Live - How to Use Youtube Safely, and Q&A

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okay live it says let's see if it's true does anyone see me thank you guys thank you for being here and we're going to have an interesting topic tonight and uh kind of related to youtube but actually it's kind of related to a lot of questions i've been getting lately and it has to do with trackers i've like i don't know how many people left me messages relating to tracker so there seems to be a lot of confusion about that and so we'll talk about that and somehow it's connected to the topic at hand here which is how i use youtube so thank you guys hello and tara meyer fleet lord atfar great goal james mason seek seek value wj bears old man eddie uh who do i miss storm brothers uh norma nonoff uh hyrulean gamer ludwig uh hey you hey you was first uh nemo nemo lady cosmic rose hello guys so so uh anyway the the the topic is uh is very interesting because a lot of you actually hide from youtube and you hello galvano you're awake galvano's awake uh angelo loren laurent lou a lot of you are like avoiding youtube and you're uh you're watching right now well you can't on odyssey because the live streams don't go to odyssey but the uh if you're watching on some other platform like nvidia's and and if new pipe is working and somebody told me that new pipe was not working but if new pipe were working it'd be watching me on newspipe and all these different platforms and the the reason of course you're you're all on these alternative platforms and basically hiding the true numbers of how many people actually follow me is because you're afraid that somebody's gonna track you so i understand that and it's a legit legit concern and i don't like tell you you got to be in youtube and you know gotta hit the like and all this uh because i understand everyone has a different threat level and you decide for yourself you know what what you want to do but what what i'm going to tell you today is that i am on youtube obviously because i'm a youtube creator and i use youtube all the time and i uh and i look for signs that say that my youtube experience is being spied on in some way and the way i'm using it i'm not getting that so i'm gonna share with you what i do and then hopefully from that you can kind of guess if uh it might work for you and i'm not gonna go force you to go to youtube or log in a lot of you also watch without logging in and i'm not gonna force you to do any of that but i'll tell you my story and how it works for me and hopefully you can learn from that and apply it to your situation so that's uh that's what we're going to talk about tonight my friends do you offer any courses and security i wish i have time for that i mean if that were my business but i really really don't i got to focus on the videos you know videos are very hard to make as it is hello official eureka eureka it's like so hard 9 volt so hard to uh to uh you know figure out how you say lyrical it's lyrical oh okay see it's so small i can't read it official lyrical 2a i use new pipe and library come here to certain ones okay so i'm using youtube directly the way you know a creator has to which is logged in to the browser and then logged into the session on on youtube so everything i do on google is being tracked and i'm going to tell you how i handle this and it seems to yeah youtube vans is a another option some people use to not be on youtube but i uh i uh i seem to have uh no indication that youtube is going above and beyond you know as far as spying me so that's actually a good sign in a way you know i i hate to say good things about google but uh in a way google is not the same kind of evil i see on facebook facebook is really evil i mean it you know they don't hide the fact that they're there to dig out everything about you at all moments and they don't give you a break there's no time to where they say okay if you don't want to do this we'll give you a break they don't do that so google actually does it so one of the things i'm going to teach you first and one of the first things i do and i hope you've all done this because if not then you ought to do it you go to uh google activity control so if you're not on google if you have not been to google activity controls you got a serious problem here okay so that's kind of basic i'm going to tell you that first because that's the assumption here is google activity control so what what is that so you log into google so you go in with your gmail account whatever you're logged into google when you're logged into google you go into go go into your search engine which hopefully is not google and you type google activity controls so i type that and i go into the google activity controls screen and it allows me to set by category what i want google to track or not to track as i go through the google experience in my case everything every single item is set to what is called paused so everything is paused location tracking uh and so on and specifically i go to uh youtube and say to youtube no history so my history is turned off in google activity control so i'm gonna ask you right now who among you does not have google activity controls set where youtube is not tracking is there anyone that doesn't do that so you know i figure everyone knows this but i guess maybe some don't so it's very simple i go into google activity controls and tell youtube not to track my youtube views so in theory then if i go to a gun video you know let's say i order into guns and i go into gun videos i shouldn't see any recommendations of gun videos okay thank you on antel rivera thank you very much thank you i appreciate that those of you who contribute to the channel like and uh is that antel or anyel sorry sir aniel rivera so those of you contribute to the channel thank you so much you know this is the only thing that supports this channel is your contribution so i appreciate it very much so when you when you set the google activity controls to pause then i don't expect that it that youtube is going to feed me anything uh as far as you know what i watch from before and and that's actually been correct i actually don't so i think it's partly because of gdpr you know gdpr from the eu requires them not to fool around with this because they get into a lawsuit so seems to be so far they've they've kept to the they kept to that and which actually surprised me that google will actually do something good in this case they actually do in fact pause so uh so i don't actually see any youtube recommendations that i don't expect so i'm i'm not getting i don't watch any political videos for example so i don't expect to be fed any political videos uh if you know if i'm even if i'm watching like i said it's an example a gun video i don't expect to be getting a gun video back now i do watch sailing videos so uh even then i don't get that unless i specifically do one thing and this is the thing that actually tracks me and i am okay with this i actually subscribe to the channel so i subscribe to to uh uh many linux channels so many of the linux channels that you're you're familiar with i i subscribe to them and uh and that's okay i want to see what they they show and uh you know district two chris titus tech uh uh tlg uh switch to linux uh daddy linux i mean but i'm i make sure that uh they're friends and i make sure that to support them by by following their channel and i purposely go go follow them so i expect to see that in my home or recommendations and my subscriptions and i see that together with what i expect to see as sailing videos and i do see that but because i subscribe to it i actually don't see anything offered that's not in the range of what i subscribe to so i don't expect to see uh a push in one direction on certain issues or certain topics that i you know even in trending i don't want to see a pattern what i see should be what everyone sees i shouldn't see any kind of bias in any certain mix of channels that i'm supposed to see and that so far has been true hello no enough you bus your business thank you so much thank you for your support thank you so much so so that so far has been good it's uh they've been consistent with that so google activity controls and you can switch off location you can switch off google search tracking now i never use google search so whether or not they uh they allow it you know allow pausing i do not use google search i use duckduckgo so hello aj hello uh yikime yukime uh jamie dale furnaceangel j wj bayers uh hotel on my goodness total honesty's bg so uh google activity controls is the first line of defense so do that now let me tell you about trackers in general okay and then we'll go into some of the other techniques but i just want to make sure i set the stage that the first thing i do is say i'm going to use the max of permissions that i give to google in google activity controls that's kind of a baseline doesn't mean i trust them but it's a baseline and then i'm gonna do do it from there and i'm gonna tell you that before i did anything else i did a test to see what happened because i've been doing this for a couple of years