LIVE on 1st March 2020: Using Web-APIs in Python for ML

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I'm just trying to go live give it give me a couple of minutes right let's just see if everything is working all right as we expect okay I'm just trying to see if everything is as expected just give me a couple of minutes okay I guess I'm life yeah I can also hear myself fairly clearly so no issues whatsoever hey good morning everyone so yeah let's wait for others to join in as usual I've come a little early a very good morning folks thanks for joining in as usual I've come little early just to ensure that there are no technical hiccups before we get started since I'm little early we'll start the session just after 10:00 a.m. so if you have any question a I in general right so that other students who have joined the live session also would benefit hey good morning folks thanks for joining in so somebody says he's a BSC stat student what could be the average compensation that he can expect again as a BSC stat student I'm assuming that your your statistics knowledge is pretty good but you also need to be pretty good with programming because I am assuming that in BSC stats you may not have encountered as much programming as as as a typical BTech student would be and typically in the industry if you are coming from a BSC type of course right you are typically expected to a master's degree because a BTech is like a four-year course while BSC in India is a three-year course so my recommendation of course you can get jobs with BSC also I'm not saying you can't but you will most likely get data you most likely start your career with a data analyst type of job unless you are brilliant right again the compensation itself will depend on both your ability to solve real-world problems your depth and of knowledge and those are two things that matter a lot but in general what we recommend BSC students is to also pursue masters like an MSC in statistics or MCA in computer science etcetera so that because recruiters typically ask for a 4-year degree or more a BSC is typically a three year degree but again it is possible for you to get a data analyst type of roles but your compensation will be slightly on the lower side as compared to an MSC stats or MSE math or MSE physics or MCA etc right so so I would recommend you pursue a master's program and that only learn machine learning AI and also preferably become good at programming because I've seen lot of stats folks who are brilliant with statistics mathematics etcetera who lack programming ability but for a data scientist you need to be good at both right folks please don't please don't spam by repeatedly posting the same question it's very distracting both for me and most importantly for the other students please don't do that so somebody says hobbies a Friday or different from is it's a very different league all together again we have many students from Iasi who join the a a course in a typical master's program at IAC you learn lot of again at an institute like IASE when you pursue a master's degree the focus is lot on Theory there is lot of focus on theory to be honest with you at IAC one of the most important lessons I learned was advanced mathematics and how to read a research paper the practical aspects of machine learning itself I learnt in the industry to be honest I mean I still remember my early days in the industry where I didn't know how to solve real world problems even though I knew all the mathematics behind many techniques right so what is C teaches you is gives it gives you very strong foundational mathematical and theoretical knowledge and of course you also learn not just a subject you learned it subjects like data structures algorithms operating systems you know and maybe a distributed system scores you learn a wide spectrum of courses because in two years you have so much bandwidth to do and most masters programs in India are very focused on theory not as much as practical aspects that's why we have lot of students from ISC other major IITs both students pursuing BTech and M Tech and especially M Tech in in areas like AAA etc because the university the professors at University are phenomenal with Theory right so they learn theory from the University they learn some of the theory and most importantly the applied aspects the real-world problem-solving skills from the AAA course so I would look at both of these as complementary and not in conflict with each other so okay so what are the next questions here okay so I I didn't understand this question how to learn NLP from beginning to advanced again NLP is just again there is there is a classical NLP right which which typically is covered in university courses where you start with stemming stopping all of that stuff but today in industry a lot of NLP is done using both classical techniques and very importantly state-of-the-art deep learning techniques right so the best way to learn NLP is to start with learning machine learning and deep learning because that is almost the foundational stuff on which most NLP techniques can be easily built on top of for example I have never taken an NLP course myself even in the university but I've learned most of it on the job because I had a very strong foundational machine learning and deep learning knowledge right and again the cutting edge of NLP is all deep learning it's all techniques like attention models transport modes bird etc again many of them recover as part of our course itself as a non computer science student how to improve programming skill it's it's fairly simple programming is just like let's say going to a gym ok or reading how do you become good at reading you become good by doing it over and over and over and over and over again even when I remember learning programming in my eleventh class if I'm not wrong because I was in a CBSA curriculum where we had computer science or programming as one of the subjects so the the only way I became good at programming even I really enjoyed programming even in my eleventh and twelfth even my BTech days or even after that the only way people become good at programming is by solving lots and lots of problems by writing code so first step is always writing lots of programs again we have as part of either a a course itself in a Python module that we have we have lot of optional assignments especially targeted towards non CSC students who are not comfortable with programming right I strongly recommend if you are coming from a non programming background please solve all of them so that you become comfortable with you have to become comfortable with programming because it is like it is like reading alright see you in your career you have to be good at being able to read anything that is given to you I think programming is such a foundational skill for the for your career now whichever career you're whichever career path we are taking then it is almost like a core skill that's why even schools are encouraging I see a lot of schools who are starting basics of Python programming from sixth grade onwards right so I strongly it's only through practice number one but after having done lots of practice the second step is to read others code that's another strategy that works phenomenally well and I have learned how to write beautiful code how to write code elegantly by reading other solutions these are the two steps that you have to do day in and day out you only become unless you're super smart which most of us have not let's be realistic there you become good at programming through practice there's nothing beats that okay so okay I think this thread has gone too far away I cannot keep track of everything again whatever questions I could not answer here please feel free to shoot an email to team and apply day occurs we will try to answer as many questions as possible because there is a specific theme behind this live session itself right so I would like to focus on that specific theme itself again we'll start in a minute or so and it's impossible for me to answer this huge thread of questions but anything that I could not answer but you want an answer please shoot an email to premultiplied any course and we'll try to answer as soon as possible I will take one more question then we'll start the session yeah so somebody says what about pi torch especially people who are in deep learning pi torch is certainly a very popular and fairly widely used deep learning library itself as part of the course we focused more on tensor flow and caris primarily because we wanted to pick one okay of course we will probably do a live session on introduction to PI torch also so that people who want to used by torch also can get started with it but we had to pick one to write all of her codon and both both these both tensorflow again Karras is now deeply integrated into tensorflow so let's call everything tensorflow plus Kara's as one bucket and PI torches are the bucket again patrasche is used for production in companies like Tesla Facebook etc tensorflow Kerris is used in production like companies like Google so both of them are very very production ready there are thousands of researchers working and using these toolboxes every now in their just that one is built at Google the other is built or maintained and contributed by folks at Tesla and Facebook so you can pick and choose again I have not used PI touch I've used by touch and it's early days I haven't used it much more recently but I have used tensorflow Kara's again you can pick any one of them better still if you know the basics of both of them you should be able to read code of either tensorflow Kara's school or the or the Python school right it's good to know both I know the basics of both but I'm not used by touch myself in in practice a lot as much have used Kara's intensive flow so just my bias but you can pick any one of them both of them are being used by thousands of researchers and on like crazy production systems okay guys so since we have just over shorter we just passed them let's get started with the live session itself I have some notes that I've prepared i'll also focus I'll just go through the notes quickly but I'll focus more on the code itself let's do line by line code walkthrough today okay so let me share the screen I hope everybody can see the screen let me just refresh it to make sure that everybody can see the screen okay so okay so this is what I had in mind I've just written some notes but before that let me just see if everybody can see if you can you guys can you guys just come from can you just can you guys just come from if you're seeing the live session or not okay you're seeing the screen right so that's good I just wanted to make sure so I let's try to spend as much time I'll just go through this note and once I go through this notes I'll also go through line by line of code right I wanted to do a code walkthrough but before we go through a Code walkthrough let me just give you a couple of interesting and important pointers so the the the topic today is using web APs in Python for machine learning and we'll do it for two primary tasks right so the first primary task is using pre-existing models using models built at companies like Google right so this is the first task that we will solve okay how can they use the speech-to-text again I'll take the specific example of speech-to-text model that Google provides as part of Google Cloud API right and how do we use it that's the first thing the second thing that we'll see is how to obtain data again data is is the new oil right without data you don't have machine learning and deep learning models so we will use Bing through is your API again Bing is the second most popular search engine through a your API right Azure which is also owned by Microsoft so is Bing so we use the is your API to get search results for a given keyword so again we will do both image search and text search so these are the two things again here you'll know how to use Google Cloud or especially the the API part of Google cloud and you'll also learn how to use the API part of a jar that's that's the whole agenda there also some assumptions that I am making so again my biggest assumption here is you know how to write code in Python you know how to write code in Python you know what is an ipython notebook right again I will be using Google colab extensively today because it's easy for you to copy it and run it in your own Google account right instead of you having to install there are no installation headaches that way right of course you get you can run this notebooks download them run it on your own desktop or laptop that's fully possible but giving you a Google collab type of an helps you run it out of your Google Drive without any installation headaches right so this is these are the fundamental assumptions that I am making that you know Python you know what is an ipython notebook and you know a little bit about color even if you don't know too much about collab I will give you some quick intro to collab itself collab is again a tool by Google very very powerful very popular being used extensively by many students enough okay now the agenda is threefold right first is what is a Web API again many of you know about Python functions I'm assuming that you know Python right so I'll try to compare and give you a very high-level overview of what a Web API is there are a lot of internals of how Web API is who are using using rest using using XML right you're using service-oriented architecture all of these things I'm not going to go into all of the more technical or software engineering aspects of it I'm going to give you an intuitive idea of what a web api is and that intuitive idea is sufficient for the code walkthroughs okay I'm not going to go into the software architecture stuff because this is not a software architecture or a software design course okay as long as you know how to use web APs you're cool right