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today Lego fortnite got a brand new update and before we do look at the patch notes just loading into the game I can already tell my skin actually did get an update the Galaxy skin got a little bit of an overhaul which it looks so cool and when I first loaded in it was actually nighttime and I actually was glowing in the dark which is super super cool and there should be a couple new animals that we can find but before we go and explore and build all of these new Farms we do need to go look at the patch notes figure out what we need to do to make sure we have all of the Farms we need to get all of these animals we have the patch notes pulled up and it is version 29.3 so this is the farm friends and it looks like there are tons of new buildings to come I don't think any of them are actually released yet but we should be getting them hopefully in the next few days and we are able to actually tame and you know breed animals now which is so cool so you know the animals are ready to move in which pretty much means you know you can recruit um okay hold on I'm getting ahead of myself so the Farm Friends update increases villagers recruitment to 10 so that is actually really helpful so we can have 10 villagers at a village but we can also now recruit animals to the Village which is so awesome we can get cows we can get sheep we can get chickens and then we can get new animals arriving with this update which is pigs okay I was thinking to myself I don't think I've ever seen a pig before but I saw him in front of me me and I was like oh these must have just been here but okay no I was right there are new pigs but there is another animal that we do have to find but we will get there the first thing we need to do to tame and recruit animals is first build an animal house so we will have to make sure we go and we figure out how to do that I'm sure we probably already have the recipe but we will definitely have to check so just to get the animal house we will need to pretty much just get the village to level two which all of my Villages are way past that part so that is done and check easy easy the next thing so step number two is a friend with feed is a friend indeed okay so pretty much they're telling us we need to feed the animals and it looks like there is a new item which is an animal treat so this is unlocks for animal treats by building an animal house okay so to unlock the recipe all we have to do is get the animal house and then we should get the recipe for that which is super super nice and then it says Be The Shepherd if the animals accept your delicious treat you've got an limited amount of time to get them back to your village make sure their Journey Back is a peaceful one any unpleasant encounters could upset them okay so we got to be careful transporting these guys if they get scared they might run away but that pretty much seems like it should be pretty easy to get them to the Village it says lure them to a vehicle for a quick Journey okay that's pretty nice you can also use a fishing rod to pull them across tight spots okay so that's super super easy if the animals get hurt on the journey make sure to heal them by giving them an another animal treat okay so pretty much it's it shouldn't be too hard hopefully fingers crossed okay step number four you need to assign animals to animal houses and keep them happy okay so it's very similar to the villagers with beds but now we got animals with animal shelters the next thing we have are all of the animals we can actually tame and what they give us so for chickens it is feathers and fertilizer for cows it's milk and fertilizer for sheep it's wool and fertilizer and then pigs it's mushrooms and fertilizer I have yet to see I'm sure mushrooms are new because pigs are new so I'm not too sure what mushrooms are for maybe there's some new recipes which could be pretty useful and next we have new villagers so it seems like there are five new villagers which we have Candice Ash Brooks Lana and then I don't know how to say that name if you guys know how to say that name let me know but I definitely don't so all of these should be pretty cool I hope I can at least get one of them today I don't know about all five that might be pretty challenging but it is really cool to see them add new villagers because it's always nice to see new faces around the Villages and then the big thing is Beware of the bear so this is kind of crazy we have Bears now so it says Farm Friends is all about making new friends whether the animals or villagers that being said not all animals like to play nice so these guys seem like they're hostile they will attack us but so okay yeah beay equals bad don't let Bears follow you back to your village because you'll never never hear the end of it thankfully they're quite sleepy and can be easily avoided oh that's interesting so I wonder if once they find your village they just keep coming back if that's the case that that kind of sucks so we just got to be careful but we also got new animal variants which is really cool we can see the two chickens right here or the three chickens and then there's a new cow so that is actually really cool I think that's yeah that looks amazing and then yes these are the new builds that we should be getting which says it is coming out to tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. so tomorrow at normal item shop reset we should get