How to Run a CNC Router Project Efficiently, Understanding Toolpaths

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okay well hello my cnc brother or sister i'm garrett with idc woodcraft and it is about 10 30 on a saturday evening and i am working to make that project which you've probably seen before i've already got it designed up but since it's so late in the evening i'm just going to go ahead and run it out and let you watch and tell you what i'm doing as i'm going through this process so we're going to be setting this project up with several bits this is going to be what they call a in here is going to be a v carve with a flat bottom depth i'm not going to go through the design we're just going to watch it cut i'll tell you what i'm using so here's the steps we're going to go through to do this and you just get to watch it run and how i've optimized tool paths to make this work first thing we're going to do is cut out this flower thing here and we're going to do it with a 90 degree v-bit we're going to use the quarter-inch 90-degree v-bit that comes from the idc woodcraft store and then that's going to do that and then this is all a v carving in here if you've not seen a v carving quite like this this is what they call flat bottom v carve and when we go into the letters you can see in this area that this is all tapered so it's a v carve and we've directed this to be a flat bottom so it's going down to an eighth of an inch and the cool thing about this type of v-carving is that it gives a lot of extra character to the letters now what we're going to be doing though is doing some clearance cut on that so let's just walk through the steps real quick and then we're going to start cutting all right so number one operation is 90 degree v-bit is going to come in and cut out this area right here this really cool little swirl and then it's going to come in and it's going to cut all this all the swirl the v-bit it's going to run around here twice and then the welcome and then we're going to go into let me take a look at what i got here um then we going to drill the mount holes okay so we're going to switch over excuse me so we're going to switch over to a roughing end mill now this is a bit that has just been released off of idc woodcraft and um looks like this and this thing just rips through projects a lot of people ask me why do you want to use a bit like this on a cnc router and the reason you want to use a bit like this is if you're doing a lot of deep projects you want to hog out a lot of material really fast if you go to my tick tock you will see a video where i cut this in two minutes so it cut it out of a piece of oak that's an inch and a half thick and these five holes were cut out with this bit within 45 seconds i think so that will be the second bit we're going to rough out all that area here and by the way uh i'm not uh responding to the uh messages although leave messages um it's just i can't see it right now because it's in my cell phone and so i'm just running through this stuff okay so the roughing bit is going to run through here it's going to i've that bit runs like a lightning quick so 80 inches per minute 80 plunge rate 80 step over it'll have that ripped out in no time and then we're going to come back in with the um we got the uh all right boundary accent okay so i'm gonna switch over to a half inch radius bit this one right here this is another idc woodcraft tool this thing's good for your juice grooves it's good for accent lines like what we're going to have right here around the sign and so we're going to cut that out and then we're going to roll on to the outer profile cutout so we're going to go to a compression end mill from there and that's this right here and we are going to cut all the way through that sign and one shot to profile it out so it's let me zoom that out so it's just going to come in it's going to cut all that out in one pass and then i'm going to um [Music] all right okay i can read some of these messages hi there jeff and uh jimmy idc bits are money and then i kind of cut off so i don't know what you meant what was there uh all right and then uh then the finish so we're just gonna get in here do the finish the finishing the roughing is gonna come through here it's gonna be a .15 shallow and then and then um and then we're gonna come in with the eighth inch bit clean it up and and then uh i think the sign will be done so i got the 90 on there and we're just gonna let it run you can watch this thing run out it should go fairly quick the 90 isn't the fastest bit on the planet uh but that's because it's doing delicate work all right put my earbuds on and uh i'm gonna let it rock out and i'll talk to you after this pass you just made that one huh all right cool okay here we go [Music] so we're going over to g center and i've got it loaded up so and i did zero it out already [Music] i love watching these things run [Music] [Applause] don't you love watching stuff's like watching the campfire my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so when you can't go camping in the wintertime just sit around and make a bunch of stuff on your cnc do the same thing can't roast your marshmallows [Music] so i'm running this at uh 45 inches per minute at a point one deep uh per pass with the quarter inch 90 degree device [Music] split in the middle it's 45 that's what g center's telling me [Music] foreign [Music] ah jeff you gotta you gotta send a picture that thing to me send me pictures in progress every time you make a pour [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] trying to get some shadow into this so it's easier to see so i'm doing this on the long mill 30 by 30. [Music] this is the part i like just watch that kind of [Applause] [Music] all around those little swords [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] it looks like it's going to make a third pass on this thing [Music] so [Music] so that speed running at 45 millimeter or inches per minute is too slow so we're going to speed that up and the way you speed up on g center you can speed it up and slow it down just temporarily right down here you can adjust it with these buttons so you can incrementally bring it up or down or you can ramp it up like that 10 so i'm going to speed that up so it's now you can see right here it's 100 110 i'm gonna bring it up to 120 i clicked that and now it's going to go to 120. so if you run a bit too slow you can dull it up a lot faster [Music] [Music] laughs so still a long way to go on this one so [Music] i think it's got another pass it's gotta make right here so [Music] [Music] so i think it has one more pass to make around all and if it this looks like crap like it goes right now then that means that bit has gotten bald time to swap it out but it looks like it has one more pass to make here [Music] so [Music] so just so you know i am making this