so the so I will give you a brief introduction to what Web API sir then I'll go through a code walkthrough where we will take speech and will convert speech to text using google chrome API okay this will be a code walkthrough then there is another code walkthrough which is how do you collect data using Bing the Search API which is available on Asia these are the three things that I wanted to do first let's understand what is the Web API so that we can take the learnings from this and learn and actually go through the code right so let's go let's go step by step quickly so we all know what function calls in Python right how does a function call work imagine this is my Python code some lines of code here I'm calling a function f with a parameter which is or arguments or parameter called Sreekanth which is a string here so as soon as I call this function what happens see this line is executed this is executed this line is executed this line is executed as long as a call this function what happens it goes to wherever the function definition is right it goes to this this recount is now copied into this variable name called name into this variable name called name and whatever is there in this function is executed at the end of it my control comes back to this line itself this is a function calls work again when you're running function calls what's happening this code is in your computer this this this calling function this whole calling code is in your computer this called function is also in your computer very often okay so all of them are in the same computer right of course this function could be in a different folder or in a different library that's all okay but both this and this are on the same computer okay that's the important part typical function calls in Python okay you can think of API as also a fancier version of a function call that's it what is a Web API so again there are many types of ApS web a pairs are the most popular and most widely used so how does a Web API work let's understand that step by step let me change the colors a little okay let me use this color okay suppose imagine if this is a code that I have okay so this line is executed executed executed executes I'm calling this function f now when I call this function f what happens the control goes here this Shrikant is copied to the name variable and then again there is some body of the function right where I execute this I execute this I execute this so in a Web API what happens is this this is very interesting in a web a period you want to run again to send to complete this so there is a chunk of code here there is a chunk of code here okay through which you want to call again remember that this function this code snippet and this are on the same box so let me draw a bounding box here okay so these two are on the these two are on the same computer this is your local computer let's say okay this whole thing is on your local local computer now this function will make a request okay it will make a request to a web server okay this web server could be located anywhere on the internet remember this is your desktop this is any web server it could be Google surfer it could be Amazon server it could be insured server doesn't matter okay the way it works is this function let's call this function as f APM okay this is a web AP this our Web API works so this function f now makes a request so this works using a request response type of system and this request is sent using HTTP protocol typically what is HTTP HTTP is a protocol that is used to access web pages okay if you go to any web page you see HTTP colon slash slash so hedge TTP is the web based protocol for looking up at web pages now the same HTTP protocol is used to call a function on a web server this function is sitting on a web server so I request when I make a request I can also send some parameters I can also send some some parameters to this function these parameters will go into this function this whole function will execute whatever is the output of this function comes back to the calling code now remember this request is sent via the internet using HTTP again HTTP is the most popular you can do it with other protocols also this these are typically called as web a place because you are using a web based protocol you are requesting see you know the best protocol what do you do typically in HTTP you request for a page and the server sends you a page here what I doing Eirik you are sending a request to execute this function with some parameters of your choice or some some arguments of your choice and this sends back a response this response is typically sent back using formats like JSON XML etc again Jason being one of the most popular ones okay there is also XML again in our in our Python videos in our in our course we have discussed about JSON XML etcetera right so this is how this is the basics of how web apis themselves work again we have done an earlier live session where we discussed about how to build a web api your self using flask using flask and how to deploy it on a SS this is the live session that we have done earlier right so in this live session we are not going to discuss how to build a behavior we are going to learn how to use a web api now in this whole system there is also one more layer called security now what is security security basically when I'm making a request to the web server think about it when I go and request for a web page I could send my username password credentials to log into a web page right similarly for for web api s' okay there is something called as an api key okay so there is something called as api keys that you send along with your request along with your request you send api key to tell exactly who you are because some of these API s-- will charge you there's there is a chargeable amount for every for every function call that you make because this is being again where is this function f api running it's running on the web server imagine if it's running on the Google server Google is spending money to execute that function for you right so Google could charge a small amount just to ensure that you're the person whom it should be charged there are some API keys so API keys are used mostly for security and billing purposes right I hope this this picture is clear again we will see this example we will see this actually working in practice okay so let's go step by step this is a big are big big idea behind web APs it themselves now let's dive into Google speech-to-text okay so the most important thing that you have to remember or learn is this whole system in that ok so let me show you this the most important thing here is this this is your calling function this is the this calling this function this function will call a function sitting on a web server again some of you who might have studied Java etc might have learned about remote procedure calls or pcs right again this is something that I remember learning in my BTech remote procedure calls were a popular technology especially in Java you can do it even today but web a place you can think of as the next generation of our pcs or remote procedure calls because you are calling a function that is there remotely on a web server using web-based protocols and request responses using JSON XML and all these are all these are data formats that are very extensively used on the internet right as so there are only three pieces there is a request there is a response and there are API keys these are the three things that you should know right it's as simple as that okay so let's let's go down okay again I'll go step by step and in between I'll go to the go to the chat window and try to answer a few questions if there are any but let me go through each of these step by step first okay so let's go Google speech-to-text right so before we go in again you can we can read a lot about Google speech-to-text in this link and share this share this document with you at the end of the live session but just just bear with me this is where again you can read a lot about how Google speech-to-text itself helps you this this is a web api that is provided by google cloud right now a big question that many many of you might have is why not build my own speech-to-text you're using using advanced to speech-to-text algorithms like transform or modules or attention modules etc a very common question that that we encounter why don't we simply use our own speech-to-text alright so just let me go into the comment section and see if everything is all right okay sounds good yeah I think everything is okay so let me let me go into let me go back to the document itself okay so the question here is why not build our own speech-to-text using a transformer module or attention model one of the biggest problems in building your own speech-to-text is data there are there are multiple parts imagine a company like Google which owns an Android okay which owns Google now Google assistant they are sitting on a literally a gold mine of data okay they listen to people I mean they they have data of audio from people almost from everywhere in the world different accents different speaking rates right so they are sitting literally on a goldmine of data and they have the resources to so they have laid they have raw data and they have high quality labeled data imagine a company like Google because speech-to-text is such an important part of the technology stack whether it's on Android whether it's on Google assistant whatever it is they can spend a few million dollars going through thousands and thousands of sentences that people have spoken and get them labeled manually for correctness so this sort of high quality label data you and I normal beings may not have access to number two number three that they have is compute resources Google can train and experiment with fabulously complex models ok so because they they have like literally tens of thousands of computers GPU computers at the disposal for their research work even for their production work right so what Google can give us in terms of what Google has in terms of compute is enormous fourth thing they have is people Google has some of the best concentration of deep learning researchers in the world whether it's at google deepmind or google brain or google product beans etc right so google has great data it has enormous amounts of label data it has computer resources and people that if we try to build our own speech-to-text it will be very hard to compete with what Google can build because of these fundamental advantages that a company like Google has again just like Google there is also an is your speech-to-text there is also an IBM speech-to-text there is also AWS enabling it again owned by Amazon it stands for Amazon Web Services each of these services has a speech-to-text api that you can call but amongst all of them Google seems to be one of the best especially when I try with my Indian accent ok I'm sure others also work very well for other accents but I've seen Google to work the best for Indian accent or even for accents across the world right so the reason to use a speech-to-text like Google is again the forth again because they have this huge advantages and most importantly if they already have it and if they're making available to an APN why not just reuse it why not just reuse it for example look at this in your Python right so very common example that I give people is in Python we have dictionaries right which is nothing but a hash table which is nothing but a hash table right a dictionary is nothing but a hash table hash table is a very very popular data structure in computer science how many of us implement hash tables whenever we need to we don't we use a dictionary in Python because it it implements the hash table I under I know again remember that as a good software engineer I should know how a hash table works I should know how the internals of a hash table but I don't have to implement hash table every time because the designers of Python have done it using a data structure called dick which is nothing but a hash table right but as a good software in ER I should know the internal similarly when I'm using a speech-to-text system I should know how well it works and I should it's always a good practice if you want to do it quickly it's always good to use Google speech-to-text as your first correct solution right of course you can build your own system using transformers but very likely unless you are working in a very specific domain and unless you have a lot large training data you may not be your results may not be as comparable to Google speech-to-text right it's fairly hard to beat that I mean it's not impossible I've seen in specific applications for example if you want medical I've seen a few medical companies what they do is this medical terminology is very different from the terminology that Google sees as part of the data set so there are companies that collect a lot of medical data what the doctor says the medicines that the doctor is prescribing and they just listen to it they get lot of high quality label data and they train their model only on medical data which means their models their transformers or retention models are going to perform phenomenally well on medical data while Google may not be able to so unless you have very specific applications where Google is not performing well it makes complete sense to use Google speech-to-text of course there's a small cost associated with it but let's let's go through Google's cloud speech-to-text right so let's just go there I'll show you sorry I'll just show you how it looks okay so I just Google just go to that link what you see is this you see a speech-to-text here it says speaks to text conversion powered by machine learning there is a ton of doctor I'm sorry there is a ton of documentation that you can read the best part is this you can upload a small audio file and it will give you again you