Live on 23/Feb/2019: How to code effectively and build a web-scraper | Applied AI Course

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okay my check just checking to see if everything is okay or not mmm just give me a sec okay folks are I think we're life just checking if everything is all right my check and basic stuff yeah things seem to be working good yeah just finally milk checks so we are just a minute away from 10:00 a.m. let's wait for a couple of minutes as other people are joining in and then we'll get started I'm just reading through the chat session here that we have just confirm that I'm audible and clearly visible can you just confirm that on the chat Hey good morning folks just wanted to make sure there is no glitches okay you said voices echoing let me just change my microphone a little is that so hmm let me just adjust it and see okay everything seems okay hey good morning folks thank you for joining us this early okay I think again it's 10:00 a.m. sharp right off let's wait for a couple of minutes we'll start sharp at 10:00 2:00 a.m. just a couple of minutes for people to join in I think that's a courtesy wait time that that we can give everyone so as many of you know the the topic of discussion today the topic of discussion today is how to code effectively and also how to build a simple web scraper again if you are a very strong programmer this session might bore you I'm just warning you up front if you're a good programmer who has been programming for a few years and you are very comfortable with programming some of what I will discuss today could bore you but if you are somebody who is who is a young computer science student or who is who thinks they're not very strong at programming or in other words somebody who's from a non computer science background who is moving into machine learning and data science some of what we discussed could certainly help you and the reason we started we picked up this topic is we have seen a few students struggle through the assignments that we have primarily because they either come from a non computer science background and hence the program many years ago or that they they have not programmed effectively for many years right or they're not programmed extensively for a few years so we thought by doing a session on this again this is going to be a very very basic session remember what we're doing is we're alternating between an advanced session and a basic session the last week we did how to build a chatbot right we went through various design choices that we have when we have to build a chatbot and things like that this week so that was most targeted towards people who are in the later stages of the course this week it's done Python probably right of course some knowledge some working knowledge of Python is certainly necessary to understand pre-decision and I'm hoping most students who are attending it or the most course participants who are attending it have either done the Python course or the Python chapters in the course or they're comfortable with Python programming in general right so anyway so it's already 10 - so let's get started so somebody was asking about what happened to the live session have that app is still there just to be clear here but we thought a general-purpose session like this which is open to everyone not just our registered students is a good idea because this is a very general topic which could benefit everyone who is who is getting into programming or who is transitioning from a non computer science or a non programming role to a programming role that's why we thought it's best to do it on YouTube so that everybody benefits basically it's not a very specific topic that we picked up of course once in a while we will do these general-purpose sessions on YouTube but in general we will be doing most of our live sessions through the desktop app that we have for all of the registered students so with that let's get started I just as usual change to that just give me a sec ok I'll simply change to the screen sharing mode take my face away so that we can focus more on the content okay I hope everything is good let me just check this once and then get going just give me a sec mmm ok I think I think things are good ok sounds good okay so this is the agenda for today let me okay so let's just okay so this is the agenda that we have for today on 23rd 529 teen the two topics that we'll cover we'll try and spend about one are on each of these topics the first topic is how to code effectively the second topic is how to build a simple web scraper again please note that we are not building a state-of-the-art web scraper because that that's that's a non-trivial task we'll introduce you to how to build us Apple web scraper using some simple code and some blogs okay so before we get started a couple of any well keep checking on YouTube also to see if there are any issues or hiccups okay okay so okay I'll also take a couple of breaks in between so that I can go through the comment section and try and answer some of the questions okay so a few announcements before we get started is primarily targeted towards the registered students so the first one is last week if you recall we have done this live session on how to build a chat bot so I'm extremely happy to see many of our students build chat BOTS using Raza dialogue flow and some simple chat BOTS that they've built using dialogue flow some of them have built it using Raza some of them even attempted the end to end conversation engines and this is very encouraging this is like feedback for us that the session we did is certainly very useful right so thank you all thank you thanks to all the students who have taken up time we've catered time to do this and we strongly encourage our students to take the lessons that you learn from these live sessions and work on top of them so that it gives us constructive feedback on how we could constantly improve the course number one number two it also keeps us motivated and encouraged when we see great results like this the second is sorry today he's a Saturday event we typically do Sunday mornings 10:00 to 12:00 this week this week I'm traveling tomorrow and I wanted to do this session without canceling it this week hence I thought we'll do it on a Saturday we'll do it on a Saturday I understand that some people because they're either college going students or working professionals have to go to work on Saturday they might miss this apologies for that but this whole session would be available on YouTube so that you can just watch it after your college or after your after your working hours at office okay sorry for a Saturday even will try and consistently do most of the sessions on Sundays unless there is a there are other constraints like I got to travel tomorrow okay so the third thing is we'll be having a new website in the next week or so we have built most of the key components of the website we have also tested it fairly decently and we will have some down time mostly night ours is T we'll announce it up front so if if you have any down time maybe one night or two nights this week apologies for that but will inform you well in advance this is to transition everything from the old website of course a lot of our students have given us feedback on how to improve the website some of this feedback has already been incorporated into the new website right and the new website is certainly very faster than the old website so we react addicted the whole system wrote every line of code from crach just to ensure that it will be faster it will be seamless and things like that but we will need some transition time to pull out all the data from the old website move it to the new website etc but we'll make we'll make announcements we'll make an announcement of of downtime during night hours ist sorry to the folks who are in or in day time who are in US and other time zones who may observe this downtime during day hours for you apologies for that but we had to pick one set of users over other unfortunately and since many users are from India we thought let's do it during night hours India time right so apologies and please cooperate on this front once the website is up we will start a new slack channel to report any bugs and improvements to the website so that our tech team can fix them one by one of course it will take some time to fix all of them but slowly and steadily we'll start this new slack channel of course all of our registered students would be would be able to access the slack channel and give us constructive feedback and report bugs and things like that so that we can so that we can fix them and iterate and get to a better website as fast as possible okay so the other major announcement is that we will be putting out this is again for registered students because some registered students have asked us that because of some work constraints or other constraints if that they're not able to attend a live session while it's happening via the desktop app could they get access to those videos so we will be putting out putting the putting out the live sessions in the desktop app only for registered students 24 hours after the completion of the live session right so we'll have a 24 hour buffer period so that people who could not attend these live sessions in person could certainly watch them 24 hours later via the desktop app okay so we got a lot of feedback on this front and we thought this is certainly a logical request of course but we certainly encourage all of our students to join us during the live session because it gives us a nice framework to interact all right it gives us a very nice framework to interact and to get your feedback and to answer some of your questions and things like that okay after those announcements let's go into how to code effectively right this this is the key topic of course there are a couple of subsections here so I'm assuming here the big assumption that I have is that you already have decent knowledge of Python all the course participants I'm assuming that you have gone through all the chapters of Python so you understand what is a variable you understand it fills conditions you you understand for loop you understand functions okay I'm not expecting you to be you know the basic construct right you know the basic things about variables I'm assuming that you know basically fills conditions basic for loop while loop right also some basic things about functions in Python similarly concepts like recursion right concepts like modules etc right I'm assuming you've gone through some of these pythons are present you have this foundational knowledge I'm not expecting you to be an expert in any way okay so the first question so before we go into it what is the objective of this session on how to code effectively right so I think after talking to a lot of students also review many assignments these are the problems that we faced and we want to help you fix them first thing is given a problem given any problem given any programming problem the first task is to break down the problem into smaller pieces break down the problem into smaller manageable pieces right that that's something that many people are not able to do of course I'm not expecting that everybody would be able to do it on day zero itself but I want to I want to guide you in the right direction on how to break down a problem also give you a lot of practice problems so that so that you can build on top of it the second thing is the core concept behind your idea course itself which is to learn to learn right no course on earth can cover everything and and all the things obviously it's impossible so what we would cover in a Pyrrhic even Python content right in a playah course what we have done is we have limited ourselves to the very basics and techniques that you need for data science and machine learning specifically we have there lots of parts of Python that we did not cover intentionally because this is not a Python code so and there are some concepts in Python and some libraries in Python that we have introduced as in when we need them right so we want to encourage your students to learn to learn using Google using function references and things like that and there's a third thing that we observe a lot amongst our students which is many students have fear of using new libraries okay if you see a new library let's say right people say ok I don't know what this library does I'm not sure what it does and in the start and start getting frightened about it and they don't even use it so I want to demystify some of these things that new libraries what is the life what is a new library or a new module if you think about it it's basically a bunch of classes and a bunch of functions that you care about that's all there is right in a nutshell this is what this is what a new library is all about if you know basics of classes and functions in Python learning a new library is just about google searching for a bunch of classes that are useful for you so I see lot of fear among students especially the non computer science to rin-chan non experienced programmers to use new new libraries so what we will do here