sign for an ad that i'm going to be putting on youtube yeah i'm one of those guys that's going to make you want to skip that ad you push that skip button over an hour over your settings [Music] this is pine uh it's like a bunch of pine slats that are glued together so you can buy this it's actually really inexpensive because it's all the pieces they couldn't use for two by fours and other pieces so they used for shelving i get this at lowe's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so i bumped the feed rate up to 160 percent so its original setting was 45 inches per minute so now it's running at about 65. [Applause] sorry bill i missed your message there came up on the screen when i was talking now popped off [Music] by the way the idc woodcraft database has been updated so if you have downloaded it in the past then go to the idc woodcraft website and on the front page is the newest [Applause] download and that has a couple of more bits that have just been added how would what affect the final [Music] so if you can hear me talking over the machines somebody just uh type in the comments yes i can hear you garrett [Music] all right thanks ben [Music] okay so you did a 1 8 bit on this job here [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah yeah it's right over there brother i can't wait to start playing with that thing and i got a small one the 40k is right there the 40 watt so i got a lot of stuff going on and i've got another uh industrial cnc router coming a 4 foot by 4 foot [Music] yeah you know by the way that laser so that's a mod porter you haven't watched that video and i was able to negotiate the discount so people on the public channel this is the way i've worked negotiated this i'm reading this guy he runs on these four machines oh wow so this is the way i negotiated this whole thing [Music] because i told them i had the cnc insiders list so if you're not on the cnc insiders list then [Music] you're missing out on the i always negotiate better deals for cnc insiders i usually announce that but in this case that will make that announcement um here i don't know watch this or something [Music] oh here we go [Music] [Applause] oh yeah baby okay so because there's [Music] [Applause] and i get contacted all the time [Music] quite [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh well so when am i going to get the 48 going i i had it going then i got a technical issue going on with it and i've had so much stuff going on in the background business-wise that i've had to pull back because i've been starting to spread myself just a little too thin i don't know if you watch that conversation i have with mark lindsay but one of the things he said is you've got to enjoy what we're doing right and so i started to lose that enjoyment started feeling stressed but i do want to do the 48 i want to do a really nice complex job [Music] oh yeah yeah you know the funny thing is i don't make a lot of projects for people because i'm so tied up my heart is teaching so what's the issue you're having with the 48 jeff [Music] [Music] uh so so this file is [Music] i don't make it available to insiders now this one there's two ways you can get this uh one i sell it on etsy and then and the reason i don't pass it out is because it's a gift file it comes with the idc woodcraft starter set so i have to keep things uh so this one's not getting given away even to insiders one of the things i'm doing is i make uh files am making them available to insiders now you see that jump out right there give it a couple of times that's because there's black nodes in the design there and there i tried to work them all out but i'm going to work uh some more than that yeah that's that's because the black nose so if you ever do carving and and it you have all kind of messed up lines along there it's probably because you have black nodes right in the middle of your zero [Music] the thing went off the screen oh there it this happened back is start [Music] so that's have you talked too long though about that [Music] all right so i'm not sure i set it up to be cleaning out like that the eighth inch should be going in there to clean that out later [Music] [Music] so this is the part about vectric uh jenner to code this so you don't have to download yourself from scratch [Music] oh this is about vector see how this thing is going all over the place touching a bunch of places you can't work that out it's electric so the way the reason it does that is because it the it is stepping down incrementally to clean things out and it's coming down to certain levels and so cleans everything out those levels and then it's got to go to the next level and so it bounces all over again until it gets to the bottom of every v car so it's a total pain in the butt but you can't stop it because it's way vector to grip [Music] oh my god come on [Music] yeah i know it's like come on already like waiting for this part to get done and that part to get done that part will get done so they had this like cool complete thing hold my finger over to stop up because you keep getting all been down there we've all been down that road there is a uh a relay you can get you can add into the machine [Music] so when your control is set a code that's called an m3 which is spindle on it'll trigger that relay and you'll turn the router on you just leave the router power switch on so it's called an iot switch i think iot or ito or relay oh my god this is where i want to put a gun to my head and say so next time i will set this up with a different v-bit and do it with the uh big stiffy 90d bit i'll get it [Music] so this is the big stiffy 90v bit this thing would have been done if i programmed it this way they would have done it in uh probably three three one so that's on the ibc woodcraft store as well [Music] [Music] so with almost every router yeah i can see that big stick yeah totally this thing would have been done like a while ago [Applause] see how inefficient that is [Music] this is just pine your old cheek pine this is shelving wood and you get it from lowe's [Music] probably the least expensive material you can buy uh considering so this was a six foot by uh 16 wide and it's this little three quarters of an inch but it's not a 234 it's actually 1.68 that's actually something i didn't take into account when i programmed this thing so i'm going to have a [Music] yeah another thing you use is foam board to practice it's like the high density foam board insulated pink stuff you're brand new that way you don't break your fit you know just pointing you're trying to rationalize um so it's not the cnc machine that does that this is the way vectric sets this up oh oh here it comes so vector works down at levels and so it sets a level it's going to come around clean up at these little areas that it couldn't get to at some level and then some of them still have more so