Liturgy: Your Taste Doesn't Matter
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Brian Holdsworth
Views: 25,302
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Keywords: Brian Holdsworth, Novus Ordo, Traditional Catholicism, Traditional Latin Mass, Catholic Liturgy, Liturgical Movement, Spirit of the Liturgy, Rad Trad, Catholic, Catechism, Catholicism, religion, faith, god
Id: rRlpY2IzsSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
What a load of beans. Contemporary liturgy doesn't exist because "we like it". It takes the form it does because we can understand it. Why did the Church Fathers preach in Latin and Greek and not in Aramaic or Hebrew? Because if they did, no one would understand them. What good is a liturgy that doesn't communicate its message? Is there any greater support for this than God's miracle of Pentecost? He struck the apostles with power to speak in tongues so that each man and woman heard them in his or her own language. Couldn't' God just have made all the people understand Galilean Aramaic just as easily? Or the Eucharist; Did the Lord tell us to remember him by praying or Fasting together? No. He told us to share bread and wine and our peace.
If all these gatekeeping types want to stare at the back of three guys' heads while they holler mumbo jumbo at the wall, that's their preference. As for me, I hope the Priesthood continues to speak our language and help us connect the Word of the Lord with our own lives as God showed them to when he gave them their ministry.
But it is true... I also would prefer if the Gather hymnal were no longer used...😜