LIVE | Detailed Lookdev Workflows to Improve Realism

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all right so I had to reconnect them again through restream and if this is now or not says I'm online so let's see if it's actually online so go here still not online here I think this is online on Twitter is always working man dang it let's go to channel videos it only says YouTube is online it's at least saying it's streaming oh we are actually streaming you okay yes finally totally says YouTube is online okay so I'd let me just give me a few minutes to set up everything now we are on YouTube we hopefully aren't which hey thanks for the update okay that's good so man what a start that's crazy ten minutes late that's not cool so at least I think we got it to work I just need to fix my OBS now so we can actually see the chat window which I think I need to still do so let me just go to restream and then we will begin shortly at least the stream is there all right so now there's this chat box and I want this in my stream copying the token here and doing this all off screen so you don't really see what's happening chat box that's the wrong check chat box here's another chat which is also not the right one okay so let me just create a new browser source browser source here on OBS chat let's just call it cherry stream and pasting lists you want maybe 525 I'm just setting up fairly quick in the hopes we get something working this is the restream chat which should be showing up for you guys so this is actually showing chat from YouTube and twitch at least that's what I'm hoping it's doing so nice to 515 let's just move it up here and I'm just adding it editing it one more time to make it a bit taller so we can go on maybe 1000 and we kind of going 600 here alright so now we should be good let me just see hello you don't have to just type here hello YouTube and then this should pop up okay cool and the twitch side are good QA is questions and answers okay all right I think let's see what this does okay I think we're good I just don't need to add my little title here at the bottom so everyone knows what this is about let me just change this to look them and shading which is essentially the same but it's always a good word rain post underscored yes I will post on discord - um do you guys see both in here yes okay so when the check you will see this court s are you will see twitch messages and YouTube messages just to get a bit more interactive going on the chat but you cannot actually see them vice versa alright all right so last thing is to do a quick round of promotion on discord and I would be happy for you guys to join in on this chord if you haven't done so so I just posted your streaming at everyone and knowing everyone again with notifications back to streaming this time also on huge I will just post both links yeah unreal it's prey it's very epic yeah and I hoped games will adopt this fairly quick and would be amazing alright so this is the live page for YouTube and then I can also do this and then we have HTTP twitch TV all right send it okay so I think we're good now finally set up the link to the discord server a good question it's normally below my videos but obviously I'm not on this livestream so let me get that going as well and then we're good to go so I'm just checking out a quick video just to copy that copy the link quickly so your channel is there any way to make animated cycled procedural textures in Arnold animated you mean like they should be moving over time I think you can fail too easy do that yeah you would just which would just need to animate the time value in there I think that that's your question right obviously it was on this link here is it non skin shading sorry almost there and by the way if you haven't checked out my most recent video on YouTube about rainbow colored metallic flecks it's pretty cool nice little tricks over there for you to check out so I just posted the link look at what I just got you from the side fresh smoothie from my wife amazing that's a support any right that's great okay oops I just forgot to to publish on on instrument let me just do one last instant message here and then we get to go let's do a microphone on my camera snapshot here and then we just do new text here and insta and say live now and if you know if you don't follow me on Instagram you should do so there's lots of cool things I post about my streams and whatnot so check that out too on twitch and YouTube going crazy now man with the streaming stuff on twitch and YouTube alright so boom we good to go hey I'm starting it now I'm sorry it took someone some time okay that's just okay so what I'm trying to do actually is just do something look if so on this chord we have like started a team challenge with lots of nice props and slowly we're getting all the models and the textures in and today I just want to show you how I do the look down because I got all the textures now at least most of them and we got a very cool asset now it's like a bicycle horn or a vehicle horn it's very old school looking but I will bring this into Maya now and then you guys yeah you can have a look how I'll do the shading on it so we've got 42 on YouTube and not so many on Twitch but at least we are screaming to both platforms so let's just go over to my folder here to import the asset so if I just go to my screen here to our discord folder and then I'll just bring in this new asset the Horan model it's a lemak hardwar and actually and it looks like this so I haven't done anything yet with this so I'm not sure exactly how everything will line up but looking at the renders on this chord at least the texture side renders it looks fairly amazing so I'll be just setting this up now all right so we got this trumpet sort of the horn let's just make this a bit bigger here and it looks like this right it's very cool model is very detailed and also let me show you the reference I think most of you guys at least it the guys on discord will know what this is all about but I'll just show it to you guys as well so we are working on this scene here I'll just move it over and so most of the props are done by now and today today in this video but I'll be just working on this golden car on material right so it's metal and some rubber on it as well all right so let's just move this we can put it actually in pure F just so we have something to see here and just drop this in here and we can close this and then I can just hit ctrl ctrl Y to get it as an overlay could just scale it down and I can just crop the porn and I know have it on the top here all right then we need to get in the textures right so let me just go also to the texture side of things so this is well the texture drop downs here and then I can just bring them in that pick was a the question was was to pick a render or a reference it was a reference it's actually a photograph from a very talented photo photographer ah which I just forgot his name but anyways he's got lots of these kind of style photographs and I just thought it's a great idea to just replicate them so let me just get rid of those TX files which always get generated at render times and I just want to load in the assets no so obviously it's you them base so I don't need to bring in all the files I just need always a thousand and one the first file here so normal roughness metalness and base color so let's I'm just dragging it into Maya's hypershade and then I'm just framing them all and in here I'll make sure that I have my you don't tag on so it finds all the other tiles do this for all the ones Munim based and again union based and udin based we can also use the same place to detect your node so I'm just ctrl middle Mouse dragging the existing one and on the other slots and then I can just get rid of these ones next up we need to make sure we have the right color space so I'm not exactly sure how these textures were done but I'm guessing it's utility raw at least for the data Maps and roughness is a data map so I just need to it what is it utility and find utility raw because I'm using aces right aces CG and here so that's important and this might I'm not sure we can just leave it at least for now utility linear srgb well that's just beautiful to guys so it should be texture I'm not sure if this let's just try it let's just first utility Ron we see how it works all right so we now have these three things assigned and what I need to do next is go to your Arnold TX manager like so and then I can just select them and say make I'll create TX files and it finds all the udimm files as well yeah so let me while it's doing that I just check if everyone is happy here the chat