it's going to come back again to the same spot [Music] you can't do anything about it well what you can do about it you're asking me to explain why the software does what it does it's all the mathematics of the way it's set up so the way you can stop that is by using a better bit just like that this would have been done in two passes next time i do something like this i i i won't mess with that put them on i mean these are good bits you can get some really good detail but i just didn't realize this that's one of the good things about g7 had i looked let me show you so g sender has the time listed there so when you load the code it's going to tell you the amount of time that that code is going to run and credit i've already amped this up to 160 so when you load the code up right here it's going to tell you how long that program is going to run so i looked at it it was 30 minutes it was always too late already had a bunch of awesome people hanging out on the channel [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] all right thank goodness for done with that one all right so the next bit we're going to is the roughing end mill now this will go a lot faster so that's so you can see it this is something i just got on the idc store and i'm almost sold out of these things already so i have to order more from my supplier this like rips through material i tell you what okay so what this is going to do it's going to drill the four corner holes and then it's going to rough out all this material in here then we'll come back in with a finish pass and all that material so just to show you on the design so it's gonna drill these four holes just gonna plunge right down in at 80 inches per minute by the way i don't necessarily recommend doing that with an end mill the roughing end mill has got a really good ejection on it so you're gonna be okay with this if you do that it's going to do these four and it's going to come in and clear out all that material there it's going to run lickety-split fast so we're going to load that up in g sender and there we go okay yep this can be so fast all right we're gonna swap out the tool set to zero so when you're setting these things up yeah i'm just going to give you my whole train of thought on this whole thing as i move and along this guy so for a second i'm not going to be looking at the screen if you type all something so we're gonna bring it forward we're gonna take the z up and the one thing we always want to be careful of is we don't we don't bump up to the end uh like we don't run into the the physical limits of the machine because you'll lose your zero points in that direction so if i moved the z up right away then and the motor kept trying to go but it physically could not go up anymore the the the control software g sender is going to think it's still moving right and so it's just going to keep counting and g sender but it's physically not moving so it's losing all of its uh information all right so whenever you change out a bit remember please remember to clean your collets out that sawdust in there acts like a lubricant and that's the cause of router bits moving it's like slowly moving in and out as you're making a cut if you've ever seen that i think most of us experienced it you're doing a lot of cuts and you start noticing that router bits getting deeper and deeper and you don't know why all right let's put this puppy in so i'm going to insert it all the way up up the column right right to there so we're going to have three quarters 5 8 7 inch in there so i don't know if you've seen it before sometimes people have the cracked housings and the reason that's happening is they're using number one are using the red pin to [Music] uh to hold the shaft so and then they'll come in with the big wrench and they'll crank down really hard on it okay makita says it's okay to use that pin to tighten your stuff i'm a huge proponent of it because you start to stress the housing and you'll start to uh stress out the the aluminum in here where the bearings at so i never ever use that pin [Music] to tighten all the rest of the way when you tighten down you don't have to torque it down that's what most people are doing when they're breaking they're they're using this pin and they're pulling really hard thinking they gotta really squeeze and you don't have to do that it's just past the snug is all you need okay so we're going to zero this out we already have our x y zeroed out so all we need to do is zero out a z and here's here's the uh method i use so i already know my zero is all taken care of before i actually started this video i surfaced this whole project uh just so i now i know that the entire project is flat and it's all at the same plane so i can literally zero out anywhere so we're just going to come back right there blow it off and the other thing to do when you're bringing your z down to your touch probe um don't put your touch probe don't put your touch probe underneath it while you're bringing it down that's because we'll overrun and uh break our bit run it right into the probe uh so i'm about a 3 8 of an inch away so i'm going to switch my speed so what i've done here wait a minute so i said unwrap it here and i was bringing the z down now i've gone to the normal which basically just turns the feed rate down just so i can jog it down just a tad i'll go back to z take it down a little more okay so a little less than an eighth of an inch that's fine make sure your magnets attached now g sender has a nice little uh feature where you you have to make sure that magnets attached or won't run so we're set up on the probe right here probe i got it set for z so it's going to do z only we're going to click the probe button all right it brings up this screen and what that's basically saying is we got to touch the plate to the bit before it's going to allow us to actually start the cycle so we're going to bring this up and just touch it and watch the screen you see we've got this red dot and here it says no touch this button was grayed out now it's not i'm going to cancel that i'm gonna do it again probe so you see the button is is grayed out got a red light there i'm gonna touch the plate to the bit and so you see the button change touch detected green light when i take the plate away it turns red it says it's not touching right now but we can start to probe so now we're going to start the probe all right okay so that's going to be the roughing bit cross your fingers hit start i set the makita on three machine coordinates be reset like said in your home and upper left corner okay so that's a really really good question um there's two things you can do yes you can reset your zero with your plate so you've got the xyz you can set with this plate um and then you'd come back and do that again the thing is is you've got to be dead nuts because if you're doing like ultra fine detail