Live from Plymouth - LORD FORGIVE US

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm not sitting on the sidelines and watch a whole generation swallowed up of death i'm not sitting on the sidelines any longer [Music] [Applause] carter conlon here is pastor carter conlon from times square church tonight those that have joined with us in worldwide prayer this evening from all over this country and all over the world and we're coming to you tonight from lot number one america the place where the very very first house in america was built as a matter of fact the foundation of that house is underneath the floor of this very room it was in this room that 51 survivors of the 103 or four that landed the year before gathered together to pray they really had no go forward strategy they had very little strength they had no resource and they had no future all they had was the promise of god that they were being taken to a place where men and women and children could worship jesus christ according to truth and according to his word and according to conscience and they prayed and from that permeating in this very location god birthed a nation a marvelous nation with with millions of square miles and millions of people and a nation which really became the envy of the world after 400 years you and i recognized that the freedom and the blessing that god gave to them is once again under incredible assault and i'm going to be bold enough to say that we're actually in danger of losing our freedom the freedom that they died for lived for fought for and prayed for the lord god has brought us back here tonight to this very location after 400 years to petition him again for a moment of mercy for our nation we again are in a similar place to where they were we recognize the forces against us are larger than us but not larger than our god god himself has called this meeting and i say that without apology he has called this meeting for a face-to-face encounter with we who are called by his name that we can admit our failings and our struggles and our sin and our fault and ask him again for a moment of mercy for this wonderful land called america america has had been a force for great good throughout the world for many many years and we still have the ability to be that force for good in the future if we will return to god if we will humble ourselves and pray seek his face again and turn away from that which god declares to be wicked he promised that he would hear our prayer he would forgive our sin and he would heal our land and so lord god tonight we stand before you an audience of one and you have called this prayer meeting into existence tonight and we come to talk to you we come to confess our sin we come humbly before you we recognize lord that none of us deserve to be here none of us have any self-righteousness of our own that would cause us to ever be heard by you it's really your mercy that has called us into this place and we trust tonight that as we pray that you're going to hear our prayers and you're going to grant us another spiritual awakening in this nation because we're fighting for the future of america in prayer we're going to begin this evening by singing our national anthem so we're going to go back for just a moment to new york city to times square church in the sanctuary where our ensemble from a congregation that represents over 104 nationalities is going to sing the american national anthem you may want to stand where you are you may want to remain seated you may want to put your hand over your heart as i do and just simply let that be your first act of worship tonight to say god we believe that you establish a great nation for your glory and so we're coming again and believing that you're going to continue to do what you began in this nation in jesus name amen oh say can you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly we hailed [Music] [Music] [Music] bursting [Music] that our flag was still there oh says [Music] for the land [Music] [Applause] [Music] grace many years ago a man called solomon was dedicating a temple where the presence of god was where god promised to be god to them as his people and they promised to be the people of god and the literal presence of god was there and it was it was the presence of god that was going to establish them as his people and make his name appraise in the earth through them now solomon was dedicating this this temple which which really was in the sense the type of the first house in america and here's what he said in second chronicles chapter six among other things beginning at verse 26 36 he said when they sin against you for there's no one who does not sin and you become angry with them and deliver them to the enemy and they take them captive to a land that's far or near yet when they come to themselves in the land where they were carried captive and repent making supplication to you in the land of their captivity saying we have sinned we've done wrong we've committed wickedness and when they return to you with all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their captivity where they've been carried captive and pray towards their land which you gave to their fathers the city which you have chosen and toward the temple which i have built for your name then hear from heaven your dwelling place their prayer and their supplication and maintain their cause and forgive your people who have sinned against you oh now my god i pray solomon said let your eyes be open and let your ears be attentive to the prayer that is made in this place so solomon was just saying if the people leave this place this place where they are encountering you this place of promise this place where you said you would be their god and they said they would be your people and if they find themselves captive whether it's in a near place to here or in a fireplace and in that place of captivity in their heart they turn back to you essentially saying what have we done with the freedom that you gave us what have we done with the blessing that you gave us what did we do with your presence and the life that you promised would be ours in a living relationship with you and solomon said god if they do turn and if they come back to this place this place where it all began and they begin to pray he said then hear their prayer and forgive their sin and bring them home now in the night time solomon goes home the lord appeared to solomon at night in the next chapter and he said to him i've heard your prayer and i've chosen this place for myself for a house of sacrifice and when i shut up heaven that there is no rain or command the locust to devour the land or send pestilence among my people so here we are in america today we've got unrest in our cities we've got incivility at almost every level of our society and now we're even dealing with the pestilence an unseen enemy as it's called that's that's threatening the fabric and the life of so many people and taking away even a lot of people's confidence in the future and so if i have to do this to get your attention the lord says if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land now he says my eyes will be open and my ears listening to the prayer that is made in this place for now i have chosen and sanctified this house that my name may be there forever and my eyes and my heart will be there perpetually so here's what the lord is saying to solomon you may walk away from me you may become distant from me you may find yourself captivated in a place that's near or far but i will wait here for you i will wait for you to come back i'll wait for you to remember that i've been god to you i'll wait for you and long to give you that moment of mercy if you will humble yourself and pray and ask for forgiveness for the things that you have done in august of 2019 i felt the lord jesus christ asking me to come back to this house this place where america spiritually began this place where 51 people came into this room and asked for mercy because they had no go-forward strategy they had no life they had no power to achieve anything ahead of them they had only a promise that god was promising to bring them into a land where they could worship him with freedom and according to conscience and according to his word and god was faithful to to us as a people and gave us a great nation who can deny that nobody with of sound thinking can deny that but what have we done with the 400 years of freedom that the lord gave us and i felt god speaking in my heart i want you to stand at my throne and on behalf of the people i want you to confess what you've done as a people and so i'm standing as a as an immigrant as well as as many people are in our society today i'm not worthy to do what i'm doing this evening other than the fact that god called me to do it and he put these eight things on my heart that i want to take a moment at the throne of god and ask him for forgiveness for the first thing he put on my heart is not seeking a full and lasting peace with the native first nations population the native first nations people opened their hearts to us as pilgrims that were searching for a place of freedom and they opened their homes and they opened their hospitality and they sought a relationship of us and yet we did not honor we did not value that relationship and we we dishonored it and in my heart i'm saying god help us to make right all the wrongs that we committed against the people who welcomed us into their homes and taught us how to survive in this new and this strange environment and lord tonight you know that we don't have the strength to do this we don't even have the heart to do it you have to impart it to us you've got to give us a new heart which is the promise of scripture a new mind and a new spirit so that we can care so that we can move out in compassion and give us the grace by the the anointing by the touch of your holy spirit to make right this past wrong that we committed in this nation god helped the native first nations people to be healed and for the wounds that we caused these people to be healed secondly being given our freedom as a nation and as a people we took slaves we took a whole race of people and made slaves out of them and the worst of it all is that we did a lot of it in some parts of this country even in the name of god there's no greater tragedy than this and there's no greater spiritual ignorance than taking a race of people captive making them slaves and doing it in god's name tonight lord i ask you on behalf of the