can try how well this works actually you can just choose a file upload this file and it will give you the output of whatever audio is there in the it will give you speech to text output right very very interesting right so again Google can recognize 120 languages very and all of that stuff right I mean phenomenally I mean they've designed it phenomenally well and keep Google can we can can detect if you're giving a command for example a command like set an alarm I give this command to my Google assistant every now and then or if you have phone calls right Google is trained a special model for phone calls even if you give it a video it can transcribe or convert the speech to text of the audio in the video then there is a default system which works for long-form audio if you have let's say five minutes of audio and you want to convert that to text this is very cool right again there are multiple there are multiple features advantages all of that stuff there are things like speaker Dyer ization which basically says which detects the speaker who is speaking a specific sentence imagine if there is an audio snippet with multiple speakers it can recognize which speakers said the what of course there is a price associated with it again because Google is spending I mean tons of resources on it for some like up to 60 minutes of audio this service is free beyond that they charge a small amount okay so again this is important to note ok there is a bunch of documentation but instead of going to the documentation let me show you first and foremost you should go to Google Cloud okay let me just go there just go to sign up again we have an account because we use Google services for some of our work just sign up okay this is this again our account right this is our account which we use but please sign up on Google on Google called when you are signing up it will mostly ask for your credit card right so just say sign up for a Google account just like the way you sign up for a gmail account or anything just sign up for a account but it asks for a valid credit card to create an account this is mandatory without this it will not let you create an account okay so please make sure that you have a valid credit card unfortunately they force you to do it because in case you use the service a lot they have to charge you to your credit card number one then go to this webpage ok console dot so once you've created the account just go to console dot again it says go to console right you can just go to console then again just like Google speech-to-text there are many other services so Google has something called as vision vision Google Cloud or fronts Leslie vision ok in this Google can do or detect objects automatically understand text in images right all of this it can do just like the way we are doing speech to text this I am show you one API there are hundreds of a pays on Google Klump right you can also do it for images also just wanted to tell you that I'll show you speaks to text but similar things you can do it for understanding text in an image detecting objects all sorts of stuff the concepts stay the same the concept of calling the a pH stays the same it just that you have to call a different API that's it it's like calling a different function altogether ok so then then just go to console if you go to console this is how it looks like this is our console page ok so once you go to console page I have created screenshots so that you can use this first and foremost create an account and go to console dot I'm trying to take you step by step next go to first we have to creating API key because API key tells without an API key you can't call Google Web API so what you have to do you got to go to this webpage go to this again I've I can screenshot so that you can reuse this you can take this slides and follow the same steps okay consult or just go here to get the API key on the left side you have a PSN services let me also show you this API send services in APs and services go to credentials that's what again I have highlighted that here clearly go to APIs and services click on credentials right again what am I doing here we are trying to get an API key for ourselves to call the function we need the API key without this we can't get it to work okay so first create your google cloud account then let's get the API key click on credentials once you go to credentials it create conditions click click on create credentials it will show you service account click on this I'm giving you step-by-step instructions here once you go to service account ok you can fill this form ok you can just call whatever name you want we are calling it a AC life because we are using these keys for life session only ok it will give you some account name all of that stuff and I can describe what I want to do to explain the concept of API speech-to-text just fill this form and click create ok now once you click create it also says do you want some account permissions owner permissions etc just if you don't need this don't worry about it this is optional just click on continue ok when you click on continue it will give you this page and just click on create key again I am giving you step by step here ok click on create key here once you click on that it says how do you want to create your key we want in JSON format or p12 format JSON is the recommended one so just click on jason choose this option jason and click on create ok so the moment you do this this is what you get it says I have created this JSON file it's called nifty buffer blah blah blah blah dot JSON and it is downloaded to my computer ok so now what do you have you have the Jason key oh yeah or you have the API key to call the remote function or the web APN ok so just download this now what I do now is I rename this ok because this name is so cumbersome I just rename this JSON file ok you know how to rename it right downloaded it to your on your computer just rename this to a play - key door Jason and if you go into that this is how it looks again I have I've cleared out all the all my URLs because this is specific to our company right but if you see if you just open the JSON file this is how it looks so whatever JSON file I downloaded from for my API keys which is me free buffer blah blah blah I changed it to API key to Jason and when you open it it looks like this cool ok now let's go to Google collab and run the whole thing not cool this is simple right so what have we done enough we have done two things we first created an account on Google Cloud and we have gotten a we have downloaded the API key as JSON file and we call that API key Jason finest API - key dot JSON now let's go to Google : file ok so let me walk you through Google collab now okay so this is my Google collab file let me just zoom this in a little so that you can see what's happening ok I am zooming it in so that you can see the code now what is Google collab again those of you who already know ipython notebooks Google collab is like running an ipython notebook on the Google cloud from your Google Drive itself right very simple again this is one of the simplest ways if you don't want to go through the headaches of installing Python ipython notebook Jupiter notebooks all of that headache this is one of the easiest ways to do it first and foremost so let me go code line by line so first what I do from Google Kolob imported rifle ok so what why is this needed because this is again how does it work on your typical computer ok you have your ipython notebook here and you have your whole disk here you have you have your whole hard disk here right this is your ipython notebook on your ipython notebook you can access all the folders on your disk this is how it typically works right and all of this is on your same computer right now what happens is this ipython notebook wants to access your Google Drive so when you say import to drive what do you want to do you want mount this drive or access this driver right so the first step this light basically says from Google collab imported right why do we need this because we want to use Google Drive as a disk as a hard disk now first step second step is you mount your Google Drive mounting basically means again mounting is a term that comes from UNIX and Linux terminology it basically means make your Google Drive accessible from this from this ipython notebook out from this colab notebook right very simple command dr dot mount just say content g drag this is fixed so what this does is it makes your whole Google Drive accessible to this ipython notebook right so just like your disk is accessible by default or ipython notebook now if your colab notebook can access your whole Google Drive it can access your whole Google Drive so that I'll use Google Drive as my hard disk lock right that's very very important right so I have this so when you mount it it says it requires authorization code because it wants to ensure that you are using your Google Drive itself so the moment you execute this it says click on this link when you click on this link it will give you a code it will give you a big hex a listen it will give you a big alphanumeric code just press it here and press ENTER it will say mounted Google Drive right so now what have you done in these two steps in these two steps we have made sure that we have we are you going to use Google Drive as the disk in which we will store and retrieve stuff first and for so what I have done here for this session for this session what I have done is this I've created in my Google Drive look at this so content G Drive my Drive this is my whole Google Drive within my Google Drive let me show you this so that you are ok so let me show you this so in my drive this is this is my company's Google Drive right in Google Drive I have a folder called live sessions this is the date on which we created some of this data 24th Feb and we call it speech-to-text ok in this I have in this speech to text folder I have all the files that I need for the next steps so what am I doing here look at this when you run a line like this look at this in hi Python notebooks or even in collab you can run Linux commands like this percentage CD CD basically means change directory in UNIX what am I saying I'm saying change to this directory right now what Directorate isn't it is in content eg Drive it is in this directory enough so what am I saying please change it to content G Drive my Drive so first of all what you should do is you should create a folder called speech-to-text on your own Drive whichever folder you want you can create it within your whole Drive itself mount that ok so you change your that see you already mounted your whole Drive you change the directory then this exclamation LS basically means list all the contents of this folder again these are commands that you encounter on Linux or UNIX or Mac right because at the end of the day Google runs all of this on Linux clusters right so when you say LS what happens it will print all the contents of this folder in my speech to text folder I have some PNG s just ignore these PNG these pages are nothing but the screenshots that I have shown you earlier the most important ones are these API key dot Jason remember the API key that are downloaded from Google I upload it to my Google Drive in this folder so whatever is your JSON key remember just just a while ago I showed you that I downloaded API key door JSON from my Google account I uploaded to speech-to-text in my Google Drive okay I also could I also uploaded another audio file this audio file is gene VV dot laughs okay this is an audio file that I want to convert to text I also created a folder called parts I can tell you why we created the parts then again you don't have to worry about ipython checkpoints because it's automatically created for you then there is a requirements dot txt these are the four important files that you need again you will have your own API key dot JSON will share you share the gene view dot the have file will also share the requirements 5 each of these are required in a little wine so whatever done now I have gone to I've changed my directory to this directory enough in this directory these are the for files and folders that I will use okay first and foremost before I go ahead I want to tell you I first have to set up the environment right although all the other libraries that we need we need to first install them right because this Google collab may not have all the libraries that we need so the requirements dot txt file if you just cat exclamation cat what does cat to do in Linux that basically prints the contents of a file so the requirements dot txt file has all the libraries that we need to install to make this whole code work very simple okay so this is the list of all the files or sort of all the packages that you need or like beauties that you need to execute this okay so that's what is there your requirements dot txt next look at this line next line is very important it says exclamation tip what is people to be pissed Python Installer right basically you can install Python packages using pip pip install - our requirements dot txt now what does this do whatever is there whatever libraries are there in requirements into txt it will try to install all of them right pip install basically installs all these libraries that we need for the rest of the whole system the most interesting library here is speech recognition and can you mind again this is the name of the library or the package and this is the version I am also giving the version if this version number does not exist it will it will simply force it and install this so see look at this it's downloading all of them installing it to your column now very good so what have we done enough we have moved our again this is very important you need to create a folder in your in your Google Drive copy the API key that you got whatever is the audio file that you want to transcribe or convert