Live PD: Verbal Judo (Season 3) | A&E

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[police radio chatter] - All right, so I'm pulling this car over. They got no tag lights. Got another guy coming in. Hey, what's going on, man? - Hey, all right. - You got your license on you? - Yeah. - Can I have it? - I can't get to it right now, because it's where my gun is. - It's where your gun is? - Yup. - OK. - Um. - All right, just hang on real quick. So your license is in there, right? - It's right in there. And my gun is right in there, too. - OK. - Is it your wallet? - Yes, in my wallet. - OK. If you want to reach it open, just grab your wallet. Don't grab the gun. - I ain't going in there. - Why? - I'm not going to go in there. [laughter] - All right. - Sorry, my gun is in there. I'm not going in there - All right, do have your registration, proof insurance? They're right in the glove box. - OK. You can grab that. There's no gun in there, right? - Nope. - OK. Can you take that? Um, yeah, so it was in the-- in the glove box. He doesn't want to reach for it, reach for his license, because his signal zero's right there. I told him you can get it, but he doesn't want to grab it. - Hm. - So what are you thinking? - Do you want-- I-- I got him for no tag light. - K. - I'm thinking maybe we'll pull him out real quick. And then I'll grab his-- I'll go a sniff on the car, see what we get-- - OK. - --and then, uh, go from there. Here, come on. Check. [dog barking] - Good boy. [dog barking] - Yeah. So he alerted to the vehicle over on the passenger side. - He's unhappy. He's saying we're illegally searching his car. - We're not illegally searching your car. - He didn't want to listen. - The dog alerted to the illegal odor of narcotics. That's why I'm searching your car. - OK, so you're-- OK. - So that could be anyone that was in the car that had the residue on them, residual odor. - You don't have anybody in the car? - No, nobody. It's just-- just me driving my car. - Just you driving you car? - Never-- never had any person ever? - Look, my car clean every week. - OK. - You find anything in there? - No, I didn't find anything. - Do you have-- huh? - You're going to do a good search. - What-- - Let's see if you find anything. I told you-- - Yeah, I always do a thorough search. - You know what? At the end of the day, he's got the tool that is the narcotic trained canine. Yogi has gone to school for how long to-- to do what he can do? Long time, right? - Yeah. - Just last night you were doing training with him. Why would-- why would we have a tool not use it? - That's fine. Look, some tools you don't need to carry. - So you don't-- you think that-- that people should just be allowed to have drugs? - No, if somebody have drug, lock them up. - How are we going to be able to find the drugs if we don't have the tools? - Yup. - You're telling us you can't carry them? - Dogs nose is stronger than ours. - Right? - No, but, you know-- - He's smirking. [laughter] Because you know I am a point. So listen, man. At the end of the day, Deputy Pini, I can tell, you doesn't like to take money out of people's pockets. - But we don't know you personally, do we? - I can tell you this right now. I think-- - Why not? We got to pull people over to do our job. But listen, man. At the end of the day, at this point, man, I don't want to waste your time anymore. I want you to have a good safe night, all right? - Take care. - Thank you for being cooperative at the end. - No problem. - Thank you. Thank you for letting me know there's a firearm in there. - Hey, no problem. - I appreciate it. - It's actually really big for us, man. We really appreciate that. - All right. - We call it verbal judo. You want to show the person respect and try to explain to them, so they kind of understand what-- what's going on. And that's what we did there, explain to him why we pulled him over, explain to him why we use the tools we use. And I think he finally came to an understanding. We were able to kind of calm him down and you just-- you got to keep your composure. You can't get upset. I mean, people are going to upset being pulled over. No one likes getting pulled over. So always got and try to use that verbal judo.
Channel: A&E
Views: 1,990,600
Rating: 4.7697368 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, live pd, live cops, live cop show, police, law enforcement, ride along, ridealong, police car, police ridealong, live pd weird, live pd dui, live pd warrant, Live PD Season 3 Episode 26, Live PD s03 e26, Live PD 2018, A&E full episodes, live pd season 3, live pd full episode season 3, a&e live pd, live pd full episodes, ae live pd show, ae live pd season 3, livd pd Season 3 clips, Live PD 3X26, live pd lies
Id: bVI_Pzaj2Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 21sec (261 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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