Live Eggs Hatching - Q&A every 30 minutes

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okay guys I'm not sure if it's working now I guess it is actually hey so just before we started um this little one this little one hatched this one hatched this morning and there's a bunch of eggs waiting over here for you guys um I'm not sure how long it's going to take so a little bit about these acts it's also in the description but um this is I call them a exploding me hair dryer chickens because they get weird feather on top of their head and they're they're also on top of this they are girly so they really look kind of funny I have here a picture of one of them so this is what they're going to look like and this is the actual mom of these chicks it was a Children's Zoo who asked men for local children through here who ask this one just before we started the live stream this one just hatched hair season egg shell still and um well what I'm going to do is I'm going to Gathering some of the questions that you guys maybe are are having and that you're asking and I'm going to answer them and I will be here every 30 minutes to go out to give you some answers and Meanwhile we're going to watch together what's going on all these eggs here let me show you if you can see it just started here and um a lot of them are um well on their way to our our hair already and then well let's enjoy this start of spring together and here I wrote it was kind of difficult because um the camera is in selfie mode so I had to write it in a mirror view I hope you can read it it basically says I'll be here every 30 minutes to answer questions and meanwhile the incubator will be closed so get moist and the heat will stay inside I put the leader here in the room also quite high so it won't drop too much the Heat and then these guys I hope they don't make too much noise for you I'm going to talk to you in well about half an hour and I'm going reading and answering meanwhile and well let's see which one of these exits is going to be the one that we are actually going to see in this live stream action I see you in a bit bye thank you [Music] little guys you're cute okay come here yes that's the way okay now he's fine thank you [Music] okay that's actually funny so when I was trying out with the camera settings to to see what was going to look like um I had written it normal and then I was seeing it in a mirror way so now I have to change it again and well that's what happens when you go live still was quite a nice um try to be writing in mirror okay I am learning that I hated on the same paper so all I have to do is put it up here again okay I need to some more time and I was happy that I could see this morning that I already have some muscle in the garden so that's nice to put in the framework meanwhile with the little restaurant Springtime feeling okay so still I'm so while I'm sitting here I can't really see this woman so I have my brother here together my brother here is going to be whispering the questions in my ear well while I'm sitting here and every time when the door is closed I am being here I have a question how did you come up with the name a tickled hour that's quite funny actually so first time that I started the channel I had this little Quail that was born from an egg from a supermarket and over here in the Netherlands we have this Supermarket core called Albert Hein so it was not very original I come up within a day because somehow the news was picked up and everyone said okay you need to you need to come up with some name for English Channel because these these newspapers from Great Britain were asking me oh come on put on a video on that on the channel and we want to broadcast this so I had to come up with a name this Supermarket was called albertine so I named it chick Albert not very original I know but well and then went so quickly that I never got to changing the name and it became a household name for many people so just leave it so fun story anyway so um so I hope now the paper is right and everything I need to put it a little bit lower so maybe Meanwhile my brother has a second question for me yeah you're doing fine oh [Music] [Music] a little bit lower my brother is writing a new question my favorite who's going pretty simple oh you'll whisper hit me yeah so for the new people what type of chicken is this well I call them floating hair dryer chickens because they have this weird group of feathers on their head and again their local children's food as they think they're very funny as well and they they ask me if I could get my hands on some of these eggs and incubate them for them so that's what I did two already hatched this little sweet guy called a silver black line and if his feathers will turn out to be curly that really makes them well basically look like and there but I think they're very funny as well so maybe one or two can join the feather yeah okay yeah so I think this is um what does it say here [Music] ah so um someone asked if I can please hold the weak one well it's not a weak one it is actually um you just hatched that's all it's still a little bit wet and um what I do is if I put them together they will become a bit more silent and they uh well they feel they're safe but if I just leave them with the door closed for a little bit they're also just going to enjoy the Heat and that so again I'll see you in um in 15 minutes and now I'm going to close it for the Heat and the moisture see you in a bit [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] everything [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey so it is so cool to be wait let me put on a light yeah so it's so cool to be reading all your films it's it's heartwarming already so I have some questions to um to answer and I like those questions as well because for me everything's so normal and I've been doing this so long first thing is while the doors open I can make the machine make a little bit less noise so it's easier to to understand me so these two are um are making noise and I could keep them with me and then they become really silent um but I actually prefer them to be here and to be to be making a bit noise because like some of you have asked chicks that are now inside the eggs can they hear the other chicks so yes they can and that's an important part for me so meanwhile people are also ask me for Albert II to be to be here and he's now enjoying the the eggshells I'll I'll show her in a bit anyway so these chickens yes the checks inside can hear them because here's what the chicken does chicken can't just lay 16 eggs at a time right so a chicken lays once lays one egg then she then she buries the egg under some straws she comes back the second day she turns the first egg and She lays a second deck the next day a third egg and so on till she somehow feels this is the amount of