nation to forgive us for this great evil not just against erased people but against you for even suggesting that you would stand for such a thing you gave us freedom and we took the freedom away from a whole race of people and even today the wounds of this people group are bleeding in our streets we set them free but only reluctantly after our sons and daughters had died by the thousands in in battlefields but we sent him out after sending them free without provision without care and without the compassion that we have given and we committed the sin of cain in genesis chapter 4 verses 9 and 10 where you came to cain and you said to him where is abel your brother and he said i don't know am i my brother's keeper and you said to him what have you done the voice of your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground and we have this incredible wound this bleeding wound in america that's crying out in our cities and it needs the presence of god to be healed lord again we ask give us the grace to make right this wrong give us the compassion to care when you sent your holy spirit to the early church and the place where they were gathered was shaken the very first thing that happened the first evidence of your presence is a benevolence one to another and so lord god you have to help us you've got to help us lord for we can't do this in our own strength and if you don't come these wounds will continue to bleed in our streets and our brothers will continue to cry out from the ground give us the grace to care bring us into a place of unity that we've never been as a nation give us strength and grace that we've never understood and fully known as a people also you blessed us and we forgot you we started to worship the blessing and we forgot the hand that had given it to us and we left off reality and we allowed godlessness to draw us into fiction through entertainment forgive us lord for abandoning truth for fiction and we opened ourselves to the gross immorality that came to the nation with the entertainment industry and instead of being baptized in the life of christ we became a nation baptized in the filth of the godless who imposed their lifestyle and their views through the media of entertainment upon this nation forgive us for living in fiction forgive us lord for forgetting you and forgetting the truth sets us free not fiction only the truth can set us free giving ourselves over to this immorality we begin to lust as a society for pleasure without responsibility we wanted to have sexual relationships freely we didn't want to be married to to to have to honor the institution of marriage and we didn't want the responsibility that came with the life that can be created from sexual relations and so as a nation for convenience sake mostly we began to murder our children in the womb and even recently cheered the thought of murdering children after they were born god forgive us for this great evil against those that are created in your image you are the author and the finisher and the giver of life forgive us lord god for wanting pleasure and considering murder a right as the result of our pleasure without taking responsibility for the life it creates those children that we that survived being murdered in the womb we gave them up to be taught by many not all but by many who don't know you as once happened to your people who are captivated in egypt they were thrown into the river in our generation our children from very young ages are being thrown into the river of gender confusion deliberately in our school systems in our middle schools they are denied the knowledge of god and our middle schools they're forgetting forbidden to pray in our high schools and in our colleges they're being radicalized against both you and this country that you gave to us forgive us for this this great sin of spiritual laziness and not passing on truth to our sons and daughters forgive us lord for our lust and love of pleasure for letting the ungodly take over the education of our children lord we can't go back lord we are as the people of israel and egypt once were we don't have the power to go back and to reclaim our sons and daughters the battle is is late the hour is dark lord we need you we need your holy spirit we need your mercy we need your grace we need a spiritual awakening in this nation we need our cities to be baptized with your holy spirit god we need you to do now what only you can do we stand before you humbled we stand before you powerless we stand before you lord having sinned against light having sinned against knowledge and having not honored the great freedom that you gave to us in the great presence of your holy spirit through your son jesus christ that became our heritage as a nation we took the institution of marriage which you said through the apostle paul most represents the union of christ and his church and we turned it into that which you declared to be sent and we started marrying men with men and women with women and we called it good but you call it confusion and so lord god forgive us for this great sin of what we've done and how we've marred this relationship between men and women and how we've taken evil and we're starting to call it good in our nation god forgive us for this confusion and forgive us for turning away from truth and lastly without considering the consequences we begin to elect people to many levels of public office who despise you and who mark your words in this nation god almighty we think of 51 people who once gathered in this room and they prayed and they asked you to give us a nation a nation that where you could be honored a nation where your name was revered and up to even recently lord we we have even large political gatherings where the mention of your name is booed by those who are in authority or potentially an authority in the country how we have sinned how we have turned from you lord how we have become a people that you said that we should never be and so i stand o god as you've asked me to stand i stand at your throne this night and i just say lord forgive us what else can i say what else can i do i have no petition there's nothing to present to you there's not a shred of righteousness we can present to you god we've sinned we've fallen we've failed and so here we are lord as your sons and daughters standing at your throne asking again for mercy where 51 people gathered again in the house where the original 51 gathered and we're saying to you lord we don't have a go forward strategy and there's no plan that can confront the depth of darkness that has found a foothold in our society we turn to you lord with all our heart and we ask you god for a moment of mercy daniel the prophet said it this way when he prayed when he saw in your word he saw a moment of mercy that was decreed he understood that captivity can only endure for a season but you are god and the hearts of kings and nations are all in your hand and daniel said we've sinned we've committed iniquity we've done wickedly and rebelled even by departing from your precepts and your judgments neither have we heeded your servants the prophets who spoke in your name to our kings and our princes our fathers and to all the people of the land oh lord daniel said righteousness belongs to you but to us shame of faith as it is this day to the men of judah to the inhabitants of jerusalem and all israel those near and those far off in all the countries which you've driven them because of the unfaithfulness which they have committed against you daniel said oh lord to us belongs shame of face to our kings our princes our fathers because we've sinned against you he said but to you to the lord our god belongs mercy and forgiveness though we have rebelled against him and so lord here tonight we appeal to your mercy for the sake of our homes and our families and our children for the sake of the division between races and cultures and mostly for your own holy name sake we ask almighty god in jesus name for a moment of mercy again on our nation we ask you to push back this flood of darkness and let light and life prevail again for the sake of our families our children the future the influence and the nation you gave us 400 years ago we've not obeyed your voice but tonight here we are in obedience to you confessing our fault in our wrong before you and asking you again for a moment of mercy on our nation and we ask for it in jesus name we're going to return to new york city for just a moment and encourage you to sing along in your heart about the greatness and the faithfulness of god great is thy faithful o god my father there is no shadow of turning [Music] as thou has been though forever [Music] springtime is to thy great faithfulness great is thy faithfulness [Music] is and the peace [Music] strength [Music] is faithfulness morning by morning new mercies [Music] fullness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] want to take a moment again to introduce our the next person who'll be leading us speaking to us momentarily and leading us in prayer his name is tony perkins he's a dear friend of mine he's the president of the family research council in washington and then following him secretary of state mike pompeo the 70th secretary of state is going to be issuing a statement to us and encouraging us to continue in our prayers michele bachmann is here she's a former u.s representative and former presidential candidate as well euron kloss who's the president of chief ministries for national native people and jonathan khan a messianic pastor and author who's going to be praying for america's relationship with israel will be the last up and then we'll see you again in just a moment god bless you thank you pastor carter and thank you all for joining us all across the country and around the world tonight we have physically returned to the place where it all began just yards from where the church fellowship that we know as the pilgrims stepped onto plymouth rock and came ashore with half of them dying that first winter in hardship and deprivation being their daily companion we have to ask the question why did they persist well in his chronicle of the plymouth colony governor william bradford wrote of the pilgrims motivation and their sense of purpose that gave them the courage to face the uncertainties and dangers in establishing the colony writing in plymouth plantation bradford laid out the reasons which included protecting their children not from the dangers of the unknown but from the influence of a corrupt and godless