is we will focus on all these three things of course there is obviously a lot of experimentation that you have to do there is search and you have to learn and you'll fail trust me I started programming I think when I'm in 11th class because I was studying in CBS see syllabus when we had programming I still remember the very first few programs that I struggled through them right it is only after after after awhile that I actually got comfortable with programming right I think I started in Foxboro I think there is this thing called Fox Pro and I also learned C++ probably mid 11th or 12th and of course I don't know what the classes and things like that at that point of time very basic understanding but I knew what a for-loop is what in the Phils condition is and stuff like that but it took me huh it took me quite a while to get a good grasp and to become a decent programmer who can write decent programs it's it's not like a switch that you turn it on and you have answers it's not like that it will take a lot of practice to be honest with you there are no shortcuts here as always anything that is useful skill to learn in life would not have shortcuts if it were if there was a shortcut to learn it then that skill is mostly useless right so I'll give you I'll guide you through the right path but there are no shortcuts let's be honest here ok so let's start with so I'll try to focus on all of these aspects of course we will introduce you to new new libraries and explain you how new libraries are extremely easy to pick up we'll also teach you how to break down a problem how to experiment search debug and learn basically so we'll start with some simple problems we'll go to web scraper by the end of this session okay so just a second let me see if everything is okay here on the live sessions okay okay okay somebody was also asking about SQL I'll come there so we have actually covered excusive Lea in the course we actually take IMDB data set and what we have done is we actually show you how to actually build a how to use SQL in the real world data so here is this question how to learn SQL there are many good sources there is a good source called w3schools if you're not a registered student which has some nice tutorials or if you're registered student we have lot of content on SQL itself we take IMDB data and show you and introduce you each of the concepts why are the real-world examples from IMDB data sets okay okay let's so I hope that no issues here so I will go back to the discussion itself okay so let's start with a very simple problem okay then we'll take slightly complex problem and then we'll jump to a web scraper okay bear with me I'm starting very very simple here some of you may think this is to Kadesh but this is how logic will be built right so the first problem is okay so the first question so the first product the first program is fine if they find if a if a number find if a number is prime or not okay the moment you see this okay this is a mistake that a lot of people do the moment people see this problem definition they start coding that's a bad habit unless you're a terrific coder unless you're a brilliant coder the first thing that you should try and do is break down this problem the first task that you should do here is okay I've written it here anyway very clearly write down the logic how you would find it forget about code and all of that first write down the logic on have given any number if I give you a number five how do you determine five is prime or not first get that logic right in your head write down the steps and while writing down the steps if you can write down using concepts that you already learned you learned about conditions like offense conditions you learned about while loop and for loop or functions and recursion right so basically what you're trying to do in step one is you're writing the logic if possible using the conditions that you already know by breaking down the problem into smaller components so we'll do that step by step okay first thing forget about everything let's try to explain this in English before we even use conditions functions etc right well how do I determine if a number is prime or not suppose I have a number N equals two let's say 12 or let's say 13 okay 13 I won't determine if this is prime or not what do I do I take all the numbers between two so on so forth up to 12 okay I'm giving you the simplest algorithm there are more optimal algorithms I'm not even going there okay so this is not about optimality this is about writing working code as a first step so how do you how do you determine if a number is prime or not what is the simplest way you check if each of these numbers can exactly divide your n not not so first you check if 13 divided by 2 what is the reminder okay what is the remainder when you divide 30 by two okay so you see if each of these numbers 2 3 up to 12 if it can if any of these numbers can divide your n then it is not a prime then it is not a prime right if they cannot divide then it is a prime so simply put if you were to write the logic in English you say if n is not divisible if n in not divisible by 2 3 so on so forth n minus 1 if it is not divisible then n is a prime number then n is prime right else otherwise forget about the terminology otherwise it's a prime it's it's not a prime right otherwise it's not a prime this is how we would explain it to a small kid this is the logic right I am not even going into the code right now this is simple logic right so once you've got the logic right that's that's what is important right so now we've got the logic right you got the logic right try to explain this logic using the tools that you have at your disposal what tools do you have you have the concept of you have the concept of conditions like if else you have the concept of loops you have the concept of functions let's say let's just use this simple construct of course the more car ideas like recursion classes all of those right but let's for simplicity let's just say using these example using these concepts forget about the programming language that you are coding in okay if you get this part right writing code is basically converting the logic that you got into some programming language syntax that's all there is okay so let's ignore the programming language for a while and write down okay write down using this construct so you'll say first you want to input n okay you want to input n and store it into a variable okay you want to input a number so let's write this so N equals 2 input a number input a number right of course if the number is equal to 1 1 is neither frame prime nor nor is it a non prime number so that number cannot be 1 0 there is no point in it right so you want to input a number that is greater than 1 obviously right otherwise again you want this to be an integer okay not just a number an integer now once you've got this I'm just trying to be mathematically accurate here once you've got this what do you want to do okay you want to check if n is divisible so n is you want to check if n is divisible by 2 3 4 so on so forth up to n minus 1 see the moment you want to do as check like is n divisible by something multiple they look at this by multiple values here that's what you want to do right so the moment you see something like this this should remind you of a for loop because in a for loop I can say for I equals to 2 to n minus 1 okay again I'm not writing code in any language here I'm just writing the logic that I got for some variable i from 2 to n minus 1 including 2 and n minus 1 okay if n is divisible by ie right because now your eye is taking 2 3 4 and minus 1 if n is divisible by I okay if n is divisible by I so how do you measure if the number is divisible by I or not there is something called as a modulo operator you might have learned this when you learnt about operators in Python or operators in any language for that matter okay if I modulo sorry if n modulo if n modulo I is equal to zero okay let me not write the C syntax here okay if if n modulo I is equal to zero you would say not a prime you would say not a prime right and you check it for all of them because you've already declared that it's not a crime there is nothing else to check for example if your input number is 12 first you check with two okay 12 modulo two is zero no which means 12 is exactly divisible by two you don't have to again check if 12 is divisible by 3 4 etc now it's you already declared that it's not a prime so nothing to worry then you exit ok again I'm not writing the optimal code I am writing the code that is simplest ok and at the end of this whole for loop if you have not exited what does that mean if you have not exited at the end of this whole for loop what does it mean it means your n modulo I your n modular I was not equal to 0 for all possible values of I because I is taking values from 2 to n minus 1 right so the moment this this for loop came out the moment you exited the for loop without exiting the whole program you can say this number has to be a prime because I already checked it with all the numbers between 2 to n minus 1 and in all these cases when I tried n modulo ie I never got 0 very simple algorithm of course this is not the optimal algorithm by any means so whatever done I have taken my English I have taken the concept that I wrote in English which is if n is divisible by these numbers this or 3 or this or this then not divisible sorry if it's not a little bit 2 & 3 and so and so and so then n is prime otherwise it is not prime the other way of writing this is if n is divisible if n is divisible by 2 or 3 or 4 or or any of these numbers till n minus 1 then right then n is not a prime then n is not a prime else it is a prime else it is a prime right so this is another way of writing the same thing in English so whatever done I have taken something that I've written in English and I've converted into simple code so this code is often in computer science called as pseudo code because this is actually not code itself in any programming language this is not code this is how the logic flows but remember here we have used all the key constructs we have understood the concept we have used the concept of a variable we have used the concept of a loop a for loop we have used the concept of an if write so we we have used conditions we have used loops and we've used the concept of a variable and we've also used an operator here called the modulo operator right so the key thing is first given a problem try to write it down in English the way you understand it then convert it into some pseudocode try to write this in pseudocode again this is for beginners if you're an expert you can write code directly then Russian or what tool can I use to input a number in Python so convert each of your lines of pseudocode into program enough ok so let me show you some very simple crude program that I wrote here look at this what ever done num equals 2 input this so this input function this input is a function here right helps me input a number and we'll convert that into integer so this line this line is exactly same as this line here so what am i doing I am right taking my pseudocode converting into the programming language of math choice once I have this logic I can convert into Python I got converted into C C++ any language of my choice okay then what am i doing I am saying for I equals to range to common umm which means from 2 up to from 2 so what does this range function do again we discussed this in the course and if you don't know again this is a good question if you don't know what this range function does ought to be more important if you don't know so if you don't know how to write this I diretor from 2 to n minus 1 let's assume you forgot the syntax or something like that how do you figure this out ok so let's just go to google come in that's the easiest way to do it ok so let me go here so Python sorry let me type it down here so I'll simply say Python for loop 2 to N let's say 2 to n minus 1 I'm just literally writing if I just go here okay there tons of the tons of tutorials here to help me okay so the immediately you'll see a function like this right immediately the very first Google search link shows you that if you write range 4 to 10 it gives you 4 5 6 7 8 9 so all the numbers starting from 4 up to 10 minus 1 what did I do I just Google search the question that I had on my mind I simply google searched for it and oftentimes you may not find the answer in the first search result itself you might have to read through 3 or 4 search results when you google search or you might have to modify google search result right so very simply speaking if you don't know if you do not know how to do this just Google search for it for example if you have to write code in let's say Ruby for those of you who don't know Ruby is a programming language I don't know Ruby but we can simply understand how a for loop works in Ruby by just doing the same Google search for example I'll tell you I don't know Ruby by the way hard loop Ruby okay okay there is some tutorial here let's just go and see by the way to be honest I don't know Ruby okay not at all okay this is while