Little Hawk - Native American Wisdom | Indigenous Storytelling

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these things that I was given with compassion and love for my grandparents I found were the foundation of tolerance for use of a better word I don't particularly care for the word tolerance but for use of a better word I'll use tolerance I don't want to be tolerated to me that's well I'll tolerate that I'll put up with that I don't want anyone to put up with me I would rather that they be honest with me as opposed to showing me a side of themselves that is forcing them to allow me to be in their presence or vice versa I was very fortunate in having grandparents that practice the traditions of their culture my grandfather one day was with some of his older friends I was still too young to go to school and I was sitting next to him on this Dupin he was talking with his older friends and one was saying her mohawk and the other one was saying oh well I'm Apache any other one was saying yeah I'm sorry come another one say yeah well uh I'm Mi'kmaq and uh my grandfather started chuckling and they said what are you laughing at you know my grandfather says I'm laughing at before you he said you're walkin around talkin about um dis and on that and on this and I'm that he said we're all the same people we just live on different parts of the land so that attitude has stuck with me because of them and because of them I find it more desirable to keep a peaceful spirit within me as opposed to an angry or bitter or mean or greedy a revengeful spirit not that I haven't known those spirits because I have had a measuring stick and on the side of them and on the side of me at those particular times when I allowed that to be what controlled me I find that the benefit was not in what I chose what the benefit was in what was always there and what was always there was oh great holy look at us look at our brokenness oh all of the life and creation we the human family are the only ones that stream from the good road we are the ones who are divided we are the ones that must come back together to walk in the sacred way that we may heal the earth and heal each other to be able to relate that kind of spirit of peace around me helps me to remember where it came from I'm not all that didn't come from me and come up want to pat me on the back well you can do it but I'm gonna let you know this isn't me this comes from a long line of me my grandmother told me you take credit for your mistakes you don't take credit for what you do that's good because you're supposed to be doing that anyway okay grandma I would like to have a big head and get a lot of Pat's on the back and walk around like this when I think about my grandpa and my grandma tell me a gold start on me nothing it's the right heart that's your gold star so I work on trying to keep it right sometimes bump up some time it decides to skip a beat or two but on the whole it's got the rhythm of the planet
Channel: jpritcha1
Views: 337,462
Rating: 4.9416461 out of 5
Keywords: little, hawk, native, american, indigenous, indian, religion, philosophy, meditation, medicine, man, shaman, prayer, grandparents, micmac, mohawk, 2012, john, pritchard
Id: Evh-trlGAlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2006
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