is working fine yeah seems to be great so 53 people watching and if you like the video obviously I didn't show much but if you like what I do I would HIGHLY appreciate if you like this existing livestream we've got 17 likes right now on YouTube so get your thumbs cooking and then we need to save the scene still so right now it's processed so let's just go to file save as and let me find the disk word stuff that we just do this off-screen fairly quick here and this squared and then team challenge scene scenes we can do it in here and I just rename this to Horn like that or anime right 24 likes we got we went up thank you guys good evening well that thanks for joining alright I think those remarks well now I hope the quality is good and I hope this the dpi scale is good too I just had to do it on 200 dpi so everything everyone can see everything alright so textures there let's create a shader so I'm just using AI standard surface shader right here and I'm just renaming this to MTL horn and as I said before I have no idea how that these shaders were done that's where these textures were done so we just we're just yeah doing this now so if I get crashes don't be mad at me all right so roughness I always like to create an AI range just before for the future if I need to control it later on so I'm just plugging this into the specular roughness here and the base color normally I do an AI color correct as well just to be safe but just with default settings which means nothing will change the same we do for the metalness AI range node hope these guys up and that metalness goes to the metalness attribute and the normal Creek gets a AI normal map and the out color goes to the input and then out value to a normal camera so these are the four things we need to input for this hi docker nice to have you around and hey sad man nice to have you around as well this was on YouTube and on Twitch alright so we've got this going obviously we don't have any lights yet right so what I started to using is the look deaf kid from do John and that's a buddy of mine we work together and we have some projects together so let me just bring up what I'm using here actually and if you want to support him obviously go over to his page why is this not loading it maybe change the address for this let me see why this is not working interesting icon see his website anymore is that maybe offline can anyone try to get on his website like it is offline okay or whatever it is cool like normally like I can't open it maybe you can try this yeah it's on his art station - okay arts station okay yeah this works alright so in here you can just go obviously there there will be a download link somewhere and this is essentially what we're using right it's like a one-click solution you just get going right so if I just obviously support him follow him and all this stuff so I have it installed already so I all I need to do is go to my script editor and execute these three lines of code which will bring up the look dev kit and in here we have HDI's to choose from and I have my custom own in the yen which is my studio environment which I know is a calibrated environment which helps me to actually get the look I need because I know the values I input are the correct ones so our question was are you using ASIS for this project and yes this is aces I started to always use aces just because of the the wider range we have so we can definitely about realism right alright so all you have to do then is select your asset which is the car horn and click load loop F kit what it's doing it's doing all sorts of things in the background it's creating a Shadow Man which I will be hiding for now and it creates your little turntable it rotates the light source it rate rotates the asset and you can change your length I want to maybe have let's go 200 frames so now it's rotating over 200 frames and we are in this environment so obviously if is if you switch it it will switch it all over the place you can offset the rotation of your object to get your initial starting position and essentially I want to go a bit closer and maybe something like this and if I look at the references is like very skew so what I want to do is well I just want to rotate this maybe I just group it inside here and then I can just rotate this without affecting the rotation constraint right so now we have this in place and everything should still work as expected I can go a bit downwards here and this would be the turntable and right now we are on a 50mm lens which is great it's not it's not to choose to destroy it I think so yeah this would be the asset rotation and let's just offset the initial rotation to be very close to the reference so let's use this right so this would be my setup and if I clear all this stuff in the hypershade I just bringing back my asset this is now the shader let's just get some more space to the left and to the right of the render view move these guys over and I know I will put the look dev kit on the side just because I don't need to have it on top all the time like so and let's just start the render and see what we got alright this is what we have metalness seems to work just fine we need to change my render settings first in terms of the resolution we on 550 I need to go in 1080p at least so you guys can see stuff and same for me obviously alright 63 watching on YouTube get these likes up and also I would appreciate it if you could share it as well on your social media saying hey this guy's life look what he's doing or look look look oh yeah whatever look what shitty stuff he's doing as well you can say that too I don't care like every promotion is good I think all right so we are now on 1080p now it looks great already right I didn't do anything just plug it in plug in place so this just shows a good texture artists and actually I need to maybe give some props to him on discord let's just see my choice there's so many people I keep forgetting who's doing what so it's me I'm in 3d I'm not sure his real name but he's the texture guy on this so he's doing an amazing job he posted his work we gave feedback he just did it and it's just looking amazing so to get rid of the distraction I'm just hiding the SkyDome just that we can focus on on the horn itself let me just hide the rendered buckets so they are not distracting as well and it's changed your progressive render can see my render settings are very basic and I like to keep them very low just because it helps me to iterate a lot faster and that's the key about looked if you want to see results fast and it doesn't make sense to have like 28 samples and waiting for results right also rate up for now I can just go down to one one one and then we get a very fast feedback and lots of you guys keep asking why is it so fast when you're obviously I have a fast CPU but even doing this hubs increase you're efficient like your your speed up times right so you rendering just so much faster if you have lower initial settings right so there's not much I can do actually let's just first check the maps if they are all looking fine so the normal map is great the base color is actually great too I thought it would be too dark which would mean I have the wrong color space but looking at this I think this is a very good and there's a question on Twitch why I'm not using the GPU for rendering and the reason is I'm streaming and the compression or the encoding is happening on the GPU and I'm just afraid if I do that that the comma the the stream will lag or something so just I'm just redoing the stream on the CPI sorry I'm just running on the CPU just to make it as smooth around calling encoding process alright so we've got these things so metalness like that's the thing which i sometimes don't like much is that the metalness is not fully one and I know that substance painter and they they just add noise to those maps but the problem is there's no material which is 60% a metal right it's either a metal or it's not and and what substance cheats about it just mixes those those maps together so ideally what you should be doing is having a black and white matte and if you want to have dust on top metals you should add a second layer like add a mask or something and then you just add a completely different shader which is a diffuse or did electric shader and that's something to keep in mind that like having these values in here is not really helping with the look because it will just transition between as a de metalloid electric or conductor Ord electric right and it's important that just that you know it obviously you can get away with it I'm just saying that it is not really physically correct and and what is