culture they had left then he wrote this quote last and not least they cherished a great hope in inward zeal of laying good foundations or at least making some ways toward it for the propagation and advancement of the gospel of the kingdom of christ in the remote parts of the world listen to this even though they should be but stepping stones to others in the performance of so great a work speaking in 1630 of the founding of plymouth bradford went on to say this he said quote all great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage in quote we gather here tonight as our nation including many of our churches are gripped by fear and anxiety anxiety over division anxiety over politics anxiety over a virus a fear that has closed businesses stalled our economy and shuttered our churches even as chaos has flooded onto many american streets after commending the church at ephesus for many things jesus said in revelation chapter 2 quote nevertheless i have this against you that you have left your first love remember therefore from where you have fallen repent and do the first works or else i will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place unless you repent i have a question tonight have we lost our first love in first john 4 18 it says the word of god says this there is no fear in love but perfect love cast out fear the fear that is a gripped america including the church would suggest that we have lost our first love lord we return to this place this grand experiment we call the united states begun from those whose pastor john robertson those we now call pilgrims they stepped ashore on plymouth rock they came as a community of believers followers of jesus to advance the gospel of jesus christ understanding that they may be little more than stepping stones for others to carry forward this kingdom work father you have honored their prayers and their actions today some 30 million americans can trace their lineage to those who risk their livelihoods in their very lives to advance this great work but more importantly millions can trace their hearing of the gospel message through the foundation that small body of believers laid as america has produced preachers and missionaries that have proclaimed the gospel here and around the world they accomplish this remarkable feat by your blessing as they refuse to surrender to fear they face the dangers and the uncertainties of this world even unto death because of the confidence that came from their fear their reverence for you god we return to this spot because we want to recover what we've lost our first love our zeal our reverence for you because as a result of losing it we have become a nation gripped by fear fear of what we can't even see for the first time we've allowed our churches to be closed not for weeks but for months in some cases by overreaching civil authorities and others voluntarily out of fear of a virus and out of fear of what may be said or done if we do meet many pulpits have shrunk back into society's shadows in the face of today's canceled culture choosing silence over speaking truth lord forgive us lord forgive us may the pulpits the pastors lead us in returning to our first love and as we do may you restore our boldness our courage our zeal to live for something greater than ourselves to live for you and the advancement of the gospel of jesus christ that sets free anyone and everyone who confesses with their mouth the lord jesus and believes in their heart that you father raised him from the dead lord do it again in america in jesus name we pray amen hello everyone secretary pompeo here 400 years ago america's pilgrim fathers crossed the ocean seeking a freedom to worship that was denied in their home and they prayed that with the freedom they were getting they might build out of the wilderness a city upon a hill a nation that would be a beacon into the world now four centuries later that faith those prayers and the prayers of those who landed at plymouth were down to america's goodness and strength god has blessed our country mightily among those blessings is our religious freedom it endures at the heart of our american republic and it's an inaudible right for all of mankind every day every day the state department fights for the right of people of all faiths to worship as they choose today we here gather to pray for our nation the book of james urges to pray with no doubting for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind so let's pray today with no doubting let's prayerfully rejoice in god's special providence of our country let's pray for our unity and strength in these trying times let's pray too that we would remain one nation under god with liberty and justice for all god bless you and may god bless these united states of america here is former congresswoman and presidential candidate michele bachmann oh father god it is with great joy humility and privilege that we come to you today from this exact spot in america where america began spiritually father it is that self-same holy spirit that filled the pilgrim fathers and the pilgrims mothers that we come to you in your name today and in that exact same spirit we cry out to you oh god as the pilgrim fathers did on behalf of this nation it was to you and you alone that they could repair it is to you and you alone that this nation repairs today we thank you o god that you hear this prayer o covenant keeping god tonight i ask you o lord that you would renew and reset your covenant with the united states of america our pilgrim fathers and the pilger mothers who met here in this room entered into a solemn covenant o god with you and with each other these 51 remaining pilgrims prayed to you in this room that was built on the original pilgrim foundation stones their prayer was that they would lay down their life as stepping stones for the advancement of faith and for your kingdom in this land would you tonight oh god 400 years hence renew rebuild restore reset and rededicate the american covenant on the foundation stones of faith and of your word in the name of god amen we as believers in jesus christ recommit to your covenant and ask you to perform this work when the pilgrims landed they knew that they were legally outside their patent from the virginia company they were no longer under the jurisdiction of england's king james so the pilgrims rightly appealed directly to you oh ancient of days as their true king and their true jurisdiction they rightly look to your holy scriptures as the basis for their civil body politic for their laws constitutions and statutes for your glory and for the advancement of the christian faith as a proxy of the united states government i stand here tonight and decree and declare that the american covenant between the one true god and the american people be reset tonight and renewed in accordance with the meaning of the original mayflower content covenant and tonight we covenant together to reset our godly foundation under your watchful merciful gracious hand may you grant america renewed favor at this place of prayer and repentance we renew the american covenant for ourselves our posterity that we might have a new birth of freedom once again here in america amen next will be huron claus president of chief inc you know it was a beautiful day today in plymouth the the sky was blue the sunshine was bright and i was just imagining what it was like 400 years ago for the pilgrims fathers to come they came with their families they came with their children uh they came to worship god the freedom to worship god and they came from a different world they came among our native american people we live in a different world but it was relationship that brought us together and you know when i look at scripture when i read god's word i see the very same thing that almighty god came from his kingdom to our home to our neighborhood and he came in relationship i am a fifth generation follower of christ among my people my father is a mohawk my mother is kiowa and i think of different ones that shared the hope that they had in their life john elliott david brainard tonight i want to give a gift to all of you in prayer prayer means a lot to our native people and this song says we come from many different tribes many different languages but you know when we get to heaven we are going to sing one song we are going to praise god with one tongue one praise that's the title of this song the translation the hallelujah language [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lu [Music] amen this is jonathan khan in a hotel room and blessed to be with you at this important event at the 400th anniversary of america with pastor carter conglom i've been asked to pray for america and israel and this is crucial because america is has been israel's greatest ally but it's not just for israel god gave the covenant that i will bless those who bless you and that has held true from the days of the pharaohs in egypt to america america has been the most blessed nation because america has most blessed israel that change is that if america turns then that also turns but also there's a an even deeper link it's in the dna of of america from the beginning when america was founded uh from jamestown uh the first permanent english speaking settlement um the day it was founded was may 14th may 14th is also the founding day of the modern nation of israel and then in massachusetts bay uh when uh john winthrop gave that vision of the city on the hill the pattern that he saw and the puritan soul was that america was to be founded after the pattern of israel and then in the middle of that was plymouth and plymouth uh you can't we can't understand what happened there in the compact and and all that happened without israel the idea of of a nation um with god and so i want to pray and i want to pray that god uh uses this in the days ahead and with the election coming and all things coming uh to pray for that bond and if certain things change we we pray no matter what that that that bond of america and israel will be manifest however he wills and deems so let's pray for israel for america and for the future father we just praise you lord as we come together on this important day lord as we join our hearts father we ask that you would have your way lord we we we thank you lord that america has been a blessing to israel and the children of abraham and you have blessed america because of that you have kept your word lord uh but we ask father for your hand upon this lord we pray blessings for