[LIVE] Day Trading | 1 Day Trade, $2,500 Profits, 15 Minutes...

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good morning it is clay at claytrader.com this will be a live trade video where i try to capture some of my trades as they play out live market opens up here in less than two minutes very quickly when i say live what i mean is that this is not a situation where i've already recorded everything and now i'm coming back and doing some sort of post commentary or trade recap you know explaining what's already happened nothing like that i don't know what's happening next so live meaning you're seeing you're gonna witness me seeing the information the data for the very first time so if you're looking for just an unscripted kind of nitty-gritty uh looking at what it's like to be a day trader how day trading can play out then this will be a video for you so i will go ahead and pause for now and i'll be back at the opening bell i should note that i am going to be watching ticker symbol mr let me get this all mrna out of the opening gates right there if you're not familiar with my screen and i was looking at 448 but the bid which is right there just dropped down below it so that's not good that's not what i was looking for i was hoping it would stay up above that area but i don't know we'll see how it ultimately opens up but 448 was that key area and it just didn't manage to hold up but i will pause for now and be back at the open all right the market's just open i have 448 marked out there because i'm curious how is the price gonna behave at that level here as we let time go on so would be great is if the price made a move up and then started to come back down to 448 so that would be ideal nope now just down it goes oh look at that well nothing i can do with that one because i'm not going to touch this during the opening minute of the day so right now the market has not even been open one minute what and that's why that candlestick there continues to move i don't know who knows maybe it'll bounce back above there it is mrna it's known to be somewhat crazy and there it's trying to get up above it oh yeah i mean well i guess these spreads are two dollars on this thing right now so yeah not much i can do with it as of right now though afrm looks like might have a opportunity at 108 hey afrm yeah hey far i don't how did i not this one i could have sworn was a gap up now all of a sudden it's a gap down i guess point being i'm not sure how i lost track of this one but that was and still is taking uh shape for an interesting setup here i would like to see this bounce a little bit and then 108.50 we go yeah so i like 108.50 here's a potential area to go short thinking that the price could come back down let's see what it wants to do in there at 108.75 so i'd like to see this thing down to 108 at minimum in fact if it comes down to 108 i'm thinking about adding to the position it would be a winner at that point maybe at this point 109.50 so if this thing wants to come back down to 109.50 i'll be looking to add but first needs to come down to 109.50 in there added some more let's see if we can get this thing finally to break down 108.50 do i want to add some more there no i guess we'll just go with it here i said want to see this down in the thing at 108. get down there we go how did i not get filled there let's see if it wants to go back down there to 108. how did i not get filled at 108 when it went down there well now it's bouncing on me here that was crazy see if it wants to come back down i'm in a ridiculous spike here i will look to add again at 109.50 if it wants to go back down in that area because that would be a big old failure here but i don't know how i did not get filled at 108 for at least a little bit of my position 109.50 see if it comes back into play okay added more now let's see can we get the breakdown just a waiting game right now 1010 is going to be a stubborn area i have a feeling no okay yep right now it's getting stuck on the v-wap let's even get down through the v web so just a waiting game right now let's see if it wants to come down yeah 109.50 if that even comes into play again if that fails then you got to think that this thing makes its way back down to 108. if that even comes into play though so 109.50 in my mind that's the key level see it keeps getting down right around 109.50 and will not budge right now okay there is the break want 108. come on 108. just give it a little bit more time goodness i know what you may be thinking clay you were in the profit you could have been out green you're right but in order for this to work out over the long term strategy got to give things an opportunity to win so cracked in hindsight i could be out with the green trade right now now i'm looking at a potential losing trade i understand but had the thing gone down to 108 like i thought it could and it still might and kept going well it'd be a much different situation but can i get down to 108. at least get down through 109. 109.50 though that area is once again being a massive thorn in my side right now all right oh yeah this area if it just breaks 108 that would be so but it just doesn't want to talk about a waiting game all right well i think i'm going to go ahead and pause for now and if it looks like i'm either going to get a win or if this thing's going to ultimately go against me i will get the voodoo rolling at that point all right making a move kind of and then that fast up it goes i promise it looked like it was making a move so sorry to unpause and then nothing happens but let it roll a little bit further here all right never mind whoa whoa all right it just made a big spike down so let's see if we can get some more from it took out 500 there we go okay still have 450 shares left yeah i think this thing might want to bounce let's just call it good shoot i'm so just i missed that spike down so there we go 2500 on the trade and like it just as soon as i paused it like a few seconds later it just spiked spiked down but at least i was still able to capture my my exits from it um but yeah i'm i'm sorry uh that's just uh typical how it goes so had i not done that it'll probably gone and gone and gone this would have been like a 45 minute video of just going sideways but of course i pause it that i miss him missed the initial spike but yeah it came down and it just i mean just like that came all the way down there dropped some more and then you saw me scaling out the final portion with 25 share lots but uh yeah there it is 20 i know with commissions let's just call it 2500 25.82 there's no way i paid 82 in commissions but i just feel like saying 2 500. so there it is i'm gonna go ahead and call that good um and as i've said in past videos and you know i do what's called the be done in 30 approach i mean i'm looking to be done on average after 30 minutes now of course some days it's more than 30 minutes other days like this it's 15 minutes but if i can do one trade 15 minutes and 2 500 in my pocket i'm not gonna i'm not going to turn that down and i do this as a side hustle because not not and i have nothing against people that want to do it well i want the private jet i want the yacht i want the the crystal you know the lamborghini cool i hope you get those things if that's why you do trading i do trading uh because in my life right now father of five kids all under the oldest being nine so i just i i work from home i want to be able to go and spend time with them i want to be able to go and do stuff with my real estate investing i i want to just do other stuff with my time i don't feel like being chained to my computer for eight hours a day now if that's what you want if that's what you enjoy then cool go for it my point here is that we're all different we're all at different places in our lives and you know i'm just not i'm kind of past the point in life where oh i need to make as much money as possible no i want as much free time as possible that's that's what i'm after that's the commodity that i seek time and like i said if i can make 2 500 bucks in 15 minutes i'm gonna go ahead and call that and take it and i'll be happy with it so overall thank you for hanging out if you enjoy this video please let me know because these are not easy videos to make they're live so i have to talk to you i have to think about what i'm going to say to you i have to think about my own trade plans i have to manage my own trade plans i have to make alerts in the chat room so there's a lot of stuff going on so these videos are possible but they're very difficult and i just want to make sure that you are continuing to enjoy them um and if you're not that's fine i at least i know so i i just won't make them anymore but if it is worth my time and if it is worth the effort to make these then please let me know by doing two things hit the like button leave a basic comment but those two things are gonna go a long way in communicating to me that you enjoy the videos and that you uh want me to keep making them so like i said hit the like button leave a basic comment down below and as long as i know people are enjoying i will continue to make them so everybody take care have a good one first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go i want to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what i discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being my own boss including how i had only one losing day out of 73 days in total i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many traders i'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that i will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not i'll be seeing you soon
Channel: ClayTrader
Views: 22,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Day Trading, Day Trading Live, Day Trading Penny Stocks, Day Trading Stocks, Day Trading Learn To Trade, Day Trading Technical Analysis, Day Trading Stock Charts, Day Trading Pull Backs, Day Trading For Beginners, Day Trading Strategies, day trading options, day trading cryptocurrency, day trading 101, day trading for beginners, day trading Forex, day trading strategies, day trading academy, day trading shorting, day trading afrm
Id: uHJp6GtiLls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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