Little red shed.. pt2 ow you know it’s bad when there’s parts! This is my life 💩

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oh dear I'm not achieving much there back at the yard now I've already been out to a yard this morning do an mot prep on the eight wheeler uh and it's not there rang him he says oh no it's not that yard it's another yard do the odds like [ __ ] 10 or 15 mile away so I need to get our own man uh to go and take our own man to go and bring it back here oh it's just [ __ ] it's just everything I've got a crane that's [ __ ] not working I've got to go to dnj now and uh do them breaks on that on a little digger thing while I'm loading shovel uh I've got to pick up some gearbox oil as well from politic because I thought I had some end but I can't find that either oh just one thing after another man come on let's get with it let's achieve something today right now [Music] where's my dog Sparkle [Music] A Day card now are you doing up George yep oh there uh I forgot which one it was now oh yeah that one there I've got Brakes in this change on this one here and on the front two because they're a bit damp you know what you don't know where the Spurs are there why Dave's put them they'll be in the office won't they I won't get them nobody puts struggler in a corner look at me in that corner there's our David look what's on his dashboard look he's stroking me dog have you been taking care of him David it's been a bit cold now because the windows do you want to rugby this morning he's blaming the dog for the winter being broke oh my dog lost thanks David look oh I'm so happy I thought I'd lost him forever what's up with the window that day yeah someone's has got a nest on it yeah I was like all right I'll just go get on with that thing first bye Dave thanks for looking after my dog and this is why I love my dog lot there like that and then boom and straight away you see look at that all right with this wheel on Oh wrong size that is [Music] what do you say David honor okay all right I'll do this for him now because it's pissing it down now foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so we should have pressed the button to release it and then lifted it up oh mind you we tried that already oh it's because the cable's all jumped in there yeah anyway so we're just gonna put wood in this now as a temporary job though and because he's got this dent in it there look uh he's ordered a second-hand door and the second door luckily comes with everything you need so bonus yes David look at that that's made to measure in it oh yeah [Laughter] yeah they've just bought our panel on come on I'll just putting that panel on there we have and I'm there screwing these bolts in oh I was there screwing these bolts in I think you're looking out what's the cracking on glitter Dave says you ain't tough daughter in a funnel in dude I think you do have to have that day if you don't trying to screw into nothing there wasn't I yes it's time Dave if you made it this far through the video Lads and girls and ladies and gentlemen if you'd like to like comment and subscribe that'd be nice if you'd like to see more of me and the struggler yeah struggling and go on today's Channel as well J projects remember he struggles as well we're all [ __ ] struggle don't we right that's the yellow one but we'll save these these wee bits leftover oh you'll be dry now that Dave you wait you'll just get out of the road two seconds oh look Dave's Captain lovely and dry all week welcome home dog roll up my window don't know give me a bit of Assortment yeah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] and that's what I found as well while I was there look that end's broken off so it wasn't returning either was it God oh God yes now we need to strip down the third one don't we got a bit of a flat foot there as well David law a little bit under-inflated it's feeling deflated isn't it [Music] the thread's completely gone in it not it's just you know just well you know what it is in the comments guy the reason why them threads are gone no it's not because of that studs God at all and it's not because I'm using an impact gun either listen that van's back it's electric Chinese electric don't tell anyone it's our little secret oh oh look at the show it's like a little Buckle wheel it's like a book of whale good job he bought them shoes and act it was one tip you seen that that's the Hublot see that recessed in there a lot it's a lot wafer thin like paper only lighter a less strength I'm telling you yeah [Music] foreign [Music] let's hope it bleeds now the little bleeder he's got some sort of sick note as well sick note because it's always poorly uh I forgot really what he said a warning of some I don't know we'll we'll crack this first shot before we start another one lovely singing you know what the other day a subscriber uh sent me some little funnels blue funnels that had been ideal for this little job weren't it but I forgotten they're at home still so thank you mate for doing that for sending me out I don't know who it is because I don't I I can't find a note with it but thank you very much and as well someone's giving me a torch sent me a torching I have got a note for that I'll go and get it look it's here look good in there this is from Lewis Turner and he's got a YouTube channel as well called uh Andean Autos Motorsport Andean Indian Autos Motorsport I'll put it in the screen