bit earlier let's all stand and let's sing this hymn is i'll heal the power of jesus name [Music] all hail the power of jesus name let angels win fall bring [Music] a [Music] him who saves you by his grace [Music] him who saves you by his grace [Music] and [Music] him [Music] we'll join the [Music] everlasting song and crown him [Music] lord of all he touched me shackled by your [Music] guilt and shame [Music] [Applause] just touched me and now i am no longer the same he touched me oh he touched me [Music] and all the joy that floods my soul something happened and now i know he touched me and made me since i met this blessing savior since he cleansed and made [Music] will never cease to praise him i'll shout it while he turns [Music] he touched me oh he touched me and all the joy that floods my soul [Music] something happened and now i know he touched me and made me one more time to sing that chorus he touched me oh he touched me and all the joy that floods my soul [Music] happened and now i know he touched me and [Music] let us pray dear heavenly father we just thank you for this time of worship and time of fellowship with my brothers and sisters in christ and friends and family we ask that you uh bless this service as uh pastor stewart comes and brings the word this this evening let it be a blessing to our lives lord so we can hear it and apply it to our daily lives we ask these things in the wonderful name of jesus where is our lord and personal savior amen thank you noe god bless you brother thank you for blessing us as usual listen let me by the way a nice to see everyone greetings to you i recognize noe but i i don't want to neglect to recognize some other folks who've made our transition here uh so much easier that's ron ingram in the back who can do anything yes and an even better person than ron is don clunch and don is back there and um i'll show you some slides uh and dawn is responsible for these slides wednesday after wednesday sunday after sunday by the way this slide since i see him here this is jesse jesse hates this but so jesse since you hate it so much could you just stand up for a second i want you to see jesse jesse uh is a graphics artist uh and a great uh just a great guy with a servant heart you you'll ask jesse about something you'll have a vague concept and boom this sort of will magically appear that's jesse and he's sitting look at him embarrassing everyone that's seasoned who he's sitting next to that's his wife i married that couple right there and they're still sitting together well at least one night a week then i want to thank alan sismar right there look i'm embarrassing everyone allen is the plant maintenance uh guru general commandant and alan and his crew have seen to it that we have as many chairs in here as as we can accommodate and still have aisles so thank you for doing that and uh it's it's getting cooler in here thanks to allen allen made the adjustment so thank you who else is in need of recognition is there anyone how about uh but truly thank you for making all this possible it's better for us actually it's a little tight but it's better parking and all the rest and uh it's a wonderful problem that we can't park in front of the hra but it's going to be a problem nonetheless for uh you know a sufficiently long period of time that we thought this would be a better place to be also it lends itself a little more to interaction so as i start rambling if anything comes to mind that you don't like or you would like clarified or repeated or deleted from the record just raise your hand let's just we'll just talk and and i'd be glad to invite your questions or anything like that everyone except bill brummett right there see look how he's smiling this was the wrong thing to put in bill's hand the opportunity to speak freely because you never know what what he's going to say well well wonderful to be with you so tonight you know we're in the series super duper bible uh versus and i was telling frank rigsby i love this series because i don't have to think about what to do wednesday night after wednesday night you tell me so i i have a list of what you have suggested and would be absolutely willing to receive any ongoing suggestions you can text or email me and say stuart let's talk about this passage or that one whatever whatever you want if i can't handle it i'll just be honest with you and let you know but anyway the last two wednesday nights and tonight are due to maria maria can you stand up just for a second yeah maria you must stand maria we're not going to go on until you stand up i'm telling you that's marissa that's maria and um and maria deserves all of the uh uh punishment i can give her because look i'm i'm standing i'm talking to someone and boom should just plow into me and um i've had to go to a chiropractor as a result so anyway maria came up with the idea some time ago that because of the celebration of the feasts of israel during this month we should look to it and so the passage of scripture we've been looking to is in leviticus 23 and we looked at two prior feasts of israel they're called the fall feasts of israel there are three of them we looked at the prior to the fir well let me ask you do you remember what the name of the first one was very impressive rosh hashanah or the head of the year also known as the feast of trumpets and then ten days later came the second one which we discussed do you remember where that one was my goodness this is really really great yom kippur or the day of atonement and now tonight we'll talk about the third and final of the fall feast of israel this one is called the feast of tabernacles or does anyone know the name in hebrew rita rita that's why you get the front row it is sukkot or the feast of tabernacles and it's found so here's the super-duper bible verse for tonight here in leviticus 23 speak to the sons of israel god is telling moses saying on the 15th of this seventh month so we mentioned that