israel we lord we pray for the peace of jerusalem we pray for uh your coming and we pray for the for the veil to be lifted father and for your people uh to be one with you in messiah and father we pray for america that was founded lord uh 400 years ago and and also founded after the pattern of ancient israel father we ask lord that you have your way and no matter what happens in the days ahead we pray father that you uphold that bond and you uphold that calling father uh and that in one way or another that that bond would be manifest and we pray father uh for the future of the united states of america founded lord dedicated to you at plymouth and massachusetts bay lord to be a city on a hill father we asked that that america would again shine with the light of the glory of the power of of the of the name of yeshua jesus lord that the gospel would go forth from it that no matter what happens father what shakings come we pray father for revival lord revival lord revive the lord this that this civilization that was founded for your glory father we praise you father and we thank you lord as we as we come together on this 400 years from this founding we we pray lord uh have your way and be exalted lord be glorified lord uh from this soil and we praise you for all things uh in the name above every name the name of yeshua hamashiach the name of jesus the messiah the the messiah of israel and the hope of america in his name amen shalom spacious skies four amber waves four purple mountains majesties [Music] god shred [Music] from sea to shining [Music] stress [Music] america [Music] self-control [Music] [Applause] [Music] god shed [Music] from [Music] in this next section in our prayer meeting this evening we're going to be hearing from a a cross-section of people of all different backgrounds different cultures different races are going to be praying for the future of this country believing god for a mercy moment for america we're going to begin after this introduction with christian guilty who's a new york city police officer who's going to be praying for a return to law and order return to respect in a sense for authority in our streets and in our cities and you and i both know how needed that is at this time followed by isabel hernandez is a principal of a new york state middle school who understands the conditions for our young people and what they're facing the struggles and battles she's going to be crying out to god in prayer for our children in middle school following her will be tim hill who's the general overseer of the church of god in cleveland tennessee a man of god with a burden for prayer a burden for the nation he's going to be lifting up his heart before the lord and he'll be followed by dr ronnie floyd who's the president ceo of the southern baptist convention here in the united states representing about 53 000 churches congregations throughout the country he's going to be sharing with us in prayer this evening as well following him will be kevin joseph who's the great-great-grandson of john robinson who was the pastor of the pilgrims in holland and it was under his actual preaching they began to believe that god was giving them the promise that he was leading them to a nation where they could worship in freedom and according to conscience so it's great privilege to have somebody in his direct family lineage here this evening praying with us following him will be tabitha bush who's a grade 11 high school student here in the united states who understands the struggles of young people in their high schools she's going to be praying from her heart as well followed by lisa washington and she's an advocate for pre-born children and she's the president of a an abortion counseling or organization in new york city called love life following her will be dr theresa conlon she's a bible college president called summit international school of ministry here in the states should be leading us in prayer for our college students and following her will be thomas bush who's a new york city news writer who's going to be praying for the the media in this country that we could return to reporting the news and maybe escape our our partisanship in that regard and following him will be michelle tong a general counsel a lawyer here in the united states is going to be leading us in prayer for young professionals in this country and following her will be jerry pereira uh president of the leyden preservation group which is a a group that are establishing a trust to preserve us in particular this house as a heritage for our children in the future and so christian if you'd come at this point and lead us in prayer for law and order in our country here's gracious god heavenly father we humble ourselves today for in your word it is written if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land today we ask for your forgiveness today we ask for your grace today we ask for your mercy today we need your love guide us towards the path of righteousness increase our faith as we find rest in you lord jesus let our hearts not be troubled for you are the god of truth and you are not a man that you should lie you have not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power love and of a sound mind lord look at our nation our states our cities bring us back to your admirable light which cast out all darkness deliver us from evil restore our families our youth our communities our police departments our schools our government hear our prayer today give us peace restore our integrity lord help us return to the respect of law and order return to our institutions lord our police departments our courts our government offices teach us your way show us how to lead with compassion and grace the men and women who you have called to power that they recognize today that all that they have comes from you lord as we pray to return to the respect of law and order open our eyes transform our hearts renew our minds in the fullness of your grace jesus be our rock be our anchor may our nation seek your face for your word says draw near to god and he will draw near to you today lord we surrender tonight we ask your forgiveness and we believe that you will bring us back to the respective law and order your perfect law where we will find grace and mercy lord may your hand be over every law enforcement department every one of those men and women who put on that uniform each and every day protect them cover them give them a servant's hearts bring us back to the respect of law and order in jesus name we pray thank you lord praying next is elementary middle school principal isabelle hernandez hallelujah lord god we thank you so much lord god for your mercy o god we thank you lord father on behalf lord god of every school in this nation o god every single teacher lord every student o god father on their behalf lord god we come in repentance lord jesus we ask oh god that you forgive us lord god for the systems oh god the educational systems lord that have departed from your knowledge from your word oh god every system oh god that has built an altar lord god of humanism lord god we have taught oh god self oh god and had led to destruction lord god of our children of the young hearts oh god that have turned away from your word from your truth o god we have denied your existence oh god through our curriculums oh god we have provided agendas all right that have confused them lord and have brought them to a place of self-destruction and hatred in their own hearts for themselves oh god father forgive us for this lord jesus lord forgive us lord god that we have built altars lord god that have led oh god to wrong thinking oh god two agendas oh god that confused them lord jesus god agenda's wrong thinking lord god that have distributed all god throughout this nation a thought o god that all is well and that all is good lord father bring us back lord jesus bring us back to the place lord when we look upon your statutes oh god we look upon your laws oh god and we return oh god with a heart to say that we need you lord god god in every school father god every teacher open the hearts oh god that they will see their need of you lord god and that they would understand lord god without you lord god there is nothing left for this generation lord god do not allow this generation lord god to sink in their sins oh god father we pray that you come against every agenda of every enemy against the children oh god that you have created lord god we pray that there will be a school system of god that will proclaim your name that will say that you are god that you are lord o god father we receive your mercy lord because we know you're ready to give it we know that you're ready to provide it oh god and so we thank you we thank you because you will do it you have said it and you will do it you said that we ask you that we shall receive we say that there is plenty of god in your word that says that mercy is given to the children of god and so we thank you for this lord in jesus name amen praying next is tim hill general overseer of church of god may we agree together in prayer heavenly father we come tonight as has been stated over and over in the spirit of second chronicles 7-14 the lord i also come to you this evening in the spirit of psalms 33 and 12. blessed is the nation whose god is the lord the people that you have chosen for an inheritance we call upon your name and father i borrow from a prayer that was prayed a quarter of a century ago by pastor joe wright when he stood in the kansas house of congress and he prayed as i pray tonight heavenly father we come before you today and ask your forgiveness and seek your direction and guidance we know your word says woe to those who call evil good but that's exactly what we have done we have lost our spiritual equilibrium and inverted our values we confess that we have ridiculed the absolute truth of your word and called it moral pluralism we have turned our heads away and ignored systemic racism and said it is not our problem we have worshiped other gods and called it diversity we have endorsed perversion and called it an alternative lifestyle we have exploited the poor and we have neglected the needy and we have called it self-preservation we have killed our unborn and called it choice we have blatantly broken your moral and virtuous laws and judged it to be justifiable we have neglected to discipline our children and called it building esteem we have abused power and called it political prowess we have coveted our neighbor's