to text the requirements file and the parts folder okay what have we done till now they've installed all the requirements that we need to execute rest of the code libraries than we need okay next let's look at the audio file itself this audio file is called gene look at this this audio file this is the name of the audio file if you look at the audio file I can we can we can listen to the audio file also what I'm trying to do with this ffmpeg line okay this this ffmpeg line basically says again ffmpeg is a very very popular Linux tool to cut audio and video the way we want to process audio and video so explanation ffmpeg - I which means this is my input remember this is my input file now what I want to do here is I want to segment this input file into thirty-second chunks see this is my whole file okay this is my whole audio file I think this is not this is close to 90 seconds if I'm not wrong okay this is a 90 second audio file I'm breaking it into 30 second files I'll tell you why I am doing it little later just bear with me okay so this command basically again you can just Google search for this command and you'll get I don't remember it by heart to be honest with you i google-searched again I think my teammates actually Google search to create this document right so ffmpeg - I this is my input file I'm going to break it into thirty-second chunks and I'm going to copy all of those 30-second chunks into this folder so now my parts file my parts folder has out dot valve now look at this what am I doing with this I am taking this bigger or your file this is my input I am chunking it or I am segmenting it into 30-second audio snippets and this 30-second audio snippets I am storing it into or I am copying them into the parts folder without some numbering now if I if I now let's go to this parts folder and list what our files are there look at this okay so I'll come there in a while okay so that's what I have done actually there is a line here let me show you we have it here yeah so okay so it created three files actually parts out all zeros out one two so this percentage zero some of you may be concerned about this syntax here this percentage zero nine out percentage zero nine D back what this means is the first file make it as out followed by nine zeros four five six four four dot laugh this will be my first fight my second file will be out the nine basically means nine zeros okay the second one will be 0 0 0 0 1.5 the third one will be out zero zero zero zero two dot 5 etc you can use any number here that's okay so what have we done here we have taken the big 92nd roughly about ninety second audio file and we have broken the broken it up into thirty second audio chunks now why we are doing it I'll come to it a little bit you don't have to do it all this okay but there is a reason why I have done it I will show you in a little while just bear with me okay now let's go to the core effect now we have our input data we have our keys we have installed all the requirements so let's go down and actually run the code so there is this package called a speech recognition like a very interesting package so if this is this is a reference link we can just go here the speech the National Library again again here we are using an another library called speech recognition very popular library through which you can call Google's cloud Google Cloud speech API you can call as your speech API you can call bingo voice recognition right you can also call IBM speech to text so this is one library again this is one library or package that you have speech recognition package with which you can call most of the major most of the major speech to text recognizer systems again CMU sphinx is an old slightly old model which you can run on your own computer this is not a Web API based system ok this was built at Carnegie Mellon University it's it's a very popular technology before before cutting-edge stuff that Google and is your nawa building enough but this this has existed for a very long time so the speech recognition a package here that our library that we have here can help us call Google Cloud speech APA is your speech API or Bing recognition whatever we want that's the best part about this now of course there is a lot of documentation about this but let's dive into the code itself so what am I doing here I'm just importing speech recognition as si very simple and if I just see SR SR is a module blah blah blah all that stuff is there cool no problem all right now now look at this okay so I am writing some code here for something called as multi processing so input OS we all know what oasis right then this this these lines basically are for something called as multi processing I will explain you multi processing in a little while okay suppose in multi-processing what happens is this typically what do we do I think some of you may know about multi-threading and things like that so what it does here is imagine if I have a lot of audio files right I have audio out 0 0 0 0.5 file I have out 0 0 0 0 1.5 file right I have out 0 0 2 dots I have final imagine if I have lots of bad files like this if I want to call the Google such a sorry Google speech-to-text API parallel leave with this audio with this audio with this audio see one thing that I can do is I can first get the speech-to-text for this then speaks to text for this then speech to text for this then speech to text so on so forth but that could be time taking right so what is an alternative an alternative is can I call all of them terribly using different threads that's what multi processing is all about I want to show you that also ok remember the reason we created from a big file from a 90-second audio file we created three 30-second audio files because I wanted to show you how to call all these three how to transfer how to get transcription for speech to text for the all three parallel also for that we will use this we'll use this whole concept called as pooling ok so this is again those of you who have studied Python in more depth you would know about the multi-threading and multi-processing etcetera it's a fairly simple concept basically multiple because most likely you have multi-core computer with multiple threads all of them can run directly okay so let's keep this here this is primarily to me to be able to do multi threading or multi processing okay so let's go back again now now look at this okay so first and foremost first I want to read my API key I want to read my API key so what does this this line say this line says okay with open I want to open this file as f and I want to read this file whatever are the contents of this file I want to store it in a variable called Google Cloud speech credentials all in caps okay so this is my hole so this so this variable now contains all the contents of my API key right so what I've done here again I can't show you all of my I can't show you my API key because if everybody uses it I'm going to get charged like crazy so I'm just showing you a part of it okay I mean I'm just showing you a small part of my API key but you'll get this you'll get something like this basically what you are doing here is you are loading your API key JSON contents into this variable called Google Cloud speech credentials and I'm just printing that to see everything is alright now now comes the core part of it now what am i doing I have my speech see look at this my whole library where is this okay my whole speech resolution library I have loaded less si now I want to create a speech recognizer right so I create a variable called R or an object called are s are not recognizer so this is my speech recognizer object okay cool very simple now look at this I want to see what all files are there in the parts folder okay this is very simple I'm using OS dot lists directory function and I'm saying within the parts what all file isn't there what are.what or whatever files are there list them and I'm using OS do not list directory and sort them so these are the three files that I have in my parts folder right now now let's look at this now what do I want to do I want to convert let's take this one let's take this I want to take this 30-second audio and I want converted into text that's what I want to do right so before we go that let's listen to it in ipython notebook you can listen to audio also okay so all you have to do here is again I'm creating a file named parts +50 which basically means parts front slash out 9 0 s dot slash this is my file name ok so you can actually listen to an audio file also you can you just have to say ipython not display input audio and you say audio file name if you click on this this will play actually this will actually play let me see if I can I don't know if you can hear this yeah you can actually play this you can listen to this 30-second audio again I want to again I'll share this whole document with you so that you can try it on your own on your own Google Drive account ok now this is cool so I have my audio file I have my audio file name now I have my recognizer object I just have to call the remote function of ok so let's go into this so first and foremost I have the file name this name corresponds to my file name my odd out 0 0 0.5 first I want to load the audio which is there so what do I do I just say with sr dot audio file name as source just a recorder so this audio object now look at this this audio this audio variable now contains the actual audio that is there in this file name right first and foremost right so from a file name I've loaded the audio into this variable called audio right by by just using this function or this snippet of code now we want to transcribe it which basically means I want to get a text for it getting the text is literally this line of code so text equals to R again this is my recognizer object r dot recognize using google cloud because what what does this function do now this function says ok where do I have to go to I have to go to Google Cloud what is the audio that I want this is the audio that I want to transcribe or to get get the text for it what are my credentials all my credentials are there in the Google Cloud speech credentials variable that's it this thing function what this function does love it goes to Google's cloud it goes to Google's cloud when it goes to Google's cloud it sends the audio in in the request remember in the request it sends the audio it also sends my API key credentials it also sends my API and audio in the request it sends my API and audio to the Google Cloud Servers Google Cloud server sends back what does it send back it sends back this text to me and if I just print the text the text is actually like this this dynamic workshop aims to provide up-to-date information again I'll share this so it is giving you the text output for it for the audio it is giving you the text output or you let me do one thing let me let me just help you here this just give me a second let me let me help you here this I'm increasing the volume on my computer coming close this dynamic workshop aims to provide up-to-date information on pharmacal okay I hope you could hear the audio slightly again I shared these documents with you you can try this it clearly says this dynamic workshop aims to provide up-to-date information of formal logic pharmacological approaches bla bla bla bla so this single line here if you notice sorry so this single line was where all the magic was happening what we have done till now is the miscellaneous stuff around it right very simple now I can put all of this into one single function look at what I am writing here this function is called transcribe look at what I am doing here this function is called transcribe even the data part again I am trying to put everything that we have discussed now into one function I will call this function as transcribe this data is nothing but the file name this data here is nothing but the file name so using this file name that I have I am constructing the actual file name by concatenating with the parts folder as we have just seen okay next what are we doing here next look at this loading the audio file this we've seen this line set whatever lines we have seen I'm just trying to put them into one function now then I can call the function I can print the whole thing look at this this is loading the audio whatever whatever data was there in this file name in the parts folder I'm loading it into an audio object right or audio variable and I'm just calling the recognized Google Cloud with this audio as input with my credentials which are stored here that's it and the whole output from Google Cloud I'm going to store it in text and I'm going to print it so as a programmer you don't see much of a difference between calling a function calling a web api function and calling a local function only that you need to be connected to the Internet if you are not connected to the Internet this whole thing will not work that that's the key because this function you have to go why are the internet using Internet protocols send both the audio and the credentials and get the data back except that from a code perspective this all feels like just calling a function it's that simple now given that I have transcribed function let me show you how we can actually do multi processing or tunnel processing if you want to think about it imagine if I have multiple files that I have imagine if I have out 0 0 0 0.5 1.5 suppose if I have 100 files like this I want to show you this because in the real world you may have many files like this and you want to do this fast so you want to call this function look at this you want to call this function transcribe right with this file name as an input and while that is while that is still getting the text you want to call this Baddeley you want to call this farily you want to call this parallely you want to do all of that all of that can be done using pool again I told about multi-threading