and you have to reset it right in the middle of the job hey huntsville um you're right in the middle of the job it's almost guaranteed to be off and that's why we use something called work offsets that's a little more advanced uh but you need the sensors on the machine in order to be able to do that okay so we're gonna run this cycle watch how fast this roughing bit you know goes [Applause] so a little bit of a stall there for a second okay i know why that happened i'm using a drill cycle and i had a dwell command in there and when you're using a drill peck cycle the i need to take that dwell out it'll come down the bottom of the hole and it'll dwell for a certain amount of time which is what we said tape a little bit say it again or just type something else okay [Music] yeah yeah it's got the auto zero touchpad i got it over here the auto zero touch plate um i actually haven't worked it with much yet so i need to do a video on it but this actually saves you a step when you're setting your xyz you have to tell the machine what bit size that you're using with this you don't have to tell the good side so it's saving you a step making sure um it's eliminating this step where an error can happen so this thing's awesome it's awesome i've used it a couple times [Music] so you notice that it's leaving this little edge right here and do that all the way around and the reason is because i changed the directions i changed the tool path so i can move the full path what i did was i took the 90 degree v-bit and it was going to be the flower and there's going to be the finish on this whole thing for the v bit but i did want to go back to the 90 degree v bit so when i created all the tool paths i used i'll show you just in case you didn't know [Music] right here you see these arrows right there and whatever tool path you have [Music] so whatever tool path you have highlighted blue you click the arrow in the direction you want to move it so i can move it up i can move it down all right so the path welcome finish is actually way down here uh welcome finish clear one clear two and then welcome finish and i don't need it there okay i wanted up my little id bit to save the tool uh a tool change so i was able to just kind of think how all these are going to be laid out so now um welcome clarence this is a clearance right now we're going to come back in and do the whole thing again this is just roughing stuff out that's why you're leaving or you're seeing this step all the way around it's a technique i used i think i created a video on it where oh i have not created a video and i've been wanting to okay so if you ever want to do like really deep platform stuff um you want to use the offset command i gotta create a video on it it's on a list i've been wanting to create that video for quite a while [Music] so i can amp this up this is rocking out i'm going to 80 inches i'm going to bring up your one [Music] all right so i just brought it up to 160 so that's from 80 inches per minute so it's probably about 130 [Music] ah much better [Music] this is an 80 [Music] before [Music] we gotta find it [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so this router bit this is walking in there it cut this out of this piece of oak just like that did it in two minutes with this router so i got a tick-tock video that i made for that i'll put this video out a couple weeks i think i'm almost out of stock and when i put videos out about new bits they pretty much sell pretty fast all right so that's done so just hog all that out it's all clearance cut and so the next one is going to be uh we're going to go to the uh [Music] all right so we're gonna use the half inch ball nose and we're gonna do the outer uh this part of the project now this can this is gonna be really quick so we're gonna load that uh boundary accent is what i titled that as it's gonna make two passes when you create a tool path with a ball nose there's things you need to take into account or one of the things you want to take into account so first of all we're using the big stiffy half inch ball nose it's one of the more popular ball nose that i seem to move through the idc store it's it's a good size for cutting your juice grooves and i also want to show you how to do a tapered juice groove meaning it actually goes downhill into the bowl of the the juice group juice catcher okay so when you are running with a ball nose this one is a half inch which means it's got a quarter inch radius and your first depth of cut you want it to be about 70 percent down the radius and then you can make your next cut all the way down the radius and pass the radius the reason be is because that'll make a really clean cut on the radius that you're going to be creating if you try to go all the way down the full radius then you're going to rip the edges you're going to have tear out on your cut all right so let's set this guy up and come on down camera you didn't have a ball nose so use my polish do you ever wish you had an atc yeah totally atc's so you're not going to find them on this level of machine though unfortunately but yeah atc's are very convenient so an atc is an automatic tool changer for those who don't know so you have a what's called a magazine and just like a bullet magazine except except it's uh loaded with router bits and the machine will come in and swap out the bits you find that on more expensive machines now i'm getting a phantom cnc here this month the four foot by four foot industrial grade machine which i'll be shooting videos on of course but i'm i'm not getting an atc with it but i may upgrade to an atc it really depends on the type of work that i get with it so that one i will probably employ that machine go out and actually find some work for it uh and then i'll hire somebody once i get a routine down [Music] with whatever projects i get for okay when you probe a new next time you always want to get that sawdust off of the bottom because that will throw off i mean even though it's wood it's sometimes not that accurate that we're trying to that we have to do but it's still good just to blow off that dust to make sure it's not there and we'll go back and probe again we're set on probe we're set on z we're going to hit the probe button and now i got to touch the bit to the plate it's ready to go one of the things i like to do when i'm probing is i will hold the hold the plate down because if you can if you look at it i mean i can get a little bit of movement here and make sure that your probe is not sitting around like a cut area because there may be like a a chip that's hanging up just enough to throw that plate off and that could throw off your whole your whole zero reference point okay cycle that in [Music] i'm going to do that again if you're not sure you can always probe zeros again [Music] all right happy with that this is going to go quite quick i think i've got