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Shadow intended for Dr Sloan we believe the imagined order's weapon system will reach critical mass sooner than expected if we don't stop it now all life on the island will be destroyed leading the mission will be the finest met captain in all reality she'll be behind the controls you and your team will be on weapons the bridge is yours Paradigm weapons team listen up today we're going to put an end to the imagined order for good our Target is their weapon system the collider ground team status grounding standing by we'll have those Shields down by the time you reach the island after all they do call me the legend uh-huh copy that stand by to engage launch sequence [Music] [Music] crew to battle stations foreign [Music] weapon systems hot now clearance the path are those rocks [Music] Collision warning prepare for evasive maneuvers here we go [Music] prepare for re-entry I'm taking her down foreign don't have much time to hit the Collider clear a path I'll get us there uh Legend I thought you were on the case yeah yeah nothing we can't handle just as soon as we figure it out what happened guess what he said foreign [Music] free Sprint pack divert power to heartbreaker strikes [Music] foreign Peridot come in do you copy copy or down all systems damaged we're not going anywhere without repairs don't worry I know a guy it's your time to shine buddy [Music] it's worth a shot to emergency recovery system can't believe this is working really for the win we are back online ah fruits are the worst take them out the colliders exposed we're on our way light blade activated I'll take out the blimp you focus on the ground horses all enemy forces have been eliminated this is our chance divert power to Blade strike hold on almost detected fuel systems offline can you hear me anybody hurt come on come on on your feet let's go I don't think Sloane's too happy we're here and she has a tank so we gotta go stay down and follow me incoming fire you can't hide help me take out those cards Crystals at the top of the collider everything ends the zero point shifts the realities keep your distance unless you want to go wherever that is no one leaves until all threats are eliminated I got it hey over here uh teamwork high five [Music] come on come on can't just don't know when to quit Hold Your Fire [Music] you don't have to do this always so dramatic any last words Jones um look out [Music] I thought you could use a hand welcome back paradigm who is that there's a little boy that's focused on General this is our best chance to find him let's go all right it's up to you now we don't have much time those crystals will detonate the zero point take them out foreign don't worry I got you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Stormz Empire
Views: 5,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fortnite, PS5Share
Id: Oe0QTWvS9X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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