loop right is there a for loop in I'm just checking is there a for loop in Ruby I don't know I'm also still saying Ruby while statement Ruby while modifier Ruby until Ruby until Ruby for statement okay let's look here okay so this seems to be the syntax in Ruby for I in zero dot dot five okay so what does it do when I do this when I do though up to five including five unlike Python okay so if I were to actually write this code in Ruby where which I don't know at all I can just look at this what is it doing it is saying for I in 0.5 right then immediately what will I try I'll say for I in 2 dot dot n minus 1 I don't know if this will work in Ruby or not I actually don't know I don't know if this is right syntax also but I'll try it I'll experiment it might fail then I'll again Google search and try to find the answer right so if you are given if you have this statement and if you don't know how to write it in any programming language just Google search for it there tons of resources online to help you this is how I learned most programming languages I actually read the very basics get started right just just simply get started and get going right so okay so look at this so if I don't know this range function I'll just Google search for it and find that this range function works okay just ignore this print statement I'll come to it in a few minutes just ignore that for enough that's for debugging let's ignore that then of what I am saying how do i compute modulo operator now what is my next claim if n modulo I equals to 0 if I don't know how to compute modulo operator next question right again just a Google search away again a simple Google search of a let me just change here Python modulo operator sometimes a good example is example this type example people will tell you against a core flow is a phenomenal resource if you just do this people will give you hundreds of resources okay see it says nine percent age 2 is 1 ok it says percentage the symbol percentage evaluates the reminder somebody told me the answer right there and then right so if you don't know anything everything is mostly a Google search traffic right so the moment I realized that percentage is a modulo operator I said if this is true then print not a prime and exit if I don't know how to exit if I don't know how to exit a program again a Google search away just Google how to exit how to exit a program how to exit a program Python of course you might have to re-edit this a little but then you'll get this answer and what have you done it checks all of them if it doesn't if this program doesn't exist exit which means each this your number or n is not divisible by all the numbers between 2 and up to num minus one including num minus 1 because that's a range is defined right and hence you say it's a prime number so what have we done the 3 steps to it first grasp the concept in English try to write it in the simplest English sentence or paragraph instruct that you already know you know that there is something called a for loop you know that there is something called a variable you know that there must be some modulo operator some conditions that's all just try to convert into this once you convert into this translating that to code is trivial and you can run you can convert this to any programming language for that matter okay so the key here is the most important step is to get the logic right this is the most important step once you've got the logic right being able to translate that to pseudocode is very important once you gordon pseudocode you can translate it to any language if you know the basics of that language even if you don't know the basics of the language you can google search for it and write decent code not the optimal code but decent code okay so very simple nothing very fancy or of course I can execute this here and show you that this works obviously let's say I have five okay so I'll come to these statements I'll come to these statements and why this print statements are there okay I'll come to that in in a couple of minutes okay back to our back to our notes dock again I'll share this notes for you I'll share all the links that are here but the key thing here is write the logic and convert it into a pseudo code using conditions loops functions recursion break the problem into smaller components okay then write your code of course Google search can help you there is a third very important thing if your program is not working as expected what do you do so we have a section called debugging Python code in our inner course but there's a much much simpler thing you can just literally print and see what's happening for example but let me show you this code here let me show you this code so here while this loop is running I want to understand so this print line is here just for me to understand what's happening internally okay me hypothesizing what is happening is different from what is actually happening internally right so what do I do here I print num I print I and I print num modulo I I print these three things so that I know exactly what is happening inside this loop and I can verify what is half in this loop is it exactly same as what I think it is okay so for debugging if you if you're not comfortable with using debuggers like python debuggers etc simple print statements can help you that's how most that's how I learn to debugging at least okay so for example let's look at this okay so python is prime suppose let's assume I enter a number like 19 it says you my enter a number like sorry okay let's say you my enter a number like 19 so first what it does it says my input number n is 19 okay I'm trying to divide it by two my remainder is 1 ok then 19 because look at the code look at the code here that's important look at what I have in the code what am I printing I'm printing num I and num percentage I those are the three things that I'm printing right so if you look at if you look at them happening I'm trying to print 19 which is my number with too fast reminder is one because the reminder is 1 nothing happens right because if the remainder was 0 it would have printed not a prime and come out of that loop then I check it with 3 with 4 so on so forth with 18 none of them if you notice none of them are 0 because none of them are 0 it prints prime number so just adding simple just adding simple sorry let me ok so just adding simple print statements here can help you debug what is happening and understand what's happening internally ok so very simple stuff nothing very fancy here again some of you may be bored that this is too simple an example we'll go to the more complex examples right so this this is the crux of it so given any problem these are the 3 4 steps that you can do to actually write simple programs again now you might wonder how do I become good with programming there are no shortcuts here you got to practice you got to practice practice practice ok so this is this is a very nice link where you have hundreds of programs Python programs that you can practice there is another thing which is read other's code right you it's very good to read others code and see how they implemented it ok to learn good programming practices but just reading others code will not make you a good programmer just because you read Shakespeare just because you did Shakespeare doesn't mean that you can write as good as good and literature as Shakespeare right so you got to read others code to be able to appreciate and learn good programming practices but you can't escape writing your own code okay you cannot let let's be let's be fully honest here there is no escaping the fact that if you are not a good programmer the only way to improve is to program program program ok so let me show you this is a very nice list of examples look at this they start with the simplest of examples Python program to add two numbers that's what that's where they start okay then they keep increasing the complexity again most computer science students most computer science students during their undergraduate days would have returned this in maybe C C++ Python Java whatever it is right this is how many people learn programming in the real world okay then Python program for factorial of a number of course if you click on any one of them you will get code okay so for example if I click on this I will get some code in Python okay some explanation and some simple Python some simple code this is like a recursive code okay there is also a nitrate if code and all of that stuff okay the key the key here is look at the problem if you look at the solution you are not learning much let me tell you that first look at the problem try to write the code yourself try to write the code try to write the code yourself struggle through it that struggle is mandatory if you want to become a good programmer okay struggle through it you cannot escape this fact in the long run if you want to become a good programmer write it it is a skill it is just like swimming or it's like it's like running marathons the more you do the better you become right it's it's like learning bicycling right when you learn to cycle right exactly similar stuff the more you practice the better you become so these programs are very very simple programs and you can so write your own code once you write your own code struggle through it use print statements to understand what is happening and then read the code that they have provided also because that will give you additional data points right so there is no escaping the fact of actually programming and struggling through it that's why even in our course we want students to do assignments because that's the only way they learn about the real world and pick up these skills not just in programming okay I'll come to optimize school and all of that let's take a second simple problem okay suppose imagine I have a list of numbers let's say 1 2 1 4 6 8 suppose I have a list of numbers I want to compute the frequency of each number what is the frequency frequency basically means the number of times the number of times each each number or each element occurs in your list right that's what it is suppose you imagine you are given a list like this ok imagine you are given so this is problem too ok so imagine you're given a list okay you're given a list 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 ok 4 4 4 ok now I want to count how many ones are there how many twos are there how many threes are there and how many fours are there that's what is it's called the frequency count or finding the frequency of occurrence of each of these elements so how many ones are there so to do it how do I do it manually I go through each element I go through each element and I literally count how many times one exists right the moment you see that I'm repeating something many times it should remind you of for loops obviously right right it should remind you of for loops logically speaking so here I say one exists 3 times 2 exists 2 times 3 exists 2 times 4 exists three times how would I do that I basically counted so basically I created a new array right now you've learnt about arrays or not ok so imagine I have 4 elements 1 2 3 4 whenever I see one let's assume all of them are initialized to 0 the moment I see one what will I do I'll increment this or I'll increase this by 1 at the moment I see one I'll increment this by 1 so again I see one so what should I do I should increase this again by 1 because I have seen 1 2 times again I see 1 what should I do I should increase this by 1 now I see a 2 so this should increase by so this increased by 1 because I've seen to one more time now I see 3 as soon as I see 3 what would happen I should now increment this now again I see 2 which means this should get incremented now again I see 3 so this should get incremented I see 4 3 times so first it will become 1 then it will become 2 then it will become 3 finally now I can say yes one occurs three times 2 occurs 4 times 3 occurs 2 times 4 again occurs three times right very simple logic so of course you can write your own code so first thing what did we do we tried to solve the problem right using our own intuition first we try to understand the intuition or the law could using arrays or hashmaps right if you know hash maps or if you know as it is called in Python or dictionaries right they're also called as hash maps in other languages again we discuss this extensively in the course right and of course you you have to know for loops all right you know how you should know how to increment the value right using these logics using this you can convert the logic that we just discussed right enough into pseudocode you can convert this whole thing into pseudocode once you convert everything into pseudocode the third step is translating into Python this is the third step right of course this program is slightly trickier than the previous one but both of them are simple loops but there is an other way to solve this problem this is one way this is one way by the way in programming there is no single way to solve a problem if you ask two people to write the program very likely if they have not cheated there's a very high likelihood that