possession and called it ambition we have rioted protested and paraded our purposes and causes through the cities of our nations but needless to say we have seldom come boldly into the throne of grace there to attain mercy and find grace to help in time of need but that's what we do tonight we have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression we have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment most of all we have forsaken the fountain of living water and hewn out for ourselves filthy and broken cisterns that cannot hold water and we are now in danger of rearing a generation of sons and daughters that will have little to no reference points of decency and religious liberty or justice and truth so we cry out lord in the spirit of second chronicles 7 14 and we ask you to hear us heal us and make us whole mark this day with your mercy and embrace this day with your glory mark this day is a day of resurrection and restoration where truth no longer lies dead in the streets search us o god and know our hearts today try us and see if there be some wicked way in us cleanse us from every sin and set us free grant this nation your wisdom over the coming days and the decisions that will direct us to the center of your will i ask it in the name of your son the living savior the lord jesus christ and amen and now here's dr ronnie floyd president and ceo of the southern baptist convention i want all of us from across the world to join me in praying in agreement for the future of the nation yes for the future of the nation we pray for churches and congregations oh god your word declares in matthew 16 18 that your church is built upon the rock the rock of jesus christ that is immovable and strong and upon you your church continue to be built and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it oh lord we pray that the congregations and the churches all over the nation will know that they belong to you for you this is your church your footprint literally existing all over the nation and all over the world and you have your church out here and the gates of hell will not prevail against it oh god i pray in jesus name that your church will do what jesus says and that is to go on the offense that lord we will know that god wants to use us for his glory and we will stand on the word that we will preach the word that we will preach about jesus and we will attract people to the church because of jesus and we pray for churches and congregations all over the united states help them to recapture the authority of jesus and their preaching and the authority of jesus and their church and may the power of the holy spirit fall upon it and lord we pray that the church will stand that the church will stand strongly in this wicked day in this wicked culture and lord we pray that however this country goes we pray that the church will always be found to be faithful to the word of the living god and lord we ask that the gospel of jesus would explode through the church so that whatever is bound in heaven will be bound on this earth which is the power of satan and whatever is loosed in heaven will be loosed on earth which is the power of god and that comes about because of the gospel of jesus christ that you died for our sins you were buried and that lord you were raised from the dead on the third day and we pray all this in jesus name ignite your church explode your church to fulfill the great commission and anoint every pastor preacher and church leader to your glory and we pray it in jesus name amen here is kevin jessup great great grandson of pilgrim pastor john robinson hallelujah i'm honored to be here with you all tonight all around the country and all around the world i feel the bond of covenant with you and all those who have gathered here tonight as we share our love for both god and country together it is written more than anyone else at john robinson my great grandfather from 400 years and 10 generations ago prepared the pilgrims to accomplish the great task of preparing the way for the settlement of a new nation it was he who served the pilgrims as the pastor in both england and holland and john robinson prepared a people to take dominion over a wilderness to the glory of god through his godly wisdom he taught the pilgrims individual christian unity william bradford wrote the book the history of the plymouth plantation and that should be read in every school house and every family today if you don't have one please get one let's pray dear heavenly father we come before you now in humble adoration for who you are as the creator of the heavens and the earth and the very giver of life itself we come in thanksgiving for your everlasting covenant and for your promises within your living word which tell us of your great mercies and blessings and that you have promised us that you would never leave us or forsake us and therefore we can cast our cares upon you because you care for us we give you praise in that you provided your precious son jesus and his life-giving blood shed at the cross of calvary so that we may through our faith in him find the way truth and life being reconciled unto you to live eternally within your kingdom we thank you for our godly national heritage upon our founding fathers placing you and your word as a cornerstone and our foundation by your grace alone we've enabled us to establish the greatest strongest and most generous nation in all history we have been a city built upon a hill and a light to the world it has been because of our trust in you oh lord that we are blessed as a nation may you forgive us for abandoning you in our public prayers marriages and families as we've gone astray from your moral compass and may you rain down upon us with a fresh outpouring of your holy spirit may the wind of your breath fill our sails once again as it works with your rising tide to carry us home safely to port may we forge ourselves together again within our national resolve to overcome any storm and keep our eyes above the waves as did our forefathers those pilgrims who weathered their journey across insurmountable odds and an angry sea in dire conditions so as to found this great land and as my great-grandfather john robinson wrote in his farewell letter to the pilgrims 400 years ago when he quoted colossians 3 12 put on then as god's chosen ones holy and beloved compassionate hearts kindness humility meekness and patience bearing one another and if one has a complaint against another forgiving each other as the lord has forgiven you so you also must forgive may we fast and pray as did our founding fathers when you performed the miracle of philadelphia as they came together in unity and created in your great wisdom our great constitution and may we like nehemiah find ourselves rebuilding the walls of prayer and your word within our living stones of our brothers and sisters and neighbors from the ruin in which we find ourselves in today and oh god from my youth you have taught me and i still proclaim your wondrous deeds as in said in psalm 71 17 so even the old age and gray hairs o god do not forsake me until i show the power of your might to the next generation and we thank you for it we thank you for this day we return to the covenant we made with you from our founding in jesus name amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] he is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] you and me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] here is 11th grade high school student tabitha bush dear father god thank you so much for this day god thank you for this opportunity thank you god that you're such a forgiving and you're such a loving god god i pray for my fellow students and i lift them up god with all the stress and anxiety that we go through in the school year god with with classwork with test and with homework god and i just pray that you will help us it just helps to subsidy god and give us peace lord i just i pray for a hedge of protection around every student's mind right now god as this world is filled with so much darkness and so many lies god i pray that you will help us just to navigate our way through god and lead us to truth god and that you will just help us and you will be by our side the entire way god i pray against the lies of the enemy that tell us that we are not good enough that we are not worth it god that you will help us and you will show your truth to us god that you are our father and you love us so so much god i just pray that you will touch every student god i pray for public for private for for boarding schools god for every kind of school for every child whether it be from elementary all the way up to college god that you just touch them god right now and that you show them that you are their god that we will be your next generation for you god that you will touch us and we will just be with you god and we will be your generation that we will not fall into the darkness god that we will follow the light and then we will follow the light god i just pray that you will touch every student god every everyone who has gone to church or never been to church god that it will not be our like our parents faith god that we follow you god but it will be our own faith god that we will find you for our own god that we will not be satisfied that we go to church and we will not be satisfied that we can pray god but we will want to know you more god that we want to have a relationship with you and i pray that every student will pursue it god and just for every student individually god for just that you will touch them god and you will show them show yourself to them god that they will know who you are and that there will be no doubt in their mind god that when they come and they are faced with the questions and the doubts of this world god that they will know who you are god and that they will have no doubts god and i just thank you that you are such an amazing and loving god in jesus name amen coming to pray next is lisa washington advocate for the pre-born lives father god we come before you tonight lord and lord we declare you lord to be the captain of heaven's armies you are the god that fights for those who cannot fight for themselves and lord i pray for such an outpouring of your holy spirit in this nation lord lord that would turn the moral compass of abortion in this nation o god father i ask o god and pray lord that you would have your church lead the charge lord i pray father that you would mobilize and activate your bridal god i asked lord