Wild Tawny Owls Adopt 6 Orphaned Owlets πŸ¦‰πŸ¦‰ Full Story | Luna & Bomber | Robert E Fuller

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I love Robert's owl vids! My favorite part is always when he abducts the owlets for banding and just puts them in a bag. The owl bag.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 46 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_Spunk_Bubble πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I had my doubts I would keep focus through the entire video, but there was no problem with that. I feel like I went "AAAAWWWWW!" every minute. :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/devvie78 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

lol I feel bad for Bomber, he wants to love on the babies too. Luna is a wonderful mom πŸ¦‰πŸ’•

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/christalquartz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s gotta be crazy confusing to raise 2 chicks and then come home to find 3 more, all at different ages. β€œOh these are mine now I guess” lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Maddie4699 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well that was 50 min of coooing over adorable owlets. Thanks for sharing :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Issis_P πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 20 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

But are they moist? I'd love to have 6 moist owlets.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OneLostOstrich πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love it! Thanks for providing me television for this evening.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Southern_Name_9119 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've been to his gallery, he lives in a beautiful post of Yorkshire. I love that he's helping these wonderful owls. Fantastic video!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/clever_octopus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love the happy owl V faces! >>

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Revolutionary_Bee700 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
foreign ER is caring for two young chicks [Music] but they're not hurt the story starts in January when the Tawny house are looking for possible Nest sites to raise their young they're soon over at beachdum [Music] the parrot nested here before and over winter I made some changes to the nest box to make it even better for them [Music] the male bomber eventually enters he spots a bit of food I left out but then here's a noise outside it's guilty a barn owl and she wants a look too Obama has no choice but to fight the female tornia Luna here's the commotion and lands outside there's a ferocious flurry of feathers and Talons and in the chaos bomber escapes guilfy isn't far behind now it's Luna's turn to take a look inside [Music] she seems a bit confused by the changes it's completely different from last year the learner's connection with this Nest goes back a long way back in 2017 Luna was brought in as a rescued outlet and adopted by a surrogate mother in this very spot foreign expression she seems impressed with my work and starts to Nest Great tiny house make their nests in Hollow trees and this grape will be a safe place to lay our eggs [Music] as she leaves she calls to her mate foreign she takes flight he's quickly in too [Music] even male toenails have a go at Nest creeping foreign [Music] after this it's not long before lunar is spending their days here [Music] she's scraping again [Music] making home improvements [Music] and even roosting inside [Music] she's clearly comfortable here [Music] by minute March Luna seems ready chance is a nest of speed and settles into an escrow [Music] overnight she's breathing heavily a short saying she's trying to lay and in the early hours her first egg is revealed [Music] it's great to get a better view of the egg as Luna stands to scratch [Music] foreign [Music] is still looking for an site he seems amazed to find an egg and gently Taps it with his beak after a brief look at my cameras you're satisfied his curiosity Luna returns [Music] and once inside she seems Keen to check her egg is safe [Music] crashes averted for now [Music] in the morning a jackdaw lands on the branch outside [Music] despite the noise Luna doesn't react the next door in the Ashton Nest the female Castro Mrs Cass isn't pleased by the jackdaw's presence as she takes to the wing the jackdaw scarves and the Kestrel lands of Luna's nest she seems surprised to find a toenail inside foreign takes flight despite the commotion Luna keeps it cool Nails lay eggs every two to three days and even with disturbance from jackdaws outside 64 hours later she's laid a second egg [Music] thank you and then at third 64 hours after [Music] a clutch of three is now complete [Music] toenails incubate their eggs for approximately 30 days Luna Broods a clutch by day and at night [Music] drops in with regular food deliveries [Music] but a month later in spite of Luna's constant brooding there's no sign of hatching [Music] and as the days roll on I'm starting to think the eggs might not hatch at all [Music] to make matters worse the jackdaws have returned this time starting spring nested material into the entrance [Music] the Jack doors work fast within hours The Nest entrance is full of sticks and Luna is trapped inside [Music] foreign ER calls about two hour chicks found on the ground [Music] at the base of a straw stack the two Tawny Outlets they've fallen from where they were nesting and the Bales above but here on the ground the vulnerable to predators without warmth and food these young chicks could perish in a matter of hours there's no choice but to rescue them [Music] bracket base the chicks are fed the chicks are feeling well and they're looking warm and healthy and I've got a plan we've got Luna whose ex have failed and these two chicks that have been separated from the parents loon is still preparing for those eggs to hatch