this set at 80 inches per minute do you ever wish you had okay um if i had an atc for all the bits that i have inventory that would be one big ass magazine i tell you what um okay so let's rock for some reason i'm really nervous about this cup okay so why didn't this start this cut over by its home position is because when you draw your vectors there's always a start node and the start node is over here so [Music] [Applause] yeah it's when you get this kind of stuff that already starts to look really awesome [Music] okay so you see we've got a nice clean line here and that's because it's not going the full radius of the hood notice too it's ramped there so i am getting a little bit of curl [Music] some of it [Music] it's typically not okay one of the things about this run is when it came in i set the the plunge rate at 80 inches per minute and the cut rate at 80 inches per minute but i ramped it in and so ramping it you know the bit enters the material like that and so it's it's no different when you're plunging this straight down that's when you want to come in at a slower rate when you're ramping you can ramp in at full speed so you have to change your plunge rate when you go on when you're ramping change your plunge rate to your feed rate let me show you what i'm talking about we're going to get back into the design and i'm just going to open up on these tool paths and we're going to go to the that's not the right tool path to open up ah thanks for the coffee i need it i need it it's late late for me and i'm still gonna be at this for a while so right now it's 12 30 so so uh he just bought me a cup of coffee um i have a a contribution link it's uh buy me a coffee and it's usually in the the um the dog on it the description areas of my videos okay what was i doing i was going to talk to you about the ramping okay so boundary accent so right here is a ramp and you add ramps to the tool path and so this i've got it selected on smooth and the ramp is one inch so it's going to ramp in the material to about a point one two no point two two i can't remember what it was um it's gonna ramp into the material at an angle and it's it's a smooth ramp and that's there's my distance one inch and so that's uh hopefully i explain that well enough i don't know you're doing live stream tonight must have missed it well i didn't announce anything i just i'm making the sign i know i'm going to be up late so i figured um that uh thanks bill um i figured what the hell i'll just start talking while making the thing all right so what's next uh i think we have to do okay so we are gonna do the outer profile cutout now you'll find this interesting i'm going to actually cut the project out before the inside stuff is done and i'm doing this because um so i want to not go to a quarter inch bit which is going to do a lot of the clearing work in here the clean work we use the roughing bit before and now we're using the clean uh the i'm going to use the quarter inch down cutting bit and and it's going to clean all this up and then it's going to switch over to the eighth inch down cutting bit to get into all the little fine details and typically we're going to cut the project out at the end but i don't want to do a tool change two times so i'm going to actually cut it out right now i've got it held down with the you know the ca glue technique so i'm using the painters tape and i use the thin thick medium uh i'll show you in a minute oh i got it right over here so i'm using this stuff here um so where it's actually at it's still going to be holding the sign with the tape it's gonna be holding it there it's gonna be holding it all the way across the middle and it'll be holding it at the top up there so i'm not worried about doing a cutout and the reason i'm doing that first is if there is any shifting on the project that when it's doing the finish work here uh that shift will already be taken into account and then i won't have some weird witness marks going on up in here all right so we are now going to the quarter inch down cutter i'm sorry i'm going to use the compression end mill so this is a compression here and i'll explain the compression real quick the compression has a down cut area on it focus camera get some light up here all right so it's got when the router bit is turning like that it's got a down shear action which keeps the top side clean uh prevents tear out and at the very bottom a little messy but you can see there's a back cut right there or an upcut area and that's there now i i i'm going to get in the habit of making lives i'm going to be doing um more live training i'm going to be doing also thanks andrew i'm going to be doing uh some uh other stuff too of course it's more teaching more business i'll be doing it more in a service called meeton it's kind of like zoom but it's a different service okay so anyway we'll get back to that later um yeah so it's got the up cut there uh so on the bottom of the project the bit is turning like this so you're getting this down shear action at the top which keeps a nice clean sharp corner right here with the up shear it's having the reverse effect on the bottom so you get a nice clean cut on the bottom it saves some sanding that saves some tear out and i believe we're gonna cut this out in one pass and then we'll go into the finish all right so i'm gonna set the zero up you haven't gotten the compression bit yet um i think right now my inventory is three bits but uh i can usually get them pretty quick okay so i'm going to say this again for anybody else who popped them the about the red button on the makita router you have a makita router makita well first of all anytime you change your your bits clean your collets wood acts like a lubricant when it gets up in there also clean your router bits if if like when you get router bits for me if it has an oil film on it you always want to make sure you get that cleaned up okay so what i was going to say is about this red button don't use it to tighten your bit rules about tightening your collets number one always clean the collet out number two use the red button just to snug the bit in place so you can get it tight because what you're doing uh makita says you use red button but a lot of people over torque and that causes stress on the on the body and that causes the body to split so by never using the red button as your torque point you won't ever run into that point that problem and the third is don't you don't have to super tighten it you got to get it snug and just a hair pass snug and you'll be just fine so i can sit here and squeeze it even more if i wanted to but what i'm doing is if you see i'm pushing with my thumb and pulling my fingers and doing it pretty hard and that is tight enough all right let's get that raised up and i appreciate all the late nighters hanging out with me okay so now i'm starting to lose my zero that's why