that you would break our hearts for what breaks yours lord i ask o god and pray father that you would renew our minds by your word on this subject oh god and that you would cause us to agree with you jesus father i ask and pray father that you would free us lord from fear lord that you would free us oh god from apathy you would free us lord from political correctness lord and lord you would fill us with compassion you would fill us with boldness you would fill us with courage lord lord to be a voice for the voiceless lord lord to be defenders of the most defenseless people group in all of our society oh god father i ask o god and i pray o god lord that your church is lord would be houses of refuge lord safe havens lord for families that are faced with unwanted pregnancies oh god and they could go and they can find you lord that they can go and they can find help and support and practical resources father and lord those that are even recovering from abortion father would come lord to know you as a healer and as a restorer oh god father i ask and pray tonight in jesus name lord that you would raise up government leaders lord and judges lord on the city-state and national level father that will legislate laws on behalf of the pre-born lord that would push back the scourge of abortion on our nation father god i ask and pray lord for women lord lord i pray that you would teach us once again father that you've created us to be life bearers lord i pray o god in jesus name that you would show us again from your word lord that you said clearly that you have set before us life and death lord blessings and curses but lord you command us to choose life lord that we and our descendants would live father i pray for men lord in this nation my god that you would turn the hearts of fathers to their children lord i ask and pray in jesus name lord god that men would rise up lord they would be leaders they would be providers they would be protectors lord of women and their offspring father god i pray lord for abortionists and all the abortion workers in the industry jesus i pray lord that you would show them father that you created their bodies to be instruments of life lord not instruments of death god i pray for lord such an encounter with you life altering encounters with you jesus i pray for modern day conversions lord saul to paul moments lord jesus where you would take people lord out of industries of death into industries of life lord and lastly father in jesus name lord i ask you specifically lord to save millions of pre-born babies lord i pray lord that you would allow them to live all the days that were written in your book o god lord i bring you in your remembrance i bring you to remembrance tonight of your own word lord lord where i have read time and time again god lord of isaac god of jacob of esau father of moses god god of jeremiah of david lord of samson of john the baptist lord lord it's clear that you knew them it is clear that you knew their names lord it is clear that you had a calling and a purpose upon their lives lord god and lord jesus christ you yourself came into this world as a helpless baby born of a woman and lord the father preserved you lord from murder and from death jesus i ask and pray god in jesus name lord that you would arise lord and that you would save a multitude from a certain death god lord we declare you tonight to be the redeemer lord we ask you to raise up a standard against this onslaught of murder father lord we declare you to be the god who is mighty to save lord mighties and deliver lord god that you would show yourself to be the god of the preborn lord while they are even yet in their mother's wombs oh god and i thank you for all that you've done lord in times past i thank you for all that you're doing now lord but i thank you that by faith lord lord that the best is yet to come lord many many children lord will proclaim your glory lord to the glory and honor of your name lord to rescue and to save god in jesus name amen here now is dr teresa conlon president of summit international school of ministry good evening tonight i'm going to be praying for colleges and college students and i just invite you to pray with me and if you're a college student or a young person maybe you'd even like to stand at this moment and pray with me father i just pray in jesus name lord that you would forgive oh god institutions of higher learning oh god where the mandate was to advance learning but also in the early days in the pilgrim days that training ministers to study the bible in order to raise a nation out of obscurity was the way that we understood oh god how institutions of higher learning would be formed lord we have forsaken biblical training and thus we have forsaken how to challenge ourselves out of selfishness and a whole generation lord that is learning just to live for themselves father forgive us oh god for how can the core of selfishness be attacked oh god except out of your word where we understand that we get a new life and a new nature in you lord jesus we have forsaken oh god how to train citizenship citizens that will love and defend this country and to choose to do right lord we have forsaken when forsaking biblical training of how to inform and how to shape our characters oh god where your word teaches us what a righteous person looks like oh god how they think how they act choices that they made god forgive us oh god for we thought we could train a generation to stand oh god and to move this nation forward and we have forgotten oh god that you show us how to do this god forgive us because the compassion and the care and the justice that flows from your word o god and into our lives we have forsaken that path and taken up other paths lord forgive us for it seems like we think we have outgrown you we think lord that we have no need of you we think we can train our young independent of you we think oh god the eternal truths and eternal wisdom that exalts a nation and fits a people to be a praise in the earth we have forsaken those old paths we have forsaken how you oh god form a people in forsaking oh god how we train our young people especially our college students lord ideologies that never mention your name never seek your ways that have led to such arrogance in the educational system that has led to such confusion of faith upon our people and god we now have campuses many of them that have become centers where we debauch our young people we do not train them anymore oh god we have now reaped what we have sown because of the increase of suicide depression the shame that settles on our young people lord forgive us the self-hatred and the anger that fuels the hearts oh god we have removed the ancient landmarks we have that which we took for granted now oh god we are causing confusion in genders and we teach this oh god in and i ask oh god that you would help us and forgive us oh god we have forsaken how to have our young people raised in you but lord i thank you that you asked the prophet ezekiel you said can these bones live and the prophet said lord you alone know and i just pray oh god that if you choose to be merciful oh god if you choose to send mercy upon this generation if you would sweep across this nation oh god because independent of how we train them oh god they need to find you in your great mercy oh god would you sweep across the young people and unshackle them oh god would you sweep across them and and all that hinders that has darkened their mind and has kept them from you oh god in spite of what we have done oh god would you in a mercy moment lord just sweep across this nation and touch young people who are at the crossroads of life lord let your cross be presented in their crossroads oh god that they make know you o god that they may cry out to you and you may show mercy upon a generation that we have hid and distorted the truth from god forgive us but i thank you in this moment of mercy you will sweep over these young people and touch our college age student again because you are good and your mercy endures forever and we thank you for all of this in jesus mighty name amen [Music] i see the king of glory coming on the clouds with fire the whole earth shakes the whole earth shakes i see his love and mercy washing over all our sins the people sing the people sing joseph [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i see a generation let's play as we pray and see [Music] oh [Music] i see a generation [Music] rising up [Music] we're on our knees [Music] yes [Music] up my is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] here is new york city television news writer thomas bush hallelujah lord god i just come on god on behalf of the media lord god i ask oh god lord for for cleansing our god in that professional god lord it's something i've done all my life oh god but lord we've seen how far fallen it's fallen lord god we ask for god in jesus name oh god the lord that you'll restore truth and integrity in that business oh god lord that that that um fair imbalance not be just a statement of god but let it be truthful oh god if we pray oh god that lord that people will god will begin to be able to trust what's said on the news or god and what's in the media lord god we ask for god for for people of integrity or god to once again rise up within the business of god and began oh god to print stories to write stories and put out stories of god that truly reflect what's going on or god our people of god are so confused they don't know what to believe any moral god because they don't know who to trust any moral god so i pray oh god for integrity of god once again in that business with god in our industry lord god we also got lift up hollywood oh god in the movies oh god did they put out lord god pray for forgiveness for them or god for for the violence of god and those those movies they put out i got that that are so so vile oh god lord we've corrupted oh god the media lord got in every sense of the word of god so we pray god for forgiveness for them oh god for what they put out lord god we pray for a conviction of god in an industry or god lord and if they don't oh god i pray that you would shut them down and drive them up lord god we also got lift up oh god lord social media lord god we are so absorbed and so consumed with little god that lord we've forgotten oh god to take time to spend time with you lord god i pray oh god that you would for forgive us oh god but before we all god fall on our face and pray to you god we pick up facebook or got to