LIVE Q&A! Answering Your Questions about the Blackmagic ATEM Mini PRO

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[Music] you you [Music] good morning everybody thank you so much for joining thanks for being here I know this is really tough time right now and we are still going to power cord and have a good time today you might notice things are a little bit different though I am got my lights turned off I'm also doing something different with the stream today with the with a chat today so I do want to mention that I really appreciate all your while you're super chats and donations and it's wonderful but today I I cannot accept those I do not need those today there are a lot of other people who need those you need that a lot more than me today so what we're going to do today instead is I'm going to actually anything that you donate today super chat or super stickers I'm actually going to match that donation and my employer octave is going to match that as well and we're going to triple match every donation that you give today so that's something that we can do today and while we can still have a good time here so that's how I'm going to get into on on the subject of current events but we are here to talk about live streaming the ATM many all things that are live streaming and I have a few extra things as I've brought today with me to try out as well so please do consider super tech donation or you can donate directly and again I will match those as well so that said let's see who is joining us from the chat I see we have some people in here already so I'm going to going to put up that map I did that the wrong way let's go take a look at the map we've got people from oh I can't retroactively ly show your your greetings sorry but we've got Zach from West Palm Beach cam from Australia Binyam from Toronto agile gadgets from Texas yup from Istanbul Sebastian from Germany Sam from tight Hey and a whole bunch more folks awesome thank you so much for joining today this is this is gonna be a great this is a great stream a great fun fun time that we're going to have while we can from our homes here oh hi from Argentina that's awesome I think you might be one of the first folks I've seen from that far down south wonderful so let's go ahead and jump right in so first things first if you do have a question please make sure to mention my name in the chat I'm keeping an eye on the chat and it's a lot easier for me to see it if it's highlighted in orange when you mention somebody's name it highlights an orange for them so if you do have a question go ahead and drop it in the chat and highlight orange and that will make sure that I see it so and oh and look at that we have our first super chat let me make sure my lights are turned on so that they change colors - this is from Serge let me see if this is going to show up on the screen and nope sorry I can't make that much up on the screen because it's a sticker but thank you so much Serge that's $10 so again that is now $30 donated so thank you for that so let's take a look at take a look at the chat and see what's going on here we've got a first question can you chain link a 10 minutes so you definitely have 7 video sources you in fact definitely can and that's actually what I'm doing right now so what I've got here is let me switch over to my desk shot I've got my one that's streaming live here and then this is my sort of test one which I which I can use to then show different things on the screen this one is running into input 4 of that one so if I show you the multi view up here you can see I you can see me switch over this one to multi view this is my my main stream right now and then we've also got if I if I switched the HDMI out of the main switcher to input for because you know you can like choose what goes out I can choose you know my my camera one my camera two or I can switch over to the other hm mini which is then showing you showing not on this on the screen showing me on the screen the other hm and so this is now you can see cuz it's got test in the corner so my other a 10-minute and as I switch inputs over here you can see it changes on my screen so yeah I've essentially got seven inputs the way I actually have it wired up though is the way I have a wired up right now is that I actually have my camera this camera and that camera are actually split and they feed into both and that way I can actually give you I can that means I can use this camera on the back up switcher without having to have another camera around so if that makes it a lot easier for me to deal with and test things out it also means that like because of change I can actually show you the the multi view of the other switcher so if I go over to this now you're actually seeing the multi view of the other switcher so you can see I've got my my two cameras that are split into both switchers but then I've got my computer over here doing the chat and I'm actually not using the fourth input on the backup switcher here and then that graphic just like identify it so yeah totally totally can and that is a great question so we are going to go back to the chat Oh Chad says just received the mini pro this week awesome Congrats I know it takes a while to get them but you know it is worth it and it's a lot of fun once you have it candlelight production says I want to output HDMI to you live for a bondage for bondage cellular but then I wonder how will I see my multi-view yeah so that's one of the limits of the eight-time mini is that there's one HDMI port which means you can either choose about output is going to be multi view or program or one of the other sources like I was just showing you but that's that is the limit you can't have multi-view and then also app with the program over HDMI that's one of the reasons the Pro is so nice because the pro has other ways to get the video out there's the USB see there is the USB see webcam there is also you know streaming so you can stream directly from the pro if you do want to do a bonded connection with beta mini Pro the best ways is gonna be to sort of do that separately just as a network device I don't know off top my head what devices can do that but there are definitely um devices that just act as redundant network routers basically where you plug into up links and then they provide anything that connection you would plug that into the a time mini Pro and then it can stream over your bonded connection so hopefully that helps speaking of which I regarding internet connections at on location live streams can you recommend a good travel router what if they don't have a hard-line 4G or LTE modems that could work thanks so much we actually talked about this on the stream last week so there's some some good notes in there and I'm not gonna recap that too much so definitely go take a look at last week's cuz we did a deep dive actually test it out I streamed from I did like a secondary stream from my cell phone's tethered connection and I don't think I brought it with me today but I will drop a link in the chat to the router that I really like I remember what it's called it's a it's a little tiny rather it's got like three Ethernet ports and it can actually then get it can get its internet connection a few different ways so that is going to be the travel router talking at the chat for you um so it can do that a couple of different it can get its internet connection from a few different sources you can plug in an internet line to it which is obviously the best it can actually join a Wi-Fi hotspot as well or you can plug in a USB um USB modem or even your cell phone and it can use that connection as the internet connection I don't think it does bonding so it's only it's gonna just choose one of the other but it is a really fantastic device and it's very affordable for what it does cool so yeah for those of you in the chat who are saying that you're still waiting I did a video I think it was two weeks ago it should be pretty still high up on my on my list of videos how to buy an eight-time mini pro check that out because there are other ways to get one than going to the biggest store you can think of so let's see what we're doing over it where are we on the chat cam says can you explain the different ways to get a multi-view along with program out to a large screen for the audience yeah that's a tricky one because again there's only one HDMI basically you're stuck with either multi-view or your program out so if you want to have a large screen you're gonna have to do that like other other ways if if it has to be real-time that's gonna be really tricky and honestly I would probably just recommend bumping up to the next model of a time and dealing with it because the next the next model up to a time television studio that has first of all eight inputs SDI and HDMI SDI means you can do much longer cable runs and use fancier cameras and then it has multiple outputs so it has a multi view out and it has a program out it also has like an aux out which you can assign to different things so that's really a lot better and that's what I've been using at when I when I was filming conferences when conferences were happening I could feed the projector it's what I would do is I would actually have the speaker's computer running into into my switcher not directly to the projector so the presenters laptop but would be running on a really long wire back to me so that I would get the feed in the switcher and then I would actually choose what the show on the projector so I could switch between their computer or like a graphic for a prints logo or the sponsors or my own video loops feeding the projector which also means it's really nice because you don't end up with like when someone goes and stands up and plugs in the laptop the weird flicker on the screen because I just like switched to their their slides as soon as their computer synced up so you can't really do it with a time mini pro it's not really meant for that kind of environment it's just a lot more limited and if you do need to do that with a two mini pro you're gonna end up like doing a lot of going through a lot of Hoops let's say to make it actually work oh yeah if you don't need it to be real-time I guess you do have more options because you could use the streaming output to output to like a separate computer that can receive that stream and then display it on the screen it'll be delayed but it'll work you can also use the USB webcam out for that as well to a separate computer which would be a lot less silly it'll probably fine actually