i keep it nice and flat okay i usually start out at 75 millimeters per sec bump the speed as needed now that's that's a good way of doing it um so now i'm going to change my zero location i'm not changing my zero location i'm changing the location where i'm gonna take my zero from since i surfaced the whole board in the beginning so all this is all at the same height so i can re-zero my z anywhere and because i cut here i got maybe a little bit of a lip right there so i don't want to put the touch play touch probe here we're going to keep it in the back over up a there bit okay so i'm getting rid of all sawdust underneath that plate so it doesn't confuse anything all right we're setting our probe we're set up on probe we got the z set we're gonna hit the probe and now we have to touch the plate all right okay now we're going to load up the next file which is going to be it's going to be the outer profile so we're doing the cutout and then we're going to do the inner clean out or the start doing the finish work on the inside all right so i can't remember my speeds that i've set this up how much more original would you say the mark two gantry's uh it is a lot more rigid it actually the way they've designed it with this one it's it's really fascinating that they've been they've designed it better than the mark one just so i'll explain it to you briefly so this is the retrofit mark 1 with the extension kit so i can't really explain it but you know it's got the triangle um the triangle form there and it's got another triangle uh i'm sorry 90 degree plate that are two 90 degree plates together and oh cool hope you use my link tom so it had what they call these planes that you can there's like theoretical planes that go through surfaces like um you got steel here right so there's a theoretical plane that goes through there there's another theoretical plane that goes down this way another theoretical plane so this extrusion has been all redesigned it's got so many different planes in it every time that you add a plane like this theoretical plane it's like adding another wall and every point that those planes intersect not just inside the material but in the theater in space adds rigidity so you like you got a plane that goes across here right flat surface so there's a theoretical plane that comes out here and then back here there's a theoretical plane that comes up here and where these two planes intersect is out in space and so there's a they lock in there and so that adds to the structure then you got a another plane here that locks you know intersects this plane intersects that plane and so they're all throughout this and so it's so much stronger i'm going to estimate just based on my design experience of structure and the machine work that it did that that is um that that this is six times uh better so do i run the mk2 faster yeah yeah i've actually turned the rapids up on it it comes in i can't remember what it comes in but i try to wrap it up on it um mark one has some flex on it the axis it's still a rigid machine this this one is a lot a lot more rigid a lot more rigid i still have to do a review video on it but i had to get some runtime in it too all right so we got to run this this part out so we're going to actually cut out the sign the welcome sign this is where we're at so far still looks very choppy we're going to cut it out and we're going to come in and do our clean up cut with the quarter inch and we're going to come in with the eighth inch bit and then this will be done and then the whole sign will be done all right i think that's i think this last tool path i gotta take a look real quick okay out of profile yeah okay so two more two more we're gonna do the quarter inch with the compression bit and then we're gonna do the eighth inch and this this sign will be done so i've got it loaded up so this is where the the uh compression to um [Music] uh i don't uh go live [Music] remember i said the start point was over here on that line that's why it's coming over here so it's ramping in [Music] so i didn't i didn't set the the depth copper in this particular [Music] place your order next to the 30 30 excellent make sure you use my link helps [Music] [Music] okay so what i did not do in the outer profile cut um [Music] well looks like it should be good why didn't that cut all the way down so right there it says it's going to depth of 0.75 and so this one should have gone all the way down all right so i'm going to give it make it do two passes 0.375 okay don't really need to but even i get nervous about some of this stuff sometimes all right so we're going to just calculate that tool path i'm going to create that tool path save save the tool path i'm going to give it a name we're going to call it temporary cutout just when when i create a file that i'm not sure about or i know it's just like a fix that i call it temporary cutout so in the vectric software you can see right here you got the blue lines so now we know that this is actually making two passes so let's see what this does uh go back to g center we're gonna load that specific one up temporary tool path you went point seven five three all right let's try it again [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right it's almost like it didn't take zero so these are some of the fun things you run into when you're doing this kind of work so i'm not sure why it's doing it so i'm just going to come back and do it over here let's make sure i get a good flat surface i'm looking at the bit and the bit is starting up in the air like that far so i'm figuring my zero didn't take when when i did it i had my i was wearing these things so i couldn't hear the machine [Music] come on baby [Music] all right this time it should go [Music] mhm [Music] maybe [Music] moving that way [Music] okay [Music] so that could be [Music] oh [Music] let me show you how deep i want there's my cut i could build a moat around this thing caliper yeah i actually uh my calipers are up in my um my apartment that's why i didn't do it because i didn't have them so i actually honestly knew i was going to run into that but you know what that's what short cutting will get you uh i don't need to take that out glad i didn't do that because now we've got to go on uh do the finishing here so now i got to regenerate just that part of the program because i don't need to run through that cut again so we're going to regenerate the welcome finish quarter inch so it's going to do that okay now you remember how this thing was bouncing around before if you've run your vectrix software and you're wondering why the router bit the the machine will go here it goes over there uh with the v bit saves a lot of time if it lasts long good good point um that's actually a good point i never thought about that yeah and the eighth inch bit is less expensive as well so army dogs creations uh so it'll do