this seventh month is called tishri on the 15th of this seventh month is the feast of booths so in hebrew the word is uh sukkot sukkah singular sukkot plural and it means booths or tabernacle so god is commemorating this 15th day seventh month feast of booths and it lasts so so we can see how long in case you're wondering it lasts for seven days feast of tabernacle so just just to review uh the fall feasts of israel as i mentioned there are three of them and the first you answered correctly feast of trumpets and it takes place in this seventh month tishri in this case on the first of the month it's begun by the blowing of a a ram's horn or a shofar then the second of the fall feast you got this correct as well day of atonement or rosh or yom kippur is on the 10th of this month tishri and then the one we're going to discuss tonight the final fall feast is the feast of tabernacles on the 15th so 10 days between these two five days between these two now what's really neat i i think you'll appreciate this is to see what the themes of each of these holidays are so for instance if we talk about the themes of the fall feast the theme of the feast of trumpets is repentance it is not celebratory like our new year it's a time of solemn reflection because it is thought at the blowing of the trumpet on this holiday god opens books to see in which one your name is inscribed you may be in the book of unrighteous people the book of in between people or the book of righteous people and your goal during these 10 days is to consider your sin and turn from it and repent so that perhaps god may see fit to inscribe your name in the book of life for this next year so this is a very serious time of repentance and reflection the second holiday or atonement has as its theme redemption so on yom kippur the day of atonement jews pour into the synagogues and uh they hear about the necessity of blood atonement they seek god's atonement a means of redemption for their sin beginning here they see the need for repentance here they start considering whether or not god will graciously provide a means of redemption and the third and final fall feast this one feast of tabernacles has as its theme rejoicing these two very solemn time of introspection this one a time of great unbridled rejoicing in fact in uh in jewish um culture this is known as the season of our joy it's called asimbha simbha means joy so after acknowledging sin and need for repentance after finding god's gracious means of redemption you rejoice so it's called the season of our joy and it's spoken of a little more in leviticus 23 40. now on the first day the first day of this seven day holiday you shall take for yourselves the foliage of beautiful trees so there are four botanical species and there are two items that are displayed on this occasion one is called a lulav and those are three types of trees branches bound together and it's waved in synagogue services it's an olive branch a myrtle branch and the and a willow then the fourth species is called the lula it's it's uh like a lemon or a some kind of citrus food for and in synagogue observances we we raise these we point it north south east and west so as to indicate the god of creation the sovereign god of all the universe has graciously provided for us these these wonderful means of nourishment and food so that's what you're supposed to do palm branches bows of leafy trees willows of the brook and you shall rejoice folks look at this is this is not a suggestion it's a commandment can you imagine that that god gives us a commandment to rejoice you know we think about uh obeying god's commandment sometimes we we disobey his commandments um i had to think in preparation i wonder if i'm disobeying this one you see i i have recognized by god's grace as have uh i think most of you the need to repent i have recognized his gracious means of redemption and i've come into the joy of my salvation but i i'm afraid i let circumstances choke it out you see we're supposed to be in the season of our joy as redeemed and saved people right now i let the news get in the way i let politics get in the way i let you people get in the way let's face it i mean we do that with one another you know we sometimes irritate one another we have to work hard at obeying this commandment and it implies we could do it in spite of the world's circumstances otherwise wouldn't god be unreasonable to require it of us there are no world circumstances that ought to be sufficient to extinguish the joy which should be ours as redeemed people folks no matter what is going on and no matter what may happen god has provided for us in our wilderness wanderings as he has israel god has established his presence in our lives and in our midst and god has promised that he's going to come again and take us to be with him forever so regardless of what's going on uh we have reason to rejoice and we're told to do this before uh the lord your god for seven days seven in hebrew thinking is a number of completion and and fullness so uh let me get a little more specific about what this holiday is all about israel was enslaved in egypt for do you know how many years yeah 400 some odd years and then israel was um set free um why but well she didn't deserve it to be she cried out for god's mercy by the way that's that's the cry he hears a cry for mercy if you if you demand your rights which everyone is doing today i'm not sure that gets god's attention what rights do we have so when we cry for mercy the god of all mercy truly hears he heard israel's cry and delivered israel from bondage in egypt and then on top of it he promised to bring them into a better place a place of promise the promised land but it was it it sadly wasn't a direct route if they had obeyed god and not grumbled in the wilderness they could have made it into the land of promise in 11 days instead how long did they wander in the wilderness 40 years you see it's kind of an illustration folks you