X that I would like to incubate and meanwhile all these eggs have been scolded so they have been called for maybe two weeks the period that the eggs were late and now when the hand thinks yeah this is the right number she will sit on them and at the same time all the eggs dig up for the first time that's incubating starts now for the hen because um these little chicks are not like the the Pink naked ones these are ones that are supposed to be immediately following the mom so for the chicken it is convenient or important even that all the eggs hatch more or less at the same time now the hands started incubating them at the same moment but also for the little chicks in sight if they can hear the sound of the little chicks that already hatched they know way I have to make sure that I am quick and I have to make sure that I'm going to get out of the egg as soon as I can now what I did is I wanted to make sure that we ask that we're going to be in a live stream so I put a couple of eggs in the incubator then I waited for some hours to put some more I waited for some hours put some more so these are first student now hatched and the other ones they get their their message hey you're supposed to uh to be going to going to get out of your egg so I'm not sure which one's going to be the first my money is on this one I guess looking at it and how long this will take well to be honest I'm not really sure so once the chick has made a little opening like this um will take anything between and maybe tend to even 30 hours before they are out of there out of their egg but what we will see later in the live stream is that one of the eggs will start to will start its round so what they have to do is they have this opening in the egg then they turn themselves in the egg I'm fascinated they're all curled up and somehow they managed to turn a little bit turn a little bit and makemet with their little beak make a second hole and a third hole and the fourth one and so on till they go all the way around and then once they're kind of um like two once they're kind of like two parts because of all the little holes they make they can push and then well the egg opens and the little chick can come out so that's what we're waiting for and once they start this migration I call it it will take Maybe 15 minutes maybe half an hour and so so far well not one of them has has started to do this so well I'm not really sure how long it's going to take and um all I can do is watch and Trust nature um so we'll have to do that together I guess now one more question to ask is um when did I start well I think I've been doing this for as long as I can remember I should have prepared this maybe but I have in my in my mom's home there is this photo album where I'm little boy with white little curls and I can I just started to walk I guess and I just walked up to a swan and I started betting it and this one was way bigger than I was but somehow somehow that's what does it for me so I've been always always been attracted to little animals and um to birds often but actually all kinds of animals so that's what I've always been doing and I think I was about maybe eight it's when I had the first abandoned little duckling and well I've been doing this ever since so I've been doing it for quite some time now and my first incubator was only I was only when I was like 20 and then the first serious one that's the one that's now that's that's this one actually I only got it like maybe six years ago so um well that's when I started and then there was this question if we can please please see Albert II and yeah like some of you have already mentioned it I really thought it was Albert II I had checked this at its bottom and I was quite sure that I was that I was writing that it was a male but I will show this in a short video so here's a little bit of a scoop Albert second just recently at an Albert's don't lay eggs that's only what Alberta's do I guess so here's my sweet little something so better I don't really so see although she's very sweet I don't really trust her with the little um with the little chicks because they have very nice black shiny eyes and I don't want her to examine if she can take a bite from it so I'm going to keep her a little bit away what she does like somehow is the eggshell she's she's eating from them and and that's kind of kind of funny here let me see your feet what do it on camera yeah so I don't know why she likes to she likes to eat this it's it's nice um material that you can use to build feathers as well so um yes here it is although it's not Albert II it turns out it's my sweetheart Alberta you go on and make a mess over there um Okay so someone asked if I make the holes bigger instead of just waiting for them no I can't and here is why I don't want to damage the check but let me explain to you what's happening inside the egg so the X are the chicken side needs to just like you and me they need to breathe oxygen but there is no hole in the egg so they can't breathe through their mouth so just like when a baby is inside a human or with any animal they are fed by the bloodstream of the mum and their own and the bloodstream of a human is very close to the bloodstream of the mum and the oxygen can go from the one bloodstream to the other bloodstream a little tick is not connected to their mom so it has to happen in another way now what happens if I would open an egg now there is still a whole um a home mesh I guess a whole network of things surrounding them check all close to the uh to the edge of them let me take the egg here here you can see the remains maybe inside the egg you can see the remains from of these of the blood vessels and what happens is once the chick has made this little hole um he can start to Breathe by himself and um it's beeping that's funny yeah I'm talking about you that's right so um and once they start to breathe for themselves this is a signal to the little body of the chick that it is close to hatching and all the things slowly start to withdraw the blood through there maybe I can show this to you with this little chick so if I can show you here it has an actual belly button just like you and me and all the all the blood will go through this belly button into the body of the little chickens and um well that's how uh all the all the system kind of turns around to breathing instead of diffusion as through the egg shell and well it's a bit of long story but that's why I can't help them because if I start to help them right now I will cause a bleeding it might Cost Check to actually bleed out and we don't want that of course so um I have to wait and the chick knows when he's ready and then he'll start to migrate make the opening bigger so you do please keep on beeping and keep on talking to your siblings and saying hey get out of the egg because people are waiting so