they both will write very different programs right so let's see how to actually count frequencies suppose I want to figure it out of course I've thought through this logic all of that stuff very good is there another way it's always good to learn multiple ways to solve a problem because that improves your knowledge base okay so I will say frequency and say how to how to compute frequency of items in Python that's all how to count the frequency of elements in a list Stack Overflow very first question okay so somebody has this question that I have very good question exactly what we want right Google is terrific with the search results I have these numbers I want to count how many times each of these numbers occur okay so as soon as you go people have written like this is a slightly more complex way of doing it just don't read only one answer read multiple answers or here is a very simple line right if you should notice this this line is very simple there is this thing there is this module called collections or a library called collections and you can create a counter object and if you say a print counter it'll literally print how many times each of these is occurring so what has happened is there is an existing function called counter right there is an existing function called counter in the collections module which actually does that for us but let's learn more about this instead of just using the same thing it's actually learn more it's very very important the moment you realize this you should read the function definition or function reference counter and say in collections even reference okay okay so I have collections and I have counters I'm trying to do this almost live here with you okay so I have a counter here okay so let's go to counter so what does the counter do I hope this is the same collections not counter okay so a counter is a dicta subclass for counting hash table objects it is an unordered collection where elements are stored as dictionary keys bla bla bla bla bla bla bla it's always good to see code trust me okay there is nothing there is nothing better than actually of course because when when you read Python reference this is the Python original official documentation so they try to be very very accurate very very rigorous with every statement that they make so the best thing of course if you can understand this that's great but if you cannot understand this which could happen to many people because you may not know what is a subclass you may not know what is a hash table object right the many terms that you may not know so the best thing for word then is just say elections counter right examples again what are we doing great you're saying counter dot values right so the moment you say this okay on hacker rank there are some examples here okay just go through as many examples as possible okay somebody has given some nice example okay okay here is a problem okay my list bla bla bla and again when you go through examples like this things will become much more clearer for you there what is this person doing is basically creating a list and there print counter of this list so it's basically saying to occurs four times three occurs four times etc etcetera etcetera five occurs 1 times etc so that's what it is literally doing right so by just reading through example Z function reference gets hard for you the easiest way would be to read multiple examples right so of course it's good if you if you can implement this with your own logic certainly this is one way of doing it the alternative way the alternative way there are many ways of doing it by the way the alternative way is to use color Shen's dot counter and how did I know this as his Google search for it and I just didn't just Google search for it and got the code I tried to learn about how this counter works either by reading the function reference either by reading the function reference and if sometimes reading the function reference is hard then it's very be easy to actually go through many many examples to understand what's happening because this of course function reference is certainly a more rigorous way of learning it but if you don't understand it for some reason because you're still a newbie and you're still learning the basics this is one of the best ways okay so the key here is again the key here is write the logic translate that into code obviously write your debug statements write your debug print statements to understand what's happening so that you get to know what's happening literally right again there is there are no shortcuts here it's all about practice again I'll I'll provide the link to this whole document at the end of this session as one of the comments for the video so don't worry about taking notes I'll provide this whole document to you right very very important to read others code to learn good programming practices you can't escape that you can't escape writing your own code there's a very key thing that some of you who are actually good programmers might be thinking writing code effectively and writing optimized code right are two different things here what we discuss till now is writing some code writing working code writing some code that works ok writing some code that works not necessarily the most optimized code so writing optimized code would require you to note two things again in the course itself we discuss Lord structures and algorithms right we discuss about hash tables okay in the context of dictionaries we discuss about advanced data structures like KD trees right when we learn I think when we learn K nearest neighbors we learn advanced data structures like KD trees when we learn decision trees right we learn about a data structure called a tree right we also learn about various algorithms like how to search for an item right how to search for nearest neighbors using KD tree right so in machine learning also we use lot of data structures and algorithms like we learn lot of machine learning algorithms and optimization algorithms like stochastic gradient descent etc right so algorithms is a huge subject they're also classical data structures and algorithms that computer science students learn off so this will certainly help you become a better programmer okay if you have time if you are willing in if you are willing to put in the effort learning data signs and algorithms asari learning data structures and algorithms is a very good investor investment of your time to become a good programmer to become a actually very good programmer if you want to become a very good programmer in the long run it is good if you can learn data structures and algorithms and similarly to write optimized code you need to learn the language in detail for example here I don't know Ruby so I can't write optimized code because I don't know how the language works internally I can write very efficient C C++ even Java and Python code because I've spent years writing code in C C++ Java and Python and understand lots of internal details of these languages right I know of what how memory is allocated in see how memory is Delocated in see how references work in python all these program specific details I understand very well so to write optimized code you have to learn both the programming language and become good at data structures and algorithms but to write working code not necessarily optimized code you don't have to be an expert in all of them certainly knowing them is beneficial it's not let's not kid ourselves with that on time there before we go to the second part okay I'm here and let's go to the comment section okay okay let's go through some important ones okay I just scroll a little so that I can answer more okay so of course there somebody was suggesting that we can check if a number is even we don't have to do it obviously there are many optimized ways of checking if a number is prime or not I'm not denying that what we wrote is a very very simple very very simple stuff okay very very simple algorithm of course if you can optimize it using some properties of prime numbers that's certainly beneficial but let's get the basic code first and then let's do the optimized code later okay so while I'm going here some books for data structures and algorithms there is one book which I would call it literally the the best book that I've ever read in my life I still have that book right in front of me on my on my on my bookshelf this is called introduction to algorithms by Carmen leiserson rivest and stein it properly called as CLRS I think this is the best book I've ever read for data structures algorithms in my life I bought this book in 2004 in my BTech second year first semester and the book is still with me I still refer to this book whenever I get stuck from some data structures algorithms I don't know how many times I've written on it I've highlighted it it's like it's like a terrific book it's it's if you want to read a book for the destruction of Gotham's especially of course this is not like an expert level book but this book has helped me over the last 15 16 years whether I have been working at top-notch companies or as a student right so that's the best book if you want to pick one somebody's asking why not are why more emphasis on Python very simple again I've explained this multiple times on different on different videos also see Python is a more general-purpose programming language right are on the other hand is specific for statistics so certainly there are more libraries available for Python so if you're learning a language why not learn a general-purpose language you can build a web browser in Python you can build a web scraper in Python you can build literally Google search on using Python today right you can write world class code using Python and deploy it in production large-scale code of course are is catching up are is very strong with statistics not so strong with other aspects so if you are picking up a language by not Python that that's a counter-argument because Python has very good libraries for everything from basic statistics plotting tools to to deep learning whole of machine learning [Music] bite them right again don't get stuck on a language that doesn't mean are is not a good language I've used our personally a few times like I've started learning from FoxPro C C++ Java Python dotnet I've tried a little bit of pearl in between I write a lot of shell scripts I write I've written a little bit of c-sharp also and a couple of times I bet a lot of PHP code for a for a while I've for the last few years I've moved to Python and Python has become my primary programming language but if there is some library that is not available in Python but available in are I just pick it up what is there and picking up a programming language it's just a Google search away of course becoming an expert in a programming language will take time but just writing functional code if you got the logic right writing functional code is very simple it's just a Google search away we just saw Ruby a while ago right so okay so let's go ahead let's go up a little somebody was asking about the previous live session I think we sent on slack the Google Doc to all students so if you're registered student if you're not on slack please join our slack official channels and all the data we share constantly on slack it's a very very active group on an official slack so we already share I think I shared the Google Doc ten minutes after the live session so it's available for everyone to check out okay there's some general questions about applied a course I will not go into them if you have any questions about general questions about machine learning or apply to a course please call us on the phone numbers on our website I want to stick to I want to keep this session limited to how to write programs efficiently how to build a scraper I don't want to deviate into a platter a course content or machine learning and things like that okay please sorry for that okay okay any other question here how important is make ml models using libraries that's what most people do anyway I don't see anything exciting anymore yeah people have been asking me about applications of machine learning in various areas we'll do probably a different live session I want to confine this live session to writing good and good programs effective programs and to build a simple web scraper because a few students have asked us about web scrapers and okay before we go into web scraper just a quick water break for me I think we're almost an hour into it so next one or I will try to spend for web scrapers before I go into web scrape but there's a very interesting thing I won't tell you just give me a sec okay so you might wonder what is web scraping in the first place okay so I'll explain in that a little before we dive into it so again why is web scraping important we'll come to that so a very interesting way to actually build your own portfolio of projects or do you do your own case studies in machine learning very interesting way what a lot of people do is this you get data from the internet like for example you get data from Kaggle dot-com or Wikipedia or other data sources you get the data you build