Little GIRL Buried Inside It's Walls | Haunted Abandoned ASAHEL STONE MANSION

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[Music] what if I said you were allowed to spend the night inside the Haunted Winchester Stone Mansion would you do it sleeping in a haunted Victorian Mansion with multiple Spirits is definitely not for everyone it would depend on the person's Comfort level with the idea of Ghost and the supernatural as well as their own beliefs and experiences for some the thought of staying in such a place could be thrilling and adventurous perhaps even a chance to experience something paranormal firsthand While others might find the idea too unsettling or even frightening preferring to avoid potentially terrifying encounters alog together ultimately it comes down to the individual's preferences and comfort levels some people might jump at the opportunity for a unique and possibly Eerie experience While others would prefer to sleep soundly with any ghostly disturbances what's up ragers welcome back guys I know this place doesn't look like much that's because I'm standing inside it looks like a dungeon I know but I'm standing inside one of the most historic Mansions known to man in the state of Indiana I'm standing inside of its basement right now but better yet I am standing inside one of the Burial Final burial places for a little girl that was buried underneath right behind this very wall right here I'm going to tell you the history about this place from top to bottom I'm going to share with you everything I know and what I've been taught about this place so with that being said get ready for one of the most Exquisite beautiful tours on this channel I've ever done let's explore the Stone Mansion in Winchester Indiana is indeed a magnificent piece of Victorian architecture with a compelling history General Stone's involvement in state politics and his alleged corruption allegations add an intriguing layer to the mansion story I find it so fascinating how the personalities and reputations of historical figures like General Stone can become intertwined with the places they inhabited often leaving a lasting imprint on those locations long after they're gone the idea of General Stone's ego persisting Beyond Death adds a Eerie yet captivating element to the mansion's lore I recommend visiting this place and seeing for yourself and I hear the ghosts are friendly here or are they exploring a place with such a rich history is indeed an exciting experience especially for someone who appreciates Victorian architecture and paranormal encounters the presence of multiple Spirits including General Stone his wife Lydia and Lydia's brother along with other residents who have lived in the Mansion over the years adds a layer of Mystique to the stones Mansions history the story of these Spirits such as Wendy in her yellow dress and Lydia's brother who passed away in the house contribute to the mansion's reputation as a site of Paranormal Activity I find it so fascinating how these stories and legends can become intertwined with the physical space of the Mansion creating an atmosphere right for exploring and speculation there have been many many document encounters our experiences with these Spirits by visitors and investigators so now let's explore and see what we can find all right guys welcome back today we are at the ashel Stone Mansion in Indiana and I want to show you what this place will look like if you were the owner coming right through this front door if you were the owner what would it look like if you came right through this front door and this is what it will look like look how miraculous this is you would think you would step into like a grand ballroom when you open these doors but instead you're greeted by this beautiful staircase look at that it almost looks like a wooden door going all the way up most wooden staircases it would just be just blank but this looks almost like a wooden door how cool is that and we also have a nice looking sofa set right here original wood floors right there and as you come in you got a little sat area where you would take your boots and sandals off if they were muddy you'll leave them right there hang your hats right here look how beautiful this paint job is too it's like a teal almost like a teal color paint beautiful painting got these cool looking light fixtures right here beautiful looking staircase look at the attention to detail on the wood of the staircase look at this got the nice carve designs and everything let's take a gander in here look at this room y'all this is this is what herck is all about this is what Urban exploring is all about these beautiful beautiful rooms from the past very Time Capsule esque so let's get to it one of the first things that you see when you come inside this room is this beautiful piano and guess what it still plays still plays and then you got all the music notes written right here look at this and you got like a little miniature Library too now I don't know if these books were original but I like to think they are you got some economics dictionaries right here cyclopedia all that cool stuff is right here it looks original but I'm not [Music] sure and then up here we have some nice car looking pictures look at that I really got to give a shout out to the original painting almost like a mural that's on that wall right there that's really cool and it says right here this looks original it says don't sit so we will not sit on that it's a beautiful painting right there definitely don't come here uninvited because they are watching it looks like they have cameras right here look at this fireplace this is unmatched this is real marble imported from Italy this is fantastic look at all the details and everything in this and this is looks it feels like a real cast iron right here get a shot of the original flooring too look at all the dust on the floor you could tell they were working here now I don't know who that is in the picture but I think that was one of the relatives of the family so one of the family members that used to live here and all the paint peelies off the wall looks like lead paint and you would think this would be made out of wood but it's actually made out of brick and we got I don't know if this was added later or not but we got a cool book that says handycraft for Handy girls let me give you another shot of this and guess what the power does still work I'm going to show you guys what I mean by that this