right so pull dot map so this function does that pull dot map you are saying which function to call and what are the inputs to each of these function calls right that's it it's a very simple thing you're saying pool dot map right you're saying call the transcribe function right using whatever you have in the files variable again files contains a bunch of file names ok just give that as input to each of the transcribed function calls and then close your pool and then join it is basically what it basically does internally is very simple what it basically does is it calls all these functions and all the output goes into this variable called alt text now if you just print alt text what do you get you get okay because how did we write the return here we get the ID and the text right so you get ID as 0 X this is the whole text of the first file ID 1 text I read two text so this way by using the pool and the map by using this multi-threading or a multi processing concept called pool that I just showed you a while ago that is this where was that I showed you a while ago right let me go up yeah so using using this sort of construct called pool and using this line you can call and using these three lines you can call the transcribe function with multiple inputs parallely right so this is how you call the Google API with one audio file at a time and using multiple audio files parallely both right so this is this is one part I hope this is clear again you will have to play with this try it and my recommendation again right after this live session I will edit this and I will upload all of these documents all of this google google google collab files etc give me a couple of hours after the live session because I'll have to remove some of our or API keys etc and share it with you right simple okay so this is one let me go to the chat window and see where we are okay yeah somebody's asking you about ffmpeg yeah ffmpeg is F MPEG has lots of documentation I've been using it for the last like four fifteen years enough and I don't remember it by heart every time I need I just go Google search ffmpeg how to cut EV audio file I don't remember the documentation by heart but there are tons of resources online to be honest with you I don't remember the document again I don't remember documentation of most languages whenever I need it I go read the documentation and use it because it's almost impossible for anyone to remember like hundreds of major libraries even matplotlib type stuff we can't do it so where will you share files okay so what I'll do here is in the comment section the first comment I'll pin it I'll provide you the links to the audio file the requirements file and the collab notebooks just give me a couple of hours after this life because I need to sanitize it with more API keys etc and share it with you I will put it just right under this live session itself okay just under the live session itself is the first comment I'll post all the links okay oh yes somebody says can we do it for other languages apart from English I have tried it for other languages like Telugu which is my mother tongue which I can speak fairly fluently but it works okay google claims that they can do it in 120 languages I'm sure they can do it for some of the European languages very well because they're so extensively used in countries like India where English is still very popular when you communicate with Google I think some of the Indian languages are not very good I heard Hindi is pretty decent I haven't tried it myself while you're chunking it could corrupt some words that's okay there might be some error at the very end or at the very beginning some small chunking might happen at the very end but that's okay I mean again the only reason I chunk this I trunk this bigger 90-second file into smaller files is to show you how multi processing or multi-threading happens okay because in your real world you might have like some 30 files that you want to call this functions on and instead of calling one after the other you could just pull everything together and send it so that you get results faster right sounds good so let's take a couple of minutes break I just need to sip some water and then we'll go to the bingo one okay that's easier being makes it so again somebody says does it work good for Hindi I have heard it works good for at least the proper Hindi accent the typical again there's so many accents of him so there is a South Indian in the accent there is a Hyderabadi Hindi accent right there is a lot Navi accent which is slightly different but I think if you speak regular TV news type in Li I think it will work fairly well alright I'm a TV news type in E is the most generic one so sounds good let's jump into okay so in the interest of time because we have only one more R so this is how Google works again let's go to I have another one okay so let me go to my notes okay so this is done okay let's go to Bing Search API now this has been one of my favorite aps I've used this extensively at multiple times again you might ask me why are you using Bing Search API why not Google Search API two reasons because Google does not give you such a pain Google doesn't want to give anything related to their such right so but being an AW of being and a juror or Microsoft in general gives you a search api that's why I'm using it number one number two is of all the machine learning tools or machine learning aps that you have some of the best ones I found on Google to be honest again I tried to be as unbiased as possible so Google is one of the best web ApS for machine learning that I've seen second is Asia third is AWS IBM I think comes last again from my own experience and I have used this API is to especially for speech-to-text for national language understanding I've tried I've tried all of them Google typically tends to outperform most of them and Google and as you're almost perform very close like for example AWS speech-to-text is not as good again I think what the reason Google and I should perform very well is because both of them have search engines right so both of them have search engines which makes their life they're literally sitting on a goldmine of data right AWS with its Alexa has done some good work but again I've come across so many instances where an Alexa cannot recognize my Indian accent but Google can recognize with the Google assistant right I've seen this in practice I've seen this extensively IBM I think IBM does lot of marketing and stuff but in terms of pure quality of outputs I pick Google or is your any day over an IBM I mean I guess I could be biased there might be few things in which IBM might be doing better but in my own experience that I've used Google and they sure are almost the best they're very close to each other Google has a small little edge primarily probably because of Android Android data and because of chrome data right so first and foremost so Google are so big calls or Azure calls their whole thing called as cognitive services right I've seen lot of startups use this and I mean Asia is also very very fast-growing cloud provider doing a very good job here right again just to be fair here I prefer AWS over Asia and other things when it comes to distributed system platforms the whole cloud computing itself I prefer a Tablas over Asia but when it comes to Asia or Google Google compute platform but then when it comes to machine learning itself I prefer Asia and Google compute platform already a place and I think these things are constantly changing today whatever I am picking up whichever sides and making tomorrow things might change if AWS invests more money there and more resources anyway back to our topic so a de bellas calls this as cognitive services if you just go to this link again the signup process is very simple the good thing with with Asia is they'll give you a couple of keys there is no JSON file they'll give you a simple keys that are valid for seven days you don't require a credit card to use it for seven days you don't require a credit card to use it after seven days you have to get your to be enter your credit card credentials right so for seven days they'll give you a couple of keys you can use them to access their API is free of cost of course there are some limits and constraints but you don't require credit card so those of you who may not have a credit card like students and who could not get it for whatever reason feel free to use is your is your API so because google forces you to give a credit card again their signup process is very very simple let me show you this is Google cognitive or oh sorry is your cognitive services again if you just go through this link that I've shown you if you just click on this link it will take you to this page here you have Binx API version 7 again look at what all searches you can know you can do web search you can do image search you can do video search you can do new search you can do visual search similarly being spell check look at how well the search engines do spell check you can do a spell check right you can do Bing autosuggest right or you can you you can you can even do entities such as Google's knowledge graph so whatever you want so in our case we're going to use Google thinks being such just click on get API key you'll get an API key it's that simple just log in log in very simple login form they'll give you a couple of keys now in this in this in this example I'll do slightly different from what I have done for the Google API in Google API we use the speech recognition package right in in that we use the speech recognition package which did all of the calling all of that stuff for us in this example for bing search we will implement the API calling from scratch using or Python only we will not use any libraries again there are libraries to use being self JPS also but again if you recall when we use Google compute platform speech to text what did we use we loaded this library called speech recognition which would call all of them without us having to worry about it it was like loading a package making a function call in the case in this in this example we'll do something slightly different what we'll do now is we will write the code for API calling from scratch using core Python libraries okay I want to show you how you can implement it yourself you don't have to always depend on a library like speech revolution right so I just wanted to show you that okay so let's let's go into this okay so this is my the code might be slightly longer than previous one but I will go step by step that's okay it's disconnected but that's okay not a problem again I'm sharing my quotes please don't use my codes sorry sorry sorry sorry okay so please don't use my keys here okay let's go step by step just like in the previous case from google collab import to drive I'm just going to load Google Drive if I need to again I have just written the steps here right very simple again to be very clear all this work is not just my work it so what done by my whole team tons of people I think this was done by by by a couple of our very good machine learning engineers who collected the data who wrote all this code comments all that stuff I am just the presenter please understand that I'm just I'm just a conduit to share the knowledge that's it I think I've done just maybe a couple of edits to this code but most of it was done by my team anyway so these are the steps so once you want to go once you go to this one you get your keys you get a couple of keys right so these are the keys that we got again this is free for seven days but after that again please don't use our keys because they'll total and stop us you please generate your own keys okay so that you can again remember if you use a case if everybody uses our keys what happens is our account will get blocked nobody can use it so please get your own API Keys API key looks like an alphanumeric thing here not a JSON file like in Google right we got a couple of keys okay now what are we doing here simple first we will load this Bing search v7 subscription key we are creating this variable and we are saying input subscription sticky what does this do it will ask me to input it so I am just I am just giving this as the input so this variable beings have to be seven subscription key will contain this key value enough again I am repeating it please don't user case create your own keys and use it so that you can try more stuff and for every different service you have to get a different key these keys are only for big a big being a web search API version 7 ok so simple ok now let's go let's go let's let's go and use this so let's go step by step I am importing operating system package in this and what am I doing here in my operating system I am creating an environment called Bing such be 7 subscription key this is basically creating an environment variable in my operating system that's it and for this environment variable I am just copying whatever is the key that I have stored in this variable earlier that's it nothing fancy here now let's go a little down okay so let's go step by step now here there is some code so I'll explain you step by step and carefully I think there was a comment which said can you explain how headers everything works internally I'll show you with this example okay so first and foremost because Jason as I told you is a very popular format for all of this I am importing Jason we all know about OS this is pretty print to print beautifully requests right so requests and responses are important packages that we can use okay so imagine if my search query the search query itself is Microsoft cognitive services this is what I want to search so if I go to Bing look at this if I go to Bing if I just go to Bing okay funny I'm going to bring by a Google right Microsoft search or cognitive services what is it what does the search okay suppose if I just search Microsoft cognitive services here okay so