that's it for now and I hope to see you in a while 15 minutes or so bye [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign so I've been reading some questions but for those of you that are new welcome to the live stream these are two little chicks that have already gotten out of their eggs here's one here's a another yellow one this one is drying up she's doing fine and well the other eggs just started with little holes um I like to call them um floating hair dryer chicken because this is their mom this is but there will be going to look like a local children's who has asked me to incubate to incubate these eggs for them so that's what we're doing X over here will be the first to hatch and well it will take some more time I'm not sure how much more time now one of the questions that I got is how long will it take for the text to dry now this one as you can see is much more dry than this one and the difference between the two of them you can see this one can stand on its feet and he's strong this one is um out of its egg I think maybe five hours now and this one only one hour this one over here so that's a bit reference also um what how long will it take for their first meal well that's quite interesting like I just explained in the the time I was on before is the ticks have this whole network of blood vessels surrounding them before they hatch all the blood girls through their belly button but something else goes into their belly button as well what many people don't know is that it's actually not the ACT yellow that will become the chick it is the egg white now what happens is in the egg white the whole chick will develop and all the way at the end so maybe for these eggs it will hatch tomorrow the yolk is still outside their body and just before they are born together with all the blood that was surrounding them that goes through the belly button and also the egg yolk goes inside and as you can see here it has a bit of um yeah a fat belly so to say but what's in here actually is the egg yolk and the yolk that is now inside the chick is the food for the first let's say 24 to 48 hours so they will maybe try to eat little things because it's their instinct to just be packing at things but when they really need food that will only be like um 48 hours from now so that's it again for now let's see if my brother someone asks um so it's my brother sitting there over there at the computer and yes I'm making this big letters on the screen so I can read it from here one of the question is um how long do they keep their actors now this is a question from someone who already knows at least a little bit about jigs so birds have an act tooth active is a kind of a weird thing and I'll try if I can show it to you so they have a beak obviously that's kind of what makes them Birds almost all birds have big and as big as kind of strong but it's not really strong enough to pinch through the eggshell so what nature did is he developed a very hard very strong lady like your teeth that's also why it's called an egg tooth very strong material and it is a little sharp pointy object right at the front of that big I will take her the oldest one and um I will hold it still and maybe I think it's too close if I put it too close to the camera it's not sharp anymore but over here there is a tiny sharp object and that's called The Edge tooth and well basically all birds have this and it will for most species it will fall off well somewhere in the first um three days I would I would say what I've seen is also some species where it kind of um growth attached to the to the beak and it will not really fall off if I remember correctly with some pigeons I'm not really sure but all these little tips they will lose this little sharp pointy object on the top of that bead called the egg tooth so if someone now asks you do birds have have teeth you can say well no they don't but yes they do and they're in their first couple of days they they have an actual tooth on the top of their beak to open the to open the shell and in the corner of my eye I can see my brother pointing at another question so here we go how does their fluff feel super soft like fur or tiny feathers well um much more like um fluffy fur so it's um yeah I don't know how to describe it as you know what I often do is that I give them something with my um with my breath and then there are also against my face a bit so now you can see they become silent so that's what I usually do when the chicks are hatched and they're not they don't need to stimulate their um their brothers and sisters to come out of the egg I will just keep them with me and keep them warm and then they become they become silent but again right now I want them to be making this beeping noise and stimulate their brothers and sisters there's not so much development and well again we'll have custom cross our fingers but for those of you I don't want to scare you away from the um from the live stream but I think it would be safe to uh well skip like at least half an hour for not to be honest I don't want you to be attached a touch screen is going to happen is it going to happen I always have to practice patience I usually when I want to film an egg it hatches like 3 30 in the morning so it's too hard to calculate when they're really going to hatch but these are the ones that are next now and we'll just have to wait okay so like I just told um Lily asks um where is their belly button and also what breed are they so to wrap it up for this round dear sister breed it's called a a Padua it is in Dutch and it's part one in English I believe it's also called polish although in the Netherlands they're called Nader Lancer Bart California and Netherlands means from the Netherlands but apparently they're polish so they're known to be bullish all over the world but in the Netherlands they say they're Dutch don't know why anyway they have on top of this being the breed they have curly feathers and that makes them look like what I call them exploded hair dryer chickens and they're just very funny now these two need to get back to the um oh oh yeah and the belly button here we go again I will show you over here this is where the belly button is here's his little bump this is where the belly button is and inside here if I can I can feel here the little yolk beating inside its belly now YouTube here have a good sleep Make some noise and um okay see you mate bye laughs thank you thank you foreign just a quick something for um for a dose of you where you don't want like this this laying upside down um it's not really a problem they always turn back and for me it's actually better to keep it closed and keep it quiet and [Music] said it right but I don't need to do it every time just so you know foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] again so um people ask me about time over