Finishing touches to a old show truck and JS3000 from Topdon

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morning people I didn't get until late last night obviously had a late night at Scottish last night I think I got in about two-ish or off to I might even be caught to three I don't really know it was late anyway right uh I'm gonna go to party try and get a filter for this still falling for Scotty and then carry on basically from yesterday morning what was meant to do yesterday because the guy at the vortex to that there's something like force field in that little yard that when you go in there it just doesn't want you to leave like it like it wants your body there anyway we both get on our troubles aren't we I work in troubles what do you say you had a late night last night good job I had you to backing up last night [Music] hey guys look sent me a lot and this is really good and I know it's going to be good as well you know why I know it's going to be good because I own one already there I know the boss is in a bit of a mess but it's from last night obviously had a late night look it's the 3 000 top Dom obviously this top dog I use it if you've watched my channel they give me that obviously just said do a review on it just give me it they didn't give me no rules wrote just just see what you think of it Chris and I use that daily I charge it although it needs charging now because I was on the charging struggle last night uh I use that all the time you don't like that bike for instance a lot is topped on I use that daily basically and I don't use it to promote them I use it because it's a handy bit of Kit same as that bike obviously I can only do a review on it like like a week off or whatever but the the Long Haul of a review if you follow my channel is if I if I'm still using that bike in six months time it's a good bit of Kit in it so that's how you review a thing I think anyway you can't just review it on well you know [ __ ] day and say oh yes it's crusty bit of clip but I know for a fact that these are perfect now this Top Dog they don't do a 24 volt jumper this is the highest one to do obviously this is higher amperage than that one there oh I got it out the package it's a good bit of kick look at this look at that proper chunky and all got a handle on it a lot got the same thing charging points fast charge there USB on the other side USB uh what we got there's the jumpers obviously the jumping leads and all are thicker because it's more amped so they're chunkier than the other one oh bloody good show I'm wondering you now hit me in the comments guys if you know you know what I've got two of these top Doms and save your 24 volt system can I put one on each battery and it'll jump like 24 or will it like blow up them or blow up the battery I don't really know how it'll work because you can charge a 12 volt battery on a charger just on a 24 volt system just by connecting up to 12 volt obviously just buys collect up to one battery so I wonder if you could jump it or whether it'll it might blow them up Market relay talking to my camera yeah I've seen your [ __ ] years ever no no no oh yeah what's that impact you know what these are don't know what these are guys mechanic and all the camera's guy yeah lies in League Chapman law that's Lee look there how are we doing Lily watch these are the bollocks you need to get one then if you haven't got one topped off I use that all the time jumpers they are charging my phone up and all that Bloody good game going in the morning I'll just say that this morning look if you need any hydraulic he'll come out here shoot away in Italy straight away you'll come up and if it comes out straight away he'll charge you for the year he's been waiting for that one phone call as well in Italy it's a bit done that's done it's never done but we're calling that again good particularly these chocolates John I've got that filter look how big it is on that screws onto it got you on film Dan it would be rude not to go to the golden arches wouldn't it [Music] it's a nice shifter hello he was there in seven this morning it's fast over long well Target right now two o'clock oh through you guys here we go in seven yeah [Applause] back to it Rob [Music] Street last night oh yeah look Robert's got another issue here a lot he's what's this a plaque what do you call it blade that's far so I'm gonna have to try my smart little stick welder on this and I pigeon poo it up William Wallace everyone I'm prettier than this man what William I have yeah I'm gonna do that it's only me I'm gonna do it well where was you at two o'clock this morning well all right walk you don't talk like are you an old person that you've been there and done it all uh about three-year-old come on William Wallace China teaches us to suck eggs ears yeah Rob thinks he's done everything not like he's seen nothing wrong I may be prettier than William Wallace but I'm not prettier than laid egg look at that he's a Beauty look how handsome he is yeah I couldn't think of a more handsome dog you know he's a bit multi at the minute yeah I'm getting your summer coating aren't you laid eggs look at that that's a picture that question is will this fit oh it's not even a fitting is it oh my God please save people well it'll just have to go pissed up on it I know what I could