what is essentially doing is just changing the reflections I've reflection IRS so if you want to apply some kind of dirty metal instead of messing around of the metalness you can use at least for this texture now I can use a met fulness to multiply the base color with this to get darker patches but you can already see the same effect is already in the base color so essentially we can just clamp the map that's why I have the range in here so I'm just an enabling smooth step and I'm just forcing everything to be super white so now everything is white and we can make the input maybe point one and put max and we have a little bit of residue here which I think we can't just I get away with yeah I think he used substance painter for this I'm not a percent sure but I think that's what he did right so now this is a fully metallic horn and this should be nonmetallic so if we check the values again they should be zero which they are so this means the base here is that electric and this stuff is a conductor here's a comment on twitch I love your YouTube channel and you discord have financed spectacular has looked at on lighting effects but can you make some tuned cartoon tutorials so obviously it's cartoon is a very neat product but I can surely look at it I think you're talking about like a 2d drawing or AI is saying like just more something like a Pixar cartoon it's always a bit difficult to always understand alright so we got this going and I'll be switching environments now just because I'm not a hundred percent sure of this living room or whatever it is is a calibrate one or if it's like getting the accurate colors back so I'm just switching to my studio environment which I know is good right if I put in the Macbeth chart which you can also do it just by loading load Mac here it will bring in the reference spheres and Macbeth chart so what helps me then is just to see if the lighting is good and normally and always added some I want more stuff here which I don't like alright so now we should have something somewhere let's just go to perspective and it see on the side so this is my camera layout obviously it's now upside down but doesn't matter let's just move this into view let's look through the perspective as we looked if cam rotated and I'm just placing this in the top-left corner here oops come on it's a bit slow here to change handles okay and you can see now if I hover over this value obviously this is now fronted on the side here where it's not Bruntlett more eminently we get a value of around 0.15 and on the front it's around two so if you check the macbeth chart the 18% gray swatches around zero point one nine so I just need to make sure that my mid gray which is this color swatch is exactly that as on my refs fear right that's the idea of having this reference fears and I can see that my value my values on this should hopefully be the same let's see yeah it's also an 18% so if I disable a color management this is actually the raw input which is what to render see so that's 18 so 0.18 is 18 percent reflective old bead oh and this is now representative of a calibrated environment I hope this makes sense if it if you have any questions about this please let me know would be righted together like you have any questions so just reading through the chat here the last one oh I love to see Pixar style so I'm trying to yeah I'm actually I asked someone on my social media if you could model me some kind of stylized character and it's in the sort of The Incredibles it's not like you rose like it's not it's it's I don't want to talk too much about it but but it's essentially and will be a stylized cartoons or picture style shade and hopefully I can nail it super tricky to get that look right but I'm trying yes the looked FK days from Dijon so someone has issues with the stream quality I think but yeah so one last question here before we continue how do you display your camera V within the viewport when you see the camera through another FOV huh I'm not sure if I get the question really how do you display your camera view I just go to panels and display the camera here yeah sorry I don't really understand ok so there's not much to you fine-tuning this it will be saved on YouTube I think it will be that so the question is if this video will be saved and will be saved on YouTube for sure I will add this to my live stream playlist on YouTube and it will stay out on Twitch for 60 days I believe alright so you can see that the color is not exactly what do we see in the picture so I will be using some hue shifts to get this color to a more yellow right now it's more like like almost bronze or like almost copper like so all I need to do now is you shifting it oh yeah sorry that's okay yeah that's just this button here which does the resolution gate but I sometimes do as well as actually go to the display settings or display options and make it black and just a bit more so I can see it even better okay so here's shifting and the base color so that's why I have the color corrects well I just need to do is hue shift that obviously super low values to get into this more yellow and we can also do saturation maybe go one point one to get it more in the ballpark of what we see above let's try maybe hue shifting it a bit more to 0.4 I think the higher it go or it gets green okay let's try maybe point O one here and this is now just eyeballing it right oh you mean okay so the question is how do you display the fov lines here I understand I think there's also you can someone do it here or did do it under something fancy I was I thought you had an option in here oops no I teared that off let me see I thought it was a way to show it like I can obviously get back to you if I find out where it is I said actually geo you know it's actually part of the camera it's not something he built I think I believe the damask no yeah it doesn't matter order render clipping planes for us to display here it is display for us them so it's under for some display controls okay sorry for the detour here so let's just go back on the color correct so I think the color now is pretty good but I don't think the roughness is good it's it feels very soft here and you can see that the reflection here is not so it's it's very it's almost mirror like right it's obviously just bent but it's a bit it's not rough like I wouldn't say it's a rough reflection so in the AI range here let's see what this looks like this is what our roughest map looks right now and right now I'm just focused on the metal we're not doing or messing around much with with the rubber here obviously this will change now if I change my range so if I go to an able smooth step so I'm clamping we're not going above zero what of Abalos below zero above one so now I want to obviously by clamping this already we applied a soft curve to everything so it gets a bit darker which already might do the trick already so now by you can see by just an Evaline smooth stepping we get a very better reflection going so what I'm seeing here now is two effects I cannot get the look correct by just doing this there is some sort of roughness going on so instead of using this specular color setup or just a single with a single specular loeb I want to be using two lobes instead so to do that I want to disconnect the specular roughness map so now we get a super-clean of roughness and what I want to do now is do it manually so I just want to get a very rough look to this and you can see by doing this we are getting a lot closer to do these to this calories colors here and now what we need to just do is find you in this a bit and we can populate a noise or we could use the base color to use this for some kind of modulation of this we just need to fine-tune it so it's not I'm just really slowly moving those values man let's go I I just answered those the question about the view line sits in the display for the frustum in the camera shape so now we have the base set up and next up I want to go on the coat here and bring the coat up as well you can see by enabling the codes we now get this cool effect which is very similar to what we see now in the reference here so you can see there's a very broad fall-off happening and then it feels like as is as if it's super polished right and this is essentially what I'm mimicking here at the bottom [Music] so now let's just try to plug it we can actually let's try something else so I'm just plugging the same map again into roughness here specular roughness so now everything is messed up again but I can actually arrange it right and to get the same look and that way we we preserve the modulation which was in the texture already so now I just let's