here it's now 6 30 p.m so there's a lot of you that's probably a big time difference um some more questions and that kind of like as well but first about the X because that's what we're waiting for so when are they going to hatch short answer I don't know what day will go what they will start to do is they will start making around and Wednesday once they do this it goes it goes very quickly so it's very likely that one will hatch within the hour if it's within half an hour if it starts to make this bigger hole and are the candidates that are well they can start to do this any moment they all have made a first little hole and um so I forgot to put this uh to make the silence so you can understand me better so these ones are making noise to stimulate these and um well one of those will very soon start to migrate start to make a bigger hole and then it will hatch Within 20 minutes or so now somebody also asked me um how many birds do I take care of um I don't know I think it is um anywhere um always around at 82 150 Birds I guess I guess but like you can imagine if these hatched it's it's going to be another 16 so the number goes up very quickly and what I always try to do is I try to find well good homes for of the birds that are with me some I like to keep with me like the blind duck or a wiggle uh the the duckling that I incubated was my own body heat or I don't know if you've seen this video where there was this tiny chicken just about this age but its bump was its poo was blocking the um the other food to come out so I need I need to kind of operate on him and these I don't know I have kind of a connection with them of course I'm not Albert II but Alberta I like I just told you she's going to stay so some birds are staying but for all of the other birds I'm actually constantly looking for other places to give them a nice home what I like most is to release animals back into nature or I want to find homes for them people can just have them for free as long as they have a big place where they really take care of their animals and their animals can have a happy life so that's what I do with the animals and it's all like I said it's always somewhere in between 80 and 150 now spring is coming and um I have this interesting person that has reached out to me and she is working with birds of prey and she was hired to to keep a certain terrains where they want to build or want where they want to build and a bigger Railway um they can't do this with permits when birds are breeding over there when they have nests so it's hurt us to keep all the birds from from making a nest or laying eggs there and once they do lay eggs it's her task to um usually to get rid of the eggs but you kind of feel sorry for the egg so now she is handing over actually so now she already gave me some goose eggs of Canadian uh ghosts there Canadian geese I guess they are in another incubator hike up several incubators over there that are um trying to incubate these acts that are meant to be well they are meant to be animals that are to be released in to the wild so um that's it about how many birds always although I love them um as few as possible that um my brother has written asked me some questions now please because apparently there are no questions of you guys so this is your moments to ask your question my brother is meanwhile reading them and he'll whisper them kind of in my ear foreign people just to make clear to you so the the channel is called a chick called Albert that's because my first rescued Quail from a supermarket deck was called Albert because it was from a supermarket called albertine and my name is actually Alvin you can forget it but people are asking me questions and saying hey this is a question directed at Albert but well it's not Albert probably that you mean but it is Alvin that's my name so both with an A so it's close enough anyway um have I ever rescued an eagle well that I would really love them um but I would find kind of hard is to what they basically eat Eagles if you are to raise them is these so they are set um they open all right checks so I would find it very hard but an ego is also kind of a majestic bird to me and I don't know it's kind of symbolic to Inner Freedom or something or Flying high in the sky and I don't know somehow emotionally I feel connected to that I feel free and I feel like a birth sometimes but that's basically all that I'll have probably was an eagle but I will be working with an ego with um by now A friend of mine he's got an eagle that is that has been replaced and replaced and replaced because it's uh it's a female that's just too wild and he asked me if I wanted to come and visit because um he's trying to get her a tame enough to be uh to be working with her but well I prefer actually Birds always to be free so we'll see how that meeting will go and we'll we'll see um my favorite bird other than Albert well I have three daughters you know and I don't know for the ones of you who are who also have children um it's hard to say that one of your children is is favorite because they really aren't so there are some birds that um are a bit more tame and I like them because there's more interaction and I like the interaction part so there's one uh small black chicken that I'm quite fond of but it's also um the the nandoos that are walking outside there they're so cool and I have this geese that looks like your old ant with a rounded beak and she looks like she's always in a bad temper but she's actually so sweet so it's two things the animals that really come to me and seek um seek attention and seek connection that's the ones I really like and usually that's also maybe in young birds um I can't say my favorite but what I really like is the geese packs that are now in the incubator that are supposed to be um hatching at Easter so there maybe we'll do a live stream then as well but then it will be geese and some ducklings but what's so funny about the geese is that they really come over and start a conversation I don't know I kind of like that why they really come up to you and and talk now to round up this part this little one just did um something kind of funny he was all the way over there and then he started walking over here so my brother made a funny joke and he said haha moonwalk and that's suggested to call him Michael well I think it's funny so Michael it is this one is a buy now uh air by it's called Michael so Michael please Make some noise and say hehe and make your Hannah your your siblings hatch oh that's going good so um the temperature they need during incubation is about 100 degrees Fahrenheit or 30 seconds and half about uh in Celsius so in the small room that I'm in in now it's quite it's quite hot so it doesn't cool too much and well that's all right for now but that's also why I close up the incubator every time so I can