now and i i actually tested to make sure that my traffic doesn't get the recommendations that i don't expect if i don't subscribe to anyone so uh last year i wasn't subscribed to anyone so i would i wasn't i shouldn't be seeing anything and and true enough i did not uh if they were tracking it they weren't telling me so they weren't like using the tracking in some way to influence me because i didn't see it uh first thing i'm going to talk about is is you know this idea of trackers a lot of people download apps that track trackers one of them being brave so if you run brave uh you see all this report on on brave itself that says how many trackers were found and how how much time it saved you and that's right on top of the brave screen if you run privacy badger which is a default on on some browsers is it not default in firefox now and if you download that it will automatically then give you also a report of trackers and and all that if you run a mobile app some of you have been using some of these uh apps that supposedly track trackers and then you uh you go panic when you see a tracker say oh my gosh there's trackers on this app brack smears trackers all these things have trackers and you're all panicking and uh uh stop relax stop okay the truth the truth guys there are trackers everywhere i've said this in many videos the way these apps track trackers is via cookie so privacy badger brave uh exodus and all these different apps the way they track trackers to check for cookies then they see if a cookie is used in multiple instances in different domains and that's how they track a tracker okay the problem guys is that that is not accurate that is not accurate let me repeat it again it is not accurate okay why is it not accurate because many trackers do not use cookies i've said this in a video which nobody watched not every tracker needs to use a cookie cookies are the old way there's many many ways to track you including now ultrasound okay mac addresses there's many many other ways to track you so they don't necessarily track by cookies so all of these tools say there's a tracker in this app but this app does not have tracker so you say oh it must be safe because it doesn't have trackers wrong okay everything is trackers everything so you have to start from the assumption that everything could be tracking you so now we got understand if everyone is tracking you then how do we evade this uh forget about going to to apps like exodus and all this and trying to go stop trackers because you know you're only getting the ones that use cookies because many many trackers will not use cookies and certainly cross device tracking uh uxdt and all that types of xdts will not use any kind of visible tracking so there's not going to be a record of it that the the uh an app can track so and you might get a false sense of security that you're not being tracked but you are being tracked so that re the thing that you need to do now is think and say hmm what are they collecting because it doesn't matter if you're being tracked if the whatever they're tracking it means nothing then nothing then they're tracking nothing i've said this before and i will repeat it okay when you're being tracked the thing that you have to worry about is what website you're on that's the number one thing they're tracking and what you were doing on that website so the activity but but that needs an identity so it needs some sort of index that can match whatever you do on the internet to to that activity and the indexes are ip address email address device fingerprint browser fingerprint those are you know typical things that will be found if they find a match to one of those then whatever you're doing will be matched to an index will be stored and then it will say uh joseph lopez is the identity and these are the things he's been doing based on what they've discovered by something that coincides like ip address uh email address browser fingerprint and so on now all you have to do is not give them the data of ip address and browser fingerprint and so on and what happens is the data is left hanging and they can track you all day but they can't they cannot identify who it belongs to so then the data is useless you should see these videos of these data scientists studying this and analyzing how such so much of a percentage of the population they can't extract data because like i said there's no match and i'm one of those that they can't find me they don't have a match of what i do because i take certain precautions and it's not much it's not really much i just know that i look at the back end don't look at don't worry about you know what they're collecting at the front end worry about what they have and if they can make sense out of it because if they can't make sense out of the data the data is useless and thank you nunoff your business again none of your business that's what it is none of your business yes that's now i've uh can you do google a tab s4 i've never tried i i've never tried i think you i think an s4 can be de-googled but i've never tried it anyway uh my vpn doesn't have any sucking back doors so uh what have i done in my case well i'm going to tell you it's very very simple so i went to google activity controls and wiped out all of the uh google activity to pause and then this is very important in order for browser fingerprinting to work browser fingerprinting needs your identity which is your google id and then it needs to see all the other websites you're going into well in my case i have isolated google to brave so google is running on brave by itself anything google i do on brave nothing else i don't do anything else on that browser nothing else i have a dedicated brave browser now what is good about brave i was using chrome before and i shifted to brave uh the the only reason that brave was kind of interesting was because it was actually doing tracking of the trackers it was giving me a report of how many trackers it found while i was using google so so i shift back and forth now but let's say i went to brave let's just talk about my brave experience here because this is what's relevant so i'm using brave with google i don't do anything else i don't go to any website i am logged in to youtube so youtube knows what i'm doing who i am because i'm logged into youtube uh with my normal youtube account and with my subscriptions and all that so everything is is obvious to them but i don't do anything else but google they already know what i do so i don't do by the way i don't uh don't i don't go to gmail on that that's done on a on a you know a email client so my uh brave browser doesn't really have anything to do with email it's basically just logging in with my google account and that's it it's going to do google things uh without email i don't have well i use my email account obviously to log in but i have a specific email for for youtube and basically it's my youtube zone is brave i don't do anything else on there now what what happens here you see browser fingerprinting or tracking requires that you go to all these websites and then because you're logged into google they will do a match and say oh we see you on google this is your real name and uh so you rob braxton tech on youtube and you're on all these different websites because of google analytics we can make the connection that you're in all these websites but i use a completely different browser so when i'm going to amazon i am not on brave or chrome whatever i'm using i'm on firefox so when i go to amazon i'm on firefox so um google i with my identity on there doesn't see what i'm doing on firefox so i do you know braxtme i do amazon i do all of that on firefox usually i'm running like four browsers but typically you know two is enough you know one for google uh and the rest for everything else and what happens it shuts down these these uh trackers because in order for the trackers to work they have to look for an identity and i have a vpn running next point i always have a vpn running so the ip address doesn't make any sense because obviously many many of you are my vpn so so we're all on the same ip addresses so they can't draw a connection between what i do on either google or on on firefox because i have different ip addresses and so on uh all vpn none of my not on my own and no activity that can be connected because i'm using a different browser so this is called browser isolation so now it can't draw any conclusions from what i'm doing on amazon it can't say oh you just looked at this product for example today i was curious i said you know i saw a video of somebody using a scooter and i said oh let me look at amazon and see what what these scooters are about so so i look and see what the price of a scooter is and so i checked that and normally for normal people that will incite some some advertising to show up on youtube and every place else that's trying to sell you scooters and all these different things so it doesn't happen with me i don't get that and again because there's no identity connected to it what i do on firefox and show up on the other side now here's more now i've been running i've been