some machine learning models on top of it you do some data analysis machine learning deep learning models you try out multiple model shakes be in the business context you explain how to deploy the model you do all of that that's great that's certainly a very good portfolio project or a good project for you to showcase your skills in machine learning and data science there is one piece which can make your portfolio terrific okay actually brilliant which is obtaining your own data lot of times people actually obtain data from Kaggle or from other sources where people already collected the data again by the way we have done this a lot in our course case studies also there is one very interesting course case study about Amazon Apple recommendations wherein we got the data about I think a few hundred-thousand apparel products on we actually got the data from Amazon from Amazon website and built models on top of it right this data was not given to us on a plane we didn't download it from anywhere we wrote scripts to actually obtain this data of course I'll tell you how to obtain the data how we wrote it all of that in a little while but just because we have done that now imagine you have imagine you have two projects or two case studies that you've done one case study where somebody gave you the data you did all of the machine learning pieces very well okay you wrote a brilliant blog you have a nice github profile everything that's one project let's call it p1 suppose there is the second project where you did all of the machine learning part data analysis blog you did all of that very well plots everything but instead of getting the data from kaggle like in your case one you actually wrote scripts to get your own data that is case two so if you present case two as your as a case study that you have done your chances of showcasing your skills not just in machine learning but also programming at large because now people will say oh this person is not limited to just data said somebody giving a data set this person is going out there grabbing the data that he wants in a in a you know in a legally compliant manner of course I'll come to legal compliance and all in a little while so he's updating the data he's writing code to obtain the data himself and building models on top of it that showcases your skills both as a programmer as a go-getter because data was not given to you you wanted to solve a problem you went and got the data that shows you in a very interesting light of being somebody who gets the data that he or she needs very interesting so to do a great machine learning project in addition to doing all the machine learning components if you can somehow get the data that you need yourself that is like bonus points now the obvious question here is how do I get the data okay so we I hope I convinced you that getting your own data if you if there are instances where you can get your own data that adds value the immediate question is how do you get your own data obviously if the data is owned by a company let's assume the company doesn't want to share the data you should not touch it because there will be legal repercussions for it for example I'll give an example okay so there is so for example Amazon is very reluctant to share their customer review data because customer review data of Amazon is super critical to Amazon's business it is something that only Amazon has lot of customers come to Amazon because of their customer data so Amazon will stop you if you try to grab their data from their websites or scrape they did the word there is scrape scrape basically means you write some code to visit a webpage okay you write some code to visit a webpage just get the whole content on the webpage that's what is called scraping okay within scraping you have to be very very careful not to violate the policies of the website that you're scraping you have to be very very careful not divided because there will be legal repercussions for example if I write a script to simply scrape amazon's product reviews amazon has a terrific system which detects that i'm trying to do this and it will block me okay and if this case is severe there have been instances where amazon has taken legal cases on perpetrators who have already been warned but the amazon doesn't want to give you that data there are other pieces of data that Amazon is willingly is willing to share right so Amazon is willing to share the product name sometimes even the product price sometimes not always or the product availability so there are some pieces of information that Amazon is willing to share there are others which Amazon doesn't want you to have of course Amazon might share some of this information with some companies like Google for example so for example how does Google work think about it right Google literally crawls the internet which means goes to almost every webpage on the internet right scrapes the page obtains all the information in the page and stores it on their servers so that when you search for it it's able to bring that information to your disposal ok so what Google is doing is basically an internet scale web scraper but companies want to be on Google Amazon allows Google to scrape their information comfortably that's because Amazon wants their products to be searchable through Google right on the other hand Amazon doesn't want their competitors to be able to crawl and to be able to scrape the information on their web pages right so to be honest with you scraping has legal repercussions so you have to be very careful before you scrape the webpage please read the policies and terms and conditions of the website and oblige by them okay I'm being I mean very very serious here okay please don't take it lightly because I know a few companies which got shut down because of it and few individuals who are behind bars because of it okay you I know Amazon instead of taking legal actions against some individuals and companies for things like this having said that the second best way to obtain data is through you something called as ap ice we have discussed this one in one of our previous sessions so the way an API works is like this okay okay let me just explain you here with hands right suppose this is Amazon right this is Amazon servers Amazon servers say you can call a function that is sitting on a server on Amazon okay you just call this function and say I want to I want to see the top hundred search results when I search for let's say a kurta or or a t-shirt let's say my search is t-shirt for men I can just call Amazon Search API Amazon provides a search API by the way I can just call this API this API which is residing on a server gives me the top hundred search results Amazon literally lets you do this much more efficiently so if there is an API available to obtain data legally which is provided by the company or the web please use that that should be the best one so for example for our Amazon fine food reviews no for our Amazon sorry not fine food fashion discovery engine we have a we have a case study called Amazon fashion discovery engine what we did was we did the the legally compliant way we used Amazon's prot Search API we call this we call the Product Search API and said we want to we want to see the top products for t-shirts of course we call this ABA many times Amazon lets you call this API only a few times per second or a few times per minute we called it accordingly Amazon gave us the data it took us it took us like a couple of weeks to obtain all the data that we needed but we did it in a legally compliant manner right using Amazon's provided api s-- and nobody complains when you do that okay and actually operating the data using Amazon's own API is wrecked and lines of Python for literally ten lines of Python code that's all there is okay so if there are ApS please use them if there are no APs and if you still want to scrape read the Terms and Conditions and the policies of the company assuming that you are on the right side of the legal system now let's see how to actually build a simple web scraper here I'll introduce you to new new modules and new libraries there is no fear in this this is a straightforward thing okay so let me take myself off the screen okay so back to my notes okay again here we are not building an Internet scale web scraper we are building a simple web scraper I want to make that clear I'll show you two types of web scrapers right the first one is a very simple web scraper of course the web scrapers that Google builds are like again there are companies which have hundreds of software engineers they're like large companies like let's say Google right Bing Bing his own where Microsoft and other large companies which are there in the search space like Yandex which is a Russian website right similarly the large search engines right they have hundreds of Engineers world-class software engineers working on their web scrapers ok and these things actually scrape a large part of the internet and lot of e-commerce players right lot of e-commerce and even regular regular brick-and-mortar store companies like Walmart right lot of these companies lot of retail companies they're called as retail companies also scrape their competitors websites to understand the prices of products so that they can price accordingly right of course of course they have to do it within a legally compliant manner but I know that lot of e-commerce companies and regular retail companies like Walmart Target General large retailers in the u.s. they all scraped each other's websites within a legally compliant manner to obtain the prices so that Evol Mott wants to change the price because Target has some prize or amazon has some price make some complete sense for Walmart to scrape these pages in a really comprehend manner and adjusts their prices accordingly to be competitive with both ecommerce players and other offline retailers and for many of these companies there are hundreds of software engineers who might be working on projects like this right so I'm not competing I'm not saying you'll be able to build a world-class web scraper what we'll see is a very basic web scraper and we will build on top of what we learned in the first part which is how to code effectively right so we understood what is the web scraper ok so let me let me just draw a simple diagram here so I just gave you a quick overview of what a web scraper is a web scraper is basically a piece of software that you write to be able to get information or get critical data that you want from a web page okay get data or obtain data from a web page in a policy compliant manner okay the policy component part is very very important trust me okay so the second thing is use a PS if the website provides you one I'll show you an API actually I just want to show it to you so that you are clear about it so for example I get let's Google such API okay Python somebody is already filling it for me okay the moment I type this okay well I have some code here there is actually module okay this is a simple Python wrapper for Amazon product advertising API let's look at some code I can install this package okay by just saying pick install this look at some code here okay let's look at some code here what does it say I can create from as an API and of course I need some key that Amazon provides me of course all the documentation can be read here and I can say okay I can look up for a product this is the product ID the moment I look up for it it says what is the product name what is the product price all that information it gives me right so very simple so there is already somebody has taken the time to write functions on top of amazon's product advertising api and make it available for you right so just a couple of google search just a couple of Google searches away you'll get some simple code read the function documentation read more example code and just build a simple just build a simple stuff right actually we did it we did it ourselves for the Amazon fashion discovery engine a case study right so if you have AP ice many large companies would have ap ice right so try to use ap ice if the website or the company provides you one okay next let's go to a simple static system so what is a static system here so websites or web pages those of you who don't know how internet works or how they just work or some people who don't know what is JavaScript what is HTML I will not be able to go into full depth because that's like a that's like a 56 TR long detailed course in itself so I will give you pointers and I will give you a high-level overview here okay with some simple code to follow basically there are two types of web pages most web pages today are written using HTML okay it's called hypertext markup language okay so of course so the page can be a static webpage a static webpage is something where the content is static it doesn't change a dynamic webpage so there is also called as so static web pages are built using HTML there is something called as dynamic web pages ok dynamic web pages use HTML and other tools like JavaScript ok of course they would have many other tools like Ajax etcetera etcetera etcetera right so in a dynamic