just visualize it so it's easier for you to see what's happening all I need to do now is reduce the input max to get a writer texture but we still have this nice modulation in here and by doing that we get it's definitely more structured in terms of the roughness right which is great so how is my view point of view view count on twitch it's not great it's 13 people on twitch I think most of you guys are on YouTube which is fair enough I don't care where you watch it from at least at Israel if you're watching me which is great so now we've got this break up and now what I need to do I'm just duplicating the a arrange again or creating a new one actually and just connecting this to the input as well like this and then this one will go into the code roughness and and in here we do a similar thing but we will be more on the lower end so I'm just increasing the input min to get a more reflective to get a more reflective coin right so lets me let me just enable the code again so now you get this obviously now we went way too far it's it's not that polished right so we just need to find you in these values and this is what look there is right it's just fine-tuning the values you see we can contrast it up now just visualize it first and then we can just lift it and put min right so it's it's just a little bit of a lift until you are satisfied with what the colors we get so this might might do it actually it's a bit rough still so we need to just dial it in a bit better okay and then we still don't have we also need to cook up the normal map to the code normal as well so right now it's only in the normal camera so up here I'm just connecting the same map to the normal camera and then we should see some breakup on the top level as well and I still need to work a bit on the on the roughness here because I still don't feel it yet it's still a bit too rough so let's just reduce this oh we also need to crank up the IOR I think because right now this acts as a delight to up I think the IOR to get some metallic look to this maybe add some little bit of yellow here and then obviously try to reduce the make it a bit more shiny and then we can overall reduce the intensity so this would be off so now I can just fairly slowly just play it in here and I think this is this is going somewhere I think the base roughness is a bit too low so we can just reduce this get a bit more metallic look through this and I think now this is going getting a bit closer we still I think we're still too rough on the on the base yeah I think this is getting very closer can go a bit lower maybe 0.5 here yeah so we'll also be adding this to the main scene as well in a bid there was a question if you can make the base layer shiny and the code more diffuse yes you can you can flip them they are just additive together so it doesn't matter but just in my way of thinking the code is always the top layer which is the clean one right just it makes your sense from for me yes so I think this is obviously our samples are low so I can go to render settings and just boost the specs samples which should resolve all the fireflies we had yeah I still think obviously it's also dependent on the light source so this is this is where the looked of comes in so now we can just I think I closed a look dev kit so let me bring that up I hope it doesn't reset everything or it doesn't so now let's just change the HDI's and see how it looks in different environments so this would be a cooi one you can see it's front lid we can rotate the HEI now to get a different feel on how the spec behaves and I think it's feeling good so let's go to the next hoi which is more like a super-bright top light or you just use map and it's a very important to check your maps in different environments or your look to have in different environments it's super important just to see how it behaves in different kind of scenes just to make sure everything is working as expected and I think it is working very well it's might be oval still a bit too rough actually so let's just go to the range here again and just reduce the the overall output max maybe to 0.6 so we just get a bit more ping 5 5 maybe yeah I think that's a bit better and it's make even the the base roughness even a bit lower so by just going to the output max I go maybe to 4.5 yeah I think that's better so let's just check even more in different environments let's go to map 4 which is more like a bridge setting or underground setting I just have side lighting essentially yeah I think that feels very good let's go to the next one that's like an interior which should be very bright and diffuse I love how the obviously the reflection is nice it's just a bit too to lift it now the I'm talking about the rubber end and let's go on 8 I'm just skipping a few ones you don't need to see every map so this is an outdoor diffuse map should be very to help light it as well yeah I think it works fine let's just go to the studio one which is this one and we can rotate it a bit so we just see this yeah I think that works very well okay so now let's tackle the pickle the the re end here which is this stuff right now this is all the same shader so what you can do you can create your own kind of mask which I'll be doing right now and the good thing is that this is just one object so that's very easy to do and what we will be doing is using user data so I can select this rear like the rubber part and I make sure I select the shape like this and then I can go to attributes add attribute and let me think is the time to make constant I think it is so let's just type in here I know rubber right it doesn't need to be anything anything fancy but you have to prefix it with M to a underscore constant that way that this edge rule is translated to Arnold and then it knows what you're trying to do here and we just want to float value we say we want min max there on one default is zero and we just created and now we get this ruble here what I can do next is create an AI user data float and if I plug this into my ID slots I um also if you don't have them you can just right click and show all attributes and you should see them but obviously because because I am not sure because I'm trying to connect a out value which is a vector essentially that's why it's a single float I cannot connect it to an ID slot so what I want to do is actually connect this to a colour correct node as a mask input so first of all I want to maybe change the LBD of this because I just think it's maybe a bit too bright and what I want to do here it goes to base color so the I just want to create another AI colour correct node was it which is essentially a yeah like a simple color correction overview shift and all these sorts on default adjust a pass through node but once I connect something will change values it will obviously change the input but you can change the input based on a mask and this is what where this comes in handy now so the out value of this user data fold will connect to the mask and if it doesn't find any attribute the mass will be zero so nothing will happen so if I put in my if I put in rubber in here I hope that that will do it and I start the render we should now have white where the rubber is let's see if this is true it's not true let's see if I spelled it like with capital letters I think is so this is always you need to do it once and under like get it let's lower caps let's see if I did it wrong then essentially this is how it's supposed to be let's see mask this is all connected let's just try and see if I change the value will get it I'm sure and if I don't get it I just need to read the locks quickly I don't think I need the m2i constant in here so let's see so essentially maybe someone knows in the in the chat if what I'm doing wrong I don't think I had to do enter a constant in here let's see okay so this is now obviously something happens it was is good to read your documentation so I can just do on all five documentation and just go over here bring it over and that on the shape node we can maybe find something this is going to the Maya user guide come on I'm also checking a comment so maybe someone knows the answer to this already before I actually can't find it I think it's in let's see maybe just search for constant see if this is faster integrand camera convert a cornea user data there we go all right so what did I do wrong it's a flaw that's what I did what is this saying empty a constant attribute name that's what I did to come on and what did I do wrong then lo render to seeing so that's what I did maybe just doesn't like it where it's connected to so this is no capital value okay I think I did it right though which is