and i as christians we're we're going to our place of promise that's you can count on it that's the word of god but for some of us it's really a bumpy ride and we're going in circles because of because of disobedience so that's what happened to israel so she's in the wilderness for 40 years at times even worshiping idols and all the rest but god never ever turned his back on them in fact he provided for israel for 40 years with things like manna remember this and they lived in sukkot tabernacles and because they lived in booths and because god provided for them in their wilderness wanderings then god says now i want you to remember that i want you to remember how i provided for you when you lived in booths or sukkot in the wilderness and so every year we are commanded as a memorial of god's gracious provision to hey ed pam is right there if you're looking did you want to sit next to your wife oh i sometimes maybe i'm making a mistake because you need a break from each other but but anyway there she is just here to help folks we do marital counseling at the end of the class okay so so this is to commemorate god's faithfulness and in order to do it quite literally because sometimes don't we need concrete reminders and symbols of things so so my people construct things like this it's called a sukkah if it's more than one it's a sukkot sukkah it just means booth or tabernacle it's required that it have at least three walls it does not have it could be open in the front and there's there's no real strict requirements as far as size building materials nothing like that oftentimes what hangs from it are fruits and vegetables you can see some here somebody decorated it again it's a reminder of god's provision uh not just in the wilderness wanderings but you know give us this day our daily bread and god does and so this is a reminder and and then the uh the roof is left open but it's covered with branches of different kinds palm branches anything like that and many jewish people take their meals here hence the table and chairs others actually sleep in it for the duration of the of the seven days if you're an apartment dweller and have a terrace you can build a a sukkah on the terrace if you're not too creative in building things you're not alan over there who can construct anything you can order prefabricated kits i'm not kidding you some enterprising folks probably from japan i'm thinking i'm thinking construct the sukkot and you can you can get the kit and actually construct it wherever you are so this is kind of an important um feature during this particular time as a reminder of the fact that they would have perished in the wilderness but for god's uh provision and so they rejoice over god's goodness in the past but not only that they also rejoice over what god is doing for them in the present and so as a result sukkot corresponds with the gathering of crops from the field in the fall it's a harvest festival the work is done of sowing and planting the harvest is over the crops have been gathered together into storehouses and now it's time for great rejoicing so sukkot is also known as the feast of in gathering it's a time where we celebrate the in-gathering of the crops so it's a celebration of what god did in the past it's a celebration of god's uh provision in the present and then it has some future ramifications as well folks there will be a grand in gathering one day not of fruits and vegetables but of god's people from the north south east and west corners of the of the globe and there will be a regathering of believing jews to jerusalem during a period known as the millennium the 1 000 year earthly reign of christ sukkot is kind of a foreshadowing of that but not only is this about the jews i'm really pleased to tell you you have a very key role in this as well according to zechariah chapter 14 verse 16 then its future then it will come about that any who are left of all the nations what does that mean it means the great tribulation has taken place you know battle of armageddon nations of the world assemble against israel god intervenes and many perish during the great tribulation so after the great tribulation comes the second coming of christ that's how the tribulation on earth ends humankind would be destroyed but for god's intervention so jesus returns the second time not like the first second time he comes as victorious warrior revelation tells us mounted on a white horse not humble on a donkey at this point you see he comes not as the sacrificial lamb of god he comes as the lion of judah so then it'll come about that any who are left of all the nations that went against jerusalem will go up whenever you speak about going to jerusalem the direction is always up you always see it in this scripture why well topographically it's elevated but i think it means spiritually when you go to jerusalem you're always ascending to that place that god has designated as his special residence so it'll come about they'll they'll go up from year to year to worship the king that's jesus the lord of hosts and to celebrate the feast of booths the nations another word for nations are gentiles so this is a wonderful uh grand announcement of the fact that at least one of the feasts of israel will be celebrated by all believers jewish and gentile will gather together in jerusalem during the millennial reign of christ each year to feast on his provision in the past on his faithfulness in the present and on the joy of knowing of the certainty of what our future holds as well so that's zechariah 14 verse 16. now i want to tell you about an important ingredient in this holiday that uh i think most people don't know about i'm not trying to be a wise guy here but as i read about sukkot or surely as i grew up and then of course in many most churches um this that i'm about to tell you is is not mentioned and it's it's a shame that it's not you you'll see i bet you'll be blessed by this in jesus day this holiday was