do bend that bit of Steel that way lot and then it'll tilt tilt like that look s perfect [Music] you know our big change we've been listening yeah drums aren't we yeah how did they get the [ __ ] Shredder they're being pushed into one of my own just put my phone on charge with my new top-dom js3000 no biggie guys no biggie I had to go to plan B on that one uh I took the bracket off there and I bolted it to there the the bottle thing and moved it all because my parts wouldn't fit and it was rubbing down there and it was no good and now it's a lot better now I just need to bleed it and it's a bigger filter now so it's much better usable because it's not the correct filter I know but still it's a filter and that's all we want guys we we've got diesel coming out I better check the water Hunter as well because I bet nobody has done [Music] had a bad connection on the wires on there I couldn't understand why I kept on beeping the seatbelt be when I lifted it up before what's he got a seat sensor so it knows it's up but it's not a loose plug well this is done now on to the next girl let's move this out of the way oh what a struggle obviously my pigeon poo alone isn't going to hold that is it I don't think anyway I wouldn't have thought so I don't put much faith in my own pigeon anyway well it's clean don't get welded first well if you've gone come this morning could have done with that last night Robert good way bloody hell I was just going to rest of my dog's done but look at it now there's not a lot left of it is there it'll live to fight another day [Music] that side and that side so I'm getting better at seams with my little stick I need some thicker rods they're too thin they're not done [Music] I'm nearly out to Rod so uh I've just got to weld some plates here it's left to do won't it 'll no doubt fall off soon I can't find no plates but I can find Long bolts so you watch one there and he wants one down there because he says his tines keep falling out the middle of them and I've got five sticks left I'll just have to do the toppings and see like one more [Music] even managed to do all four on my limited amounts of welding rods to go with my Limitless stuff Revenue thank you right let's go before we get sucked into the Vortex while everything's going right he's using that now so let's go before it breaks look at that I've got to go too fit some wings to a wagon uh we should eventually yesterday but I'm sitting around and doing it so let's go there now [Music] that was Daryl on the other side of the courage right fixing that line looks like he was putting some cool internet he's another one that works out his van Mobile on the old Spanish struggle I was just thinking coming back down here I'm thinking there's loads of cars broke down outside road with blowouts and Laura's with blowouts and like that overeating it's just a bit of a heat in it we just can't we just can't stand the heat in our country can't wait everything just falls apart it's a bit of me and we're all struggling aren't we ridingfield I'm dipping in this garage for a bit of a dippy dumping of the fury Hulu [Music] there's a lady laid out here on the garage floor here looks like well the bloke said she's like fainted them bang bang red she's conscious like you can see a point a cloth over a face in that uh the bloke said they've been waiting an hour for the ambulance to come uh and there's a there's a couple there and all and and the woman at the thing he says uh the uh the lady in pink one of the ladies that was there uh was a doctor anyway so she she she's been with her the whole time for the whole hour there are some nice people you see mate see we're just in a rush too much aren't we just come on oh yeah [ __ ] I've got what to do here lay down the middle I'm only joking guys every time people bloody saw the slip Road out somebody please this is just an accident obviously you don't want to be queuing up on it all carriageway and this ain't just once in a while this is all the time people no this is where the problem lies a lot people are queuing up for the a17 on that road there a17 that is the need to make it two carriageways there for the a17 turn off because all these going around today 17 turning right we've only got one carriageway that's why everyone gets snored off lot turning left free freeze the bird look turning right cue in the arm so it's queuing right away back up to day one so MacBook in two lanes there not cure don't you problem solved the struggle is Road review bloody hell [Music] nice Joe nice do you remember this man on my channel Joe Bilton everyone are you cleaning down for the week I'll see you Joe got a bit of grenade mate yes okay there's a bit of fifth wheel grease people [ __ ] like it's good lubrication well I lost changed on it remember last time we've seen this that's cool some bloke had a breakdown last night was working till two o'clock until quarter three in the morning Joe hopefully the big question is she gonna start or is she not well when's the last time you started huh saving the situation for you what some batteries over spanking well a little bit dodgy all right [Music] oh breakfast a bit rubs a bit oh yeah [Music] oh now you've done a good job of that though that's kept it going for a bit yo honey let's have a look at the inside on the inside bit