running uh brave with the youtube here in anything google and i noticed that brave has not found a single tracker now i thought that was kind of interesting brave has not found a single tracker not one so i thought that when you use google they're supposed to get a lot of trackers i don't know what's happening here but i'm not getting any and one of the things that i also do in case you didn't know is my vpn is bytes vpn it's my vpn this bytes vpn bytes vpn uses pi hole so i'm always on pi hole which blocks the tracker domains all of the domains having to do with trackers don't get executed because it's not allowed by pi holes when you use my vpn you're automatically protected and i was actually surprised that after using all this again with all these simple things it's very very basic i disable or pause google activity controls i left google in its own browser which is brave or chrome one of those two then i i use a vpn with pi hole to block the to block the domains of the trackers and i isolated all my other activity elsewhere and surprisingly i get nothing so sometimes it's kind of sad you know you you you want google to youtube to feed you something interesting that uh maybe related to what you do and i don't get anything so to me to have to find something youtube actually have to actively search it google analytics can analyze all they want but they're only going to analyze what you i do in google which they already know they already know what i do in google since i am on youtube so whatever i do in google they already know they don't need google analytics for that so they have very little information so by doing this i've i've found a way to tell you that yes it's very easy to blunt the ai because this is really about the ai if you watch some of these videos uh uh you know of people doing uh doing data mining data data science and this is one of the problems they're trying to solve and i'm trying to beat them because i understand what they're trying to do and and all i have to do is beat them and then it works so can this be beat uh well a couple ways uh they could be lying to me and they're not paused when even when i say pause and activity controls they're not really pausing they could be storing it but they're just not reporting to it to me but i have such an insurance policy here i've divided the the uh activity into such an isolated thing that it they really can't collect anything out of me and i don't not i do not use google search i use duckduckgo even on the chrome or brave windows i use duckduckgo i i do not do gmail or any of that on a on a webmail i use thunderbird on a different computer a different uh i mean it's running its own separate exe so they're isolated so i don't really have any connection and i'm i guess and i'm on a vpn uh with pi holes so the ip address and the dns is restricted and this seems to work it doesn't it's it's not really all that complicated so what i'm trying to tell you is you do not have to go crazy about this all you have to do is do a few little tricks and what happens is the uh the ai fails the ai can't handle this kind of complexity now they're gonna get beyond this hello the tao thank you what is your opinion of the light phone actually i don't know what a light phone is what is a light phone i've never actually heard of a light phone maybe you should pass a link so um so that's uh that's really the the crux of it it's uh simple and let's say that you have other identities and you want to use youtube fully set up a new gmail just set up an account that's just for gmail where you can subscribe and do all that and comment and make sure it's not your real name and just set it aside just for this purpose and nothing else which is what i do so you set up an account that's just set for that purpose and nothing else you can have as many gmail accounts as you want but just set up one for this purpose pause activity controls and it's not really all that complicated all we have to do here is beat the ai beat the ai it's not that complicated guys the ai is not that smart so far now this is if you watch my new video you know that this is slowly changing here because with my new video they can do what is called cross device tracking which uses what is called out-of-band data data that's not part of your experience here but which is on the side it could be from ultrasound in the background mac address is being tracked contact tracing all of this can actually connect devices and that's uh the stuff that was in my latest video that's the fear they were they're going to take this to a new level but we're not there yet because at the moment there's many ways to to block some of this with permissions and it's not it's not at the level yet where we we have to panic they don't have enough data yet on this but i fear that you know if we allow it there will be so be careful it's not there yet don't don't panic my last video is not intended to to give you fear it's intended to make you aware so that maybe we can stop it and instruct at the moment we're okay we're okay so anyway guys thank you for uh for that uh uh for coming here and listening and i i want to just again remind you that this live stream is sponsored by lenode now i run many many of my servers on lenovo has been my preferred data center and i'm like saving a lot of money from lenode so one of the things i notice about lenode is that if i'm going to use a word that describes them it's fairness when i go to like amazon or some of these other providers some of them charge you for incoming data and outgoing data i mean they want to charge you every way they can so they fake you and they say we're going to give you one terabyte what they're really saying is we're going to count in inflow and outflow so that's you're only getting 500 megabytes a gigabyte not a terabyte so they lie and and lenovo been fair and not only that when you exceed your capacity on one server they take all of your servers and add them all up and say oh you're running five servers so we're gonna track the capacity based on your five servers not the one server so this kind of fairness is something that i've really appreciated so if you go and want to set up a server like a next cloud or a jitsi server you can or even you know a backup server or a mail server lenovo you know you can set up a server for as cheap as uh five dollars a month and uh if you use the link leno dot com slash rob braxtman you will get a hundred dollar credit for two months so just uh just to make you aware of that now one other thing that i was uh i was uh asked to do but did not happen is i was supposed to post a qr code for the people at because they have a little uh challenge here privacy challenge a little game and everyone's supposed to go to in on the internet and track qr codes and they didn't give me the qr code so i guess i can't do anything but they're running some sort of privacy game on okay so i don't i don't have a qr code but i was supposed to what do i need a server for uh i've done so many videos where you can have your own server the reason for your own servers are obviously supreme privacy because if you're running your own jitsi server it is more secure than anything else if you're running your own xmpp server no one can beat that with security that's even more secure than signal if you're running your own next cloud server uh your phones are going to be much more secure and none of this need to cost more than you know for personal use five bucks a month so these are all things that you can do with a server so uh okay so let's see uh chinese students fight for their government most of the time and china's consulates verified if students fulfilled their duties okay i wouldn't doubt that actually i know a lot of uh you know chinese students uh should i ask them you know some of these young kids i don't know what is it like college level or what level do they do this qr codes risky can we use different internet providers for different devices and websites as a way of isolation that's not a avenue that i would expect for a standard threat level of a normal person so for normal people now if you're snowden then that might be more interesting does a vpn work to hide you from google yes it doesn't hide you from google it makes your data look meaningless i have virus all my info phone cleaning update reset your phone and start fresh mg tow is using multiple private pages on the same web browser for different uses still work as browser isolation no using multiple private pages on the same web route no no no don't do that nothing is more i've done you you have to test there you can go to uh my uh app uh i mean my test site brax dot me slash geo which is discussed in many of my videos and no the absolute test is to isolate the browser it's just 100 percent more effective thank you not telling how do i make a youtube channel and monetize without doxing myself obviously do not use your real name uh and uh and some of you can't do what i do you see my my face is not is not on the internet in any other context but my broadcast so before i started doing live streams and broadcasting my face was not on the