super weird this needs just to be rubber and this is connected right so it might just have been an update issue I don't know that's just wonderful scene hmm now I'm bummed out what the hell is going on here so the mask is connected we've got an exposure to or sort of a friends I think I know so it was working all along I'm just stupid yeah I'm just a stupid person sometimes so obviously I set the value here but I didn't put in a value here so it was just returning zero which is exactly what it's supposed to do so now if you put in a value here and visualize it you can see now only this back piece has this value sorry for that we got it now and now if I go back out here you can see now by just messing around with the exposure which I did we can actually get something separated from this so now I could for instance just increase the gamma a bit reduce the gamma to get a more contrast the image right you can now see it's already a lot darker and then we can mess around with the specular it's hard to see what this is doing but I think the IOR which we have is a bit too low so it's a bit too high so we just need to reduce this and right now we have an IO R which is weird 1.3 also I'm seeing our basis about 0.8 which is which sucks so by lifting this we get a bit brighter everything which is fine why is this okay that's why we can change this independently and then from the metal because we use metalness on the top it shouldn't matter too much I think we're a bit high I think classic and where rubber is actually fairly high but for creative reasons I'm just reducing this a bit and I still think that we might be we might be still too light here so I can just reduce the exposure still what do we have we actually have a very low albedo so all they were all the brightness is coming from reflection so we have an albedo of point zero three which is super long super dark and it might be just not not physically correct I think it should be in the range of ten percent or something and eight till to ten percent reflective albedo for robbers I think coal like charcoal is around 3% of 4% so right now we have I'm looking at the bottom here help the render viewed is like 18 I think 0.0018 yeah maybe just leave it as it is on one and we just mess it run with the specularity so this is that may be a bit better and then obviously we need to change the specular amounts so if I reduce the specular amounts in general or just frame this section here you can now see by having less spec or we still have the code as well so that's you can see the problems I'm having right I have the code on top on this so we need to now use my mask here you disable the wait for the code layer and what we can just do we can either just use a clamp or something and multiply it with the-- with this user data which is now white for the real pieces here and essentially what we can just do we can just multiply it with zero so we can just use a a I color correct and you can see how handy it becomes and it's super handy just because of this mask slider which I'll probably I'm using quite often so we have a code of 0.138 and I just want to preserve that so I'm just typing it in here as well point one three eight as my raw value point one three eight and if I connect this now to this to the code we shouldn't see any difference right so what I want to do now is use the user float here as my mask and then I just multiply this works zero so if I check my outputs narrations you can see that the code it has a value on the metal part but not on the rubber part and that's where this stuff comes in handy obviously a way easier way would be to just duplicate or create a new shader and assign that to the rubber piece only then you have all the independent controls but you would need to maintain two shaders right so that's there's pros and cons like if you want to do a very efficient scene you try to do everything in one shader but it takes a bit of note wrangling right all right so now we have the code disabled so let's see if we disable the specular what we get so now we get a very dark image so that's cool we can try to just reducing the IOR and then we should be fine this is obviously breaking physicality a bit I think we need to play around with the roughness as well so we do the same trick we did with the code so I'm just creating another AI color correct here hooking up the range which goes to my specular roughness and this will connect again to the spec roughness and we will control this now with the same user data here so this goes into the mask so now I can just multiply it down and we should get a lot crisper reflections back and even though it is fairly soft you still see the reflection itself it is it is present it's not too rough like obviously this is a bit shiny now but we can just overall reduce the reflection or we can increase the normal map as well so let's see what the normal map does yeah it doesn't do too much on this so what I'd like to do now instead of breaking it up with or reducing the roughness I just want to add a bump map so I'm just creating an AI bump here and I will be creating an AI noise and I will connect these up into the map here so there's a question over on Twitch if I'm using substance painter and I didn't actually not work on the textures myself this is a collaboration and we're working on this together on discord so someone model it someone textured it and I'm just doing they'll look if and then the benefit of me doing it is I can actually host it and create videos and show off what are we doing here all right so what we want to do next is stack those normal Maps so right now we have something plug into the normal slot and what I want to do here is connect my bump map to the normal slot in here and what this enables us to do is actually to stack different nodes together so if I connected here and if I bump it up maybe go to crazy numbers you can see now it has stacked on top and you can even see it's happening on the metal tube so again what we do we do a bit different this time we set the value to zero and we do a let me quickly think we have a 1 here so if I would plug this in directly to them height we should only get break up there but nothing here right because of the user data which is fine we can't control it with this as well right so if I put the noise down the color of the second Valley is also essentially like a multiplier right so we have all sorts of control of this yeah thanks for the share on this for the discoid invite that we have to share it as well for YouTube as well I'm just changing my outputs here quickly yeah sure join us sorry I just forgot to text join us or in discord and then so now it's all about breaking up this specular response right so obviously the noise is way too strong but it's always good to start off strong and then just fine-tune it so what I want to do now is just increase the scale here maybe try 15 and you can already see the spec is totally gone right it's it's this is the beauty of this so if you break up your surface on a micro-level it's essentially controlling the roughness as well I just need to play now with the color value here to get a very subtle breakup and even this is still too strong and I think we're still too large in the pattern so maybe at just like a three level detail and now you can clearly see it's broken up very nicely yeah the rubber is very clean as well but it's good to like we can freestyle it a bit right we don't need to do it like a hundred percent like one-to-one match so this is the beauty of doing it in 3d right we can find you in as much as we want so I'm just added a range in between here just to give me a little bit control of the noises and just by a narrowing smooth stepping I can I got rid of a lot of noise already so I can out very subtly in bring down my input max which is very hard to see here but you can see by just reducing this I get a bit strong effect and I can't clamp it like lift the black levels a bit so we add more contrast so it's more like a little bit of knobs here and there it's not too visual anymore you can see now that we introduced these little soft little bumps everywhere it's not the whole surface is covered with this which is also a cool effect I think so we can just tune it in a bit something like this so now if it still feels very rough right so let's see if we can adjust the roughness a bit and what do we have right now for the specular roughness value like this so we can what is it it's point two so let's just bring it up a bit maybe try around 0.35 or something that's point three I think this is getting a bit closer at least closer in my liking so I think this is now feeling not too