of a lead kit but I can get rid of them stains or there [Music] classic coach character that isn't it eaten what I said to Joe you ain't got no dogs here Joe have you because obviously lid I will ravage them we're on some seats oh bloody good that isn't it what's that off it's off an m-a-n is it I tell you what though it looks good though that's right it's six five weird you wouldn't know it won't pay for the job would you that's what he wants me to do put some wins tonight Joe in it yeah because Joe said every time he does it looks a bit gushing it yeah yeah no I cooked what I should imagine oh you got some clamps Bridges oh look he's got all the gear here I'll even sprayed it what are they the ones oh you got brunch monkeys no expense bad yo well he's got some treasure troops around here Joe as if you haven't seen the video before when we went around here got some lovely little Beauties areas tonight when everybody's gone home the hobby that turns to an addiction a job yeah I've done well in two months Joe fracking you've turned it around ain't yeah to see you only do it part time when let me listen I'll go on there yeah it's gone off then it's off ah so it's in yellow then yeah leak it again yeah it's leaking out these two little holes there but obviously them all's are meant to be there so I'm wondering just take that pipe off and put some argan oil down it there might be so much just sticking in there a bit or an o-ring on or something like that I can try it can't I just take that little pipe off and get some lubrication because it's been stood a long time on it so he's gonna get a few teething problems and I [Music] try for an hour and low and there must be a seal or something so no ring in there I thought you've got running up and down yeah try to be out see it once you get it running a bit I mean if not you might need to just strip it down for a ceiling there you go Tim the siren right in that has done this so he's even done his stickers from there a lot Tim's done a good job there aren't they Tim Zoo did my stickers well I did that from on there but obviously he did the rest are on the sides and that and I made them CCM and then I put those over rods on because he told me not to because the fall off and it was right to do law is even going right sides oh many of them have been put on the wrong side what's that pirlox yeah [Music] how many drills you wanted like you want loads of drills everywhere I tell you what's good for these you know Roy told me this oh Roy says on there with these Wings pissing around with blocks of wood in that trilogram level this is to tell you what you need there boy you know what I'm old scissors what you used to get with cars put all them under it and you can adjust it up and down wherever you like lovely and uh and I have I've always done it since you told me that I've always done it like that but of course I've run over my bloody scissors Jack Hannah so I'm back to the struggle again I'll have to use this swim type Joe was just saying he spent over 100 pounds just on nuts and bolts and washers in that which you can call you thing is I said to Joe you could still lose someone you know if you don't charge them out and then you have to replenish all your stock that's on requisite gone out your [ __ ] profits in it because I never put on nuts and bolts now and I go through no end if I can knock some bolts that's why people always put down consumable items don't they and I never do because I'm a soft ass and that [ __ ] charity event blood eagle chokers [Music] it won you have the two straight As Joe just said if the two straight there just won't go would they yeah going sideways rid of the milk guards I was taking me to Workshop now come out all right we're LV boards riveted to the inside of it that's as far as I'll go look at the back look Joe that's just because it's up against you just bring us oh they're still on print that one I just got to reposition that one it's just slamming down a bit in that corner because his wing stays a bit bent but never mind look at this well this is old school look at this oh this is what we used to do back in the day people this is what we used to do though over there people guess what that was behind there did they yeah what is it yes gamble yeah that's what most people said scammel why is it undercover then Joe they call the page going pink oh is it sorting's going on it see that's yeah yeah he charges you polish it get another a week it's only a dollar again yeah it's gone through on it don't accelerator pedal in the brake pedal because they're not rotten that oh yeah I've just put the cherry on the cake there Joe don't I just come and talk all your glory now you all track the glory when you put the scramble flaps at the moment good [Music] [Applause] [Music] when he gets his beast on the road give it a ride but he gives it a road test a little bit of recording the limit is broken and if not it might it might have to break [Laughter] that's illegal oh yes we don't get anything like that Joe is officially a professional struggler man Hey Joe yay next one guys
Channel: Chris Allen - Professional Struggler
Views: 30,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6sMl4IUet0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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