[LIVE] Day Trading | 3 Stock Trades in 25 Minutes

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hey it's Clay at claytrader.com this will be a live trade video where I try to capture some of my trades as they play out live what do I mean by live what I mean is that I'm recording myself in real time seeing the information seeing the data for the very first time in other words I don't know what's coming next so if you are looking for a video or the person's doing a trade recap or talking to you with hindsight in their favor this won't be a video for you but if you are open to the idea of an unscripted raw nitty-gritty dirty looking to what it's like to be a day trader and how day trading can play out that I'm confident you'll find some value here in this video so I will pause the recording software for now and I'll be back the market open all right watching Nvidia here for a potential short the Market's all of a sudden including Tesla big spike here so I don't know if there was news some markets as a whole are spiking or what but gonna have to sit down and let things settle out here a little bit because that was uh a big turnaround out of nowhere gonna watch 220 50 here on Tesla as a potential short ooh Nvidia looks really good though too at 128 oh and I missed it Tesla's still potentially in play here 220 50. and watching 2 20 50. okay if this okay good now I'm watching 221 221 Nvidia still all right I will go ahead and pause but yeah kind of a I kind of definitely a crazy morning I will pause for now though and I'll let you know if a setup takes place okay uh watching hope not starting to come down was hoping for a move up to that area got close but not quite there still may happen let's hop over and check out Google potentially uh chance here at 96 Maybe 130 130 could get interesting here but that's not a huge mover all right I'll go ahead and pause all right watching 226 here as a short in at 226.07 so let's see if this thing wants to come down a bit not that I think or need this thing to crash but I could see a pull back here showing up needed to come down more though getting a good candle but still needed to come down more so took off see if I can get 225 took off some more there would like 224.50 okay now I'm bouncing a bit more so have 50 there and all out there for a 255 dollar trade very happy with that needed to be aggressive that was a bit of a counter-trend trade but seemed likely and I mean I supposed to Pat myself on the back uh it did what seemed likely did indeed happen so potentially a trade here on Nvidia let's go check on Google all right no not a whole lot going on there yeah I'm going to keep an eye on video but I will go ahead and pause for now but starting off the day up 255. all right gonna go ahead and get short here at 129.03 on Nvidia looking for this thing to make a move here to the downside so let's see what it wants to do getting caught up in here in the 90s quite a bit not sure how I feel about that let's see making its way down I'm gonna go ahead and take the 126 dollars there let's move over to Tesla hmm do I want to take that long don't I mean a nice bull pennant here but you can see the markets are acting a bit shaky so uh very easily could see that causing that bull pennant to fail of course there are no guarantees but like I said do I does it seem like I have as many things in my favor as what I probably could not really so I'm going to go ahead and pass on that but I certainly don't feel good taking that thing short either all right uh let's see where am I at I am up now 382 on the day after two trades so I will go ahead and pause all right so I'm looking for 129.50 as a short and this is one where I'm either gonna get myself up over my 500 broadly speaking goal it's not something that is a hard line by any means and I have many reasoning in many videos why it's not a hard line goal but just generally speaking I do like 500 so if I can um so I'm in a nice spot here because I'm either going to hit that 500 or I'm still going to be green on the day now will I be as green I will not but I will still be green and that's always a good spot to be in where you consider and say you know what I'm hitting my goal or I'm still going to be green and that's what money management and risk management is all about is understanding your general premise of things and then being able to structure situations where again like I said I'll repeat it I'm either going to be at over 500 or I'll still be green just not as green as I am right now and I'm completely fine with that if I if I can walk away with still being green and not quite hitting my goal then that is perfectly fine again that is a great great spot to be in but want to see this thing get up over 129.50 hit and let's call it 129.75-ish and then come back down so got the break need a little bit more okay good good good come up with a bit more come up a bit more good all right if it comes back down to 129.50 I'm in but who knows maybe this was a true Breakout okay well never mind on that because this is becoming too big of a yeah this is a the setup was not supposed to make that big of a move so yes I realized it did technically come down into 129.50 but it's a completely different setup now uh and I am no longer interested in it but that will be my mindset going forward is I'm not willing to risk the entire day so I'm not willing to go to break even I'm not willing to go right on the day um I I'd still like to get like I said get up to 500 or more uh but it's definitely not to