celebrated in jesus day sukkot it marks the beginning of the rainy season in israel they have two seasons non-rain and rain so this marks the beginning of the rainy season and rain is very very important for agriculture you can understand this and in the middle east it's vital no water people can't can't survive so at the beginning of the rainy season a very important feature in sukkot is to offer very heartfelt prayers to god for an ample supply of rain during the rainy season and so every single morning during this seven day holiday of tabernacles water is poured out in the temple precincts as a kind of an offering and visual prayer oh god this we pour out this precious water making our appeal to you to provide for us an ample supply of it so that our crops would flourish so that we would have an adequate harvest so that we could survive and so what happens is the high priest leads a processional it's like a parade people are blowing trumpets and banging tambourines and they're singing and rejoicing and he leads them down to the pool of siloam so they've been at the temple precincts to go to the pool of siloam you go down it's in walking distance you can visit and see part of the pool of siloam in israel today the the totality of it has not been uncovered but some of it has you know why it hasn't all been excavated the property is owned by the greek orthodox church and they refused to let the israel antiquities department dig up the ground yep why does israel just take it because israel's a democracy it has freedom of religion and greek orthodox church owns that parcel of land so you can go there and see part of it and just imagine the rest of the pool of siloam so the priest goes there and he has a gold vessel you can see it depicted here and he dips it into the water of the pool of siloam and then the processional proceeds back up to the temple with this water in this golden vessel and he enters through the southern gate of the temple precincts which is what's known as the water gate because of this procedure the water gate and as he enters there are three blasts of this trumpet you know i showed you a show for that that curved ram's horn but this is a different trumpet these are silver uh trumpets it's not the ram's horn at all so there are three blasts of the uh silver trumpets as the priest and the processional come into the temple precincts and then the priest recites this passage from isaiah therefore with joy simply therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation you see that's what he recites and then he ascends a ramp that leads up to the great stone altar in the inner court of the temple he raises the golden pitcher and he pours out the water offering in a silver basin then there are three blasts of the silver trumpets once again followed by the pouring and then music begins and the people begin to listen to a choir of levites it was the praise team is what they had and they sing everybody sings together something called the hallel halal means praise you know the word hallelujah hallel prays luyah to yahweh hallelujah that's what it now you know a hebrew word hallelujah so we have uh in the psalms a section called the hallel psalms psalm 113 to psalm 118. they are sung on this particular occasion that was israel's ancient noe that was their hymn book that was their hymnal years years ago so we're on good grounds brother and singing the hymns anyway they would sing psalm 113 to psalm 118. now on the seventh and final day of the feast things changed things reached quite a a climax because rain for the coming year was on absolutely everybody's mind and so on the prior six days the silver trumpets as i mentioned gave three blasts but on this day the seventh and final day the trumpets gave three sets of seven blasts and on the other six days the priests made a circuit around the altar one time but on this day he went around the altar in a processional seven times and he sang and as he's doing it the people are waving palm branches and they're and they're praying and they're beseeching a gracious god to be gracious again and send sufficient rain i tell you all this because during this celebration on this last day somewhere around 2000 years ago someone's voice rang out and it said this on this very occasion if any man is thirsty remember the preciousness of water is the theme this one well you know who it is it's jesus on this particular occasion why well jesus human form was was jewish and so he observed the holidays he knew about rosh hashanah yom kippur and and sukkot and and so on this day when everyone is focused on the necessity of ample reign he he being the master teacher he connects with that aspiration and he says if any man is thirsty let him come to me and drink there's nothing to do with atmospheric conditions or climate come to me if you're really thirsty of course he's not talking is he about literal thirst is he he's using their interest in being satiated physically to tell them but are you satiated spiritually do you thirst for something that goes beyond h2o are you looking for something non-material it's not food and drink as important as they are if you're looking for something that fills the whole the void in your life if you're looking for peace for reconciliation with god come to me it's a relationship isn't it and drink he who believes in me isn't that always the gospel he who believes never any different he who believes in me as the scripture said and he quotes scripture from his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water can you relate to this if you have asked jesus to come into your life he sent his spirit the holy spirit in in hebrew we refer to the holy spirit as the ruach hakodesh means wind or spirit means the kodesh means holy why is the god's spirit distinguished as being holy because there are evil spirits out there we don't want those but if you accepted jesus he sends the holy spirit the ruach hakodesh have you