eat and the moist will stay here and well basically based on my 40 Years of incubating baby yeah baby chicks and baby dicks it's actually um the way to do it and it's working quite well so I can see this one is making some extra um holes so maybe this one is has the biggest chance for now to be the one that we can see hatched together so I will put this one in the front and then let's see how far we go and I see you at exactly let me check there at exactly yeah oh no I can't say the time because you're in a different time zone anyway in about uh in about 15 minutes in about 20 minutes my brother corrected me okay see you in a bit um I guess this one I'm not sure yet [Music] [Music] oh foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] there we are guys on the angle that I have now I can tell you yes it's going to be this one because let me show you this this one has actually started its migration can you see it started with a little hole over here and now it will go make the round for here and within the next 50 minutes or so it will finish its round and so this is the one that we're going to watch and this is the one that we will see a live hatch you and I together and I'm very much looking forward to it so you need to move a little bit aside because otherwise the people can't see it good so this is going to one and I'm going to put it in a way that you will be able to see it will start making room over here so we're going to watch together but meanwhile I'm here to answer some questions do these ones you need medicine or vaccinations well yes and no what I'm going to give them is a vaccination because there's an illness called marriage disease and basically by giving them affectionation within the first 48 hours it will prevent them from getting this disease and when chicks get this diseases always in the first couple of months of their life maximum the first year and it is I I like to trust nature but I've seen chicks that get this disease anything so heartbreaking because they get paralyzed and they still look at you with helpless I sing please please help me please please help me and once they get this disease hey yes you help your little you help your little note but don't hurt him don't hurt him so you see it it's starting to make its front over here and the next little hole will be just under this dark spot and that you can't speak on this big that's too hurtful for him okay so um can I hear them chirping in the X-ray let me again I forgot to make the sound go away so this makes it easier I will try to you can hear them clear up in the edge and I'll do that by taking this one away and taking this one away so let's see so you hear that no not you yeah yeah not you it's this one take you here so yes they are sure proof you can actually hear them in the egg um when is it necessary to give them a helping hand well basically never they need to be strong they need to be doing this wisdom for themselves and only if there's something wrong they need help so what sometimes happens you is that a check you have the pointy side of the egg and the round side of the egg sometimes so it's this is the right place where they should open the egg sometimes the chick is upside down in the egg like the quail I hatched from a supermarket head just the last video so Alberta he hatched actually from the wrong side of the egg and then they need a little help they have a bit more difficulty with walking in the beginning but by now I know how to help them with that as well so um that's a moment they they could need help and for the rest only if there's something wrong so if they are there is not enough moist in the egg it's sticky or if there's too much moist in the act and they have difficulty as well but it's very seldom that I that I have to help luckily and um I had it's always a fine balance if I need to help to make sure that I'm not too early because then I start a bleeding or that I'm not too late because the chick has given up so that's what I'm always looking for but for all of these eggs they will be fine I I won't need to help so um I like your name fatty Dragon that's uh that's the name of one of you guys and um yeah he's asking here he's asking a question about uh double yoked X so sometimes there's an egg was actually two yolks in it and would they have been twins a first fertilized the answer is um maybe so yes it happens very seldomly but the chance for the two um checks to completely develop and be able to get out of the egg that would be the hard part so if they are fertilized um you would probably need an uh well a skilled incubator with a lot of experience who's able to actually help them get out of the egg at the right time so how's this for little one doing yeah he's doing great just like I said he's he's migrating and he's making his foreign act closer to the camera okay I will try so that there is a point where it's not um well where it's just not sharp anymore so this is the egg is it still sharp over here I'm asking my brother not really yeah a little bit back yeah like this is good huh so I can put it down now is this the right angle I'm asking my brother he's watching watching the feet oh you can see he's doing it huh so you can see how far he is he has been this is where he started and he's been going all the way around and round and round and now he's over here so he's about halfway and I think this chick will hatch in about well 10 to 20 minutes anything in between but he's very active he's very active and uh well let's see how he's progressing okay so um three more questions uh for now someone asked me uh Elian what was the name again um okay Ali hamsa you asked me a question about a ringnet parrot female that is not feeding her chicks what you should do please write me an email with the details maybe I can see some some footage it's just write me at a check called Howard and I'll get back to you so that's for the Ringneck someone asked how are the is doing they are doing pretty good um well sometimes there's just people bringing me 15 budgets but she's at a time and I'm constantly trying to find places so if you're in the Netherlands and you're you have a big a theory where you can give them a good room um please just let me know and the birds that are coming in that are um [Music] sometimes people want to sell them but they don't find a seller or something and they basically get dumped over here and I'll make sure that they find a ride home so if you're in the Netherlands and you're watching this and you have a big a fury there's always little birds that need home so that's what I'm always looking for your reaction when Albert II latent Act is another question man that was weird because um so I was actually a little bit hoping that it was a female maybe because our response are male and I don't know I often really like a female female animals