Live at ACL Lightning Hopkins sings Going to Louisiana & That Woman Can't Carry No Heavy Load &The
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Channel: Imasportsphile III
Views: 351,572
Rating: 4.8629599 out of 5
Keywords: Austin City Limits, Austin City Limits Lightning Hopkins, Lightning Hopkins, Lightning Hopkins Going to Louisiana, Lightning Hopkins That Woman Can't Carry No Heavy Load
Id: 679fq1Jrln0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2016
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this show almost didn't happen. Lightnin demanded his fee $700 cash and refused to perform until the cash was in his hand and in his pocket. The show was taped on a Sunday when banks are closed. the crew, producers, everybody pooled their cash to get him to play. The rest is history.
Sometimes with older artists, you gotta go back to the beginning to truly understand . . . .
Amazing track:
Howlin' Wolf "Smokestack Lightning"
that sounds like lightnin. but you could imagine all the shit he had seen go down by that time and how many guys tried to rip him off over the years. anyway he was one of the best. highly influential all over but especially in Austin. there some good footage of him and Mance playing together from Les Blank. def agree his playing is natural like breathing.
How cool is that! What a great Texas blues man. I wish all the older ACL episodes would be placed in the public domain. Good one OP.
The real story is that there are people on this sub who hate Lightnin'
His playing is natural habit, like breathing. He is just so real and effortless. Thanks for posting.
Thanks for this!
Thanks for sharing this.
Thank You!!!