social media got to see what's going on with god so we hear these messages of god of of hate on the evil of god and we're so bombarded with that of god that we don't even know who you are anymore we don't hear your voice so god because we don't spend time with you lord god so forgive us oh god lord we lift up about the music industry as well oh god lord the music that they put out is so vital god lord it the music the sound the words the lyrics of god the language of god lord they defend our they offend our daughters or god they put our daughters in videos on god that are so offensive to you lord god forgive us oh god for allowing this to continue lord god that lord we have fallen so far away from the lord god and these things oh god lord and it was a gift that you've given us to god to communicate with oh god but lord we've corrupted it oh god to the very core little guy so lord forgive us so god restore it oh god to a place of god so that it can be used or god once again to get out the message of god that you love us oh god and you careful so god the lord millions can be saved to god through it lord god forgive us for god bring us back to a place of seeking you lord god your faith so god we need you lord god so desperately lord god lord clean up the business so i gotta clean up the industry lord god from the inside outlook and if there are people there who don't need to be there lord god we ask that you remove them of god and put people in with integrity lord god so the lord that we can move forward with god so that we can hear your voice oh god so that this nation once again can hear truth oh god lord people want truth oh god they're so confused because they don't hear truth anymore so we pray god in jesus name oh god the lord you would restore truth to god in the industry lord god in jesus name amen praying next is new york city lawyer michelle tong hallelujah heavenly father god almighty we just thank you so much for this mercy moment for this time when we can gather together and just come before you lord humbly lift up our voices father god and ask for your forgiveness lord i stand here on behalf of my brothers and sisters believer believers who've you've called father god into the marketplaces into the corporations father god the companies the banks the financial institutions those in firms father god and organizations around the world lord we know you father but forgive us for chasing gods of this world forgive us father god for looking to god the god of mammon father god of pride of power of lust and of greed father we have sinned against you father god for chasing after the lusts of this world father god the lust of the eyes and the pride of life lord we ask in the name of jesus christ that you would please forgive us cleanse us by the washing father god of your blood in jesus name and lord father i just lift up my brothers and sisters father those whom you've placed in all of these difficult dark father god uh places in the world lord and i just ask father god that you would remind them of who they are in you christ jesus of who their god is lord almighty father remind them father god that you go before them and that you are with them lord i pray that they would stand in courage that they would stand strong in their faith that they would remember father god that you have given them a higher calling and a higher purpose lord that it's not just about a title or position it's not just about a salary lord but father they have been chosen for a time such as this they have been called into the army of god lord almighty i pray that you would remind them of the purpose and the destiny that they have over their lives lord father there are millions who do not know you there are millions father god who are lost and do not know father god what they're doing and so i pray in the name of jesus that you would give my brothers and sisters father god strength to stand father god and not to fear to know lord that you will lead them that they will stand for truth that they will speak the truth that they will sow righteousness lord that they would walk in the fear of the lord father even when their opponents coming against them even when their authority or bosses or or co-workers father god might come against them lord father in the name of jesus lift them up and remind them father father god that they are called for this moment in time and lord for those who do not know you those father god who are lost i pray that these brothers and sisters would arise and shine that their light father god would shine brightly in those dark places father god and that their lives would be a living testament to who you are and that others would see father god who you are in them and through their work father god their work ethic father god and they're just kindness and compassion to one another lord that it's not about climbing up a ladder it's not about running this race to get ahead of others but it's to serve others lord to live for the benefit of the others father god and we just thank you lord that you are with them and we just thank you lord that you will draw all of them onto you once more in jesus mighty name amen praying next is jerry pereira head of operations of the leiden preservation group here in plymouth father we come in the name of god lord that name that is above every name the name of jesus christ the savior lord we come because it is in you we live we move and have our being o god it is the name that you've given us oh god as a people so lord we claim your glory this evening 400 years later lord it is for the glory of god and the advancement of your church and your son in in the jesus the christ the savior of the world lord the one mediator between man and god so we thank you father we thank you for this opportunity to come and call out to you lord we call out to you because we want to declare the wondrous works lord of your hand lord to this next generation even to the generation yet to be born o god we declare you mighty acts and we call forth your name that name o god that every knee will bow and every tongue confess so we thank you lord that you brought us here to this place and lord we ask you once again lord as you did 400 years ago lord to tabernacle over us lord in this season lord may your glory come may your glory come and it is for your glory lord and it is for your the advancement of your kingdom lord that we call at this time lord pour out your spirit pour out your spirit again o lord of liberty lord upon this generation upon us o god pour out that spirit of liberty lord that has caused the formation of a great nation a great people lord and once again lord we declare 400 years later that this is your nation lord we declare that this nation is it has been formed by you and your and you have a purpose for this nation oh god so we come to you and we ask you lord for this great gift of mercy and lord it is because your compassions do not fail and you are faithful lord it is because your mercies are new every morning that we can come to you so we come to you lord in this place and we come to you calling and we come to you lord because of your great name's sake in your name amen once again pastor carter conlon jerry and beth pereira uh founded the leyden preservation group in the year 2014 and its purpose is to preserve landmarks that foster a greater understanding of america's heritage and develop an understanding of the faith of our pilgrim forefathers that founded our country 400 years ago they are the present owners of this house that we're in tonight which is the built on the foundation of the first house built by the pilgrims in america and they're presently shifting the ownership of this house into a trust fund to preserve it for future generations if you'd like to be part of that and you think this is a worthwhile cause that you could contribute financially to just visit 400 400 that's 400 th dot org and all the information on how you could help to preserve this heritage spot for future generations is on there it's our privilege to to help the laden foundation have opened their hearts and their home to us so that we can pray this evening the way we have we've come before god in obedience to him it was god himself who initiated this prayer meeting he asked us to confess our sin to him and the things that we've done that in the last 400 years with our freedom that have dishonored his name and to ask him for moments of mercy we've done everything we know to do we've prayed with integrity as best as we can and we believed that because god initiated this moment that it's in his heart to show us a moment of mercy in america and so father in jesus name we ask you lord for a spiritual awakening a great spiritual awakening in our nation all the things that your ears have heard for you told solomon my eyes are open my ears are listening to the prayer that will be prayed in this place and my heart will be there perpetually we do believe that your heart is for us tonight and not against us we've come to you not in strength but in weakness we've come to you not with a plan but acknowledging that you are the only plan we have for the future so here we are again 400 years later in no different position than those early programs were 400 years ago you answered their prayer and out of the their weakness a great nation that has honored your name was born in the earth we're asking now for mercy for this great nation for our children for our institutions for our political discourse for everything god in this country for our families we ask for an outpouring of your holy spirit and a moment of mercy in this country we ask you lord jesus christ to visit every church every denomination every pulpit every pew every apartment every park bench my god sweep this nation with mercy and find everyone whose ears are still open and whose heart can still hear you we thank you for being with us tonight we thank you lord god for answering our prayer we do believe that as we have presented our petitions before you it is your great delight to answer us because you're a god of incredible mercy i'm reminded that when your glory visited solomon's temple they were singing a song and the song went like this god is good and his mercy endures forever that's how you have defined yourself we believe that and we thank you tonight for your goodness and for your mercy may we live to simply laugh with our voices and clap with our hands and dance in our streets and sing the song only god could have done this because he is good and his mercy