is he'll use the eighth inch bit first and just kind of clear out and then go to his v bit and what is what his intention is is to use the less expensive bit to do his clear cut and then come in with his more expensive bit and and save the bit and we can afford to lose the eighth inch better we're going to afford to lose a v bit because the price is so much different all right so you see all these red lines in there i hope you can see them that's all where this thing is going to be bouncing all over the place it's very inefficient unfortunately that's what it's going to be okay so we're going to use this we're going to i'm just going to give this a name it's going to put a temp in front of it so what i'm doing i just had to rewrite this particular tool path it was combined with another tool path but i had a little issue so now i know the other tool path is working when i know this is working i'll recombine those tool paths into one tool path and maybe i'll make this cheat code available if anybody wants it well i'm not going to give this sign away this one i don't give away because it's part of the router bit starter package okay let's load this one up but it is available on etsy i've got an etsy i'm going to move my stuff out off etsy and put it on the website after i rebuild the website okay welcome finish there it is so that you'll start seeing changes in my website in about a month i'm going to have it completely overhauled i'm going to make it much easier to get to the router bit so i'm going to start adding articles to it i'm going to simplify it make it more focused okay let's rock it away so while this is doing this i gotta go relieve myself just make sure it's starting out okay [Music] come on [Music] oh by the way it's nice to have [Music] mr p i am um [Music] hello [Music] hello [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] uh um [Music] [Music] all right we're back so one of the things when you're doing cutouts like this stack text or anything and you notice that you have witness marks or something and the reason that we're getting that is because let's say you're using a down bit and it's making forty percent of steps the down bit by nature of the spiral [Music] [Music] the down bit is turning it's turning like this mr p has been struggling he's uh emailed me a couple times actually [Music] my whole thing is to help everyone become an amazing creator right and so we got into this and just been struggling and when that happens it becomes very frustrating you know down in the heart we wanted to start making stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] is turning like this and so it's it's trying to scorch yourself out of the material and then when it gets to the final cuts where it's only making just little thin cuts on the side walls there's no more upward pressure so it can relax down there's actually a physical uplift on the bit that you that you get this you find this in this industrial machines but it's just the nature of this corkscrew it wants to turn and pull itself in a certain direction because it's a torch so the way to offset that is by doing all your rough cutting do a pass that's not all the way down to depth it just leaves a little bit of material left like you see right [Music] it's standard in [Music] machining to do that you have what's called a roughing pass and you have a finishing pass and it's no different when it comes to um [Music] [Music] so there's just there's just not much work that's being put against the fit right now to make it do upward or downward pressures so did any of that make sense put a yes in the comments so did i explain that right [Music] [Music] mm-hmm [Music] [Music] okay well let's let's not troubleshoot it here okay this is more of a series with us this is a bit more of a technical thing so unless somebody uh he's been talking a long time [Music] so you're welcome [Music] [Music] so much [Music] surface [Music] if you use something like walnuts [Music] um [Music] so are you getting anything out of this as you're watching this amazing project here [Music] [Music] um [Music] so right now this is one at 80 inches per minute [Music] don't leave me the big thing is you see um our other brothers and sisters here um [Music] [Music] so i am going to make [Music] oh [Music] i quit way before most people [Music] um but i found that somehow [Music] they feel like something's missing it's like they don't really know how [Music] especially when we get [Music] as far as cnn i promise [Music] [Music] jack i think that's a much [Music] [Music] is [Music] also [Music] or [Music] so this welcome sign is actually starting to come come together now so now the last thing is the eighth inch bit now i'm gonna do it with a down bit so we just have to do just it's gonna bounce all over the place it's going to be just all the touch-ups that need to be done we're going to load that one up it's the last program i believe it's that one finish clear i gotta see the file name because you know me i always put the bit name end of the the file name so 1 8 dc so i know that that's the one i also numbered them this is number nine i'm going to load that one up and so all this is going to do is all these little spots all right let's change out that bit anybody who's popped on i'll just walk through this again so you understand what i'm doing i don't knock my camera to the floor all right so i'm going to bring this out so i can change the bit out so we're going to do it in g sender just uh y so right there and probably going to raise it up a little bit hit the z one of the things so one someone emailed me and they they're when we set our z yeah it's a great idea uh put that in the name of your file so andrew said about the numbering order okay i'm going to show you what i did if you look at my tool path names with the exception of the welcome finish they all have numbers next to them so i know that this one will be number two the surfacing program is number one uh then these two both will be at the third tool path that's number four um i didn't name that one number that one uh i'm not sure why i forgot to do that okay okay so we're using the eighth inch down cutter and i'm using the little sleeve okay again sawdust get all the sawdust out here collets you've got a toothbrush i always use my toothbrush you know what i'm done here then i'll go ahead and brush my teeth with this thing with the with these collets okay i will come up to about that point okay so you got an quite a bit it's about that far up into the collet so when it squeezes down it's going to be good now one of the things to remember when you're using a collet adapter which that's what this is called is now you have uh the collet the outer collet squeezing the inner collet or the collet adapter and then that's squeezing a bit so this is where you want to put a little bit more force on your jam nut when