is the switch for it you could turn it off turn it on we'll leave it on for right now but I love how massive these rooms are a lot of times when I go inside of abandoned mansions and stuff the rooms are quite small even though it's a lot of square feet these feel you enormous so let's explore this room see what's going on with it and since we got Mr Ted right here on film this is Mr Ted he is uh one of the caretakers here for this mansion and your personal tour guide make sure you ask for him when you guys come yep and here we go I don't know if this Ted do you know if these little uh accessories right here are original or you think they were added in later what these like these right here they were later a little later okay these are beautiful this is what I'm talking about guys look at this fireplace they're in almost every room actually you know what I think I counted a fireplace in every room and you got this iron what is this for this is for to protect the uh fire to from coming out right okay look at the original flooring guys it's kind of like a jade green floor tile this is beautiful and I know they're trying to save this place because it recently got hit by a tornado it's a beautiful lady right there and you'll notice in every room it almost looks like wallpaper but it looks more like a mural more than wallpaper but they're different in every room this is beautiful now we do have power in most rooms some of the rooms do not have power like this one Ted tested out didn't come on I think they're trying to fix that but but look at this we have really good natural lighting right here and you got to think this Mansion is over a century old it was built in the 1800s so it's quite old and if you want to come here as a guest they did say to did State you can pretty much sleep anywhere down here or in the basement and just make yourself at home this almost looks like a rocking chair no it's not this is really cool let me stand back so you guys can get a good view of this now as you see up there that's a vent I thought it was a heater but apparently they used to have a kitchen on a five fivestar restaurant here but it is no longer in use so that was the vent for the kitchen this is so this is so cool look at this now I think this was original looks original and definitely all of this too all this plaster work and this picture right here looks original although I could be mistaken says only one mother hundreds of stars in the pretty sky hundreds of bees in the purple cover hundreds of birds that go singing by but only one mother the whole world over look at these cool paintings and I like the two-tone kind of like a pink Easter kind of look we got right here and of course this beautiful fireplace let's Gander off into this room right here let's see what we have look at this y'all let me stand over here in this area let me walk over here cuz the sunlight is affecting the camera but look at this standing over here in this area this is what it looks like this is this is beautiful now not to be confused this is not the original Furniture this is the furniture for the guest and it is quite comfortable check out this fireplace this is probably like one of our favorites just because you got this little lady right there looks like she has long hair all this is real marble and from Italy this is really cool and I believe he said they got the uh the marble from the same Corey Michelangelo did so that's pretty cool and look at this these cool looking statues beautiful looking fireplace as we come over here in this area you see these beautiful tall windows that are double pained I had no idea they did that back in the day but apparently they did and you can see outside and see what's kind of going on look at that unfortunately the tornado came by and knocked all the trees down they used to have trees Galore out here but now they do not they got one tree Still Standing but it's still a beautiful Courtyard oh look at the [Music] squirrel now before we go any further I think now will be a good time to tell you the backstory on General Stone General Stone and his wife Lydia had a profound impact on Winchester spanning from his humble beginnings to his influential role in state politics and Community Development his legacy deeply ingrained in the town's history is marked by diverse contributions including the rerouting of the Richmond and Grand Rapids railroad that goes from Winchester Indiana to his own property as commissionary general and state quartermaster General during the Civil War he ensured crucial logistical support for Union forces overseeing supplies for military institutions Stones philanthropy exemplified by his donation of the land for Fountain Park Cemetery and his involvement in banking and local businesses further underscore his dedication to Winchester's welfare and economic Prosperity the Grandeur of the Stone Mansion serves as a tribute to his stature and influence attracting visitors with its Rich history however the mansion's recent damage from a tornado on March 14th 2024 necessitates restoration efforts once funds are secured the Mansion will reopen continuing to honor General Stone's remarkable Legacy and enchant future guest now let's continue let's go off in this room really quick see what we have back here now he said this was part of the kitchen I believe it's kind of dark back here I might need my light as you can see they're kind of working on this place nothing is original here except uh the walls and the plaster work and whatnot like that you can see all the original walls speaking of original [Music] walls can see the wood behind right behind this wall what does that say the general ashel Stone Mansion 1868 Stone was State Quarter Master General during the Civil War twice elected to the state legis legislature First Press Rudolph Bank general manager Winchester okay it's cool to see that keep in mind this place is haunted so we're going to have some dolls and teddy bears left around and stuff what is this notice historic building look at all those little spiders right there y'all see that that is creepy now what is this General Stones residence oh that that is it that's original picture that's cool to see all this I love this yeah and that's all the man the the houses that he bought out so he could rent this this place out while they were building stuff and working for him he rented these places out here we have a room filled with nothing but Christmas trees and Ted did say during