um and I had been checking so basically at its bottom because quills are so a very active and fertile I had checked and I was actually quite convinced that it was a male and I had not paid attention to the colors of the feathers and I had seen it so many times and I was really quite sure and uh oh do you hear this [Music] so you can actually hear the cracking yeah you hear the cranking often wait I don't know um on what side is there is the microphone is it is it where the camera is as well okay so if I just put it here maybe you can hear [Music] [Music] why you getting here it's beeping for sure and I think you can hear the cracking as well he's doing very fine and this is definitely the one that we will see getting out of its uh egg so there are other ones I can yeah I can hear them they're they're all just fine so you can see they have just little openings this one is a little bit further this one will be uh after the one that we're watching now so so uh this is the um these are the ones that will be next these are the ones that will probably hatch late late this night um I'm going to put the heat back on alien is there another question relax and correctly this was them okay thanks uh so there's there's so the person who is um who I got them from he has been writing on them and what color it was and if they will be curly or not so that's the there are some marks of the pen that you can see here yeah yeah so that's that's not that's not a hatching marks that's actually just uh being written on it as you can see here you see there's just some some pen in this is little her Dot and this one yes you can do it little friend so he will be uh this will be the one and I hope to stimulate I will put these two ones yeah come on go and make some noise and help your little sibling get out so see you in a bit so that will be in I guess 20 minutes but think we won't make the 20 minutes because that one will be hatching before that so enjoy [Music] foreign thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign thank you not interested [Music] sorry Michael is obstructing the camera every time but I'll put him here thank you this one this second one is also star control oh let's see I think another five minutes guys [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] look at this so again for those of you this is the mom and these two has been born and this is the one we have seen grow says here he goes here she comes yeah I can hear you buddy yeah I can hear you buddy yes I know I know yeah oh here he comes here she comes you're doing well you're almost out yes so here she is hello world yay [Music] there he is a quick check with her belly button yes her belly button is loose here you can see belly button is not bleeding too much as he's all doing fine this one I can take out here she is meet your siblings hello sweet little chick so there you have it that's how going it goes once they started and um right now usually a chicken is under here so then there's no problem but now she's all wet and just to make sure her siblings are not going to be a little bleeding I'll take these ones and I keep them with me and uh well there you have it a sweet little chicken born right in front of your eyes and I'm a bit out of breath because I don't know this happens always to me I've seen it a thousand times now and it um I don't know it's just the Wonder of life is happening in front of my end I'm so moved by this and I'm so touched by it hello yeah there you are so here she is now I was planning to keep the live stream until this point I'll just close the door and now give it some more time because this one is also really going rather quickly this will be out in well I think another 10 to 15 minutes and since okay so meanwhile there are some questions um this one needs to be really worldwide now because she is wet the way I best do this now is I put it together with the other chicks in my hand and for now we will see this one progress and meanwhile I'm going to answer a couple of questions so you've seen it I keep in my in my hand right now so they are warm and safe and they feel cozy and she can dry a little bit so then it's not so cold for her and I'll answer some more questions so um what inspired me to make this channel and how many birds and animals have I saved in my lifetime well what I hope I have inspired other people safe is actually the people that I inspired I hope and for you watching I hope you develop this eye and This Heart of taking care and that you do the same and I know there are so many just like me out there that are also friends of this Channel and well I feel connected to you and I'm kind of proud that on behalf of you I am able to be sharing this with the world so how many have I saved I don't know Easter hundreds and possibly thousands of them and well that's what I hope to continue doing and what inspired me to make this channel well it wasn't so much inspired to make a YouTube channel and become a YouTuber I was I've been doing this ever since I was a little boy and um I would always yell at my at my mom or my dad when we were driving in the car and I would say stop the car what I would say when I would see a little animal beside the road and I would just jump out and try to take care of them and wherever we were I was always looking around for animals in need that's what I've always been doing and then well so 30 years later they think called YouTube came around and just because I love doing this so much and it really um kind of made me emotional being able to to see what happens when you save animal and you're able to feel this connection and you're able to release it back into nature what you feel right then and those of you who have been who have been sharing this experience with me um you know how special this is and it is something that you become hooked to right after the first time because well it just gave so much joy to be able to become a part of Nature and release an animal back into nature that just fills me with gratitude and it makes the nature in me connect to the nature out there and that gives me a lot of Joy so that's basically I've always been doing this and what I feel inspiring is to be able to awaken this in other people as well just by showing them the wonder that it is and well that's what I hope so I wasn't planning on making a YouTube channel I was planning on sharing this with people and okay so um by now what is so really cool is that I'm able to um live from this channel so what's important to me I wouldn't be able to do it without the people that are on patreon and I wouldn't be able to do it without people that are on YouTube members that are just basically donating a little money every month to enable me to be spending all my time on well saving as many animals as I can meanwhile I'm trying to build this animal sanctuary