but that means like I said a computer and again like at the point that you're starting to add that many separate computers and devices it might be worth looking at a more serious solution for that kind of environment okay Oh Lorenzo says which software do you use to show comments this is actually a totally custom hack of like CSS I've actually just got the YouTube live chat window pulled up on this laptop here let me just switch to that it looks like this and this is like literally live chat web page this is my browser up here and I've got custom CSS loaded in here to just style it and some JavaScript that does the animations and stuff I did a show about that as well so go take a look at I think I think it's in the title is showing comments let's see and that's the same same question as before what's the solution for doing I mag image magnification when you're trying to use a 10 mini Pro that is yeah so we just talked about that I don't really do it because one I haven't had a chance to be in that kind of environment and since having the a time mini Pro since I've been not traveling you're not doing events but I I don't think I would I don't think I would use it for that okay so here is here's a good one what's your solution what's your suggestion has an alternative to the hyper deck to playback video media and that's actually one of the things I brought with me today so the hyper deck I took a look at in one of the shows and sort of talked about how it works and I love it it's great it is expensive but it does work really well one of the one of the best parts about it is that it actually integrates directly with it with a ten mini so that you can actually when you switch to its input on the device the thing starts playing immediately so you can do perfectly timed cues one of the downsides is that it's actually very loud the fans in it are very loud I'm actually gonna replace the fans in mine to see if that helps but it is still very expensive and it's really meant to be like in a rack of gear it looks like I've got a got it on the desk here so this is what it looks like and sorry lighting in here is not great yeah this is you know it's great but one of the other options is this thing and this I've got plugged in it takes a it takes an SD card or USB sticks and all this does is it just plays back video files so that thing is super cool let me actually drop a link to that in the chat so that you can take a look at it where I put the link that thing is called the nikah spec and this is the link but the way that works is it's super simple it's just like a little media player it has a lot of problems of its own and let's talk about when I would use it versus not so when we first plug it in so we can actually see it and I'm gonna plug it into fourth input on my tests which are so if I go look at if I go show you let's see I'm gonna i'm actually gonna switch to no i'm gonna switch to you the multi of you there we go so you are seeing the multi view of the test switcher and input for now is playing this video file off this little device and the reason that this is super interesting is i it has a couple of different modes so it can play videos or photos and get my other camera up there there we go and it has a little remote so what i've done is i've actually put it into this mode where it plays when it boots up it auto plays videos so what i've been using this for is at conferences i will like make a video file ahead of time with all of the sponsor logos and like a schedule on the on the page and so i what that then i do that i just like having in my box permanently as one of the inputs into the switcher which means i can at any point switch now for the live feed or on the projector in the venue it's also for like you calls use it for installations where you just want to show something on the screen and you don't want to dedicate a computer to that you just plug in the little thing into a projector or a TV and it's now you know on your on your giant screen in the venue so I've got this little graphic loader than just this very slow slow moving animation with this indiewebcamp logo and the ID what I do want to show you though is sort of why it's kind of why it's kind of weird and why I may not recommend it for every situation it's good at doing these sort of slow just ambient things that you want to just have ready at any time it's not super great at very closely timed things one it doesn't integrate at all with the M&E and it doesn't have any control other than this remote so you have to like manually start and stop but here's what gets really weird so let me make that one bigger so I'll put it over here I'm going to stop pulling the video and we're gonna get into its little menu system so it's this little it's this little like I don't know what you call it's like the it's like a smart TV without the TV right it's like a little player and it's got like a settings menu and you can choose all sorts of stuff in there oh it's somehow set to 720p I thought it was at 1080 let's switch it over to 1080 actually you know what I don't care and we're not doing anything that requires 1080 um if there were photos you could load up photos there are no photos on this SD card but so you can kind of get the idea right this is like a little clunky and not easy to navigate so if you wanted to like choose a different video file you have to go navigate through this menu in order to play something so not great for like very you know carefully timed things but it is great for just showing sort of ambient loops so you know I do like it for that oh I just saw a can't do that back to here back to here so yeah that is that is one one option and it's all it's super cheap I do recommend it for that from Jason got a super chat thank you so much and again we are donating all the super chats today and I I am my employer are matching them so every super chat you give today is actually worth three times the donations to these organizations below so thank you for that um if you again if you can't do super type for some reason I saw somebody who was having trouble with super chat because of the currency conversions if you do have a way to donate directly these organizations you can just search for them and I oh I think I forgot to put the links but I put their names in the description search with them and then just tweet me with my Twitter in the description as well and I will make sure to match that as well cool so where were we on the chat that's oh yeah the HDMI player that is a I think that's a great option for certain kinds of playback now if you do need the very carefully timed things the hyper deck is great for that someone is working on a on a software for a Raspberry Pi that can sort of emulate a hyper deck so I'm really curious to try that out and I will let you know when I do and that will be another great option because it'll the a time and he will think it's a hyper deck and it'll just be a lot cheaper than I hyper deck so I think it'll be great so looking forward to that as well and then what else there's oh yeah there's another one where's my iPad there's I only I forgot I forgot an iPad there it is and I think I I think I forgot another HDMI adapter we'll see if I can maybe I'll just show you on the screen um no it would be nice to plug it in but there's an iPad app that actually does this as well so um let me switch over to switch over to my other view here so this iPad app you can see that it's called I mix 16 pro it's got 16 buttons and you can load in video clips into it and then when you tap it it'll just start playing and this is just a little preview of what the video is but it actually outputs it over the HDMI port if you have an HDMI converter and I don't know where my HDMI converter my extra one went I don't want to unplug my laptop for that so but yeah this thing is super cool too um I'm probably gonna actually do a proper video on these because I can talk more coherently when I can actually get a chance to edit the words that I say they're coming out my mouth and I think there's a lot of good options this and this is a really this is this is pretty solid one of the really cool things about this is that if you do have it on your Wi-Fi you can actually control it not via a Thai menu directly but it does respond to OSC commands which means you can integrate it with the stream deck yeah the elgato stream deck which is the little buttons I have over here which I'm not really using yet and that's super cool too because then you can make all your your macros and controls in the stream duck and then they can send OSC commands as well to then queue up the videos so there's a lot of stuff you can go into there and the yeah but that really deserves proper video so that's on my list we'll see what I can get to it um yeah let me let me drop the name of that it's called I mix 16 and they have a couple of different versions with different like numbers of inputs and I just see that my background changed again thank you for the super chat so let's go take a look at take a look at that thank you Eric R Ian I don't know why I said Eric thank you for super chat and again I'm donating that super chat and I'm matching it and my employer is matching that as well so that is going a long way towards good causes um the yeah so I do keep my live streams posted or around afterwards I was considering not doing it but I got a lot of feedback that people thought it was helpful so I'll leave it up if you do want to go back and and watch it just make sure that you actually I do go back and watch it later because if I don't I don't mind my worry with livestreams up was that they were gonna get no views and sort of bring the channel average down and then that like affects the algorithm and blah blah blah so they've been doing okay so I'm happy to leave them up cool so where we think you physically can um okay so going back up to the comments here we were talking about the HDMI players yeah I think I covered the three that I've had a chance to use myself if you do know of any other options feel free to leave a comment later um here's one here's a question from Serge I've been trying to use the downstream keyer workaround for the overlays but I can't seem to get rid of a one to two pixel black border around the overlay that's interesting so I have noticed it's kind of hard to get this right sometimes and it also depends on how you've created the graphics so let me see if let me see if people in the chat are same thing that there's a latency with the audio and video um I'm