internet can any of you both doing that that's actually kind of rare and and because of that i don't really have any fear about being on youtube because you're not going to find any my face in a different context because i'm not on the internet i mean can you imagine that being able to do that that's nowadays that's very rare it requires a lot of discipline and it makes sure that when i go to any app i never use the same identity when i go to a different app i have a different identity unless it's connected to this channel okay so uh so you may not be able to do that maybe too late in which case then you you're you're putting yourself at risk by going on on youtube with an identity with your real name and not really planning that out i have planned it out so i'm you know some of you made a comment oh you're uh you're supposed to be scared about facial recognition and all this and you're on youtube and uh but there's no connection if you go search me and reverse image search on google nothing is going to come up some of you are not too smart because you've actually put your photos on google photos so now google has the ability to do reverse image search because they scan the photos in google photos please do not do google photos please okay just some of the tricks i don't use google search i don't use google photos i don't use google drive i don't use any of that uh when i use gmail it's for specific purposes that have no identity uh i do all my serious email on my own email server uh or a paid email server which is not being uh collected because it's free any free service it's collecting your data so go to something that's not that's paid okay uh and by the way i don't like using google i mean icloud either so you know if i use icloud it would be temporary because it's just transferring from one phone to the other and then i download everything from icloud and then i delete it from my cloud cloud storage for free is i will learn your face if somebody else posts my pick on their facebook it might risk yes that's why you don't want facebook yes and and my family is always upset with me because when it comes to family photos i have a policy and they know this that i do not show my face on their photos unless they promise me that they will not post it on facebook okay where to back up files in the cloud you can uh mike l i'm actually uh considering making a small app that does that i want to encrypt and then store it in in the cloud uh and end to end end to end encrypted where only you have the encryption so i'm uh i'm thinking about doing that maybe next month thunderbird is excellent that's the only one i recommend for email email's not safe but if i'm going to use email i'm going to use thunderbird lolicu i deleted fbfb several years ago uh owncloud does that already own cloud is not free zuckbook has shadow profiles of everyone even if you don't have fb if it has to get connected so without a connection they can't really do anything about it because of their terms of service so if you don't have a facebook account legally facebook is not supposed to do anything with your data it's in terms of service why do you keep asking me that 4 5 sdef older than you probably that's all you need to worry about can't use thunderbird because thunderbird can can run on mac can can run on windows can run on linux thunderbird runs everywhere knights could be good might need hipaa though uh there's no need for to worry about hipaa mic l there is no need to worry about hipaa when you're encrypting it end to end so this is actually very simple to do but i just wanted to make a nice interface for it but you can easily do this there's some github programs i can even just start with so i don't have to start from scratch it's actually quite easy but i i was just trying to figure out a way to to uh to do it with a database and what i'm thinking is i run the database and then i just rent the service because somebody has to maintain a database of your files i don't have any thoughts on discord that's positive if any of us finds you in real life how much money would you pay us you i'd ask you to pay me because i'll you know take a photo of you and say oh now i know who you are uh what version of linux do you recommend for coding i don't really care i'm not one of those that worry about that because most of my coding is done on linux servers you know i'm i'm uh like a lot of these guys like you know so a lot of the linux guys uh londuke you know tlg distro tube all these guys they're all working off desktop clients that's really not my expertise my expertise is servers so i run a lot of linux servers i have a lot of linux servers and hopefully i'll move a lot of them on the node but i have a lot of them a lot of them and uh it's kind of hard to manage because there's so many and there's all so many different providers so uh did you get your librarian 5 hell no radio 4 station creation what the radio for station creation uh what about radio uh i've i was on the radio before by the way i was a frequent guest on uh what is it kb somebody can remind me is it kbz this is boston am radio and the largest am radio in the country so as a frequent guest on that before they got bought by iheart it used to be cbs and when it was cbs i was always on it and and that was some years back now and i haven't been on it wbz there you go i haven't been on wbz since it was purchased by i heart uh you should uh should be able to use it like uh when was wpa3 hacked uh right after it was released so it was kind of it's kind of frustrating you know you're expecting wp 3 to solve our problem with the wi-fi and then it gets hacked so wpa3 would have made our wi-fi safe at the moment there is no safe wi-fi all wi-fi's can be hacked all wi-fi's can be hacked until wpa3 is uh cleaned up and we we have uh i mean supposedly was cleaned up but nobody's using it so it means they're not confident so it looks like everyone's lying in weight here so when wpa3 is actually accepted and we see it on all our routers finally we can say possibly that our wi-fi routers will not get hacked can chromebook be hacked oh my gosh chromebook is being tracked by by google you don't want that hold along why don't you go to joe rogan he hasn't invited me uh you know your internet provider will not update your router firmware you have to do it yes it's using ethernet for mobile devices extreme um how do you do it wired you're going to plug it into usbc uh depends on your threat i don't need to worry about that do you think for browser android is vulnerable to cross-site scripting attack cross-site scripting is a per website issue it's not cross-site uh scripting is not an issue for you personally it's by website so if a website can be cross-site scripted then it can they can fake you so it's not a it's not it's not about you it's about the website so let's say you go to they can be the cr can they be cross-site scripted well hopefully not that you know they've done the work to make sure they can't they can't they can't do that to you but a small website somewhere probably can so many many small websites can be cross-site scripted laptop recommendations uh i i don't know what to tell you i i use uh my linux laptop is a star laptop which is a nice inexpensive linux laptop i'm currently broadcasting on my windows laptop which is what my video device is and it's running on an hp spectre x360 and then i have mac macbook pro and all that i got tons of computers here vpn works for government officials only 5 56k subs uh yes going down it was uh i was expecting i might even get to 100 in november and it's kind of slowed down so we'll see so i was expecting uh it was i was basically getting getting uh uh 1800 subscribers a day so which is uh basically uh what twenty twenty thousand a month uh a week that's how many uh the last uh the last uh month i got the last week i got what 16 17 000 just last week so yeah you know it so i'm going to get close to 100 000 in november and uh probably a hundred thousand uh in december so it's crazy crazy what version of windows windows 10. now some of you will say whoa but your windows 10 is getting you're being spied on my microsoft shut up you just have to know what to do what videos attract most subscribers in today's climate i i don't know that my my signal uh video was doing extremely well and then the the google video is the top one right now you subscribe today thank you wj bears uh can you still get zuck using a vpn with router that's just part of the technique i mean you got to do everything you got to do browser isolation just like what i did with youtube you know i have browser isolation i have a vpn of pi hole i turned off google activity controls i have different identities for different purposes uh you know you got to do all that you you can't stop at one thing i have a google phone so one of the things and this is really important here to understand that most tracking occurs on your phone you know if if you think that's not true then you're you're in dreamland this is where most of the tracking occurs so here i have a phone that i have never logged into because there's no login so