web page right the content in the web page the content in the web page is not static it changes dynamically and the moment okay I'll tell you I'll tell you more details when I come to JavaScript and things like that ok so for now let's build a very simple HTML page if I have a simple HTML page that is static so what happens is when your web page loads right there is some HTML code which tells you how the web page should look like there is some JavaScript code ok javascript has functions and everything like that right you can execute this function and fill in some details here right so when you actually pull so for example suppose if this is my web server ok I'm giving you very high-level overview here please bear with me suppose this is my web server ok this is my web server on which my whole web page is stored ok this is my browser let's assume this is my browser the moment I say I ask my browser to fetch a web page what does it do it brings all the it brings it brings in all the HTML and JavaScript needed and it executes the JavaScript on my browser ok to render or to display the whole page here so as soon as the web server sends me both the HTML Javascript and other pieces of information like images videos etc right the JavaScript actually runs in my web browser right the JavaScript runs in my web browser to be able to fill in some functionality or some information and create the final web page so if a web page does not have JavaScript right if a web page does not have JavaScript it is surely a static webpage which means I can just pull the HTML and everything is there okay first things first okay okay okay how should I go okay let's let's open this is a nice block okay from code camp okay this is how to scrape web sites with Python and beautifulsoup okay those of you who don't know what beautiful soup is beautiful soup is one of the best libraries is probably one of the best libraries to scrape any web page this is used extensively not just by by novices it is used even by the largest companies in the world right beautiful soup is basically like a library right it's basically a library or you can think of it as a module whatever you want to call it right it has a bunch of classes and functions which enable you to scrape web pages very easily instead of you writing code from scratch right so that's what beautiful soup is a new library that has introduced you to I'll give you a basic introduction so that you can follow up after that okay let's take a simple example this block is very good I will provide a link to this also first things first you have to install beautiful soup without that you can't do much okay simple tip install beautiful soup or if you are using Python 3 pip 3 install ok so let's understand the basic of what a HTML page looks like ok so if you have any page right let's take this page ok if I right click on it if I say view page source ok what I get enough is the whole HTML page ok can go to any page on the internet using your browser just right-click and say view source so it says this document is HTML type and it gives you this whole thing is your HTML code and there are some scripts in between ok JavaScript or whatever script it is but this whole this is what literally this is what your browser gets all of this this is what your browser gets from the web server this is what the web server sends to the browser what the browser does not is browser takes all of this code executes this code okay sorry so the browser basically takes this code executes all the JavaScript and everything that is there to show you this final page this is the final page that you see this is called the rendered page this is the actual source code the HTML and JavaScript source code behind this right so if you if you have a very simple web page let's look at this very simple web page this is the structure of a very simple web page it says the document type is HTML because hTML is the is the language or the hypertext markup language that we use to represent web pages like this okay so look at this this is called HTML tags these are called tags okay again this is a this is a vast ocean I am NOT going into too much depth I am giving you a very introductory video here okay this hedge tml so everything in between these two is what is there within your whole stuff whole HTML page this section is called the head this section is called the body of the page okay so let me show you a simple example imagine if I if I actually store this whole thing so imagine if I actually store this whole thing let's actually save this as s dot HTML okay this is this is my HTML page now if I go to my browser and if I say file there is this file open file okay I go to my home page so I go to my home folder I said test dot HTML this is what it looks like so this code that we had remember this code that we had sorry this code that we had in test dot HTML created it literally created this whole web page here let this I've sold it in my home folder press - dot HTML that's all there right so what is happening here is this sorry sorry sorry I just hit my mic sorry okay so this is how a webpage is simplest webpage is represented so what does it have it has the HTML tags what is to be there in the head of the page what is to be then the body of the page in the body of the page it says there are two pieces there is a header h1 basically means a header okay it wants a header which is first scraping and it wants a paragraph which is hello world if you want to learn more about HTML there is a very good source called w3 schools or I'll provide this link also w3 schools HTML this is a very nice set of brilliant tutorials if you want to learn HTML let me add it to let me add it to here okay I'll add a link here so that I can share this doc with you and I don't forget it this will tell you everything about what hatch KML is what each of these tags mean and things like that right just in the interest of time I'm not going to deep into how HTML works and all of that but any web page that you have is literally written in HTML and JavaScript right so having said that of course if you want to learn there is lot to learn here I'm skipping all of that now to scrape again this is this is a very nice thing mostly what I've already told you right please check with terms and conditions and if there is an API use it do not request data from a website too aggressively don't just request one page after other page because it could break the website please don't do that okay again the third thing is the layout of the website may change from time to time so you need to be very careful okay I'll show you some examples right so here in this block I'm just following the example in this block they take you to this page this is a page on Bloomberg okay Bloomberg is one of the largest finance companies in the world providing market information and stock market data okay so in I went and saw the the price value of S&P 500 I said be 500 for those of you who don't know is basically a stock of the top stocks in the u.s. top major finite stocks okay sorry so suppose if I want to fetch this information from here if I want to fix this information from here how do I fix this basically first what are the steps let's write down the steps right what are the steps that I need to follow to scrape a page ok logical steps first you have to obtain the page you have to obtain the web page first obviously without obtaining the web page there is nothing for you to scrape first you have to obtain the web page once you obtain the web page let's see you might obtain this web page by the way if I just right click on it if I just right click on it and say sorry if I right click on this what is OK what I get is the whole HTML page this is the whole HTML page behind of course huge page lots of information here almost 800 lines of HTML page and when you obtain a page right when you obtain a web page what you get here is the source what you obtain here is the source of the page like the HTML and JavaScript part right it is the HTML and JavaScript part now once you obtain the web page the second thing is you have to pin point you have to pinpoint the information that you want the data you have to pinpoint the data or the information you want you of course makes a lot of sense right you want this data so for example if I want to scrape the the price of this talk okay if I want to scrape the price of this talk let's say okay then it makes complete sense for me it makes complete sense for me that I don't care about everything else right I care only about this part the two thousand seven hundred ninety two point six seven US dollars because this is the value of their sin P 500 index you don't care about their hunt there'll be one hundred or thousand things around it this is the key information that I want to scrape and obtain right let's assume so you have to pin point to that and then you understand the structure then you understand the structure of the HTML page of the HTML or JavaScript source right because see again by the way once you understand the structure because look at this two seven nine two let's look at this right let's look at the source here two seven nine two which is ctrl F here root seven nine to the two seven nine to have this two seven nine two point what is the number here exact number point six seven there's lots of two seven nine two point six seven this data is there in so many places okay okay this data is there in so many places okay no now how do i how do I find where this exact data is okay so suppose if I want this right there is this thing called as inspect right see this is when a view source there is so much of other information that I'm not able to understand where the head is where the tail is right so what I can do here is I can right click and press inspect again by the way I'm on Chrome different browsers behave differently okay the moment I say right click inspect it says this information this information to 79 to 0.67 look at this what it says is very interesting what it says here is this information this information is stored in my HTML file under something called as class equal to price text underscore some number so if I can directly go to this place if I can directly because what I have is basically my HTML file if I can directly go to this place and obtain this information that's great isn't it what is one way to do it I can use grep remember there is grep in Python there is grep in Python grep basically helps me to search for strings in Python right so what I can do is I can use again we discussed this in the course if you don't know what is grip in Python it's just a Google search away ok you can search for this string called price text wherever the string price text exists just right after that look at this right after this wherever the string price text occurs with some number here we don't know what that number is right after that this information is present so I can grab for price text right and move a few steps away we encode encode and obtain this information and say oh I got the value that I want isn't it right very simple that's one way of doing it but the problem is grep so you understood the structure of the JavaScript and using the structure you go to the position or you go to the part of the of the file of the source file you go to the part of the source file where your information resides where the data that you want is present where the data you want where the data you want is present for example in this case we realize that this is the data that we want to scrape and this is present where at this place whenever you see class equals to price text underscore something right after that I see my price information so so you pinpoint you understand the structure of the HTML code and you say I know where to go to get the information that I want then as soon as you get it you basically cut out or you basically cut the data piece that you want you basically cut the data that you want from the web page and store it done that's all there is that's all there is to web scraping but here is a problem of course companies don't want you to just scrape their websites left and right they will put in lot of hurdles to avoid you from scraping ok like Bloomberg one of the key informations that they have is the stock price because they make they maintain a huge repository of stock prices over many years and decades actually right if you if you just go to their website and scrape regularly all the prices they're losing key information that they have that they actually sell to their clients right that's why they're they do lots of again websites for any critical information that they don't want to share with you they will try to stop you of course again grep is one way of doing it but beautifulsoup is a toolkit or is a module that is designed specifically this was again let me show you this right when this guy was writing his blog this information the S&P index then was 2022 right this information look at the class name the class name was price and not price text so this web page Bloomberg changed the name of the fields change the website itself dramatically change the names of all of these