these builds and they are barns which looks so cool it's going to make our village in our little Barn area and our our farm area to say should look so so good and let's see it comes with three builds and the kit is only 600 v-bucks so that shouldn't be too bad and then there's a couple more just minor improvements and Bug fixes but I feel like we got most of like the main stuff and then obviously all of the Skins got updated or not all them a lot of them one being included the Galaxy skin which is my skin so that is really cool I think it looks so good now if any of your guys' main skins got updated and you guys like like the update or if you don't like it let me know I think mine they did such a good job but anyways let's hop in game all right now that we are back in game we can try and find okay here it is yep it's right off the bat the barn all we need is 10 planks but there are also tons of okay no I I've already I've already seen all of these things I literally have two cars built behind me I don't know why it thinks I haven't seen these but we do have the barn so we need to build these I'm not too sure where I want to build it I think for today I may just build it like over here and just try and get a few of every animals and then tomorrow when we get the new Big barns we can actually make like a big area maybe down at the bottom of yeah I feel like down here maybe at the bottom of the mountain should be perfect so I currently have enough planks for two barns which I do have more planks being made right now but I do want to place it down just so we can see what we need for this animal tree and it says unknown consumable it's an item recipe so we have to quickly find where it is in here and it might be in here nope okay not in there um not in here so I have finally figured out where it was I do not have a grill in my Village but this is actually where it was so it took a little bit of time but we have now found it and all we need is five Vines and three corn so we do have to go on a little bit of an adventure to try and find some corn but guys look at my skin it looks so cool I love that it kind of glows now it's so much better than what it was but we do need to try and get a good amount of animal treats just so we can get as many animals as we possibly can and I just I'm going to make sure that I don't have any corn I don't think I do I do have a ton of vines but yeah I definitely do not have any corn so I do need to go on a little bit of an adventure to try and find as much corn as I can we do need to find a good amount just because I think it was three per treat and we definitely want to get a few treats to try and get multiple animals and honestly I don't even know where I should begin to look for corn but I am just going to go on a little bit of an adventure and see how much corn we can come across so I've been finding a good amount of corn but I have not come across any of the new Bears which I mean I think it's a good thing but at the same time I do kind of want to see them just because they are new and I think I already have yeah I already have 13 pieces of corn so we should be able to make a few of those animal treats but I do want to find at least one bear and see what it looks like before we go back to our village and oh there's a roller I got to be careful um I do want to find one and I kind of want to see what it looks like and I want to see if they're as big and as bad as they're making it seem because I just I don't believe it it's just a bear it can't be too bad it can't be worse than a brute because I mean a brute is terrible but we do have a supply drop over here hopefully they changed the supply drops a little bit because they were terrible before so I'm going to quickly run over here and maybe we can find one of the snow Bears because that would be really cool and there's a wolf that is definitely not a bear yeah that's a wolf so I'm currently running up to my base and we see one of the Bears right here so this is just the normal bear there is a snow bear but it did say we should be able to sneak up on it and oh my gosh this thing is actually so big look at it oh and it's sitting down okay that's actually pretty cool and oh it's sleeping okay I don't want it to know where I live so I am going to try and eliminate it but oh it's mad it's mad and okay it doesn't do too much damage but oh okay it it actually does do kind of a lot of damage but oh w we just got we just got fish from it okay I don't know why we got fish from a bear but you know what I mean I guess that kind of makes sense not really but that is actually really really cool I love the way that it like actually sits and actually sleeps so that is really cool but I do have like 40 corn on me which should be plenty of corn to make all of the animal treats that we need to get all of the animals that we want into our village at least right now and then we should be able to you know kind of try and get them all into our village and I think I do want to bring at least one of my cars to try and transer Port them because it did say that we should be able to put them in a vehicle so we definitely want to do that but there are a few spawns up at my actual Village so like we'll be able to get the Sheep right there and then we'll try and get at least one of every animal right now and then tomorrow when the new builds come out we will be able to add so much more which will be awesome and that should be enough