these are all the search results that I am getting here I can get all of them through the API con that's the best part okay so let's go so again if you because we're implementing the API calling from from scratch there are a few important parts the first one is called as headers remember what how does that work whole thing work we make a request and we get a response right this is the model right so that's why I've inputted requests so when I send a request I have something called as a header within the header all the key important stuff especially things like your API keys are stored right so the request that I sent from my computer to the asier computer so this is the easier computer this is my personal this is my local computer so in the request that I send I am creating a header and within the header I am saying my API subscription key this part is important this part is fixed for the key all that I say this is I'm storing is a key value pair if you think about it I am storing my API subscription key as this money first and foremost back again when I send my request I also send headers that headers is a standard terminology in APA calling right headers typically contain the most important information like your piece okay now comes the fun part now look at this what am i what am i loading here I told you that all the requests and response right all the requests and response is happening through HTTP protocol request response I mean we are going to use HTTP protocol URLs all of that stuff right so I'm importing HTTP client you are a Lib what is the purpose of URL Lib it is because because I am using the Internet to Internet protocols right URL is part of the Internet Protocol this is to make a request this is to parse if there are any errors and things like that again I am using JSON because my output is in JSON format okay now we can this this is my important function my function is called search okay so this function is where I'll actually make the call so let's go step by step here I'm just still on whatever done I have just imported everything I've created a header my header contained my key rest of it I have just imported everything now let's go this function is very important so what are the three inputs to the function whatever is my search query then there are two other butts offset and count now imagine search results if you notice typically you get thousands of search results offset basically says do you want us to return or are you requesting for search results starting from zero if count and how see offset basically says which search result do you want do you want your search results to start with zero which basically means the first or do you want to start the search results from 100 so do you want results from 100 to let's say 110 if you want results from 100 to 110 what do you do you say offset equals 200 count equals to 10 you want 10 come 10 results starting from the hundredth result right so this is how I'm defining my function ok this is this is this a local function rimmel but I have not yet called anything so offset basically says at what count of the search result I am starting count basically says how many search results I want back simple now comes this now look at all the parameters that we want to pass again remember we have created our header we have created our header in which we created we added her API key right now we are creating the parameters in the parameters what do I again parameters are stored as key value pairs and I'm going to in Sirica this is the URL Lib dot parse what am I doing here I am going to write them as key value pairs here and I'm going to encode them using the URL Lib because the whole web ApS work using web protocols like URL like HTTP etc so look at this this is my query my count my offset what is a market again these words are given to me by being API itself being a places whatever query you want to give give it with whatever count you want count offset you want what what market what results we want results in India or d1 results in u.s. so the MKT basically means which market output you want NUS which means English in the US do you want safe search results right if you want to be kid-friendly etc you should make it safe such the default is safe search is moderate so what all I am a passing here my header contains the key my params right with parameters contain everything else and all this is encoded in the URL itself when I'm making the call right so this part basically I am creating all of my parameters next comes the interesting very very interesting part this see till now I haven't called anything now comes this pry catch part or try exception so look at this so this is basically exception handling if there is any error that happens here I'll catch the exception in print it otherwise what am I doing here I am connecting what am i connecting to I am connecting to API tour cognitive dot what am i doing I am doing HTTP secure connection see what protocol is it is it using its using HTTP secure protocol which means my computer love is connecting to the API cognitive services Microsoft my computer is now cut my local computer is connecting to the server and to which URL is it connecting it's connecting to API cognitive dot it's connecting to this but once it establishes a connection it says my request now it establish the connection first then it says I want to make a request and this is a get request which means I'm sending something and I want to get some data back and what do I want to send this to I want to say what do I want to call on this website I want to go to Bing V 7.0 and such and what do I want to search with all of my parameters that I have now right and the body is there then all the headers why do I need headers for authentication look at this look look at this line itself first I establish a connection then I make a request where do I request I request to Bing a question seven API and I am saying such with all my search parameters that I have all the parameters that I have and I'm using the headers for authentication now what happens now look at this first I established a connection I sent a request now I'll get a response back so from this connection I will get a response now this response I am storing it in a variable called response from this response I want to get the data so this data here is response no trade once I got the response I want to close the connection okay this is very simple so what is the first thing establish a connection establish then request then you get response when you send a request you send you basically say I want to get this data and what I want to call is the version seven API with these such parameters with these API keys once I get a response I just say let's close it close this connection that's it this four lines is where all the API magic is happening right again this is the native way of actually calling my babies what I've shown you with Google search or sorry Google speech recognition he is using a library within the library they actually write code like this now I walk my search results my search results are in data so how do I print my search results now look at this this function returns JSON loads data this data is going to convert into JSON and send it as my output right now now let's let's see okay now I got all my data in JSON format now I want to print it it's very simple look at this so okay so look at this I'm calling the such function what is the such function of this such function I'm calling enough till on whatever done I've just defined this function and not called anything I'm calling this such function with my with my query which is magnitude of Microsoft cognitive services offset zero count five after this I get my output I'm just printing them so all this this part is all about printing my results because my results are in key value pairs I'm just printing my results here this is just printing my results now this type of printing is slightly trickier to read because what is it giving you it is giving you webpages outputs the web URLs all of that stuff it is giving your related searches it is giving you videos it is giving you all of that stuff but if you want to format this look at this if again this is very very hard to read this is very lengthy because this is all in JSON format you just have to you just have to write simple code in Python like this through which you can print the data carefully see all this code is okay my websites URL is this okay what is my website URL search my queries Microsoft cognitive services how many are the estimated matches there are these many three three there are 15 million how matches that are there right then what are all the outputs that I have look at this is family friendly these are all the URLs that I have again you can just print again the rest of the code here is all about printing the data because this all this is all about printing because what I have is JSON data right the data that I got from Microsoft search back all this all this code is all about just printing in each web page so look at this this is this is simple nested for loop here again try play with this so what are we doing here look at this okay let's look at this code okay so I got my I got my result look at this so how did this work okay let's go one step ahead so my result is I call this such function I got my result all right so within this result if I want to print it beautifully Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry I closed it by mistake okay I'd had to execute the whole thing that's okay we can again it's fairly simple you can understand this so what this does is in the results for each webpage for each value please print the information that I want right so you can literally get okay all the webpage visit results and the descriptions also you can also get videos okay let's look at the video select this is easy to understand so in the results there are videos pick all the items that you have from each of them again we pick these we carefully wrote this down to get this printing carefully right so these are all the search results that you get literally I mean you can print the way you want look at this if you want videos right so it gives you all this information in the okay let's let's go through this this is like a for loop again this is similarly for video very simple code for video in results so let me explain this code public that that's a good idea so that you understand rest of the code easily so our result is in rests now I want the video results and taking all the values for video in this right I'm getting key value pairs of all items in the videos now I'm basically printing this so what do I get now I get my website URL look at this this is not this is the title so when you when you do being searched right where is being searched okay look at this okay okay this I search Microsoft cognitive services what is my first result here real-time recognition with Microsoft cognitive services this is a video result look at the result that we got here the first result is real-time face recognition with Microsoft cognitive services this is the name of the video so you can get the name of the video look at all the information that we are getting the description of this video okay so I think if you just click on this there is description also that you can get right then what do you have you have thumbnail URL okay the date on which this is published the date on which this video was published look at this Jan 17th right so it tells you 2019 Jan 17th who is the publisher YouTube is a publisher is this act in this video accessible for free true where is the video found what is the video format what is the length of the video what is the height of the video what is the duration of the video I think it's 45 minutes something right 44 minutes 8 seconds that's the length of the video look at this it says 44 minutes 8 seconds PT basically means playtime okay look at all this information the very first video result what am I doing here Microsoft cognitive search microd of Microsoft cognitive services videos this is a first result all the information that is here is given to me in code all of this is given to me in code right so again this is just all about getting the results and printing them see what what what is this whole code doing this whole code is simply printing the results beautifully that's it that's all it's doing what is in a readable format not in a JSON which is slightly trickier to read but Jason is also easy to hit now whatever we have done we can also do it for images also again or there is this very nice page that I forgot to talk about okay so what you can do here is look at this big web search you can try it in action I really like this so for example okay so there is this default one so if you want to try how it works again this is the Python way of doing it right there is something called as is your playground so in is your playground again I provide this link to you Bing web search ape so what you can do is whatever such query you give here and you can give the markets you can say English India you want strict safe search do you want freshness freshness also is another parameter that you can give do you want results only from the last one week okay this is the moment I give this such results the JSON file that I get is actually looks like this I wonder let me zoom this in a little the JSON file that I get actually looks like this what we have done in this is basically print the JSON file in a way that you can easily read so if you actually called Bing API with this burrito recipes burrito is a Mexican Mexican delicacy right or it's it's something like a roti like roti curry the way we have roti curry burrito is a is a Mexican food item if I just if my if search queries burrito recipes with English India save such being strict and freshness being one week then what do I get when I call this function look at this when