there's no identity i do not put my life on the phone uh someone by the way there was somebody that made a comment and it's like it's it's it's sad it really is it makes me cry sometimes because sometimes i lose hope for the world when somebody leaves a comment on my youtube channel and says oh you know uh you know you know the typical ludite comments oh you're such a ludi you should go to cave and you know caveman be a caveman and all this uh but you know even seemingly normal people will say the convenience i don't want to give up the convenience of uh of my phone so i'm gonna get you know such and such uh the new iphone and i'm like trying to think to myself what exactly am i sacrificing with the google phone i'm not sacrificing much okay most apps run ninety percent of the apps run on this what am i really sacrificing folks what i'm sacrificing is this is a pixel 3 yes it's not a pixel 4 or pixel 5 by the way i ordered a pixel 4 so i'll upgrade it to pixel 4. so oh my gosh i'm one model year behind oh my gosh that's so shocking one model year on the phone yes i sell you uh moto uh g7 phones which are 2019 phones oh my gosh they're a year old year old i i i can't i'm a luddite i'm a ludic guys i'm a luddite because uh uh you know i i my phone is a year old and some of you have a couple of year old phones oh my gosh we can't do this guys you gained a lot of privacy just by not having a brand new phone the privacy gains what is the difference between this by the way i have my iphone 10 which i don't use anymore but let's be serious iphone 10 oh your iphone 10 is so sucking old i'm looking at the iphone 10 and the iphone 12 and it's like what is really different oh the camera's better oh gosh the camera's better that's a big deal oh the cpu is twice as fast what the am i doing in the phone that requires me to pay that money and say twice as fast what the suck guys what are you doing you're actually losing your privacy because you want to have the latest and greatest oh this is the craziness of the world i mean i'm not even saying that you have to sacrifice much to use this yes there are no google apps on here there are many substitutes yes you can't have everything but you know most of the things i want you what do i do my phone i'll tell you what i like on it i like spotify oh i got spotify i like kindle i do my kindle i'm a boater so i have navionics uh i do my i even have like uh dj dji for my uh you know camera i got all those apps here what else do i have here i have new pipe to watch youtube um uh let's see what other interesting things i i got email uh my boating app not the onyx i said that uh for a while there are ways with running then way stop running netflix will run so i i'm you know what does that guys what's the big sacrifice there's you know if ninety percent of what you can do can be done uh and the rest you use a docking computer okay so so i shouldn't be saying that because guess one thing that i learned about youtube when you do a video youtube actually examines frame by frame and then if i say certain words they're gonna demo they're gonna demonetize us again because you know even though i say that it's not a bad word it's not a bad word you know but it demonetized frame by frame it actually you know listens to everything i say and then it will uh after it gets processed it's gonna demonetize it again who cares okay we don't care about that you know i'm not saying any bad words so uh algorithm youtube algorithm don't screw up okay it's not a bad word it's not a bad word okay so um a name is a name is a name it's not a bad word so anyway if you if you understand what i'm saying here about you know people claiming i'm a ludite uh some of you probably are too young to even know what a ludite is so so uh but you know i'm not a caveman i'm very you know happy with my tech but i'm gonna give you a little tip guys did you know that computers are very safe do not be like starlight karaoke my friend starlight karaoke here is very fun of his phones he has tons of computers but he's fond of his phones we're gonna change that guys change it why don't you get fond of your computer buy the nicest sucking now i should have said that again buy the nicest laptop buy the nicest you know these are ultra light laptops now that are convertible like tablets like my hp over here i don't care if you run windows on it i'll tell you how to set it up so it's okay run a laptop run a laptop uh with nice screens 4k and all that with big screens and you can watch netflix and all that and it's so safe compared to these things leave this to be you know as as minimal as you can get don't put your actual data on here and just use it for fun like i do and you know spotify and all that's not in the problem uh but i'm not going to put my life on here i'm not going to put you know my nude photos in here it's kind of crazy stuff you put your nude photos on the phone and you say oh my phone has to be super secure because you know somebody might steal my phone and they're going to see my nude photos just like suck if you put your nude photos on the phone you're crazy as it is okay oh boy i teach you stuff but you know common sense somebody says oh you gotta have such a secure phone it's gotta be hard and all i was like no i don't care if you steal this phone today okay steal it i don't care i have tons of phones there if you steal this i'm going to be mad that my money is lost but otherwise i'm not going to care about the data because there's no data on here i just you know change the password to my online accounts and move on with life okay to log into google youtube on the google phone and browser yes it is you can log in i've done that i've logged into because i'm on the road and i need to look at my channel i log into google on youtube with a google phone and a browser and you can do browser isolation also on a phone you you can dedicate a browser for it it's used google voice uh i use google voice i do use i use google voice okay how do i use google voice i'm getting a lot of data here how do i use google voice uh now i do have a 2fa video two-factor authentication video where i use google voice without authenticating a phone number but actually i've changed that now so because i wanted to use it more so my google voice if you watch my video i authenticated with a phone number and then i threw away the sim card and so the phone number no longer exists and then i went to google voice and deleted the phone number and so and then i i activated google voice on my iphone which does not have a sim card so i have a dedicated google voice phone that has no connection with uh sim card thank you jade finch scene thank you so much i have many devices on the personal router phone tablet where to start new router vpn factory reset devices in what order it doesn't matter what the order is just think about your identity first identity first and then back into everything else so so uh back to what i was saying about uh what was i saying uh um kind of forgot what i was talking about um somebody remind me what i was talking about uh what was i talking about before i responded to uh the the common in green uh before no identity phone number okay the google voice i was talking about google voice so i decided that i actually wanted to make my google voice my primary number so if you call me on my primary number because it's published in certain places understand that i don't actually answer the phone i never answer the phone so please don't call me i will not answer the phone uh the the line goes to google voice and then i can read the google voice but i'm not going to call you back on google voice however it gets forwarded to my phone so i do i do have it forwarded in an emergency i'm not going to answer it though so you're saying well google knows my identity because it forwards to a new phone number on this but what i did is i use and i have uh please use a referral code if you're going to use ting because of the casual use i put the phone through which is just to accept calls in that very limited way my ting expense is 10 bucks i put a sim card cost me 10 bucks a month and i just get occasional calls on it that you know most of the time i don't answer anything and i changed my sim card every month yes this is live for guentis rosales ferguentius rosales so i changed my sim card every month it's very simple so i have a new phone number i forward google voice to it doesn't matter if they know because next month the number is meaningless there's no actual long-term identity to it so i don't really care if they know it because nobody knows it certainly i certainly haven't published it anywhere it's not connected to anything so that's what i do that's my method and google voice is my primary phone number now uh i could call you on the phone if i wanted to because the phone number is only one shot so it doesn't matter that i call you because if you call me back next month that phone number will not exist anymore but it's uh i don't even do that i really don't call please do not call me try to avoid emailing me you know but if you want to use xmpp i publish my xmpp server so