so she's full of maternal hormones I think she could be the perfect Foster mother [Music] just have to keep these two in overnight and keep a close eye on Luna too [Music] in the morning the Tawny owl chicks are looking really well [Music] after another good meal I think they're ready to get back into the wild meanwhile in the nest Luna is still trapped if I don't remove those sticks she will die to prevent a hurting herself the back of the nest is removed to give her an easy escape [Music] and now she's gone the nest can be cleared it's not a decision I take lightly [Music] The Nest is ready and the chicks are gently placed inside [Music] foreign along with a few mice to help Luna feed them [Music] so now let's run the nest and just listen to them calling I've just got to watch and wait now and hope Luna accepts them [Music] there's actually a jackdaw that's just landed on the extensions now this might work to our advantage we encourage Leonard to come back [Music] I'll leave nurse back and she's chasing the Jack door away I wonder what she's going to think when she actually goes in that nest and sees the chicks here she comes she's going straight in look at that she's brooding them straight away this is absolutely incredible it's amazing to see how she's taking Mama's around I couldn't have hoped for a better outcome [Music] please rescue tiny our chicks have just been adopted by a new mum Luna [Music] she thinks they've just hatched that they're actually two weeks old [Music] they can regulate their own temperature but that doesn't stop Luna from brooding them [Music] well there's an unwanted visitor at the nest a jack door there's blocked Luna inside this Nest before [Music] thankfully it still leaves she gets to work feeding the adopted chicks with some miter left in her nest for her [Music] foreign but there's still someone else for the youngsters to meet as night falls Luna calls soon I'll make bomber arrives with food [Music] and spots for new arrivals who wants a closer look the prince Luna men's skirts around her he's so curious [Music] because she wants him to get food so reluctantly he heads out [Music] in the morning Luna looks so content but just a few days ago this wasn't the case sadly Luna's own eggs failed and I didn't know why but after passing a light through them it was clear the eggs were viable and would never hatch then two toenail chicks were found and had to be rescued [Music] all of these toenails were struggling but luckily I was able to help so seeing them accepted by a bomber and Luna is so heartwarming but they're not out of the woods just yet the Jack doors are back again this time they're stinks [Music] it looks like preparing to block her in again [Music] she didn't react much before but now she has chicks to protect [Music] she lunges but they quickly force her back inside [Music] Luna watches the Jack doors closely and they soon take fight but it's not over yet the return with a vengeance and in a matter of hours this toenail family is trapped unable to escape Luna panics without intervention they will die so I act the back of the nest is opened to let Luna out [Music] the sticks are removed but now I just have to hope she returns [Music] the adopted chicks huddle together for warmth [Music] and then after nearly two hours Luna's back the sale please she's returned but they're hungry too [Music] foreign night Luna heads out to hunt [Music] there's so much grain to do they're going to need a lot of food [Music] she's soon back and it's beautiful to listen to them calling [Music] under the care of their new parents the adopted chicks are looking so healthy [Music] and I bet Luna can't believe how fast they've developed after all she doesn't know they're not around they're already standing and it's amazing how tall they are their personalities are developing too the eldest really seems to enjoy digging [Music] they're so inquisitive staring into a camera and head bobbin and when it flaps its wings for the first time Luna turns around in Surprise there's still at least two weeks to go before the Fletch and their chicks have a huge appetite Luna heads off the hunt [Music] and returns with a huge catch it's a young hair known as a Leverage [Music] I've watched bomber and Luna trying to hunt leverage here before [Music] but I've never seen them bring one into the nest foreign At first she cashes it in the entrance later on she drags inside [Music] definitely feeds each chicken turn Luna is doing such a great job caring for these adopted chicks foreign night falls and Luna's out bomber comes in with food [Music] he even brings his adopted Outlets soon Luna's back she calls Obama to leave despite him being her mate [Music] she's so protective amazing to see just how well they've bonded [Music] these rescued Outlets settled in their new home a week ago while toenails bomber and Luna took them on and now they're thriving decide to name them Dawn and dusk [Music] so now about three weeks old an eldest chick dusk is now head bobbing and stretch in its long legs [Music] younger chick Dawn shows off its developing flight feathers [Music] dornis became more mischievous digging into the nest floor and fosterone Luna seems less than pleased with the mass [Music] Tony owls are nocturnal and at night it's time for the parent owls to hunt male out bomber is first back with food but Luna intercepts him in the entrance she wants to be the one to feed the chicks and sends him out for more [Music] this incredible how possessive she is of them foreign to be their main carer but bomber is equally devoted and soon returns to hand over a second mouse it's heartwarming to see the owlets so well cared for [Music] there's so much food available these young chicks are growing well [Music] to work on their flapping technique [Music] and now this chick dusk even starts to explore [Music] though it's not ready to look outside just yet it will be long before they're ready to leave the nest and as Fletching day approaches it's now time for them to get their ID rings [Music] so I'm just going to head