and what I also find an important part of my job is well will show things like this to make people see what it actually is and awaken this spark in them about well the beauty of Nature and the beauty of every individual animal um so the hardest to rescue yet there are so many that I wasn't able to rescue and that's actually the hardest and then I am surprised I guess how attached I become within hours to an animal I don't know if you remember this little piglet that I had about a year ago them yeah that is that is sad when I'm really trying to do anything and um they don't make it there are certain um bird diseases that very hard to um once they have this disease basically you can either put them down or give them a lust um time where a gay feels safe and they can pass away um where they can pass away um I don't know how to say why they feel safe so that's hard and yeah there are the tiny birds that are so hard to get to adulthood because I really need to be there every 15 minutes for as long as it is daylight because um with Mom Birds they want to feed often when it's night time because they can't find food so the bird is kind of programmed for a night period to I feed them only once or twice and then during the day I need to be there in the beginning every 50 minutes and I really can't skip a meal because then they will just die so yeah that's really hard and um well the hardest safe yet um not a single one comes to mind it is where what I really enjoy is where my my knowledge and intuition and expertise on how to treat these eggs when there's a little one with a problem this one's going so fast yeah you can do it um where all my knowledge comes together and where I can feel that I made a difference and Forget by helping an animal I really know that without my help they would not have made it that really feels great and uh while there are no the hardest is actually when they don't make it so I hope that answers your question um how has been your day and how are the okay so my day has been great thanks thank you for asking um the lamps are doing great they're out on the field I always enjoy doing my big feeding run where I have a little moment of contact with the animals that are in my Care at the moment and where I can feel if they are doing well if they are doing good and my day has always been has also been as preparing this and calling my brother and he could have come with his car so I needed to pick him up at the station and oh what but wait what if the ex start hatching when I'm away and then it's always to have a live stream like this it's not something that I do usually and so a lot has been trying out if it was working then I started the live stream but then we were already live and people started reacting but I wasn't it was only meant to be just a test so a lot of that has been just on constantly looking at the animals are they doing well are they doing um are they progressing and meanwhile [Music] um [Music] that's my um biggest friend literally biggest thing is like um three feet taller than I am and you like this question so someone asked do you have any koi fish hmm I like the question there are a couple of things that I um that I think about koi fish last year I got a really big beautiful crayfish and I gave it to a friend of mine because some people were trying to get rid of it because it was like Nemo missing one Fin and I gave it to a friend of mine if he has a giant pool and he's now the star of of the pool but I find kind of hard about koi fish if there is going and going is just a polite way of saying um selecting the ones that are not so nice and well basically just putting them in the trash so for every good glowy fish maybe a thousand or ten thousand died because it's only such a small percentage and then I find really hard because the koi fish itself I really like and I can enjoy their beauty and I can see yeah this is a really beautifully colored one and the other one isn't so I'm kind of double like I'm double with a lot of things so I don't have any at the moment but I do sometimes get questions if I have a problem people can um uh like their grandpa has died and if I also take care of koi fish usually I just give them an address where the crisis will go but it is in my um planning to have to have Bond where I can safely give a koi fish that are kind of left over also and at least I yeah I do enjoy them so I also like the question um so the lamps they are doing really really well so I as you remember I had this this one sheep this black nose sheep she was so so so sweet she's in my garden I got her a friend but her friend is a male but I made have made sure that he was castrated because he is he doesn't have the right genes he is a lot smaller a lot weaker and by now he is um well he's actually doing fine but I wanted to make sure that he wouldn't have any baby so I guess jeans where he's not so strong don't go to the Next Generation and while my other sweet little lamp um I think in a couple of months um we'll find her maybe um a male and have new little black nose babies because I kind of feel that um he gets the hormones that she would like this and those black nurses they are kept as pet sheep so they are not production sheep people usually give them a lot a big fields so that will be okay I still have the yes they are not amus I made a mistake when I uploaded video about about the nandus I call them emus but it was actually not even they are not those the emus I had before and he moves out of the Big Green Eggs they have gone to somebody who owns Birds of Prey and they are now used to um have fun for little children and get little children educated so that's um that's how the emus are and the nandos are still with me okay um what Okay so the egg is progressing pretty well as you can see started it started over here and it has made its round all the way all the way over there now there's a little bit of blood here that's not so bad it's just when the chick does it by itself it's not really a bleeding but it is like I showed you before from an egg that has already hatched there's a little bit of this net that you can still see inside and if he touches one of those things herself it's not a problem and well she is progressing pretty nicely you can hear her right yes I know I know you're almost there yeah that's so sweet so I'm going to close the door for a little bit within minutes this one's going to hatch and when she actually hatches I'll open the door again and I'll see you so for now here are the other chicks that are now like a little a little ball of jigs I'm going to put them right here yeah guys you keep each other company I'll put on the machine here we go and I'll see you in a bit when you're [Music] fine [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] okay so um it's really getting close meanwhile what I was