I'm just going to wait for all of this to cook up and then we should be able to go and find all of the animals we want while this this stuff is cooking up make sure you go down below and like the video also at 50,000 subscribers I am flipping a coin and if it lands on heads I am doing a face reveal so at 50k there's a 50% chance that 50 does a face reveal so if you want to see that make sure to go down below and subscribe also if any of you guys plan on buying any of the new buildings that are coming to the shop tomorrow make sure to use my code it is 50 and I would really appreciate it thank you guys and honestly this stuff should be pretty much done I I think we can make one more but that is five and now we can try and tame one of these animals so I think we should be able to just hold it in our hand just like this and we should be able to walk up to the sheep and all we have to do is feed it and okay I think that means he is now following I think um I mean there's tons of Hearts so okay yeah yeah he is following oh my gosh okay we got to quickly come over here and put him in one of these small Barns and that should be the first animal of the day and I think we should be able to come here and following sheep and we should be able to assign just like that and okay we need to name the animal okay I don't know what to name it I'm just going to use the random generator but if any of you guys have a good name make sure to comment down below and the next animal I get I will make sure to choose someone from the comments make sure to go down below and comment your name ideas and just like that our little sheep named Milo is is perfectly in his barn okay so I don't know if you can okay yeah there is only one animal you can have per Barn so now we need to try and go get a cow and then we need to get a pig and we also need to try and get a chicken so I have placed all of the Barns and I think I saw a chicken right behind him yep right over here so we should be able to feed it and hopefully once again okay yes he is following us which means we should be able to come right here and assign the chicken to the barn and we will randomize okay Daisy so the chicken's name Daisy the Sheep's name is Milo and then we need two more but I am going to wait till morning just because I hate the dark and I wish they would add it so I can sleep through the night but I can't so it is becoming morning and it is the perfect time to go find our last two animals that we need all we need is a pig and a cow so I do want to try and find them pretty close to the house just because I am up on this hill and it might be pretty hard to actually bring them all the way up here but they should be near I know okay of course sheep spawn right here and not something we need which is unfortunate I hope we can find okay yes there's actually a pig right up here I was about to say I hope we can find something really really close which there's a pig right up here and I do want to eliminate this roller before we go and try and find before we try and go get the pig just because I do not want him to get spooked because we do not have too many of these animal treats which if we run out and we do not get all of the animals we need I'm going to be so sad but okay there we go we got the pig and we should be able to just yep he follows perfectly but I should be able to get him up into his barn with the last treat that I have and then we will have to make some more for the cow but other than that we should be good I think what is he doing I don't know what he's doing okay I hope this is not too far I don't know what he's doing I think he's like stuck there but we should able to assign him just like that and we already have a Milo we will do um Bruno okay perfect Bruno the pig we have Daisy the chicken and then we have Milo the sheep and all we need left is the cow but I do need to make sure I go and get some more animal treats which I did not mean to talk to you man sorry um we will take that and all we need to do is grab some more Vines and then I will be on the hunt for the last animal that we need so I've officially gotten the cow to his barn and I guess we'll just name him slate that is the randomly generated name so we have slate we have wait why does it say wait I'm confused what happened to we're missing one we're missing our Pig oh my gosh okay good thing there's a pig right here um you're you're coming with me you're coming with me I honestly forgot the pig's name but you know what it's okay it's okay we can we can get a new Pig and there we go um Munch that is the pig's name so we got slate we got Munch we got Daisy and then we got Milo so we have gotten every single animal that as far as I know we can get and then tomorrow we will be getting new buildings and we will be able to make a new Farm Village which will be so cool so if you guys are wanting to see that make sure to go down below drop a like drop a sub and comment down below and let me know what you guys think about this new update and I hope everybody has a good rest of your day and I'll see you guys later peace out
Channel: Fifty
Views: 7,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fifty, Update, Farm, How to tame, how to get animals in lego fortntie, v29.30, todays lego fortnite update, farm friends, lego fortnite, lego fortnite update leaks, lego fortnite gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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