there cheers thank you mate struggle on mate struggle on brother I need to get someone to bleed it down to well that's on the comments said you ought to get wine bleed as I bleed it from like downhill up like you put a pipe on the end of the nipple and then you pump it upwards that would have been a good idea but I like to struggle don't I have got my little manual one in there I could use but now I've topped the reservoir up so it'll over spill out of that I didn't Auto top the reservoir up really I hope your blood it straight through without one now come to think of it I better check and all first see if I haven't got any leaks anywhere I know yes I did do that what I said I sucked it out with my little sucking device a portable little bleed a lot and now bleeding them up this one went lovely but that one on that side sometimes a mess with it somewhere I can't like don't when I try and pump it through it's just pressurizing it it's all wet here look well I hope it right I'm just gonna put this on record and do my paddle see if it's leaking away right here because silence is weird though I don't know why I'm going to press record now you keep an eye out on that see what happens no I'm not gonna press record I've already pressed record I'm going to press the right it's not dripping out of it and it's tight locked [ __ ] knew it was oh tight can't go any tighter well I've got another nipple off another one I went with the nipple oh I don't know I've got a nipple off that other one anyway thought I took off it no one who can't get a brake paddle oh I'm gone that's the one that what's the crack here then it's different oh this is a new [ __ ] bit this is this is the new cylinder well that's tight I'll pop rope again well what's it doing wasn't leaking I'll have another look back on the recording it would seem not would it I'm gonna get my little bleed out Crack right after see if we can bleed it through now [Music] it's no good I forget why allowed to pump it when I while I breed it oh off on off off on oh poor Jordan's got leg ache in there [ __ ] not bleeding not the same for Jordan [ __ ] he said if the pedal's getting stiff roll my legs are aching more I think it's his leg aching because it's for cold pressure here ah [ __ ] tell you what all right y'all I'll show you Jeremy huh no I'm not okay Jamie I'm not okay I'm working on this [ __ ] young that's why I'm not bleeding through ah I put your foot on his [ __ ] legs that many times it's not the same thing full afternoon's job just bleeding brakes in it what the hell no it's not getting up no pressure whatsoever on the foot pedal it's either losing its pressure somewhere or the master synth is not given its pressure at the start you've got two pipes slot on this master cylinder one for the front and one for the back brakes so I'm thinking to take that pipe off there and just bleed the front one through make sure it is coming out of that pipe right both of them and same with the backs crack that off do the backs because then if we know it's got pressure going to this cylinder it and it's wow and then again yeah then again it could you know once the pressure is not there if it has got one of them cylinders slightly seeping or whatever it's uh it's not going to raise its head until its under actual pressure is it but you can't get the [ __ ] pressure up on it so aware they don't know it just seems to be a problem this does doesn't it these breaks are a problem aren't they it's just aggro after aggro issue after issue tissue after tissue in debt just try and think of a solution what I can do really they just don't seem to be any solution to it does they just it's just it's just so [ __ ] annoying [ __ ] I want to do what I said it just turn parts off and just try and bump it through so I know it's getting dark cylinder no that's it and I know there's no air in there no no pipe off that end pump it through I know there's no air in the system don't uh I do don't uh don't die just took that one off a lot there [ __ ] all fluids come out of it nothing not being come out of it okay what's the crack right keep your eye on that there when I pump the brakes okay guys it's nothing like the problem there now it's that cylinder in there it's got fluid in it yeah got plenty of fluid that's cylinders no no coming out I should be pissing out there should be oofing out the [ __ ] thing hey needs a new brake cylinder don't I a break Servo I mean not cylinder I put new Cinders on it because Servo I need a new now I'll see a cylinder no brake master cylinder that's the one Chris [ __ ] other problems with it I told you everything I touch on this I create more problems okay now Jordan's there smiling at me as he goes past because he knows how much I struggle with this machine Jordan just don't care do one job create three more jobs again I [ __ ] I'm I'm putting this pipe on I'm going around with someone's house because I'm not having no enjoyment out of this I just thought I better check see if it's got fluid actually going into it so I've cracked off that pipe there and it has got fluid going into it so so I am right I'm correct it's that cylinder the the [ __ ] is still in there come on Chris master cylinder brake cylinder Master brake cylinder I just feel like crying the drinks you want to cry the machines it's so deflating [Laughter] it is it's so deflating this machine and often deflate you this is hello it is it's enough to