i'm rob braxtman at so i have my own server for xmpp so you can talk there too as well as on braxtme but if you want to buy something you need to go to braxtme because that's where the store is the referral code is in in braxtme sorry i should next time i'll post it on i'll post it on maybe after the broadcast i'll post it on youtube so uh so that means your friendship family are always getting a new number from you every month no i have a separate phone for family so i have two phones my normal phone that only family and friends use people i know the people i do not know uh do not use that they only know google voice okay so that's what i do you split up your life everyone else uses the normal phone number uh and everyone else uses google voice okay so that's uh that's my scheme uh how do you feel about using tor on android uh i don't know what happened to orbot orbot was the official tour on f droid and it disappeared maybe somebody can tell me why orbot disappeared i can't use orbot anymore on android and that's official tor it's good now in the absence of that you can use bytes vpn bytesvpn does have tor included in the service so if you want to use tor onbytesvpn on your phone all you have to do is load the profile for tor and it will give you a torque connection or vpn whatever you want on your phone so bytes vpn is as i mentioned earlier vice vpn is pretty neat because aside from the fact that we serve europe america uh india australia those those main areas aside from all that uh bytes vpn has pie hole so it automatically does you don't have to set up a pi hole server the ad blocking is done at the dns level which stops those trackers and on top of that you get tor so and besides we're not a well-known vpn it's a small small company just me i don't even promote it i don't go to tomspark's vpn reviewer and say please review the vpn i don't really care how many people go on on buys vpn we have sufficient i don't need i don't need uh you know thousands and thousands and thousands of people coming into bytes vpn i actually wanted to be very very small and the one rule is that uh on buys vpn the one rule is we don't want anybody who uses bittorrent if you use bittorrent go to a pia or nordvpn don't come to my don't come to my server so because it's such a clean cut group we have no spammers we have none of that we're such a clean cut group so that the people and vice vpn are you know filtered they're all good people uh badass some ss7 attack and they can spoof your number do you have tor server in your house no you can run my tor router and you can connect directly to tor without anything else you can buy my brax route or set it to be a tor router it will route to tor so i have that capability as well what are your thoughts on mobile banking well you don't have a choice you got to do mobile banking so do it should uh people have a phone well we don't have a choice you can't have a phone just don't rely on it don't put your life on it don't think you got to get to have the latest and greatest get the latest and greatest that you can use lineage os on and that's all you have to worry about lineage os it doesn't have to be anything fancy you don't have to use every single rom then these os is fine that's what i use nothing fancy i don't care if you hack me you can't hack me anyway there's no data in here so somebody says oh you need graphene calyx this is like no no you don't okay philosophically do not put your sucking nude pictures in here then you don't need that you don't need it you have to have a philosophical change of approach and then you don't have to worry about it won't tor make you a target it can make you a target that's why you don't want to make anyone know that you're using it and if you're using my vpn on tor they don't know who's using it that's one of the nice things about it because it doesn't point to your machine it points to my machine okay if you're using my bytes vpn with tor uh let's say you on my buy vpn you can use the vpn you can use store let's say you use the tor one the entry node is my server so they're not gonna see anything so if they say well who's doing this it's gonna go to my server and my server's not gonna have anything so it's gonna be a dead end so if you uh it actually makes it it's like a another layer it's like a relay so my server is a relay to tor so because of the relay it's like a another level of separation between you and tor and that's part of my vpn service it's vpn safe cheap so vpn safe cheap where do i go my it's my product go to braxtme you can buy it there just come to my account and come to my site and you can talk to us and you can get the store you can buy vpn from there by routers phones it's bandwidth capped on bytes vpn no i don't want that guy who uses too much no there's no cap the limitation is the you can have six simultaneous devices which is pretty good if you're using a brax router there's no limit uh the one brax router equals one device is the tor ecosystem healthy right now are there enough nodes active it hasn't really changed store has been stable i believe there were 6 000 nodes i wish there were more there's another platform called i2p and it's just not it's it's just not getting there so i actually have itp loaded on this computer but you know it's hard to find uses for it so 6 000 servers but you know there's billions of us trying to use it are you from the navy uh i have i'm i'm uh i have a uh i have a yacht and i have a uh i have a rank my rank is commodore so this if you're talking about this i'm uh i'm uh staff commodore so which is from yacht clubs not not the navy so uh it's a civilian civilian organization but i still get saluted so yes if i'm if i'm in a formal event i get saluted uh in uh in a yachting context so i'll be back oh lavelle logan how are you doing vpn slower you're vpn slower not mine uh you have a yacht awesome okay uh motorboat or i'm a i'm a sailor i i have a sailor i have a i have a channel that i'm gonna dedicate to to uh to my boat it's uh it's on the description rob the half-baked prepper which is my sailboat i salute you i salute you too ranger dawn have a dream to work on a yacht then own uh buy a cheap yacht you know when i was young i bought a boat for 1200 bucks and of course it takes much more money to run it so uh 1200 bucks didn't do much but uh so now i have a slightly bigger boat uh do i play video games not good at them so you know i have a few games but you know i'm not uh i i don't really have time to spend too much with games come sail with me if you drop by hong kong that you know that would be an adventure i you know to go sail that far that would be an adventure i you know i too bad you know i don't have time for that but uh boy do i have a dinghy i have a dinghy with yeah i have a sailboat and i have a dinghy as well so i have a uh yeah i have a dinghy that uh i can put on the boat so if i travel i can use the dinghy to go to shore are you doing your thanksgiving live cooking uh i don't know i'm i'll i'm not sure le vendi especially now uh how does one protect themselves from ultrasonic attacks uh that's a hard one uh you you protect you know if you feel like you're in an area that could be attacked you you should turn off your mic and not use anything but the problem is even if you're don't use like voice commands like siri all that because they can hear ultrasounding in the background so if you some of you are like using you know hey siri what's uh you know you're doing this all the time and then the ultrasonic sounds will reveal your location so that's one of the things you know you do do not want to do uh but on top of that somebody actually said if you want to protect your home from ultrasonic sounds you can block the ultrasonic sound by actually playing an ultrasonic pattern over it and you can't hear it anyway so you can kind of you know disturb your dog and play some ultrasonic music which you can play on your speaker so somebody can just record one and you can just keep playing it back and play it on your uh you know on your speakers and then you would actually block ultrasound if that is concerned for you okay uh clip z solar oh i'm gay oh yeah okay sure whatever makes you happy uh how do i protect myself from ultra uh like those used against those diplomats in cuba uh see we we know we well first of all you can detect uh sound all you have to do is record it use a high-end microphone you know like like these guys these are uh you know uh what they call this condenser mics like this is a very high level condenser mic very expensive so this is a akg this is an akg c3000 that's an expensive microphone and i use it for the videos and uh yeah this can handle like the high frequencies and it can really capture that and then record it and then you can see if somebody's doing it to you how a dedicated raspberry pi zero sounds have a dedicated raspberry pi zero sound system should i use just use a flip phone no need have fun use a you know the google phone why would you need to sacrifice like that when you can have the best of both worlds a little privacy here your google phone is pretty good not sure what the