Live PD: Just Hope This Guy is Alright (Season 4) | A&E

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I've got an occupied 65 vehicle, looks like they're going to try to take off from me. [INAUDIBLE] They're going to circle in the parking lot right now. It's in a silver Ford Focus. [SIREN] He's legit waiting for a red light after running from us. What kind of-- 336, we are still south of the red light. There we go. [SIRENS] Watch out. Watch out. Looks like they're going to blow that. OK we're blowing through the intersection at 11th. They just went through a red light. I'm not seeing any flats right now, and it's not shown any evidence of it. So I don't know if actually spiked them or not. 10-4, yielding. So the helicopter is taking over, so they're going to call the pursuit. [INAUDIBLE] he's just now going underneath the bridge, approaching 53rd Street North. Still northbound on the Highway 69. He's approaching the north [INAUDIBLE].. Tulsa Police [INAUDIBLE]. [INAUDIBLE] Copy, there is a Tulsa police [INAUDIBLE] behind the vehicle. [INAUDIBLE] is just now passing the river. He's approaching the north, 51B. Yeah, 614, I'd get ready for [INAUDIBLE].. Police are approaching Shawnee Street. It's a busy intersection. Police [INAUDIBLE]. And he's going to come back northbound on 69. I got the cavalry chasing him now, buddy. [INAUDIBLE] for me to stick him here on 69? Yeah, 10-4. You can stick him on 69 if there's-- depending on what your traffic conditions are like. Police [INAUDIBLE] still northbound down on Highway 69, just now passing 80th Street North. He's north of the Muskogee Turnpike. 39m he is north of Muskogee Turnpike on Highway 69. [INAUDIBLE] the vehicle's pitted. That's flipped. Please do be advised 'cause he's trying to start himself. I think you [INAUDIBLE]. Everybody got cover? He's slightly moving. Let's hope this guy's all right. Car fire. It flipped upside down, and he's [INAUDIBLE].. Is he moving? Is he conscious? All right, he's conscious. Hold still, man. Straighten his neck out there and let's see if we get a good airway. There we go. Chad [INAUDIBLE]. Right now, he's breathing and has a pulse. We're trying to extricate him from the vehicle, so right now it's more of a medical situation that EMS is going to try to help us with. And then we'll deal with the criminal side of this later. [HELICOPTER BUZZING] So they're going to air evac him out of here. He's going to definitely be charged with possession of a stolen vehicle. He'll be charged with felony, they were talking about DUI as well. They'll probably draw his blood at the hospital and add charges based on that.
Channel: A&E
Views: 2,010,145
Rating: 4.885304 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, live pd, cops, live cops, live cop show, police, law enforcement, ride along, ridealong, police car, police ridealong, live pd full episode, live pd compilation, compilation, best of, Oklahoma, Live PD season 4 clips, Live PD s4 clips, Live PD season 4 videos, watch live pd season 4, live pd clips, live pd seasson 4 episode44, live pd s4 e44, live pd 4X44, live pd s04 e44, watch live pd, watch live pd A&E
Id: hDArd-9K9P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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