Christmas time they like to decorate to the gills so you'll see a Christmas tree in just about every window look at the original wallpaper and you'll notice how short the door knobs are and because the person that lived here the general he was only 411 which is crazy in today's standards but look at this that that doesn't even look like a staircase that looks more like a ladder we'll save that part for later going downstairs and look at that attention to detail it looks like at one point in time they just had a regular like a stone wall up and then they put wallpaper over the stone wall but look at that that's all original how beautiful here's the beautiful front porch of it on this rainy rainy day we just got done with the first floor let's Ascend to the second floor see what's going on with it sure now look at this this is the only stained glass window in the whole house and it's right there look how beautiful that is wave hi to the camera look how beautiful this little curve that's one thing I like about this Mansion is you have a this staircase that leads to this beautiful curve right here and it just curves around the whole house I don't think the second story has power I think maybe one room does but most of it doesn't I simply love this room I think it's one of the most beautiful rooms in the Mansion on the second floor look at this this is so gorgeous but you do have water on the floor and that was from the tornado Unfortunately they hit about a week ago and look caused that big hole in the ceiling it did split the tornado in two That's How structurally Sound this place was or used to be but it did cause some damage I don't think there's anything in nah there's never going to be nothing in these drawers since they use it kind of like a museum but at least we tried this is [Music] beautiful what is this made out of it's like a feels like porcelain almost or glass could be glass have some baby dolls left behind and another beautiful fireplace you know me I love to look out windows so let's do just that because look at this you'll see some damage that happened to the roof like right there that was from the tornado and all the uh Roofing is made out of some type of slate and that's what we got all slate and no abandoned place is complete without say it with me a Singer sewing machine there we go and it's all of its Glory I love these every abandoned place has one yeah you can see this place is not looking too good lately they're trying to revive it and renovate it but you can see halfway down to the first floor through that crack right there I wanted to pause the video here because I got lucky and I caught a shadow figure on camera I didn't realize until I replayed the footage to confirm this and I thought it was Ted but he was downstairs and some more water's dripping through yeah they are trying to save it slowly but surely we're getting there what is that there is a door right there I don't know what it leads to got a huge hole in the wall but yeah look at all the damage that tornado caused shout out to the windows I love these the designs and everything very cloudy today rainy rain rain all day here's a bathroom now this looks like it was updated at one point in time look at the roof on this end what do we have in here there just some Cabinetry and stuff yeah nothing's in there I figured that put that back like we found it all right let's take a look Gander in here oh this room's cool now Ted was saying something about this room right here I believe this was the General's changing room so this is it and all of its Glory I don't think the power Works in here either although we can try let's try it nope it does not work but at least we tried right it's a really cool looking room very big changing room if I do say so myself let's go into the next room which I do believe this is the General's bedroom this is the master bedroom of the whole mansion it and all of its glory and this is what we have now you see all these houses right here that are on the side you got these houses and these houses right over here and what Ted was saying what he told me is that he wanted to build this mansion and when he built the mansion He had to go find people in Rhode Island and that he had to ship them down well they didn't have anywhere to stay so what the general did he built all of these houses right here they almost kind of look like Cookie Cutter houses because they look exactly the same but what he did was he made the uh the workers pay and he rented those out to the workers to build this very Mansion which we're standing in right now can you believe that you would think think he would ship these people down here for free but nope he charged them but at least he gave them some work to do right I like the little uh points and the spires and stuff about this place of course got to look at our chandeliers because this looks like the same exact chandelier is in that room right there and look the general even got his own fireplace too but this one is a little bit more contrasty let me turn on the light so you can see you see this you got the two-tone I think that's really cool however I think this fireplace is probably missing an emblem right here look like something kind of screwed on but it's no longer there back to the staircase this is like a two-tone wood I'm not sure what type of wood this is made out of but it is two-tone as you can see right here almost looks like a uh candy cane still on the second floor this is the General's closet main walk-in well yeah sort of walk-in closet it's sort of small but remember he did have that huge changing room now I forgot whose room is this but apparently people thought that the general kept money ins inside the wall and especially inside this fireplace that's why the fireplace looks damaged they thought money was behind the wall so they damaged it in order to try to get to it but little did they know the general did not keep money in his house who knows where he kept it but not in the house he was smart he was very wealthy businessman too oh look at that we do have power in here whoa we got Bright Power in here that's a little bit too bright let me turn those off that is cool though one thing I forgot to point out now this is where we first started when we got to the second floor but I forgot to point out this area too cuz I mean we got a lot of cubby holes and a lot of secret passages in this house so it seems but look at this we got a nice closet I know there's