so that people can't scrape them right we saw we saw just now right that they've actually changed so many like we saw price text underscore some number right we saw price text underscore some number here they've changed the whole website and the whole structure here right so let's this code that is there on this web page zooms right this page this code that is there on this web page assumes that everything is in this format okay so what it says is this it says that this information price is available right first first there is a division so div basically means a division there is a division called basic code within the division there is another subdivision called as price container up right within that there is a subdivision called as price that is the architecture right again if you notice HTML is like a nested loop we've seen nested loops right a loop within a loop within a loop type of structure HTML is also a nested structure not a loop structure but a nested structure where if you notice okay let me let me just show it to you okay let me just show it to you so first look at look at how it looks like within this div okay there is a main within this there is an other div within this other diff other dithered a some header some div some div so there is this nested structure in all of HTML pages okay again if you really really want to be good with scraper you got to learn the basics of JavaScript and HTML w3schools is a good starting point okay so enough now how do you do it now how do you grab the price assuming that this is the structure and the structure hasn't changed so when you go to this class price right there is this thing called name class name which tells you about the stock name also so the class equals two name tells you the name of the stock that you that you're pulling information for class equals two price within the structure within this complex nested structure class equals two price helps you get the price now if we want to get all of this information of course writing grips is one way but beautifulsoup is a faster way okay so you import the libraries or this library is very interesting what this library URL Lib to does is it helps you solve the first part obtain a web page so URL Lib - URL Lib - basically helps you this is a library which helps you obtain a webpage again you could you could find that from google searching okay now it says from bs4 import beautifulsoup of course you need beautifulsoup to parse the to parse the whole thing right again there is this keyword called as Dom tree I wanted to explain that so your whole okay let me let me zoom this in okay your whole HTML page is stored using something called as a document object model where you have the whole document within the document look at this nested structure or a tree like structure this is called a Tom tree okay or a Dom nested structure what happens is most HTML documents are arranged like this where this is your HTML document within this there will be some head in the head there will be some title in the body there will be some header some element some link all of that stuff so you can think of this like a tree 3 data structure right so you can think of so this is called the Dom tree of a HTML page okay or you can think of it is like a nested tree or you can think of them like a nested structure okay so whenever you see the word Dom in web scrapers just understand that it is the way that they just the the whole HTML page is stood it's called a document object model okay I'm saying this is the page that I want to scrape this is the exact page that I want to scrape so first thing what do I do I basically say URL Lib - dot URL open so what does it do it it asks the website to return this page and this page so when it returns what it returns to you is the source it returns you the source of the page when you right click and see view source that's what is now stored in page right now once you have the once you have the whole HTML thing once you have the whole HTML file two things you can do one thing you can use grep on top of this of course but getting grab to work will be very very cumbersome the second option used to use beautiful soup because it internally uses grep extensively all right so let's go step by step first thing that I'll do here is I'll create a beautiful soup variable okay think of this as a variable and I'm saying I want a head tml parcel because I want to parse write or HTML page very simple next what I'm saying is here is very good ok this is this is actually very good now what I'm saying here is I want this so I want to find a header h1 which has this attribute called class equals to name we saw this earlier right with class equals to name I will get the whole name box okay so what is the name box here let me show it to you visually so here this is the name box this will tell me what is the name of the stock this tells me the price and we saw while going through this that h1 class equals 2 name gives me the name of the stock stock a stock symbol that I am pulling data for and class equals 2 price is giving me the information of the actual price itself so in beautiful soup what I am doing here is I am saying see beautiful soup is very simple this way it's saying I want to find H one or a header one right which has this attribute called class equal to name or I want to find this attribute called class whose value is name right the the as soon as I get that I get something called as I stored this result in a name box so name box stores only the sub Dom imagine this is my hold Dom as soon as I get this only the sub part that corresponds to this search because it's using a fine right only the sub part corresponding to it is returned as part of my beautiful soup so beautiful soup has passed all of this and returned me exactly where ever this condition is met now I've used dot strip strip basically what does it do in Python it removes all the starting and trailing stuff then I say print flame I literally will get the name of the stock knife very simple right similarly I can get the price also what will I do I will say now soup dot find find me a div right which has this attribute of class whose value is price right so as soon as I got this I'll say my price is price box dot text and I'll simply print it that's it if I know so the beautiful thing here see it literally prints these two of course this will not work if you try today because the website itself has changed using pandas do all of that is a very very very very simple example now the important aspect here let's look at what we have done okay first thing we obtain the page using URL Lib - we knew what data that we want we wanted the stock symbol we wanted the stock symbol and the stock price we went through the structure of the HTML page itself using the inspect element using the inspect element on Chrome okay we use this to go to the part of the source code and of course to actually go to the part of the source code what did we do we used beautifulsoup to go to the part and we use the beautifulsoup dot find because i know which part i have to go to because i studied the structure of the HTML code right to get this here what did I do this whole part I understood where the price which part is the price stored in which part of the name is stored in right since I obtained that information I simply cut the data that I have so beautiful soap literally simplified the whole task because it has this fine function if you were to do this using grep it would have been a nightmare trust me okay so this is a very very simple introduction to building a simple web scraper remember this is an extremely simple web scraper okay I will not claim that this is any complex thing that's why I said but this is a simple static web page right so we saw the logic if you want to learn HTML this is a great source to learn HTML we understood what is the document object model please don't be afraid to learn new libraries because if you do not use beautifulsoup building a simple web scraper will take you many many hours of effort using basic grip if you google search for it if you just google search just let me show you that Google search right if you say I want to build a web scraper web scraper Python okay a very first thing that we will get just go here just keep reading I've read like 10 15 of these right just to see which is the best and most simple source look at it everybody uses beautifulsoup for this guy is using beautifulsoup of course he's using a slightly different recalled requests to get your HTML pages instead of URL Lib - so let's look at the second guy okay this is what we are using anyway this is not something that we are using so look at some other blog right in this block he's also using beautifulsoup right so if you keep seeing if you see five or six results in if everybody is using the same library then certainly that library must be super good and super useful to achieve your task right so this is an important lesson that don't be afraid to learn new libraries as in when you need them they will simplify your life simple Google search simple Google search going through function references and reading through examples and experimenting not fearing of the failure will help you learn very simple stuff right so we also saw some simple beautifulsoup the code that I've already posted here next comes an important part what if your website is dynamic right which means your website has HTML and JavaScript and the JavaScript actually executes in the browser so what am I doing with URL Lib to look and look at what I have done earlier right with URL Lib - right so sorry let me just go here okay with URL Lib - okay with your Lib - okay I literally this coat pages here I literally obtained this web page from the server so when I obtained this so what if what should i what should I actually do the two parts first there is a there is a web server and there is a browser here right what typically happens in the first step I obtain the page in the second step is acute the JavaScript here right so in this case in the previous instance I just obtained the web page I didn't run any JavaScript anywhere because to run the JavaScript I need some libraries and some tools that the browser internally has like your Chrome browser right or your Firefox right or your internet explorer or your Safari right so all these browsers I actually have a JavaScript execution or or a basically a toolkit using which it can execute JavaScript libraries URL Lib to does not have it so in the previous instance what we did was we only obtained a page we didn't run the JavaScript to actually see the whole actual output web page so if your web page is dynamic which means it contains both HTML and some JavaScript and the JavaScript needs to be executed on your browser so that you get the final page then the URL Lib method so then this method of just operating the web page is not sufficient right so what we need is both the steps first obtain the web page execute your JavaScript executes to your JavaScript how do I do this ok once I execute the JavaScript and I get the whole source beautifulsoup still is there I am not denying that the first part is where the problem is the second part third part fourth part everything is the same it is the first part which is I am just updating the page but I am not running the JavaScript how do I solve that problem you already have a browser right your desktop or laptop already has a browser why can't I simply use the browser to execute the code so there is a library or there is a toolkit you can think of as called selenium many software engineering testers ok many software engineering testing guys ok no selenium because selenium is basically again you can write selenium code in Java or in Python obviously I would choose Python because I'm more conversant and comfortable in Python and actually selenium code is in Python is actually easier to write than Java to be honest just a second ok so if you're writing python code of course selenium can be written again what is what do you mean by that what it means is you have some libraries or you have a module which you can write which you can access in python to be able to do it so I'll show you I'll show you literally a two line code ok so this is literally a two line code ok okay so let's see this is literally a two or three line code to scrape a dynamic web page ok so what do i do first thing is from selenium input webdriver I'll explain you what this does exactly ok from selenium import keys some say some simple importing stuff here is the crux suppose if this is the I'm sorry suppose if this is the URL that I want to grab what I what I'm doing right now here in this in this few lines of code so let me just zoom this in so that it might be clear I'll provide a link to this page also this blog is pretty good here I've imported the selenium libraries that I need here I'm creating a Firefox session look at what I am doing here I am saying I want to create a Firefox session literally Firefox is there on my laptop or desktop I'll create literally a Firefox session and I'll wait for 30 second I think this this means 30 seconds if I'm not wrong or 30 