Live Rescue: Heart Attack in Parking Lot (S3) | A&E

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what's going on man i'm having a  heart attack you having a heart attack do you have someone we can call for the dog if  we take you to the hospital by android contacts   well well we can't take her in the  ambulance okay i just won't let you uh   okay well if you think you're having a heart  attack it's probably a good idea you go into   the hospital to get checked out no i i don't  want for you to drive out of here if you're   having a heart attack and then you end up  going unconscious and causing an accident   it would serve everybody right well  no it's not that wouldn't be right are you nauseated at all ma'am yes i am   highly recommend if you think you're having a  heart attack that we take you to the hospital right but what i worry about is you driving from  here and having a heart attack on your way home   if you have a heart attack no it doesn't but if  you have a heart attack when you're driving and   you go unconsciously you're driving you cross the  center line and kill some innocent people that's   what i worry about i'm not going to kill them  there's no innocent people well yeah there is fine   i'm not going to the hospital okay i i understand  that we can't force you to go to the hospital   i can drive you home ma'am just get  you to the passenger side i can drive   your car we can go home and the truck will  follow us and then they'll pick me up afterwards   if you don't because we don't want you to drive  that's basically what it is because if you have   an event while you're driving you can hurt  yourself or somebody else so i'm willing to   drive you home and they'll pick me up right after  that now if you're not feeling well why don't you   let us take you to the hospital you're all sweaty  and you're hurting like you're not going to the hospital drive home this is illegal you know what's up ma'am holding  me up you can't do this well it is legal because   i'm concerned about your health and your  well-being of driving down the road don't   you're the first person in my life that's been  concerned about me well i am concerned about you   well i'm caring about me a lot well i'm concerned  engine 20 tv aren't too important i am concerned   i don't want you to leave here and get in an  accident and something happened to you have   somebody driving home well we're going to see  both i'm see i have the pd coming right now and   see if they have somebody can do it oh my god  okay they're not getting in my car i don't care   what okay they're not getting in my car i have  a problem driving you home if you think you're   gonna have a heart attack and you wanna go home  to die i don't to have drive somebody home just so   they can die i'd rather take you to the hospital  that's what i would do go to the hospital okay   so then i'm gonna then i'm gonna let the police  department make a decision if you can drive home   okay and you can roll your window  up and they can that's fine so we'll just uh wait for pd to get here i have a concern with her driving home  saying she just wants to go home and have   a heart attack and die at home she's clearly  under distress or having chest pain and not   doing well so i don't feel comfortable  her driving herself across town   so we'll let the police farmer get here  we'll let them make a decision if they decide   you know what turn their right mind to drive  home let her drive home then it's on them so so we'll wait for the pd to get here  all we can do right that's all we can do hang on a second can i get a vehicle description petey  just got here on there they're on scene all right i think hi they can't hold these  that's what's going on boss i don't have   to go to the hospital if i don't want to well i  can't take my dog there i'm not going yes ma'am   here's the deal though okay if if fire here deems  you that you can't drive they have some concerns   with you then it's probably best that you don't  drive okay somewhere i can take you yeah i want   to go home i'll take you home how about that can  you leave your car here for a few minutes no i   i don't feel comfortable with you driving ma'am i  could take you home if you like where do you live i can take you home no ma'am i don't  feel comfortable with you driving okay   just just hang out right here i'm gonna talk  to fire and i wanna see what's going on okay   i'm trying to figure out what kind of options we  have all right okay so she so she was inside she   was claiming she was having a heart attack and  then so when she came outside she was screaming   she was having a heart attack someone called  9-1-1 we got here she said she's having a heart   attack her dog even let you know she's having a  heart attack she had a heart attack in the past   um she's having chest pain she was nauseated  she's dizzy she's sweaty all little typical things   uh we checked her all her vitals are good and  everything looks good we did patch the hospital   and doctor's like you know she's alert orange she  can she can refuse which she has a right to refuse   my concern was is is her driving home she said  she just wants to go home like showing some signs   of like she can't drive anything like that no i  just concerned about her because she said she just   wants to go home to die oh yeah and she's and she  tried to benefit she says her dog's a service dog   the poodle and she gave a paper it's basically a  prescription pad from a doctor saying that the dog   has to be with her at all times okay i don't know  if that's paperwork or not she's gonna be stubborn   i'd rather take her home i don't really want her  to drive either i'll talk to management here yeah   that's the thing is she was um i was just worried  about it about her from here to being home okay   um like i said she bent over and  she just tried to get some paperwork   and she got real dizzy okay so that's what i'm  wearing a picture of the guy hitting my car too   now if there's a dent you're paying for it he  didn't hit your car he would just hop in the   choke he hit the back he tapped the  back of your car to let you just stop   okay so i'm really concerned about your safety  and driving i would feel really really bad if   you got on the road and got into a collision man  please let me take you home i'll take you home   i'll even bring you back and get your car once  you feel a little better right now i i don't   feel comfortable that you drive home man i'm sorry  that's fine okay how about this right we'll figure   something out maybe maybe an officer can drive  your car to your house we'll figure it out okay   but i just really don't feel comfortable that  you drive home okay so you're not driving home   right now right hey i'll take you okay let me  tell you something yes ma'am go ahead i'm sorry well i'm here now i'm trying to  help you look what happened well   right side is bruce exactly your whole right side  is real so that gives you even more reason for me   not to feel comfortable for you to drive that  was because that lady in there where i live   she beat me up because i went to see you guys i'm sorry about that nowhere around when you're  not when you don't need them they're all around   you okay we'll we'll take you home how does  that sound fine i'm not leaving my car though   okay we'll figure that out okay we'll cross that  bridge will we get to just hang out for me okay oh hey hi let's see what decided to  do here with the police department see   if they can help us out here they don't feel comfortable with her driving  i'm telling her you know what i'll take you home   i'll take you i'll drive you home she said she fell she said she called my 9-1-1  last week nobody showed up i was like well i   i i find it hard to believe ma'am well she  said she fell she told you that a neighbor   beat her up yeah she told me so she told me  she fell she told him the neighbor beat her up   and you guys never showed up  she's leaving she's back now man hey just follow her if you  get any clues pull it over okay well i guess it's more of a  police issue now it's out of our hands   so there you have it she just drove off  and the pd is going to follow her home and   they're gonna follow her and do what they  gotta do now so that's where we're at with this so hey guys i'm matt eisemann  from live rescue subscribe to a   e for more videos and catch  full episodes on
Channel: A&E
Views: 244,527
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, live rescue, cops, live firefighters, live firefighter show, live EMT, Live EMT Show, live Paramedics, live paramedics show, law enforcement, ride along, fire, fire truck, fire engine, ladder, rescue, live, save lives, emergency, 911, a&e live rescue, live pd, live rescue tv show, live rescue season 3 episode 13, a and e live rescue, live rescue 3X13, live rescue se3 e13, Heart Attack, Parking Lot
Id: OPDIriIn--g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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