I call this when I call this whole again most of this code is not lengthy most of this code is only outputs that you see the the core part of the code is just this this 20 lines of code is the code part this 20 lines of code literally this 20 lines is the core part of calling the API that's it right so the the JSON file that you get is like this again there are direct jason readers you can read this file and print it the way you want look at look at all look at all the data it gives you it tells you what are the estimated matches right then what is the first first output what is the ID how would I call this okay when was this page crawled by Bing what is the name of the web page what is a URL and it also gives you a small snippet look at this if I go to if I go to Google and search sorry if I go to if I go to Bing and search this burrito recipes okay look at this so it gave me this and it this is the description part so what is giving me is it's giving me the title it's giving me the URL it's giving me the text it's also giving me other information like when was this page crawled by Bing right because most likely being good crawl just a few days after or maybe very soon after the very soon after the the page was created being as a search engine crawls on this right so look at all the results that you get now your big question could be why do I need Bing Search API I'll tell you something very interesting give let me give an example okay suppose your training uh suppose you are training a deep learning model I mean let me give you an example suppose you're training a deep learning model and you want let's say images of images of images of knife right you want images of my flat set okay you don't have enough images how do you get all the images of knife you can go to google search but you how to download these images of knife and this is this important right how do you download these images of knives because you want to suppose you want to build a model for some safety or whatever suppose there is a web there is a camera that let's assume at a school if anybody is carrying a knife or Atta or a place of worship or a sensitive place anybody carrying a knife it should simply stop that person right or come knife or gun whatever you want right which means you need images of knife or gun to train the model how do you get this data it's very simple you just have to call Bing Search API with image search so what we have done till now is web search right we can write similar code for image search also let me show you okay so query two one second so you can also search for persons suppose if you search with my name right you will get both again you can just call such with my name here right and what you get now is basically you can get my images also okay it also gives you alternative spellings so my original query is let's say what what it is okay I think my team forgot to put H here so if the original query is reconfirm a chicory without h it says there are alternative queries with h so it is sort of like correcting right small V capital V so a small C capital C it also tells you alternative queries that you can get so what Bing Search API gives you is tremendous amount of information that you can use now that we also have done again I recommend that you go through this line by line but most of what we have from here it's simply about this for loops that we have shown and printing some data that you can see basically that that's what once you call the Bing API get the data you just have to print it in whichever way you want now let's see if we can do the same thing for images also okay images is very interesting so I think we implemented a function for images where is that query context being searched API query to webpages just give me a second I mean a big Image Search API so what have you done here this is for image search the code is very similar except that we also import a library called image because we want to play with images right look at this we are writing a function called show image where we are using matplotlib PLT is naturally bright we have inputted matplotlib spld we also return this function called show image to show an image actually right so if I have any image I can actually show that given a you URL of the image this show image function let's see what it does let Kirsten mr. Penniman the show image function takes the URL and the title of the image right so again here and what am i using what am i doing here request dot get I am getting the I am sending the URL using the request response model because that's what the internet uses right I'm going to get whatever is this whatever is there in this URL I'm going to get that image this is the image URL I'm going to get there I'm going to get that output stored in the response now now look at this whatever is there in the response I'm going to convert it to image using my pil from p.m. i am importing image so image that open response dot raw so this basically gives me an image IMG is not the image now i can plot the IMG using my Mac plot lip I am show right so what this function does is given a web URL it uses the request response thing that we have discussed right it requests from this URL to get the image and it loads this so whatever is the output that I got this is a binary output that I have right it converts that into image using image dot open then it plots the image that's what this function does now now there is a second function that I am defining it's called search images again the search images is exactly like the search function look at this I have a query I have offset count I have my parameters I have my connection establishment this logic is exactly the same look at this this logic is exactly the same the only difference is I am using images then search so I'm going to API cognitive but when I'm requesting for something I am saying I want to get the data that is there and where do I want to get it from bingo V version 7.0 images the only difference between this function and the previous function is this function has images the previous function does not have images the moment you have images here what you are doing is an image search rest everything is the same you have the parameters you have the headers everything the same you establish a connection you request for the data you get a response back and you close the connection that's it now when you get the image look at this what is this giving you this web search this image search gives you image URLs so suppose if you if you write this code right suppose if I search for Bill Gates as my search query offset zero count for right from from the results that I am getting I'm just printing them what does this give me it says okay look at this let me just go ahead it gives me URLs it gives me a website URL this is the search URL or else if you if you print if you expand this and print it carefully what it gives you is okay this is the search URL what is a search URL Bing calm images search blah blah blah right where is the thumbnail here is the thumbnail so if I go here open link in new tab this is I think this is Bill Gates home if I'm not wrong okay this is one of the outputs that I get okay this is query expansion because the search here is Bill Gates house right it also see what what Bing also gives you is being says related searches if you go to Bing in general right look at this if I search for let's say Bill Gates let me search for it Bill Gates images it tells me other things about Bill Gates that people search for Steve Jobs Bill Gates Bill Gates childhood Bill Gates Yard Bill Gates Net Worth William Bill Gates Bill Gates inventions Bill Gates son all this stuff these are all relative related searches right so being also gives you that where were we sorry being also gives you all that it gives you Bill Gates sayings Bill Gates quote Bill Gates references so you can get all this as part of your search result also right it also gives you like for example the Steve Jobs I they're called as P what suggestions P but again there is huge amount of data that being throws at you right you just have to process them because because if you look at your response Jason the response Jason that you get it's actually huge it gives you a website URL it gives you query context it gives you tons of data look at this in query expansions this is the output Jason that we got right and query expansions it tells you other similar such items P word suggestions it tells you about Bill Gates people who search for Bill Gates also search for also search for Steve Jobs here look at this look at that line right again gives you multiple links people also search for Melinda Gates who is Bill Gates wife right it gives you so Bing Search API gives you a lot of data that you can use of course not where are the images so let's go a little down these are P word suggestions related searches again he made search results now look at this so I'm taking the thumbnail URL look at what is this code doing this code is saying whatever is the result that I got whatever is the result Jason that I got within that go to menu and show the image of the thumbnail URL see show image function we have seen a while ago right it says show image print or or show the image of the thumbnail URL so it shows the image then I want to print a bunch of data again below that so what does it say look at this what does okay one second let me go down here okay so this page has become little small so let's look at this printing code right again I'll show you one printing code rest everything looks the same first in my results I want to go to the values right in the Val look at this is a for loop this is a for loop within that there is one more for loop within this for loop I'm calling this function called show image whatever is the result or the value thumbnail URL showing to me I am showing the thumbnail URL then whatever whatever other information is there just printed so if you actually scroll down here what do you get you get you get the image URL you get the web search that you got what is the name of this image bill gates net worth five fact five fast facts you need to know the thumbnail URL when this published is this family-friendly or is this objectionable content what is the content URL what is the content size what is the format of the image what is the width of the image what is the height of the image what is the thumbnail width what is the thumbnail this thing I mean the accent colors so tons of information that it gives you just for one result this is one result right of course because we have put everything in a loop right you will print all this I think we searched for four results this is a second thumbnail image again what is the name of this bla bla bla bla bla all this information that you can very simple again all of these code snippets that we have here are mostly meant for printing the data of the results that we got so don't get overwhelmed by this just go through this line by line I have explained a couple of them rest everything is the same this sheet might feel long but this fee this because because the results are long okay this whole thing when I start printing this information this get because I want to printed it I wanted to print it carefully for you the size after I print looks looks large but the code itself is simple for loops right it is I mean they're literally two major functions one is the image search api function that we have done show image and the regular search that's it the most again this whole printing function you can write it the way you want we have it we have it on one of the ways that we could think of it's all about just printing the results all this is just printing the results now okay so as we thought you can use the Image Search API to collect data of a specific person for example you can collect images of cell phones or you can collect images of weapons like guns or knives etc right so again the whole purpose of this was okay so two things just let me quickly recap what we have learnt so in in the Bing Search API we have learned both the web search and the image search we have learned how the API calling itself works from scratch that's very important using the request response connection right using connection request response that's the most important part my rest my results I get it in JSON format then we have written some print commands to print the output in a easy-to-read format that's all we have done to be honest with you it's fairly simple you can do this you can do all of this in an afternoon actually this was one of the live sessions for which I took the least amount of time to prepare I think even the team has taken least amount time to prepare because this is so easy from a coding perspective right so that that's the key takeaway so I hope I hope you have gotten a sense of how to use Google API and Bing API let me just change the screen to the webcam quickly and let me answer a few questions that you may have because so somebody says can't we use a request module for Google as we use it in Bingen yes you can you can you can see them we wanted to show you two ways of doing it okay we want to show you in the speech recognizer part we have actually used another library that takes care of establishing the connection request response all of that that's one way of doing it the other way the way we have shown it with Bing is to do the connection part yourself establish the connection yourself send the request parameters headers yourself get the response process it to yourself right we want to show you two ways on two different the Google one you can write it using the connection request response header you can do it yourself you don't have to use the speech recognizer thing but you want to show you two ways of doing it even for Bing search I think there is a Python package let me just share the screen and search it right in front of you Bing search Bing search