nothing too special about this little closet but look here look at the attention to detail in the door hinges you got these little points right here these little spires and plus this look at that it's all bronze and again little bitty door knobs only 3 foot tall all right I think we're done with the second floor let's head up to the third and final floor and see what we got here we go here we go we just made it to the third and final floor there is no attic but there is a basement I'll show you that last but look at this he used this area um for like more of like a rec room area I believe where they had like a pool table and stuff but they took all that out it looks like they probably updated it at one time cuz we do have 70s wall paneling right here we're at the tallest floor the third floor this is the shot of the neighborhood that it's in they keep the lawn well kept and manicured attention to attention to detail right [Music] here look at that tornado caused that too place is falling apart y'all we got to save this place another room now I asked Ted what's up with all the Blue Splatter paint on top of the ceiling well he said at one point in time they had squatters in here doing drugs and whatever else and they just went Ham on the ceiling with some paint so that's why that is there and they're trying to scrape the wood floor right now I think they were going to put an oil coating over it to make it a little bit more smooth oh yeah it looks like they're trying to definitely save the roof the down downstairs is in really good shape but the higher you go the less fortunate it looks I think this is one of the last rooms on a third floor looks like almost like a bedroom oh yeah this is where uh the general did keep the guest that he invited over he was very antisocial person so he put him upstairs in these hot and humid rooms with no ventilation and the reason why he did that is to get them out of here as fast as he got him in he was just doing that to be nice sounds like me and that right down there used to be the carriage house at one point in time that let me see if I can get a good focus on it that right there there we go that right there used to be the carriage house but they no longer use it for that head back downstairs and go inside the basement here we go all right so I really want to get you guys familiar with this floor plan this is where we came from that's the front door right there this is the old part of the Mansion now this is more like the renovated part where they had the back kitchen area we're not allowed back there but they're just using that for storage anyway so I mean I'm sure you guys don't really care about that but here's a little back kitchen area and you can tell this part was the original part of the house this from here on is not so let's go downstairs into the basement since it's the safer part of the stairwell it'll work our way down and it smells just like a basement would very musty down here very cold and damp it's your typical basement but one good thing about this basement is we do have lighting what a stretcher down here for what whatever reason that's weird now if you were a guest staying here for the night you do have this room and remember watch your step when you get right here cuz a lot of people fall which he told me we we have light right here you are allowed as a guest to spend the night in this room on these mattresses if you want to but that would be up to you let's make our way into the next room and remember look at the attention to detail in this place I know this place is haunted but maybe you can look past that and to see its beauty but they did say these Spirits are not evil they are friendly ghost but what do we have in here El something in here too whether you guys believe me or not this is what I was told is somebody is buried right behind that wall so this place does have some dark history to it even though they do have good spirits here whoever did that of course was not a good spirit unless I'm missing something but you do have power inside this room too this is weird this wall right here is all wet got a lot of moisture on it but yeah this is where that little girl is buried somebody's buried right behind that wall which is unfortunate let's go in here let's turn on this light and you see right here we do have some windows and that's what we're looking at you can actually see the next street over if we didn't have all this condensation on the windows but that is part of the structure that we're looking at let's go in this room right here now you see this this is almost looks like a ladder but it is not let me get you a side profile this is the uh staircase that the servants used to use because he did have servants for him and they used to use the staircase how dangerous is the staircase it looks more like a ladder more than anything and you do have this room too now this house if it was made today this house would definitely not pass up to code because they have an electrical wire running right there you see that thick wire right there but the thing is about this room is there's a shower right here why would you take a shower inside of this room with electrical wires running through it that and that which is beyond me look how damaged this is the roof right here from the basement well I was waiting to see some ghost I don't see any yet but if you spend the night here you may and believe it or not you're more than welcome to spend the night in this room too this is where that little girl got buried at behind that wall right there you're more than welcome to set up your mattress in here if you want and do whatever but yeah you can spend the night in here there's much more to the story and its hauntings that I left out including what happened to that little girl that was buried underneath the Mansion but I'll let Ted tell you that part when you book a tour I would like to give special thanks to Ted and his amazing staff hopefully it will once again reopen to the public if you would like to book a tour or spend the night I'll put all links down in the description box below and thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: RangerRickTV
Views: 82,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #abandoned, #haunted, #abandonedmansion, #hauntedmansion
Id: fmF-RiidOUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 52sec (2272 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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