milliseconds I'll have to look at the function reference but what selenium lets me do is it lets me open or start any browser of my choice it could be grown Firefox Safari edge is basically the next generation of Internet Explorer if I'm not wrong it lets me literally open any browser of my choice get the URL that I want it will also help you simulate button clicks I can literally click on a button right suppose if I want to scrape Google don't try to do that Google will block you very quickly okay so I need to enter some search query press enter then I'll get a bunch of results and if I want to scrape these results what selenium lets me do is selenium lets me open a Firefox window selenium helps me open a Firefox window give me give it the URL that I want wait for a while enter whatever I want in a field press the Enter key it will get some result that result it will give me the page it will give me this page after running both HTML and JavaScript because look at it what is selenium doing selenium is literally using the Firefox browser Firefox browser internally has has libraries and dual kids to execute JavaScript code so by using the browser that I already have selenium gives me humongous amount of power especially for dynamic web pages okay in addition to just one and two selenium also helps you do actions on webpages actions like button clicks right it will enable me to do button click right it will enable me to to enter something like I know that it's very simple to write selenium scripts where you can give your username and password selenium code can actually incur them login to your Gmail scrape the Gmail page obtain all the information that is there on the Gmail page and present you on your own app it can do that okay of course you have to be careful that Google might block you if you try to do that too often okay but it's possible to write some code like that right so selenium is the trick again selenium is a huge library people spend a lot of time becoming experts at selenium but for our use case you just have to know the basics of selenium those four five lines are all all you need in selenium all you need to know is how to use a browser the moment you use a browser and you obtain the data using the browser because the browser internally has a Java Script a JavaScript toolkit to execute JavaScript you got your HTML page and you have your JavaScript finally you get the result this result you can now pass it through beautifulsoup and obtain whatever data you want right so basically what we have done using selenium we have replaced URL Lib too with selenium right and the reason for doing that is selenium can execute JavaScript it can also help me perform actions which URL Lib too cannot do you are a little bit you can just simply get me the HTML source because it doesn't have a JavaScript executed right so if you want to do dynamic websites where there is JavaScript components that need to be executed in the browser selenium is the way to go but don't be fearful of selenium like it's not rocket science if you don't if you want to perform something if you don't know just google search for it it's just a Google search away that's how I learnt selenium by the way so my team of course not me but a bunch of very smart engineers in my team actually use selenium to crawl a large large number of webs webpages on the internet for some internal project in my own team right so and what we did trilled it was we use selenium it's a terrific piece of software or terrific piece of libraries as I should call it them right so there is a third aspect which I did not cover here which is websites that obfuscate websites that constantly change that constantly change to avoid to avoid browser to avoid scrapers to avoid scrapers from pulling information from them this is a very interesting challenge because for example we saw just now right when we went to the bloomberg page right the name of the class itself might change from one request to other requests okay let me just show that to you okay so that you can better appreciate it okay there is a Bloomberg page this page right okay let me just open it again here so let's see so this you I say inspect what is the value that I get here - 79 - right what did I get here let me see what is the name of this thing okay it says price text so let's write it down what does it say price text I'll just write it down here it says price text underscore one eight five three one eight five three e8k five this is the whole name of the class this this last section looks to be a random number right I think they generated this so that scraper it so as to make life harder for scrapers because I typically end up using the whole name of the class right to obtain this piece of information now by generating random numbers here I'm assuming it's a random number we'll test that right the class name that I need to actually pull this information becomes harder okay so let's see let's see so we have this name sorry where is this okay we have this right so let's go to a new page let's go to this again i refresh the page here let me inspect it what will I get here if I inspect it what would I get here okay so know the name is the same okay so they're doing some form of randomization not exactly randomization but they keep these names somewhat random so a lot of websites lot of websites what they do here is because they want to ever but they want to avoid their people they want they constantly change they constantly change the names of the clerk names of your div or names of your headers they constantly change and make the whole page extremely dynamic so that scrapers can't obtain them this is an extremely hard problem for which again there are multiple solutions it's it's like a cat-and-mouse game okay it's like a cat-and-mouse game where one person tries to do one thing the other person tries to do the other thing so I hope you got a sense of how web scrapers work again to be honest I have not gone into too much depth this is just an introductory session I hope going through these links and following the methodology where you are constantly writing the problem writing the logic behind problem and Google searching can certainly help you write so let me just add let me just add this HTML thing here so that when I share this document it will be much easier for everyone right so yeah so I'll go to the live live view for a sec for a for a few minutes that we have enough okay so let's just see what comments we have okay so how to know whether a page has JavaScript or not obviously you can run the you can run the code through selenium and you can just get URL Lib and see if the HTML code is different very simple check right you can also get data using get of URL yeah so you can always do that obviously get is another way like URL Lib the many ways to get a web page URL Lib is just one method of doing it yeah so the question here is can i scrape javascript rendered web page without using python selenium yeah there are there are ideas called I mean there are some advanced methods wherein you don't require to actually start the browser itself you can let get you can simply get the whole source code and take so again this is something that I know a few people have tried what they have done is they in Firefox they have broken down the because Firefox is open source right so what they do is this they don't have so they make a hole through the biscuit retrieve or remove the functions within Firefox which executes the JavaScript code right so it actually executes the JavaScript code for you and very interestingly very interestingly just a second I hope I am life is checking that yeah the screen is on me so what they do here is so they have taken the whole Firefox source code the pull out the information they pull out the JavaScript executing system that they want they pass the JavaScript through that it will result in some result they will take that result and use it to build a final web page instead of actually because if you have graphics right because what does Firefox do Firefox takes the whole thing renders it graphically then graphical rendering if you're building a real Italy web-scale web-scale scrapers and when internet scale scrapers and crawlers right you can have you can save a lot of computational effort by avoiding some of this right so somebody is asking about Python having too much in competitive programming taking too much time complexity I think to be honest Python code is pretty decent I know I have participated in some hacking or whatever you call it comparative programming stuff and Python is one of the most favored languages certainly there are people who write it in C C++ but if you write the right algorithm using right data structures using the right complexities it shouldn't really matter I mean Python is pretty good of course if you are going to internet scale extremely critical applications Python is slow like if your difference between if it's a life and death situation or if it's like a millisecond gap if you have if you want extremely low latency systems at internet scale C C++ nothing can even touch it or if you want something in embedded systems right so you have let's say a heart recoupment which measures your heart rate or something which needs to be very very which means run extremely efficiently on a very simple hardware right in those situations also probably code is written in C C++ and not invite them right so okay so let's go here okay I'm just going to just great I'm just crawling through all of all of all the chats here to see if there's anything because it's I see very interesting stuff that people are asking questions and answering they're also so that's a that's a very good very good that's a very good thing hey so what I'll do here is I'll provide the link to this notes right under this video as the first comment and I will pin that comment so that everybody can watch it I'll just share the notes here itself so that even people who are non registered students can also check out the check out the PDF of this or the Google Doc version of it so that's all I had I think and very nice to see a lot of students putting in their knowledge sharing their knowledge that they have and most importantly answering questions back and forth thanks a lot for that and I hope see the objective of today's X today's live session was to teach you how to write how to break up code and do some simple stuff of course some of you may have gotten bored but I thought there are some students who need that helping hand that's why we did the first part the second part is to give an introduction to web scraping right of course web scraping is a massive area those just on web scraping that would be like at least at least a 20 hour content right because there's so many nuanced details have to go explain HTML files first we have to go through JavaScript next because those are foundational stuff right then we understand libraries like selenium in lots of detail we understand beautifulsoup in lots of detail so what I wanted to give you today is a flavor of the whole thing so that you can take it forward and learn just the way we did in the last session the last live session I gave you a flavor of rasa also gave you some introduction to dialogue flow and some introduction to n2 and conversational engines and some students actually took up that that feedback those those hints and the the path and actually built some very interesting things and I hope some of you actually can build some interesting tools some interesting scraper so if you build interesting web scraper or a simple scraper please share it with us and we'll try our best to give you some feedback on it and our ways to improve it and it's also very encouraging for us in doing these live sessions so I think we are short on time we are almost done just a couple of minutes here I want to thank everyone who participated in this live session both registered students and non registered students I hope this has been at least partially useful if not tremendously useful so at least some parts of it you will take away with you and use them in your day to day programming or day to day building web scrapers of data science and machine learning thank you all thank you all for your time and it's my pleasure always as always to do these live sessions I will announce the next live session topic again next live session will be a slightly advanced topic and for all the registered students we'll announce that at least a few days in advance again we'll try and do it mostly on Sundays and not on Saturdays as I started earlier and yeah that's all that's all for today have a have a good weekend get some time with family enjoy yourself also happy programming and happy coding thank you folks bye-bye have a good weekend
Channel: Applied AI Course
Views: 12,684
Rating: 4.921824 out of 5
Keywords: #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, AI, Big Data, Web Scraper, How to Code Build A WebScraper, livestream
Id: EYzTeb_VXoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 41sec (7181 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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