experienced this from the holy spirit in your innermost being rivers of living water it it goes beyond material realities it's the capacity to experience things like love joy peace goodness kindness self-control that's the fruit of the holy spirit in our life for me but i know not just me i've never experienced those things in the to the measure that i came to experience those things when i turn to jesus just like he invites here and asked him not in these beautiful words in my own clumsy words would he come into my life and change me and fill the hole and the void put me on a different path forgive my sins which have obstructed my access to him don't you think this is very timely of the lord on this occasion to say so he offers this glorious invitation on the seventh day of uh sukkot he's essentially saying i i'm the answer to your prayers i can save you now so that you'll never thirst for salvation again that's what he says the lord jesus knows something we we know too it's difficult to live in our temporary sukkot our bodies it's difficult we're grateful to god for these vessels they carry us from point a to point b they see us through life but they're in a constant process of deterioration are they not and decay it's just the way it is and uh i guess as you get older you really recognize that my mother used to say i think the lord made us with too many parts yeah she would keep discovering a pain in this part of pain in that part you know things she didn't even know she had that's that's the way it is these are wonderful things but even apart from the physical deterioration which we all experience being in these temporary booths in this space-time dimension is tough really tough i hate to be so discouraging but i think it's going to get tougher i i i'm not a pessimist i just i just i just think the intensity of the rebellion against the creator is really really really picking up and now it's not just sin it's sin in god's face it's just blatant you know it says not only committing sin but giving hearty approval to those who do so you people you see people in all kinds of relationships that are not meant to be and others saying i'm so glad you're being who you are you know giving hearty approval nobody if you really loved people you would not want to encourage them in a lifestyle that is going to cause them to to be judged you you don't want that to happen to anybody so um it's tough to be in this temporary place in these in these temporary booths the the lord jesus knows this how do i know he knows this because of this passage the word that's jesus right the word became flesh which implies he wasn't always he always was but he wasn't always flesh before he was flesh he was he's pre-existent because he's god he has no beginning nor end so he became end flesh at a certain time the word words are meant for communication the lord jesus is the ultimate communication from almighty god we would be left with sheer speculation of what what god is like and so he said speculate no more i will send my enfleshed son you see him you see me so the word became flesh and what did he do he dwelt among us for how many years 30 33 years he dwelt among us now i point this out because of this word that's the word tabernacled i could translate if it was hebrew the word became flesh and became a sukkah among us here is pre-existent deity he has no be he's the alpha and omega he has no beginning or end he so shared in the human experience that he made his body subject to the throes of life too he thirsted he suffered fatigue he suffered pain especially when people put a crown of thorns on his head and whipped him and pierced him through it was a real body and he had real bodily experiences but but it was temporary he he wasn't here for until the 33 years and then when he was crucified and then buried and then um resurrected and then ascended well uh then he he returned to his um eternal uh status but while here he identified with the human condition because he became a sukkah in our midst that's why this jesus is so special because there's nothing you or i experience though it may be something nobody else could really understand still there's nothing you or i experienced that he doesn't understand why because he dwelt he tabernacled amongst us according to john 1 uh 14. i want to show you something about the sukkah so here's a view of it looking up through the roof so it's not rain proof on purpose why it is required that the ceiling not be solid why while you're in this temporary sukkah while you're in this temporary body while you are temporarily here don't lose sight of god while you sit in the sukkah while you're taking your meals or while you're eating look up look to the stars remember almighty god who saw you through wilderness wanderings who brought you to a place of promise who provided for you each step of the way who can understand everything you're going through and who's going to come back for you one day look up look up do you do this from time to time sometimes when i find myself burdened sometimes you don't know what it maybe is a lot of things i would encourage you i do this myself i'm not preaching to you i'm just saying that this is a good thing i i go outside either on a walk or just outside just look up just look up and remember the awesomeness of your abba father who simply spoke all that into existence and the power of his word and that incomprehensible transcendent god knows your name look it doesn't make the challenges of life go away but it makes them more manageable look up remember remember jesus and john saw a reality the apostle john a future reality um that gave him great great joy it had to do with the presence of the lord forever and i'll i'll close just with these two verses in revelation i heard so that's the apostle john a loud voice from the throne saying behold look at that the sukkah tabernacle of god that's what the word means the tabernacle of god what about him he's among