you're tightening it down but i'll say it again don't use the red button to tighten down so you hold the don't hold the red button down and take your wrench and trying to crank it because you start to stress the body of the makita router and if you hang out in facebook enough you'll see once in a while somebody has split the housing of the router because they did that they over torque all right remember every time get that saw dust out of there there's not much there but you just want to be in the habit of doing it take your toothbrush and get it out of there both of them and sometimes you can get up in there and feel up inside there to see if you got anything going on up there a little bit a little bit of dark stuff there and i'm getting too much too much stuff here all right so when i insert this i'll show you where i insert it up to come on focus in camera it's not wanting to focus for some reason uh well you can see uh there's about an eighth of an inch hanging out that's okay we got the majority of the collet up inside what do you mean what works better there was one oh shoot i have to zoom in and out for those messages to pop back up okay so now we got this collet adapter on there i'm gonna squeeze down and i can actually feel that i need to bring it down a little bit more so this time i'm going to torque over a little bit more but if i could keep going i could probably get another eighth of a turn to a quarter of a turn out of this and you don't need to do that you just need to get down to where you can feel it's grabbing don't over tighten you don't need to all right get my position here when you're bringing the thing down to probe always have your plate out of the way so you don't accidentally drive your bit into your plate too far okay make sure your sawdust is away from here off the bottom of your plate probe right there the window will come up it's waiting for us to touch so we have to touch first just like that i got a green light [Music] you know it's been kind of nice with you guys here uh kind of uh takes away the any loneliness that i might feel all right so [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] okay so so this is a vector for you okay it's uh it's 12 20 p.m here this is vector this thing's going to like run the most inefficient path that possibly can it's going to come over and touch this here clean that little bit there let's go all the way over there clean that little bit am i right dang i was right i'm just gonna come all the way over here then it's gonna come back down here and then come over here [Music] i think i'm starting to see a pattern here man bill shoot me a cactus dude so bill uh you i think you're in tennessee for a while and uh bill came up to visit me and actually stayed visit me and stayed at my place and then he headed out there there you go thanks bill [Music] so cactus [Music] with the cactus so when i left work several years ago said i was never going back i had this thing idea pop of my mind [Music] let's just go to arizona see a cactus and so just like that took six bucks to travel around the states slept in my jeep [Music] yeah andrew you're right it is very inefficient when it comes to this [Music] anyway uh yeah six months driving around sleeping in my jeep up up the mountains out west hiking big-ass cactus [Music] you know this can [Music] this is something that could be worked out as far as the efficiency maybe vectric hasn't had enough if i was doing this making like this sign in mass i'd be on the helmet [Music] i get a lot of emails [Music] redirect them to vectors [Music] um [Music] [Applause] yeah you're absolutely right [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh my god this kid [Music] it's still awesome to watch you know part of it is [Music] i don't know um [Music] it's it's satisfying the campfire effect when the thing is cutting but when it's dancing all over the place and not cutting it's not so satisfying that's when you get the irritating however the project is [Music] zoomed out [Music] i'll send vector i really want to know about this [Music] no oh maybe the audience has anybody used uh um [Music] that would be the last of it all right so cardboard cardboard create does it too okay okay so the sign is done now and let's take a look okay so you notice there's a little some furries that are going on here come on camera focus and there we go getting some furries going on here here this is part of what um the nature of pine as well but one little thing that i really really really like well gotta go get it now there's little sanding wheels i get them from amazon they're super cheap plastic bristle brush i'll have to try that with brushes um [Music] i think i just saw these and tried them out so i'll just show you real quick okay so it's uh just that little bit just clean that out there just got them okay cool so i will clean that up tomorrow but let's take this off so you guys can see it so we're gonna see the amazing project we just created together so so ca glue is pretty stinking amazing i don't like it okay get my scraper to get that off all right all right that's what we just made [Applause] create some shadow on that uh texture would be it yeah i could do that you know the only thing i don't like is i got that knot right there kind of takes away the color but you can stain it or stuff this actually the third one i made because i keep screwing up the staining on these things thanks andrew time's up yeah it is um oh time to go to bed but i do thank you for hanging out with me and um spending time this is actually really enjoyable for me because most of the time i'm spending my time all by my little old loans i'm doing this stuff so doing this live is kind of cool i'll put links in the in the in the description later on for all the stuff that i've used on this and uh the the project is a vector you can have it's on etsy um i might have tool paths in it but they're old tool paths don't trust those tool paths work it out yourself you got all the designs here i can't actually see the screen right now because i'm looking at the other side of my phone so i can't reverse it my phone doesn't have that for some reason so i can't reverse it while i'm actually taking um so cnc brothers and sisters i hope you got something out of this and uh watching the campfire and it's time to chill out so toodaloo until next video i will talk to you next time now i got to figure out how to end the live [Music] i think like that yep there we go
Channel: IDC Woodcraft
Views: 69,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cnc for beginners, cnc router, Garrett Fromme, CBC, cbc router, vectrix, longwood cnc router, long wood cnc router, long board cnc
Id: 6hr5Kkxf2fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 58sec (7438 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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