up the ladder now and get the outlets out I've already checked the parents are not in the nest [Music] right I've got the helmet safely in the back and it's time to get and run as quickly as possible [Music] Gene Thorpe runs a local wildlife rescue center jeans are trained and licensed bird ringer and I can lend a hand you're right you ready with your ankles [Laughter] look at them legs come on Mister hairy legs you're a little beauty yeah [Music] foreign s that we fit in which have all got individual numbers on [Music] right we'll get this one weighed in so we've got 415 so that's 375 minus the back [Music] all right you ready for the next one yep there we go this one feels a bit heavier this one does it yeah yeah a bit chunkier foreign [Music] on its feathers these are all full of blood out there so the feather grows out the pin doesn't it yeah yeah yeah so if these are neck Dever they can actually bleed because it's food in the feathers isn't it as they go out I always love their little pink eyelids I like these bits here yeah if you aren't feeding them and you stroke that with the food they tend to turn like that's very sensitive like whiskers out there yeah this one's heavier definitely heavier yeah yeah I have to do our maths again back's 35 isn't it all right so that one's 440. so that's 405 minus the back yep a lot further out with that list yeah so they're about a month old at this stage and they can easily be out of the nest already out in the branches hopping from Branch to bench using these uh very small flight feathers yes we've got the two outlets out now and this one's the smaller one slightly different coloring as well which is interesting uh but they're both doing really really well aren't they oh yeah the Fab so these rings that we've put on today are BTO Rings jeans are licensed ringer and these have all got individual numbers on so if we find these again in the future we'll find out how old they are how far they've moved so this all goes into the National Database [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Outlets are called Dawn and dusk so now about a month old and it won't be long before they fledge younger Al Dawn is full of energy digging into the nest floor [Music] older sibling dusk watches on above in its head to taking the scene [Music] dusk is becoming more adventurous and takes the next step towards independence thank you [Music] but it's not ready just yet [Music] Luna the torniel chick's adoptive mother spends more time away now they're older but she's never far and still spends time in the nest with them her present seems to give dusk a confidence boost and it's magic to watch as Luna steps out to join dusk in the entrance even dawn wants to take the next step but there's now space for a third hour the younger Outlet seems a bit left out and entertains itself [Music] dusk soon decides it's time to turn in for the night thank you and it's Charming to hear them clack their beats and greet them Luna takes flight in search of the chick's next meal meal she's soon back with food but she's not the only one her mate bomber is turned up too they've both bought food for the outlets but Luna barged us through she's determined to feed them first Butler patiently Waits his turn and as lunar enters to feed the chicks Mama drops off his couch after a tough start in life it's wonderful to see the outlets being cared for so well and when Lunas finished feeding Obama soon returns to spend some time with the chicks [Music] we're going to hears Luna outside it makes a swift exit this 20-hour relationship is just fascinating to watch the following day it's clear to see the affection goes both ways as Luna prunes herself Dawn gives a helping hand gently packing a feathers Luna greenstone too this is called aloe pruning when Birds groom one another [Music] and Dawn even Ella Prince dusk too [Music] as evening draws in Albert dusk heads outside foreign [Music] ER soon joins the chair [Music] desk watches closely as Luna jumps to the branch and when she takes like dusk seems to mimic her showing off some vigorous Wing Flats [Music] again [Music] knocking Dawn over in the process [Music] but dusk doesn't stay inside for long [Music] the next day is growing in confidence clinging to the edge of the nest the owl chicks seem to be at different stages of development younger chick Dawn still can't find a way out [Music] while Elder chick dusk is perfecting his flapping technique [Music] for the following morning it's Dawn who visits the entrance first it's a bit hesitant to venture too far just yet [Music] dusk soon joins its sibling foreign Dawn is looking more assured [Music] both Outlets are so energetic now there's more digging Wing stretching and head bubble so as night falls all these activities seem to run the pair out [Music] as morning comes the tiny owl chicks taking the sunrise that night they poised at the entrance soon disc is ready takes a first short flight it's a clumsy Landing where the branch is a perfect distance while it finds its wings [Music] Dawn watches on in amazement [Applause] [Music] the soon dust takes off into the trees [Music] younger chick Dawn returns to an empty nest [Music] with dusk on Dawn spends the night alone [Music] but the following morning this comes by for a visit foreign [Music] makes its way outside with purpose it's now 24 hours since dusk left the mast and like clockwork Dawn takes the wing too foreign [Music] [Music] dusk are out in the trees near my home and they're thriving visiting their neighbors the kestrels [Music] explore in the area they rarely returned to the nest during the branching phase so Beach stump is empty but not for long have been handed three more rescued toenail chicks the different ages and have been picked up from busy roads all right this is the smallest out all three need a quick health check and one final feed I think I must have been quite hungry the plan has to get adult toenails bomb and Luna to take them on I've done this many times before giving them the best chance of a life in the wild [Music] it's a