problem is i've never logged into this phone this phone has no identity and i can run most apps that are not google most are you giving away too much information about yourself uh am i giving too much information about myself uh which city do you sail in uh i'm in uh santa monica bay los angeles santa monica bay southern hemisphere what is your personal preferred balance between security and latency while gaming uh i would not use a vpn while gaming so to be honest with you the reason it doesn't there's not enough there's no data that's being stolen from you so i don't need to do that well while gaming although some of you report getting attacked because you do bad things on there and then somebody tries to ddos you on on gaming um you know for normal use i wouldn't worry about that is it okay to use your google phone on verizon you can use you can use the google phone on any carrier that it runs on or never mind that link speed long beach in the house santa monica bay south bay huge bay uh yeah santa monica bay is a little tough because uh the waves are big santa monica bay it's funny you know for for like a you know supposedly a bay it's not protected at all so we get the swells all the way from sucking china so we get big waves sometimes there's no wind and the waves are huge so if you need like wave training you you go to santa monica bay so santa monica bay is like there's no protection from the waves uh there's really nothing in between santa monica bay and china nothing there's open water so uh yeah so it's so if there's any kind of storm in the pacific somewhere you know we're gonna get the waves uh what happened to the break water the break water is in the break water i'm not sailing in the break water that's inside has the south vpn server being set up been changed yet not to require authentication yes uh none of the servers require private key anymore yeah they're all standard now uh andrew schmidt hey braxi are crickets wireless servers safe this website seems corrupted i don't know uh chunk gross it's me i'm back chunk hoes who's chuck hoes santa monica used to be the la harbor in the 1800s no there's a la harbor la harbor is in long beach that's the san pedro that's the official la harbor we are not in l.a harbor there's actually for a while here there was no harbor the the harbors here were man-made later on um what's good email servers to use your own it's the hardware of the google phone still identifiable uh no you can change the identity of the phone no um if not what is the point of privacy setting functions if there's a simple way to no there is not a simple way no the other thing is uh when you're running uh android 10 it doesn't even let you see the imei or mz uh android 10 doesn't allow that anymore so it's actually a pretty secure phone with just base android 10 aosb it's the the android 10 version has really upped the security for things like that device fingerprinting so uh it's much better so so um santa monica long wharf it was built by certain pacific railroad uh it's difficult to set up your own email server very very difficult very very difficult it's not easy do you ever go swimming or do you just hang out on the boat uh no i do not need well our yacht club has a swimming pool otherwise no have you ever worked with the computer guy eli the computer guy uh i was just wondering if he subscribed to me uh not it might be somebody else probably not because some of them you know we subscribe to each other but uh i can't recall actually can i send you cash in the mail to buy a google phone uh money order would be better than cash i've been binge watching your videos what has slowed down progress on the pint phone uh the the problem is the people doing working on the pine phone are volunteers you know people you know the linux os people and they're still bugs and you know because of that the power management is still only up to six hours chonco's poverty is not socialism to be rich is glorious uh don't understand that but okay um can i use one ub key for access to multiple systems yes about smart tvs with voice activation is safe smart tvs no no it's not safe especially with voice activation but smart tvs no i it's even worse if they have voice activation they can ducking send you the uh infra ultrasound wow that's really bad voice activated tv very bad wow yeah think about it ultrasonic so you watch a tv show and the ultrasound will pick it up and send it to uh samsung or whoever akg nice mic yeah for musicians we know that so there's the akg i have uh the thin one too that i use for music so like you know i i got like a a box full of akg microphones uh what is your favorite linux distro i don't really you know i'm not i'm not uh big on caring about linux distros the reason is because i use mostly linux servers so on linux servers you know i typically use debian or ubuntu whatever has more the more standard it is the better impossible to block stingray unless you hide in fair day sure you can block stingray take off the sim card sdp is vpn i don't know what sdp is uh what what do you play i play i'm a jazz musician i play piano i'm a jazz pianist uh yeah i do my music on periscope so occasionally i'll go on periscope and do play piano i have another channel that does music but i really haven't updated it could you run your own stingray with stronger signal uh yes you can but i don't believe it's legal to do so okay so i can only run stingray in a laboratory since i am a licensed ham operator it has to be in a laboratory with you know no rf i cannot run an official stingray officially okay do you still drink coffee heavily sure i drink coffee although through equipping ourselves with powerful social rhetoric we can save ourselves super cool for virtualbox what setting should i set up for network adapter for a virtual machine that is passed through there should be a bridge to the network adapter you don't set anything up it's passed through how did you discover boating i've been boating since i was young well uh let's see i started boating when i was uh 20. so i bought my boat when i was 20. uh how did you discover so let's see uh where is what's the best way for a professional with a public face like a doctor to have pseudo anonymity as a youtube creator is that even possible you have to accept that if you're some a professional that if you do youtube then there's going to be a link so do so with the understanding that someone could connect it to your real identity and don't use your real identity but you know use a more generic like you know let's say it's uh about weight let's say your doctor dealing with weight loss and the weight loss doctor you know use some some term like that avoid mentioning a name and uh but it will be connected eventually by people who dig in so you got to be careful okay uh my xmpp is rob braxman at okay rob braxtman at xmpp.brown so my xmpp is uh uh on the about of my channel now it's also noted on brexme and it's my own server so obviously if you talk to me in my own server it's going to be quite safe uh i i'm seeing how i can open up my server to others at the moment uh i haven't really i'm still planning that out so although you can sign up on my server right now you i may erase it and start fresh so it's not permanent uh packet radio ax25 don't do that no encryption uh how do you uh experts get caught uh how do the experts get caught or identify uh don't understand that question but watch my video on doxing so you understand a little bit about that uh now it's i kelp not you kelp now it's icalp please do a deep web browsing video well i have a tour video already what is it that you want me to tell you about the deep web i don't want you to go to a deep web i don't go on the deep web okay to be honest with you i do not hang out on the deep web dark web i don't i don't hang out there so you go on a dark web and you go visit some hidden site and they're selling you things like uh you know uh let's say they're selling you weed and you're in a state where wheat is not legal you're actually buying from the fbi so it's crazy why would you go there so don't do it um i don't do anything you know you you can't pin any uh illegal things on me because i don't do any illegal activity so i'm just here to help you you know i'm actually pretty ordinary citizen here um i don't do anything uh evil and and all that so i don't i don't have to worry about what i'm hiding i'm actually not hiding anything i just don't like being tracked it's it's like i get like kiwis if somebody's like looking at me and saying well i know what website you visited uh you went to the boating website now you might say well who cares i care it bothers me so even little things like that bothers me uh you know let's say i go to uh you know some some uh some of you will go to fox news some of you will go to cnn do you really want anyone to know that you're going to fox news or cnn hell no do you happen to know if there are any real time voice changer for calls i don't know if the voice changers will actually evade uh voice printing so it's kind of a if you don't know the technology it might not work um are you still sucked