gonna check on my end no sounds fine here so I'm gonna say that this is probably actually a YouTube glitch right now I've been seeing a lot of people having issues with streams on youtubes over the last week or so I'm assuming there's just a ton of traffic right now maybe try refreshing and that might sync it up again but I'm it's probably just in the particular stream and then coding that in in the it's somewhere in the chain that's not here and other people are having no delays on their end so usually just refresh or change the the video size that can help to cool so yeah so the downstream here with the black border um if you are making your graphics in in like Photoshop or something here I can actually just show you what I've got here let me do this and I can try it by importing it to my my test gear my test stream so I'm going to give you a view of my of my laptop and myself so this is the graphic that I've been putting in the corner and what I can I can I can demonstrate this by just like adding a silly a silly new thing on top let me just add like a like a white rectangle except that I'm going to then also give it a a fade so this this will demonstrate the problem nicely so I've got this like gradient right if I so if I export this as a as a hang image with transparency you would think it would work but there is a problem which is I'm guessing is the problem that you're having so let me go export this image okay and then I will go over to the a time software and let me make sure I'm on the test one which one of my own tests okay yeah so if I go into the my downloads folder and drag that image into a slot number two and then let's see you were looking at so down in this down on this where it says 8m and it's red what am I looking at here I'm looking at uh-huh I need to show you I need to show you the multi view but now it's too small for you to see it and my computer's not there I'd apparently don't have this routed quite right I don't have this quite set up right to show you okay I got I've got let me just switch over to me to switch over to the so you can see the multi view of the test switcher okay then we're going to load that graphic into the player so now you can see it down there and yeah okay so you can see that there's a problem and then if I like use this as the downstream keyer let me get rid of that so it's not distracting if I use the downstream here which I'm sorry you can't see except it's kind of up in the in my computer there I'm gonna fill it with the media player and this this is the secret here this premultiplied key button if I show that to you here okay we can see is something is very wrong this did not work because I checked pretty multiply key and it was not a premultiplied graphic if I turn that off it's better but here's the problem remember how I had that gradient that was nice soft gradient and it's kind of turned into I don't have a way to point oh yeah I do I can point on the on the screen see how it's turned into just a very short it's like solid white and then transparent whereas it was actually a nice fine gradient that's because this was not uploaded as a premultiplied graphic and depending on where I changed the clip it'll choose which part of the transparency was was there right so that's it that's clearly not what we want and then you know if I change change the gain and changes how much of it and this one happens to be working pretty well because it's just it's just white but you can kind of see that the little party poppers are getting a little bit translucent now as I go down so this is not the right way to do it instead if you use Photoshop and export it directly or export as the actual file format and this is what I forget the extension but if you export it directly to to the switcher we can export it to number three and then you make sure pre-multiplied alpha is is set then this will look a lot different so let's go back over to the switcher and make sure that it is loaded this should yeah so now see how see how the graphic has you know black where the transparent parts were and now this should look much better as soon as I check three multiplied Keene and there goes the grabber checking in so that's just that's the trick so if you're getting a black border around edges it's probably because of that and then this if you if you upload a graphic with proper transparency with from Photoshop using the premultiplied key option you will get the perfect you know transparent borders around all the graphics so sorry that was a lot of hopefully that was useful let's go back to here and take a look at the chat again because I'm always be nervous um I'm not looking at the chat I could just be offline for all I know um cool okay um Oh Clifford says I could see another stream I see you solved that white line under the message overlay yeah apparently I can't actually end up sick seing this because I'm just not saving it to the right spot or something um the other problem is that on the multi view monitor the there's this little gray border me switch over to that again so if you if you look at the multi view there's this little gray border which actually covers up that white line so I can't see it which is why it's on there and I have to actually like monitor program feed out in a separate monitor in order to see I could actually covers it up actually now that I'm thinking about that I wonder if there's an option for that in the multi view to turn on or off borders sometimes there are I can turn on audio meters I can turn on those but I don't see a way to choose border color or size okay good to know that is why the message has that's why there's a white underline what I would have to do is fix my macro to fix the position of the of the because the white line is actually the the it's the it's like literally this little see my cursor it's that so I just need to like scoot just need to scoot it down a little bit anyway um I will fix that at some point um not today cuz yeah anyway where were we we were Marcelo says what's the best way to bring in twitch message boxes or chats and graphics have reason to a 10 mini hardware encoding so that's what I'm doing now and the way I've got it set up is I've just I'm again I'm using this like custom CSS thing which is definitely a hack and the yeah you could make an equivalent hack probably for twitch but it may or may not work very well I haven't tried it on twitch the better option is to use software that actually properly interfaces with those api's to pull in the chat messages and then bring it in via one of the HDMI inputs that's so much like safer solution and there's a handful of those things so like you can do it in OBS you can do it in ECAM live I know those other apps that can do it as well and that the concept there though is that you would pull up the you would make like a dedicated computer to this make a full-screen version of like just a either black or like a green background and then put those put that chat somewhere in the screen where you want it beat it into a time mini and then use the keyer to remove the background um cool um okay Alan says for church streaming would you suggest a 10-minute OBS or the a 10-minute pro um I guess it depends on what sort of things you want to stream I've been having a pretty good pretty good luck with doing the chat this way so I'm happy with this if you wanted again like I was saying more complicated chats or from other sources or if you have like other fancier graphics that you want to overlay which I know tends to happen a lot with the with the church streams you you may be better off doing those overlays in software in OBS or something in which case you don't need a Timoney Pro to do the encoding so you can definitely get a lot more flexible overlays and stuff doing it in software in OBS so that might be the better option but it really depends on what your overlaying for just a relatively simple thing like what I've got here you can actually see those a mistake again you can see how your name has my hand behind it because my key isn't quite right so fiddling with that kind of stuff is a lot more tricky to get it right on the a10 mini whereas in OBS it works completely differently so it's a lot easier to do more complicated overlays okay here's a question from Aqsa film I want to simultaneously stream to YouTube and Facebook using the mini Pro built-in streaming and something like a fan webcaster how would you achieve this I don't want to use a restreamer well if you don't wanna use a resume your first of all I think it'd be fine to use a restreamer there it'sit's not that complicated of a thing but if you really don't want to for whatever reason then you've basically just answered I think you've answered your own question here the a-10 mini pro can stream to one then you would use the HDMI out to plug into like the FF and webcaster and that can stream to your other one that does mean that you don't get multi-view because then HDMI is dedicated to the program feed the other way to do it would be to dedicate a computer to do the second encoding plug in the a-10 mini Pro as a webcam into that computer and then use any software OBS would work just fine and the only it would just be a full-screen graphic of your webcam nothing else in OBS and you go alive and it would stream to your second stream and that would give you the multi-view out of the HDMI cool so Serge says is the a-10 mini Pro really the only black magic device that can directly livestream I'm pretty sure that is the case I'm pretty sure it's the first one that has a built-in HD 6 before encoder that talks over the internet the web presenter is basically like a smaller version of a 10 minute by a 10 mini it's just a webcam device with two inputs so not a lot of reason to get that anymore it's also 720 max resolution I think and yeah I don't think there's any others that have the built-in streaming hardware candlelight production says K multi-view output via USB No so the only thing that multi-view can be sent out through is the HDMI port the USB and the Ethernet port are fixed as the program output all right here's one here's a question is there any way I get this question a lot it's the only way to record to the solid-state drive or thumb drive or whatever while also using the HTML pro as a webcam the answer to that is no the USB port can do one of the other but not both at the same time and if you take them into think about it it makes a lot of sense because when you plug in a USB Drive it expects to be able to be plugged into a computer or