just oh it just drains every bit of goodness out of your body and everything just drains you completely so it is to get a knot and the Masters are there I'll ring David up to tell him the great news oh even the crows are laughing at you yeah just come past I mean [ __ ] laughing it in it the Little Red Shed made out of bread but the TV where I'm on my dad uh they just used to get someone in and tell them like the life story in there and show everyone on TV the pictures and who they've met in the line like like everything they've done in the life and that uh that on me all they're off to the show is a man tucking a dump constipated on the toilet with his facial expression I guess that's it that's all I have to show that's it Chris this is your life didn't any just one big struggle one big turd struggle right well look at this uh sick note thing this JCB tub is that jcbs what is that I don't know what it is but this this bigger thing whatever it [ __ ] is there a lot I'm going to look at that now because apparently it's got a problem with it and Jordan knows what the problem is so David says anyway so let's have a word with jawed what problem has it got your desk oh what a league just park it the biggest deepest puddle you can though oh my God oh even better parked on them train tracks took a picture here I think it will leaking from oh he's got a rag and somewhere cleaner yeah I think it might be that back pocket there and then leaving now the party like Lisa back and join somewhere at the back look no it doesn't look like it is that part from this angle again yes please Georgia it's all that on Hannah for what that is [Music] from this one here now what I don't want to do is get [ __ ] in it how often do you have to do that Chris [ __ ] it no you don't want to [ __ ] in it yeah too wide in it once that look fatling up a bit look at it now fits in there lovely it's gone over and around it there a lot I'm visually see anything that matter with it really the O-ring then all that O-ring novel it looks visually all right well I'll just have to put it back when I and try it and it still leaks I'll have to get one from jcbbies wanna or get like [ __ ] four of them and change them all for what they'll cost surely 900 questions all right [Music] in all the way see that lot floating around see that's on the thread now so it'll only go down to there and hit it and then not go in that's the bit out of it though because that has got to sit in there like that that's where that sits like that so let's hope it just stays in there now well I just it's at an angle though anyway it's gonna fall back in again now felt like on wrecking again trying to decide there like I've got my magnet lock and now it's just got enough magnetization to hold it in place look at that I I'm open anyway I've just started to fall then didn't it right let's just give it a go well it's just this diesel Loop that's the main problemo I think about these O-rings on this thing yes that's seated that ass freaking good that was you see that Jamie you've just come in here so you don't understand what I've just been going through right now it's been taking it easy for you to get I've been through hell and high water tonight today again it's back to his struggles now he is Jamie well that's got him so that's good news and isn't it you can jack the Cubs upon these but I I like to struggle no my little [ __ ] cab will drop off or something so I'll turn that [ __ ] even worse than if I just left it we just wait for the brake cleaner to do its job of drying the stuff out still got a little bit on one of them but it's not as bad for some reason I think he does need that new O-rings though so I may as well get some other well put this air filter on then uh I've got to change the gearbox oils in a little cup [Music] s this ain't made out of Chinese in there isn't this one we've took it to our test so we're not dealing with the people it's got that one there that's got transfer box there as well yeah and it's all been done and we know we know we're good yeah there's a chopper Opera a lot there and it's got a bomb at the bottom of this one do you want my measuring things yeah jugs yeah because then I can I don't know how much to put back in them you see oh no no return baby on the timer at night on the gearbox look the dipsticks in dipsticks on the top one and look at the color of the oil good job is changing isn't it I don't know how much this gearbox holds but I should think it should be a bit more than that look is it foreign [Music] [Music] do the topper Opera bung first rather than doing the bottom one and then finding out so much has gone cocky or Randolph or whatever you can have issues with the top rubber because then you can solve the problem before you've uh immobilized the vehicle in it at least that resembles oil that stuff coming out there look that was tied today so we had to get the Chisel in there you know if it was made out of that Chinese yep that's absolutely brilliant that's lovely why we're going boys do a shower throw what is it your afro no it's not outro lot dude the DJ boys are here still are past six at night if you made it this far into the video like And subscribe [Applause]
Channel: Chris Allen - Professional Struggler
Views: 41,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Dp97EJIL7ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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