picked see look at this pie being searched okay so you can just install this package called pie bing search I just Google search right now you can just say pip install pie being searched and the function calling will be trivial look at this look at what I mean they'll give you some small snippet of code like this where is this okay look at this so okay look look at this limit of code here from PI being such import piping web search the search term is Python Software Foundation by members just call this that's it done you're done you get all your results right so there for most web api s-- there are also libraries so then you don't have to establish the connection and do everything yourself so that is also there but we want to show you two different ways of doing it one using existing pre-existing libraries one doing it from scratch do we need to import any certificate of back-end system when we are calling like for example in the google system right we have used the API the JSON file the the API key door Jason we send it as part of our request to the Google server similarly for being we had this alphanumeric API key that we sent that's good enough again different web ApS have different ways of doing it some of them also have a file that you need to have on your computer and things like that the simplest is basically passing the JSON the API key file or the API key itself as part of the headers or somebody says okay content download an image directly from google why do I need an API very good question so the problem is if you if you try to manually download images how many can you download they'll take you tons of time to download these images you want to write a program leave it overnight get all the data you want next day you can train manually doing it is just too cumbersome number one number two the other alternative is we have done a live session on that also which is web scraping I kind of web scraped the whole damn thing I can I can write Python code using a web scraper using good beautifulsoup script the whole damn thing but then most companies like Google Bing etc will block you the moment they realize that you are trying to scrape their search results they'll block you and that is the unethical way because Google doesn't want you to scrape their search results and being also doesn't want to scrape their search results it's an unethical way of getting it and they're fairly smart they'll block you in no time right the legit way or the reasonably correct way is to use this ApS because these APIs are provided by the companies for example as part of our codes right we have this Amazon Amazon products or Amazon fashion search that we have built now how did we build that how do we get the data I think we have a few hundred thousand images for that we didn't crawl from Amazon because we know Hamilton will block us so Amazon also has something called as Amazon product advertising API through which you can go and get images from Amazon we have actually done a case study on that right we haven't done a live session on how to scrape results but please don't scrape if there is any API available please don't scrape the web use the API that is a legit form of doing it and it took us like a week to get because Amazon says you can't you can't request you can do more than these many requests per day or per hour so what did we do waited for a week we got like hundred thousand-plus signages and we built a fashion recommendation system this is part of our case studies actually right is Google collab a free tool yes as of now it is free it works fairly well also again we did not use Google collab extensively when we designed the course earlier because it was not stable then but nowadays it's becoming very stable and we are also sharing Google call have notebooks towards students all the new stuff that we'll be doing will start sharing Google collab notebooks and again you can take a google collab notebook and make it into an eye python on jupiter notebook or ipython notebook and run it on your laptop or desktop also can you send keys in params yes you can again every every web api has their own small glitches you have to read the documentation carefully right you'll be slightly careful like the way Google might say this is how you have to pack again most of these companies will give you sample code you can call the base in any programming language you don't have to use Python I know people who call them in JavaScript people can call it in Perl people can call it in Ruby that you can call it in many languages as long as the language supports internet protocols I know some people who call it evil in C++ by importing some internet by like Marie's like HTTP HTTP base etc you can call it from Java you can call it from any major programming language as long as a programming language supports internet protocols now the most important thing here is how that how to use how to call that exact API using your programming language most companies provide you sample code like for Google AWS is your you get sample code you just follow that sample code it's much much quicker yes you can do it for Facebook API a Twitter API and Netflix API you name it the exact format of the API the keys look at this Google had an API JSON file being had just an API key so for every cloud based or web based a parameter there is a subtle difference there is a small difference on how they have you pass keys how you pass parameters there is a subtle difference but if you just read through the documentation it should be straightforward so somebody says is OpenCV useful in real time projects why not there are a lot of computer vision stuff for which OpenCV is used of course if you want if you are talking specifically about object recognition tasks deep learning is the cutting edge but again we have done a couple of case studies and on images and video in our course we have used OpenCV primarily two preprocessor data for example we have used open CV to take images resize them convert them from color to greyscale all of this simple image pre-processing you can do it very very efficiently in open seaming there are some ok open CV is not just which pre-processing there is also multi-view geometry etcetera based on which I will I didn't start up earlier in in 2010 where we use some of those technologies so don't write off any library especially a big library like open CV because you can do some really fun stuff with open CV ok but if you want to do object recognition type stuff it's better to use pre trained models in tensorflow or carers or pi torch how do I learn to create APs very good question so actually we have done a live session earlier that's why I don't want to feed that in this life session so if you know Python there is something called as flask just google search for it it is extremely simple to learn right flask is the primary library that is used to create api's in API is in Python so we have done a live session I don't I don't remember whether it is a public live session or only for the registrations I do not remember it it's I've done it like almost a year ago almost a year ago I guess where we have we have taught how to build a web api using flask and how to deploy it on an AWS computer but it's fairly simple even if you are not a student just Google search for it read about flask right flask is the important part flask again just search for how to build web api using flask in Python you will get tons of tutorials it should be easy if you know Python it should be simple so somebody says should use flask or Django you can use either of them they are just two different ways of doing it you can use both of them they both work very well I prefer flask personally because flask is much more lightweight mostly designed for web api s-- django is a full-fledged web development platform right if you want to develop the whole website backend of a website django is like a very powerful software so Django's purpose is much bigger than flask flask is very limited to mostly creating web api is basic request response type stuff while django is a much bigger much bigger platform or a much bigger like brewery so that's why it's easier to use that's why I prefer flask but if you know Django please feel free to you jungle again somebody says do we need to learn opportunity cans concepts to start learning flask and Django C optional programming is a big area okay it's a massive area what you need to know is the basics you need to know what is a class you need to know what is an object you need to know what is a constructor you need to know how to call functions within a class if you know this maybe you might have to know little bit about inheritance a bit okay you don't have to know advanced concept about object or design all of those advanced topics you don't require if you know the basics you can learn again again if you know this concept from any programming language if you know let's say classes objects basics of inheritance basics of what is a constructor how do you call functions within a class if you know that even in Java you can learn that you can start learning any any any object along which if you noted C++ also chalica Athan is slightly different in some aspects but to learn flask and jaco you don't have to be an expert at object under design object-oriented design patterns all of that you don't have to be you just have to know the basic stuff so somebody says a very good question so a peers can be called a either using HTTP or HTTPS again it depends on the designer of the API s basically means you get a secure layer on top of HTTP so everything is encrypted and things like that but anyway I mean we know again it's a choice that the API designer chose right you can have HTTP based ApS or HTTP based the only major advantage is HTTP based once is it's a more secure connection everything is encrypted in things like that right so to be a machine learning engineer do we need to be master in core Python so I don't know what core Python is but at least you need to know the basics let me tell you what you need to know as far as python is concerned you have to know basic offense variables basic data structures like like dictionary list basic data structures okay you have to know basics of for loops while function calls function parameters returning from a function what is a class what is an object what is a constructor if you know these concepts and if you are comfortable with programming if you can write like decent nested for-loops for a given task I think that's good enough of course you have to learn other libraries for machine right you have to learn matplotlib for plotting your to learn pandas for all data data related stuff to load data you to learn um PI sci-fi for basic mathematical transforms you to learn scikit-learn for basic machine learning algorithms you have to learn tensorflow Kerris for deep learning stuff but libraries come and go right libraries come and go if you're like I've learned quite a long long ago libraries came libraries went but the most important what is I know how to write basic decent Python code again I am NOT an expert in software development like you would scale it off for development like some of my principal engineers or senior engineer at Amazon but I can do decent work so my knowledge of Python is good enough that I can learn and pick up a new library that comes that's good enough for all practical reasons is security necessary for API in machine learning that depends on the company that's implementing for example some companies might say we want we want to use HTTP for security because this is more like anyway your API key itself is could be encrypted end-to-end and things like that but equally important the message there is sensitive information like audio so we want to encrypt it all that stuff it's a decision of the designer okay sounds good folks I think speech to SQL queries can do this using API you taught us today No so of course if you say hey if you say SQL specifically if you clearly say select star from so-and-so table blah blah blah join this that if you say that in English I think it can do a decent job but again remember that Google speech to text is not is not trained on SQL queries per se but I think speaking not SQL queries is very hard I mean at least I can't think of it I'm better off writing it and seeing what I am writing what I am typing correcting it as I go I can't close my eyes and read off an SQL query at the top of my head I don't think I can do it so okay somebody says what is tensorflow okay so again tensorflow is a open source deep learning library built at google open source used extensively in deep learning so if you ever end up learning deep learning tensorflow might be one of the most important libraries along with carers and maybe pi torch that you should learn right okay sounds good guys are all the very best and I think I think I have had a good session thank you one and all for your time but please give me a few hours time because I need to sanitize our ipython odarka lab notebooks I will provide the collab notebook links so that you can copy them use it on your drive I'll also provide the key folders or such the key files and the folders that you need to run especially the google speech-to-text the google speech-to-text one which is basically your requirements file your your parts folder and your audio file right API key I cannot share because it is ours you will have to create your own API key dorje cell and put it in you in that folder right so anyway I'll put it just give me some time by evening I'll do that couple of hours give it to me and I will do it see you folks thank you very much thank you very much for your time and yeah bye-bye
Channel: Applied AI Course
Views: 14,332
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Length: 118min 27sec (7107 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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