like a host and then if you plug in a webcam the webcam also expects we plug in plugged into a host device and then if you so if you want the eight-time mini pro to be a webcam or they attend mini to be a webcam then it can't also host a USB Drive like you couldn't you can probably get things plugged in with a USB hub but it's not gonna do what you want it to do because like the things don't float right direction so hopefully that make sense media mention says hi nice to see you nice to see you too thanks for joining um so I just got to where I dropped the chat Wow okay that's a lot of chat going on because I just got to the part where I dropped in my link to the mix spec Lauren's kitchen says is there any way to delay the audio coming in from the mic input and the 8a mini pro I know as a Tim any couldn't do you think there would be a future firmware update to solve the problem right now there is no option to add audio delay in the am in either device you have to add it externally either by running the Micra camera or an external audio delay device and I'm really disappointed that there is no built-in audio delay feature I feel like that was pretty big oversight as to whether it can be shipped with a firmware update it completely depends on how much like extra memory they cram into this thing before they shipped it if there because it requires a little bit of storage to buffer the audio for a frame or two and if there isn't any storage in there because this is not a computer and there isn't any storage available in there they can't do it in a firmware update if they did cram in a little bit of extra space to wheels store things then they might be able to do it so I'm holding out hope that they do ship it in a firmware update because that would be fantastic but I'm not super optimistic about it Hisham says how can you love images into the hyper deck that works with the a-10 mini buy images I assume you mean video because the hyper deck is a video player but check out my last last week's last week's livestream because I did actually go through an example of that one of the sort of annoying things about the hyper deck actually most video players is that the frame rates and resolutions of all your media have to be the same so the hyper deck like will both will not recognizable will not show you files if they don't match the resolutions of the other files it's pretty picky the garbage truck garbage truck guy he's just trying to make a guest appearance Sebastian says receive my ATM and hiepro today German unless we're congrats that's awesome ATM setup can find on the network but ATM software control doesn't find it that is a really strange one if the a time is set up combined on the network for the ATM software control can't I do remember I was having I had a glitch with mine at my home network where it turned out that I had a network switch that was being a little bit weird and it wasn't like if I had plugged into my bat networks which nothing could find it but if I plugged it directly into the other like the farther down the chain it worked fine so maybe try swapping out network switches or Ethernet cables but the fact that the ATM setup app can find it on the network that is definitely strange so if if you go through a couple of different switches and cables and nothing works then do email blog metrics work because they do respond to that kind of stuff alright the O'Russell answered I had the same problem I statically assigned the IP through the ATM setup and was unable to control through the ATM software control that yeah that's another good suggestion is toggle between DHCP or the or static IP and see if that helps RTD says 18 Mini Pro doesn't work with the portable monitor it depends on the monitor I've had to actually mixed luck with external monitors on the ATM a so these ones I've got here are working fine so I've got like these are Dell 24 inch 1080 1920 1080 which is not 4k but I actually don't want 4k for this I want I wanted monitors that are the same as eyes as I'm brought as I'm broadcasting um these ones work fine I have a little have a little like 11 inch monitor which was great except that the ATM mini didn't couldn't talk to it I don't know why it's also it was also 1920 1080 there's just something about the frame the frame rate of resolution or something that it didn't like and I've I have had fine luck with computer monitors I've had completely fine luck with like proper camera monitors like a little small five or seven inch ones those all work 100% and then the sort of that middle tier of the like Raspberry Pi screens or like portable displays I haven't had much luck with with those there is one that I that I use at home and although it only works at 60 Hertz that's it that's the other part if you if you're if it's not working with the monitor try changing the resolution or the no but the higher the frame rate in a team you need to see if that makes it work because I have a monitor that only works with sixty Hertz but not thirty which is really annoying because I don't want to broadcast in 60 but anyway yeah um okay where was I I don't want to I don't want to get too lost in this there was a Mme beijing says when he said 11 inches there was a spark in the eyes yeah I really like the small monitors I like because like they're easy to travel with and I actually had it like mounted above the camera which was perfect so right now like I have look over here to see my multi-view which is not terrible but and then this this monitor I'm looking at my computer to the camera but I had the little 11 inch up sitting above the camera um I tried this on above the camera and it looks like I'm looking a like into the sky it's not good tim says which model are your dell monitors let me pull that up because there's like it took me a while to find these and i there's like a million dell monitors and some of them are very very close to each other so let me go look up my purchase history and find that for you okay so these these are the Dell monitors cool um choo-choo alright where are we where was I I want to go back up oh I completely missed Hector's super chat thank you so much Hector I sorry I missed that and again reminder I'm actually donating all these super chats and matching the donation and octa is matching the donations so every every super chat is a 3x contribution to the organizations listed below Hector says he's been a channel thanks appreciate it and my question is it's possible to connect an iPod into the 8a Mini Pro into one of the two mic inputs absolutely it is and that's actually what I've got here so the music if you are here at the beginning for the first two minutes I was playing music off of this little iPod into the headphone into the off the headphone jack into the 8m mini Pro it works fine um these are great because they're really cheap and you can just load music onto them and they just play forever I will say the one sort of annoying thing is that the the mic jacks on the 810 mini are kind of susceptible to interference because they're not proper balanced audio jacks so there's like a ton of crap on this desk as you can see and there's a lot of power running through it and when I have the USB power plugged into the iPod as a very faint buzz on the line and I'm sure I could fix it if I dug into it and tried to rearrange things on this desk but it was easier to just unplug the power and let it run off battery for this stream and I've had that happen with other powered devices that I've run through the port as well and that's the that's the problem with that is the problem with the sort of unbalanced you know situation where it was like an XLR or a quarter-inch the balanced quarter-inch it would be able to eliminate those um cool so yeah hopefully answers that thanks and I missed another super chat oh it's because they're the same color and that means my background doesn't change because it's the same color as before Dave thank you so much and I'm going to change the background color so I notice the next one can you please do some research for a future session on a bonded modem that works as a time mini Pro yeah that's a great idea it's a fantastic idea I will definitely do that because I think there's some really it's a really good opportunity for streaming redundantly cuz you never really wanted to spell that one connection even though I'm technically doing that right now but I do know that I could switch my so talked to my hots my phone if I needed to and only lose a couple of minutes at the stream but yeah redundancy that's a good video idea though I will do that okay where was I and O Brien Parkinson also sent a super chat I think that was when my background was T oh sorry I'm missing these thank you so much really appreciate it cool and I'm going to switch my background color to pink so that I actually noticed the next time it changes all right scrolling back up to where I left off in the chat the yeah people people are talking about the the audio delay and refreshing it should fix it that's just a YouTube thing right now and okay John says have you tried recording using just USB 3 drives I've tried several with great specs but the video glitches and isn't smooth that's really weird I have not encountered that problem I'm actually recording this right now two USB Drive just cuz I wanted to try and have a have a backup recording so and that is I haven't had a problem yet but I will review this recording and see how it goes the yeah I don't never tell you unfortunately all right where was I losing my place in the chat oh there we go I saw that change this time that's a nice way to alert myself with these from David love the channel it kind of been super helpful for my own work please keep it up thank you so much David I really do appreciate it and the yeah thanks for watching and let me know if you have any more questions okay here I was what is what audio delay Hardware not camera do you think is best um so there's a I think there's a whole bunch of different audio hardware that can do audio delay and audio delay is like a relatively simple operation that you don't really need to worry about like the best one so it's really more about the other factors that go into that decision so how much does it cost is it you need it to be portable do you need it to do other things so I have the the one that I recommend to people and again I will drop a link to this that you know I'm talking about the one that recommend to people is this bearing Beringer behringer I don't wanna say it um it's not big but it's