bad overall I still feel we're a bit too bright so let's just multi reduce the albedo for this okay I just run your full full frame here and see what we got and also what I like to do which is right now not in the texture is maybe to add some kind of dust not dust but just some darkening some just some dirt and grime like buildups so that's a question over on Twitch if it's not easier to just reduce the specular weight you can totally do it and it will be very easy to do it as well my reasoning for not doing this is it might just be me like I'm trying to work in a physical manner and the thing is there's not no surface is just twenty percent reflective or something like that it's just how it's broken up in the micro structure at least that's my understanding of this so even skin is is almost Chrome or mirror like the only reason why it's not is because it's broken up by your wrinkles and micro displacements and that's what gives the skin a diffuse texture and it's the same of any material like if you check your iPhone screen or you've saw your phone screen if I hold it on a very and this is just because the surface is very polished and there is no micro detail but if you look at the really rough surface or if I would just scratch up like with or some kind of sandpaper or something even the glass at some point it will look very diffused it's not that it lost its reflection it just added like you broke up the surface so it's super micro displaced which gives you the the feeling it's less reflective but it's actually the same reflection right and that's just my mindset obviously it's easy to just do it obviously you can but just that's just me right and so for the last step what I wanted to do I was talking about this grime buildup so it's not super apparent in here but I thought it will add a nice touch and I think it's good just to show off how you could do it so I'm just using an AI of clusion and it would be best if this like these maps like curvature and occlusion would be baked down to a map first it's just they are a bit slow to render so I'm just hooking them up directly just that you can see what what's happening and you can change the far clip here to it to adjust how strong it will actually include or how far it will look for occlusion objects and I just have a very low value here and then I want to create a range you can see I'm using the range is quite often it just helps me to control the values a lot easier so now I want to lift the black so I'm just increasing the input menu here which I still need to connect to this so by increasing this you can see now I have I can easily just control how strong the occlusion works and if I want to adjust a four clip I can just increase it a bit to get a bit more reach you can see now where it's almost connecting it's very black here below which is fine it's an artistic thing right and then we just want to increase the samples here so we get a smoother results maybe try eight let's go six and then we will and again be increasing their samples as well alright so now what I want to do with this I just want to multiply this with my base color and that's all I want to do because if there's a base color of zero essentially everything just turns black so I want I just want to multiply this with my final color a I multiply and as I said before you can use all these techniques and different applications which support Arnold as a render engine and even you can work with this with render man or vray I know they have very similar nodes to what I'm using so there's no real magic to this you can apply these at least the workflow and the mindset of this you can apply to any other render engine as well all right so let me show you if I increase the output min to 1 it's essentially disabling this effect and you can see here now there's nothing and if I bring it back down to zero it just creates a nice or blend between these two materials I guess obviously as I said it's an artistic decision which I thought is good it doesn't need to be that way because you can have a clean horn as well and instead it just doesn't have it right totally personal preference so I'm just maybe putting it to point to so it's not super intense how do you the question on YouTube is how do I change the size of pure F I just well first of all right click on an image and go to settings where its settings actually all the way up here and go to key bindings and look through those there's tons of shortcuts really amazing stuff but you answer the question it just hit hit ctrl + alt and click and drag to change the size or ctrl to rotate as always good just read the documentation first super easy you can only and for most of the time there's a question on YouTube why do you have a color palette kind of thing in Maya I'm going to sure what that question is like what do you mean by that color palette all right so I think this is now a fairly accurate representation Oh my path why I have it well first of all it comes with look deaf kid but I use it to see if my light information is reflecting the Macbeth droid and you can see that my calibrated environment is almost spot-on you can see that there is not much of a color shift of the macbeth chart so if I use a different environment let's say something warm like this you should see that the macbeth chart colors change a bit so the whites are more yellow now than it they are supposed to right right so we've got this so one nice feature is you can actually ask enable depth of field and I enable this quite often just to see like just to get a bit more realism to my renders and you can see now this is obviously way out of focus the cool thing is if you go to to your perspective camera let's first change the mode to basic so we get fast render go to perspective and in here you see that there is this little rectangle and this is intended for you to move the focal plane so if I move it to where and wanted to be in focus you can see that the render updates in real time and I can just place my my focal point and you can also obviously it snap it to you to a vertex which is great too so I can just hit V on for my at least and control middle click and drag and then wherever it snaps to you can see that the focus is changing so now the rears in focus or now the front of this thing is in focus and then looked at kit you can just change how strong you want it right now it's on f2 and if I don't want it a strong I can go back to f-16 and you can see now it's very subtle just in the back here maybe go on f11 so at least see some kind of effect I go back to my mode of shaded mode you can now see this is what we get and this is this so what I will be doing next is actually saving this and loading this into my master scene there's a question on youtube if I know if how is the if I know how the HDI is calibrated and how would you calibrate it if it's not it's a great question and it's there's no easy answer to this like first of all especially when you capture the maps it's important that you capture the correct range like the most Eevee stops exposure stops and a good reference is for outdoor HD eyes you want to try to at least capture 22 to 24 stops which is insane but it's if you want to capture the values of the Sun which is a super bright object and it exists it's a physical sphere very far out wink wink you need to capture them and you need to have a ND filter on top of your lenses to actually underexposed to actually always capture the values now anyways once that is done and you're good and whatnot and you bring it in and you just compare it right so you just need to obviously you don't want a colored response to your map so it's important that you shouldn't ideally a very neutral setup so what I'm using and for my calibrated one is a studio environment and this there's essentially no color information and that's the beauty of this I know if I put my objects in this environment this is very true to what the values are just because I'm not color contaminating them with with a blue sky for instance or whatnot and then it's important about intensity so you need to make sure that when you capture the the HDR you have the correct values and then on set when you try to calibrate them you obviously do the similar thing what I'm doing right now I'm just making sure that my response on the macbeth chart is equal to the my my diffuse my best shot is exactly as time as my flat back chart and I need you just to compare that values right is the white value on the Macbeth chart the same values on my diffuse like on my in short Macbeth chart right so all you need to do is compare values and you not need to slightly adjust exposures essentially to