if your email is pawned pwned uh change your password it's really simple if you're if your uh email's pawn then go change it it's not a big deal i hadn't never died i advertised to tell me i had cancer when i didn't stock do you think it's worth trying to migrate from gmail to something else gmail is fine for garbage things junk mail just that uh you know things that get so ordinary that it doesn't really matter so i use gmail for throwaway accounts like social media just to get notifications and things like that well they don't know who the gmail belongs to anyway and they don't know who the social media belongs to so that combination is actually good so gmail is great for that so don't discount gmail gmail is useful for for uh junk i wouldn't put anything important on it i would never use gmail with my real name that's not good gmail bad for business um yes yes mike oh no please come on mike set up your own server you're sophisticated enough come on set up your own email server you want me to set up you uh set up your own email server mike i'll do it for you what happened to kelp is up there uh can you have your own telephony over voice over ip say google suite why would you need that when you can have jitsi on server xmpp your own server next cloud your own server i mean there's many ways you can have your own server you don't need to all of these can do all that you don't need to get that fancy you know can imagine setting up a server on lenovo five bucks a month you can run all that uh you know set up a next cloud or if you don't want that set up jitsi and it's on your own server you it'll be quite private instead of uh you know using signal or anything else that you have to give a phone number set up your own xmpp done and anyone can contact you because it's xmpp if you don't mind me saying rob good to be back i've been busy i kelp farming has been busy why have you been busy i kept farming now i have to tell you call you ikelp well it's not cool mike l you know it's a lot of work to set up but uh you know uh you you can create a lynnette account and then i can set up the server on it and then leave it to you then you can run it from there email servers are very difficult to set up very very difficult so especially if you have multiple domains you know it's it is difficult to set up it's very very time consuming so uh what what are your thoughts on fully decentralized solutions do you think is the future uh no the problem is decentralized solutions require too much metadata so i don't like that part of it there are reasons to have decentralized solutions but uh you know you can have a combination of it like xmpp can be run as a xmpp is federated so it's like uh not completely decentralized but you know it's like decentralized but you can centralize parts of it best os for server linux definitely linux hands down this is me talking here after decades of using windows and servers you know windows nt servers windows server this that's like uh windows servers are shitty to use on the server they're slow no linux you can use lastpass i used to use lastpass but i don't use it anymore uh debian or ubuntu well uh i use both i have summoner debian and some are ubuntu depends on what's more convenient why not open bsd why uh what is a good alternative alternative to youtube uh well i you know my videos are also on a guiding star beats a spirit in the sky uh one of those password managers i forget which got hacked that saying god hack does it's not necessarily accurate i don't actually know of somebody getting your passwords on there that hasn't happened uh there was one i think was lastpass that had a phishing attack uh cubes is a problem for many because it's not compatible the reason is it uses uh a hypervisor called zen and that's how it does the virtual machines and zen is tied to hardware and if the hardware's not compatible zen doesn't work and that's why cubes is hard to use because most devices don't work so for that reason it's it's hard for me to comment on cubes because you know very few people can actually run it so and you don't need to if you're not snowed and you don't need to be running that kind of environment you can just take the simple precautions i mentioned before could you erase a person from the internet no that's the problem since you cannot be erased don't get to the point where you have to get erased where can i buy your brax vpn router can't access your website of course you can access my website brax dot me mean go to any browser brock stop me sign in and uh it won't ask you for email or anything you can just make up your name come in it doesn't ask for anything it doesn't ask for any don't be afraid to go to braxton saying oh my gosh another app asking me for for my email and so on it doesn't ask you for anything it just asks for whatever identity you want and then a password now if you've been trying to uh get into it for uh signing up 50 accounts it will stop you and if you're saying you can't get in because it stops you because you've been doing things like that wait 24 hours and then you'll be fine no rob you need a ww redirect i can't help you with that there's no need for a ww redirect the link that i used to give was and i don't give that because then people say well it's not https it's just a sucking redirect but people don't like an http redirect well that's what redirects are for you can't get a certificate for something that's just a redirect you see you don't stay there to do a redirect it's just a redirect people say well i'm not going to click on this because the browser says it's dangerous it's just a redirect but don't use it just go to braxtme if you're i don't need to all colleen nape watch my video on brave your opinion about bit warden please no opinion you can use it most i haven't found a you know a dangerous uh password manager i tend to use keepass some people use bit warden some people use lastpass you know use whatever makes you happy uh they're probably all good use one i prefer to use the open source one so i use keepass which is open source lastpass is not open source and it was bought by um what's it in the company uh that does uh remote remote control so for that reason you know i tend not to like lastpass because it went corporate okay so uh uh kali linux is a hackers platform that has nothing to do with servers what encryption are your brac routers what encryption are your brax routers brax routers are just routers they're they route through the vpn vpns use whatever encryption vpn uses which nowadays is aes aes 256 gcm i believe is the today's flavor but that can change you can actually change every day if you want log me in yes log me in um uh nano harry s i use nano i don't you know why make it complicated i use nano why not how to stay how do i stay safe for youtube watch the first 30 minutes of this video okay guys we're so we're out of time we're out of time and uh thank you uh for watching now here's the problem i i haven't i haven't really come to a conclusion yet on this but next week is election week so the problem is if i make a video there's a chance that all of you are going to be distracted and no one's going to watch my video on election week so i can promise you this we'll do the live stream on friday the question is do i do another live stream in the middle uh after the election uh or do i make a throwaway video i don't wanna i don't wanna do uh an important video on election week because it's not gonna be watched so i could do a lighter video or two live streams i haven't cited yet so you know let's tentatively plan on thursday friday next week having uh two two kinds of things maybe i do a live stream two days in a row okay so uh we'll do that next week again uh because of the election it might be an issue for some of you ordering products from me as you know the post office might get overwhelmed i don't know so if they get overwhelmed there may be a delay in shipping and again we don't know so just making aware of that in advance okay so uh thank you thank you furnace angel uh so uh yeah so thank you my friends and i'll see you uh sometime next week again not certain how we're going to do this but the following week we'll go back to the normal video and live stream thursday video friday live stream like like normal okay so we'll do that if you have any suggestions on you know what i should do next week come over to braxton tell me what your input is thanks a lot guys okay bye bye
Channel: Rob Braxman Tech
Views: 55,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Internet privacy, internet privacy guy, public interest tech, public interest technologist, disinformation, email unsafe, gmail unsafe, gmail privacy, protonmail flaws, protonmail bad, tutanota bad, browser fingerprinting explained, cookies not dangerous, hated one, tech privacy, doxxing, hacking, grapheneos, lineageos, aosp, cybersecurity not enough for privacy, cybersecurity vs privacy, cybersecurity not privacy
Id: sc9P8JlHsD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 20sec (5780 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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