also not small it's just got like audio and audio out it's meant to like get rid of feedback from like in a live environment but one of the things that also has as an audio delay feature in it and you can just choose like a couple of like milliseconds on here and it'll add a delay that's a good option if you only need to just insert an audio delay into your existing workflow but like a whole bunch of mixers have audio delay features built into so like once again into the digital mixer tier and that can be a good option as well because then you can actually do all your audio mixing on a physical control surface which is nice what else there's oh there's um what I do when I use it home is the zoom F I think it's a zoom F for uh yes that's the one it's not cheap I will warn you but because it's doing a lot more than audio delay right but it's a great device and it also supports adding audio delay to to any of the any of the mix that you're doing so there's a whole bunch of different options but again it totally depends on what you need it to do so like the zoom can be powered by battery the behringer can't so if that's a consideration again like those neither of those have like the large mixing interface if you need that go find your digital mixers that house the audio delay built-in there are a bunch of bunch of options which is nice okay the Dave says there's a strata iPad software work very well anyway it's easy multi-view so that's why I'm using here this is the strata macros app on my iPad and I've got buttons for things like switching camera angles so I can switch over to that angle switch to the different inputs but then I've also got some of these are running macros so I've got like the macro for showing the chat hiding the chat I can show this border hide the border and I got my other another page of macros for like when I close the show that is all this app does it all it is is buttons it's just buttons of send commands to run macros on the device it does not have a video feed or anything else the there isn't really a way to get a video feed off of the EM device other than the outputs that it's got so you're not going to find an app that can pull out a video feed from the ATM but the software itself does work very well Oh someone's asked me about the lights about how how the lights work yeah so when it's a it's a if this than that connection so that's connected into my YouTube account and it's watching the live stream and then it recognizes the color of the super tap and then sends a command to my life which are philips hue lights which I like a lot I've also got them set up on on my computer so I can of course change the color from my computer if I need to I can also turn on my actual overhead lights which look horrible in this and I've got my I got like smart outlets connected to the that backlight over there and also this big one here so these were just on little smart outlets candlelight says can you comment on the need for we've done an activity if you have a wired internet at a live event do you somehow leverage and streams bonded or otherwise um so doing bounine streams is as expensive and really adding redundancy is expensive and if you're doing that at a live event like I would definitely charge a lot more to do that if you're streaming over an events Wi-Fi connection like so that's going to go wrong guaranteed at some point and I definitely don't recommend that if you do get a wired connection from the event it'll probably be fine and but like I would make sure that your contract says like it's the clients responsibility to provide the internet connection and it's their fault if it goes down or you could offer to charge a lot more for providing a bonded you know redundant connection where then you're bringing your own LTE connection or whatever but everything I've done I've used let's see I'm trying to think I've done mote the vast majority of the events I've done in person are me running a very long Ethernet wire into their network closet and I just get a network connection from them there was one I did that I streamed over my own cell phone data plan because there wasn't a way again the Ethernet wire in where we needed to and I was streaming over LTE and it did work and I was not using a redundant connection but I I I that makes me a little bit uneasy no they back on that so if I were to do a pure wireless connection I would probably make sure to make it redundant but if you're doing if you have a wired connection to the venue I'd I wouldn't bend over backwards to make ever done it especially if you can make sure it's their problem if something goes wrong okay okay we okay we are Carter says any idea if I can resize the camera input like make it and make it smaller to fill in the downstream key so the there's two keys on the on the ATM mini and the pro upstream and downstream some of the fancier devices the fancier ATMs will have more than one of both so they're a lot more flexible but this has just one of each the downstream keyer is like the last on the stack so it's like if you think of it in layers you've got like your base video layer and then at the very top of the stack is the down string here and then the I just my background color change again that's very distracting Thanks I think that's from John buy a lot of great info great causes thank you for that John so let me go back to back to the key or discussion so we've got your base video layer upstream here and then downstream here or maybe if you wanted to go the other way so it's down but whatever it's like the last thing on the stack the downstream care can be cropped but it can't be scaled so let me switch over to my my give you my multi-view multi-view situation again so for example what are you looking at yeah okay we're looking at my test test 810 mini so we can see on the right there's my is that program out if I were to load something into the down string here like for example this with that gradient and then turn it on that's full screen there's no option in here for scaling there is mask so if I want to I can like crop crop the bottom right so I can like be like okay I want to remove that I want to remove the top I want to remove sides or whatever right so you can like crop but you can't scale it that's a limit with the downstream it's also only a luma key or pure multiply key so luma key means the you can remove the you can make the blacks transparent and then premultiplied is where you get the nice transparency with this nice gradient down here the upstream key is a lot more flexible so if we go over to the upstream here you've got first of all four different kinds of upstream gears luma chroma pattern RTVE luma being making the black transparent chroma means you can make any color transparent and then dve is where you can start doing scaling so for example I can do a picture-in-picture by taking my I'll take my computer and then it's C is like point two that's 20% so we turn that on it's 20% up in the corner and then you can you can move it around and you can also resize it you can in addition to moving it and resizing it you can also crop it so if you wanted to crop some off the end you can do that and that's how for example I can do like I can make it so that just the just the chat bit shows up so get the idea there and then you've got other options like adding a border adding a shadow shadow doesn't really show up on my black background and there's like animations as well so all sorts of stuff with DBE I haven't really used the pattern one at all chroma is where you can key out one of the colors so right now there we go working out green but it's not quite the right green so if we were to sample sample that green then turn that on now that's better so now you can see me peeking through the chat and again with chroma key you can mask or scale or move those so hopefully that answers that question and let's take a look where was I in the chat yep cool okay um I think I think there was a super shot down there I want to grab yes from Andrew thank you Andrew and again in case of anybody who is just now joining reminder that all the super chats I'm actually donating the super chat and I'm matching the super chat and my employer octa is matching that for a 3x on top of your donation to all the organizations listed below and IRS's I'm wondering about your experience with longer hdmi cables and at one point i'll need to use SDI converters any recommendations for them yeah totally ok here's a couple things so HDMI is really really really finicky um it's not a good protocol at all um and it is very much dependent on both ends and the cable so this camera for example this is my agh 5s over here this thing has a full size HDMI port it's pretty solid it can actually output over I think I've tested a 20-foot cable and it has no problem I have a small point-and-shoot camera and it cannot output a signal over the same cable length same table same length it doesn't work and I don't like it doesn't reach the 810 me if I try that camera with a shorter cable it works fine so it depends on the source device of like what it's putting out generally 20 or 30 feet is about all you're gonna get with a plain HDMI cable if you have a good source you have a good camera as the source that you're so in this ending then the other half of that is receiving end so the receiving device also it'll matter as to whether it can receive a signal that's like weaker or stronger so the but yeah generally 20 30 feets about the max of what you can get over HDMI for longer than that there's a really cool trick which is running a 80 mi signal over a fiber cable and you can just buy these cables there are fiber cables with HDMI ports on both ends and that means it converts it into light and then it sends that and decodes out the other end those I've heard I haven't tried them myself I've heard people have had good luck running those up to about 300 feet so that is a nice way to very easily extend your HDMI cable length because you don't need any other converters with SDI SDI is like solid SDI is the way to go for sure like for solid connections everywhere however 180 mini Pro does not have SDI ports and DSLRs usually don't until you get up into like the cinema camera range very expensive cameras for those you're gonna like if you don't have SDI port in your camera and your ATM then you'll need to convert to SDI and back which is another device to buy and power so I think my favorite one of those is only figure out the model number there's so Blackmagic makes one but black magics I'm