get the right look and feel so are you comparing first a grayscale values and just see if if the bottom value represents the top value and yes thank you for there's actually a nice block here a link posted on Twitch which helps you create high quality HDI is that I actually use that as well so I'm just posting the same link to YouTube as well alright so now this is what we get and I think it looks very accurate to what we see above and if not we can always do some overrides in the master scene so in the look that kid I'm removing Macbeth and I'm removing look deaf kid which just gets rid of the files in my scene and also what I want to do here because I moved everything around I just want to get rid of this group so I'm just moving things out of way I'm just resetting the group actually so I'm just hitting a zero tap-tap-tap to reset all the transforms I did before like this and then I want to make sure that I save the scene which I just did and then I just want to go into the enter my main scene which I find under TC H a 1 still a frame loading that up and bring that in there's a comment on YouTube about there's a mmm color target plug-in or script for nuke which I actually fairly used as well quite a bit it's not intended to well it it just helps for you if you have a plate on on a film set and they shot every plate and holding them a shot into the view what this mmm tired thing does it just actually picks the same colors automatically it finds the values in this scene right but it it will not really help you to to calibrate it right so this is now the master scene which we have if I minimize this view and bring this up you should see this is what we have this is our little render sphere which I can just scale down so it's not in your face there we go and this is what we have right down you can see we've got the object we've got the money and now we worked on this main asset here so if I go back to my main camera this is our render camera and now I need to do is go to to import it so I go hitting ctrl R I just go file reference or create reference and then I'm just going to that folder here to find the horn which we just saved and I'm just importing this and now we got the horn object in here and all we need to do now is hopefully I can match the values like the transforms on this lets see or is the horn so where did I move it I think this is the bellies are used so what we can try some select the horn and then select this one and go to the channel box now if I just hit tab all those values will get transferred to my selected sphere and we are very close so which is great right so now we just transfer the translations essentially to my just imported reference and there's like a little transform on table which is 0.49 one which i think is the offset which I'm seeing here but I can just essentially just eyeball it now to get it right where the my originally placed one is because I spent some time to place the objects very closely to what the reference is and I just need to make sure that I'm aligning them as close as I can we don't need to be pixel matching here but we need to have it very close and I think this is close enough you could also snap points let me let me show you another trick which is also cool I can move it and I can just hit dnv to snap my pivot to this top edge here and then I can just hold V again and just move it down and so now it's snapping essentially to the same vertex on the other mesh and now for me it's very easy to just rotate it to get it working so I think now we are super close and now all I need to do is just delete the previous one like this and then move my reference in here and now we have this in place so let's see yeah so yeah it's very nice trick to move those things with the tab button I always like to looked it up as well but there's a there's lots of tricks you can do with Maya if you know them obviously all right so let's say this go to the render view and see if the look that was done properly and if it matches the environment so I just hit the render button here how's it doing anything not sure what's happening so if you haven't done so please give me a thumbs up on YouTube here just to make sure that people will see this I would HIGHLY appreciate a like on the video and in the meantime I'm trying to get the render going here yeah you can also use a modified mesh transformation thank you very much for that eggs benedict great name by the way now I'm hungry let's see why this is not starting it is it is rendering something I think let's see if I go to render settings check these reduce my samples here Oh quite a high rate F but this is for final settings so I'll just keep this one low and see why why this is not cooking let's try basic first and see oh I think no I don't know we'll see cooking why is it not rendering I always face that issue sometimes it just doesn't doesn't want to show me a image camera yeah cameras perspective right now mancom perspective cam and then looked at cam hmm yeah I know cams wrong but no cameras rendering and you can see it is actually rendering you can see there's like the progress bar in the bottom here I don't have render setup no okay I have a look deaf kid in this scene maybe that's acting up did I hide the light but even the Alpha channel is not showing I have a light group in here so we do have a light let me actually go open up look this kit and just see if this is related maybe I maybe not I'm just removing it so look this kid is deleted essentially what the man cam saving now always should be fine they chose good good it's good it's good it doesn't matter because I can't even see the Alpha Channel right so I would expect to see alpha here which is just empty so what is it what is it hmm okay it might call to a restart let's try a new scene quickly unless there's something very obvious which I'm not seeing here which is always a possibility you guys keep saying it's hgi but I'm pretty sure it's not that that's as great as fear like even though no you see I have no lights if I start to render we should still see the Alpha Channel or even in basic mode we should see something right so this is working fine on a new scene so let's maybe set the project first set project to here but not that it matters I think loading back to still life and also I want to thank each and every one to supporting me on all these chat channels it's really impressive it makes fun it motivates me to just put more stuff for you guys so I really appreciate the support even on patreon and so as I'm really getting a nice response over there as well and again I'm if you want to support me I would HIGHLY appreciate it if you can just go over to patreon and hit that membership button there or even you can do it on on YouTube as well to support me it would be highly appreciate it but only if I can get the runner to work right so what the hell is this let's hide all the assets and just create a sphere what can it be render settings nothing crazy I check the log let's see if there is some weirdness going oh my can actually select it that's funny we can select it and listen here we can oh I was just able to live in that's words there's some kind of bug in here I think pretty sure what is this expression so there's an expression which is weird but it's looked of kid related okay not sure if it's okay you guys I want some light let's just do a sky dome light so as I said it's definitely not the light source well that's gonna be you know I'm gay hitting a wall here mmm no Gio I've got the light I've got my camera it's quite a new camera oh maybe I don't have a venerable camera no I do have one that's fine that's fine that's fine I can change the debug tabs okay not that it matters but I will just be starting a new Maya session here which will take a bit restarting Arnold that's just super strange ray I first was thinking might be clipping clipping planes but then I was able to select it and then I thought it might be the depth of field I'm restarting Maya now the one else thank you can't be that let's just close the render view not sure I don't think it matters though the funky thing is it is rendering it's just not outputting to this year it's not it's not a snapshot I'm visualizing either it's my open yeah okay so I showed before that it is working on a fresh scene so if I just go to the rent of view even though as you guys said I need a nice show I even though I don't have one it's still showing up it's supposed to show up in the basic mode come on well we got it fresh though because I was too impatient with clicking see or more almost when I want to show the good stuff Maya dies okay so mmm out of ideas out of ideas Gio old