seeing is this is a bit of yellow one and this is more a cream one so this is actually a different color so it's three different colors so far color I don't know and well we're going to see it is so close yeah should be happening guys you can see it's almost made its whole round no my brother said maybe the little lens [Music] so that's what we do yeah so okay you keep the egg free yeah you're doing fine oh it's getting so close so meanwhile while we are watching the the last one well not the last one I expect the last one for this live feed while we're seeing that hatch up we gathered some more questions so um here we go um so a lot of people ask questions about the separate animals how they are doing so let me summarize for you the ones that are still here Nano and Iris the two little ponies they are doing perfectly fine I'm trying to rent a bigger piece of field for them so but for now they're really doing perfect the blind duck is doing great the two rats are fine would I raise shrimp so I find shrimp very cool and a bit their bigger brother the lobster I really have a passion for did you know they can actually reach like 80 years old they can reach 80 years and um I was just asked at a museum here in the Netherlands and within a couple of weeks I'm going to make a movie together with them where um they ask me what I want to do with animals and then some artists are going to base pieces of art a piece of art on the movie that we make together and I said well I just want to release animals so we're going to go to a restaurant and buy a lobster and then release the lobster but also some simple worms at the shop and well we're just going to release release them so maybe some shrimp as well but what I always have to look for is if they are not people if they are not animals that are not that don't belong in our nature and because those you can't free obviously and [Music] well you have to take care of that now meanwhile the um there are some new um squirrels that I'll tell you that will tell you about but the question about your rats if they are doing fine yeah yeah they're doing fine but I have some problems with colleagues of theirs so there is a movie coming up on the main Channel I really had a serious problem with rats and fading um the property here at a certain point I think there were like maybe 20 or 30 reps that I could just see out of my out of my window that's a problem obviously because what I never knew is that they are they cause a serious threat for birds threats actually attack birds and there was this one moment where I I placed the video in my video camera in the garden and then I could see outside my window that a red a red seriously jumped on a magpie and tried to catch it and I actually had the footage on of it so that will be in [Music] and that was for me the moment where I said okay they really really have to go those rats and um well but the way I am I don't want to just exterminate everything so I wanted to make sure to catch them and well there's a whole story about it you'll see it on the channel soon um alien what do you think about reptiles what do I think about reptiles I think reptiles are for me personally a bit harder to connect to they seem a bit more primitive and not so talkative and they have a lower best feel to it but I do find them fascinating and beautiful and perfectly fitting for their surrounding I remember when I was when I was traveling for a couple of months in Central America and where I saw the Jesus Christ listened myself that was running over the water so that's why it's called in Jesus Christ listen that was really cool and he was really like a little dinosaur making moves against me and although he was only this big I was actually kind of scared of him now what I find hard about the reptiles is they belong in nature but they need to eat other animals basically and I don't like feeding other animals so that's why that's why I don't have so much with um with reptiles but I am in contact with one guy and he is the owner of a male and a female kind of snake that lives on eating eggs and they actually prefer to eat the nut fertile eggs and since I have um sometimes eggs that are not fertile and I don't need to eat so much I'm looking forward to have a egg eating snake and um I can feed them deep and fertilized eggs so that's what I think about reptiles which babies do you enjoy raising more birds or mammals ah what's what babies do I enjoy more raising birds or racing mammals what babies do I enjoy more ah I don't know I enjoy the context so if it is a species or an individual that is able to really make contact I I also like people more that I can really bound to so you know for me it's kind of weird that I am right now talking to you but I only know this in my head what I actually see is a camera that I'm talking to and for me that's a bit weird and that's that that's out of connection so yeah I am meanwhile reading your comments um but it's not a real talk it is so close so I'm going to stop talking now and let's just enjoy this together yes hello there you go isn't that just a Wonder it was just fluids a couple of weeks ago and only with eating it in the right way here it is the start of life [Music] hello there you are little friend okay so this one is called Oreo I don't know why this is what my brother tied me that I should say his name is Oreo it's probably based up on some comments of you [Music] so I always like to do this I give them eat and I give them also the feeling of touch so so it feels safe okay um my sweet my sweet friends that's it for now I will put the siblings oh so here they are not together um what I will do is once these ones all hatched I will them I will live put a picture on her on messenger what's it called what's it called on the on the community tab I will I will share a couple of pictures or one picture of the little little birds when they're all hatched and when they're all fluffy like this one and um thank you so much for well making this possible and thank you so much for well I have to say to my daughter that she still has to be silent because we're still in their life until live feeds on YouTube um thank you so much for making this possible it is a big joy and honor for me that on behalf of so many I can share these wonders of life for this wonders of the start of life and um yeah I'm for it and these guys will be just fine thank you so much for watching I love you guys bye
Channel: A Chick Called Albert
Views: 363,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Acca, hatching eggs, saving animals, cute animals, animal rescue, birds, bird man, bird jesus, eggs, incubator, incubating, acca
Id: ropRa7_RSeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 30sec (10590 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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