pretty sure they're just one way so you can buy like HDMI SPI or SDI HDMI but decimator has one that is both so it's a little it's a little thing MD LX decimator MD LX SDI a to HDMI and this one converts both ways I think at the same time well in this situation you only use in one direction but it does mean that when you once you buy it it's a lot more flexible in the future so you can use it you don't worry about which one you've gotta both ends you can decide that you are gonna get now cameras with SDI outs and then run SDI cable to SDI cables tear a 10 mini and then convert you know to SDI to HDMI anyway it's a lot more flexible so I like that one um cool okay that is the that is the question about longer hdmi cables um anything else yeah I can think of it for that let me try to get back as soon as the white line the bottom of screen when you bring the chat annoys me is it possible to mask it yeah sure why don't we just do that why don't we just go through that exercise right now okay so let me show you what I've got and why this is why this is happening um let me go to can I do this I can't see it that's the problem okay let me go back to the real am the live one and I when I click this is gonna I have to have to hide myself hold on sorry um when I click show chat see how the software now like reconfigured itself so now we're on the luma key with the a.m. as a fill source which is my fourth input for that but over here and here's my mask so what I need to do is I think I need to bring up the bottom but I can't see it here so uh you're gonna have to tell me it's if it's right I guess if I maybe like maybe like show my slide over my no I I can't tell okay um oh I can just move it move it down maybe if I just scoot the whole thing down there we go that'll do it okay where do I write what do I have to go so it's one two three one more that should do it eleven point two okay but I can't tell if it worked because I can't because the little gray border around the program out is actually covering it up for me so I sorry if I hide chat back to picture-in-picture shield myself in the corner um it worked people are saying I worked okay so what I have to do then is okay yeah it was 11.2 so I lost that setting because I just switched off and it wasn't saved my macros now I have to go into my macro and actually properly save that and I want to do that because if I don't do it right now I'm going to forget and not put it back and then load this up when I start the show next week and it'll be back so if I go show chat here's my show chat macro dve fly position Viking why it eleven-point want to have the line eleven point two was just low enough that it hit the lion save that and I will go and actually now restore this in here so that okay it should be working now let's try it main camera and show chat oh crap okay switch my 8m to the right input this is a problem with stacking items as it gets really confusing and I don't you know actually I just realized something if I actually switched to using this stream deck as a controller I can actually have one button do things on two different a times alright now this iPad is only talking to one of the ATMs and the problem is I keep having to switch to show input 3 on the second ATM when i anyway i'm gonna set that up next time show chat hopefully it's gone let me know if that line is now there and i'm only a few seconds I had to you so I should be seeing the chat messages confirming that in a second gone okay cool great thanks for that well thanks for having me debug my my livestream great uh cool thanks for that okay candlelight if I have not seen my question limit have you tried to implement a foot pedals or other set up to help shoot and switch at the same time the the I have thought about doing this and I don't have have anything myself foot pedals are a really cool idea I should actually like I would love to do it cuz I'll be a lot easier than having to figure out where the buttons are I would least like to have just like a to camera switch or something those are all going to be like probably MIDI devices and that means that I have to run through the companion app to convert it to an 8 mm command so that's something I want to look at setting up but I haven't ever bought a foot pedal before I would actually like recommendations from people if they have a idea for a good foot pedal because yeah I've never like looked into that market before uh alright people are answering each other's questions in the chat that's awesome can you make a tutorial about the hue light yeah I could um yeah it'd be fun another good video idea again these comments I'm actually showing using a script that's running in my browser so a couple videos a couple weeks back I did a a whole walkthrough of that so go take a look at that if you're interested okay david says it's possible to show camera picture picture and the PowerPoint side by side for example quarter horizontal is the camera and 3/4 is the presentation software picture the answer is yes and the answer is no but yes let me see if I got that right um there is no way to do this in the atemi itself by itself and the reason is because like when I was demonstrating going through the key setting there's only one upstream here and the only thing that can read they can resize and move images is the upstream here so in order to get your small presenter video like talking head next to a smaller version of the slides you would need two of those and there aren't two on the a ten-minute the television studio the next model up the thousand-dollar one also can't even do that um I think they call it super source so if you find a black magic switcher and a time switch sugar with super source that can do it but those are like very expensive um but there is a way around it because you need to be able to scale to but they don't have to be done in the same device so you can use two eight ten minutes to do that side-by-side and I'm trying to think if I can do that right now I think I can I think I have a thing set up right because I got my camera going into bowls eight times so if I if I use my I use this camera in the second day time let me switch over to show you and get rid of the chat I'm going to show you the multi view so in my second ATM I'm I don't do it way to show you my computer and multi of you that's what's missing I need some rewiring here so if I I'm in my test one okay I want to I wanted to switch I want to get my program output that you're seeing up here to just sort of like shrink and move this off of the side so I'm actually gonna put a black in the background and then use the DBE to fill in my main camera and then we're going to not mask it we're going to move it so I can move myself over here over there see how I'm also smaller let me get a crop in here as well so I can instead of cropping the bottom I'm gonna crop the left on the right so that I'm like taking a bless room okay so that that's like decent crop and give myself a little room yes I'm wandering what I'm talking move myself over there okay so that means what we're looking at here is the HDMI out of this a time is now sending this graphic that makes sense so the actually the background is not gonna work in black because I'm wearing black I need to make that a color so I can use the color generator let's do orange because there is no orange in my in my shop so the so what we're looking at now is the program out of the second of my my second daytime mini is outputting this graphic so if I switch now back to like I switch to the program feed this is what it looks like so this is an input into my other a time mini and I don't have the ability to show you the multi view of that one because I have to loop back to itself but I can show you the computer that I'm using to edit the a time so I'm now look talking to the live a time mini and what I should be able to do is now a similar thing where I want to shrink this computer screen over to make room for the for the little graphic here and I'm gonna give her that border cuz that is the hideous color combination and then I'm gonna keynote the key out where it was like that one I want to chroma sample the water orange and there okay now I'm kita right and I can also again resize myself and move myself around you can see it's not quite perfect not a very good key I can probably infer that oh I used orange which is my face that was probably not not the smartest decision there but if I tighten it up a little bit it should should get little bitter okay that's you would spend a lot more time on this to make it look like a good key but you get the idea okay which means then I can show a black a color on the background and then use the oh sorry I did this wrong I don't want to key myself I want to use the downstream here instead of the upstream here okay it's wrong back up I'm gonna bring in because I can't use this this a 10 minute to scale that one which is why we scaled it elsewhere I'm using the downstream here to bring the 8m in not as a multiplied key and now we should see it over there wow that's cool I don't know what's going on here there we go okay that's a little better there we go so I said to adjust that key right okay so now we're just looking at the the other a time I can mask this so I can mask for example get rid of that right so like crop that a little bit I don't think imma be able to get rid of the oh I can clear the top in the bottom - uh there we go good enough okay now I'm not I'm not scaling that input anymore right that's what the other item is sending out of the blue or in an ATM 80s music video yeah which means I can now use the background color let's do that and now I can use my upstream keyer to bring in the computer screen and we're gonna do that by sorry you can see i'm doing i'm using the DBE key on the upstream here you'll see you in a second there it is and now i can resize and this one to get that side-by-side view okay there we go and then you just have to choose what to put in the background so you can either put a solid color in the background you can put something from your media player in the background you can put like your conference logo you could even use another HDMI and put in the background like now you can see my up my desk um so yeah that's that's really distracting sorry yeah it's a little better so this is the side-by-side view that you can get but you have to use a second ATM mini to do to do one of the scaling and then you can just crop it instead of instead of scale so hopefully that makes sense I should actually