Maya the old lady yeah that's exactly what it is okay I just I'm just trying to reopen it let's try maybe what else wide you can try maybe reducing this but it doesn't matter all this stuff is not really affecting anything I would maybe we can try these things so it's just ignore textures ignore shaders you know everything and see if we got something yeah yeah my I know you were opening perspective yeah I don't know it's definitely not showing I thought it might be the resolution as well see what this is doing aboard it's not it's not a boring it's not giving a warning either okay okay let's try this in the other scene which I just opened which is this one and if I create a sphere fresh my scene and I render this what do we see let me see hopefully something has a crush again that's crazy I'm gonna will crush again what the hell is going on man this is no crazy totally busted so it seems like something is wrecked with my machine here okay what we can try we just do a new scene in here and if I just do something really crazy and I import the scene like I create a reference from a reference and see if we can bring that in fill out this in we should see the whole scene again as well what do you mean are you watching Autodesk are they showing off something right so let's see got this and let's see what we get now shaded mode renderer and we just need to be patient let's see oh come on jump in something is showing how are you watching all of this yeah exactly and I get it sorry but slow here well the good thing is we see something now after 20 minutes of debugging it dang it alright so it's definitely a bit too reflective if I look at it in the other environments now I think we definitely need to lift up the my base base color and maybe do why is my resolution so low it's also not correct oh I know my because I imported this I'm actually not sure what the resolution was it was definitely more than what I have now okay I'll just try to eyeball it I just stopped this quickly and image plane which plane no image plane let's just make this higher maybe try I think I'm almost like 13 15 or something actually I can check in rendered images here let me see scene first pass let's just open up this yeah sorry for all this hiccup now man it's super annoying sometimes no it's not 1080 it's not it's definitely not that it's 1652 by 2 3 1 16 16 52 come on by under 13 to 1 was it that by 12 3 1 12 3 1 but this does not look correct either hmm well anyways I will fix this in a bit let's just focus on the Luke tip for now as I said I think the metal here is just a bit too reflective so let me just isolate this render here thanks for joining see you in the next stream I hope so as I said I think it's true reflect if the inside is looking very nicely but I think we still need to work on the outside here I think it's just a bit a tiny bit too rough and also my render settings are not correct let's go maybe for three here and then depth is good for now able progressive rendering here progressive refinement on so now it's cooking hey pontus we are almost done you missed all the action with Maya not working as expected which is a shame but we have to deal with this I guess let's see why I can't select stuff anymore you see how much fun I am having here now it's insane essentially what I want to do now is just go into the shading Network and fix the base reflection just to make it a bit rougher and then we can roll back the values to the reference to the original scene right all right so I was able to select it finally in the render view now I'm framing the shedding shedding at work we should just create it and in a specular roughness here I believe it's this one which we need to change because this is sessom no it's actually not this one has a mask for the rubber so I believe we need to just mess around with this here let's just frame this and if I change the values maybe just I said make it a bit rougher so we're just boosting these values and now you can see we essentially have the same control we had in the original scene and now I can just fine-tune this metal look here yeah I also need to work on the glass that's right I think I tweaked it already but it's a bit too dark and I'm still not thinking if I'm seeing the reflections like I don't have the same reflections I think it's there but I was definitely to spend some more time on this so let's just see actually what the whole image looks like once we render this year and you can also go now into the reference editor here and oh now it's double reference is interesting and then we worked with that so I changed the horn so what we can do we can save the reference edits so first of all let's list the reference edits to see what I did and you can see I rotated it but it didn't doesn't see the changes I did which is unfortunate because I think I know you know the reference edits go on this one that's a nice reference edits I go down glass ball I don't even see it no it doesn't look like the horn is in here and I mean we're still waiting for textures for the trumpet right now this is just a procedural shader but I'm sure we will get there very soon once we get those textures we are very close we still need to get the money the textures for the money and the amulet but then I think we're very close I'm just changing translations here yeah I'm not sure whether shade or changes are not in here right so as you can see we are very close already and let me just show the whole and make sure so this is the reference we're working with right you can see there's lots of breakup going on everything is broken up like there's no real no clean texture anywhere so luckily enough we have also a good compositor working on this so we can also do some stuff in comp as well but for right now I'm just trying to get as close as possible on the left side and I think we are close but there's still some some of room for improvement you can see that for instance the little mechanical thing here is a bit has a bit different texture so there's definitely some grading still need to go on and actually we have pontus here who is actually a compositor so he yeah he might help at some point if you would participate in the challenges but he didn't know about it I think but yeah so we are pretty close you can see the glass is still a bit too dark we don't see a nice refraction through here to see the trumpet actually and I need to blame myself here because this glass jars actually might look tough so I need to work on this to make it integrate a lot better and I think we will for comp will be also outputting crypto Matt so the copper has all the all the things to play with like all the IDs and all sorts of control yeah I know Pont is I was just kidding yeah we have a comprar ready on this all right well when I provide the renders we will have something from comp hopefully okay I think that that sums up the stream I showed you how it you look dead the trumpet sorry the horn here because we've got really good textures I didn't have to do much normally what I do I use curvature and all these things to break up edges but the texture was so good I didn't have to do very much for this and then I show you how to UM save it bring it in as a reference and essentially just render this we had some hiccups with my aside for sure as you know this is how it is on live streams it's not like edited at all so you see all the problems I'm facing and you could actually see me sweating because of all this stuff and I want to thank each and every one of you again for supporting me on this YouTube here and also on twitch well I'll be doing more casual streams I might be streaming later today on Street on on Twitch again well just do some Z sculpting I need to get better at that as well so you can join me over there so I would HIGHLY appreciate any subscribers or followers on Twitch this video here is staying on YouTube and will not be removed it will stay on twitch for 60 days if I remember correctly so again thank you everyone and for me it's now Saturday what do we have 12 noon so the whole whole day ahead of us and for the ones who would slide at night already thank you guys for staying up so long and have a nice weekend and obviously stay safe we almost through it I hope almost through it but yeah stay safe out there see
Channel: Arvid Schneider
Views: 7,466
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: live, lookdev, shading, procedural, workflows, education, training, tutorial, rendering, live stream
Id: K8UZ_crQbzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 18sec (5718 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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