be a trade where if I am wrong then I'm still going to end up and walk away with money in my pocket so I need to be a bit more picky now in that regard knowing that I do indeed want to close green um so but yeah a good feeling to have right now to know at this point I'm gonna have a Green Day fantastic feeling it's just how green of a day am I gonna have and we'll have to see what happens but I'll go ahead and pause for now all right step one is this thing needs to get up over 130 and then come back down and I would be interested at 129.75 but like I said step one of this setup gotta get up over 130. okay there's the break good now watching 129.75 if it comes into play in fact 129 85 at this point but once again another breakout that seems to be a legitimate breakout so never mind so next potential setup up there around that purple line let's just call it the 131 mark so we'll see what happens in regards to that I will go ahead and pause all right maybe the purple line coming into play and watching 130 75 first it's got to hit let's call it 130 85. so 130 85 I want to come up just a bit more all right and at 1 30 75 let's see if we can get a move down here not just the winning game and right there I am out for a very very basic very very simple trade and like I said I was either going to be hitting my goal and I'm now up oh nice 502 um so it worked out that way but in order to make the plan work now I realize let me be very clear at this point I realized the price could keep coming down but as we're now I'm looking kind of smart right because the price is going green but it could come back down but the whole idea there was as I said I'm either gonna hit my goal get up that 500 Mark or I'm not and I'm still going to be green but at this point looking like I played that right to be fair though maybe this thing still does come back down but as of now looking like it was uh taking that quick little scalp was the white right way to go about it but that is uh that is it it's 20 it's 9 55 a.m Eastern so I am 25 minutes in if I can put 500 in my pocket after 25 minutes oh yeah definitely play that one right there now if you if you I don't blame you at all if you would have waited for that to come down I can see that I can see that completely but that's just kind of the nature of this market right now kind of choppy like that I mean that was a fantastic setup to just have kind of thrown in people's faces but um so yes I played that one right but um I realized in hindsight had this thing Cup coming down everybody you know the hindsight people would have been saying hey clay you should have held you both your Bozo but now those same people are saying they get good good trade clay but I mean that's why hindsight confirmation bias it really is it really is a legitimate thing but anyways like I said that's all I have so if I can put now you may ask real quick clay why are you done after 25 minutes you can make a lot more money and that's a good point and for me I have many streams of income trading is one of them so I call it a side Hustle but I have multiple side hustles and when you add them all together they make for a nice chunk of change but I do this for the freedom of time I know a lot of people they're seeking after the Lamborghini and the Rolex watch and the private jet and that's fine that's cool go for it I hope you accomplish those goals but for me and my stage of Life father of five young kids working from home I want to have the freedom of time to go and do what I want whether that's working on my real estate investing working on my teaching business at claytrader.com or the other things I have going on I just seek the freedom of time so that is my main commodity time and if I can put 500 bucks in my pocket after only 25 minutes I'm more than happy with that so that's kind of my Outlook on things that's why I you know try to also do the be done in 30 approach which on average be done after right around 30 minutes but that's all I have for you thank you for hanging out if you enjoy these live trade videos hit that like button leave a simple comment below thanks for watching take care everybody have a good one first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go I want to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what I discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being My Own Boss including how I had only one losing day out of 73 days in total I'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our DNA as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many Traders I'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and I'll show you how it all works then at the end I open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that I will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which I should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not I'll be seeing you soon
Channel: ClayTrader
Views: 5,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Day Trading, Day Trading Live, Day Trading Penny Stocks, Day Trading Stocks, Day Trading Learn To Trade, Day Trading Technical Analysis, Day Trading Stock Charts, Day Trading Pull Backs, Day Trading For Beginners, Day Trading Strategies, day trading options, day trading cryptocurrency, day trading 101, day trading for beginners, day trading Forex, day trading strategies, day trading academy, day trading shorting, day trading nvda, day trading tsla
Id: a0dUkuYkazU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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