probably do a proper tutorial because this was I'm sure very difficult to watch because you can only see some of what I was doing on the computer but let me know David if that answers it cool all right we're just like cruising along here it's 11:20 and I just blew right past the top of the hour mark but I'm okay with that alright let's go back and take a look at the chat and we were here oops what's going on picture and picture is still okay so yeah it's it's it's a bit of a hack to get that to work I haven't found anything remotely close to this price point that can do anything similar though so it's not the worst idea like I said the Blackmagic switchers they do this properly are very very expensive and then the other way to do this is in some software base which occurs so OBS of course can do it no problem or there's a couple of other software switchers that can do it here's here's a good point playing music from an iPod if you are latching into Facebook if there algorithm here's a copyrighted material they will just mute your audio entirely yeah and if you're doing that to YouTube YouTube will flag it possible take it down generally don't play copyrighted music in your live streams that's the rule not a good idea at all the unfortunate part is that even if you do have a proper license like from the artists to be able to use their music like I actually like NOAA band and they sent me a pile of mp3s and they were like you can use this for this live stream I had their permission but the whole system didn't understand that which means it's still got flagged and when it's a live stream you can't like appeal it right because your life um and so the best thing to do is to use music that is not owned by labels that are part of the copyright flagging program on these content ID on you Japan or what Facebook is Facebook's is called so there's a whole bunch of people who write music for this so there's like there's like Creative Commons people will just license a music Creative Commons and then they won't submit it to the content any programs that's a great a great resource the well I I've written a couple of songs which I'm using my live stream so that I know that it's okay if you're interested in try and using some of them yourself with a couple the ones he were hearing the beginning were those I did a project a couple years ago where I wrote a hundred different very short things for intros and podcasts so take a look at that if you want these are all Creative Commons like feel free just use them in your streams I would appreciate if you let me know but whatever they're all like a minute long or so so they're not they're good for like intros and stuff there's a whole different range of styles in here there's also let me see I didn't I didn't write this question so I don't have these links handy the what's his name I'm totally blanking on there's another the guy who has a huge library of huge library of Creative Commons music somebody will will will remember and and mention his name I'm sure his stuff is great and he has a lot of different varieties as well there's also then like music licensing platforms where you can properly like license and actually like get a license to use songs that then like artists actually get paid for which is nice so that is cool I'm trying to find the link to the one here we go so okay this is a referral link for a sound stripe I use the town stripe in a lot of my videos I'm gonna drop this link in the chat this is a it looks like 20% off your first payment when when you sign up using that but I've been using them in my in my videos for a while now which is great alright so Candlelight says on copyright music if I stream of a private recital what service would not cause copyright issues recital I'm assuming you mean that there are performers performing songs that are songs they did not write that is probably won't get flagged by any of them because the Content ID content ID works on matching the actual like raw recording it probably won't get flagged however it's still not legal you still need a license from the artist from the actual composer to perform music and if you are I think there's like an exception for like private gatherings or something which is what recitals normally or fall under but if you're broadcasting it that's not really private anymore so you do need a license but that's why I like you know bands are playing cover songs have to get permission from me from the artist to perform that but it probably won't get flagged by Content ID because it's a new interpretation of the song but candlelight productions as a live dance recital oh yeah well if you're if you're playing a recording of a another song then there's no way around around that and you definitely like should properly license the song but I yeah I think someone's saying that which is the most forgiving streaming platform I definitely have seen twitch streams with music on it that is suspiciously mainstream so but yeah like you shouldn't broadcast copyrighted music okay yeah and the the the Content ID is not perfect so sometimes things do get flag even though they shouldn't have been where was I in the chat wow I'm Way behind all right John says can the rtmp Ethernet port on mini Pro be used via caster to connect to zoom I'm not familiar with caster um so you want to use USB C to record and then also connected to zoom I'm not familiar with caster but what you would need a program to do is be able to accept the rtmp stream from the attend mini and then expose it has a webcam on your computer I can imagine that software could exist you have to go into the streaming dot XML file and add it as a custom rtmp endpoint of course using the IP address of your computer so yeah that would definitely work you will almost certainly get some amount of latency so keep that in mind like I don't really know what the actual latency is of the Ethernet streaming because I'm always just pushing up to YouTube and the latency will also depend on the receiving end of that so like how much it buffers before decides to actually like commit that data so yeah I'm I would probably I would probably look for a different option than trying to go through these hoops to make this work Sam says in considering strata macros and the elgato stream deck mobile which works better with 18 mini Pro the reason I like strata macros which is this iPad app that I'm using is because the software runs on this iPad and in this iPad talks over the network to the a time mini Pro which means I do not need a computer in the middle to make this work I could actually stream this entirely without my computer on because the a-10 mini pro is encoding to the Internet and this is talking to it directly over the network I like that because it means fewer things in the way the stream duck is a USB device and it plugs into a computer and it sends messages to the computer which the computer then has special software called companion to receive those button presses and convert them into eight M commands which means your computer does need to be in the middle of that flow in order to use the stream deck stream deck mobile I'm pretty sure I've never actually used swim deck mobile with the am but I'm pretty sure it's just like a wireless interface to the computer so it still goes to the computer like that only it's actually running on the phone so I like the stability of strata macros talking directly to the ATM however as you can see I am pushing the limits of it because I have to hm minis here and it can only talk to one at a time if I was using this stream deck I can make a button on the stream deck that sent a command to both because it's going through the computer and then I can finally get my stop messing up when I bring up a chat um so that's the that's the the trade-offs hopefully that makes sense I think I think the like most things the answer is it depends and I friends on your criteria and your what your situation is okay Robert says can the ethernet streaming multicast or as a single cast only it's only one encoder it can only stream to one location so if you do want to broadcast to multiple places you will need to use something that can rebroadcast that like restream do any of the Blackmagic switchers have three to four aux outputs probably they have a lot of really powerful switchers however they get really expensive very quickly so yeah I would just take a look at the ATM black magic ATM webpage they have good diagrams on there that show the ports on the back very clearly can we use video transitions between cameras on the ATM mini Pro is it possible I don't I actually don't think it is let me check transitions DBE I guess you can know I guess you can I've never actually done it so if I show you my computer here let me get that here there we go so under the under the I get rid of that under the transitions menu if you go to DVE i that's gonna like slide this then you can slide it with media from something else so let me cue up my so if we switch from this camera to this angle to I'm looking at now is the the preview is just like the full shot it should when I fade I could do that what can I do that oh I can't use bright I can't huh okay the limit is you can't there's only one DVD there's only one like thing in there and right now it's being used for the picture-in-picture so if I switch if I turn that off and I switch to like the the wide-angle view I can use the TV or come on can I not use the TV no why can't I do that No oh yeah there we go okay because I had the the key on on the on the can't see it it's up up there I had the DBE queued up so now that the DBE is not doing anything I can use it in the transition so that when I would do the wipe it'll wipe through with my graphic okay so I think do I would obviously need to key that up better that is using the fill source of on my on my on my in the in the transition thing the fill source is a media player if you use one of the video sources as the fill source getting really meta here for example I can use the wide camera as the fill source so if I let me use the computer as a fill source so my computer screen is now the fill source now I'm sliding through with the computer screen and you can see this little bar is moving that's because my computer screen is live if you can then use the hyper deck to key of a video clip so that it's starts playing right when you get transition you could then use a video during the transition it's not perfect as you can see it'll take a little bit fiddling to get that to work well but it could