men how many times does it say among count he is among men and he will dwell here's the second time among them and they shall be his people and god himself will be look at this a trinity of amongst we don't have a distant god he is the great beyond but he's also emmanuel he came near he was a sukkah amongst us he understands what we're going through we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses and john's vision is that we will be in the literal presence one day forevermore with the grand sukkah of god the lord jesus who will establish his dwelling in our midst and this final verse then we'll conclude he'll wipe away every tear you know i i think about this it doesn't say he'll have his angels do it which would be really wonderful enough he you know this is a crazy image but i forgive me for it i i just think of god putting his hand in his pocket and extracting a grand divine handkerchief and and going like this going like this and saying don't cry no need to cry anymore i talked to a lady today whose husband passed two days ago she knows exactly where he is and that's really wonderful but still your life partner she's not weeping for him she's weeping she's grieving isn't that normal and natural not as one without hope but she's a normal person and uh i think about people like that oh my goodness what will jesus just he's gonna personally wipe away every tear from their uh eyes personally because he will tabernacle amongst us not for 33 years throughout eternity and there will no longer be any death what does that mean i was talking to some of our pastoral care staff today this week we have 15 funerals 15 15 funerals death is a reality pretty harsh close to home for many of you i know it really hurts a loved one is gone a child has preceded you but there will be a day when in the presence of the one who will establish himself among us he'll so wipe away every tear from our eyes there will no longer be any death there will no longer be any mourning or crying or pain folks we don't know what that means a prescription pain medication is a billion billions of dollars in the industry you know for this for that can you imagine a reality in which there's no pain i cannot i i cannot but it's that's what our reality will be no longer any morning we're crying or pain why the first things that means all of the things preceding these things will have passed away everything that's part and parcel of your temporaryness here everything that is um that corresponds with you being in your sukkah here will pass away think about it everything aging illness pain relationship issues financial issues unreasonable employees loud neighbors whatever it is obnoxious ministers but i mean i just think whatever is part of this this reality um it will not be that reality and that's why there won't be any crying or pain the all these first things will have passed away so sukkah um reminds us of god's provision in the past his faithfulness in the present he dwells with us and oh my goodness the best is yet to come look whatever is your experience or mine and nobody should minimize your grief or pain i don't mean that i i just want to say we're going to pass through it it is not it's not the ultimate reality the ultimate reality is well it's this it's a sukkot the season of our joy hang in there but even if you can't don't worry you're being hung onto at your weakest oh god i'm losing my grip of course of course but he says i've enveloped you in my love and the father has enveloped us and his love you can't my grasp is strong my father's grasp is strong though yours may be weak just wait wait for the ultimate eternal season of our joy i told you last week we can't we shouldn't wish jewish people a happy yom kippur happy day of atonement nothing happy about it you're in trouble with almighty god but you can say happy sukkot and we could say it especially to one another happy sukkot my fellow brothers and sisters in christ the one who temporarily dwelt among us is going to bring us into his literal presence three times the trinity of amongst it says he will be in our midst he will be in our midst the first things will have passed away so we thank you lord jesus for these feasts of israel they point us to truths about you that persist in every generation and amongst all people who call upon your name for your no respecter of persons thank you for showing us all these things so clearly through israel and its holidays and all the rest but thank you so much that it is not restricted to israel by no means it's these things apply to all those who have been adopted into your family by your grace and mercy i pray there be not one person here who has refused your invitation to come to you so as to be satisfied in the inner person of the heart with a salvation experience that will leave us without thirst for reconciliation with you ever again for when once lord jesus you suffered died was crucified buried and resurrected for our sins you said it's finished it is done come to me all who are thirsty if i can use that word heavy laden i'll satisfy your thirst and i'll give you rest thank you oh god for sukkot which is simply simply a symbol of our ultimate season of joy we look forward to celebrating with you oh god throughout eternity when either we go to you or you come to us whichever comes first in any rate great things to look forward to this we pray in jesus name amen god bless you folks listen next week now that i got maria off my back we'll do another a super duper bible verses verse that you have uh suggested i'm generally trying to do this in order so keep them coming and god bless you we look forward to seeing you next time bye bye you
Channel: Sagemont Church, Houston
Views: 204
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: XOgpT7HYyuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 11sec (4151 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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