endures forever we're going to conclude tonight by going live to new york city and the senior pastor of times square church pastor tim delena is going to bring us a short word of encouragement and it will be followed by a song from our ensemble again this evening the song is simply says god is fighting for us it's one of my favorites i hope it will be your favorite too thank you for being with us here in plymouth tonight over to new york pastor tim dalina take it from here god bless you thank you for being a good man of god thank you pastor carter and thank you to everyone who has cried out in behalf of our country and our nation lord forgive us we do also want to say thank you to jerry and beth pereira for allowing us to use lot number one to cry out lord forgive us the thomas jefferson memorial looks at the white house and begins to see the capitol building and congress and chiseled on the thomas jefferson memorial are words that everybody sees and it's these words i tremble for my country when i reflect that god is just and his justice cannot sleep forever our nation is at a crossroads and we have forgotten how to tremble that trembling and that realization must first start with the people of god and his church this is pastor carter conlan has been challenging us for these last few years it is time to pray abraham lincoln said this to our country during his leadership and when the country was at a crossroads he said it behooves us then to humble ourselves before the offended power and to confess our national sins and to pray for clemency and forgiveness in the bible king solomon prays that kind of prayer that president lincoln was talking about a prayer for a nation at a critical time of leadership change and i think it would be good for us to notice it pastor carter has pointed out to us of what what king solomon prayed in the book of chronicles i want to speak to it from the book of kings the same prayer and point out something important always remember this america was not a country built for men to do as they please but to do what is right and what is right is found in god's word i believe that there is something here in the bible for us as we are presently at a crossroads in our country for us to either repent or even find ourselves plummeting into a deeper ungodliness david reminds us in psalms where national blessing comes from not found in a political party and it's not found who is in the white house or who is in congress psalm 33 12 says blessed is the nation whose god is the lord let me say it like this god can only bless america when god is the lord george washington our founding father was right when he said these words it is impossible to rightly govern a nation without god and without the word of god the bible so let's go to the bible the place of truth here is the prayer of king solomon that i want to borrow for us as a nation today and as pastor carter's been leading us this prayer has hope attached to it it's a prayer for people that have sinned and reminds them there is mercy and hope that is found in god let me read that prayer that pastor carter has been reading from chronicles and read the same prayer from first kings chapter eight then solomon stood before the altar of the lord in the presence of all the assembly of israel spread out his hands towards heaven and he said o lord the god of israel there is no god like you in heaven above or on earth beneath keeping covenant and showing loving kindness to your servants who walk before you with all their heart behold heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain you how much less this house which i have built yet have regard to the prayer of your servant to his supplication o lord my god to listen to the cry into the prayer which your servant prays before you today when the heavens are shut up and there is no rain because they have sinned against you and they pray towards this place and confess your name and turn from their sin when you afflict them then hear in heaven and forgive the sin of your servants and of your people israel indeed teach them the good way in which they should walk and send rain on your land which you have given your people for an inheritance now this is an important part of the prayer if there is a famine in the land if there is pestilence if there is a blight or mildew locust or grasshopper if the enemy besieges them in the land of their cities would ever plague and listen to this whatever sickness there is let me say those words again solomon says whatever sickness there is that's what we're facing only as a nation but globally covet 19 and people have asked me is this judgment is it the end times honestly i don't know but i do know this it is a wake-up call for us to begin to cry out to pray to god it is a call for us to pray and repent listen carefully a vaccine will help us physically but it will not hear us heal us spiritually only god can heal us the prayer goes on to say then here in heaven god your dwelling place and forgive and act and render to each according to all his ways whose heart you know for you alone know the hearts of all the sons of men and then it ended like this when solomon had finished praying this entire prayer and supplication to the lord he rose from before the altar of the lord from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread towards heaven he stood and blessed the assembly with a loud voice saying may the lord our god be with us as he was with our fathers may he not leave us nor forsake us just before i pray can i just remind you something very important in this prayer in this chapter the words prayer cry to the lord supplication is there 22 times do you think god was trying to get our attention to what we're supposed to do nationally 22 times cry out pray supplication what he was telling us is that prayer is the game changer and may i remind you may i challenge you or echo what pastor carter is saying let me just say this to you it's not simply prayer in the schools that we need and prayer in our government that we need we need prayer in our churches today it's not simply the white house it's god's house that needs prayer today and i want to pray that god begin to let us see from solomon's prayer that it is a cry for the people of god to pray again it was prayer that changed the direction 22 times in this chapter prayer supplication cry to the lord is what shifted sickness it shifted pestilence it shifted the enemies it shifted captivity prayer did that can we join and pray one more time and know it is prayer that changes all this father i believe today and join with my brothers and sisters that god that it is prayer that changes things and i say as pastor carter has been saying for years it's time to pray but god i want us to understand i pray for every church every christian leader every pastor every elder deacon every church leader that is watching this today christian authors those that are running christian radio programs whoever may be seeing this bring your people back to prayer god we've been asking for a nation to pray let your people pray again lord god father i'm asking you today that you would begin to do something deep inside of us to understand that if you would say 22 times for your people to pray to change situations to change sickness to change captivity the change of people that are in bondage to sin to change pestilence and blight to change those things and god that's what we're doing that's what you put on the heart of pastor carter conlon for a church to pray for the people of god to pray bring us back to our needs oh god start with us i pray that you would begin to revive the prayer meeting back in the churches today all over this nation lord god the greatest thing we can take away from plymouth is that god that house on lot number one where a prayer meeting started would you now bring it to our own houses to god's house to your church house and let lord god your people begin to be a beacon of life to be a voice again but it starts with prayer bring us lord god to our knees bring us to a place that we understand and we can't do this without god we are helpless without you that's why we're crying out to you today every person that prayed from pastor carter colleen to secretary of state to congress to our congressmen lord god to pastors and leaders from doctors and lawyers lord god for native americans we begin to declare today we need god revive your church to pray once again it is time to pray in jesus name amen let me close with this ronald reagan couldn't be more true when he said these words if we ever forget that we are that we are one nation under god then we will be a nation that's gone under that's why solomon's prayer begins to give us hope today it is a cry that we would be a nation under god that's why we have cried out and prayed to him today i want to encourage you to join with pastor carter connor on its time to if you wanted a starting place for you as a church for you as a christian for you as a leader i want to encourage you to go to that and i want to also encourage you to join us on tuesday nights at times square church at seven o'clock eastern standard time for the worldwide prayer meeting where requests come in from all over the world tonight is not a finish line but it's the starting line for the church in america to pray once again let's finish the night by giving god the glory he deserves would you worship with us one more time as we sing and the song that pastor carter was talking about is entitled in jesus name what better way to finish this night than how we finish most of our prayers in jesus name god bless you from times square in new york city [Music] god we thank you thank you for what you're doing thank you for what you will do in the name of jesus [Music] god is fighting for god is on our side he has overcome yes he has overcome we would not be shaken we would not be moved jesus you are here god is [Music] jesus you are here [Music] i will not die [Applause] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] you [Music] we will [Music] [Applause] he's [Music] [Applause] [Music] me oh god we give you glory we magnify your name thank you jesus [Music] thank you god for what you will do with me [Music] he's [Music] jesus i will oh [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 63,718
Rating: 4.9426479 out of 5
Id: fFkog-g6PGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 0sec (7200 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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