work so a reset back to chat version of this cool man what did I get wrong okay I am got that I can't right here we go okay [Music] getting some other questions making sure I'm not doing anything stupid and in the chat like killing my audio I always get worried when I'm feeling many of these buttons on the table Jason says are you noticing a delay when using it as a webcam what can be done I have noticed some delays so the problem that I had problems I've seen are using underpowered computers or after the computer sort of gets tired after a while what I've got here is a this is a 13-inch MacBook Pro pretty new however it every now and then I do see like a bit of a lag in the video feed and then it catches up and this is in zoom even I and I'm pretty sure that a faster computer would would have no problem with that on this little 12-inch it can't handle it at all it just does not work at all so that's really unfortunate um the other reasons you might see the delay is the USB hub using a USB hub so the best thing to do is plug in and plug it in directly via a USBC cable to your computer on its own port not running it through a hub it takes a very expensive hub to be able to successfully actually use a hub a lot of the hubs are cheaply made and cut corners and they can't actually share that much data with them any device or if you have like something else plug into the hub like a microphone that can really cause some conflicts and that can cause them the delays so shortest connection between the ATM mini and the computer short shortest cable possible and a fast computer and then it's usually fine by the way for anybody who's just joining us if you do send me a super chat I am matching the donations and my employer is matching those donations so we are donating to these organizations down at the bottom so please feel free if you are looking for a way to show some support of these organizations right now please do feel free to chip in a few bucks or if you don't want to go through the super tap method feel free to just donate directly and to send the screenshot to me on Twitter and I will also match those um alright Carlos says great show Thanks how do you do live coding do you mirror your screen so you can see what you are typing in your own computer yeah so let me talk about what I've got set up here because this is actually set up for exactly that what you're looking at here is we're looking at here is this screen is plugged into this computer and then this is the a-10 mini screen so I can see what's going on on the stream I can see all the different camera angles and then the eye that's my computer and my computer is also mirrored into the eight-time mini and the way I did that was with um with oh I should have actually prepped this link I found a USBC dongle thingy which has two HDMI outs and the limit is or the the deal is with a Mac the Mac can't output two video feeds over a thunderbolt over a single Thunder report without special drivers but that's actually what I want so there's two HDMI ports on that sending the same signal but the computer sees that has one external screen so if I go into my splice settings it think there's only one screen plugged in but it's actually setting it to two places the big monitor here and also as an input into the FM so that way I can use the multi view I can see what I'm sending out to the stream or zoom or whatever it is but then I get my actual computer screen over here so I can actually see what I'm typing without worrying about like whether my face is covering up the corner like doing picture-in-picture or something and that's actually been working out really well and I finally got this set up in a way that I I like for that yeah cool Christian says thanks to the videos a super chat thank you so much for watching and really appreciate it alright we are coming up we're getting dangerously close to two hours which is the longest I've ever gone I think I'm gonna just go like for five more minutes and try to see if I can get through some of these other questions and try to come in at under two hours because that's a long long stream okay Chris says five or HTMI bunch 150 footers from pure link they worked great awesome okay take take a look at that I will take a look at those um I don't have this space is not big as you can see so I don't have a use for a long one right now but I am very curious to try that once I actually do need a longer HDMI cable Robert says cable link was inspected by a wire gauge of the individual conductors typically this is 28 to larger sizes are 24 and 22 the drawback is thick cables makes complete sense um yeah I've actually got this like where is it it's the one that's running into the the OL HDMI player this one is so thin and I love it because it it's like super bendy yeah like I can just you know toss it over there but it's also like only a foot long but it's great for that I don't like the tough ones are short but yeah if you want a longer ones that's not going to work so um candle light says where is that beautiful white chat line I really miss it okay I came here to Washington weight line I yeah I'm glad I got rid of it sorry okay oh yeah the role in vo2 HD is a two camera switcher that has a foot pedal that's right um it's the this is a cool switcher it's two inputs so it's just back and forth I think it also does green screen and picture-in-picture with the 2 inputs which is cool but it's way more limiting compared to a time any for sure but it does have a pedal switcher which is really nice and it'll just like ships with one so that's cool can't are you can you freeze a picture picture studying when switching to another channel and back when I have a picture picture on channel one and switch channel two of the picture is picture picture is gone yeah there's a couple ways to do this as you can see I'm doing that kind of here the way I've got it set up right now as I'm using macros so I'm I'm not using the buttons on the a10 mini itself I'm using macros which will do things like we'll switch an input and then like scale and get the position of the picture and picture just the way I want it which does have this chat is showing up for example and then so I if I if I go and switch over to my other view of the computer with a picture picture of myself or a picture picture of the other atm that was like a whole reconfiguration right of like what you what you're seeing and that's because it's done with macros um so that's one way to do it the other way is to there's a setting let me show you the I do this show you the software control what it's going okay I've gotta figure out what that is um the other thing is let's go do it on that test one in the settings no in the setup app always confusing why there's two different places for these things in the setup app one of the settings is this picture in picture kiyow kiyow drop with transition or stay on with transition if you have drop with transition set then uh we're gonna look at I'm going to show you the multi of you now so drop with transition is set which means when I go from if I'm using the buttons let's see I want to show you I want to show you the what I'm looking at at the table okay so if I use the buttons on the mini to switch take a look at the multi view right and if I've got picture and picture on why didn't that stay on that's what's supposed to stay on with transition did I just change it oh yeah because I changes to drop with transition if I change it's been a long it's been a long morning okay we're almost done if I change it to stay on with transition then with the key or with the picture picture on and I switch inputs now it's staying that makes sense okay so that has a setting to look for which is sort of the easy way to do that otherwise the macros aren't a great way to get way more control over what you're sending out on on the chat okay let's go back over to the chat white dragon manager who says what off-camera shot the microphone do you recommend for a live stream I actually really like the one I'm using right now which is this is plugged in directly to my camera and it's actually not powered which is one of the reasons I like it because it's uh it's one listening to charge and worry about keeping powered this is the mobo v XR 10 it's a tiny little thing and it is see I can just show it to you it's up there so I have to think one they make it in black also and it's just sitting right up off camera and I like this one a lot it has a good sound and it's just a eighth inch cable running into the camera uh all right a couple more couple persons but we're about ready to wrap up again if you are if you are curious about like what musing with a chat I have a previous video on that go take a look at my channel and yeah oh yeah the we tried using the Twitter API for for bringing in tweets that would totally work I could just pull data from Twitter instead the the the way I've got it here would not work because I'm using like just the way YouTube webpage but John Barker from here to record is working on building this functionality natively into h2 our graphics is that for doing graphics and live streams and that would be then easier to extend that to use Twitter so definitely a good option there's also other plenty of other external apps that can do that like ECAM live I'm pretty sure can do it but yeah cool okay um I think we are going to call it a day oh I just saw from candlelight productions I can't show it on the chat because I don't handle super stickers apparently in this little hack I've done but candlelight productions thank you for the donation again all this is being donated and I am matching it in my employers matching it so that that twenty dollars is now a sixty dollars donated to these organizations really appreciate it and yeah with that I think we're going to to wrap it up I really appreciate everybody joining today hope hopefully you had a good time hopefully got some questions answered I know this is a lot of info but a lot to go back through and watch later as well hopefully that's long of it hopefully you you know do subscribe I'm working on more videos like this I'm working on I'm taking suggestions for new video ideas do those and do some of those as well in the future so yeah thanks all for joining let's call that holiday thanks [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Aaron Parecki
Views: 9,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 27sec (6627 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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