pretty windy day up here today so it's a little bit precarious so I'm going to get these outlets in as quickly as possible so this is the little one going in this one's called Mini and next is this one this middle Outlet is MIDI [Music] all right this one's gonna go in and this largest chick is called maxi it's all three Outlets are in the nest now so I'm hoping they're gonna call out in the evening and Lewin and bomber will hear them and go in there and feed them [Music] fingers crossed my plan works these Outlets would have already fledged their own nests so don't expect they'll be in here for long [Music] as night falls midi takes a look at the outside world [Music] it's clearly Keen to get back outside [Music] Luna arrives on the branch and I can't believe it she's come to check out the outlet already and she actually encourages midi to follow her that didn't take long a few hours later bomber flies into the food I've provided for him this is just amazing for this owl chick my plan has worked and that's not the only visit to MIDI games Donald does come to greet the new flagship as the Sun starts to rise midi finally disappears into the trees [Music] the remaining two hours seem content with their new home [Music] foreign [Music] Outlets fledged overnight which is great news and bummer fed it on camera and I'm just heading down to the other two and give them a bit of extra food right it's time to open up the back and just see how these guys are doing [Music] looking good [Music] both are responding really well which is great to see right that's gotten topped up with field I'll be keeping a real close sign and for that bigger chicken fledged any day now [Music] another few days pass and there's no sign of bomber or luna feeding the remaining two hours so I'm having to monitor this closely I'm still giving a mice each day but they'll need food provided by surrogate parents if they're going to survive outside the nest both our chicks are growing in conference it's fascinating to watch them practice bouncing and looking outside when night Falls their incessant calls for food are rewarded Obama finally feeds them [Music] and the following day with a bit of encouragement from one of the other railways Maxie finally leaves the nest Minnie's now alone in Beach stump [Music] and intrigued by the visiting fledglings [Music] well that's all about to change so I'm back at the toenails and in here I've got another rescue chick and this one's come all the way from Doncaster [Music] before I put it up into the nest up there just going to give it a bit of extra food slightly thin but sometimes that's not a bad thing because tonight you'll really call out loud attracting bomb and lunar and to feed it so I'm going to pop it back in the box and get it up into that mist [Music] I'm really surprised by the new arrival they start to warm to each other [Music] Danny's plumage is more developed than minis he's clearly a bit older but soon Donnie makes it to the entrance [Music] he leaps across to the ranch and Away into the trees The Minis left alone again the next day Minnie wakes and heads to the entrance and after a surprise visit from another Outlet [Music] Minnie finally takes the leap and just like that all six surrogate Outlets are out in the wild [Music] farmer and Luna definitely have the work cut out but I'll be lending a hand all of the adopted Outlets have fledged now so I've just come down to take a look for them foreign [Music] the huddle together pretty in each other like a family to think only two of these Outlets are related it's so great to see I've just got a sick valve as well so that's all the outlets accounted for mama just gave his presence away it's just up here in the sycamore tree but he's never far from now it's a standing guard over them with so many mouths to feed I'm going to come back tonight and give him and Luna a helping hand [Music] so I can hear the tour now that's cooling down in the trees and there's six chicks out there so these parents need a little extra help so I'll put some food out down here and hopefully we'll see them coming in so I've got one of the tiny house down on the climbing frame and I think it's Luna so quick as a flash she came in took some food down to those hungry Outlets down in the trees you can really hear them call in now this is quite incredible I've got Luna weight in there for some food and this is a totally wild owl but she knows me so well and trust me she'll come this close to me for some food [Music] [Music] so that's great Luna's taking several bits of food down to the outlets and I'm going to put some extra food out on the branches so they can feed there all night it's absolutely incredible being here listening to all of those owls down in the trees [Music] which isn't long before the outlets come to feed themselves sussing out the competition like this bar now [Music] [Music] and figuring out where the food is these young owl chicks are going to be just fine foreign Luna's story has been remarkable from the failed eggs to carrying for two surroga owl chicks gone in the dusk which soon became a super brood of six healthy fledgments there's an amazing achievement for bomber and Luna I wonder what next year's breeding season will bring for this incredible pair of Tony owls thank you for watching and I hope you enjoyed the video don't forget to like comment and subscribe to see more here's a taste of what you'll enjoy seeing on this channel [Music]
Channel: Robert E Fuller
Views: 5,739,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wildlife, nature, animals, birds, wildlife art, robert fuller, robert e fuller, Wild Tawny Owls Adopt 6 Orphaned Owlets πŸ¦‰πŸ¦‰ The Full Story of Bomber & Luna, robertefuller, tawny owl, tawny owls, tawnyowls, owl, owls, robert fuller tawny owls, tawny owl chicks, tawny owl nest, owlets, bomber and luna, robert e fuller bomber and luna
Id: LG0y9swWgm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 16sec (2956 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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